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/ I n: \ f ii .....^N., ./ / r * ~\ ! t ' /' ' r 1 1 : ] i ir r\^ L- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation // The Florida State University Published by Students of The Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida ftWMWIWHtV WW M Volume 18 '^'■^■•r-"- ^^ t '« 1 V *• "^ ' --. ".:'::■ ./■- ^^wl BQU6l^$3SBaBflH^SR99^ ' "l'^i„'"'a ^ ^fw— ■■ jfe^^S *'4^„,„4i6g:aL,>^g^ . 1 ' ■ i ...JJ i^^:i^ "wr^:: ^:^^-i :^ 1 i>l .^::--^''^ ^ ^ nflS. p\ y v,v '•^-' ^>;ifci i!'dkmntMMm>iugm«jJk 4fi »»*«w/. Contents Prologue Dedication Academics Features Beauties Publications Govern ment Union Fine Arts Greeks Sports Organizations Seniors Closing SUSAN FINCHER Editor-in-chief GARY WETHERINGTON Managing Editor DANNY RECTOR Business Manager 6 22 24 58 108 114 132 160 174 198 272 322 368 421 The Florida State University Union Complex--a dream come true, a meeting place, a lighted holiday message. ..a fast cup of coffee, an organization's initiation banquet, a ride on the only escalator be- tween Pensacola and Jacksonville. ..a job interview, an unexpected dip in the pool, a trip to senate... a cultural program, an art gallery, a political con- vention. A Union is indeed an individual thing. Just as a Union means something special to each person, so is it also a unifying force in the life of its campus and its community. We tend to think of our union as belonging only to students; indeed we must consider it as a liason between administration and student body, between one organization and an- other, between campus citizens and those of a com- munity, and among students themselves. r 10 Ri^ ^Mn| ^^V^IB' ^^^^^ii^^^B ^^^^^^^^^^^IfMlii''' A ' fl^^^H n^^ ^H^^^^I^^^H ^^^^Hl/^^^^B .mHIh^^H ^■■^^Bb^f^^^^^^BfV ^^^^^Bi^^^l ^^^HB^^^^^^^ ^^y wKKSSirjdr ■- Everyone has an excuse for coming to the Union. It can be an opportunity to bowl or play billiards, to mail a letter, to buy a book, or maybe just to get a haircut. A student doesn't really need a reason. He is drawn automatically to the center of campus, cultural, and educational activity--the Union. ■ ■_. ^^^.-r ~.^^^^^..~^^.-^>^^. r"""-"'-" ' ■ -^ ^" ■■-'---■-— ■^^-^^^'°^^*^ The term "union" represents a united body, a cam- pus living room, a community center. It is a learning situation outside the classroom, an exchange of ideas, and, most of all, a meeting of new people and a forming of new relationships. Many of the things we learn at Florida State University will be forgotten as years pass, but working together, giv- ing and tal<ing--these we will always remember and use, for these are the bases of human endeavor. rji-«f A union helps to tie all parts of the campus-its many organizations and students—together. Through sponsorship, meeting rooms, programs, and events the FSU Union extends its force throughout the stu- dent body and community, providing entertainment and educational fellowship for all participants. -■^iy^-^-t..^^.->-^A^-^::.^- "mmt **( *iiQB|| 16 The varied activities of a university campus ore strengthened through the support of a union—an organization which believes in the inherent growth obtained from healthy enjoyment of such pursuits as circus, gymnastics, student government, or football. Interest and ability combine to produce awell-round- ed person^ able to live in today's complex world. ■'■•iTy-iyV'- I Classroom studies, too, receive impetus from a union, for here, where the desire to learn is fed, ideas become manifest and are then given greater study through art displays, concerts, lectures, and practical problems in self government. i A great university has two special functions. The first is to produce a small number of scholars of the highest rank. The second is to send out into the world a very large number of men who could never achieve and who ought not try to achieve such a position of the field of scholarship, but whose en- ergies are to be felt in every other form of activity; and who should go out from our doors with the balanced development of body, of mind, and, above all, of character, which shall fit them to do work both honorable and efficient. Theodore Roosevelt 21 In Dedication Florida State University has climbed to new heights in many fields over the past few years. A great boost to these advancements has been the excep- tionally unified spirit between the FSU student body, faculty, and administration. One man has con- tributed greatly to this spirit. He has given untiring- ly of his talents to spur on accomplishments, gener- ate interest, and promote campus activities. He has created an atmosphere in which the voice of the stu- dent is not only heard but listened to. He has helped to form a mutual admiration and respect between faculty, administration, and student body. Recognizing that this atmosphere is basic to our American society, we dedicate the 1965 Tolly Ho to departing President Gordon W. Blackwell. AN ARDENT supporter of FSU, President Blackwell is seen often at athletic events. 23 PRESIDENT BLACKWELL leads students in a cheer after having his wish for a pool party fulfilled. 24 Academics 25 Gov or Haydon Burns HAYDON BURNS Governor State of Florida 26 ^•'* This generation of college graduates will set forth on their careers in the most challenging time in the history of man. Never have we possessed such an arsenal of knowledge with which to combat the continuing problems that confront humanity. With this knowledge we have both the power to create peace or to destroy our world as we know it. As young citizens of the most powerful nation on earth, the mantle of responsibility falls on your shoulders. Assume your tasks seriously and with enthusiasm. Utilize all that you have learned at Florida State University and recognize that for in- telligent people the learning process never stops. Your actions will determine the course of history for your state, your nation, and your world. Governor Burns BOARD OF REGENTS: Fkst Row: Dr. Wayne McCall, Chairman Baya M. Harrison, Jr., Vice Chairman Gert H. W. Schmidt, John C. Pace. Second Row: Dr. J. Broward Culpepper, Executive Director; Marshall M. Criser, Fletcher G. Rush, Payne Midyette, Sr., Robert M. Morgan, Sam T. Dell. Board of Regents The Board of Regents is the newly appointed board which is to replace the old Board of Control system in the state's university program. The new board was appointed by Governor Haydon Burns. The dut- ies of the BOR will be very much like those of the former Board of Control. They will advise Governor Burns and the state Legisla+ure on such things as the financial position of the universities and suggest new programs that will improve both the educational system and the physical facilities of the schools. The new board consists of ten members from throughout the state. Board of Control Since the new system has been introduced, the Board of Control is no longer in operation. The purpose of the members was to plan educational programs and physical facilities of the five universities. The members had the authority to approve budgets, to improve programs of instruction for the schools, to recommend the construction of additional buildings and facilities, and to plan the forming of new univer- sities throughout the state. The major duties of the BOC were to report to the Florida Legislature on the financial status of the universities and to nominate deans of schools. 27 BOARD OF CONTROL: Seated, Chairman Baya M. Harrison. Standing, left to right; James Lawrence King, Chester E. Whittle, Dr. Wayne C. McCall, Gert H. W. Schmidt, John C. Pace, Dr. Charles R. Forman. Dr. J. Broward Culpepper, Executive Director. Gordo President Blackwell Florida State University has been guided toward the goal of being one of the greater universities in America. One of the most exceptional leaders for this quest has been Dr. Gordon Blackwell. His de- termination and devotion to FSU has brought about higher standards for both the faculty and the stu- dents. The whole student body knows what a great loss Dr. Blackwell will be to our campus. With honest interest, he has worked with the students with such organizations as Campus Chest. Dr. Blackwell has shown his concern for the student body through the Student Advisory Council made up of student leaders. Meeting in his home monthly, Dr. Blackwell and the students exchanged ideas and information concerning the student body and the administration. FSU is proud to have had such a distinguished man as president. PRESIDENT GORDON BLACKWELL Ph. D., Harvard University 28 PRESIDENT BLACKWELL takes a surprise swim in the famous fountain outside of Westcott in front of Florida State University. Administration JOHN E. CHAMPION University Vice President Ph. D., University of Michigan HARRY P. DAY Dean of Students Ph. D., Florida State University 29 RODERICK KIRKPATRICK SHAW Business Manager B.S., Davidson College Each member of the administration worked to inte- grate and coordinate the complex academic forces. They had the jobs of guidance, unifying the students and faculty, ana increasing the quality of the edu- cational program. The policies established by the state Board of Control had to be carried out by the President through his administrators. Each student was affected in some way, whether financially, academically, or socially, by the officers compris- ing the administration. From the integrated efforts of the administration evolved a smoothly-operating system-the Florida State University. DONALD LOUCKS Dean of Men Ph. E., Indiana University KATHERINE WARREN Dean of Women M.A., Columbia University REID H. MONTGOMERY Director of Student Activities Ph. D., New York University ROBERT A. SPIVEY University Chaplain Ph. D., Yale University JOHN K. ARNOLD Acting Associate Dean M.A., California Institute of Technology 'M j% " " " , ^ ^ V ^ > JOHN P. CUMMER Director of Counseling Ph.. D., Florida State University MURRAY W. KENNA Registrar Ed. D., Indiana University GEORGE E. FORTIN University Comptroller M.B.A., University of Florida PAT HOGAN Director of University and Public Relations B.S., Florida State University VAUGHN MANCHA Director of Athletics M.A., University of Alabama 32 C.G. GENTRY Medical Director of University hlospital M.D., Louisiana State University JAMES C. HARDY Director of Placement M.A., Florida State University EDITH McCOLLUM Director of Housing M.A., Columbia Teachers College WILLIAM T. SADLER Director of Student Employment and Financial Aid M.S., University of Mississippi G. EMERSON TULLY Director of University Test Center ph. D., University of Illinois ROBERT T. LEIGH Directoi' of Publications M.S., Alabama Polytechnic Institute KARL DITTMER Vice President for Academic Affairs Ph. D., Cornell University THOMAS A. WAITS Director of Alumni Affairs B.S., Florida State University H. ODELL WALDBY Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Ph. D., University of Michigan N. ORWIN RUSH Director of Libraries M.S., Columbia University E. LAURENCE CHALMERS Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Pfi. D., Princeton University The College of Arts and Sciences, embracing three major areas of liberal arts, is perhaps the most di- versified college in the university. Composed of twenty-four departments, it offers a variety of possibilities for majors and minors. Oriented toward encouraging graduate study, the College attempts to prevent specialization and to maintain a good balance in the total educational program. Substantial support from federal agencies is par- tially responsible for buildings. New quarters or additions for physics, chemistry, biology, psycholo- gy, and social sciences will provide more adequate facilities, which will help assure continued high academic standards. The strength of the College is evidenced by the high national ratings obtained by several depart- ments. A number of professors in the College parti- cipate in research projects and writing for profes- sional journals. To receive a bachelor's degree from the College, the student must have fulfilled the general regula- tions, must have completed two years of college foreign language study or the equivalent. College of Arts and Sciences A DEDICATED sculpture student takes time out to cri- tically evaluate a product of hiis creative talents. PEARL BUCK, noted autfior and lecturer, spoke on campus at an English Coffee Hour. ^s^a-siiTivrL^ v3 } AN OBSERVATION of the total ozone content of the at- mosphere is made by using a Dobson spectrophotometer. A STUDENT studies current weather charts as they are received by facsimile. AN ART' PROFESSOR examines a piece of sculpture in the art department. CLOUD PATTERNS for a storm are shown as seen from Tiros, the weather satellite and are being recorded. IN ORDER TO develop students' skills in sketching, ive models are utilized in class by the instructors. STUDENTS IN the Art Department are encouraged to develop painting skills. School of Business CHARLES A. ROVETTA Dean of the School of Business M..B..A., University of Chicago DEVELOPING SKILLS IN operating a switch- board is one possibility in the business field. The School of Business seeks to prepare students for positions of responsibility in business and to de- velop a high degree of intellectual and professional competence. A broad liberal background and a know- ledge of the fundamentals in business are co- ordinated to form the firm foundation necessary for creative thinking and logical analysis. Business fraternities and clubs help stimulate the students' interest in business management. They also study the public's concept of business and at- tempt to stimulate good public relations. The graduate program of the school is in concor- dance with the university's traditional ideals of liberal education, scholarship, and service. STUDENTS ACCEPT the challenge to leurn the operations of the advanced equipment provided in the computing center at FSU. SHORTHAND TECHNIQUES are demonstrated on the board during initial classes 05 an introduction THEORETICAL LEARNING becomes practical when the students begin operating the television equipment. A STUDENT ASSUMES the respon- sibility for a WFSU-FM broadcast. STUDENTS DEVELOP THEIR ..m, f.otentials in shorthand by practicing and studying individually. ALL BROADCASTS require a great 'amount of co- operation on the parts of the many people involved. School of Education The focal point of the School of Education is the preparation of students planning to serve in the teaching profession. It trains teachers, supervisors, administrators and research workers; it also serves in consultant services for the state. New research and field studies are constantly maintained to yield knowledge basic to a program of educational im- provement. The School's expanding program includes development of new subject curriculum, research in coordination with the Nova School in Ft. Lauderdale, organization of reading clinics throughout the state, and aid in establishing a high school in Turkey. The work of the School is carefully planned by de- partments to assure students in each area an educa- tional background that will meet their professional and specialized subject matter needs. Special care and supervision is given to coordinate the theory presented in education courses with practice that will be used in school. Competency in the teaching field is instilled in the student, and results in a well-qualified teacher. TEACHERS MAKE plans for a new high school inAnkara, Turkey using the philosophy and methods learned at FSU. MODE L. STONE Dean of the School of Education Ph. D., Peabody University TURKISH students use and enjoy modern recrea- tional facilities of their very new high school. MODERN MATH CONCEPTS are explained by Dr. Nichols to prospective teachers in the math education program. ■WLf > STUDENTS ARE introduced to new laboratory equipment in the Science Teaching Center at FSU. A CHILD IN the reading clinic, which develops read- ing specialists, is shown being given a hearing test. AN INTERN at Nova is shown as he uses advanced equip- ment to aid him in teaching his class a technical subject. 39 School of Engineering Science The mission of the Engineering Science program is to educate men and women who will be able to as- sume leadership in research and development activi- ties, in industry, and in the military. This is the new frontier in engineering. Emphasis is put on mathematics and the basic sciences, a broad liberal arts background, and fundamental ideas of engineer- ing. Engineering Science at FSU cuts across the tradi- tional areas of conventional engineering. It recog- nizes no mechanical, civil, or electrical engineer as such but provides a program that will serve as an effective foundation to creative work in most areas of engineering, especially those associated with newly evolving technologies. The graduate engineer-scientist will be prepared not only to com- prehend the science in engineering but also to contribute to the engineering of science. GROVER L. ROGERS Dean of the School of Engineering Science Sc. D., Harvard University SHOWN HERE IS THE main entrance to the principle offices in the School. MANY ENTERING FRESHMEN IN Engineering Science are in the Honors Program. Here, Dean Rogers counsels with two new students. UNDERGRADUATE professional activity centers around the new FSU chapter of the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. TESTING THE STRENGT-H of metallic and polymeric materials with high accuracy machines is part of the routine of the co-eds.. ENGINEERING Science undergraduates partici- pate in a co-operative program- with industry. X-RAY diffraction measurements at low temperatures is one aspect of this study. School of Home Economics In a society which recognizes the family as the most important resource of the nation, professional home economists are engaged in programs designed to strengthen family life. Through the application of the principles of the sciences and the arts to the problems of the home and community it is hoped that effective family living and responsible citizen- ship v/ill be achieved. Studying the chemical composition of today's fibers and the various methods of making fabric, students progress to the tailoring of fashion-right clothes. Child development is an integral part of home-making preparation, and many girls live in the Home Management House several weeks, planning and cooking their own meals and gaining general ex- perience in running a household. The fields are var- ied,, and graduates also assume positions in business, education, health welfare and research. HORTENSE GLENN Dean of the School of Home Economics Ph. D., Florida State University A STUDENT IN Interior Design shares with her fellow classmates, a project which entailed careful study and many hours of planning. ACTIVE STUDENT participation is chan- neled through individual oral presentations. STUDENTS IN clothing and textiles are pro- vided necessary facilities to practice theories. INDIVIDUAL FITTING is executed during class as. the students progress in their clothing projects. GOOD FITTING, a very important feature involved in clothing is accomolished with the use of forms. CHILDREN ARE observed and worked with in the Child Devel- opment clinic at FSU, thus enabling students to gain experience. The Library School at Florida State was established in 1947 as a professional school. It offers courses leading to the master's degree in librarianship and, in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sci- ences, gives at the undergraduate level minimum training for certification as school librarians and for pre-professional positions in public libraries. The master's degree program in librarianship is accred- ited by the American Library Association, and the school is a member of the Association of American Library Schools. A secondary objective of the School is to help all students develop an appreciation of the library and its role in society. This purpose is partially met by the offering of a course for freshmen in the use of li- braries and courses for graduate students in library use for research. Housed in the Strozier Library, facilities for stu- dent use include classrooms, a cataloging labora- tory, student lounge, and a curriculum library. LOUIS SHORES Dean of the Library School Ph.. D.., George Peabody College Library School m:^ STUDENTS IN THE School use the Materials Center to meet, their own individual needs. < :TURE A CAREER! 1 N OR IDA LIBRARIES 'Tl Q P £9 m ^'''■''•f^'^'- 1 1 B 12 A R \ sen 01 PERTINENT INFORMATION is always displayed to inform students of existing career opportunities. LIBRARY SCHOOL STUDENTS are given experience in help- ing other people in their search for books and information. THE VERTICAL FILE IN THE Library School is useful for current information. A STUDENT uses the resources in the Materials Center to fulfill a class assignment's requirement. THE QUIET tone in the Materials Center is conducive to con- centration, allowing students to accomplish their study needs. The School of Music at Florida State was founded in 1911 and is one of the largest in the nation. The way of life within the School is built upon the motto **A Program of Highest Distinction." Thus, both faculty and students are encouraged to strive for distinguished achievement in all endeavors. As a professional school within the liberalizing context of the university, it must cope with the demands of the professional discipline as well as with the vital interests of society. Rendering some use of tutorial instruction, it works with and de- velops individual capacities. School of Music KARL OTTO KUERSTEINER Dean of the School of Music Ph. D., University of Chicago VICTORY MARCH composer Thomas Wright is flanked by Steve Tensi and Paulette Gergen as they study his music. A DEDICATED student puts long tiours into indi- vidual practice in becoming an applied musician. A MUSIC PROFESSOR WHO CAN PLAY TWO VIOLINS CONCURRENTLY. THE BRASS SECTION OF THE MARCHING CHIEFS PRACTICES ALONE. MR. THOMAS WRIGHT exemplifies all of the tech- niques he teaches when he performs in concerts. The School of Nursing was established in 1950 and has, through constant efforts, become one of the best in the southeastern states. In addition to ad- ministrative efforts, superiority hos been achieved with the aid of modern facilities^ Such facilities include a laboratory with beds, full-size human dummy, a dietetic laboratory, and other facilities. Student nurses are also provided experience in Tal- lahassee Memorial Hospital, W, T. Edwards Hospi- tal, and the Florida State Hospital. Upon graduation, a student receives the Bachelor of Science degree. Having the previous study and experience, the student then takes the State Board Examination to obtain the title of Registered Nurse. After graduation, the student has the preparation to enter any phase of clinical or hospital practice. VIVIAN M. DUXBURY Dean of the School of Nursing M. A., Columbia University School of Nursing NURSING STUDENTS ARE FREQUENTLY IN THE ROLE OF THE PATIENT THEMSELVES k 48 BY DIRECT hospital placement, student nurses learn the techniques of helping patients become more comfortablei A STUDENT NURSE takes a person's blood pressure, one of the basic skills she develops. STUDENTS co-operate with each other in learning to administer injections. SEMINARS IN the nursing program provide an excellent opportunity to learn by practicing before going directly into a hospital setting. f School of Social Welfare Field trips to inspect prison work, participation in court proceedings, actual experience in ballistic laboratories, and work with juveniles all gave val- uable insight to the students in the School of Social Welfare at Florida State University. All three departments-Law Enforcement, Social Work, and Criminology and Corrections— ranked high in the nation. The Social Welfare graduate serves in a variety of careers, such as marriage counsel- ing, guidance work, and Boy and Girl Scout leading. Red Cross, YMCA and YWCA," juvenile counseling, and serving as parole agents and probation officers are also appropriate fields. In these and other voca- tions the student applies classroom methods to real life situations in working toward intelligent and successful community life. I JOHN STEINMETZ, FSU social welfare grad- uate worker, interviews a Juvenile Court case. COYLE E. MOORE Dean of the School of Social Welfare Ph.D., University of Chicago STUDENTS GAIN FURTHER stimulation m criminology as Dr. Fox, FSU professor, demonstrates a judo technique. DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT, Miss Breland, for the Am- erican Red Cross, discusses opportunities with a student. MANY DETECTIVES' evidences come from chemical analysis with this telescopic microscope. GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING are part of the Social Work program, as seen in this psychological testing. IN PREPARATION for police work, FSU students undergo extensive study 'in handwriting analysis. e Graduate School JOHN K. FOLGER Dean of the Graduate School Ph. D., North Carolina The Graduate School of Florida State University has been organized as a distinct division of the univer- sity. The primary objective of the Graduate School of Arts and Science is the training of scholars for positions of leadership, particularly in education and research. There are many concepts of the Grad- uate School. Here at FSU an emphasis is put upon a specialized area of study supported by a background of general education extending into the graduate program itself. An explicit concern for the ethical goals of scholarship and education is also encour- aged. Students in this program have the character and values typical of responsible citizens as well as distinguished scholars. Underlying the whole program is the dedication of the students and faculty alike to the constant ideal of quality. GRADUATE students work and experiment with a vacuum equivalent to the vacuum found 300 miles in outer space. DR. CLAUS MAYER-BORICKE works closely with graduate student Patrick Richard in adjusting the target chamber here. \ Research Research, the activity by which new knowledge is acquired, has historically been one of the major functions of a university. Ideally, the research and teaching functions in a modern university should be inseparable. This ideal is achieved on the FSU campus in that most of the 400 research projects currently active directly involve graduate students and undergraduate assistants with a faculty member in a research experience. On the basis of the dollars expended in its re- search effort, the Florida State University rates as one of the top 50 universities in the nation. This research effort is one mainly devoted to the training of graduate students and as such has put FSU in a relatively short time, into a group of 100 outstand- ing universities which trains most of the researchers in the United States. RUSSELL J. KEIRS Director of Research Professor of Chemistry 54 TWO RESEARCHERS AND A GRADUATE STUDENT ARE DISCUSSING THE T.M. THE NUCLEAR BUILDING IN WHICH FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY'S NUCLEAR RESEARCH IS CARRIED ON. ■jsn^S^^S gliflf^ IP inir nwgSi Bfflf ^^ SH^ P^ SSii s « -r «'*'"- -^ HAROLD KOGER WAS PART OF THE TEAM THAT INVENTED THE "ASTROBOX" Carlisle Floy Distinguished Professor Professor Carlisle Floyd of Florida State University is one of the top-ranking young composers in Ameri- ca today. In 1947 Professor Floyd joined the School of Music as an Associate Professor. In 1956 he re- ceived a Guggenheim Fellowship for his composing. The following year his opera "Susannah" opened in New York and received the famous New York Mu- sic Critics Award. The same work which won the award was also performed at the World's Fair in Brussels in 1958. Professor Floyd's most recent accomplishment is the musical work "Wuthering Heights." His warm personality has stimulated the admira- tion and respect from the many students with whom he has come in contact. We are most fortunate to have such a distinguished man on our campus. CARLISLE 5. FLOYD, JR. Distinguished Professor Professor in Music 56 PROFESSOR FLOYD is one of America's top-ranking composers and has distinguished himself by music Mke "Wuthering hieights." I PROFESSOR FLOYD has an unique natural quality with both himself and other people. 57 58 .<«£): Features : >■■ ■ ■■ . :^ fe /^ •^ I >•" 'J'- V >' , "^ -• jR » ^ -f » Fall Is A New Beginning i FALL IS BEAUTIFUL, BUT MANY HOURS ARE SPENT STUDYING The faces of fall at Florida State were as varied as the falling leaves that mark the season. For the freshmen fall was the excitement of moving in and the bewilderment of new classes. For all students it was the chance to make a new start at classes, the school spirit inspired by a top ranking football team, and the enthusiasm of making new friends. Fall was the whoop of a sidewalk surfer careening toward you, the click of an opening umbrella, and the strains of the band at half-time'. It was a casual stroll around campus and a renewed delight in the scenes that Nature paints. For almost everyone fall was becoming part of FSU through activities, both extra-curricular and academic. Fall, 1964 was above all a memory which will always recall the fun and the work of college. fsm- "^ WIND, RAIN AND PUDDLES, ALL EQUAL TALLY ENTHUSIASM RUNS HIGH BEFORE THE BIG FLORIDA GAME BEGINS ««f»-'*>SiS NEW FAD REQUIRES a skate board, balance, a hill, and preferably in front of girl's dorm. THIS IS ONE WAY to kill time while waiting in line all night in order to buy tickets for the Florida game. a^'SS^-Si^^ 61 Fall Brings Orientation PERPLEXED POLICEMAN WATCHES CARS PACKED HIGH WITH BELONGINGS MOVING FRESHMEN TO FSU. The fall trimester begins with the arrival of fresh- men in cars packed high with precious belongings. Moving in requires many hands, and unpacking seems a tedious task, but provides an opportunity to meet a new roommate. As the sun sets on a freshman's first day, he is welcomed to FSU by President Blackwell at the Freshman Convocation. At this meeting he is pre- sented wiih the traditional rat cap. With dawn the next morning, the freshman goes through his first registration in Tully Gym. There are lines to wait in, forms to fill out, and thousands of people. But just as his confusion reaches a peak, there is someone to point out the way. Regis- tration is a Freshman's initiation into FSU. MOVING INTO FRESHMAN women's dorms requires manv hands nnd a lot of trips up and down stairs. DEAN DAY ADDRESSES freshmen during their first class, meeting at Freshman Convocation in Westcott. REGISTRATION: PEOPLE, LINES, CONFUSION, AND NUMBER FIVE CARDS. WITH THE OPENING of dorms, the task of unpacking and meeting a new roommate begins. HARD FLOORS ARE USED WELL by students ottempt- ing to get their class registration cards well organized. ^m>im<^^m^m 63 STOP-GO BACK TO GO AND PAY $113. WE GET HOW MANY QUALITY POINTS FOR REGISTRATION' Rush Begins FLATS AWAIT THESE WORN OUT GIRLS FOR THE WALK TO THE NEXT HOUSE DURING RUSH 64 Formal rush adds its excitement and activity to the already hectic first week of classes in the Fall. Greeks spend summermonths planningand practicing skits, dinners, and combo parties for the rushees, and the whirl of parties begins along with registra- tion. Sororities entertain the rushees from ice water teas to preferential parties. A less formal rush is used by fraternities, but both provide the opportunity to make many new and lasting friends. V SKIT PARTIES ARE PUT ON FOR THE NEW RUSHEES AFTER A LONG WAIT A RUSHEE FINALLY GETS HER BID i ^_ .