I can read with my eyes shut quotes

I Can Read With My Eye’s Shut is narrated by that delightfully mischievous Cat in the Hat, but he is being very educational, while still whimsical, in this particular book.

He starts out simply by saying,

“I can read
in red.

I can read
in blue.

I can read in
pickle color

He continues to name different ways he can read, including in a circle and upside down.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes

Then he states that he can read Mississippi even with his eyes shut! Not only Mississippi but Indianapolis and Hallelujah, too! We quickly learn that reading with his eyes shut makes the Cat in the Hat’s eyebrows get read hot and that it frizzles out his hat.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes

He points out that when you read with your eyes open you can read much faster.

“And when I keep them open
I can read with much more speed.
You have to be a speedy reader
’cause there’s so, so much to read!”

Then he starts to list the things you can read about, like trees, and bees and knees! Or a combination of these words. You can also read about anchors and ants and crocodile pants!

“Young cat! If you keep
your eyes open enough,
oh, the stuff you will learn!
The most wonderful stuff!”

Even more things you can learn about are fishbones, and wishbones, and trombones! Then of course Seuss adds in some more made up creatures like Foo-Foo the Snoo.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes

“There are
so many things
you can learn about.
BUT…you’ll miss
the best things
if you keep
your eyes shut.”

Then to make reading and learning even more wonderful The Cat in the Hat points out the many places you’ll go and things you can learn.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes

“The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go.”

You can learn how to make money, or donuts or kangaroo collars. You can learn to play the Hut-Zut (but only with your eyes open.) The full page spread is of signs pointing all different directions with all different kinds of locations (including Oz). He leaves the reader with this last note:

that’s why I tell you
to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…
at least on one side.

The final image is of The Cat in the Hat and the young cat sharing a book, winking at each other.


Unlike most Beginner Books there is actually a dedication that reads:

David Worthen, E.G.*
*(Eye Guy)

As I’ve stated in the other recent post, Seuss was having eye sight issues which was the cause for his scratching drawings and why he made so many Beginner Books in a row rather than any larger books. With this in mind he wrote a book about reading and what you miss out on if you read with your eyes shut. The dedication is to his ophthalmologist.

The second to last page has lots and lots of signs leading all different directions. One of the signs says:

Curtis A. Abel”

This is a reference to one of Ted’s many friends from Oxford that he added in just for fun.

The newer cover is surprisingly similar to the older cover. It is still a yellow background and The Cat in the Hat reading a green book with his eyes closed while the young cat looks on with his eyes open. The newer one just has a bit more motion to it because they’re walking.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes


My favorite image is actually the first page. Including the text, I just think it’s a great layout and super fun and I love the silly glasses.

I can read with my eyes shut quotes


“You can learn about SAD…
and GLAD…
and MAD!”

I really enjoy that Seuss not only includes objects you can learn about, and jobs you can learn about, but that he also includes emotions. So much of the reading children do is educational and instructional, it’s nice to remind young readers that you can also learn about people and your own emotions through reading.

Here you will find all the famous I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! quotes. There are more than 6 quotes in our I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! quotes collection. We have collected all of them and made stunning I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! wallpapers & posters out of those quotes. You can use this wallpapers & posters on mobile, desktop, print and frame them or share them on the various social media platforms. You can download the quotes images in various different sizes for free. In the below list you can find quotes by some of the famous authors like Dr. Seuss

What is the message of I can read with my eyes shut?

Seuss featuring the titular character from The Cat in the Hat. In this story The Cat in the Hat teaches the Young Cat in the Hat about learning how much fun you can have with reading and and learning in how to do things with you eyes shut half of time but not all the time.

What is Dr Seuss most famous quote?

Seuss' most inspiring quotes..
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. ... .
"You're off to Great Places! ... .
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. ... .
"Think left and think right and think low and think high. ... .
"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut." ― Dr..

Can you read with your eyes closed?

Yes, it is possible to read with closed eyes.