^ . JeJI ^^ - !!lH^?y » ''■« ^^R^ ■"^- .M ^jHL l^- m H^^L ATTRACTIVEGREEKCOEDS OFTEN HELP IN FRATERNITY RUSH After the final parties comes the time for decision and the marking of preferential cards. The tension of waiting finally relieved as the bids are issued and many look forward to the pledging night. Many new and exciting experiences lie ahead, but the two weeks of rush activities will not be forgotten. They are an introduction to a new phase of college life to be remembered for a lifetime. PLEDGING DAY WILL BE A VERY TREASURED MEMORY 65 LUCI SPEAKS OF YOUTHS' URGENT RESPONSIBILITIES LUCI JOHNSON is made an honorary princess of the 1964 Homecoming Court by FSU's 1963 Queen Clyda. The Lady Bird Special 66 SMALL FRY POLITICIANS JOIN THE FUN. Red, white and blue streamers and balloons decor- ated the ballroom as two hundred and fifty Johnson Girls waited with campaign material to pass out to the audience. As the "Lady Bird Special" pulled onto the siding near the FSU campus, the First Lady and Luci were welcomed by President Gordon Black- well. Arriving at the Union, Lady Bird was met by a tremendous crowd singing and waving colorful ban- ners. Entertainment for and after the rally was pro- vided by the Brothers Four and prominent local groups. Introducing the First Lady, who spoke on higher education in the South, Governor Bryant also introduced a host of state and national Democratic Party figures at the rally. Luci Johnson was in the limelight too, when she was made an honorary mem- ber of the 1964-65 Homecoming Court by Clyda Stokes. After the successful rally, the First Lady and Luci were honored at a reception at the Gov- ernor's Mansion. MRS. JOHNSON RESPONDS TO A WARM WELCOME FROM THE STUDENTS COLORFUL JOHNSON GIRLS DECLARE THEIR SUPPORT OF LBJ 61 THE BROTHERS FOUR ENTERTAIN FOR THE BIG LBJ CAMPAIGN COLORFUL FLOAT DEPICTS Florida State foot- bail team's determination to receive a bowl bid. 1 Highlight of Fall is Homecoming, '64 "Victory and More in '64", an underlying theme of this past academic year, appropriately served as the theme for Homecoming. A gala parade through down- town Tallahassee kicked off the festivities. Colorful floats, the product of many hours of hard work by sororities and fraternities, passed in review. Booming bands, high-stepping majorettes, and visit- ing dignitaries added to the parade. The Homecoming Banquet, held in the new Union ballroom, followed the parade. Helen Hayes, first lady of the theater and a special guest of the University, was tapped as an honorary member of Garnet Key. President Gordon W. Blackwell spoke on the goals of a great university to the overflow crowd of faculty, students, and returning alumni. WILDCATS AND GATORS are put to pot by the dorm decoration5--a prediction of things to come. A SURPRISED HELEN HAYES IS TAPPED AS AN HONORARY MEMBER OF GARNET KEY rUFFED Sammy Seminole, fat off the kill, pre- s his specialty of the day--Wildcat Stew. 69 PRESIDENT BLACKWELL addressed crowd on the progress FSU has made in recent years. Fireworks prevailed at the Pow Wow both during and after. This event became notorious throughout the state due to the satires presented on everything from politics to life at FSU. The traditional feather headdress of the Homecoming Queen was placed on Sue Mauger by Clyda Stokes, the 1963 Queen. The court consisted of Jan Brantley, Sheila Clarke, Dottie Kohlman, and Sally Sparks. The Homecoming Dance featured Pete Fountain and all that jazz. The Chad Mitchell Trio added more entertainment to the festivities. Rick Powell and his orchestra, plus the Checkmates, played at a victory dance after the game Saturday night. nil uK" '^ - vi^nA ii N KWttW»Wl»j«K« .■,•...•: :<.:' ','■■■. r^'J .5 - ... • 5Pt;.-'.,.-,j?-SS*: The "Victory and More in 64" theme for homecoming came to life on Saturday afternoon as the Seminoles demolished fifth ranked Kentucky 48-6 before 34,000 wide-eyed, screaming, unbelieving fans. The victory pushed Florida State to tenth in the national ranks and caused many a tongue to wag and mouth to gape across the country. Ecstatic fans and players had a good deal to celebrate and talk about at the victory parties and dances on the campus. i>0 SEMINOLE QUARTERBACK Steve Tensi (13) fades back to pass to Biletnikoff for a big TD. THE FANS YELL THEIR HEADS OFF AS BILENTIKOFF MAKES A TD HALFBACK Phil Spooner (27) pi through the Wildcats for a first down. 73 AFTER A BIG DRIVE against Kentucky, Fred Biletni- koff (25) is finally brought down by the Wildcat line. ADAGIO DEMONSTRATES THE GRACE OF THE LEOPARDS M lA A GYMNAST MUST BE IN TOP PHYSICAL CONDITION s^f^!^ Gymkana Takes Us on Safari Safari! Bringing to mind visions of adventures in the steaming tropical jungles of the dark heart ot Africa and ferocious beasts lurking behind bizarre vegeta- tion, this was the theme of Gymkana 1964. Gymkana was presented by students who wish to encourage excellence in physical education through a gymnastic program in which the unity of mind and body is stressed. Twenty fast moving acts perform to jungle rhythms against a tropical setting. The three parts of the show, internationally known gym- nasts, talented students, and the nationally known Tallahassee Tumbling Tots, presented "the panther pursuit", Tarzan and Jane, "pygmie play", and other skillfully executed routines. VAULTING TABLE ANTICS PRESENT A NIMBLE ELEPHANT LEAP B }\ K BALANCE AND TEAM WORK IS ALWAfS IMPORTANT HERE COMEDY SEEMS TO BE AT HOME ON THE BALANCING BEAM MONKEYSHINES SWING REAL HIGH IN GONE APE FSU'S troupe has received not only local but also national recognition for their gymnastic and acro- batic feats. The students group of one hundred is directed by Dr. Hartley Price, who is responsible for 11 national championship gymnastics teams.. On the final night a court of 20 lovely co-eds were presented in costumes of jungle animals that they desiigned themselves. Miss Gymkana was chosen from this court on the basis of poise, personality, beauty, and her contribution to the show. Miss Mar- cia Haskins was selected Miss Gymkana 1964. stw*'* 76 GYMKANAHONOR COURT: Front Row: Patricia Ingram, Linda Goldsmith, Donna Ozaki, Sharon Cody, Marcia Haskins, Judy Booze, Patricia Garlick, Diane Ingram. Second Row: Janet Winterrowd, Karen Stanius, Helen Walkup, Sue Wiseman, Elaine Coins, Phyllis Home, Christine Colby. Third Row: Lynne Allen Nancy Mickeiberry, Barbara Smith, Carolyn Cribb, Joan Mayers, Betty Haas. Miss Gymkana 1964 MISS GYMKANA 1963, DELORES LORD, CROWNS HER SUCCESSOR MISS MARCIA HASKINS, MISS GYMKANA 1964. SKHUir EL KENZ IS THE CENTER OF ACTIVITY FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CLUE OFFICERS OF FSU'S INTERNATIONAL CLUBiSeated: Linda Oglesby, Corresponding Secretary; Dr. John Cummer, Director of Counseling; Ann Phelps, Recording Secretary. Second Row: Sharad Chitgopekar, Vice President; Vassi liss Economoppuios, Treasurer; Ali Kaygi, President. A medium of idea exchange for foreign and American students on campus, the International Club was the sponsor of several unique and stimulating events. The social coffees and the International Coffee Hour lecture series were favorite ways for those who attended to develop understanding of the cul- tural, religious, and personal outlooks of their fellow men. Highlighting the year was the Inter- national Week, which included an exhibition and an International Musical Evening. Frequent picnics were also popular with the students, faculty, and staff that belonged to the group. MANY EXHIBITS WERE DISPLAYED DURING INTERNATIONAL WEEK It ^ International Students MISS VEENA VAKILL performs at reception given by FSU's Foreign Student Advisor. At 1 • ^ * ■V- y mp^ * S4} -•' > -' J' S^ Christmas Adds Sparkle to FSU i wss Christmas came early at FSU, but it was welcomed by everyone and celebrated with an enthusiasm that made the end of the trimester more enjoyable. A tree was set up on Landis Green by APO. Here the students gathered to sing and to bring canned goods, which helped make one more White Christ- mas a success. Students paused from studies to trim trees in their parlors. The new Student Union was decorated with lights carrying a holiday mes- sage across campus. Many campus organizations gathered to carol to the Blackwells for the last time. They enjoyed the traditional lighting of the tree on the lawn of the President's home and the open house. The Christmas Dance, the Women's Glee Club Ves- per Service, the anticipation of both final exams and vacations-were all part of Christmas at FSU. PRESIDENT BLACKWELL and his family enjoy Christmas caroNng by the students. ALDRA PHI OMEGA GIVES ANOTHER WHITE CHRISTMAS TO MANY PEOPLE. EYES SPARKLE IN HOLIDAY SPIRIT. I 81 THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT IS EVIDENT IN THE DANCES HELD IN THE NEW UNIVERSITY UNION. Second Trimester EFFICIENT AIDES POST CAMPAIGN MATERIAL ON CAMPUS RECORD NUMBERS VOTE IN 1965 SPRING ELECTION GROOT GETS DUNKED AFTER PRESIDENTIAL VICTORY PIKE PLEDGE DEFENDS CONTEST CANE FROM GREEK GIRLS Christmas had come and gone, and students prepared for the second trimester with fresh spirits. Winter still controlled the weather, but the promise of Spring and new activities created new energy and enthusiasm. Early campaign plans were laid for the major student offices, and active supporters rallied to make the election a record breaking turnout. In addition to the new list of lectures and academically related activities there were events purely for enjoy- ment. These plus classes made the trimester full and fun for all. MR. McPHEARSON GIVES TALK on Religion In Life to create new ideas. 83 it \ LANDIS JOINS SMITH HALL IN A WINNING COMBINATION i 84 Campus Sing The campus sings! For one sunny morning in January, the books were discarded, previous plans forgotten and the campus prepared for the annual song fest.. As the audience came into Westcott, sixteen groups anxiously awaited their chance on stage. Campus Sing, sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Alpha Iota, was founded in 1948 to "foster the cause of music in America". The participants were judged on tone quality, musicianship, stage appearance and selections used. After the twoday competition, Kellum Hall placed first, for the third consecutive year, to retire the men's division trophy, Phi Kappa Tau, the only fraternity representative, was second runner-up. Alpha Delta Pi placed first in the women's division with Kappa Kappa Gamma runner-up. The Landis- Smith chorus placed first in the newly created mixed division. THE PHI KAPPA TAU'S WERE THE ONLY FRATERNITY TO ENTER CAMPUS SING, DRAWING SECOND PLACE IN MEN'S DIVISION WOMEN COMPETE FOR FIRST PLACE ATWESTCOTT Tarpon Club Presents "Encore" i 86 !l "Encore", presenting the best and most popular numbers from previous years productions was per- formed during Family Weekend by FSU's versatile mermaids. Directing their own choreography and designing their costumes, the members displayea their aquatic skills developed during the year long planning for the show. The minstrel number presented had recently won an excellent rating at the Regional Aquatic Arts Festival. The colorful show was highlighted by the traditional solo performance of Linda Gossett, pres- ident of Tarpon, entitled "Yearning". The minnows, new members of Tarpon, presented the only original composition, "Let Me Entertain You." The pageant of water ballet and syncronized swimrning was well received by the enthusiastic audiences. I HARD WORK AND MANY HOURS OF PRACTICE BY MEMBERS RESULT IN GRACEFUL FLOATING PATTERNS SUCH AS THIS ONE I ■^ 87 PRECISE TIMING AND TEAMWORK ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS NUMBER Work Begins On The Circus 89 rr Flying High" Circus 90 STUDENTS OF FSU learn what riding a bicycle really is, especially on this one built for five. At college you hear so much of football, basketball, swimming and track, but at Florida State University the Circus stands far out in the scenes. This year under the directorship of Coach Jack Haskins, ably assisted by Coach Adrian (Nuchi) Catarzi, a former FSU performer, the Circus produced one of its larg- est and most colorful shows. To realize the extent of this activity on campus, it is necessary to look behind the scenes of the yearly production. The performers are students, students who give up hours every day for practice, who sport bruises year round, who rig in the rain, and lose sleep on road shows. Yet they are students who enjoy one of the closest relationships of any organization on campus. Circus is their life! "THE SKATING WHIRLWINDS" find themselves going around and around under the circus big top. 91 THE COLOR AND GLAMOUR DRAWS THE PEOPLE TO THE CIRCUS FROM THE HEIGHTS of the Big Top come many exciting and thrilling acts that are very unusual. 92 BEVERLY MALMBERG IS BEING balanced on a perchpole by Hugh Buerke as she spins around. THE SWINGING LADDER HOLDS THE ATTENTION THE PERFORMERS IN ANY CIRCUS MUST BE IN TOP SHAPE 93 ONE OF MANY LOVELY GIRLS WHO PERFORM FEATS AS SHE HANGS HIGH FROM A ROPE CIRCUS IN NOT A CIRCUS UNLESS IT HAS FUNNY CLOWNS V i%tiiU Willi H' I fp ^m ^m ^P,' ^ WIN Mm NANCY HOLLAND WITH LEAP ON MEXICAN CLOUD SWING HUGH BUERKE CATCHES GEORGE MILLER AS HE DOES A SOMMERSAULT FSU STARS Jerry Prentice and Mary Phillips do their act on the very tricky Roller-roller. 95 j*^^^ j:^.-^,^^^ ;^'.- --■4 -i- ^ar.- Jf5&,* i ... .^ ■»-. A DESPERATE GAME OF KEEP-AWAY ENDED WITH FLATTENED DERBY BARRIERS SLOW DOWN THE THREE-LEGGED RACE / i 96 P-m" THE GIRLS LET THEIR HAIR DOWN AS THEY GO ALL OUT IN THE SIGMA CHI DERBY LOST KEY HUNT CONCENTRATION AND A GENTLE TOUCH AID THE GIRLS IN TOSSING RAW EGGS UNHARMED ^^>*4|:; w%:% *♦♦ ■ 'V t. . I M^ Sigma Chi Derby Heralds Spring Sigma Chi Derby Day, an annual event, held as much excitement for spectators as for contestants who providecl the entertainment. A three-legged race, the traditional tug-of-war, a delightful key hunt in red clay, and a long distance toss with raw eggs kept the competition lively through the climax, the secret event". This required each sorority entered to create a hair-do in lard for their entrant. Each sorority entered a Sigma Chi pledge in the deck-a-pledge" contest and a talent show and entered their contestant in the Sigma Chi Derby Queen contest.. The point tally showed Pi Beta Phi the winning sorority in the derby. Miss Joanne Mayers was chosen Derby Queen. THIS GREEK FOUND THAT EGGS DO BREAK SOMETIMES 97 Spring 98 S^^' '"'^-w^i --'7:ife:?:**^'^-^^"«WM '<■;• 99 EVERY STUDENT MUST FACE THOSE LONG HOURS OF STUDYING AND CRAMMING FOR HIS EXAMS Final Exams End First Trimester te?- ■•^Ikto^. THE LIBRARY PROVIDES UNDISTURBED STUDY Exam week at FSU is ushered in by Dead Week, the appropriately named week when everyone may be found in his favorite study spot preparing for the big tests ahead. The library noticeably increases in popularity as the deadline approaches, and students exert rapidly increasing powers of concentration. Record numbers of books are checked out as themes and term papers near completion. At last the tests themselves begin, and all the imagined worries are forgotten in the real effort to do the best possible job. Huddles of students sur- round the boards when the final test grades are posted in hopes that the time and effort were worth it and that they can be proud of the results. IT'S TIME TO PUT THE HOURS OF PREPARATION TO THE TEST 101 STUDENTS ANXIOUSLY LOOK OVER GRADES TO SEE IF THEY HAVE WON THE BATTLE <•'' AN HONORARY DEGREE WAS BESTOWED UPON ROBERT J. VAN DE GRAAFF &s ttmt ARTHUR STANTON ADAMS uJJresi, to the students v/as about a lifetime of decisions. 102 Graduation Graduation—marking the end of years of study . . . research . . . learning . . . activities . . . fun . . .at FSU-'^- came on April 22, 1965. The processional suddenly became longer and wound its way through Games Woods, as the ceremony was moved at the last minute to Tully Gymnasium due to impending rain. The beginning of a lifetime of decisions was the topic of the address delivered by Arthur Stanton Adams.. Honorary degrees were bestowed upon Dr.. Adams and Robert J. Van de Graaff..Dr. Betty Watts, professor of food and nutrition, was named FSU's Distinguished Professor for 1 965-1 966.. The Coyle E. Moore Jr. Award for excellence in teaching was awarded to Steve Edwards, assistant professor of physics. Acting President John E. Champion con- ferred the long awaited degrees to the more than 1200 candidates. With the symbolic changing of the tassel, each graduate turned to find his particular function in society, better prepared to meet the challenging world--a graduate of The Florida State University. DR. BETTY WATTS OF FSU IS NAMED DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR -~~^ 103 AFTER FOUR LONG YEARS OF LATE HOURS AND HARD WORK, THE FINAL MOMENT COMES FOR THE FSU SENIORS ^1 lill'^'^li fHilllll HIiUISHHIMM - -^u fc- 104 Summer Miss Tally Ho Contest Just as FSU had a new Student Union this year, the TallyHo had a new MissTaily Ho contest. The con- test lasted this year for one entire week during February first through the fifth. The contest was held in the Union Lounge and Moore Auditorium. The first three nights the contestants had interviews with the five judges in the Union Lounge with the help of APO. From the contestants that were spon- sored by campus organizations and living units, co- eds were asked to return for the final contests in Moore Auditorium. The contest was highlighted on Friday night by the First Annual Miss Tally Ho Beauty Ball.. The fifteen finalists were presented with a military escort and salute. From these Miss Tally Hoand her court were announced. The exciting and exotic music of the Checkmates made the Beauty Ball a complete success. CINDY BASHINSKI Miss Tally Ho 106 THE AUDIENCE CLAPS AS THE NEW MISS TALLY HO AND HER COURT ARE AT LAST ANNOUNCED THE CHECK-MATES PLAY AS MISS TALLY HO AND HER COURT DANCE ALONE AFTER THE GREAT CONTEST J«^£S5I-™-,SV( The Check-Mates 107 Miss Tally Ho Court MISS TALLY HO COURT: Frances Smith, Tessie Fajardo, Cindy Bashinski, Kay Alvarez, and Marcia Haskins. 109 Miss Tally Ho Cindy Bashinski no Kay Alvarez sponsored by Pi Beta Phi Tessie Fajardo ni sponsored by Lambda Chi Alpha Marcia Haskins 112 . . sponsored by Delta Chi Frances Smith I 113 . . sponsored by Alpha Delta Pi TWO CANDIDATES for Men's Vice-President try to win the votes of two very interested giris. Student Government STUDENTS TURN OUT TO VOTE IN THE VARIOUS ELECTIONS DURING THE YEAR 114 MR. GRADY TOLER, production manager, advises the students on their pubMcations. THE TALLY HO STAFF HAS TO WORK HARD TO MAKE THEIR DEADLINES and Publications :1S**^ r- TyrSSTj-^ PEOPLEWHOARE IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT GO THROUGH A ROUGH CAMPAIGN 115 NEW UNION FOR 1965 TALLY HO Encouraged by the bright new publications offices in the University Union, the 1965 Tally Ho editor and staff began in early fall to combine originality, organization, and effort toward publication of the yearbook. In the past this same enthusiasm has much success. For five consecutive years the Tally Ho has been awarded an All-American rating in the contests of the Associated Collegiate Press. The Tally Ho was produced camera-ready in stu- dent offices, with the assistance of Publications Advisor, Mr. Grady Toler. Crowded and busy at any hour, the staff room, equipped with modern desks and drawing boards, was the gathering place for many minds and the center for development of ideas. Also developing here was the Publication Scholar - ship Program, which was established through the efforts of the editor, to encourage high school sen- iors interested in yearbook journalism to attend FSU and to join the Tally Ho staff. Through much effort and long hours, the staff compiled and now presents to you the 1965 Tally Ho. 116 ^^*»^, SUSAN FINCHER Editor. GARY WETHERINGTON Managing Editor ■ V ^^1 1^ ^HIHIj^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^^L '^'^H ^^H^^HIIi&ki. ^" i ^^ v^ 1 GINGER MCINNIS Photography Editor MARSHA LOVE Copy Editor HT "^^^ JOANNA ROMER Layout Editor 117 GAY YATES Student Government / GALE HAYS Executive Secretar y 118 GOOD ORGANIZATION MEANS NUMEROUS STAFF MEETINGS. DAWN McCORMICK Editorial Assistant PAT WAGGONER Fine Arts TERRY TRAUDT Sports MILLIE BALL Sororities SALLY KLEIn Union Editor .-■% KAY STAFFORD AND SUZIE COOPER Academics Editors LYNN DUDLEY Organizations Editor SUSAN GRIMM Fraternity Editor JOHN HOLLEY Photographer PAT DONOHUE Classes Editor CLAUDIA WEST Assistant Editor ^ .1 4 ^■LlllllM'- ■IMP?' ' " - >, V ^T"*.""" LIZ Waters Beauties Editor WAYNE COWART Photographer SUE DICUS Features Editor Flambeau Continues Daily For the third year, the Flambeau has accomplished the seemingly impossible-that of publishing a daily newspaper. Whenever news breaks on the campus scene, a staff member from the Flambeau is there covering the event. They are assisted by photog- raphers who provide a pictorial record of the story. Through the editorial page, students are given an opportunity to express their opinions on a wide range of subjects. The Flambeau hits the stands about 9:00 A.M. every weekday with a varied assortment of news, features, editorials, Greeks, and student opinion columns. Under the editorship of Erik Collins, the staff works many late, hard hours trying to please the journalistic world as well as the student body. The Flambeau was first put to press in 1914 and is Florida's first collegiate daily newspaper. ***»%» / ■'^■ ERIK COLLINS Editor-in-chief JIM BRANDT Associate Editor 122 y JOHN PERKINS Broadcasting Editor BOB CORNET News Editor DIANE MUNYER Assistant Feature Editor 123 DAVE NELSON Assistant News Editor PAT FREEMAN News Editor m «» #- % tJ* ^JL. MELODIE BETTS Sports Editor 124 WAYNE COWART Executive Editor JIM VASTINE Photography Editor MAX COURTNEY Assistant Feature Editor 'ft. Focus JOHN PERKINS WAYNE COWART 125 The Flambeau undertook a six-month experiment in broadcasting during 1964-65 to produce Focus in cooperation withWFSU-TV. Executive editor, Wayne Cowart,and Broadcasting editor, John Perkins, were producers and hosts for the half-hour weekly program. Smoke Signals Adds Humor Smoke Signals wasFSU's medium for general interest articles, as well as campus humor. This year the staff strived for a better all-around magazine by re- organizing its members and by adding original cartoon work. Creative students were urged to send their literary contributions to the Smoke Signals office where they were critically reviewed, selected, and prepared for publication. The magazine was published five times this year- twice during each regular trimester and once during the summer trimester. In addition to poetry and photography features, it contained interviews of faculty members and student government officers, feature girls, and short stories. WINFREDSEITZ Feature Editor JIM PRESTON Editor ANN MARIE CIANCI News Editor ART STAFF MEMBERS JOHN ROBERGE, ANDY ANDERSON, AND BOB OVERMAN AT WORK. JOHN ROBERGE Art Editor STAFF EDITORS AnnMarieCianci, WinfredSeitz, and Charlotte Wadsworth confer with Jim Preston. LEGEND STAFF: Front Row: Carolyn Christensen, Chris Townsend, Becky Ashmore, Eric. West, Mike Shaara. Second Row: Wolf Begsted, James Tressler, Bonnie Egan. Mythological Theme for Legend The Legend is an opportunity for young writers to be read and criticized. Through it, students enjoy the writings of their contemporaries. Coming out in April, the Legend is a collection of poems, essays, and short stories by and for Flor- ida State students. This year for the first time, art work was included in the anthology. To stir interest among the students, cash awards for the best contributions are presented by Panhel- lenic and IFC. The Legend is a collection of stu- dent literature, creating an epic of young thought, serious thought within a history of growth and pro- gress, and joining its youth with the vibrant ex- pectations of our new University Union Complex. CAROLYN CHRISTENSEN Editor ^' Pow Wow Introduces FSU Serving as the student's first introduction to college life, the Pow Wow made its traditional appearance during Orientation Week in the fall. Aside from acquainting the student with FSU and its traditions, the handbook also gave information about organi- zations, publications, student government, athletics, Greeks, student services , and activities. The new University Union complex—its buildings and its organizations— provided an additional new section in the handbook. University rules and regulations, along with the Florida State Student Body Constitution, were found in the handbook, which served to guide students in the Seminole way of life. SUZIE MILLER Editor 129 POW wow STAFF: Front Row: Pam Goodman, Morcia Blumeathul, Norma bmith. Second Row: Barbara Van De Marie, Marilyn Barfield. TOM BLAKE Assi slant DON MILLER Advertising Manager Advertising and Business Managers Danny Rector coordinated the financial phase of student publications. The Business Manager's job carried the responsibility of maintaining accurate records of the advertisements, subscriptions, and expenses involved in publications in addition to serving as an ex-officio member of the Board of Publications. As Advertising Manager, Don Miller directed a large part of the Flambeau and Smoke Signals. Work- ing under him, a staff of salesmen provided the ad- vertising that Don laid out for the two publications. 130 .1 A. DANNY RECTOR Business Manager KAREN THOMAS, Assistant Business BETH ANN DAWKINS, Secretary lanager Front Row: Dr. Re id Montgomery Wayne Cowart, Marsha Love, Al Galbraith. Second Row: Dr. Griffin Pugh, Grady Toler, Susan Fincher, Eric Collins. Third Row: Danny Rector, Carol Christiansen, Jim Preston.. Board of Publications Three members of the faculty and five members of the student body composed the Board of Publications. Of these, the faculty members were appointed by the President of the University, three of the students were elected by the student body, and the other two were appointed by the President of the studentbody. Editors are ex-officio members of the Board. The Board of Publications coordinated all of the activities of the various university publications, formulated the policies by which they were operated, and elected their editors. In the spring a retreat was held at the Reservation for the purpose of train- ing new staff members for the various publications. AL GALBRAITH talks over some of the policies and problems with Dr. Reid Montgomery that the Board of Publications faces. JOHN MERTING President of the Student Body Top Officers Lead Students Student Government continued to provide efficient and outstanding service to the FSU student body during 1964-'65--a year climaxed by the completion of the new Union Complex, One of the most out- standing projects during the year was the Student Enterprises, Inc., the only non-profit organization of its kind. The corporation contributed $50,000 toward the construction of the new olympic swim- ming pool, and it is now planning for the erection of a permanent circus building. Through Student Government's faculty evaluation project, students were able, for the first time, to evaluate the effectiveness of their professors. Communications with the students and leg- islators improved during the year. Students were informed of Student Government activities through a daily column in the Flambeau, a monthly newsletter, and a weekly radio program. In addition, the familiar homecoming wdekend, family wdekend, and student insurance program were again sponsored by Student Government. 132 JOYCE KILLIAN Vice President of the Student Body -^^■' ^ ^ 4 JACK CANNON Men's Vice President BILL WOOD Secretary of Finance MIKE WIGELIUS Secretary of State TED DeLAVERGNE Attorney General - % - PAM MOZUR Women's Vice President 133 Cabinet BOB RACKLEFF Secretary for Intercollegiate and Public Affairs 134 JEAN NORMAN Secretary of the University Union KEN HEY Commissioner of Elections AL GALBRAITH Secretary of Communications ^ NORBERT MARTIN Secretary of Internal Affairs PRESIDENT GORDON BLACKWELL PRESENTS HIS OPINION TO A CABiNET MEMBER, NORBERT MARTIN Student Advisory Council The Student Advisory Council was initiated under the direction of former FSU President Robert M. Strozier in 1957. The Council's purpose was to promote a better student-faculty relationship on campus.. The Council, composed of the student leaders of the major organizations at FSU, met monthly with President Blackwell and the Dean of Students, Harry Day. At these meeting the students were free to ex- press any complaints, make suggestions, or simply air their views of campus life in general. President Blackwell and Dean Day, representing the faculty, could in turn present their views on similar matters. In this manner, the students could make known their wishes which might influence the university's pol- icy; however, the meetings were informal and bore no commitments of action to either side. 135 PRESIDENT BLACKWELL- with FSU student leaders. Dean Day talk. Student Senate constituted the legislative branch of Student Government. The four senators from each class and one from each precinct were elected in the fall elections. The entire Senate was composed of 45 senators and a secretary. Men's and women's Senates met separately, with the whole group con- vening each week to make and change laws then sub- ject to faculty review. The Student Body Vice- President presided over each weekly meeting. At meetings of Women's and Men's Senate, the Women's and Men's Vice-Presidents presided. Alexander, D. Ashley, N. Bell, C. Cherry, K. Connel I, J . Crews, P. Cunningham, C. Cunningham, S. Dickinson, J. k Student Senate 136 A GOOD STUDENT GOVERNMENT IS BUILT UPON THE H/^RD WORK OF MANY STUDENT SENATORS Hi ^ di^ik^ k Domino, C. Doyle, R. Faick, B. Frazer, J. Fritz, R. Golson, G. Holcombe, J. Jones, N. Kelly, C. Kohne, M. Mdt,^ c; LedBetter, F. Lipham, D. McDonald, B. McElyea, H. Martindole, W. Massey, C. Mixion, S. Palmer, T. Payne, G. Powers, D. Proctor, J. Richardson, S. Robinson, B. Saier, S. Singletary, D. Sipperly, J. Sizemore, B. Smith, M. Stewart, D. mm "hackston, M. Till man, L. ?u Waters, L. Wolf, M. T>^ SHEILA CLARKE Clerk MINES BOYD Chief Justice Sharon Dunn Karen Hammond Bill Hollister JoEtto Lawrence Don Loucks Bill McCarron Ken Nelson Jocki Simpson Honor Court Holding a tremendous responsibility, the Honor Court is the highest court at Florida State. Cases involving cheating, lying, stealing, and plagarism are tried by this court. The court also has jurisdic- tion over cases of impeachments, questions of the Constitutionality of the Student Body Constitution and Statutes, and cases appealed from lower courts. All decisions of the Honor Court are subject to re- view by the Faculty Review Committee and the President of the University. The chief justice, a senior with previous court experience, is elected by the student body and pre- sides over all sessions. The court is composed of a clerk and eight justices, elected from the junior and senior classes. An Honor Week, stressing the importance of an honor code was held during the spring trimester. The court members spoke to various campus organi- zations and living groups on the honor system. /;■',' '•P JUDY LOUCKS Chairman Of University Court Kirk Ball Barbara Bell Aron Brumm Pat Clark Puggy Collins Kenda Crawford Cs ^ ^ Tom Henry Hank Houser Allan Lindsey Maureen McClellan Jane Murrell Carol Peterson Ed Pritchett Robin Roberts Nancy Warren David White Vivian Woolwine Judiciary Cases of infractions of university rules are heard by the two branches of the University Court, which are Men's and Women's Judiciary. They consist of nine men and nine women respectively, and six members are elected by the students from each of the sopho- more, junior, and senior classes. When trying offenses in which both women and men students are involved, both branches of the court meet together to rule on violations that are not under the jurisdiction of the Traffic Court, Off- Campus Court, or dormitory house councils. 139 TRAFFIC COURT: Beverly Bridges, George Noga, Dave Cameron, T i mmieDutcher, Jerry Levins, Mary Kent Bonor. Traffic Court Functioning as a court of appeals, Traffic Court worked in cooperation with the campus policemen in matters of University traffic violations. Traffic Court's jurisdiction extended only to undergraduate members of the University who owned cars on cam- pus or in Tallahassee. Students had the right to appeal a ticket if they felt that it had been given unfairly. The Court then either acquitted the student, cut his fine in half, or pronounced him guilty of the violation. The Court was comprised of two members from the sophomore and junior classes, and a chairman. The students were elected in the spring. TIMMIE DUTCHER Chairman OFF-CAMPUS COURT: First Row; Nancy Carl- son, Judy Blake, Linda Johnson, Chairman. Second Row: Pat Duggins, Cheryll Williams. !' I 4 t^ Off-Campus Court Scholarship, foundation, and sorority houses are under the jurisdiction of Off-Compus Court. The Court functions as a house council for these off- campus women's residences, and minor offences are tried bi-monthly when court convenes. Appropriate sentences are given, and occasionally an offender may be referred to Judiciary. Members of Off-Compus Court come from nineteen precincts, and membership is a rotating job within the precinct. House Chairman or House President is usually the delegate, with precinct delegates serv- ing for one school year. /'V^''/ INTER/CLASS COUNCIL: Front Row: Gary Hurlbut, Jan Siewart, Suzie Peters, Mary Low, Bob HayesL Second Row: Paul Wagner, Larry Gonzalez, Andy Woods, Mr. William Rogers, Sponsor, Jim McClay, Jim Jones, John Maynard. Class Officers Work Together The Inner-Class Council, which is composed of the officers from each of the four classes , served a vital need in the students' appreciation of their respective classes and the University itself. This year ICC helped to indoctrinate the new freshmen in- to Rat Week, took an active part in all of the func- tioning Homecoming committees, and was responsible for the nomination and final selection of the honored thirty-six students who were chosed for "V/ho's V/ho in American Colleges and Universities." At the close of the first trimester, ICC and the Program Council presented a Farewell Tea for President and Mrs. Blackwell.A Christmas caroling party followed at the Elackwell's home, and a record number of over 1,000 students came to join in the singing. 141 JIM JONES AND CAROL PETERS PLAN A COUNCIL ACTIVITY Junior Counselors JUNIOR COUNSELORS: Front Row: Barbara Bullington, Sharon Howel I, Sandra Speak, Eunice A Ibritton, Margaret DeHoff, Suzan Hi 1 1, Jeenifer Howse, Kathy Spence, Charlotte Born, Kay Sluyter, Sylvia Dine, Sharon Dunn, Adelaine Stucks, Janet Burchett, Lynn Kirby, Mol ly Hi I lman..Second Row:Marsha Love, Mary Shottler, Vicki Rodriguez, Penny Reigler, Barbara Staock, Ida Faye Coates, Sandra Clark Andy Meng, Gail Spring,, Linda Tate, Anne Corley, Laureen Hendry, Andrea Kmetz, Sandra Hoff, Shirley Dube, Diane Smith,, Ellen Hin- terkopf, Jan Hubbard,, Rita Serge. Third Row: Cora Sue Zolobosky, Liz Symes, Marilyn Richbourg, Christy Wardlaw, Anna Faulds, Ann Dibble, Madra Nelson, Pat Clark, Patsy Dickinson, Mary Hutchison, Barbara Roy, Sara Lynn, Sharon Goode, Rita Ines, Bess Meetze, Alix Pavlie, Flo cmith, Barbara Walker, Jane Hunt. Fourth Row: Jean Pasteur, Beverly C. Wall, Jean Osborn, Carol Jean Lewis, Marsha Mould, Mary Kay Burres, Lina Smith, Chotsie Jones, Lowell Turner, Kay Ward, Rhoda May Asber, Lois Ann Conoley, Pat Rabun, Mary Kreiton, Mi ke Schlesinger, Marilyn Swan, Sue Roberts, Annemarie Hirning, Nancy May, Lucy Williams. 142 A work of advice, help in picking out the right dosses, and a bit of imparted information on the college male are all part of the information service of the Junior Counselor. As the freshman women arrive in a world of new and mysterious ways o*^ college life the "JC" is there to help make the adjustment a little easier and a little faster. As the student advisor helps the new freshman become the seasoned students out of which sophomores are made I she gains. just a little insight into human nature and learns just a little more about herself through the process. FRESHMAN FINDTHEY NEED HELP IN MANY WAYS SlSlSlI ■ — B Ml B -*«*i^ ■« m 1 iSlSirill Dormitory Life Broward Hall BROWARD HALL OFFICERS: Sandy Hoff, Vice President, Stormy Thurman, President, Truda Stevens, Social Chairman, Pam Mozur, Vice President. Bryan Hall BRYAN HALL OFFICERS: Sue McFadyn, Social Chairman, Jennifer Howse, Vice President, Margaret Patterson, President, Cam Kilgore, Vice President. BRYAN HALL FRESHMAN OFFICERS: Joanne Diehl, Vice President, Helen McNally, Vice President, Elizabeth Baum, Social Chairman Cawthon Hall fmSH' i^:;:r^.ti^':):.Z'^'^^^^^^^^^^^^ # DEGRAFF HALL OFFICERS: Ave Dean, President, Susan I Presrdent, Benny Jo Meyers, Vice President, Frances Or n Buzzett, Vice ihuela. Social DeGraff Hall Chairman. Dorman Hall DORMAN HALL OFFICERS: Roberta Morales, Vice President, Harriet Macgi 1 1, Vice President, Bonnie Wiant, President Sherry Payne, Social Chairman. THERE ARE MANY PHASES TO DORM LIFE Florida Hall 146 FLORIDA HALL OFFICERS: Karen Miller, Vice President, Dorothy Wise, President, Lynn Solvin, Social Chairman, Ann Hamilin, .Vice President. I- r Gilchrist Hall I GILCHRIST FRESHMAN OFFICERS: Sue Rice, Vice President, Carol Neufeld, Vice President, Nancy Wall, Social Chairman. \ GILCHRIST HALL OFFICERS: Mike Schlesinger, Vice President, Annette Zelnor, Social Chairman, Marlou Morton, President.. JENNIE MURPHREE HALL OFFICERS: Madra Nelson, President, Barbara Bell, Vice President, Joanne Griffin, Vice President, Marsha lylould, Social Chairman. Jennie Murphree Hall 148 JENNIE GIRLS WILL TRY ANYTHING ONCE JENNIE MURPHREE FRESHMAN OFFICERS: Sally Grohm, Vice President, Mary Parker, Vice President, Shari lyn Nabors, Socio! Chairman. Reynolds Hall REYNOLDS HALL OFFICERS: Anna Faulds, Vice President, Ann Dibble, Vice President, Sandy Spear, Social Chairman. Seated: Sandy Clarke, President. FSU FRESHMAN GIRLS MOVE INTO THEIR NEW HOME KELLUM HALL OFFICERS: Robert Albert, Secretary, John Sellers, Vice President, KentChilcot, Social Chairman. Kellum Hall 149 Smith Hall SMITH HALL OFFICERS: Jim Anderson, Secretary, Craig Reynolds, Lt. Governor, C. H. Peters, Athletic Director, Chris Poulsen, Governor. 150 THE MEN OF SMITH HALL ENJOY PLEASANT AFTERNOONS OF RELAXATION IN THEIR PARLOR rl I CLINTON TERRY, President PATTY ANDERSON, Vice President Salley Ha BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Standing: Bob Goucher, Gene Williams, Brian Monty. Seated: George Partin, Sharon Johnson, Judy Metcalf, Norma Stuck, Cheryl Dowdy, Marvin Davi s. 151 WEST LANDIS OF FICERS: Vice-President, Lynne Dunn; Social Chairman, Flewel lyn Pringle; Vice-President, Sandy McNabb; President, PatRusso. Landis Hall 152 EAST LANDIS OFFICERS: Social Chairman, Ginger Mapoles; President, Kathy Swope; Vice-President, Lauren Laird. OFFICERS: President, Jean Pasteur; Social Chairman, Carol Cundiff; Vice-Presidents, Nancy May and Madge Watson. Magnolia Ha 153 FRESHMAN OFFICERS: Social Chairman, , Judy Morris; Vice-Presidents, Carol Pate and Sal ly Saier. KATHY FRANZ, President Selby for Women CHERI MCGAHEY, President Gadsden House ANN FLEISHEL, President Foundation Housing 154 m GEORGIA MCARTHUR, President Palm Court Scholarship Houses JIM DIEUDINNE, President Selby House No. 2 PAM MONTAGUE, President F.E.A. House ■ ^^1 H^M ^^ 1 ^^^H ^^^EhB • ^ i^J^^"' 1 ^H ^HF~^^^^ W ^ Pl Hfl^^B^ B|J STEVE HEBERT, President Falcon House 155 ■'•. 'I ii » I I i MARTI BUNYAN, President Pi lot House p* 'I ! m\ Lab Is Asset To Publications The Student Publications Lab was established in 1959 for the purpose of expediting the publishing of student publications and reducing their cost. The Florida Flambeau, Smoke Signals, Tally Ho and Legend transfer money to the Lab in order that the Lab may finance its operation. The Lab, in return, provides composition, camera-ready copy and print- ing advice to each of the pubfications. The original plans for the Lab required two full- time staff employees and three student assistants who were interested in obtaining knowledge of the pre-printing processes of photolithography. At the present time, the Lab employs four full-time staff employees and five student assistants.. Due to the initiation of a Student Publications Photographic Service in the Fall of 1965, additional funds from student publications will be added to their transfer funds in order that photographers may be paid by the Lab. This additional fiscal responsibility will enable the Lab to increase its number of student assistant employees to a total of ten students. In the words of Mr. Grady Toler, Production Man- ager of the Student Publications Laboratory, "with a growing university, a student service is a neces- sity -- this is our business." The Lab also provides a service for inter-departmental agencies. i Ih k ,«' i ■-mt I „^ MANAGER PRODUCTION MR. MARSHALL LACOMBE Asst. Production Manager MR. GRADY TOLER Production Manager < 1 ^ MR. JACK LEVINS Duplicator Operator MRS. MARY RATKE Justowriter-Vorityper Operator THE VARIOUS PUBLICATION OFFICES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEWLY INSTALLED 10-CHANNEL INTERCOM SYSTEM BUDGETS ARE DISCUSSED BYDR. REID MONTGOMERY AND MR. TOLER PREPARING CAMERA-READY COPY FOR THE FLAMBEAU IS DAILY VENTURE . ''I fe- ay ^ .^HH^ ■-'*""•""'" To M„„ ►■ "total Ion.8M I " "^ >.m ^■''ftW.T.,. ^j. 'ilialois ^ J MIMEOGRAPHING AND DUPLICATING are two of the many services offered to the students. WELL TRAINED student assistants are used to produce camera-ready copy for the Tally Ho. -^ A CODED TAPE JUSTOWRITERS used by publications are able to reproduce finished copy at 110 words per minute. The Student Publication Lab, located on ihe third floor of the University Union, consists of three offices. In Room 318, students are able to have mimeograph work done and signs made for a nominal charge; Room 314 is used for layout and paste-up of all camera-ready copy; Room 320 houses the com- posing machines used to set copy for publications. Not only does the Publications Lab help in pub- lishing the four main student publications, but it is alsoequipped to give assistance to campus organiza- tions in their own publishing problems. The Lab has served the students of Florida State for six years and its aim has been to give fast, efficient service. From all indications, the Student Publication Lab at Florida State is the only one of its kind in the nation. ^^ BID QUOTATIONS ARE ANALYZED BY MR. TOLER TALLY HO DEADLINES are frequently discussed by Mr. Toler and the Managing Editor, Gary Wetherington. s 160 f* t/^ "^ ■':i.^»^ J ^'^ 161 The Union Union Opens With Activities Night Activities Night served as an introduction both to the Union and to all of FSU's activities. The 55 groups with displays had the opportunity to explain their functions and to recruit members. Featured during the evening was a dance to the music of the Checkmates and a scoreboard that kept sports fans up to date on the Miami-FSU game, FSU's first foot- ball victory of the year. In addition, the recreation building was opened officially for bowling and billiards. Plans are now under consideration to in- clude tours of the entire Union complex and to make Activities Night an annual affair. STUDENTS use their college skills in many various forms. CHECKMATES SWING IT UP AT THE ACTIVITIES NIGHT DANCE. 162 STUDENTS ARE SURROUNDED BY EVENTS GOING ON SUCH AS THE UNIVERSITY THEATRE. On November 14, 1964, the dedication of the $2.4 million Florida State University Union complex and its adjacent $305,000 olympic size swimming pool brought to realization a dream shared by students, alumni, faculty, and administration of FSU. Former Governor LeRoy Collins presented the keynote ad- dress in Moore Auditorium. Governor Farris Bryant presented the Union complex, which was officially accepted for the University by President Gordon Blackwell and for the Board of Control by Dr. Wayne C. McCall. President emeritus of FSU, Dr. Doak S. Campbell, was also on the program at the dedica- tion ceremonies, with Rev. C. A. Roberts, of the Tallahassee First Baptist Church, giving the invo- cation and benediction. During the ceremonies, the Union Recreation Area and Auditorium werenamed in memory of Robert E. Crenshaw and Coyle E. Moore, Jr., respectively. The Food Services building was named in honor of Helen Morris Davis. Union Dedication FORMER GOVERNOR LeRoy Collins is main speaker at dedication of Union. FORMER GOVERNOR COLLINS MEETS VARIOUS FACULTY MEMBERS. 163 PLAQUES NAMING UNION BUILDINGS ARE PRESENTED DURING DEDICATION CEREMONY rm^' f y \ DR. REID H.MONTGOMERY Director DR. HERB F. REINHARD Assistant Director MR. ARCHIE KRAMER Business Manager MISS JANE ADAMS Night Assistant to the Director Directors Ably Guide Union Dr. Reid Montgomery, Director of the Union, served also as Director of Student Activities and Advisor to Student Publications. As a member of the Union Board, he was responsible for all Union policies, budget making, and future Union planning. Dr. Herb Reinhard, as Assistant Director, was responsible for the daily operation of the Union and served as the liason between the Union administration and other agencies within the Union complex. He also served in an advisory capacity to the office ofSocial Events and the new Student Artist Series Committee. Business manager, Mr. Archie Kramer, took charge of budget auditing, purchasing, and maintenance of the complex. Miss Jane Adams, the Night Assistant to the Director, oversaw Union operation during even- ing hours and was responsible for all the night stu- dent supervisors. Program Director, Miss Marie Wil- liams, was accountable for programs and activities sponsored by the Union Program Council and also served as an advisor to the Inter-Class Council. MISS MARIE WILLIAMS Program Director University Union Board The University Union Board is the governing body of the Florida State University Union. The Board consists of eight student members and five non- student members, individually appointed by outgoing board members, the student body president, student body elections, and the president of the university. The entire Board elects the student chairman. The Union Board operated the Union during its initial year to provide a cultural, social, and re- creational program for students, it promoted the use of Union facilities for the benefit of the student body and also created and maintained necessary house rules. Another function of the Board was to negotiate with the Union management in regard to student wishes on operation of the Union. PATSY BURNHAM Chairman 166 UNION BOARD: Bill Wood, Jean Norman, Christie Bell, Margaret DeHoff, Ray Whitehead, Susan Bakewell, Patsy Burnham, Dr. Oglesby, Dr. Bosch, Tommy Garwood, Dr. Montgomery, Dr. Wright, Mr. Haskin. PROGRAM COUNCIL: Dee Hufford, Mary Kay Burres, Mel ormrh, Ginger Harrison, Ray Whitehead, Rick Booth, Jan Walker, Erik Collins, John Perkins. The Program Council is a set of committees de- veloped to organize and conduct activities of the Union Board. These committees worked with the Program Director and other administrative personnel of the Union. The Exhibits Committee presenteddis- plays on watercolors, space, fashion design, and other topics of interest to students. Outstanding lecturers and noted concert musicians were brought to the FSU campus by the Literature and Music Com- mittees, while the Film Committee was kept busy featuring three weekly film series. Projects of var- ious other committees included the ACU Regional Conference, Legislative Day, and Activities Night. Program Council J 4 RAY WHITEHEAD Chairman Recreation The Recreation Committee has been active in many functions within the Union. The main project of the committee was the Association of College Unions Tournament of region six. Twenty-five schools from four states were represented, and all tournament contestants were of amoteur status. The Recreation Committee was the coordinating body of the tourna- ment and organizer of the service fraternities and sororities involved. The group was also active in obtaining the judges, scorers, and runners, and in scheduling the tournament events. Various other activities, such as fencing lessons, chess tourna- ments, and bowling events, were planned. A STUDENT concentrates during chess game of the ACU regional tournament. RECREATION COMMITTEE: Front Row: Barbara Bell, Jean Knarr, Faye Carter. Second Row: Rick Booth (chairman), Buzz H ines. Faculty - Student Relations The purpose of the Informal Entertaining-Faculty Relations Committee is the promotion of better out- of-class relations between students and faculty. To introduce the new Union, the committee sponsored the Union Open House, which featured displays from each school within the university. Along with the Inter-Class Council, the group organized a social for the Blackwells, to which faculty, student lea- ders, and administration were invited. The Campus Conversation, a pane! discussion, was also planned by this committee. The panel of two faculty mem- bers and two students discussed the advantages and values of basic division courses. Also featured was a reception for Juan Mercadel, noted guitarist, who performed on the Florida State campus. 168 FACULTY-STUDENT RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Jeanie Williamson, Lou McCall, Judy O'Connell, Pam Thomas, Gay Yates, Andy Hill, Jim Zellner, Sharon Mixon, Carol Van Sant, Gene White, Martha Free. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: Carl Domino, Jan Walker (chairman), Katy Warren, Bruce Miller, Don Issacs, Becky Peacock. MALCOLM DAVIE, Scottish performer, entertains for Florida State students. Music The purpose of the Union Music Committee is to make available to Florida State students, faculty, and staff a variety of musical entertainment. With this purpose in mind the committee has sponsored classical guitarist Juan Mercadel, Scottish bagpiper Malcolm Davie, the variety show for the Union Open House, Si Zentner and his band, and coffee con- certs. In addition to these special events, the Music Committee provided librettos for the Saturday after- noon Metropolitan Opera Series and catalogued the record collection used in the listening rooms. Ano- ther project was a variety show to be made an an- nual tradition. This show would provide talented students with the opportunity to entertain, regard- less of their previous experience. Hospitality As official hosts and hostesses of the University Union, the Hospitality Committee had many func- tions. During the year the committee cooperated with the Program Council in presenting two open houses, one for students and the other for faculty, staff, and Tallahasseans. These open houses, featuring dis- plays, films, a variety show, tours, and receptions, were held to acquaint all with the new Union. Mem- bers of this committee have acted as hosts and hostesses on many occasions: tours, including con- vention delegates and Peruvian students; receptions for Union functions <3nd the Scholarship House Con- vocation; ticket sellers and hostesses for dances; and hosts and hostesses at two conventions of the Association of College Unions-International at FSU. MUSIC COMMITTEE: Front Row: Ricie Jones, Francis Dough- tie, Carol Roberts. Second 'Row: Doreen Van Assenderp (chairman), Lowell Turner, Lynn Stradley, Catherine Cain, Tom Brannon, Becky Cottingham, David Irwin. T Dance-Social Formal and informal dances on campus are arranged by the Dance-Social Committee. Pete Fountain and his band appeared at the Homecoming dance. Also during the year, thirteen paid admission and ten free juke box dances were held, while participation in folk and square dances was high in the summer months. Co-chairmen of the committee, Mary Lou Romeka and Ginger Harrison, relied heavily on the efforts of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega, and Freshman Flunkies to make their dances suc- cessful. These service organizations on campus helped by acting as hosts and hostesses at the dances and by publicizing them with posters. Special Events The Special Events Committee coordinated programs for the Union throughout the year. At Halloween and Christmas, holiday dances were planned by the com- mittee in cooperation with the Dance-Social Commit- tee. At Thanksgiving the group planned the Thanks- giving Vesper Service, which was held on campus, with Dr. C. A. Roberts of the First Baptist Church of Tallahassee as the speaker. Second trimester the awards banquet for the ACU Regional Games Tournament and a Union Recognition Night Banquet were products of the committee's endeavor. THE STUDENT UNION is used for many of the semi.-formal dances that are put on by the dance committee during the year. PETE FOUNTAIN of New Orleans plays for students during Homecoming. THE CHECKMATES really swing out at one of the many great informal dances given for the students on various weekends. FILM COMMITTEE: Pat Howard, Dr. Karl, Karl Mohr (chairman), Sally Fuller, James Morrison. Fil m Exhibits World famous exhibits were displayed at Florida State through efforts made by the Exhibits Com- mittee. The NASA exhibit, which consisted of ac- tual pictures of space flights, appeared for the first time in Florida on the FSU campus, and the Kohn and Pochner exhibits, abstracts from the Ringling Art Museum, also appeared in a Union dis- play. The FSU gallery opened with exhibits from the FSU art and art education departments. Smaller displays were furnished by local townspeople and students. These included fashions of yesterday, John Shaw's collection of Alice in Wonderland, and the Florida State Sports Exposition. A STUDENT takes advantage of one of the many art exhibits brought to Florida State. The newly formed University Union Film Committee was responsible for three campus film series-the Campus Movie, the Classic Film and the Little Seminole Series, It is the purpose of the UUFC to bring to this campus the finest films available both in the category of cinema as an art form and also as an entertainment medium. On January 1, 1965, the FSU Film Committee became a member of the Amer- ican Federation of Film Societies. Through this membership the committee was affiliated with the International Federation of Film Societies with headquarters in Paris, France. MISS MARIE WILLIAMS of the Student Union and a student take close look at the pictures NASA sent to the university. Secretarial The members of the Secretarial Committee served as a pool of voluntary helpers who assisted in cleri- cal responsibilities of the Program Council. The girls took the regular minutes at each Program Coun- cil meeting and sent a copy of the minutes to each member. Cooperating with the Publicity Committee, the Secretarial Committee sent out an information sheet concerning positions on the Program Council for the following year. The group kept the Program Council files organized and kept an index of council members. This committee also made studies of stu- dent personnel, compiled reports, and engaged in other research-type activities. ERIK COLLINS Publ icity Chairman THE SECRETARIAL COMMITTEE is made up of voluntary helpers who assist the Program Council in many various ways. Publicity The Publicity Committee handles the promotion for the Union and its varied program activities. Last year it was responsible for having Florida State activities publicized on educational TV throughout the state. Guest speakers on campus had the oppor- tunity to speak on the local and campus television stations through the auspices of the committee. Articles and pictures were featured in the Flambeau and the Tallahassee Democrat. The publicity high- light of the year was the appearance of stories on Activities Night and the ACU Region Six Conference and Games Tournament in the ACU National Bulletin. The committee also provided Union posters. 172 5EPT. ?7.n. ACTIVITIES NIGHT WAS THE PUBLICITY HIGHLIGHT OF THE YEAR WHICH MADE THE NEWS. THE FORUM GIVES THE STUDENTS A CHANCE TO EXCHANGE IDEAS Forum The purpose of the Forum Committee is to arrange discussions on current events. The committee pre- sented "The World Around Us Series," consisting of three lecture programs entitled "Timeless Turkey" by Dr. Arthur Dewey; "Into Siberia" by Dr. Raphael Green; and "The Arab World" by Margaret Baker. Thubten Jigme Norbu, brother of the Dalai Lama of Tibet, was presented in a lecture and film program on his escape from Communists in Tibet. Tran Van Dinh, acting ambassador from South Viet Nam, was also featured, and FSU government professor, Dr. Peter Ch'en, spoke on American-Chinese relations. JULIE HAYDON AND Mark Van Doren read for the literature committee. Literature It was the purpose* of the Literature Committee to arrange book reviews, poetry reading, preparation of dramatic programs, and other creative literary productions. This year Mark Van Doren read ex- cerpts from his Pulitzer Prize winning poetry. Also a noted playwright, his plays, "Never Never Ask His Name" and "The Last Days of Lincoln" were premiered on the FSU campus. Broadway actress Miss Julie Haydon, did readings from several of her plays, including "The Glass Menagerie." Mr. Fallon, director of Florida State's theatre, worked with Miss Haydon during her performance. MARK VAN DOREN and coed Barbara White talk as they await to see the premiere of Never, Never Ask His Name.. 174 Fine Arts 175 ast Lecture Series EDGAR H. HENDERSON Professor of Philosophy As in the past Mortar Board chose outstanding FSU professors to speak in their Last Lecture Series. The thoughts expressed were those which the lec- turers would choose to leave with us if this were their last opportunity to speak before a group. This idea of speaking for the last time before a group was thought provoking for the listener as well as the lec- turers. The subjects ranged from English and philos- ophy, to music. Some were humorous; others serious. All were interesting and entertaining. 176 DWIGHT BURTON Professor and Head of Enghsh Education Carlisle s. floyd, jr. Professor of Music University Lecture Series DR. C. C. PRICE American Chemical Society Speakers from the University Lecture Series were chosen by o faculty-student committee. These lec- turers were not faculty members and thus gave the students an opportunity to hear other outstanding personalities from other walks of life. The speak- ers' concepts and beliefs may not have all been ac- cepted by the students but it gave them a good op- portunity to broaden their outlook on life and the world in general. We were fortunate to have two world known lecturers share their experiences and knowledge with us this year. David Schoenbrun, a world traveling news commentator, who has inter- viewed people such as Eisenhower, Kennedy and DeGaulle. Dr. C. C. Price is also an outstanding per- sonality. He is best known for his work in chemistry. DAVID SCHOENBRUN News Commentator and Analyst 177 Religion In Life Series 178 HAROLD McPHERSON REVEREND MALCOLM BOYD The annual Religion In Life Series has been spon- sored by the University Committee on Religious Af- fairs and the University Broadcasting Services for several years at FSU. Two nationally'renowned per- sonalities were brought to the FSU campus this year for the event. These men presented a series of lec- tures which were accompanied by faculty luncheons and informal coffee hour discussions. The first ser- ies, Ethics and Politics," was presented by Harold McPherson. Mr. McPherson drew from his own exper- iences in government work to illustrate his com- ments. The second series, "The Challenge of Com- munication," dealt with the problems and possibili- ties of mass communication, particularly television and movies. Reverend Malcolm Boyd, playwright, freedom rider, and chaplain-at-large to college campuses, gave some practical suggestions which were applicable to our modern society. He also raised several thought-provoking questions. HAROLD MCPHERSON EXCHANGES VARIOUS IDEAS WITH STUDENTS ON ETHICS. 180 The Artist Series season opened with the Raduga Dancers, o troupe of performers drawn from Russia's top ballet companies. Seen as a full spectrum of Soviet dance, the artists presented excerpts from both classical and folk dances of Russia. Colorful costumes and vibrant music accentuated the spirit and skill of the versatile dancers. Spoon River Anthology Starkness and shadows characterized the lives of the Spoon River inhabitants "sleeping on the hill". The characters came alive through the skillful mon- ologues of Barbara Gilbert, Carl Esser, Linda Seff, and William Severs. These four actors portrayed the many diverse personalities of Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology with equal ease. They were musically supported by two accompanying guitarists, Gil Turner and Marilyn Child. October 27 Jean Langlais, blind organist and composer from the Basilica of Saint Clotilde in Paris, performed at FSU during his sixth tour of the United States. The outstanding French organist chose several se- lections from the works of well-known French com- posers as well as some of his own compositions to present in an inspiring concert. As a result of his extraordinary talent, Mr. Langlais has become one of the most popular contemporary artists. Jean Langlais November 5 The Dallas Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Donald Johanos, appeared at FSU during spring trimester. The superb performance opened with an Overture by Haydn, followed by a work of Rachmani- nov's which featured Ivan Davis, solo concert pian- ist. The second half of the program included works by two contemporary composers: Gunther Schuller and Igor Stravinsky. The performance concluded with Stravinsky's "Firebird" Suite. February 11 Dallas Symphony 183 San Francisco Ballet V t JL Wv.-^ J.,^«U* -iCx. ' The San Francisco Ballet brought two different as- pects of ballet to the FSU campus. The music of Dave Brubeck set the mood for the opening perfor- mance, "The Set," which was an example of modern dance. A translucent screen and the music of Paul Hindemith provided the background for the second contemporary dance, "Shadows." The concluding part of the program featured individual and group performances in the classic ballet style. March 6 Beyond the Fringe March 3 Four actors in twenty-three short skits were the essence of the hilarious "Beyond the Fringe.'^ Us- ing only one stage setting and an occasional prop, these actors satirized many facets of modern society. Politics, current events, history, and public figures were a few of the many subjects touched upon in the skits. Each actor played several diversified roles with only seconds between routines to change character and mood. Branko Krsmanovich Chorus The Branko Krsmanovich Chorus presented the final Artist Series event of the year for FSU students. The group consisted of eighty talented a cappella singers. During the first half of the evening, the artists performed classic and romantic works of master composers. Dressed in the authentic cos- tumes of their homeland, with an ensemble of native instruments, the singers climaxed the program with folk and contemporary music. March 25 Student Artist Series THE CHAD MITCHELL TRIO TOPS OFF THE 1964 HOMECOMING WEEK. October 10 The 1964-65 Student Artist Series brought an inter- esting variety of famous name performers for the entertainment of Florida State students. Among these were the Chad Mitchell Trio, who high-lighted the homecoming festivities with two shows in West- cott Auditorium. Second trimester, Carlos Montoya, flamenco guitarist, gave musical interpretations of Spanish culture. The students responded to his skillful presentation of this old-world technique. Ferrante and Teicher, renowned duo-pianists, pre- sented a program consis.ting of movie themes, orig- inal compositions, and lively renditions. In February, the Student Artist Series Committee announced that two more "big name" shows had been contracted for the month of March. A few weeks later, the Kingston Trio and Johnny Mathis with the Young Americans brought to a close one of FSU's most successful Student Artist Series seasons. CARLOS MONTOYA PLAYS FLAMENCO ON HIS GUITAR. January 28 February 18 FERRANTE AND TEICHER PLAY THEIR TWIN PIANOS ON THE FSU CAMPUS. March 9 THE KINGSTON TRIO GIVE A FOLK CONCERT. 187 March 24 JOHNNY MATHIS CLIMAXES SUCCESSFUL STUDENT ARTIST SERIES. 188 A Man for All Seasons Religious strife in sixteenth century England set the scene for Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons. Hoping for a break with the Catholic Church, Henry VIII sought to gain the support of an important ad- visor, Sir Thomas More (Al Smeiko). Steadfast in his convictions. More was willing to sacrifice his life rather than yield to the demands of the King. In staging the performance. Director Richard Fallon employed such unique devices as fake scenery and props dropped from the top of the stage. In order to allow the audience to relate themselves more directly to the play, Mr. Bolt created the character. Common Man, (Grant Kilpatrick) who revealed the message of the production. 189 October 21 - 25 Antigone Though first given in historic Athens, Sophocles* Antigone, a Greek tragedy, has always been consid- ered pertinent to modern times. It dealt not only with man's governmental struggle, but also showed man's rebellion against unjustifiable civil laws. Antigone, played by Martha Meyer, was sentenced to die when she provided a hero's burial for her broth- er. This brother had been declared an enemy by Creon, Al Smeiko, for his part in a war concerning the political control of Thebes. The ill-fated events that followed Creon's decision exemplified the im- portance that should be placed on making decisions. The conflict between moral and civil law was para- mount then asnow. Director Arthur R. Dorlag used a traditional Greek Chorus so that the audience might experience an ancient Greek effect. February 17 - 21 cherry Orchard Having no basic plot, Chekhov's Cherry Orchard showed to its audience the way of life as is viewed by all today. The play's purpose was to show that life is composed of different people who each have in common "the solitude of his being." Because the play presented many moods, each member of the cast was required to perform several characterizations. Making its world premiere, M. Van Doren's play, Never, Never Ask His Name featured guest star. Miss Julie Haydon. Set in 1840 New England, the play's action revolved around two families whose friendship was lost when the son of Elizabeth and Nathan Hard, portrayed by Julie Haydon and Al Smel- ko, was killed Through a song sung by Dinah, the de- mented daughter of the other family, it was disclosed to the Hards that their son was the father of Dinah's illegitimate child and that Dinah's father was the murderer of their son. Friendship between both of the families was renewed when the truth was told. ^^ -^I0r'^ December 2-6 Premiere March 24 - 2811 Opera Productions CLINT NICHOLS REVEALS HIS PLAN OF REVENGE. CANIO RESTRAINS NEDDA, ETHEL DONALDSON. SIDNEY BUCKLEY CONTEMPLATES HIS SORROW. In the prologue of I Pagliacci, State Opera Associa- tion production, Tonio the Fool (Sidney Buckley) re- minded the audience that motley actors also suffer sorrow. The following drama of love triangles re- vealed the truth of this revelation. After being scorend by Canio's (Clinton Nichols) wife, Nedda (Ethel Donaldson), both Tonio and Nedda were stabbed by Canio. In grief, "The comedy is ended." During spring trimester, the music school present- ed Les Contes d'Hoffmon, or The Tales of Hoffman, by Offenbach. A wine cellar in Nuremberg set the stage for the prologue in which Hoffman (Larry Dorminy) told of his tragic past experience with love affairs. The following three acts were flash- backs, each concerning one of Hoffman's three loves: Olympia (Gail Brown), Antonio (Virginia Alonso), and Giulietta (Terry Schreckengost). Hoffman's final defeat was the loss of his fourth love, Stella. I Pagliacci LARRY DORMINY, AS HOFFMAN, TELLS OF HIS TRAGIC AFFAIR WITH HIS THIRD LOVE, TERRY SCHRECKENGOST. HOFFMAN AND GIULIETTA DRINK A TOAST TO THEIR LOVE. Tales of Hoffman ' -^ ^Imkid HOFFMAN SURVEYS THIS ACT OF VIOLENCE. Evening of Dance March 26 - 27 The Theater Dance Group culminated six months of drill and hard practice with their annual concert, An Evening of Dance." Composed of dance majors and volunteer students, the group was under the dir- ection of Dr. Nancy Smith. The 1965 presentation consisted of four programs, beginning with "Etudes," a dance about dancing itself. "The Mathematician" and "Incomputilation" composed the second part of the show, followed by "Four Excursions." The con- cert closed with "Journey," a voyage of a mother and her daughters "into the landscape of remembrance." mm' FSU Debate Team FSU has had an active debate squad for the past seventeen years. In *64-'65, under the leadership of director, Dr. Thomas R. King and assistant director, Mike Cornett, the debate team won 62% of their debates. Twenty students, only 10% of whom were speech majors, participated in eleven tournaments with other major universities. The national debate topic for this year was: Resolved that the federal government should establish a national program of public work for the unemployed. This topic was decided upon by the Speech Association of America, committee on discussion and debate. Several of the debaters, both graduate and undergraduate, belonged to the national honorary, Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kap- pa Alpha. The debate team is open to all. DEBATE TEAM: First row: Beverly Jones, Bonnie Wiant, Elaine Napier, Morion Solomon, Bill Trucano. Second row: Dick McGiffin, Dr. T. R. King, Jody Schuman, Larry Brennon, Preston McGee. Third row: Ken Olson, Bill Leap, Frank Natter. Fourth row: Dr. Gregg Phifer, Mac McKinnon, Dick Horn, Mike Cornett. ELAINE NAPIER MAKES A POINT. 195 DEBATERS DISPLAY TROPHIES WON IN TOURNAMENTS. ELENA NIKOLAIDI GIVES INDIVIDUAL RECITAL. Music Program The School of Music at FSU has been an accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Music since 1930. This year, as in the past, the phrase "A Program of Highest Distinction" was the goal of the forty faculty members and hundreds of students associated with the school. The music school program provided not only degree programs for music majors, but many extra-curricular activi- ties which were performed for the enjoyment of FSU students and Tallahassee residents as well. Includ- ed in this versified program were: University Sing- ers, Symphonic Band, Glee Club, Choral Union, in- dividual faculty and student recitals, and perform- ances by artists other than those at FSU. The Opera Guild and Symphony Orchestra were authorized by the 1963 legislature to become the State Symphony of Florida and the State Opera Association. The Marching Chiefs formed another facet of the widely varied music program. Over 200 performances were given under the direction of the School of Music which is headed by Dr. Karl Otto Kuersteiner. PERFORMERS AWAIT CURTAIN TIME WITH MIXTURE OF FEELINGS. FSU SYMPHONIC BAND GIVES CONCERT PERFORMANCE. at FSU WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB PRESENTS THEIR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS VESPERS CONCERT. THOMAS WRIGHT PRESENTS RECITAL. THE BRASS SECTION SOLOS IN ROUSING MARCH. DR. MEYER DIRECTS COLLEGIANS CONCERT. Greeks 198 199 Greek Week... Sponsored by Florida State's Panhellenic and Inter- Fraternity Council, Greek Week began to roll with much interest. Monday night, chapter meetings were held with alumni observing. Scholarship was emphasized by faculty members as they spoke at sorority and fra- ternity houses the following night. Exchange dinners were held Wednesday between Greek houses. Greeks and Independents went on the warpath Thursday at a huge pep rally led by a representative tribe of the Seminole-Greek Nation. The Greek Week Dance cli- maxed the busy week by the crowning of the Greek Goddess, presentation of Greek Man and Woman of the Year, and awarding of the Inter-Fraternity Coun- cil scholarship trophy for the year 1964-65. JULIAN PROCTOR AND SALLY SPARKS Outstanding Greek Man and Woman of the year MISS CONNIE GOWEN Greek Goddess 200 Greek Life GREEKS ANDTHEIRDATESARE ENTERTAINED BY TOP COMBOS DURING GREEK WEEK CELEBRATIONS THROUGH OUT THE YEAR GREEKS SPONSOR MANY EVENTS ANNUAL WEEK-ENDS HIGHLIGHT THE YEAR FOR GREEKS i DEAN SARAH ROBINSON PanheNenic K OFFICERS: Kathy Haynes, Secretary; Debby Allen President; Donna Branson, Treasurer; Margaret De Hoff, Honor Court Chairman. PanheNenic Council 202 PANHELLENIC: Front Row: Carol Malt, JoAnne Carpenter, Sandy Brooks, Jan Warren, Christie Bell, Sue Huffer. Second Row: Sally Sparks, Barbara Guidos, Margaret DeHoff, Ginger Harrison, Ann Marsden, Helen Drake, Vivian Woolwine. Third Row: Debby Allen, Susan Bakewell, Donna Branson, Lois Stoker, Joan Kohne, Ann Saunders, Irene Lopez, Suzy Reilly, Barbara Ballard, Jan Brantley. Fourth Row: Kathy Haynes, Susan Brooksbank, DottJe Cygan, Sue Wanson, Pam Hall, Linda Lunar, Jackie Simpson, Karen Hammond, Barbara Patterson. THE SORORITIES OF PANHELLENIC JOIN WITH THE FRATERNITIES FOR A DERBY S ir-^ 3^Be.««e Sarf*?***^ JrtKTSgt^' SORORITIES ENJOY MANY SOCIALS WITH THE FRATERNITIES Organizing a new point system for sorority activi- ties in fraternity sponsored events was one of the major tasks that Panhellenicoccomplished this past year. Each event, such as the Sigma Chi Derby, was assigned a certain number of points. A sorority could participate in dnough events to equal the fif- teen allowed points. The purpose of this new sys- tem was so that more stress could be placed on scholarship. This year, as in past years, the soror- ity average was higher than the student body and the women's over-all average. Panhellenic Council is composed of the Pan- hellenic representative and President of each soror- ity on campus. The council strives to bring the sororities together in one unified group, and to pro- mote relations between Greeks and Independents. Perhaps the last few words of the Panhellenic creed best say what Panhellenic and thewhole Greek sys- tem stands for. "To us, fraternity is not only the enjoyment of special privileges, but an opportunity to prepare for wide and human services." Alpha Chi Omega M!SS SUE MAUGER President Mathewson, H. Mauger, S. Miller, S. Mills, C. Perry, J. Plattis, S. Pride, J. Reed, R. Reynolds, E, Roark, P. Rogers, P. Romano, J. Anderson, M. Aime, S. Bell, B. Bransom, S. Christinason, S. Courtoy, M. Cunningham, S. Drake, N. Eddins, L. Goodin, J. Gouza, H. Hagan, M. Hays, S. Hendry, L. Hixson, E. Hooks, C. Hunter, E. Hurst, L. Johancsik, J. Jones, C. Kane, D. Kennedy, M. Knudson, D. Kurth, L. Kux, J. Landphair, S. Lively, S. Lord, T. Luce, S. MacDonald, D. Marghella, M. Mathewson, M. Formal rush found the doors of the big white house on West Park wide opeh as the "Alpha Chi Angels" attired in long white gowns welcomed guests. After pledging twenty-two new angels, the Alpha Chi's settled down to enjoy the rest of the year. One of the major events of the fall was the rip roaring Western Weekend; during the festivities, Don Wilcox, was named "Favorite Guy of Alpha Chi". To be well-rounded the Alpha Chi's put a great deal of emphasis on scholarship. A scholarship ban- quet was held each trimester and those who did well were served steak, while the fallen angels were given beans. Long study hall hours and the threat of beans for dinner paid off as Alpha Chi Omega was awarded first place in campus scholarship. Rushton, C. Saunders, V. Shaver, S. Sluyter, K. Smyth, S. Soden, S. Spear, S. Speed, M. Terrell, M. Tullgren, S. Trichter, C. Vega, L. Walker, B. Walker, L. Warren, J. West, S. Wi lliams, K. Williams, M. Worley, S. Young, P. THE ALPHA CHI'S go all out in decorating their house for the coming weekend of Circus. r"-~Ti W: Q fllfha Ki Qnxogo, ONE OF THE ALPHA CHI sisters enjoys the lovely view from the large balcony of their sorority house. i Alpha Delta Pi MISS SUSIE PETERS President Morri s , M. Mose ly , J . Mozur, P. Munroe, C . Newkerk, A. Ostrander, C. Pend leton, T. Peters, C. Peters, S. Amos, D. Arias, C. Barnes , E . Bell, C. Boyter, C. Bradford, S. Brin kman, S . Brock, J. Brose, H. Brose, P. Cain, C. Cantey, J. Cantey, M. Cars we II, V . Crews, G . Dan ie I, F . Daniel, N. Daniel, T . DeHoff, M. Doughtie, F . Drake, H. Emmons, M. Frazier, E . George, H. Gr ing Ie, M. Hancock, M . Hardy, C. Hoibwell, B. Hunter, J. Hutchinson, A. Kelly, C. Long, M. Pierson, S. Piatt, M. Price, D. MacDougald, J. Manni ng, P . Massar i, J . Michael, S. I.- .) If Price, K. Ra i n water, S. Rambo, C. Rankin, K . Raynor, D. Roberts, M. Sewel I, M . Si ng letary , D. Sloan, A. Smith, F. Smith, L. Staten, S. Stevens, T. Thomas, P. Troxler, M- Van Assenderp, D. Williams, B. Williams, S. Willi amson, J . Wilson, J. V/orsham, S. THE ADPI'S selected Ray Schroder as their "King of Diamonds" for this year. The girls of Iota Chapter concentrated somewhat this year on community service projects. Each week Alpha Delta Pi's visited the Tallahassee Convales- cent Home, and once the entire chapter sponsored a party at W. T. Edwards Tuberculosis Hospital. More recently, Iota adopted two girls from Sunnyland Child-care Center. Due to the success of these pro- jects, the ADPi's were extremely pround to be the recipients of the annual Phi Mu Social Service Award this year at Florida State. Still, the girls of ADPi did not neglect their social activities. Among the events they enjoyed were the annual Christmas party with entertainment provided by the pledges, and the fall weekend where Ray Schroeder was named ADPi King of Diamonds. 207 THE AD PI'S PLEDGES ENTERTAIN AT THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Alpha Gamma Delta Allison, M. Alonso, K. Bates, K. Bland, L. Boggs, C. Bonner, S. Brooks, S. Brush, A. Cla i borne, B. Claytor, C. C lements, C. Clinksca les, B. Cool idge, R . Dierks, H. Eastridge, L. Edgar, E . Egner, M. Estes, B. Everson, S. Glass cock, S. Groetsch, K. Henderson, P. Hershey , S. Holland, N. Hopk ins, D . Humphrey, P. Hunt, L. Hutchinson, S . King, B . King, M. Lenz i ni , M. Lew is , S . Link, K. McC lure, M . McCucken, G. Celebrating their fortieth year on the Florida State campus, the Alpha Gam's bounded back to school full of excitingly new ideas and spirit for this year. Activities galore, the members of Gamma Beta ex- celled in student government, leadership and service honoraries. Halloween found the Alpha Gam's bob- bing for apples at a party they sponsored for mental- ly retarded children. The Alpha Gamma Delta alum- nae were honored at the annual Christmas alumnae party. The Alpha Gam's also celebrated, with pride, their International Reunion Day. Looking back at what they have accomplished this year by working hard together, the Alpha Gamma Delta's look forward to another great year with the sorority and out on the campus of Florida State University. LOVELY MISS ANN TALLEY is one of the Alpha Gam's who ran for Miss Tally Ho '64- Mclnnis, N . Madill, C. Marsh, B. Meloche, B. Mitchell, C. Moody, N. Moreland, Mor long, Moshier, Neuman, Payne, P. S. L. M. G. Perloff, K. Phillips, Russell, Schwindt, Seres, Shepherd, Simpson, M. THE ALPHA GAM'S all join together as they attend the Sigma Chi Derby in tough competition. MISS SANDRA BROOKS President 209 Smith, S. Staack, B. Stoker, L. Talley, A. Terry, D. Thomas, M. Thomas, L. Toole, M. Treodwell, V. Vause, E Waters, L Watson, L Whitcomb, E Wrenn J Wright, L Yaggy, M Alpha Omicron Pi MISS LESLIE SMITH President REDROSE u ■■ '.M>'t. THREE OF THE GIRLS, Ann Skaiko, Irean Lopez, and Marie Lazzara really swing to the Can-Can. Anderson, W. Bashinski, C. Braddy, S. Bryant, J. Carr, A. Carrington, C. Casto, C. Cheely, J. Crawford, M. Crum, E. DeMeritt, C. Denny, S. Fugate, G. Giebeig, 0. Gieda, M. Glendinning, K. Grimm, K. Gu lick, C. Harrison, D. Hero, A. Hibbe, G. Hix, J. Howie, C. Hudson, F. Hull, S. Jackson, J. Jenks, P. Jones, C. Jones, L. Kleiderer, P. Knopke, S. Lazzara, M. Lew is, R . Loeb, M. Lopez, I. Lowe, J. Lowe, K. McLeod, J. McDona Id, M. McKay, M. Mosnat, J. Murry, M. Nowlin, W. Po Imyra, N . Patterson, B. Pierce, D. Pomeroy, R. Potter, M. Presnall, M. Purdy, M. Keeping busy seems to be the goal of every sorority woman and the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi are no exception. Variety is the best word to describe their many activities. Halloween and Easter both brought parties to the children of the Candle of Hope School. On Saturdays, the AOPi's worked at the Candle of Hope School and donated five hundred dollars to the school from the money they received from the AOPi Carnival. Circus time found the AOPi's taking thirteen underprivileged children to the big top. Each spring, the AOPi's hold an open house and this year the "Ghouls" supplied the music. The "Italian Affair" pledge dinner was a a great success and another great year ended for the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority at Florida State. ^^fPta. ONE OF THE PLEDGES, Janet Taylor, helps their pledge dinner by serving the fraternity w i th men. Raphun, R idgeway , Rol ly son. Sheets, Ska Iko, Sla vi n. Shores, Sm i th. Smith, M. Warner, C. Wardlow, M. Watson, P. Whigham, D. Wohrley, C. Wurst, A. Wyland, A. 211 SOME OF THE GIRLS of the Alpha Xi's get ready for the exciting annual Sigma Chi Derby. Full of fun and spirit, Alpha Xi Delta plunged into a busy rush season. With the addition of their en- thusiastic pledges, Alpha Xi embarked upon a new year of sisterhood and service. This year Alpha Xi placed fourth among the sor- orities in scholastic achievement. Circus time not only brought thrills and excitement, but also first place to Alpha Xi for their house decorations. Closness and sisterhood is a most important factor in the life of any social fraternity and pledge- active parties and meetings accomplished this goal. Joining in for the fun of the Sigma Chi Derby and the Soap Box Derby, the Alpha Xi's completed an- other very successful year at Florida State. Adams, J. Adams, M. Bayer, J. Blay, T. Bowler, B. Bowman, P. Brigman, P. Brown, L. Burchette, J. Clarke, J. Coleman, J. Combs, G. Craven, B. Crawford, K. Crim, K. Cutler, E. Denning, S. Dibble, A. Dixion, C. E Isberry , M. Farley, M. Gable, S. Gardner, C. Grace, G. Granberry, G. Guides, B. Harvey, S. Hickman, E. Hirning, A. Holley, S. Howell, S. Jones, B. Jones, C. Jordon, D. King, C. Lynch, S. Manis, B. Mann, P. Marcacci, J. Matthes, M. THE ALPHA XI'S GET READY FOR THE COMING CIRCUS WEEKEND. McCarter, B. McChesney, A. McLeod, K. McNab, K. Millow, K. Nelson, M. Ozaki, D. Perkins, J. Rowel, P. Renfroe, C. Riordan, J. Riordan, M. Ripol, I. Roberts, J. Roberts, S. Sapp, J. Sauer, P. Shuman, S. Shaw, D. Smith, B. Stirton, D. Swan, M. Tait, J. Tarayos, N. Tate, L. Tyrrell, J. Verzaal, M. Walker, P. Walker, V. Ward, K. Wardlaw, C. West, S. Willi ams, C. Yates, M. Zeigler, P. Alpha Xi Delta w I MISS BARBARA GUIDOS President 213 Agerton, C. Alison, M. Allen, L. Victoria, A. MISS SUSAN BAKEWELL President THE OFFICERS OF CHI OMEGA put on a funny skit during Founder's Day about the five founders. Bakewell, S. Ball, M. Ball, N. Bell, J. Blowers, M. Bomar, M. Burress, M. Carlele, PI Covonaugh, M. Combs, L. Craig, S. DeArmas, K. DeVane, A. Duncan, S. Faulds, A. Gardner, G. Graham, S. Grissom, B. Hagan, D. Hagan, S. Hankins, M. Harrison, V. Hawkins, P . Henderson, P. H i llman, J. Holland, G. Hood, R. Howell, T. Huffaker, S. Humphreys, F. Koch, P McDaniel, B. McGehee, K. McKinnis, P. Martin, N. Martin, S. Mathis, K May, N Oven, Pugh, Rankin, Rankin, Reid, Rich, B. Robertson, M. Romeka, M. Rudge, D. Rudge, J. Schroeder, S. Sears, J . Segrest, S. Serge, R. Smith, D. Snyder, J. Stevenson, K. Tapley, E. Thurmond, S. VanSant, C. Wtflker, M. Watson, M. West, S. Williams, K. Williams, L. Williams, W. Wiltshire, J. Worley, S. Wright, B. Wulf, J. Chi Omega A tawny gray owl, cardinal and straw, and a tiny gold pin set with pearls. ..these are among the things than mean so much to Chi Omega's. This past season was an enriching one for Chi 0. In the summer a national convention was held at the Green- briar Hotel in West Virginia, and Chi Omega's from all over the United States met, exchanged ideas, and developed new friendships. The Gamma's who at- tended the convention returned full of enthusiasm and news for those who stayed at home. Gamma Chapter was involved in social activities as well as in service ones. The girls were awarded the first PiKA Cane-Snatching trophy. However, the main emphasis was upon service. The Chi O's once again awarded their Social Science Prize in the spring, and at Easter gave a party at the Chi house for the foster children of Tallahassee. MISS BEVERLY KLEPP President Adams, A. Ashley, N. Bell, B. Bell, E. Binze I, M. Brand, B. Brown, S. Chester, S. The Alpha Eta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta has again enjoyed a versatile and active year on the Florida State campus. The many honors that the Tri Delta's have received include placing among the top three sororities in scholarship, Campus Sing, and Sigma Chi Derby. With the help of the Phi Delt's, the Tri Delta's won the award for the "Most Original" Homecoming float. Throughout the year the sisters celebrated various occasions. Thanks- giving Eve brought Founder's Day and Christmas brought Santa, in addition to the annual Mother- Daughter party. In spite of participating in so many activities, the Tri Delta's did not neglect service. They again presented a $100 scholarship to an outstanding woman student on campus. F igueroo, R . Fletcher, H. Folsom, P. Fuller, A. Garrett, S. Greer, B. Greer, S. Gustafson, 5. Hayman, B. Hill, S. Clark, M. Clinton, C. Cramer, V. Crawley, L. Cunningham, C. Dann, P. Dickey, P. Duff, S. Dunn, J. Dunn, S. JkA .^ England, D. Ferran, E. €> ^^ i^^^^ -i^^Hi ^^_ ^Mi^ Jplj 11 ■^•w Howse, J. Jones, H. Klepp, B. Kohlman, D. Lay, G. Lazarus, S. MacMillian, L. McColl, C. McCreary, P. McDaniel, P. McDonald, B. McDonald, J. McMurry, K. Marks, N. Massey, C. Mayers, J. Megothlin, M. Meng, A. Meyer, C. Micharls, A. Mould, M. Nelson, S. Patrick, L. Paulk, P. Phillips, L. Pierce, C. Prindle, C. Q u i 1 1 i a n , E . Ray, S. Ray, W. Sears, M. Smith, B. Tarr, V. Teague, L. Toland, B. Ubeie, F. Van Aken, S. Webb, M. Williams, B. Winton, J. Delta Delta Delta THE COLLEGIATES of the Tri-Delts, dressed up in the latest fashions, greeted the pledges' "B.C. Man." THE PHI DELTS lomed the Tri-Delts in making their Homecoming float and won "Most Original." Achee, S. Adams, S. Allstcck, P. ^■*»^: MISS LINDA FREDRICKSON President Arnold, B. Baum, T . Berger, L. Berthiaume, N. Bicki, C. Black, L. Boast, C. Bowes, S. Cortee, K. Cecconi, J. Clark, D. Coe, C. »-\. The anchor-clankers have had an exceptionaliy busy season this year. For the second consecutive year the DCs won the best all-round float award at homecoming, and they were awarded first place for the parodies in the annual Pow-Wow. In the latter part of October, the DCs enjoyed their "Raunchy Ranch" weekend at Silver Lake. All the hard long hours of study hall first tri- mester finally paid off when the Delta Gammas won the most improved scholarship trophy. Besides all of the study, much time was spent working locally at the Tallahassee Junior Museum. The Delta Gammas also kept up with their national project of helping blind students. Each sorority member donated her time to read to the blind. Daughtery, J. Davenport, S. Dorton, J. Duncan, M. Eyman, J . Frontzis, F. Fronzino, J. Fredrickson, Frey, E. Frey, J. Gilbert, L. Gleason, B. Gordon, D. Graham, K. Haynie, B. Delta Gamma WITH EXCITEMENT building up:,, the Delta Gamma's get ready for the Seminole and Gator game with big banners. Henderson, S Hood, J Hudson, Ingram, Joel, Jones, Jones, Jones, T. Lawerence, J. Lee, L. Levin, K. McLeod, A. Meeks, C. Mela, C. Mixion, Nei Ison, Neufe Id, Ottinger, Partny , Patterson, Prandon i , Putman, Ray, Riley, R i vers, Rob inson, Sargent, Sas so, Vah Iberg, Va Iders, Warw ick, Watkins, Winning, Zelt, Zeve, Slack, M. Smith, C. Smith, G. Spencer, M. Spoto, B. Spoto, L. Stevens, R. 219 THE PLEDGES ENTERTAIN THE ACTIVES AT THEIR ANNUAL WEEKEND. "V MiSS CAM KILGROE President 220 Acher, J. Allen, E. Amphlett, J. Bishop, P. Brown, M. Brown, P. Busby, S. Byrd, L. Carlson, L. Carter, P. Cashell, J. Church, B. Cold, B. Cole, D. Coplin, C. Cotsen, R. Deignan, A. Driver, A. Ellis, R. Ferlita, G. Galanes, P. Goggans, D. Gomez, M. Goode, S. Green, G. Harden, S. Hodge, T. Holmes, S. Delta Zeta Kaiser, G. Kelly, J. Kilgroe, C. Kipe, K. Klare, K. Kozel, J. Lindsey, S. Livingston, P. Lucke, U. Luna, L. Malmberg, B. Manni, J. McBride, S. McFadyen, S. Newman, J. Noel, C. Since establishment on F.S.U.'s campus in 1924, Delta Zeta sorority has been continually active in campus affairs. The past year proved to be no ex- ception. Chapter activities included the annual din- ner honoring the freshman football team, and Sigma Chi Derby Day, in which the DZ's emerged in a victorious third place. In community service the sorority, with their alumnae chapter worked to pur- chase a hearing aid for an underprivileged child. Traditional events were the western style pledge dinner, and the Pledge-Active Sports Day, complete with relay races and other games. The DZ's enjoyed their social weekend in the fall at Silver Lake, and their spring get-together at the Florida State Reser- vation. Potter, L. Rosa, M. Sovidge, L. Sears, P. Selowke, B. Sias, B. Smith, F. Spence, K. Spengler, D. Terry. M. Toner, J. Venning, L. Warren, J. West, L. Wilson, L. Wilson, M. Winn, S. Winterrowd, J. Wood, P. Woodley, J. O'Kelly, L. Pittman, G. Gamma Phi Beta MISS MARIA WALKER President Adams, S. Ashmore, B. Ashmore, T. Barr, M. Bell, E. Bennett, J. Berkeley, B. Boyer, D. Boyle, S. Brantley, L. Brown, D. Burns, L. Carpenter, J. Cygan, D. Edge, A. Fenn, J. Fowler, B. Franci s, M. J* iJ*« ■ -i * THE GAMMA PHI'S moved into their newly finished house which sets the scene for most of their sorority functions. Gardner, S. Harper, D. Harwood, P. Hester, M. Huggins, A. Hunter, J. Keene, P. Kile, B. King, M. Larsen, L. Lewi s, C . Lyman , C. ±s> Matlock, S. Mizel, J. North, B. Osborn, J. Pasawig, N. Phypers, N. Pou, C. Pugh, C. Reese, M. Reese, M. Rivers, L. Sackett, L. THERE IS ALWAYS time for Santa to visit during Christmas, even if it is right in the middle of exams. The Gamma Phi Beta's began this year with a happy event when the girls moved into their beautiful new house on West Jefferson Street. Si nee that time, the year has been filled with activities, fun, and scholarship. A "Tom Jones" dinner was the annual pledge project for which the pledges decor- ated the house, and wore Tom Jones outfits. The highlight of the year was a Gamma Phi Pro- vince Conference held in March. Alumnae and active members from all over the southeast came to Talla- hassee to solve problems and exchange ideas. The remainder of the spring was occupied with elections, socials, community projects, the Sigma Chi Derby, and the Phi Delt Soapbox Derby. Selby, M. Shine, C. Singletary, M. Slappey, J. Smith, A. Stewart, B. Stokes, C. Strickland, D. Thomas, D. Van Norren, K. Van Norren, L. Van Sant, J. Wahl, L. Wale, A. Walker, M. Wells, F. Williams, C. Wonson, S. Wright, N. York, C. 223 Kappa Alpha Theta Abercrombie, N. Beals, T. Bennett, M. Bowman, N. Boyd, L. Branson, D. Bridges, B . Briley, S. Brockway, M. Bryson, M. "Ring out three cheers for Theta" could be heard in the areas of service, scholarship and activities. Working with the Tallahassee Jaycees, Thetas were found promoting Fire Prevention Week, United Na- tions Day, and Get Out to Vote Campaign. Studying, too, had its place in the Kappa Alpha Theta house, with the honor of placing second in Panhellenic scholarship coming to the Thetas. Traditional ac- tivities with the new pledges involved matching hats to identify their new "moms", and kite-flying preced- ing initiation. The Soapbox Derby and Sigma Chi Derby brought more trophies to the Theta house. Spring saw the Theta-Pi Phi party and a picnic at McClay (Killearn) Gardens filling the social calendar. The climax to a great year for the Thetas was re- ceiving the award of Outstanding Sorority of the Year. MISS CONNIE GOWEN President 224 Burnham, P . Cann, C. Chambless, B . Clarke, S. Cleaveland, H. Cochran, N. Cotten, M. Cris we II, D . Cundiff, C. Dale, N. Darby, L. Darl ing, A . Da vies, A . Davi s. Do V i s, Di cus. B. E. S. Dixon, I . Doomar, P. Dunphy , E . Dutcher, J. Dutcher, T. Ezell, M. Farrar, M. F incher, S . Gordon, S. Gowen, C. Gower, G. Griffin, J. Griffith, S. Grigg, B. Gros s, L . Hailey, D. Herring, N • Hope, C. Kelly, A. Lane, P. Lester, J. Lord, D. Lurton, S. Malbon, J. Mangum, K. Maseda, M. Mason, M. McClellan, M. EXCITEMENT RUNS i.igli as the Thetas are presented the trophy for "Outstanding Sorority of the Year." ^ »t» Mel nn PS, V . McMillan, N. Mickler, K. Miklos, M Miller, P Morri son, M Morri s. C Mue 1 ler, D Murphy, C Ootes, L. Partin, S. Pate, C. Paterson, B. Reese, S . Reinhart, S. Rivers, B. Roberts, C. Schmidt, L. Severson, G. Shiflett, C. Sh i rey, C • Smith, J. Stone, M. Thoureen, L. Townsend, C. Vason, p. Voigt, L. Winch, S. Voyles, V. Wor ley , S. Yancey, P. Yates, G. Yielding, H. 225 Avant, J. Bell, M. Bielawa, M. MISS JAN BRANTLEY President THIS LOVELY GROUP of Kappa Delta's represents some of the little sisters of various fraternities. Brantley, C. Brantley, J. Brasfield, L. Buie, B. Bull, C. Burnette, M. Casey, C. Eggart, E. Fonts, L. Gilbert, C. Goodman, J. Graham, N. Green, V. Hair, A. Hammond, K. Haswell, D. Hinterkopf, E. Hulsey, S. Jones, J. Katherman, C. Kish, A. AffiH ^f^ MS^. Kmetz, A. Kucsma, C. Loring, B. Lynn, M. McDowell, M. McNair, C. McNevin, L. Melton, B. Mozo, G. Kappa Delta The pace of whirling activities begun by the Kappa Delta's during rush week did not slow once, and the hours of work and pleasure, the seriousness, the gaiety have all paid off this year. With the pledge class placing first in scholarship, the Kappa Delta's rallied round and came up in second place among sorority intramurals. Circus Weekend not only brought an exciting highlight to the campus, but also second place to Kappa Delta for house decora- tions. Social service projects this past year in- cluded caroling at a local convalescent home. The KD's also enjoyed stuffing puppets for the child- ren's ward of Tallahassee Memorial Hospital as much as the children enjoyed receiving them. With these and other memories, the year ended for Kappa Delta and plans began for the new year to come. WITH A GRUNT AND A MOAN, the Kappa Delta girls really put their back into the annual Sigma Chi Derby. Murrell, J Newion, S Norton, S Ows ley, Slosek, Stanius, Tsacrios, Van Brunt, B. Walker, J. Warren, N. Whitaker, T. Willits, P. Wolf, M. Yerger, N. 227 Kappa Kappa Gamma Alexander, V. Ball, F. Bell, N. Bitting, M. Brown, K. Bundy, P. Carnes, C. Cornfield, V. Col lins, G. Connel ly, J. Counts, S. Cumbie, J. Daley, M. Davis, P. Dickinson, J . Diane, C. Evers, C. Felts, T. Gardner, E. Gary, L. Glass, S. Gleason, B . Goodson, S. Gough, K. Grimm, S. Hall, P. Hallstrond, P. Harper, E. Harper, S. Hennessy, J. Herman, M. Hood, B. MISS SALLY SPARKS President Returning to the campus in the fall of 1964, the Epsilon Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma brought with them an award for scholarship improvement which had been presented to them at their national convention in Sun Valley, Idaho. A lot of enthus- iasm came back with them too, as they faced the upcoming year filled with Kappa spirit. Enthusiasm reaped its rewards when the Kappa's brought home a second place trophy from Campus Sing and a third place trophy in the Sigma Chi Der- by. However, the real highlight of spring at the Kap- pa house was their second annual Mothers' Week- end. Daughters entertained their mothers with a lively card party and a visit to McClay (Killearn) Gardens, and the mothers found out what it's like to eat and sleep at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Hou I ihan, C. Howell, P. Jensen, K. Ketchum, K. Kopp, M. Laird, S. Laudens lager, K. Lemon, J. Letton, T. Love, M. Magnell, C. Martin, L. May, S. McCall, L. McCullough, K. McDowell, J. McGraw, M. Merritt, J. THE KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA'S gather outside of their beautiful home before going in for dinner. Mickleberry, N. Miller, M. Millikan, S. Nahm, D. O'Connell, J. Oglesby, L. Phillips, C. Phillips, M. Piatt, J. Poole, C. Reynolds, C. Roger, S. Rogers, D. Schafer, J . Skelton, C. Snider, B. Snider, G. Sparks, S. Talbot, N. Teller, M. Thornton, C. Ward, R. Weaver, J. Wilks, P. Aldrich, L. Arnold, K. Ballard, B. t MISS RAINEY ALDRICK President Phi Mu, second oldest fraternity, was founded on March 4, 1852, at Wesleyan College, Macon, Geor- gia. Since its founding on this campus in 1929, the Phi Mu house has been the scene of may good times for the women of the pink carnation. Fall trimester brought the annual "Carnation Ball" at Wakulla Springs. When Homecoming came, the Phi Mu-Sigma Nu float was judged "Most Beau- tiful". Hard work and fun led the way to Phi Mu placing first for the Gymkana Service Trophy, first in the Junior League of Tallahassee clothes drive and second in the Soap Box Derby with their brother fraternity Kappa Alpha. At Christmas time, the Phi Mu Santa came to the children of the Candle of Hope School. This year the Phi Mu Social Service Trophy, an annual project presented to the outstanding soror- ity in social service for the year, was awarded to Alpha Delta Pi. Booze, L. Brown, B. Caiiguire, D. Cavenaugh, J. Clark, S. Coe, D. Collier, C. Conoley, L. Dwight, V. Fain, M. Fitzgerald, B. Frontier, M. Granda, J. June, H. Haskins, M. Haziewood, A. Holman, L. Holt, K. Huffer, S. Hunt, J. Hunter, P. Hutchinson, L. Irwin, B . Isbell, C. 1 Phi Mu THE GIRLS OFTEN TAKE TIME TO SING TOGETHER AS PART OF THEIR SORORITY LIFE, the Phi Mu's enjoy many socials with the many fraternities on campus. Johnson, E. Johnson, G. Johnson, N. Josephson, B. Kiker, C. Leary, P. Lind, C. Lynn, S. McDurham, J. McGlasson, C. Massengi II, L. Meriam, J. Mills, A. Morton, M. Myrick, K. Newsome, G. Pearson, P. Rabun, P. Richardson, L. Rose, K. Sm ith, C . Turner, C. Turner, J. Turner, L. Turner, M Updike, L. Watt, L. Webster, D. Wilson, J. Whipple, J. Winchester, C. Young, V. 231 Alvarez, K. Austin, C. Ball, S. Barfield, M. Pi Beta Phi Florida Beta of Pi Beta Phi was chartered on this campus in 1921 and its members have lived in the "gingerbread" house on West College ever since. The fall trimester brought many opportunities for Pi Phis to work together: an informal weekend at the Holiday Inn, Homecoming Floatwhich won "Most Appropriate", open house for prospective football players, and Christmas caroling for the Blackwells. With the second trimester came new challenges: par- ticipation in Campus Sing, breakfast for members of the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce, the tradi- tional Pi Phi-Theta party, and the culmination of team efforts, the winning of Sigma Chi derby. The main service project is support of the sorority's na- tional settlement school in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. 232 Barron, A. Cain, K. Callahan, L. Clark, P. Clark, S. Cody, B. Cords, D. Crapps, A. Dietrich, J. Elliott, J. Fletcher, T. George, B. Gilley, S. Coins, E. Goodman, P. Hamilton, S. Harby, M. Harper, L. Harwood, A. Henderson, G. Herrin, M. Herring, D. Hines, S. Houser, J. Howser, J. Hughs, M. Hutchison, M. Johnson, M. Jones, A. Jones, K. Jones, M. Kelley, M. SUZIE MILLER President Lair, B. Lair, D. Lester, S. McConkey, J. Michel, T. Nathanson, K. Neese, P. Pasteur, J. Phorr, D. Pierson, P. Planes, M. Rich, C. Rickett, S. Rippetoe, C. Rodgers, L. Romer, J. Saier, S. Schlesinger, M. Shea, P. Sherrill, A. Smith, N. Smith, S. Symes, L. Tichenor, K. Van De Mark, B. Wade, C. Walkup, H. Watkins, D. Webb, L. Williams, K. Williams, L. Wills, C. Wi seman, S. Wiser, M. Worsham, A. Woodham, K. 233 TRADITIONAL PI PHI-THETA PARTY AT SILVER LAKE HAS AN ARROW-KITE MOTIF. i MISS JOAN KOHNE President Sigma Kappa With much enthusiasm, Sigma Kappa's Omega chap- ter began the new school year with campus and sor- ority activities. An annual event initiated this fall by Omega was the Mothers' Weekend. Sigma Kappa mothers spent three fun-filled days participating in planned activities with their daughters. Such events as a picnic, football game, teas, and pranks by the mothers highlighted the weekend. The Sigma Kappa's also welcomed a new house- mother, Mom Janssen, who formerly was a residence counselor at Wartburg College in Iowa. Socially, the Sigma Kappa's energetically entertained fraternities at their socials, and planned their annual weekend, where Delta Tau Delta, Larry Campbell, was selec- ted as the Sigma Kappa Gentleman. 234 Adams, C. Adams, P. Anderson, C. Anton, C. Barnhill, P. Beddingfield, L. Brandt, B. Camden, S. Cherney, B. Daniel, S. Deeb, D. Douchan, V. E Iswick, S. Fain, S. Gilmore, J. Grady, E. Griggs, R. Griner, J. Hamilton, P. Hassler, C. Hubbard, M. Hutson, D. Kleinfield, P. Kohne, J. Kohne, M. LaRoche, C. LaRoche, J. Larko, M. Letson, C. Lynn, S. McDonald, P. Migon, C. Murphy, M. Newell, J. Novak, G. O'Brien, K. Oliver, L. Osgood, C. Pavlin, D. Roach, M. THE SIGMA KAPPA'S PREPARE FOR FALL RUSH AGAIN Rogers, R. Rusech, M. Ruff, L. Rumford, R. Russell, J. Schaeffer, P. Smith, S. Stacey, S. Stanford, M. Thomas, P. Tibbetts, D. Tuite, M. Von Feilitzsch, N. Ward, M. Williams, S. Williams, A. Wolfendon, N. 235 MISS SUSAN BROOKSBANK President With a cling-clang here and a bing-bang there, the original Zeta Pickers introduced the Florida State campus to a new and entertaining form of hillbilly music. The girls in their uniforms of blue overalls, did not just limit their activities to Tallahassee, but were brought to national fame on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour, During Homecoming the Zeta's kept up their fun-loving spirit and produced the "Most Humorous" float with the Kappa Sig's. As Christmas drew near, they celebrated with their twenty-first Christmas tea for the faculty. There has been so much current emphasis on in- ternational events, and the Zeta's did their part this past year by adopting a Viet Namese child. The girls in the sorority have sent her gifts and money, and have taken turns corresponding with her. THE ZETA PICKERS excitedly tune up their instruments for their first appearance on the Ted Mack Amature Hour. Bell, A. Bell, D. Booze, J. Brooksbank, S. Brown, G. Buenzli, M. Campbell, P. Cooper, M. Corley, A. Cavies, C. DeBus, S. Ellis, P. Enfinger, C. Ford, T. Geidert, L. Gordon, D. Griffin, S. Grubbs, D. ■^' .-^ r Hatcher, M. Johnson, E. Johnson, J. Johnson, P. Kenyon, B. Kidd, K. King, S. Lewis, S. Loucks, J. McCall, M. Mastry, S. Matteson, M. Mauldin, M. Mays, J. Mickler, K. Moore, E. Morris, D. Norman, J. Ojala, J. O'Sullivan, P. Pelham, R. Pentecost, J. Petersen, C. Peterson, M. Pierson, P. Reed, L. Reeves, C. Rolfes, C. Sapp, S. Siewert, J. Zeta Tau Alpha THE ZETA'S CHEER with the Kappa Sig's as their float and Florida State ride to victory. ^j^jjj^ amS^ ^f^^ ^g|^ Simpson, J. Singer, D. Smith, L. Stalcup, R. Studstill, J. Sutton, J. Sweet, C. Thompson, P. Thomson, M. Tripp, J. Wadsworth, G. Weaver, W. Williamson, D. Wood, M. Young, S. Zellner, A. Alpha Phi Alderman, D. Alford, M. Allen, D. Alpha Phi was founded at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York in 1872. In its six years on the Florida State campus. Gamma Phi of Alpha Phi has been proud of the many honors they have received. Mixing their studies with a dash of fun, the girls in the new yellow house built a Homecoming float with Phi Kappa Psi's that made the Kentucky Wild- cat look like a caged kitty. Other activities the Alpha Phi's enjoyed were dancing to the Chaotics for the sorority weekend, tackling the Pikes in the cane contest, participating in the Sigma Chi Derby, and working on Cardiac Aid. The Sigma Nu's also added to the excitement of the year, by proving that next door neighbors can be good neighbors. The Alpha Phi Ivy Man, this year, is Chuck Gentile. 238 Ball, M. Barber, I. Barnhouse, B. Bishop, B. Blake, J. Bott, B. Breozeale, E. Brovn, L. Burton, S. Byrd, C. Clark, D. Day, L. Durrett, L. Fair, N. Francis, C. Fratarcangelo, J. Harbin, M. Herold, A. Herrmann, M. Hopkinson, S. Jones, N. LaShelle, D. Leach, H. Lincoln, J . Maroney, P. Marsden, A. McCormick, D. Miller, J. Nitcher, M. Nixi on, J . Oaks, C. O'Neill, L. Orr, S. Pitts, C. Randall, M. Reed, G. Reidy, K. Roach, L. Roberts, P. Rosser, S. Sachett, M. Sharman, D. Shaw, E. Shearer, E. Small, T. Soler, M. Starr, S. Ta I ley, G. Thomas, K. Trovers, L. Tydings, S. Tyler, J. Ulson, S. Wells, J. Wilson, W. Wooline, V. Andrew, M. Blair, J. Blanchette, J. Bougnan, K. Bowles, L. Burts, J. Bussey, B . Carlson, N. Carpenter, L. Cheek, S. Conrad, I. Curtis, B. Ferguson, B. Ferrell, B. Flowers, G. Fogle, P. Galvin, M. Garrett, M. Grossman, P. Grealy, J. Gregory, G. Guthrie, S. Haas, E. Haynes, K. Heaton, E. Hoi limon, P . Hummel, J. Ines, N. Kershaw, K. Lasserre, J. Lee, B. Leibundguth, M. Lutes, J. Mabrey, D. Malt, C. Meetze, B. Miller, M. Mi lina, N. Murry, V. Napier, M. Sigma Sigma Sigma Rush, rush, rush and with this the girls in the violet dresses were off to a great year with twenty-five new pledges. With "Sigma Hootenany" the theme for their big weekend, the Tri Sigmas had a swinging time. Highlights for the second trimester were the Sigma Chi Derby and decorations. Next came Circus with the stuffed pink elephant leading the way to the Big Top. Anyone for bangles? The Tri Sigmas sold these with the football team for the Tuberculosis Drive Bangle Day, as their public service project. Another memorable year drew to an end in April to the traditional theme of "Pomp and Circumstance." Ostien, C. Patterson, K. Pfeiffer, H. Reinbolt, J. Smith, S. Stalker, S. Thompson, C. Tracey, J. ' Turbeviile, V. Uber. S. Wilkis, J. Wright, G. Inter - Fraternity Council FRATERNITIES enjoy many socials with sorori- ties, as this one with the Phi Tau's and KD's. The purpose of an Inter-Fraternity Council is to see that the fraternity system at Florida State Uni- versity runs as effectively as possible. The council is given the responsibility of regulating such things as rush, social affairs, and academics. The frater- nity presidents meet every two weeks and these are the people who make up the council. With the somewhat new and demanding trimester system, the fraternities have placed special empha- sis upon their scholarship. There has been a sense of competition among the various fraternities to ob- tain the best possible grades. Other principles of action upon which the IFC is based are the uphold- ing of democratic ideals, loyalty to Florida State University, and constructive training and manage- ment in responsibility. THE MEMBERS of the fraternities who compose the council meet twice a month to make plans for their IFC activities. IFC OFFICERS: Jim Brandt, President; Sherman Henderson, Vice President; Ken Minihan, Treasurer. DEAN CHARLES W. LAPRADD IFC Advisor Alpha Tau Omega <r- •*» TOMMY GARWOOD President Epsilon Sigma of Alpha Tau Omega was established here in 1949 and has been moving forward ever since. The ATO's this year participated in just about every field the university life offered. They were in intramurals all the way and won the volley- ball championship. In Florida State's "Flying High Circus" they had two of their brothers on the flying trapeze. Wayne Giardino represented them with the fighting Seminoles as fullback. Bruce Robinson was a Senator in student government and Tommy Gar- wood was Tapped for ODK this year. The ATO's also sponsored a foreign student from Spain, Jose Garcia de Reyes. They closed out the year with the Falcons for their weekend and had their annual. Lil* Abner Party. Allen, T. Bagley, D. Baughman, W. Bussey, J. Carey, J. Carr, T. Causey, L. Cole, R. Cordell, J. Crotty, W. Devane, J. Davidson, P. Donnelly, D. Dudney, D. Duncan, T. Glasberg, B. Garwood, T. Groover, J. Hamm, D. Haynes, R. Heckenberg, B. Hester, J. Hill, B. Hilyard, S. Howell, M. Humphries, S. Jennings, M. Johnson, E. Jones, G. Lindsay, A. McLaughlin, J. McClay, J. Mathews, M. Myers, J. North, L. Nystrom, A. THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA HOUSE IS THE CENTER OF ALL THEIR ACTIVITIES. IIIIIA^: 'V. ill J^kk B^»Jl MJkM Overton, J. Page, C. Parrlsh, R. Price, K. Robbins, R. Robichaud, G. Robinson, B. Shad, P. Simonson, Taylor, Thurn, Traynor, Turri I, Weston, Wittengel, Wilcox, BOB McAFEE President f DELT "SLAVES" are kept in line by a brutal slave driver, a Delt brother, while waiting to be sold. 244 Delta Tau Delta Allen, N. Bayley, V. Bethea, L. Bloom, M. Brennan, J. Brown, J. Cameron, R. Campbell, L. Chanfrau, B. Childers, H. Cooke, R. Cosby, R Cow in, T. Cruickshank, R. Eaves, J. Friedman, H. Covington, R. Grant, R. Hager, A. Hancock, J. Hays, G. Hernandez, R. Hicks, D. Ido, C. ") M£im Jemison, J. Jessup, T. Lambert, J. Lasanta, T. k^^hmh % kdiM£iM£ik Layman, J. Lewis, S. Long, E. McAfee, R. McCain, M. McCurdy, T. Marshall, R. Miller, G. Milling, G. Morris, W. Orbe, H. Parnaby, G. Perez, J. Petrosky, J. The men of Delta Tau Delta have participated in- many university and community activities this year. During the fall trimester the Deltas distinguished themselves in areas of student government and varsity athletics. Their Homecoming float was chosen as "Most Appropriate" and their annual Delt Slave Auction proved a success. Each year the Delt's award the "Sorority of the Year" trophy to the sorority that has been the most outstanding in all phases of University activities. MISS BARBARA BRANDT Sweetheart r; iMJik tkmM kdiM Phelan, B. Priede, N. Rahn, D. Seeley, T. Shalley, R. Smith, J. Smith, J. Smith, L. Sobol, M. Soud, W. Swanson, W. Thomson, D. Tomson, Washburn, Weeks, Wides, Wiles, Wi I liams. R. D. G. K. J. T. 245 "One little, two little, three little Indians". . .No, it was a whole tribe of Delta Chi Seminoles. It was a raid, all right, but despite all the whooping and war paint, no one was scalped. The Delta Chi's were picking up their dates, Indian style, for their annual Homecoming "Indian Raid." Although they appeared to be savages, the Delta Chi's washed off their war paint and became pale- faces again to choose the Greek Girl of the Week featured in the Flambeau. At their grand pow-wow, the White Carnation Ball, the Delta Chi braves named Kay Graham as their 1965-66 sweetheart. Not all "Injuns" are mean, for instead of scalps the Delta Chi's collected money for the March of Dimes. Also, by copping a third place in the Soap Box Derby and a seventh in scholarship, the Delta Chi's showed that Indians can be constructive. LESMcCALLUM President THE DELTA CHI "LITTLE SISTERS" PLAY A ROUGH GAME. Adams, D- Ashmore, M. Asmussen, D. Beardsley, R. Blunk, J. Boscoe, M. Brewer, B. Burke, R. Buterbaugh, L. Camp, D. Chamberlain, M. Christian, H. Danyluck, R. Demetry, D. Duggar, T. Ferrell, 0. Fink, L. Fritz, W. Gatlin, M. Glover, R. Goltz, J. Graham, C. Gregory, H Grow, T. Hatch, B. Herring, J. Herron, R. Hostnick, R. Keeter, P. Kiser, R. iBiii^Mlfe tf^iFih^tk ii^ Delta Chi MmM M^^ Laursen, Leonard, Lobban, Lutz, McCallum, G. D. L. W. L. Mooney, J. O'Brien, M. O'Dea, L. Palms, F. Reus, B. Risher, R. Rowland, B. Schmunk, M. Shannon, P. Sheilahamer, B. Skipper, R. Southwell, D. Strong, J. Tinfow, J. Vaughan, J. Webb, E. Weils, M. West, G. Wood, J. Woodruff, T. MISS LINDA OLIVER Sweetheart HANG ONTO YOUR SCALPS, THE DELTA CHI TRIBE IS ON THE WAR-PATH. 247 TED DeLaVERGNE President OLD SOUTH weekend is announced on campus by KA's on horseback. 248 Adams, A. Behr, J. Blake, T. Brown, R. Burnette,, D. Cannon, J. Carlson, T. Carter, T. Casey, F. Chancey, T. Cherry, R. Crusoe, J. Dale, M. Deese, P. DeLaVergne, T Dempsey, G. Denny, D. D'Lugos, S. Eward, R. Fry, D. Gilbart, K. Gilliam, B . Gray, J. Griffis, W. Henderson, R. Hodges, J. Huey, M. Ivey, B. Jallet, P. Laird, G. McDowell, W. McEwan, C. Marler, D. Marsh, H. Matthews, J. Maynard, M. Miller, D. Milton, A. Moore, R. Morris, W. Myers, C. O'Brien, T. O'Kelley, J. Parker, P. Paul, A. "SSK «, Kfjaiii. I Mf^tll a PTj "■ ,^ fr P Mffitrkd Perry, W. Pickard, S. Quinn, M. Roberts, P. Roberts, R. Robinson, J. Rushing, F. Sayre, T. Shaw, C. Shenk, N. Smothers, W. Smith, J. Smith, W. Sopher, B. Sporkman, S. Stephens, J. Stone, W. Taylor, J. Thackston, M. Thomas, L. Thompson, W. Van Dyke, B. Watson, B. Wettstein, M. Wheeler, W. Whidden, M. Whitfield, R. Williams, H. Young, G. Zellner, J. Kappa Alpha Order MISS VICKI VOYLES Sweetheart Tradition and heritage play a vital part in the life of a KA. Dedicated to the ideals embodied in its spiritual founder, Robert E. Lee, the men of Gamma Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order pride themselves in their southern fraternity. The KA's are active in campus politics and var- sity sports. The Rebel soldiers first appeal on campus each fall when they set up road blocks to collect money for the Campus Chest. During the football season, KA's can always be seen waving the Confederate flag and firing their traditional cannon in acts of school spirit. The Old South Weekend is the highlight of Kappa Alpha's social year. Beginning with the "notice of secession," the weekend ends with the crowning of the **Rose of Kappa Alpha." Kappa Sigma r \ BILL SLAUGHTER President The Kappa Sig's traditional "Gator-Wagon" receiv- ed a severe beating in the fall-with just cause, to be sure. This display of "anti-that-other-school" spirit helped our own university since all proceeds were donated to the Campus Chest. Combo parties, the Christmas "Snowball Dance," and the fancy "French" weekend kept the year lively for the Kappa Sig's and their dates. Despite all the social fanfare, the pledges some- how found time to pave the parking lot behind the house. And, as part of "Operation Brotherhood," they painted the Salvation Army building. Could it be that the pledges pulled the old "Tom Sawyer- with-the-whitewash trick?" For soon, even the act- ives were in on the painting; but this time it was a community project to paint local churches! L. Smooth, H.M. Anwyl, R. Barbre, J. Bassett, A. Bennett, R. Bowden, R. Campbell, B. Casey, H. Clark, W. Coarsey, B. DeGroodt, B. Duncan, W. Earnest, B. Ernst, R. Folks, J. Ferguson, J. Fleming, M. Frazier, J. Frutchey, i. Gardner, T. Goss, J. Griesheimer, D. Guy, L. Hogshead, G. THE KAPPA SIG GATOR-WAGON receives brunts and bruises from FSU males prior to the tension7creating FSU-U of F game. GETTING PINNED RESULTS IN A POOL PARTY FOR BOYD COARSEY. 'MJttM ^mM Jadwin, R. Kenney, T. Kent, D. Kraynak, W. Lach, H. Largey, R. Learned, D. Lesley, R. McLaughlin, W. McNeil, R. Olson, J. Osiiiski, B. Porter, C. Richards, P. Rodgers, R. Scartz, D. Slaughter, W. Smith, H. Stegemann, C. Teague, R. Tesch, R. Tinson, R. Weaver, K. Whittington, H': Williams, R. \Mh : MISS TINA LOUISE FLETCHER Sweetheart ^ Lambda Chi Alpha p. Yoe, H.M. Borst, R. Brandt, J. JIM BRANDT President This year was another big one for the Zeta Rho chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha. Not only did the men of Lambda Chi successfully carry out their annual 'Mom-Napping" ceremonies, but they "polished a few apples" by entertaining several faculty mem- bers. The pledge class promoted the pancake indus- try and earned money for the Campus Chest with its popular "Pancake-Eating Contest," and the chapter furthered the advancement of Greek literature with its "Dante's Inferno" weekend. Service? Why, Lambda Chi's found time to become involved in almost everything from Phi Beta Kappa and Student Government to Ail-American football and the sponsoring of a twelve-year old Italian girl, liv- ing in Italy. In conjunction with Chi Omega, the Lambda Chi's entertained a group of retarded children at their Halloween Party. Buck, R. Bullock, B. Caldwell, W. Clagett, G. Dahlguard, E. Dearing, J. DeLopez, T. Dillon, D. Duffy, G. Eden, M. Frazer, J. Galbraith, A. Gooch, H. Hackworth, J. Hi Iburn, J . Hurlbut, G. Jennings, E. Kaleel, P. King, C. Krohn, E. Linn, R. Litwhiler, W. Loop, D. Loucks, D. i^^^^i^ii iiii^i^ldikii Lucas, D. Lutin, J. McEwan, J . Maynard, D. Mead, D. Merting, J. Miller, J. Mitchell, J. Mitchell, W. Morton, D. Mousehegian, Norman, W. Powers, D. Roussos, J. Sellers, D. Spalding, T. CAPTURING THE HEARTS of youngsters, Evan Jennings sings to retarded children at Lambda Chi Alpha-Chi Omega Halloween Party. MARRILEE WALSH DIRKS Sweetheart Stewart, D. Townsend, R. Von Leffern, E Walbolt, M. White, D. Wigelius, M. Williams, D. Wolters, J. Wu, P. %t Zgodzinski, E Phi Delta Theta SHERMAN HENDERSON President FRATERNITY intramurals, including basket- ball, often find the Phi Delts ranking high. Albert, J. Baxter, J. Beck, J. Benedetti, J. Bostain, W. Boyd, H. Carlisle, L. Cato, T. Creely, K. Davis, T. Dixon, J. Dunlap, R. England, S. Evans, B. Fritz, R. Geisenhof, J. Givens, R. Gray, J. Green, L. Hart, K. Hazel, H. Henderson, S. Hey, K. Hollister, W. Hunt, C. Hutchinson, R. Irwin, J. Johnson, L. Keeney, S. Koch, M. Leakey, K. Mailoy, R. k£r,^ tkdM iiii^4i^^^ '^iMmM Marsicano, E. Massey, J. Mauldin, J. Meagher, B. Moore, J. Morehouse, J. Mrachek, L. Neil, T. Nichols, G. Pritchett, E. Rangeley, J. Reeves, M. Rodgers, J. Schaefer, B. Schull, G. Schultz, S, Spooner, P. Strayhorn, M. Sytsma, H. Tucker, B. Tyre, S. Wagner, P. Wallace, J. Wanzenberg, R, Werner, M. White, B. Williams, J. Win gate, R. Witte, T. Zimmerman, D. MISS JAN BRANTLEY Sweetheart Florida Gamma Chapter of Phi Delta Theta is a very active fraternity on campus. The scholarship tro- phy, "Most Appropriate" Homecoming float, and a place on tfie Homecoming Court for Sweetheart, Jan Brantley, are just a few of this year's honors. The Phi- Delt's have held the intramurals trophy for eleven of the last fourteen years, and brothers are found in every varsity sport. Honor Court, Student Senate, class officers. Gold Key, ODK, and "F" Club all claim Phi Delt's as members. In conjunction with Alpha Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Theta sponsored the annual Soap Box Derby to earn money for the Community Chest. The Bowery Ball, fraternity weekend, socials, and "after the game" dances highlighted the Phi Delt's social calendar. Mudie, H.M. Ament, C. Babb, R. JIM HIGH President Football games, parties, and studies kept the men of Phi Kappa Tau hard at work throughout the aca- demic year. Intramurals claimed a large portion of their time and strength; but they were rewarded for their efforts as they captured the Softball trophy and became "three-year winners" in football. The Phi Tau's were also active in student government. Entertainment included their Bohemian Party, Christmas Party, and the Phi Tau Spring Weekend. In memory of their Phi Tau brother, James Beard, the men of Beta Iota chapter estoblished a rotating scholarship trophy. Each trimester it is presented to the sorority with the most improved academic average. The first sorority to receive the James Beard Memorial Trophy was Delta Gamma. Boutwell, B. Cernuto, J. Clarke, J. Daniels, D. Dennard, R. Deutch, R. Dimitri, M. Futch, C. Gambi 1 1, J. Goddard, D. Goddard, W. Goller, G. Gordon, J. Grierson, J. Gustavson, K. Hall, D. Healy, R. Helms, L. High, J. Kahrs, G. Kerr, S. Phi Kappa Tau PHI KAPPA TAU, the number one team, sets up a strong offense to bring about another Phi Tau victory. MISS SARA ANN PENDLEBURY Sweetheart Kirk, Levins LoPotro, F. J. W. \^^- / McKendree, T. ^ w V Mattison, P. V^^ Melnick, s. ^^ M Moore Nail, J. w. IN MEMORIAM Parker, R. James Beard Persons, Poli, H. D. 1944-1964 Rice, S. Phi Kappa Tau Brother Rosenberg, N. Sartin, L. Shrewsbury, G. Simpson, K. Spooner, H. Thomas, S. Traudt, T. Unger, D. Vickers, M. Wetherington, G. Witherspoon, J. Zachlod, C. Pi Kappa Alpha Barnes, C. Bowles, R. Burnett, R. PIKE PLEDGES keep at a distance as eager coeds fight for a cone in the "Cone Snatching' Contest." Cannon, A. Cooke, D. Cooke, F. Davis, C. Donovan, P. Driver, M. Duggan, R. French, J. Friese, J. Garrison, E. Green, H. Guynn, C. Hayes, R. James, T. Jensen, K. Johansen, A. King, D. King, S. Linehan, P. Lyons, D. McConnell, T. i^Ai^ ,rf«»ii«i*«M<'*mfi<«*-*^ .. BROTHERLY LOVE sometimes means a fun-filled dip in the Union fountain. mtMJ I^LiJ^ McCool, P. McMullen, J. Meehan, G. Milton, J. Moore, S. Orr, D. Pazman, C. Riehl, J. Sheehan, G. Shumpert, W. Solser, F. Stevens, J. Stoner, G. Stoner, J. Tarnell, F. Vaughan, T. Williams, V. Wilson, D. Wilson, F. Wurzbach, T. The 1964-65 academic year was a memorable and fun-filled year for Pi Kappa Alpha. The night before Homecoming, Pike pledges stayed up all night to guard against float saboteurs and almost caught a few culprits. Nothing stopped the Pike brothers as they ran the Pi Kappa Alpha flag across the field before the Kentucky game, not even two Kentucky players. The "Cane-Snatching Contest" brought early-rising sorority girls to the fraternity house in search of unwary neophytes. And, thanks to the Pike pledges, the Delta Gamma's found their anchor painted a bright, multi-colored Scotch plaid. Founder's Day marked the ground-breaking cere- monies of the new Pi Kappa Alpha house, which will be completed by September, Serenades, parties, a wild "Western Weekend," and the Thanksgiving Food Fling exemplified a few of the Pike's socials. JAMES L. MILTON President MISS CHRISTY NOEL Sweetheart Sigma Alpha Epsilon When passing the SAE House, one never misses the white lion which guards its entrance. Although tra- ditionally white, the lion was usually splashed with a variety of colors. From time to time, a few coeds got the nerve to sneak over to the house with paint and brushes and leave their mark upon the old beast. However, Leo was well guarded, and the girls quite often paid for their antics by losing a lock of hair, snipped off right in the front where it would be the most noticeable. At Christmas, the lion was even adorned as Santa Clous! When not guarding the lion, the SAE's could be found participating in political pursuits, intramural and varsity sports, and enjoying parties such as their frequent Saturday morning combo parties. 260 JOHN JONES President Abstein, L. Bailey, B. Barnes, W. Bass, B. Briley, R. Brown, S. Coffin, D. Cra ig, G . Croley, S. Dart, B. Dean, G. Duke, T. Erwin, T. Euban ks , D. Farley , J . Fi scher, R . Garc ia, J . Glenn, B . Green, J. Honey, A. Harbeson, C. Hau Imon, C . Hill, P. Hochstein, M. Jones , J . Jones, J. Kelly, L. I^»A ^Mll K i e f e r , D . King, B. k^,^ Kirk, T. Labat, D. Lager, T. Landis, S. Lawrence, R. Macdonold, G. Miller, R. Mi I li nor, R . MISS ANN HAIR Sweetheart 4*> > ^17-Tr^i' '^£; t " Murvin, D. On, T. Parker, W. Proctor, J. Proctor, T. Reed, W. Reynolds, S. Roberts, J. Rogers, J . Scott, D. Shreve, D. Sidley, R. Sizemore, B. Sizemore, D. Stoddard, J. Toy lor, H. Turner, R. Turner, T. Tyser, J. VanEvery, W. Waller, C. Warren, J. Weidner, R. Williams, G. Williams, J. Williams, W. Wood, B. Woods, A. hmk I Sigma Chi During its thirteenth year on the FSU campus, Epsi- lon Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi continued to be very active in campus life. While always maintaining a high scholastic rating, the Sig's excelled in student government as well as in varsity sports. The Sig's also rendered services to the community for they provided a blood donation center, worked on Civil Defense projects, and raised money to buy food for needy families at Christmas. Spirits were high and competition was keen at the annual "Sigma Chi Derby Day." A national event, the Derby gave all Greeks a chance to enjoy them- selves as sororities battled it out in egg-throwing contests, three-legged sack races and tug-of-wars, to mention a few of the events. DON COMPTON President 262 Atwater, A. Ball, K. Bas ini, R . Brown, K. Cameron, D. Cole, W. Chamber iin, Dagostino, P. Davis, G. Davis, J . DeTure, F. DeVane, D. Durham, W. Fellenz, L. Ferry, J. Fletcher, D. Goddard, W. Gonzalez, L. Hays, R. Heilbron, J. Helm, J. Henry, T. Hilburn, R. Hoey, W. W. '^'*!»«^ *; -%;i feillAirtidu mdttmM Hogan, R. Jackson, B. Johnson, W. Kelly, -P. Kidd, W. Langstroth, R. Lovelace, J. McDaniel, J. Mercer, W. Munoz, Jose Nemeth, R. Noppenberg, J. Oates, G. Parrott, J. Raines, R. Russell, J. Sanchez, R. Scott, E. Seaward, G . Sprouil, J. Stevens, W. Suarez, J. Teeters, B. Tolierton, J. Whelchel, J. Wilcox, H. Williams, P. Williamson, P. Wilson, L. Winter, C. r MISS ANNE CRAPPS Sweetheart RB ANNOUNCER BILLY KIDD has an elevated view of the annual Sigma Chi Derby events. DENNIS BERRY President BEFORE EXAMS BEGIN, end of the trimester tension is released at the annual Sigma Phi Epsilon Christmas Party. 264 Bartlett, T. Beals, H. Berry, D. Bibleheimer, R. Brooker, R. Brumm, A. Carolus, J . Clark, H. Dunklefs, D. Earley, C. Fluhr, R. Forster, A. Glazer, D. Gold, A. Grant, D. Harmon, B. Henn, E. Hubbard, R. Hoseph, P. Martindale, W. fy i^dii^ii^^ Mmk£M Sigma Phi Epsilon Maynard, J. McCrea, D. Milstead, J. Noga, G. Oliver, J. Pfeiffer, R. Rackleff, R. Revell, D. Robertson, P. Rogers, D. Ross, D. Sanks, D. Scott, S. Sealey, D. Shamas, E. Siviter, B. Smith, D. Spicer, S. Stewart, J. Thrasher, J. Ulmer, E. MISS JUDY CUMBIE Sweetheart Founded in Richmond, Virginia, in 1901, the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity is one of the youngest nation- al fraternities. Despite its youth, Sigma Phi Epsilon is nationally ranked as second largest in the number of active members. Sig Ep attributes its growth to its outstanding policies and leadership in the Na- tional Inter-Fraternity Council. The Sig Ep's on campus are identified by their heart-shaped pins and famous "Red Door." In intra- murals, varsity sports. Homecoming activities. Stu- dent Government, or scholarship ratings, Sig Ep's are always active participants. Their distinctive serenades are popular with the coeds, and their annual Sig Ep Calendar Girl Contest is one of the highlights of the academic year. 265 Vacca, J. Weeks, R. Wi lliams, J . Theta Chi RAY WHITEHEAD President 266 The men of Theta Chi fraternity have been tradi- tionally known for their well roundness and this year has been no exception. From varsity athletics to campus politics and everywhere in between, the men of Theta Chi have performed exceedingly well. Their outstanding social calendar featured such an- nual colorful events as the roaring twenties party, the "Viking Feast" and last but not least, their Spring Weekend where everyone anxiously awaited the crowning of the dream girl. Garbed in their traditional red blazers which have been adopted by many of the Theta Chi chapters across the nation, they worked hard to perfect the many beautiful and distinctive serenades that were presented throughout the year. In intramurals Theta Chi took second place. The brothers and the pledges of the chapter had a very meaningful year. T. Kent, H.M. Abstein, W. Barton, C. Booth, R. Breckenr idge, C. Brogle, J. Burns, J . Burns, T. Cibula, F. Cornwell, T. Erikson, H . Gasque, B. Gomon, M. Harris, B. H ines, E . H inson, B . K ing, R . McKenzie, J . McLaugh I in, J . Marocic, N. kmMJ kttm "MmMd.\ ^ i^MmM Michaelis, P. Miller, J. Moran, J. Mozo, W. Murdock, L. Ovala, J. Pickett, G. Pursley, C. Radford, G. Retzer, R. , Sable, R. Schlogeter, T. Schroeder, R. Sharkey, T. Simpson, B. Snyder, K. Stephenson, C. Stout, R. Thompson, R. Tremper, J. Turnbull, W. Wagner, J. Wheeler, H. White, D. Whitehead, R. Vogt, R. Votaw, B. I * .^0^ \ i n) MISS CAROLE BICKI Sweetheart ^_A PLENTY OF SUNSHINE plus delicious Hawaiian food equal a successful pledge "Hawaiian Luau." Pi Kappa Phi DON JONES President The men of Pi Kappa Phi began the year by raising money for Campus Ches, with their annual faculty slave auction, and, working in conjunction with the DCs, they created the "best-all-around" Home- coming float. FSU's "Flying High" Circus claimed many Pi Kapp's as active participants, and the brothers entertained the patients of W. T. Edwards Hospital as a philanthropic project. Placing second in scholarship among fraternities, Pi Kappa Phi boasted of a first place in the division of active members* averages. The Pi Kapp's ended the year with their Rose Ball Weekend. Morgan, R . Nichols, P. O'Dair, M. Orr, R. ^tfi^ Parker, M. Pavesic, D. Peacock, W. Phillips, J. h^h Plotts, R. Shaffer, J. Sipperley, J. Stoddard, D. Tunstall, E , Ulloa, D. Ulloa, J. Ward, D. Boldy, J. Boss, M. Sranch, W. Brown, D. Buerke, H. Chmieiewski, G. Coley, T. Costin, R. Covert, J. Crawford, L. Cross, R. Doughtry, J. DeZeeuw, P. Dickey, A. Duren, G. Elefonte, R. Gregory, L. Hall, R. ^MmMM^^ Harrison, T. Hoefle, K. Holl ingsworth, G. 'SSf •«;-, ^il^feiiT' C~l Jernigan Jones, D. Jordan, L. T. MacMi Ilin, C. McCall, H. McHone, M. ^/iii McK innon, D. Mastry, J. Matthews, F. Phi Kappa Psi Anderson, P. Arnold, D. Asbeck, R. Barnes, P. Bearse, B. Bertelsen, G. Black, T. Butler, F. Casper, T. KEN MINIHAN President Hunting buried treasure? Doing research work for archaeology? Digging for worms? No, it's just the pledges digging a place for a pool to highlight the Phi Kappa Psi "Beachcomber" weekend. But don't let it be said that the Phi Psi's spent all of their time building swimming pools. They sponsored a Christmas party for the children of Sunland Training Center, bringing the children to the party in buses. As a memorial to a brother, the pledge class added a room to the house which will be used as a library. University projects and activi- ties were not omitted either for Phi Kappc Psi had many brothers actively engaged in Student Govern- ment offices and in all IPC work projects. Cowley, R. Heisler, T. Holmes, A. Hosier, W. Howard, M. Jaisler, J. Kellogg, P. Lee, E. Mastaler, R. Minihan, K. Moll, D. Nance, W. Robertson, C. Ryan, J. Sanderson, G. Sugarman, C. Van Nostrand, J. Wimberly, J. 269 Sigma Nu MiSS JUDY SMITH Sweetheart B. Hamilton, H.M Acosta, R. Barber, H. Broughton, I. Broughton, J. Butler, R. Collier, B. Cooper, J. Cultra, P. Eisenberg, B. Gardner, S. Gentile, C. Hartke, D. Higgins, H. Huxel, G. Lawrence, D. Proudly displaying a newly re-decorated house, the brothers of Sigma Nu claimed, "It's what's on the inside, not the outside, that counts." The exterior looking the same as before, the house on West Call Street has an entirely "new look" on the inside due to the efforts of the men of Sigma Nu. The Sigma Nu's possess other talents in addition to interior decorating. There are brothers in all phases of campus activities, not excluding sports. The men's creative ingenuity brought them the honor of "most beautiful Homecoming float," and the dis- tinction of having the fastest car in the Phi Delta Theta Soap Box Derby. Zeta Zeta chapter also holds an interest in student government and intramurals. Climaxing their spring social season was their annual Cowboy-Indian Weekend. 270 Marotti, R. Mayes, D. Nelson, J. Paugh, G. Petersen, B. Richards, B. Robertson, J. Taff, H. Thomas, A. Welch, J. Wells, T. White, G. Brenner, D. Browdy, D. David, R. Goode, K. Greenbaum, E. Meisel, S. More, R. Rosenthal, B Rosner, B. Segal, M. Shulman, S. Squire, S. Sutta, S. Tabisel, L. Treitler, W. Tau Epsilon Phi Tau Epsilon Phi was founded in 1910 at Columbia University. On the Florida State University campus the TEP's have taken part in numerous community and university activities. During the Muscular Dy- strophy Drive they collected two hundred dollars. While participating in volleyball and Softball intra- murals, they maintained a perfect record, and they kept the Pi Kappa Phi Go-Kart Trophy. Scholastically, the TEP's maintained third place in overall scholarship among the fraternities. irr. ■.«*«rt«l»W|^'»^"*^^ MISS SUZANNE RICHARD Sweetheart •^ K SANDY SCHULMAN President 271 272 Sports 273 Led by captain Kay Lewis, our cheerleaders added to the already exuberant enthusiasm of students at football games. Sammy Seminole, usually known as Bob Gramling, joined the chderleaders in their tri- umphant handsprings as the team made point after point. Symbolizing school spirit, he also led the team and cheerleaders on to the field before every one of the games. The squad of cheerleaders is composed of girls chosen on the basis of personality and skill. At our Homecoming victory and in the Gator Bowl Sammy and they spurred on the players to do their best. BOB GRAMLING, one of FSU's finest gymnast has the role of fast moving Sammy Seminole this year. Sammy^ Cheerleaders Boost Spirit SAMMY SEMINOLE does a flaming war dance before FSU's big Florida game. ENTHUSIASTIC CHEERLEADERS Dee Weber and Kay Lewis get into the swing to build up spirit for a game. FSU CHEERLEADER Dee Weber may be soaked but her spirit is not as she cheers on the Seminoles. TONI BEALS ON THE FSU SIDELINE BEFORE GATOR BOWL GAME 275 CHEERLEADERS: Front Row: Dee Weber, Kay Lewis (Captain), and Susan Reinhart. Second Row: Toni Beals, John Sweets, David Deutsch, and Peggy Thompson. Seminoles' Greatest Year The school year 1964-65 goes into the record gooks indelibly marked with athletic success that is un- precedented at the Florida State University. Long anxious for an equitable place in the southeastern athletic sun, the Seminoles compiled an all-sports record that may not have its equal in the nation. Eight teams won 95 contests, lost 28, and tied two--a winning percentage of .772. The list of accom- plishments is long and impressive. Included are a major bowl victory, the school's first football All American, four undefeated teams, and two teams which competed for national championships. BILL BUNKER Director of Sports Publicity DON PAULS Athletic Trainer BILL PETERSON Head Coach VAUGHN MANCHA Director of Athletics RONALD MELTON Athletics Business Manager COACHING STAFF: Front Row: John Coatta, Bill Peterson, Don James, Bobby Bowden, Don Powell. Second Row: Bill Crutchfield, Bob Vogt, Steve Medwid, Bob Harbison.. # FSU 14 Miami FSU 10 Texas Christain FSU 36 New Mexico State FSU 48 Kentucky 6 FSU 17 Georgia 14 FSU 11 Virginia Tech 20 FSU 34 Southern Mississippi FSU 13 Houston 13 FSU 28 North Carohna State 6 FSU 16 Florida 7 FSU 36 Oklahoma (Gator Bowl) 19 BILL DAWSON Co-captain FRED BILETNIKOFF Co-captain JACK EDWARDS Center AVERY SUMNER Right Tackle LES MURDOCK Ful Iback WINFRED BAILEY Halfback Seminole Stars DALE MACKENZIE Right Guard DON FLOYD Left End FRED BILETNIKOFF Ail-American STEVE TENS! Quarterback Probably even more significant was the complete domination over cross-state rival Florida. While the Gators won th'e Southeastern Conference's all-sports championship, they played second fiddle in a com- position destined to rework the entire collegiate athletic structure of the state. Following the first- ever football victory over the Gators, Florida State went on to win 13 decisions while losing only three. It was the first time Florida State ever won an all- sports title from Florida, and the most complete domination by one school over the other since athletic competition between the two began some ten years ago. -HHiMi— Front Row: George D'Alessandro, Buddy Blankenship, Bill Dawson, Avery Sumner, Jim Manklns, Tom Delopez, Les Murdock, Steve Tensi, Maury Bibent,, Alan Lamarchie, Bob Memendez, Coach Bobby Bowden, and Coach Bill Crutchfield. Second Row: Don James, Mike Brady, Phil McKlnnon, Larry Williamson, Ken Johnson, David Pitts, Tony Gero, Kim Hammond, Bill Campbell, Larry Green, Bill Moremen, Joe Petko, Win Starts Season For The Seminoles In front of 51,608 roinsoaked fans, the surehanded and sensational Fred Biletnikoff pulled down nine passes, two for touchdowns, and led the Seminoles to an emphatic 14-0 trouncing of the University of Miami Hurricanes for the season's opener. Steve Tensi, distinctly FSU's best quarterback, on that night, threw both touchdown strikes, one in the first quarter and one in the second. Tensi threw a total of 154 yards to break a 1,711 yard tie for passing yardage. For the first time in FSU's history, football fans chartered a train named the "Seminole Engine." The trip is believed to be the longest intra-state journey by any organized group of football fans. THE STRONG SEMINOLES Bailey and Bibent close in on the Hurricanes' Sixkiller to stop another drive. 280 THE HURRICANES SEE REAL ROUGH WEATHER AS SWAN (14) FACES THE SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FSU. FSU's Seminoles Tie TCU Sparked by the fine defensive play of linebacker Bill McDowell, the Magnificent Seven blanked a strong TCU team 10-0 in Ft. Worth. McDowell, voted "Seminole of the Week" against Miami, recovered two fumbles and blocked a fourth quarter field goal attempt which could have tied the score 3-3. Tensi threw short tosses to ends, Floyd, Wachtel, and Dawson, and backs, Spooner and Narramore, in mounting the Seminole drives. Spooner ran in the day's only touchdown, and Les Murdock booted a 19 yard field goal to cap the day's scoring. SEMINOLE Wayne McDuffie (82) easily grabs the bal from mid-air away from the hands of TCU's Dan Jones. 281 FSU'S WAYNE MCDUFFIE (82) BLOCKS THE RUNNING WAY OF TCU'S FRANK HORAK (19) THE WB. New Mexico Dazed By Seminoles FSU won its third straight victory with a 36-0 win over the New Mexico Aggies and became the only unbeaten, untied, and unscored upon major college team in the nation. In the newly expanded Campbell Stadium, a record crowd of 25,000 people watched as the Seminole offense scored in every quarter, despite the rain-soaked field. The Magnificent Seven and Forgotten Four did their job as usual, allowing the Aggies inside their 20 yard line only once during the entire game. Brilliant passing and successful toe work carried the Seminoles to a 16-0 lead in the first half. By the end of the second half FSU had scored twenty more points, making the final tally 36-0- FLORIDA STATE'S quarterback Pritchett (16) hits the Aggies for a drive that helps put the Serriinoles on the warpath for FSU. 282 STEVE TENSI (13) WITH A STRONG LINE SETS UP A PASS TO BILETNIKOFF FOR A TOUCHDOWN. THE FANS AND THE WILDCATS ARE STUNNED AS THE SEMINOLES BRING KENTUCKY TO A HALT. Ready Seminoles Upset Wildcats The crowd of 34,248 Homecoming fans were awe- struck as the Seminoles tore apart the University of Kentucky 48-6. What made the victory so outstanding was Kentucky's previous accomplishments; the Wild- cats had, in successive weeks, knocked off Mississ- ippi and Auburn, both ranked among the top ten, Steve Tensi passed for two touchdowns, one 58 yard toss to Biletnikoff and Phil Spooner., Wayne Giardino, Lee Narramore and Ed Pritchett ran through the Wildcat defense for 187 yards and five more TD's. FSU's Magnificent Seven and Forgotten Four stopped Kentucky cold with outstanding line play and jarring tackles, which kept them constantly in the hole. As a result of his outstanding play, Steve Tensi was voted national "Back of the Week" and Bill Peterson was voted "Coach of the Week." THE FIGHTING SEMINOLES led by halfback Green (20) charge down the field as they crash through the Wildcats. Seminoles Edge Bulldogs WITH BLOCKERS OPENING THE WAY, SPOONER (27) ONCE AGAIN GOES FOR ANOTHER FIRST DOWN. After years of frustration, the Georgia Bulldogs initiated what seemed to be a rise from the squalid rubble of the bottom of the SEC pack. Following a large, hard-rushing line, the dogged Athens backs gained ground against a Seminole defense touted as one of the best in the nation. Florida State realized early in the game that Georgia was not a whimpering litter of Bullpups, but a monstrous Bulldog, wanting and striving for national recognition. FSU was forced to recover a Georgia fumble at the Tribe 3 yard-line after the opening kick-off, but the Seminoles roared back to place the decisive 3-pointer through the uprights. With 12:13 left in the game, the Bulldogs scored to capture the lead, but the Chiefs were destined to extend their winning football to a 5-0 season. Only 5 minutes and 52 seconds later field general Steve Tensi hit flankerback Fred Biletnikoff for the score, nudging the Bulldogs by the narrow mar- gin of 17-14. HALFBACK Phil Spooner (27) jumps over the Bulldog line with the help of part of the Tribe's line Del Williams (70). FRED BILETNIKOFF gets his hands on the ball and he is off leaving a trail of hard-running Gobblers behind. Tribe Scalped By The VPI's Gobblers Virginia Tech rudely knocked the Seminoles from the undefeated ranks despite the school records set for passing and receiving by Tensi and Biletnikoff. Playing before an aroused Homecoming crowd in Blacksburg, the Gobblers followed their excellent quarterback, Bob Schweickert, to their upset win. Exploiting an FSU fumble, Schweickert passed 19 yds. to an eligible tackier for their opening score and scored twice more in the closing period on two five yard runs. Tensi completed 21 of 39 passes for 290 yards and one T.D.-a four-yard toss to Biletnikoff. Fred caught 11 passes for 182 yards and one touch- down to set the FSU single gamerecord forreceiving. The game knocked the Seminoles out of the top ten but reaffirmed their determination to prove themselves worthy of a Bowl Bid. SEMINOLE LEE NARRAMORE OPENS UP FOR EXTRA YARDAGE AS HE BURSTS THROUGH VPI'S LINE. 285 FSU Takes Southern Miss. 36-0 For Florida State, it was the first victory over Southern Mississippi since 1956. For Southern Mis- sissippi the 36-0 drubbing by the Seminoles was a painful beating. The game was a rout from the begin- ning, but was different for two reasons. Steve Tensi, shocked 26,000 fans by running the ball over from the two-yard-line for the first touchdown of his career. The second surprise was the halfback pass utilizing the strong arm of Ed Pritchett, who passed 43 yards to Biletnikoff to set up Tensi's scoring run. Touchdowns by end Red Dawson, halfbacks Phil Spooner and Larry Green, and flankerback Fred Biletnikoff, coupled with the outstanding defensive play of the Magnificent Seven, gave Seminole fans plenty to cheer about. AFTER A GREAT CATCH Don Floyd (81) leads a chargedown field knocking over a strong defense to make a first down. THE FIGHTING SEMINOLES TAKE TO THE AIR AS THEY OVERRIDE SOUTHERN MISS. 286 COUGAR'S MIKE SPRATT (22) IS BROUGHT TO HALT BY A BAND OF DETERMINED FSU SEMINOLES. IZC l^nr ; t I V I.. ^>i ' » ' ■ #.■ 11 y ••>•••• y "" } " ^ *"" \" V I ' f : ^ IJ" LEFT HALFBACK Phil Spooner (27) sweeps around right end with the blocking of the seven to back him up for a FSU first. Cougars Battle Tribe For A Tie Without the services of Fred Biletnikoff due to an injured leg, FSU's offensive unit lacked its usual explosive punch. End, Don Floyd, took up some of the slack, catching eight passes which helped to build a 13-0 lead. Les Murdock put the Tribe ahead in the first part of the second quarter with a 34 yord field goal. Jack Shinholser recovered a Houston fumble on the Florida State's seven to hold Houston scoreless at the half. Winfred Bailey intercepted a pass in the third period, setting up a second field goal by Murdock. Minutes later Tensi complet- ed two passes to Floyd for 35 yards and one to Red Dawson, setting up Wayne Giardino's one yard con- version. The Cougars took advantage of an inter- ference penalty to score from the one. Later a pass interception led to Cougar Dick Post's 18 yard touchdown. Houston missed fhe point after touch- down, knotting the score at 13 all. WOLFPACK'S NOGGLE (19) IS STOPPED DEAD IN HIS TRACKS BY SEMINOLE'S AVERY SUMNER (73). Tribe Turns The Wolfpack Into Pups Phil Spooner and Wayne Giardino ran North Carolina State's Wolfpack ragged in a 28-6 Seminole victory. Capitalizing on three North Carolina fumbles, FSU ran up an impressive 21-0 halftime lead. Spooner and Giardino ran for touchdowns of two and one yards respectively, and Tensi hit Biletni- koff with scoring tosses of 11 and 37 yards for two more. Les Murdock added four straight extra points to cap the scoring. With the first string out of action after the first half, the Semi no les played good football until the final minute, when the Wolf- pack could not be denied and finally scored. A visiting team for the first time all year had penetrat- ed the Florida State goal line. FULLBACK Les Murdock (42) kicks another perfect extra pointer which mode four straight extra points for the Chiefs. Never Say Never, Gators SEMINOLE quarterback Ed Pritchett (16) watches from the side hnes as the Chiefs smashed the Gator's line. Fumbling themselves into a first quarter hole, the scrappy Seminoles surged into seven point advan- tage in the second quarter with a 55-yard touchdown pass to Fred Biletnikoff. From that point on, the Gator's would never be able to claim "Never, FSU, Never" again. Florida State's offense was constantly knocking on the door of paydirt and the Magnificent Seven and Forgotten Four consistently restrained the vain attempts of the Gator team. Les Murdock, Tribe ex- tra-point kicker, placed ten points between the up- rights in the Seminoles' decisive l6-7 victory over the hapless Gators. Florida's first appearance in Tallahassee's Doak S. Campbell Stadium resulted in a disastrous meeting with the Seminoles. ii WITH THE Seven ready to go, Steve Tensi (13) checks his flanks before going into a pass play to Biletnikoff. WITH BLOCKING from Wayne McDuffie (82) and the other Seminoles, Maury Bibent (22) runs through the Gator line. Seminoles Beat Sooners While a record of 50,408 fans and seven ABC tele- vision cameras looked on, Florida State smashed eleven Gator Bowl records and electrified the nation with its explosive brand of football. Steve Tensi completed 23 of 36 passes for 303 yards, Fred Bilet- nikoff caught 13 passes for 192 yards and four touchdowns, and the Tribe ran up 29 first downs, 17 through the air, in setting the records. After intercepting a Tensi pass, Oklahoma was driving into Seminole territory when cornerback Howard Ehler picked off a Sooner pass and, with key blocks from Terry Garvin and Dick Herman, raced 69 yards for the T.D. Three more touchdowns in the first half, sparked by the hard running backfield and fine defensive play of the Magnificent Seven gave FSU a 24-7 lead. In the second half the Tribe scored twice on sprints by Spooner and Giardino, capped by passes to Biletnikoff. The Magnificent Seven, led by Avery Sumner and Jack Shinholser, continually stopped Sooner drives and prevented a last ditch scoring effort by holding Oklahoma on four plays from the one yard line in the last seconds. For Florida State, the Gator Bowl victory brought enormous prestige. The credit for this glory must go to our players and coaches. THE SEMINOLES' Magnificent Seven line up to charge the Oklahoma Sooners to stop the drive on the FSU one yard line. 290 iJI » — « — ^— ^^-^^^^^— WITH THE SEMINOLES moving forward, Steve Tensi (13) throws the big bomb to Biletnikoff for another 6 points. In The Gator Bowl THE SEMINOLES ore closely watched by Coach Peterson and guests Farris Bryant and Haydon Burns as the team scores. CHIEF'S Wayne Giardino (23) gets his hands on the ball and with an extra burst of speed drives for a first down. 291 WITH A GREAT BLOCK PHIL SPOONER (27) iS ABLE TO BREAK AWAY FOR BIG FSU YARDAGE. Tribe Makes 16 Victories FROM THE Seminoles' sidelines Coach Durhamgives out plays as Coach Kennedy studies the other team's weakness. J. K. (BUD) KENNEDY Head Basketball Coach Front Row: Coach Bud Kennedy, Charles Foirchild, Moe Bioodworth, Pete Gonzalez, Bobby Lovell, Bill Peacock, Brian Mur- phy, Ken Leaky, and Assistant Coach Hugh Durham. Back Row: Manager Morris McHone, Bill Glenn, Jerry Shirley, Jim Wal- ace, Ken Doyle, Dick Danford, Bill Phillips, Gary Schull, Ron Malmen. fc PETE GONZALEZ BOBBY LOVELL JERRY SHIRLEY Outstanding Seminole Seniors SEMINOLE John Rogers puts on a strong drive against Joe Newton of Auburn as the Chiefs win one more game. Bud Kennedy turned in his seventeenth year at the helm, and seniors Bob Lovell, Pete Gonzalez, and Jerry Shirley played important roles as the Semi- noles ran up FSU's best record since 1956. The Tribe's 16 victories were the most by an FSU team in eight years. It was the recovery of Shirley, 6-6 forward, from a mediocre junior season and an early-season illness, and the leadership of guards Lovell and Gonzalez that led the Tribe to wins over Baylor, Georgia, Miami, Memphis State, Georgia Tech, Auburn and Duquesne. Junior forward Gary Schull provided early heroics, then yielded the year's points title to Shirley. Schull beat Florida and Tulsa with last second baskets, and scored 20 or more in three straight games at mid-season. Nothing thrilled Seminole fans, though, like the Tribe's annual mid-year fling. After outscoring Georgia nine points in overtime for a 64-55 victory at Athens, Kennedy's shuffling team came home and won five straight, then knocked off Duquesne and Memphis on Seminole home ground. GUARD PETE GONZALEZ PREPARES TO SET UP A PLAY TO DRIVE THROUGH TOUGH GA. DEFENSE. WITH THE TRIBE'S spirits up, the Seminoles drive to the Georgia basket and Gary Schull drops the ball in. THE SEMINOLES GO ABOVE THE GUARDS TO DOWN MEMPHIS. Cagers Play Great Season WITH AN unexpected upset, Florida State puts a big damper in Hurricanes' gust of wind with plays like this, by Gary Schull. 295 BEFORE THE CHEERING FANS, BILL PEACOCK, FAR COURT, GOES UP AND DROPS IN 2 POINTS. WITH THE EXCITED fans yielding from the Tribe's filled bleachers, the Seminoles bare down and pour on the steam. •-1 ^:4 THEY GROW them real tall in Georgia, but not too tall for high pointer Gary Schull (4) as he throws for 2 points. HARD MOVING guard Sonny Detmer (44) gives a good reach to overshadow Georgia for a basket. 1^* FLORIDA STATE'S CENTER GARY SCHULL (4) GOES FOR THE BALL AGAINST THE REBELS. Seminoles Best Record Since 1956 THE TRIBE'S center Bill Phillips (5) sweeps his arm over to moke a basket against the Fla. Gators. OKAY, WHO'S THE WISE GUY THAT SAID BALDY! IN A HEATED game with Auburn, Pete Gonzalez takes to the cir for a basket. SEMINOLE Coach Bud Kennedy calmly talks over a few points of basketball with one of the referees of the game. Scores Show Great Basketball Season FSU 81 FSU 76 FSU 68 FSU 73 FSU 51 FSU 56 FSU 82 FSU 43 FSU 74 FSU 44 FSU 77 FSU 81 FSU 64 FSU 67 FSU 74 FSU 72 FSU 58 FSU 66 FSU 62 FSU 81 FSU 97 FSU 76 FSU 71 FSU 65 FSU 75 FSU 85 Valdosta State Virginia Mi I itary Auburn Alabama Florida Oklahoma State Baylor Tennessee Tulsa DePaul Creighton Rice Georgia Miami Memphis State Georgia Tech Auburn Alabama Duquesne Memphis State Jacksonvi I le Georgia Tech Tampa Florida Miami Georgia 57 72 92 76 50 60 64 65 72 52 85 56 55 66 61 65 55 75 58 70 74 77 64 77 82 83 FSU CENTER GARY SCHULL SINKS A BASKET. Thinclads On Top Again The track team at Florida State hardly drew a deep breath en route to its second straight undefeated season. Led by co-captains Jerry McDaniel and Al Cato, the Seminoles easily defeated Miami, Furman, South Carolina, Auburn, and Florida in dual competition. The Florida State cross-country team also had five victories, no losses, and the Seminoles tied for first place in the Montgomery, Alabama Coliseum Relays during the indoor season. McDaniel, who competed in the NCAA championships along with broad jumper Sid Gainey and Triple jumper Don Cas- teel, was undefeated in the 220 yard dash during three seasons of dual competition. Gainey and Casteel set school records in their specialties, as did McDaniel in the 220 and 440, Cato and Ken White in the 100 yard dash, and Steve Landis in the 330 intermediate hurdbs. X \ .:»- MIKE LONG Track Coach 300 SEMINOLE KEN WHITE TAKES FIRST PLACE IN THE 100 YARD DASH IN A FAST 9.7 SECONDS ■'?•-! O • " " " .« II j "J • II n II ,. ,, f , M" ' " '' '' ^^^ « ri ir II j^i^ ' ' i9|k .^•••^ s? f^ <*■ J. Front Row: Dave Thompson, Gary Castner, Don Casteel, Sydney Gainey, Al Cato, Richard Carrico, Don Phoris, Billy Maxwell. Second Row: Darryl Guthrie, Steve Landis, Billy Campbell, Curtis Long, Bob Sable, Bill Nelson, Kenny \A/hite, Bob Urich'. Third Row: Coach Mike Long, Doug Ferry, Jerry McDaniel, Ross Winter, Ray Hoxit, Floyd Lorenz, Irv Watson, David Braggins, Les King. IN A HOT RACB AGAINST FLORIDA IN THE HIGH HURDLES, FLOYD LORENZ TAKES A CLOSE SECOND 301 f'' AFTER BUILDING up a nead ot steam, Steve Schatz talses |,_. the air m jumping the difficult triple jumip. \ f TIRED BUT HAPPY Seminole Al Cato accepting congrat- ulations after winning 100 yd. dash in 9.5 against Flo. WITH AN EXTRA STRETCH Al Cato passes the baton to Jerry McDaniel in anchor leg of the mile to finish with a great win. IN A RUN AWAY RACE AGAINST FURMAN IN THE 440 YARD DASH, JERRY MCDANIEL WINS WITH A 48.1 Track Scores Show Great Season JERRY MCDANIEL Co-Captoin, Sprints FSU 104 Miami 41 FSU 96 Furman 49 FSU 95 Auburn 50 FSU 85 South Carolina 60 FSU m^ Florida 58/2 AL CATO Co-Captain, Sprints 303 A sudden batting slump brought disaster to Florida State at the College World Series in Omaha, Nebras- ka, but elimination did little to dim the record of Fred Hatfield in his second season as Seminole baseball coach. FloridaState finished fifth nationally in the poll conducted by Collegiate Baseball, sport's official newspaper. Highlight of the season was the fourth District III championship won by Florida State teams in eight trips to Gastonia, N.C., tradi- tional site of the tournament. The Seminoles lost the first game of the double-elimination affair to Mississippi State, but came back to defeat Maryland State, and Furman twice for the title. In the opening round of the World Series, eventual runner-up Ohio State beat FSU 2-1, but Hatfield's team came back with a 12-inning 4-3 victory over Texas before falling to St. Louis, 5-3 to finish the season with a 32-11-1 record. 4 ' '^ I FRED HATFIELD Head Baseball Coach Seminoles Go To College World Series Front Row: Houston Taff, Leon Chalhub, Roy Mewborne, Marvin Stringfe I low, Nick Caforo, Dean Duchak, Steve Marks, Dick Fernandez, Gary Lawerence, Randy Brown, Gerry Chmielewski . Second Row: Maury Hopkins, Bob Kull, Bill Beorsel. Rick Hitchinson, Mike Honey, Pete Sarron, Tom Thomas, Bob Wooley, Eddie Howell, Sonny Detmer, Bill Hammond, Monty McBryde, Bob Wilcox, Don Murray, Gary Nichols, Jim Ward, Joe McKinney, Jim McCune, Chuck Hawkins, Cliff Ranew, Mike Martin, Asst. Coach Lanford, Coach Hatfield. DICK FERNANDEZ Infield MAURICE HOPKINS Infield RANDY BROWN Catcher BOB WILCOX Outfield MONTY MCBRYDE Outfield GARY NICHOLS First Base GERRY CHMIELEWSKI Infield KEN CREELY Pitcher CLIFF RANEW Pitcher P^ m ^ k "y Sb: 305 MIKE MARTIN Outfield SEMINOLE PETE SARRON HITS A BIG HOMER IN THEIR INVITATIONAL WITH MICHIGAN ^4^ PETE SARRON ROUNDS THIRD BASE AFTER HIS CLEAN-UP SWAT RANDY BROWN SCORES HIS THIRD RUN OF THE DAY AS HE STEALS HOME FROM LOYOLA SEMINOLES TAKE TO THE FIELD AGAINST GEORGIA SOUTH 307 WKmmmtmi^m^m^mmii-.'^m^'Km PIP"""' " i""«ilj|i ',«5?2^»**>BK.*» *iw..Jte»3> THE CHIEFS ARE gUlCK FOR ONE OUT AND TRIES FOR DOUBLE FLORIDA'S GOVERNOR HAYDON BURNS throws out the first bail at the Seminoles first homegameto start off a great season. THE SEMINOLES STRETCH TO MAKE OUT OVER LOYOLA COACH LITWHILER SHOWS CONCERN OVER THE UMPIRE'S VISION Seminoles Still Rank High FSU 7 Miami 4 FSU 13 Clemson 11 FSU 9 Miami 4 FSU 16 Clemson 3. FSU 9 Miami 9 FSU 10 Pensacola Navy 1 FSU 4 Florida Southern 3 FSU 12 Pensacola Navy 2 FSU 2 Kentucky FSU 7 Loyola 6 FSU Navy 1 FSU 18 Loyola 14 FSU Navy 1 FSU 10 Georgia Southern 4 FSU 11 Michigan Slate 8 FSU 6 Georgia Southern 2 FSU 11 Duke 1 FSU 8 Jacksonville 2 FSU 8 Wake Forest 1 FSU 6 Florida 8 FSU 5 Wake Forest 3 FSU 3 F orida 2 FSU 2 Michigan State 4 FSU 10 Pensacola Navy 2 FSU 9 Duke 4 FSU 3 Miss. State 6 FSU 11 • Wake Forest 4 FSU 7 Maryland 3 FSU 9 Auburn 1 FSU 6 Miss.. State 2 FSU 12 Auburn FSU 2 Furman 1 FSU 4 Georgia Southern 2 FSU 7 Furman 5 FSU 6 Georgia Southern 3 FSU 5 F orida 4 FSU 11 Duke 2 FSU 10 Florida 11 FSU 2 N.C. State 7 FSU 1 Ohio State 2 FSU 1 North Carohna 12 FSU 4 Texas 3 FSU 8 Clemson 9 FSU 3 St. Louis 5 309 .1:1 N. B. "BIM" STULTS Swimming Coach Cul'len'^Bull^crDo^uJK^r'M' lT\^"'';,'^rtu^°^'' Simmons, Dick Acosta, Jack Jaisler, Tom Lloyd, Jack Barncastle, FSU Swimmers Best In Dixie FLORIDA STATE'S strong swimmerjohn Rangeley moves ahead with the butterfly against Florida. SEMINOLES' Coach Bim Stults complimented on another great swimming season by FSU's former president, Gordon Blackwell. 311 SEMINOLE FREESTYLER GENE DAYTON BARES DOWN IN A DASH FOR FINISH AGAINST N. C. STATE. Tribe Scalps Gators 1*^-%,, A THE NEW SWIMMING pool offers many advantages sucfi as the underwater windows which allow a different view. The 1965 Florida State swimming team settled the issue once and for all -- the Seminoles are Dixie's best swimmers. Other pretenders to the title were North Carolina, North Carolina State, and Florida, perennial Champion of the Southeastern Conference. Coach Bim Stults' Seminoles took on Carolina and N. C. State in a single weekend and important victories by Doug Kruger and Mike Koch in the breast-stroke and record-breaking laps by Dick Ab- bott and Dick Acosta gave Florida State 55-40 and 56-39 wins. If that wasn't enough, Stults pulled a rare feat -- he swam his best men in every event, and wrecked Florida, 72-23 in one of the most humiliating de- feats ever handed the Gators by the Tribe. The Seminoles nine dual meet victories ran their unbeaten string to 16 and wrapped up Stults' sixth no-losses in 16 at Florida State University. His record -won 132, lost 22. ''^m *"■ «i ■^pp^j^iif»«s««*r*i»** WITH A VERY happy and excited team to help, Coach Stults takes a swim after defeating the Florida Gators. BIQ SEMINOLE Dick Abbott is congratulated by a fellow teammate after defeating North Carolina in the freestyle. THE SEMINOLES well ahead of the Gators, Neil Allen dives perfectly from the 3 meter board. WITH NORTH CAROLINA breathing down his neck in a heated meet, FSU's Tom Lloyd applies the steam to put himself ahead. K« :■ ; v» m^ Swimming Team Undefeated ^ FSU 57 Tulane 38 FSU 66 Georgia 29 FSU 53 Florida 42 FSU 69 Alabama 26 FSU 55 North Carolina 40 FSU 56 N. C. State 39 FSU 74 Georgia Tech 19 FSU 72 Florida 23 FSU 70 East Carolina 24 313 WITH FSU FANS LOOKING ON, NEIL ALLEN DOES ANOTHER GREAT DIVE. Playing against some of the nation's toughest com- petition, FSU's tennis team finished with an 11-6 record, in Lex Wood's first year as head coach. Wood, a Seminole star for two years, gave up his final year of eligibility to assume the coaching duties. Outside of a late season upset by Rollins, the teams which defeated Florida State were among the nation's strongest. Georgia Tech won two matches from the Seminoles, and Miami, Mississippi State, Indiana, and Rollins were victors over FSU once each. Meanwhile, Florida State defeated Florida, Navy, Presbyterian, and Rutgers. -f '^^»" '» -^;^ V ^c .■> s ■ ?C*>*#^ »1S TENNIS TEAM CAPTAIN Paul Bennett sets up a shot as he begins to put on the pressure against his opponent. TENNIS TEAM: Front Row: Terry Poore, Steve Burtt, Steve'Guse. Second Row: Paul Bennett, Randy Cameron, Stewart Bruner, Paul de Zeeuw, Coach Lex Wood. Jf FSU 8 Missouri State ^-^ FSU FSU 9 8 Valdosta State Florida 1 FSU 6 Kentucky FSU 10 Pensacola Navy 2 FSU 2 Miss. State 7 La FSU FSU FSU 2 8 9 Georgia Tech Navy Rutgers 7 1 ^V' jp .^^^i FSU FSU 9 9 Rutgers Valdosta State w^^m FSU 4 Rollins 5 i m FSU 5 Florida 4 1 .^H FSU 5 Presbyterian 4 1 ^^^^p FSU 4 Georgia Tech 5 ^K^^ FSU 3 Miami 6 1^^^ FSU 4 Indiana 5 LEX WOOD Tennis Coach Wood Coaches Great Season 4, r "4 ' '*'^ FSU'S TENNIS TEAM HAS DONE VERY WELL UNDER COACH LEX WOOD Front Row: Denny Lyons, John Parsons, Terry Moore, Don Scartz.. Second Row: Bill Boutwell, Joe Endry, John Danielson, Coach Hugh Durham. Golfers Earn NCAA Invitational Florida State's golfers, undefeated since early 1963, climaxed their season with an invitation to the NCAA championships in Knoxville, Tennessee. Under Coach Hugh Durham, Florida State has won 25 straight dual meets over the past three seasons. This year the Seminoles defeated Florida, Ball State and Auburn twice each, and added victories over Georgia Tech and Kentucky^for an 8-0 record. In tournament competition the golfers finished second in both the Florida Intercollegiates and the Miami Invitational, and tied for fifth in the Southern Intercollegiates Tournament. «B^?. sx «si»»ssara' HUGH DURHAM Golf Coach 8-0 Season FSU 11 Florida 7 FSU 10 Florida 8 FSU 18 Ball State FSU 18 Ball State D FSU I6K2 Kentucky IK2 FSU 15 Georgia Tech 3 FSU 14/2 Auburn 3K2 FSU 17K2 Auburn /2 THE MOST CONSISTENT GOLFER IS JOHN DANIELSON BILL BOUTWELL PLAYED ONE OF HIS BEST SEASONS n-- DENNY LYONS IS ONE OF FSU'S BEST PLAYERS 317 ■*^m The Women's Recreation Association sponsoring the Women's Intramural Program had between 1000 and 1500 participants in the program during the 1964-65 school year. Activities included archery, badminton, basketball, bowling, deck tennis, golf, horseshoes, Softball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, and volley- ball. The Association aims for: "a sport for every woman and a woman in every sport." Besides the participants many other students were involved in leadership capacities as unit managers, sports man- agers, and officials. The program is growing with each passing year and is limited only by quantity of facilities. Volleyball, alone, drew 39 teams from sororities, dormitories and other organizations. The trophies, designating victory in each sport, were aboutevenly divided among the participating groups: sororities, dorms, and other organizations connected with Florida State. PI KAPPA ALPHA goes i,p in the air tu Mnl a basket in a hot Intramural game with Lambda Chi. SOFTBALL PROVIDES MANY EXCITING MOMENTS FOR THE MANY FANS COACH EDDIE CUBBON is the Director of Intramural s and Sport Related Activities. FOOTBALL HAS BECOME ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR SPORTS IN INTRAMURALS INTRAMURAL DIRECTOR EDDIE CUBBON looks on as Dean Harry Day awards the many trophies to the Intramural winners. MARTHA "PAT" MOORE W.R.A. Faculty Advisor Intramurals Start To Grow THE GIRLS SHOW THE BOYS that they also can appreciate the many sports that Intramural offers. Men's Intramural enjoyed its finest year in 1964-65- More than five thousand men participated in the sixteen different sports and expended more than fifty thousand man hours in practice and participa- tion. The Intramural program provided entertainment for large numbers of spectators at every game. A total of sixteen thousand students watched 154 flag football games. Basketball, volleyball, wrestling, track and field, swimming and Softball also drew large numbers of students as spectators. It is our dream that facilities will be built and equipment provided in various locations on the Campus so that each studentwill find it convenient to play whatever game and whatever reasonable hour it suits his in- clination. 319 INTRAMURAL SPORTS ARE A VERY COMPETI TIVE ACTIVITY AMONG STUDENTS WHO STRIVE AT DOING THEI R BEST Students Take Advantage of THE PHI KAPPA TAU'S MAKE AN EXTRA EFFORT TO WIN AuAIN Intramurals, an important part of student life, pro- vides opportunities for social as well as physical development. This years intramural athletic program at Florida State sparkled with spiritand excitement. Intramurals for men are sponsored by the Intramurals Office, and those for women by the Women's Recreational Association. Planned to include the participation of both the fraternity and independent organizations on campus, the program featured competition in most every sport for which FSU has the equipment. Trophies were presented to winners of each sport division, and a rotating trophy was given to the team with the highest overall point average. SORORITIES ALSO COMPETE IN I NTRAA.AURALS Many Intramural Sports AGOODGAME OF SOFTBALL CAN ALWAYS PRODUCE EXCITEMENT Organizations 322 ''■''f *'"■'"' '^ s^'Sts OFFICERS: Seated: Dr. Steven Winters, Vice-President; Mr. Richard Joel, President. Standing: Robley Light, Treasurer; Venila Shores, Historian; C. E. Tanzy, Sec- retary. Phi Beta Kappa The motto of Phi Beta Kappa, "Love of wisdom and Helmsman of iLife," expresses its distinguished principles, friendship, morality, and love of learn- ing. The new members, initiated with a spring ban- quet, are devoted to encouragement of scholarship, and their election into Phi Beta Kappa is attainment of high scholastic honor. Their ideal, scholarship, is represented by the Greek symbols. Gold Key, five stars, and a pointing hand, in the fraternity pin. These members are also known for their lead- ership potential, creative ability and cultural in- terest. Phi Beta Kappa was established at FSCW in 1934. Each year the honorary sponsors a Foun- der's Day Coffee, an initiation banquet, and a lec- ture series as part of their activities. Mary Alfriend Alpha Batts Stephen Bertman Homer Block Mrs. Allen Boggs Irene Boliek Janice Brandewie James Brandt Mrs. Ruth Breen Reno Bupp Grace Cairns D. S. Campbell M. V. Campbell John Ej. Champion Carol Clifton Richard Cornell Mrs. W. F. Cramer Graydin DeLand Pete Doval is Agnes Edwards Richard Erickson Carolyn Gaines John Gille Frank Goni Dwight Goodner Nel I Greene Herman Gunter Rodelia Hapke Gladys Harrold Marion Hay Henry Healy Mrs. Louis Hill Dorothy Hoffman Katherine Hoffman Marian Irish Richard Joel Nancy Ann Jones Nancy Lee Jones Oscar Jones Lewi s Ki I lion Rebecca Larsen Robley Light Wi I liam Long Judith Loucks Patricia Martin Ralph McWilliams John Merting Wayne Minnick Paul Morri son Meyers Nimkoff Victor Qelschlager Dai sey Parker Mary Parmenter Malcolm Parsons Claude Pepper Winston Priest J. R. Reaver Jessie Rel lehan W. H. Rogers Patricia Russo Carolyn Scheafer Veni la Shores Robert Short J. R. Skretting Nancy Smith Deborah Snow Daniel Solomon Sandra Spear PHI BETA KAPPA visiting lecturer Robert S. Rankin talks with Malcolm Parsons,, Mr. R. Joel and Mr. Sterm. Robert Spivey Sara Srygtey A. L. Sturm Nancy Ann Sumner Roberta Takizawa Conrad Tanzy Elwyn Thomas Lynette Thompson Ray Tipton Diana Todd Lyman Toulmin Anna Tracy Ralph Turner Burke Vanderhil I John Vanderoff Linda Wahl Wi lliom Watson Betty Watts Winifred Wentworth Mrs. V. L. Whittier, Leiand Wi lliams Miriam Wilson Douglas Windham Jr. PHI KAPPA PHI OFFICERS: Malcolm Parsons, vice- president; Richard Cornell, treasurer; Janet Randel, correspondent; Thomas Wright, president; Nadine Hackler, secretary. Phi Kappa Phi phi Kappa Phi is a scholastic honorary which is distinguished by its selection of members from all departments and schools of the university. Included in its membership are students on both the graduate and undergraduate levels who meet the necessary requirements. A 3.5 overall average is the minimum scholastic requirement for undergraduates, while a 3.75 is required as a minimum at the graduate level. Established on the Florida State campus in 1925, Phi Kappa Phi strives to promote the highest stan- dards in scholastic achievement and individual character and endeavors to recognize such outstand- ing traits in students by awarding them membership. Their motto is "Philosophic Kratei Photon," The Love of Learning Rules the World. Nelda Alderman Barbara Alexander Mary Alexander Shelia Appleby Linda Austin Henry Barber Benjamin Bateman Betsy Bauder Nancy Bell Marian Black Garth Blake Lois Boggs Jimmy Boyles James Brandt Pamela Browne L. 0. Butts Loui se Campbell Milton Carothers John E. Champion Joel Chanoie James Chappel Carol Clifton Julian Col lins Edith Core Richard Cornel I Floyd Deterding Juanita DeVette Marjorie Di I linghom Wi 1 1 iam Di I linghom Annette Dixion Doris Doelker Marie Ellis Marie Erdman Ralph Eyman Ruth Ferguson Carl Ferrell Jean Fleming Elko Frank Carolyn Gaines Azzura Givens Hortense Glenn Dwight Goodner Susan GrassI Nel I Greene James Guest Nadine Flackler Frederick Hall Rodel ia Hapke Irell Harp Carol Haynes Katheryn Haynes John Healy Patricia Henderson Dorothy Hoffman Joseph Hooten Karen Horn Charlotte Hutchison Lawrence Jerome Richard Joel Nancy Jones Lauretta Kenney Lewi s Ki 1 1 ian Robert Kromhout Maria Lacayo Lawrence Lavine Mary Lepper Robley Light Judith Loucks Marsha Lynn John McCrory Gregory McNei I ly John Merting Kenneth Miller Madeleine Mower Ida Myricl< Jerry Nelson Ruth Newcomb Thomas Newman Diane Nuckolls Norman Nunn Ella Opper-man Daisy Parker Malcolm Parsons Mary Pederson Thomas Pelham Carole Peterson Gregg Phifer Gail Pittman Janet Randel Agnes Ridley Grover Rogers Frank Ruggiers Carolyn Schaeffer Claudia Schol I Shirley Searight Dora Skipper Joyner Sims Nancy Smith Deborah Snow Hazel Stevens Hugh Stickler John Strange Marion Thompson Diana Todd John Vanderoof Barbara Varley H. 0. Waldby Mary Jo Weale Faye Wells Janet Wells jzola Wi I liams Ralph Witherspoon Lois Wodarski Thomas Wright Leo York Carol Zion 325 Black, H. Boyd, H. Brandt, J. Col lins, E . Davis, D. Garwood, T. Heck, W. Jones, J. Jones, J. Merting, J. '^ ^ 0-. ^. ^M f^J ^ ikl^ ^ /«*\, ^i ^j^ ■ - ^;j M Aife Omicron Delta Kappa The highest men's leadership honorary on campus, Omicron Delta Kappa, recognizes those who have made outstanding accomplishments in their colle- giate activities. Drawn from junior and senior men as well as from the faculty and administration, mem- bers are chosen on the basis of their character, leadership, service to the university, and con- secration to democratic ideals. in order to qualify for membership in the number one national leadership honorary for men, one must have attained excellence in at least two of the areas of scholarship, political affairs, religious affairs, athletics, and the dramatic arts. Service projects for this year included a. week-end leadership work- shop for superior high school students and the Bob Crenshaw Scholarship Fund car tag sale. Mines Boyd served as president, with Bill Wood, vice president; Dr. Warren Nation, faculty secretary; and Mr. Joe Plant, sponsor. THE FAMOUS PLAYWRIGHT MARK VAN DOREN is tapped an honorary member of Omiicron Delta Kappa by Hines Boyd. Nation, W. Plant, J. Pugh, G. Rogers, G. Rogers, W. Schwartz Smeiko, A. Tait, W. Wood, B. THE MEMBERS OF MORTAR BOARD look on as a new member, Linda Gross, goes through initiation. Mortar Board To promote college loyalty, to advance the spirit of service and fellowship among university women, to promote and maintain a high standard of scholarship, to recognise and encourage leadership, and to stimulate and develop a finer type of college woman is the purpose df Mortar Board. The Torchbearer chapter of this notional organization was founded on the Florida State campus in 1931. Mortar Board sponsors many activities on campus, including the Last Lecture Series and Penny-o- Minute Night. It also presents plaques to the stu- dents with the highest averages in each class at the annual Honors Night Program. The organization is sponsored by Dr. Tanzy, Dr. Killian, and Dr. Frank and is led by Marsha Lynn, president; Kit Killian, vice president; Francis Ubele, secretary; Sandy Lewis, treasurer; Sue Mauger, historian; and Pat Freeman, editor. Dixion, I. Fletcher, T. Freeman, P. Gross, L. Killian, J. Killian, K. Lewis, S. Lynn, M. Loucks, J. Mauger, S. Renfroe, C. Ubele, F. 327 Boyd, H. Collins, E. Henderson, S. Jones, J . Merting, J. Proctor, J. ^.M Rogers, W. Whitehead, R. Gold Key Gold Key was founded on the Florida State campus in 1947, to recognize and foster leadership and service among outstanding junior and senior men. New members are tapped twice each year on the basis of their leadership, scholarship, and service to Florida State University. Many of Gold Key's service projects extend be- yond the boundaries of the campus. This year Gold Key has been active in helping other campuses to organize honoraries and also in helping the people of Tallahassee with many of their service projects. Its main social event of the year is the annual Garnet and Gold Homecoming Banquet, co-sponsored by Garnet and Gold Key. Serving Gold Key this year were Ray Whitehead, president; John Jones, vice president; Eric Collins, secretary; Jim Brandt, treasurer; and Professor Claude Flory, sponsor. 328 SHERMAN HENDERSON TAPS NEW MEMBERS WITH THE GOLD KEY DURING INITIATION f < ^ /,-- © 9 V l3^^ 1 ^ f < P^ v^ ^v Anderson, P. Beddingf ield, L. Bell, B. Branson, D. Burnham, P. Clark, P. Clark, S. Col I ins, G . DeHoff, M. Dixion, I . Doomar, P. Doyle, R. Garnet Key # f i? ^3 Faulds, A. Fincher, S. Fletcher, T. Gross, L. Hammond, K. Hoff, S. Howse, J. Jones, H. Kilgroe, C. The Garnet Key is worn by those junior and senior women who have been recognized for their outstand- ing contributions of leadership, service and spirit. These women have also attained a minimum schol- astic average of 2.3 and are tapped in their sopho- more, junior or senior year. Organized in 1 947 as a local honorary, Garnet Key promotes those activities which foster progress and spirit of the university. Led by Pat Doomar, Garnet Key Women have served as hostesses at various university functions and helped with the Alumni Planning Conference. Garnet Key joined Gold Key for the annual Homecoming Banquet, where honorary members for 1964, Dr. Meriam Wilson and Miss Helen Hayes, were an- nounced. Speaking on the Honor Code and helping with the Seminole Booster Football Kickoff were among Garnet Key's projects this year. Mi/ »B Killian, J. Klepp, B. Loucks, J. Love, M. Mauger, S. McG lassom. C. Mozur, P. Nelson, M. Norman, J. Patterson, M. Peters, C. Peters, S.. Renfroe, C. Rodgers, L. Ubele, F. Wi 1 liamson. J. 329 Phi Eta Sigma Phi Eta Sigma is a national organization which re- cognizes those freshman men who have attained an overall 3.5 average in either their first or second trimester of college work. The FSU chapter was founded in 1955 and has served the university by selling Campus Pacs and sponsoring the Honor Banquet for Dean's List students at the beginning of second trimester. The group was led this year by Bruce Jon Miller, president; William Courtney, secretary; Don Miller treasurer; and Dr. Paul Piccard, sponsor. PHI ETA SIGMA: Front Row: Bud Smith, Bruce Miller, David Black, Don MilF'er. Second Row: Paul Woods, Terry Mitchell, Ned Wether- spoon, Ken Kobre, Jeffery Lawson, Barry Quails. Alpha Lambda Delta With spring comes the initiation banquet of Alpha Lambda Delta, national scholastic honorary for freshman women. At this banquet the out-going sophomore members turn over their places of service to those freshman women who have attained at least a 3.5 average. Their projects include sponsoring a lecture series and hostessing the Honors Day re- ception for students who have a minimum 3.0 aver- age. Alpha Lambda Delta was led this year by president, Pam Montague; vice president, Johnetta Gore; secretaries, Doris Whigham and Ann Kelly; treasurer, Joanne Knowles;and historian, Lucy Dyal. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA: Front Row: Johnnie Gore, Dorotlny Anp Kelley, Pamela Montague, Joanne Knowles. Second Row: Edna Stein, Katie Sterling, Marilyn McBride Presnall, Elizabeth Moore, Sara June Beck, Pamela Warner, Beverly Reynolds, Susan West, Susan Smother^, Mickie Cooper. Third Row: Leona Franklin, Peggy Knerr, Nancy Bow- man, Linda Parrish, Suzanne Partin, M. Sue Dicus, Kathy Poole, Judy Lyter, Connie Singletary, Rosalin Sasman, Carol Thomas. MORTIFIED: Beverly Klepp, Susan Fincher, Joyce Ojala, Kathy Alonso, Lynne Rodgers, Ruth Doyle, Carol Peters, Donna Branson, Susan Bakewell, Jon Warren. Mortified Under the auspices of Donna Branson, Grand Czar and only officer, Mortified exists for the sole pur- pose of fun and spirit raising. The group never meets except by accident, usually at the Talem, where members devote as much time as possible to activi- ties and harassing Mortar Board members. Mortified taps one less member than its rival organization. Mortar Board. The taps must be of junior standing and must have contributed to FSU through leadership, spirit, character, and service. A high scholastic average is not required, thus the origin of the distinguished pink and green dunce cap pin. However, every member of Mortified has achieved honors at Florida State. The traditional outfits of the Mortified members are white skirts, red blouses, and Mortar Boards on sideways. The familiar and incessant theme song is "Eii, Eii, we're Mortified!" MORTIFIED MEMBERS celebrate their abolition from the slavery of studying by ringing the freedom bell. Alpha Phi Omega 1|: ALPHA PHI OMEGA OFFICERS: Front Row: Ernest Elliott, John Weaver, Larry Stollings. Second Row: David E. Hull, Dean Stephen Winters, Robert H. Dudley, Allen McConnell, Thomas Harrel I. Alpha Phi Omega is a national service fraternity composed of men who have had previous experience with the scouting movement, are interested in pro- moting service to humanity, and maintain a 2.2 average. The goal of APO is to join college men in a fraternity founded on the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law, in addition to developing leadership and serving the university and community. APO helped at registration, student ID handout, and distribution of Campus Pacs. It sponsored the ? White Christmas for needy families, the Ugly Man Contest, and this year presented the fountain to J the University Union. The APO Travel Agency is i another of the fraternity's projects. Iota Rho Chapter was founded on the FSU campus i in 1951; it is now ranked second in the nation. The ! group was led by President Bob Dudley. 332 ALPHA PHI OMEGA: Front Row: Jim Yearwood, Jim Jackson, Marty Lockhard, CUff Lee, Ted Mack, Steve Clark, Harry Dodd, Marvin Holt. Second Row: Ray Ashurst, Bill Hungate, Leo Jackson, George Partin, Jim Hackett, Walt Dixon, Ernie Elliott, Bob White, Larry Stollings, Bill Kennedy, John Weaver, Harmon McBride. Third Row: Harold Unger, Paul Kelly, Norman Hill, Mike Wager, Don Isadcs, Randy Petty, Jeff Jones, Herb Bruce, Mark Wolfe, Gary Orme, Jim Chappell, Col Chrisholm, Joe Warren, Ron Smith, Jerry Bukard, Doug Wells. Fourth Row: Roy Ellis, Lee Strickland, Paul Palmer, Jim Brown, Parker Jones, Roger Bourgeois, Steve Hand, Bill Lairsey, Mike Sanders, Stan Gamma Sigma Sigma Members of Gamma Sigma Sigma distributed Pow Wow's and Campus Pacs, worked in the infirmary, ushered at campus movies and circus home shows, and hostessed at the University Union. During the year they sponsored fund-raising drives and acted as receptionists as the International Student Fair. Working with the social welfare unit in Tallahassee, the girls took under-privileged children to the cir- cus and made stuffed animals to be presented to the Candle of Hope School for retarded children for Christmas. An additional project of the service sorority was a baby sitting service for faculty families, proceeds of which went toward a scholar- ship fund. Officers for the year were: Ann Straughn, presi- dent; Anne Roth, first vice president; Sandy Hoff, second vice president; Anna Bennett, corresponding secretary; Harriet MacGill, recording secretary; and Karen Glendenning, treasurer. GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA girls help to cheer up Andrea Jones while she is a patient in the FSU infirmary. GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA: Front Row: Pat Lepaige, Becky Peacock, Anne Roth, Harriet MacGill, Aiyene "Beth" Wales, Sandra Hoff, Pat Lane, Jana Vaye McLeland, Flewellyn Pringle, Lynn Lepaige, Rosa- lie Glover. Second Row: Patti Ragland, Hilda Henderson, Nancy Cooper, .Kathryn Purvis, Sara June °--k, Sylvia Dine, Maureen Moron, Carol Labauve, Mary Chapman, Alix Pavlic,] Helen Marie Zywicki. -.._iU:_ n_l.. M:I_ 1 A. .J ^/l;II„- Pl^4.Vw P^l,-,^rv, k'^4-Ul^,^ri ^/l^.-+;r^ .Ri-v,,-Q ^Aol-,r^no B Third Row: Cynthia Daly, Nila Ines, Audrey Miller, Dotty Folsom, Kathleen Marti n, • Bryce Mahoney, Catherine Warren, Patricia Newman, M. Caroline Thomas, Irene Deck. Fourth Row: Jean Regensdorf, Beverly Miklos, Faye Robertson, Lynn Bradbury, Jean Knarr, Eileen Lannon, Brenda Kinsey, Roberta Jo O'Steen, Suzanne Abell, Kathy Jones, Maria Wood. 333 FLORIDA ST4T CIRCLE K: Front Row: Jon Allen, Bob Brinson, James Hoopper, Jeffrey Orelich, Bruce Miller-President. Second Row; Thomas Beasley, Bill Trucano, Ken Thomassen, Walt Deese, Bill Sisley, Thomas Welsh. Third Row: Buck Coney, Steve Winn, Richard Walker, Carl Domino. Fourth Row: Reid Montgomery, Dick Ruh, Paul Berger, Clark Pearson, Harry Brown, Steve Stanford, Circle K Student FEA The men of Circle K.International have continued to uphold their motto "We Build" throughout '64-'65. As a service organization patterned after Kiwanis International, they have performed many beneficial tasks for the University. Besides ushering for all of the Artist Series presentations, the members of Circle K were in charge of the facilities for the Student Government Retreat. Other much appreciated activities were setting up the Hall of Fame exhibit and contributing to the success of Campus Chest. The Student Florida Education Association provides opportunities for training in professional leader- ship for any student entering the education field. "Activities for the past year included the annual School of Education picnic, attendance at the state convention, and presentation of a scholarship to a worthy member of the club. The association served FSU by monitoring for the state scholarship exami- nation and served the community with a Christmas party for needy children. 334 STUDENT FEA: First Row: Ellen Barker, Judith Wagner, Elizabeth Delack, Barbara Adamson, Marsha Waldron. Second Row: Norma Chickering, Audrey Hammond, Joyce Good- bread, Cheryl Jacobs, Sandra Luttrell, Ruth Gilley. Third Row: Louise Barwick, Theron Trimble, C. Henry Depew, Pamela Montague. Freshman Flunkies Freshman Flunkies are freshman women organized by dorms to serve the University. The freshmen act as hostesses for the Association of College Unions Convention, for the University Union dances, and for the Seminole Flyers Open House. Other projects are working for the University Hospital and address- ing and mailing various literature from Student Gov- ernment, University Theatre, and Public Relations. Each member is encouraged to enter into University activities and must work at least three hours to earn a pin. The Women's Vice-President serves as sponsor Freshman Flunkies. Brenda Epperson acted as pres- ident; Carol Pate, vice-president; Susan Winch, cor- responding secretary; Sharon Martin, recording sec- retary; and Phyllis Tilghman, treasurer. FRESHMAN FLUNKIES Katy McMillian, Marty Wain- right and Peggy Hohnman;are busy working on posters. 335 FRESHMAN FLUNKIES: Seated: Phyllis Tilghman, Treasurer; Sharon Martin, Recording Secretary; Brenda Epperson, President; Carol Pate, Vice President; Susan Winch, Corresponding Secretary. Standing: Judy Morris, Magnolia Chairman; Cheryl Anton, Broward Chairman; Peggy Hohman, Gilchrist Chairman; Sally Clein, Off- Campus Chairman. Angel Flight As an honorary service organization sponsored by Arnold Air Society, Ange! Flight has added color and charm to the Air Force ROTC Program. The girls of Angel Flight perform as a drill team in Homecom- ing, Mardi Gras, and special drill competitions. Besides serving as official hostesses for Arnold Air Society and AFROTC, this year Angel Flight held its Folk Frolics and annual dinner. Honored as one of the three most outstanding units in the Rex Parade at Mardi Gras, Angel Flight at FSU is the Area Headquarters for the Southeastern United States. MISS SANDY LEWIS Cammander 336 iVT^^^r,! ^^^ p 2; TXT J ^ >- - ^ ^^^^ ANGEL FLIGHT: First Row: Pat Shea, Donna Rogers, Barbara Stack, Marsha Haskins, Woody Watkins, Sarah Everson, Sue Kimbrough, Penny Zeigler, Suzanne Laird, Sue Lynn, Joanna Rober, Rena_e Li vingston. Second Row: Alex Pavl ic. Sue Rainwater, Gay Yates, Patty Bowman, Lynn Kennedy, Jackie Wren, Tessie Fajardo, Jann Dunn, Cheri McGahey, Carol Smith, Lois Stoker, Beverly Wall. Third Row: Barbie Williams, Ellen Costs, Jan Winterowd, Joan Bemmet, Suzanne Bradford, Trilly Mi'chel, Jan Steward, Elaine Hunter, Connie Gowen Mary King. Fourth Row: Judy Whitaker, Lynn Hunt, Jan Marocci, Connie Russell, Cindy Meng, Susan Lively, Carmen Russell, Ann Tally, Myra Kohne, Cicily Walker, Mary Kay Buress, Kit Killicn. ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY: Front Row: Walter Parker, Alan Ray Contreras, Charles Tunnicliff, Robert Fulton, Reid Cameron, Harry Davis, Ernie Elliot, John Haddon. Second Row: Ben Lacy, Eddie Abney, William McCaren, John Wheeler, David Ward, Captain Lingo, George Johnson, Ernie Branch. Third Row: Bob Dawson, James Eaves, Sam Register, Ed VonLeffern, Richard Orme, Ron Ernest, Bill Scarborol Fourth Row: Jim Wade, Del Kittendorf, Harmon McBride, Captain Albert Catlett, Bill Lairsey, Dean Sellers, Herb Baumbach. Fifth Row: Ed De la Verne, Arthur Forster. Arnold Air Society Arnold Air Society, a national honorary service fraternity, taps outstanding Air Force ROTC cadets with a 2.9 ROTC average and a 2.2 overall. In addition to supporting the U. S. Air Force, the Society stresses many university and community service programs. A few of the projects they par- ticipated in this year include provining Homecoming escorts for the returning class of 1914, sponsoring a campus blood drive, visiting bases, and co-spon- soring the annual Folk Frolics. The Arnold Air Society's advisor is Captain Albert W. Catlett. Society of Hosts A local hotel and restaurant management club, the Society of Hosts was created to promote prestige and professional standing for the Hospitality in- dustry through close academic, social, and profes- sional fellowship among its members. The Hosts sponsor the International Dinners, featuring different countries at each gourmet, and the "Christmas Dinner of the Old South." Officers this year were president, John Lewis; vice presidents, Stan Lawson and Boyd Coarsey; sec- retary, Jackie Quick; and treasurer, Claudia Brown. SOCIETY OF HOSTS: Front Row: Thomas Mathis, Steven Winn, Jackie Quicks, Sandy Schulman, Claudia Brown, John Lewis. Second Row: Boyd Coaroey, Dick White- side,, Stan Lawson, Jay Dirman. Third Row: Harry Smith, Charles Corwin, Larry Curtis, Don Maynard. Fourth Row: Ashly Stiff, faculty advisor. 337 VILLAGE VAMPS TAPS: First Row: Melissa Sims, Bonnie Battinelli, Mary Frontier, Camille Hassler, Jane Hennessy, Beverly Bell, Pam Burger, Carol Pate, Mary Sue McGovern. Second Row: Pamela Jo Kear- ney, Augusta Adams, Susie Bonnet, Sally Graham, Mary Louise Sackett, Caroline Poole, Susan Winch, Carol Ostrander, Myra Kohne. Third Row: Joani Mayers, Lynne Allen, Jane Tyler, Patty Howell, Lynn Murphy, Mary Faith Nicholas,, Jani ce Dutcher,, Bunny Fletcher, Dee Hopkins, Susan Lively, Dixie Lee Wi Icoxon . Village Vamps Stylish and poised best describes the Village Vamps. This traditional organization has been on campus since the days of F.S.C.W. New and transfer freshmen women were picked from the dorms and sororities by a fall rush. These lucky women were seen wearing the traditional black ensembles the day of tapping. As part of their initiation, which was held in the spring, the initiates were required to wear a fraternity pin for the day. The members of the social honorary are known as the official hostesses of the school. They ushered at the Artist Series, served at receptions, welcomed visiting football teams, and greeted our own team after away games. Beverly Klepp, president, led the Village Vamps this year. VILLAGE VAMPS: First Row: Tina Howell, Jo Ellen Reed, Linda Gates, Timi Dutcher, Wynne Williams, Bookie Rey- nolds, Eileen Santa Cruz, Toni Beals,, Suzanne Counts. Second Row: Pom Koch, Cora Nel I Spooner, , Jackie Acher,, Jo Isocrios, Molly Megathlin, Janet Whipple, Hallie Leach, Susanne Bradford, Pamela Montague, Beverly Klepp, and DeArmas. Third Row: Marty Rankin, Phyllis Home, Mary j Anna Morrison, Kathy Holt, Lynn Massengill, Lynn Burns, Janet Dunn, Linda Durrance,, Sand i Holmes, Christie Wa Iker, Joanne Griffin. FASHION 'INC: First Row: Cora Sue Zolobosky, Mary Ann Courtoy, Suzie Guthrie, Mary Chaoman, Janie McMillen, Vicki Cramer, Sherion Chester, Mary Clark, Dorothy England, Roberta Thomas, Kristin Laudens- lager. Second Row: Laureen Hendry, Madge Leibundguth, Greer Heaton, Suzanne Bransom, Christie Walker, Susan Lively, Mary Hogan, Joan Kux, Beverly Bell, Jane Winton, Janice Pride. Third Row: Joyce Burts, Peggy Hohmann, Elaine Schawzenbach, Baba Parks, Shelly Reed, Diane Macdonald, Deanna Schubert, Gretchen Lay, Julie Johoncsik, Laurie Crawley, Kay Graham. Fashion Home Ec Club Incorporated The Florida State University Home Economics Club, an affiliate of the American Home Economics Association, draws its membership from students interested in a professional career in home econom- ics and in homemaking. The organization endeavors to promote profes- sional attitudes and interests, to encourage friend- ship among the students and faculty who share common interests and prepare students to take the first step towards professional recognition. Fashion Incorporated is a noncommercial associa- tion of college women interested in fashion study and work, formed to foster better taste and keener interest in fashion. Each year the group sponsors a fall fashion show for freshmen and transfer students, a "Fashion Guide" booklet, and a spring Fashion Day featuring guest speakers from all over the United States. It also sponsors a Modeling Board to represent FSU.The organization is led by president, Julie Johoncsik, and advisor Mrs. E. Adams. HOME EC CLUB: First Row: Karen Reiner, Chaplain; Betty Zimpfer, Reporter; Ginn> Griffin, Secretary; Martha Reese, Betsy Shine, Carolyn Stephens. Second Row: Bonnie Cheney, Treasurer; Susan Kettlety, Virginia Kilpatrick, Chaplain; Flossie Ledbetter, Chaplain; Ginger Warburton, Mary Anne McDavid, Sylvia Wade, Carol Lewis, Vice-President; Marty Lenzini, President. Third Row: Sandy Swasey, Lois Stoker, Nancy Holland, Vicki Vance, Cheryl Hunter, Donna Crews, Mary Ward, Suzanne Abel I, Carolyn Grossenbacher, Vivian York. 339 ALPHA DELTA SIGMA: Front Row: Herb Morgan, Gary Houmes, Garth Wokemon, President; Dick Sanders, Irv Broughton, Vice President. Standing: Poy Ethridge, Richard Joel, Advisor; Royal Dunn, Treasurer; Bruce Grant, Jon Clarke, Scott Ellington, Recording Secretary; Ray Klein, Corresponding Secretary; George Horned. Alpha Delta Sigma Sigma Pi Sigma A national honorary for male advertising majors, Alpha Delta Sigma taps men who are outstanding in their field and works to bridge the gap between ad- vertising business and advertising education. Elon Borton Chapter at FSU sponsors Advertising Recognition Week, field trips, guest speakers, and an alumni newsletter. Mr. Richard Joel, a former national president, serves as advisor to the men and helps them maintain their tradition of being one of the most highly ranked of the 52 Alpha Delta Sigma chapters in the United States. To award distinction to those of high scholarship in physics is the purpose of Sigma Pi Sigma. The national physics honorary has been at FSU since 1954. Students must be highly recommended by the faculty to be elected for membership. Led by Jim Boyce, president, and sponsor Dr. George Crouch, a lecture series featuring well known physicists was the group's main activity thns year. The organi- zation also sent a delegation to the Southeast Regional Conference in November. 340 SIGMA PI SIGMA: Front Row: Rob- ert Darling, Jack Stonebraker,, Dick Guarnieri, George Lamoze. Second Row: Gregory McNeilly, Treasurer; Richard Hicks, Secretary; Q. E. Crouch Jr.,, Advisor; Ron Schmidt, Vice President; J. R. Boyce JrL„ President! To honor those students with a 3.0 overall average and at least a 3.0 average in a minimum of twelve hours of government is the primary aim of Pi Sigma Alpha. The Gamma Alpha chapter of this national honorary assisted the FSU Government Department in their annual Lecture Series. The majority of members are graduate students in government. Several faculty members both in government and other social sci- ences are active members. This year the officers were John Merting, president; Joyce Killian, sec- retary-treasurer, and Dr. Fredrick Gareau, advisor. Sigma Pi Alpha Joanne Bayer Paul Brown Robert Campbell Julian Collins Joan Corey David Curran Richard Erickson Robert Farrar Parris Glendening Roger Handberg William Jackson Jonathan Kaney Joyce Killian Katherine Ki Hian Jeffrey Lee Mary Lepper Dorothy Lord William McCarron Daniel McConochie John Mercer John Merting Patricia Motes Frank Natter Jerry Nelson Thomas Pelham William Reynolds Deborah Snow William Wolsom OFFICERS: Front Row: Guy Sanderson, Patty Yancy, Sharon Cunning- ham, Paul Hill, Walter Martindale. Second Row: Tom Bartlett, Sturat Sutta, Tony Palmer. University Party We, the students of Florida State University, in order to advocate the establishment of the principles and procedures of a democratic student government at the party level ...and so starts the creed of the University Party. Providing through its organization a means of pro- moting interest and participating in sound student government on the FSU campus, and through its or- ganization, an opportunity for qualified, competent students to advance their candidacy for student body offices, the *wo fold purpose of the University Party is carried out. Heading the party this year were Walt Martindale, chairman; Randy Plotts, vice- chairman and Paul Hill; , convention chairman. ALPHA KAPPA PSI: Front Row: Dr. Rockwood, P. Hanley, E. Thomas, L. Coleman, J. McFall, F. Fairhead, C. Lingo, T. Korbal, J. Lewis. Second Row: R. Ruh, A. Burkett, J. Rafferty, J. Lane, J. Kelly, D. Fitz, R. Seibel. Third Row: H. Betancourt, S. Winn, V. Smith, E. Garner, B. Rives, J. Heath, P. Register, J. Green. Fourth Row: T. Brimmer, R. Waldrop, D. Wyatt, E. Welch, J. Kolb, Fifth Row: P. Ammons, R. Grant, J. Weiglein, J. Bajorek, J. Keglovich. Alpha Kappa Psi To be eligible for membership in Alpha Kappa Psi, national business fraternity, a man must be working toward a degree in business and must maintain an average no less than that required for graduation. Members participate in educational and social events such as field trips to industrial centers, four banquets per trimester, initiation of honorary mem- bers and their annual Spring Weekend. Beta Psi chapter came to FSU in 1949, where it has won the First Place National Efficiency Award for seven consecutive years. Represented in Alpha Kappa Psi are business men, educators, and students in 140 college chapters in the United States and foreign countries. These men work to foster scientific research in the fields of commerce, accounts, and finance; to promote college courses leading to degrees in business; to educate the public to appreciate and demand higher ideals therein; and to further the welfare of its members. 342 NEW INITIATES: First Row: R. Stokes, J. McNobb, D. Spink, C. Krantz, A. J. Steele, L. A. Cruz. Sec- ond Row: R. Hovven, D. Tebor, M. Clayton, J. Gor- lick, C. Westberry. Third Row: D. Hanger, C, Pearson, J. Bearce. Fourth Row: M. Crutchfield, K. Sussmon, J. Tillman, J. Butler, K. Cosson. Fifth Row: J. Clark, R. Ervin, J. Nelson, D. Wall, K. Williamson, H. Lippincott. Delta Sigma Pi DELTA SIGMA PI: Front Row: Jim Rogers, Ralph Cross, Ed Thomas, Gary Dey, Steve Pettit, Ron Smith, Everett Taylor, Bruce Cannon, Fred Bramford, Steve Watts, Ray Didier, Steve Louden. Second Row: Thomas Schneider, Jan Berryman, James Meeks, Les Poggenburg, Gary Wheeler, Frank Birgfild, Pete Dingeldey, Harry Jones, Noel Smith, Joe Kiertekles, Lenny Lupo, John Bonino. Third Row: Patrick Richardson, Jimmy Frawley, Tom Costner, W. J. Byrd, -Edward Wood, hHarry Salee, Tom Pettit, Ronnie Clark, Rich Reinel, Phil Girovard, Tom hlollern, Leo Fagan. Fourth Row: Jim Kennedy, Tom Clements, Jim Mayer, David Brown, Ray Klein, Dale Warren, Allen MacArthur, Robert Kroboth, E. Andrew Kuritz, John Franco, Ron Mines, Mike Lane, Tom Mole. DELTA SIGMA PI OFFICERS: Front Row: Bill O'Halloran, treas- urer; Bob Salisbury, secretary; Lawton Swan, second vice presi- dent; Dave Pavesic. president. Second Row: Rick Mazanek, chan- cellor, Charles Albritton, first vice president; Jim Dement, historian. Awarding the Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key to the senior in the School of Business with the highest grade point average and decorating the Christmas tree in the Business School lobby are just two of the activities in which the members of this group participated during '64-*65. A professional fraternity for college men prepar- ing for careers in business, Delta Sigma Pi was host for many speakers from the professional world and sponsor of the annual Rose Ball. Student Nurses Mix together pluck, humor, sympathy, and grace, add sweetness of smile and a first class nursing school and you have a student nurse. Founded in 1951, the S.N.A.'s goal is to create comradeship between i fellow nurses and to provide service to the commun- ity and university. This zeal for service was demon- strated this year in a Christmas party given for W. T. Edwards Hospital and with gift baskets of I food at Thanksgiving. F.S.U.'s Patty Humpry served as state recording secretary for '64-'65 and Karen i Chambers led the Association as President. 4-H Club "To Make the Best Better" is the motto of the 4-H Club. This year 4-H members contributed toys to the "Toys for Tots" campaign and also assisted in judging events at the North Florida Fair. The or- ganization acted as co-host with the University of Florida to six 4-H Club's in the Tri-State 4-H Club Weekend. FSU's group has several state winners: Diana Young, Citizenship; Vivian York, Home Economics; and Elaine Reynolds, Safety. Rita Reese is the 1964 winner of the National 4-H Club Conference Trip. The group is led by President Toni Fichtner. n ^Pf^ FOUR-H CLUB: Front Row: Doruthy Davis,, Carol Greer, Carolyn Daniels,, Vivian York, Vera Toole. Second Row: Mary Mason, Susan MacManus, Ellen Landfair, Vivian Toole, Joanne Anthony, Elaine Reynolds. Third Row: Barbara Day, LeAnn Tussing, Margaret Cross, Diana Young. Sophomore Council Girls in blue and white dashing around with friend- ly smiles and heavy luggage are among the first students to greet the FSU freshmen girls. Sophomore Council is a tradition on this campus, and to be tapped into it is the highest honor a second semes- ter freshman can receive. The organization taps ten per cent of the freshman girls to serve the school their sophomore year. They are voted on by their classmates, junior and dorm counselors. Their activities? They are the girls found all over campus staffing voting polls, stuffing envelopes, typing, and helping wherever they are needed. Tra- ditionally, Sophomore Council has gathered to sing around Bryan flagpole after meetings, but this year with the addition of the Union pool, the members now congregate around the pool to sing. Sophomore Council is a service organization, and, just as important, it is also a group of friends. SOPHOMORE COUNCIL: First Row: Norma Stuck, Cindy Shiflett, Sandra West, Marissa Allison, Margaret, LaVerne Turner, Lynn Dudley, Janet Dunn, Molly Megothlin, Wynne Williams, Margaret Alison, Mabel Stone, Mary Sanford, Pamela Montague. Second Row: Jane Cury, Nancy Jo Smith, Diana Singletary, Joy Dickinson, Joan Kux, C la ire Rushton, Christie Wal ker, G loria Foster, Chery I Dowdy, Jane Gilmore, Marc ia Biumenthol, Marilyn Miller, Robin Hood, Joanna Romer. Third Row: Gay Yates, Charlotte Mitchell, Linda Voigt, Sue Dicus, Biddy Daniel, Nancy Bowman, Marian Andrew, Toni Beals, Linda Dates, Suzanne Partin, Marylee Phillips, Peggy Kennedy, Marie Miller, Cherry Isbell, Korol Schulkin, Lynn Lepaige, Susanne Bradford. it- SOPHOMORE COUNCIL: First Row: Millie Ball, Ann Corned, Sue Rainwater, Vicki Hi Is, Lore Chapman, Mazie Stone, Sharon Cody, Jody Wolett, Laurie Turnage, Vicki Rodgers, Nannette Dickinson. Second Row: Liz Waters,, Lauren Laird, Donna DeLong, Gloria Germain, Jean Sposato, Ann Flow- ers, Linda Teague, Gileen Cruz, Flewellyn Pringle, Micki Cooper, Jo Isacrios, Susan West. Third Row: Barbara McMohon, Susan Silvert, Marty Sheets, Lynn Miller, Cecilia Jones, _ Pat Lepaige, Loraine Correll, Rita t-igeroa, Scootie VanAken, Nancy Force, Liz Garner, Mike Robertson. Cotillion Cotillion is dedicated to the improvement of social activities, privileges, and opportunities among the students at FSU; to a wider dissemination of such opportunities and benefits among students; and to the promotion of fellowship and betterment of its members. All female students are eligible for mem- bership. They are selected on the basis of dancing ability, personality, and appearance on the dance floor. This year the Beta chapter sponsored its annual dance on Valentine's Day and provided dance lessons for interested persons. The officers were: Delia Rodriguez, president; Helen Drake, vice president; Sandra Burton, secre- tary; Judy McDowell, treasurer; Lynn Colvin, social chairman; and Miss Williams, sponsor. 346 AS A SERVICE, COTILLION OFFERS MANY DANCE SESSIONS FOR THE STUDENT BODY PHI EPSILON KAPPA: Front Row: Yvan Girardin, James Settle, Dave Dallen, William Walker, Robert Patton, Thomas Huston, John Churdar. Second Row: James Rogsdale, Dr. Kenneth Miller, Morris McHone, Don Bryant, Mike Augustine, Al Flitcraft, Mark Massey. Third Row: Dr. Peter Everett, Ronald Warnock, Mr. Edward Cubbon, O'Dell Phillips, Paul Cultar, Woody Norman, Jennings Butcher, Mr. James DeCosmo. Phi Epsilon Kappa Theater Dance Beta Beta, the local chapter of Phi Epsilon Kappa, was founded on the Florida State campus in 1958. Members are chosen from faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are out- standing in the field of physical education. The fostering of scientific research in health education, physical educatiorv land recreation, plus the promot- ing of community understanding in these areas are among the top goals of the organization. Phi Epsilon Kappa annually sponsors the Hole-in-One Golf Tournament, with proceeds being donated to the Florida State University Fund. Theatre Dance was founded on the FSU campus in 1951. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in and to develop an appreciation of dance; to provide opportu- nity for creative expression; to develop performing ability; and to provide experience in dance produc- tion. Led this year by sponsor Dr. Nancy W. Smith and officers Marilyn Finch, president; Donna Garner, vice-president; Sarah Adams, secretary; and Sharyn Heiland, treasurer, the group presented an informal recital and a concert in March, An Evening of Donee. 347 THEATER DANCE GROUP: Seated: Marilyn Barfield, Sandy Gilbert, Sharyn Heiland, Sara_h Adams. Second Row: Linda Nettles, Kay Wright, Donna Garner, Pat Kairolla, Kay Ketchum. Third Row: Bonnie Chambless, Marilyn Finch, Patty Howland, Jane Winton, Diane Hankins. Phi Alpha Phi Alpha is a national honorary recognizing ability and scholarship in the field of social welfare. Mem- bership is by invitation to juniors and seniors who have a 3.0 average in 12 hours of social work and a 2,5 overall average. Alpha Chapter at FSU was the organization's first chapter, founded in 1958 by Dr. Raymond Bellamy. The group is now under the direction of Dr. Robert Feldman. Officers for the past year were: Nedra Johnson, president; Minnie Poindexter, vice president; Mary Lou Bewell, secretary; and Joan Kohne, treasurer. Social Welfare The Social Welfare Club works to foster good rela- tions between faculty and students. This is only part of their effort to fulfill their two-fold purpose, academic and social. Membership is open to all social welfare majors and anyone interested in any aspect of social work. Projects for this year include bringing speakers and specialists in the various fields of social work to campus, and providing programs and field trips of interest to club members. This year the club's advisors were Dr. Edwin Hartz and Dr. Jean R. Pearman. 34g SOCIAL WELFARE CLUB: Seated: Laurie Hurlbut,, Marian Solomon, Robin Bowe„ Marilyn Richburg, Margarette Francis. Second Row: Sandy Suavely, Mary Lu Sewell, Foye Robertson,, Nedra Johnson,, Beth Wales,, Catherine Cain. ^,v(1 ^^ ^:^ fj SIGMA ALPHA IOTA: Front Row: Suzanne Pierson, Talka Lupikewiez, Ann Talley, Ann Corneal, Flo Clarke, Sylvia Rosser, Linda Moore, Joan Bylsma, Sandra Cooper, Virginia Alonza, Donna Dickenson. Second Row: Kathy Haynes, Joyce Graham, Sharon Bigelow, Dottie Cygan, Annell Wyland, Jarvis Allen, Howell Turner, Lois Ann Paulk, Cheryl, Betty Sue Erwin, Sally Fuller, Rose Wildes. Thi»d Row: Bonnie Sjodin, Jennifer Black, Becky Walker, Terri Schreckengost, Diana Roland, Joan Frieden, Suzanne Smith, Doris Grant, Leslie Zelt, Pat Winter, Linda Brown, Judy James, Patty Johnson. SigmaAlphalota Tau BetaSigma An international fraternity for women students who plan a future in the music profession, Sigma Alpha Iota was founded to foster excellence and interest in music. State Day, the Student Recital, National Convention in Minneapolis, and the annual concert with phi Mu Alpha kept members on the move throughout the year. As a climax to these activities, the group sponsored Campus Sing in cooperation with Phi Mu Alpha, providing a treat for all students. TAU BETA SIGMA: First Row: Barbara Gettel, Bookie Reynolds, Fran Smiley, Beverly Snell, Karen Si mmons, , Jackie Juick. Second Row: Dee Roscello, Sandy Ryan, Betsy Grossenbacher, Bobbie Rusk, Diane Fansler, Scarlett Abersold, Pat Bundy, Sylvia Rosser. Third Row: Marilyn schultz, Chris Martin, Alice Ann Hull, fail Allen, Frances Wittstruck,, Patsy orte, Mary Lou Hicks, Cookie Winchester Joyne Marsh. The Alpha Omega chapter of the national organiza- tion, Tau Beta Sigma, was established on the FSU campus in 1955. Its purpose is to encourage musical interest and abilities in promoting band work among women students. Membership is limited to women in their third trimester in one of the university bands who have demonstrated superior leadership and spirit and have maintained an overall 2.0 av- erage in the university band program. Projects for this year included acting as hostesses on Band Day and to guest bands, ushering at concerts, and publishing a band newspaper. UNIVERSITY SINGERS: Front Row: Sharon Griffin, Linda Denniston, Doreen Van Assenderp, Ray Holland, Ron Forehand, Billy Bullock, Donald Norris, Joe Napoli, Barney Ingram, London Wa Iker, Martha Kinsey, Jan Jones, Sarah Dooley, Rose Wildes. Second Row: Diana Roland, Susan Lurton, Margaret Rice, Jennifer Black, Mark Hanson, Frank Calhoun, Ervin Gatlin, Jim Foster, Bob Fejes, Galen Irwin, Danette Littleton, Yvonne Cohen, Lynda Moyer. Third Row: Kathy Cain, Judy James) Cynthio Carter, Susan Keodle, Shirley Mooney, Kathy Albritton, Grant Pullen, Omar Allen, Bob Romella, iRoger Beamon, Ralph Rittenhouse, Sally Fuller, Jarvis Allen, Natalka Lupkiewicz, Cheryl Lowe. Fourth Row: Kathy Hendry, Susan Webber, Biruta Mann, Pat McHale, Gail Brown, Joyce Graham, Byron Smith, Dave Cunningham, Paul Lambert, Grant Peel, Jim Nordman, Duane Farmer, Norbert Martin, Kenneth Harris, C I i nt iN ichol s, Barbara Jeter, Mary H i cks , Jane Thomas. University Singers Open to all students who enjoy singing choral lit- erature ranging from folk songs to contempory mu- sic, the University Singers, a local organization, were founded on the Florida State campus in 1948. With the purpose of rehearsal and performance of choral music, the group gave four concerts this year, singing from the works of Norman Dello Joio and choral parts of Beethoven's Nintfi Symphony. Em- phasis is on the highest standard of performance by the most competent vocalists in the university from the finest repertory written for chorus from the six- teenth century to the present. Officers this year were Byron Smith, president; Ray Holland, vice-president; Judy James, secretary- treasurer, and Dr. Wiley L. Housewright, director. OFFICERS: Byron Smith, president; Ray Holland, vice president; Judy James, secretary; Joe Napoli, librarian. THE FLORIDA STATE CHORAL UNION GIVES MANY EXCITING RECITALS THROUGH OUT THE SCHOOL YEAR Dianne Alexander Kathy Ackenhusen Thomas Adair Mike Arenson Tim Bachnick Veva Beauchamp Linda Baumgarten John Bergstedt Robert Bigelow Richard Bonde Susan Brinkman Bebe Buice John Burkett Dotti Buttner Joan Bylsma Frank Calhoun Brooke Campbel I Flo Clarke Shelia Clarke Susan Cliatt Dorothy Cole Ron Cole Jane Cook Kenneth Cooper Alan Counts , Carol Cox Cynthia Cral I Mary Currin Don Davis Chad Deal Dick Dorsey Lyda Eastridge Mark Ellerbee Bette Edwin Linda Fields Gale Finlayson Martha Fish Anne Fleishel Jean Foster Kathy Garrett Linda Gast Helen George Mark Hanson Don Harper Ken Harris Dorethea Harrison Anieone Harvey Susan Hayden Sara Herndon Daria Herring Susan Hines Ken Hughes Rick Hurd Jenne Linda Mary John Mari lyn Johnson Patti Johnson Dana Jones Jane Jowers Linda Keen Erna Kerce Brenda Kiser Ann Lalor Helen Largent Jill Lasueur Mary Lynch Bette Man is Horace Marsh Hugh McElyea Jerry Mc London GeraldineiMcRae Stephen Myrick Joe Napol i Diane Perry Renee Pettis Dorothy Phi II ips Dawn Picht Suzanne Pierson Linny Powel I Beverly Pippin Jane Ramsey Mary Pitch Suzanne Sawyer Terry Schreckengost Ted Shepherd Nancy Sindon Sandra Smith Cel ia Speake Sherry Spinel li Helene Stamos Juanita 'Stein Mazie Stone E I izabeth Symes Ann Talley Meredith Taylor Christy Wardlaw Michael Wagner Connie Washburn Ellen Watson Lucy Webb Ralph Webb Erdman West Judith West Sandra West Will Wild Judy Wi ley Mary Ann Williams Mi Hie Williams Don Wi Ison Patsy Wood Annell Wyland Choral Union The FSU Choral Union is open to all students, both men and women, who are interested and have the ability to sing. The Choral, Union was established in 1946 and is the largest mixed choral group on the campus. Choral Union meets as a regular class ond may be taken for credit. Each trimester it performs at least one major concert at the University. This year the concerts^ were presented at Thanksgiving and Easter. The Choral Union is very well known through- out the state. Officers of^the group are Ted Shepherd, president; Terri Schreckengost, vice-president; Patti Johnson, secretary; and Dr. Herman Gunter, director. 351 Gymnastica GYMNASTICA: Front Row: Judy Toner, Liz Waters, Linda Wilson, Phyllis Strodleigh, Linda Stata, Betty Haas, JoEtta Lawrence, Pat Livingston, Susan Long, Eileen Cooper. Second Row: Bill Bell, Bob Emmons, Don God- dard, Larry Aaron, E I lanor Mi I ler, Ki p Winterburg, RickKAiller, Dr. Hartley Price, Guy Atki nson . In 1933 Gymnastica was founded at the University of Illinois as a gymnastic honorary fraternity. Re- organized in 1951 at Florida State University by Dr. Hartley Price, this organization had as its charter members the NCAA National Team Champions. Gym- nastica encourages an appreciation of good sports- manship and promotes interest in gymnastics and the annual Gymkana production, which takes place in the second trimester of each year. In order to cul- tivate a fraternal spirit among the members there is a social held before and after the Gymkana show. SOME OF THE MEMBERS of Gymnastica go through some of their demanding stunts to build up strength. ^EN'S P.E. MAJORS: Front Row: Mark Massey, Larry Bororiak, Dave Thompason, Woody Norman, Robert Bowles,, Jim Curtain. Second Row: Jim Burns, Rick Sadie, Dwight Lewis, Ron Miller, Bill Crook, John Bordeanx,, Bill Bearse. Third Row: Paul Wallace, Mike Whitworth, 3lenn Bitner, Walt Melinoski, Tom Welch, Ed Pilmore, Bill Bell. Fourth Row: John Cooper, Frank Ammirati, Mark Calhoun, Maurice Hopkins, Ed Howell, David Deutsch, Norm Rosenberg. Fifth Row: Man Flitcroft, Ken Anderson, Royce Brooks, Wayne Richardson, Jan Mannion, Paul Mitchell, John Brogle, Dennis Midgett. Men's P.E. Majors Open to all men who are majoring in the field of physical education, the club is affiliated with the American Association of Health, Physical Education and Recreation.The club proposes to promote social and professional development among its members and each year awards a scholarship to an outstand- ing Junior in physical education. Leading the group this year were David Thompson, president; Woody Norman, vice-president; Mark Massey, secretary; Robert Bowles, treasurer; Dave Dahlen, program chairman, and James V..DeCosmo, advisor. Women's **F" Club cooperates with the Women's Recreational Association in promoting women^s athletic activities. It works to contribute to the development of high ideals among students on cam- pus and to boost university spirit. Projects of the group included decorating the Homecoming Queen's float, selling box lunches at Sports Day, and usher- ing at the annual Tarpon shows. Membership is by tapping, and each girl tapped must have earned two all-stars in intramurals, have a 2.0 overall average, and must satisfactorily com- plete the probationary or "goating" period. Women's F Club 353 WOMEN'S F CLUB: Front Row: Shirley Dube, Sue Sharpe, Connie Hosek, Peyton Wright, Gail Weston, Kathy Spense, Gloria Foster, Alix Pavlic. Second Row: Carol Mathis, Shirley Hardison, Kay Ward, Judy Bense, Diana Barnhart, Josie Harris, Judy Irving. SOCCER TEAM: Front Row: Bill Jackson, Jack Peters, Sandy Waters, James Thompson, and John AkinJ Second John Kecklovich, Scotty Gordon, Buzz Fairs, Steve McKinnon,, Marcel Crespil, Fred Schmit, Dick Levins. Soccer Club Racquettes America, France, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Spain and Thailand are countries represented by members of the Soccer Club. The organization, established on the FSU campus in 1953, strives to promote good sportsmanship, the game of soccer, and recreation. The 18 members of the club are led by Heinz Haas and Martin D. Matthews, co-captains; Robert Pace, coach; Douglas Padgett, secretary-treasurer; and Edward Cubbon, faculty advisor. The club represents Florida State in intercollegiate and amateur soccer games throughout the state. The Racquettes Club was organized to promote in- terest and participation in intercollegiate tennis for highly skilled women players. During the year var- ious tournaments and matches with other colleges and universities were scheduled. Undefeated in ten matches, the groupwas the team and doubles winners in the Florida Collegiate Tournament and the team winner of the First Florida Annual Women's Colle- giate Invitational Tennis Championship last year. Officers for the year were Kathy Spence, presi- dent; Lynda West, vice president; Lynn Chalmers, secretary; and Mary Weeks, treasurer. 354 RACQUETTES: Front Row: Kathleen Geraghty, Janet Marcacco, Harriet Hutchison, Kathy Spence, Karen Boughanl. Second Row: Suzanne Duckworth, Mary Weeks, JoAnne Manes, Lynne Chalmers. k \ i v>yt -•^, \'^ FSU Sailing Association The Florida State University Sailing Association was founded in September, 1963. The members offer aid to FSU students interested in sailing by giving sailing instructions throughout the year at the Reservation. Each member strives to promote the interest and sportsmanship of sailing and yacht racing at FSU and in the Tallahassee area. Competi- tion includes hosting and attending regattas with other southern colleges. The Sailing Association has demonstrated its fine ability by winning several regatta trophies, including the Kasha Perpetual Trophy for Florida. Led this year by sponsor. Dr. M. Kasha, and officers Herb Elphick, Bill Mains, Carolyn Bailey, Tom Ray, Frances Doughtie, Sue Keglovich, and Nancy Mayes, the FSU sailors completed another outstanding season among the other southern universities. MEMBERS OF THE SAILING CLUB, Herb Elphride and Bill Mains display some of the trophies won this year. W >■ .< 'ft' jf: i. u V ;^|| ■I 'I .'.OK 9 % Iff 355 FSU'S BEAUTIFUL LAKE BRADFORD is used as the Sai I ing Club's home port where they practice and compete. Tarpon Synchronized swimming, a gracefully beautiful sport, was practiced this year by the members of the Tarpon Club, and culminated in their spring show. This year the show was entitled "Encore", and was made up of the most popular numbers from Tarpon shows of past years.. The minstrel performance won an award at the Regional Aquatics Arts Festival. Each year many hopeful girls try out for Tarpon. The girls showing the most skill and poise are then tapped in a surprise tapping ceremony performed after hours in the women's dorms. Those tapped are called Minnows. They work hard and practice diligently with the members, and after performing in the Tarpon Show, are initiated into full membership. OFFICERS: Linda Gossett, President; Carol Phillips, Sec- retary; Nancy Daniels, Treasurer. 356 TARPON: Front Row: Carol Phillips, Rainer Danniels. Second Row: Judy Monsees, Nancy Daniels Linda Deutch. Third Row: Sue Talgrin, Patsy Temple. Fourth Row: Mary Gerding. WESLEY FOUNDATION Methodist 'J^K^'-''^^ ■-'.V« ^5- - .•-^«*., Religious Houses Young people of numerous religious faiths come to FSU as new students each year, and practically all of them can fijid a religious house or organization to suit their needs. Under the University Religious Council and the supervision of its president, Dr. Paul Minus, organized groups include the Baptist Student Union, Newman Club, Chi Alpha, Christian Science Organization, Disciple Student Fellowship, Canterbury Club, Hillel Foundation, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Liberal Forum, Lutheran Stu- dent Association, United Student Fellowship, Wes- ley Foundation, and Westminster Fellowship. WESMINSTER HOUSE Presbyterian NEWMAN CLUB: Front Row: Kathi Bowers,, Christina Hanson, Louise Barwick, Betty Stark- weather,, Jeonnie Miller, Linda Holdener,, Bertha Harrison. Second Row: Losephine Dibe- nedetto, Leona Franklin, Charles Lavin, George Garcia, Raymond Kerker,, Carl J. Duncan. Third Row: Rev. Norman Balthazar, Barbie Corlin, Tom Crow, Ken Brodhead, Arthur Mayr, James Thompson, Nancy Foye, Helen Marie Zywick. Newman Club Christian Science Florida State University's Newman Club provides religious, educational, and social activities for students. The program is for both Catholics and non- Catholics and is continued year round. It includes a weekly discussion group on controversial church problems, inquiry classes for any interested stu- dents, and daily Mass at the student center with breakfast available afterward. Rounding out the pro- gram, social events feature a Harvest Hop, party at Christmas, and a Last Blast. The Christian Science Organization, founded on the FSU campus in 1944, is part of an international net- work. Its purpose is to welcome Christian Scientists and other interested students entering college and to participate in campus activities that will promote inter-religious interest and elevate individual think- ing. This year the organization sponsored two Christian Science lectures and several films to aid the student's understanding of the religion. The group was led by president, John Korp, and advisor, Dr. Jack Dobson. 358 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION: Front Row: John Korp, Donna Walker, Jean Heberling, Lorraine Turner, Nancy Heberling, Barbara Seitz, Diana Brown,, Janie Cavenaugh, Ann Washburn, Bill Andersorl. Second Row: Clark Bell, Mrs. Helen Hopkins, Lynn Noe, Allan Dermott, Judith Warner,, Dr. Jack T. Dobson, Bebe Robinson, Lee Von Wormer, Margo Matthew,, Ann Marks, Carole Benson, David Benson. Hillel Foundation The Hillel Foundation, whose national headquarters are in Washington, D. C, has the motto, "Every Jewish student belongs to Hillel and Hillel belongs to every Jewish student." Its purpose is to pro- vide an outlet for those students interested in im- proving the religious, social, and cultural aspects of their lives at Florida State University. This year the Foundation has been quite active. Besides expanding its social activities, Hillel sponsored a retreat for local members at the FSU Reservation and a conclave with the University of Florida Hillel. The Foundation also participated in campus intramural sports events. A popular activity sponsored by the organization was a "Bagel and Lox" brunch, held every other Sunday at the Temple Israel Social Hall with a prom- inent FSU faculty member as speaker. MEMBERS OF HILLEL GATHER FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH 359 HILLEL FOUNDATION: Front Row: Eileeri h.esden, Ellen Teimer, Karen Weiner, Esta Coverman, Marian Solomon. Second Row: Mike Selznick, Herb Meizius^ Ronnie Werner, Paul Rolger. Third Row: Wayne Martin, President; Ellen Co Iman, Secretary; Lenie Gochman, Treasurer; Steve Horwitz. Student Union Baptist BSU SPONSORS WEEKLY BIBLE SCHOOL AT BETHEL In coordinating religious activities of Baptist stu- dents at FSU, the Baptist Student Union attempts to keep students in contact with the church and its activities during their university days. Along with vespers, retreats, intramurals, and a weekly children's Bible school, the group takes pride in their BSU Players and Choralette Singers. The BSU also keep busy with fun and work to win second place in the football intramurals, and first place in off-campus decorations for both Homecoming and Circus. Under the direction of the Reverend David Talley and President John Streater, the Baptist Student Union has had a year to remember. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: Front Row:Sharon Worsham, Noel Fairall, Dee Dee Johnson Joyce Jordon, Ann Blanchard, Carol Menefee, Kathy Hancock, Pat Jackson, Dana Jones, Nilalnes, Margueri te Beauchamp, Diane McC lung, Linda Andrews,, V i rg inia Donahue, Susan Cl iatt, Suzanne Sheridan, Lynne Browne, Terry Caldwell, Mrs. J. T.. Baker, Ethelene Barton, Bobbie McKee.. Second Row: Susan Keodle, Sharon Sampson, Celia Webb, Pat Vallia, Paula Joyner, Phyllis McAbee, Cynthia Carter, Linda Glenn, Nancy Ferreil, Barbara Wetzel, Vicki Devrick, SueRyan, Barbara Hutchinson, Alice Morris, Barbara Speaker, Lynda Ingraham, Deloi s Wi 1 1 iams, Diane Cason, Cookie Wal leker. Third Row: Jerry Curti s, Ray Ashurst, Ralph Rittenhouse, Bill Langston, Doug Harrell, Larry Ferreil,, Tony Callaway, Ron Nelson, John Streater. Fourth Row: Eddie Potter Don Hill, Wayne Yawn, Gene White, Joe Cutter, Roger Beaman, Chuck Dunn, Ken Harris, B. J. Bateman, Buddy Locke, Bill Hall„Robyr Wall, Richard Scott, Jim House, Randy Mills, Clint Nichols, Jarvis Rose Allen, Dr. C. Roberts. Wesley Foundation The beginning of work on a chapel highlighted the year at FSU's Wesley Foundation. Serving the sev- eral thousand Methodist students, on the campus, the Foundation is one of the largest and most active campus religious organizations. It was learned in the fall that funds were to be made available by the Florida Methodist Conference for the construction of a new chapel for the Founda- tion. This set off a series of events Avhich will culminate in the fall of 1966 when the new chapel is scheduled to be completed. Victor A. Lundy, an internationally known contemporary architect is de- signing the structure. Another facet of the -expanding Foundation pro- gram was the opening of two new units, one to serve the west campus andanotherto serve Alumni Village. Officers for this year were Wayne Cowart, presi- dent; Caroline Rowe, Pat LePaige, Pearl Raynor, vice-presidents; Leiand Gustafson, treasurer; and Lynn LePaige, secretary. VICTOR LUNDY, Architect AUSTIN HOLLADY (L) TALKS WITH MR. LUNDY Marching Chiefs The Marching Chiefs came up with another "winning season" this year with several outstanding and original shows. Two of the band's favorites were "Salute to Glenn Miller" and an original composition by Charles Carter, a member of the FSU music fac- ulty. The band met in Jacksonville for the highlight of the season at the Gator Bowl. This show sparked the field with the best pieces of the season using "Florida" as its theme. In November the Marching Chiefs sponsored "Band Day," inviting all the neighboring high school bands and majorettes to perform at a football game. At pre-game and half-time the field was adorned with forty bands and two-hundred majorettes performing to a political theme. The FSU band played "Hello Lyndon" and "Goldwater's Bandwagon." The group was directed by Robert Braunagel and assisted by Clifford Matson. Roger McLendon was drum major and head majorette was Janice Eddins. ^ ; •- r # ^ # ROGER MCLENDON Drum Major 1^ / \ ~*Jf^:i'> MAJORETTES: Patty Bundy, Diane Bishop, Sherry Lanier, Jonice Eddins, Gale Allen, Karlen Losh, Leslie Schmidt, Barbara Allen. THE MARCHING CHIEFS OF FSU PAUSE BEFORE THEY DO ONE OF THEIR FAVORJTES, "SALUTE TO GLENN Ml LLER" r THE PROUDMARCHING CHIEFS PERFORM AT THE GATOR BOWL JANICE EDDINS Head Majorette Army ROTC ARMY BRIGADE FORMATION IS CARRIED OUT WEEKLY DURING THE THURSDAY DRILL. AN INSPECTION IS MADE OF THE BASIC CADETS DURING DRILL CADET COLONEL ROBERT D. SUSIK Brigade Commander 364 DR. GORDON BLACKWELL receives Civilian Outstanding Service Medal awarded by the Army. DR. GORDON BLACKWELL REVIEWS THE ARMY CADETS ■^■^W"! « LT. COLONEL M. J. TANKERSLEY Professor of Military Science In 1951 seventy-one cadets enrolled in the U. S. Army ROTC program. Today over three hundred men participate. The objective of the program is to produce leaders who are prepared to assume their positions of responsibility almost immediately upon entering active service. College men are offered the opportunity to be commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Army after completing four years of on-campus training. Since 1958 one hundred ninety-six graduates have re- ceived commissions. The Florida State ROTC unit offers participation in many activities to its cadets: Pershing Rifles, a national honorary for freshmen and sophomores and Scabbard and Blade for outstanding Advanced ROTC students. Special units within the Brigade are: Drill Team, Band, and the Counterguerilla Platoon. CADET CHARLES HOLMES Captain, Army ROTC Rifle Team Air Force R.OJ.C TheAir Force Officer Training Corps was organized at the Florida State University in 1950 and has de- veloped into one of the finer AFROTC organizations in the nation. The primary purpose of the AFROTC program is to prepare male students through a program of training to serve as officers in the United States Air Force. This program includes a variety of academic, mil- itary, and leadership subjects designed to prepare the cadets for their responsibility as officers, and is one of the primary sources for the Air Force officer today. Angel Flight, a womens honorary drill team and service organization, is sponsored by the Arnold Air Society, an AFROTC honorary organization. MAJOR WILLIAM MOODY Professor of Aerospace Studies MISS KIT KILLIAN, Commander of Angel Flight, leads the women under her command in a Parade and Review before reviewing stand. THE AFROTC CADET WING honors those members of the Seminole football team for their FSU-Fla.' victory. THE PROUD AIR FORCE ROTC DRILL TEAM STAND AT ATTENTION BEFORE INSPECTION AIR FORCE ANGELS say goodbye to Colonel B. Hardy as he leaves FSU. THE AIR FORCE START TRAINING THEIR PILOTS BEFORE GRADUATION 368 Seniors W- <^' ■J,jf --.jjV>\J, * 369 Hall Of Fame JAMES BRANDT ERIC COLLINS 370 The tradition of the Hall of Fame is old and honored, for membership in the group is the highest form of recognition given a graduating senior at Florida State University. Membership recognizes the accom- plishments and contributions of ten outstanding mem- bers of the senior class. The Selection Committee is composed of five juniors, each representing a dif- ferent phase of university life; Dean of Students, Dean of Women, and Dean of Men. Chairman of this committee is the president of the junior class. PAT FREEMAN JOHN JONES JOYCE KILLIAN MARSHA LYNN JUDY LOUCKS SUE MAUGER 371 JOHN MERTING JULIAN PROCTOR MINES BOYD Chief Justice of fHonor Court JIM BRANDT President of I FC PATSY BURHMAN Chairman of Union Board DONNA BRANSON Grand Czar of Mortified V ERIK COLL INS Editor of the Flambeau 372 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges MIKE DEVANE President of ATO Outstanding FSU seniors and graduate students were given the distinction of election to Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Using a point system for the areas of campus ac- tivity, the Who's V/ho Nominating Committee prepared a ballot of names of students considered worthy of the honor. The committee, under student government, publicized the list of names, which wassubmitted to the student body in the spring elections for a vote. Those elected have made valuable contributions to FSU. National Who's Who recognizes students from schools all over the country and keeps their records after their college lives have ended. Who's Who offers these outstanding students various ben- efits, on the assumption that they are young people who are likely to be successful in later life. RUTH DOYLE Student Senator IRENE DIXION Vice President of KAT JOANNA DIETRICH Vice President of Epsilon Chi TINA FLETCHER Vice President of Gilchrist LINDA GROSS Vi I lage Vamps JIM JONES President of Senior Class 373 JOYCE KILLIAN Vice President of Student Body SANDY LEWIS Angel Flight Area Commander JUDYLOUCKS Chairman of University Court DOTTIE KOHLMAN Greek Goddess SUE MAUGER President of AXO MARSHA LYNN President of Mortar Board 374 JOHN MERTING President of Student Body JOYCE OJALA Secretary of Zeta Tau Alpha JULIAN PROCTOR Vice President of Student Body if ;; , .: ' CAROLE RENFROE Alpha Xi Delta BOB RACKLEFF Circle K FRANK RYLL President of ODK LYNN RODGERS Secretary of Garnet Key MARTI TERRELL Coti I lion LINDA SAVIDGE Honor Court Justice FRAN UBELE Garnet Key JAN WARREN President of Delta Zeta Seniors tJi^iitL^tt^i^&Jk ■'^*^- 376 ACHTEMEIER, GARY LYNN, Marshal Itown, Iowa; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President of American Meteorological Society. ACKER, SHERRY, Balboa, Canal Zone; Education; Sigma Tau' Delta, FEA, Newman Club. ACOSTA, RICHARD C, San Francisco, California; Business; Sigma Nu, Freshman and Varsity Swimming. ADAMS, ALBERT REYNOLDS JR., Lakeland, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha, Alpha Council. ADAMS, CHARLOTTE, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida; Education. ADAMS, NANCY J., Pensacola, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Alpha Xi Delta, Math Club. ADAMS, SANDRA SUE, Orlando, Florida; Education; Gamma Phi Beta, Fashion Incorporated, Freshman Flunkies, Home- coming Queen Committee. AGEE, JERRY BOND, Vinton, Virginia; Arts and Sciences. AGERTON, CAROLE, Winter Haven, Florida; Arts and Scien- ces; Activities Chairman of Chi Omega, Sigma Alpha Eta, Family Weekend Committee, Tarpon Club. ALBRITTON, ERNEST GEORGE, Quincy, Florida; Business. ALEXANDER, DIANNE LOUISE, Edgewater, Florida; Social Welfare; Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Dean's List, Senate. ALEXANDER, JOHN F. JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Engineer- i ng Sc ience. ALLAN, ORNITHA NE LYNE, Panama City, Florida; Education. ALLEN, DEBORAH ANN, Naples, Florida; Business; Record- ing Secretary of Alpha Phi, Secretary and President of Pan,- hellenic. Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Freshman F lunkies, NEA. ALLEN, ELIZABETH VIRGINIA, Atlanta, Georgia; Education; Sports Chairman of Delta Zeta, Phi Delta Pi, Woman's Recrea- tion Association, Women's "F" Club, Racquettes, FSU Circus. ALLEN, NEAL, West Palm Beach, Florida; Education; Delta Tau Delta, Swimming Team. ALLEN, SUSAN ELIZABETH, Milton, Florida; Arts and Sciences. ALONSO, KATHY, Tampa, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, Mortified, Vice-President of Epsilon Chi, Junior Coun- selor, Secretary of Sophomore Class, Vice-Pcesident of Rey- nolds Hall, Sophomore Council, Secretary of ACE, FEA, NEA, Freshman Flunkies, Fashion Incorporated. ALVANOS, ANTHONY, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. AMPHLETT, JUDITH ELAINE, Orlando, Florida; Business;' Delta Zeta. AMUNDSON, MELVIN E., Hallandale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Lutheran Student Association. ANDERSON, CAROLYN ANN, Pompano Beach, Florida;Educa- tion; Sigma Kappa, Little Sisters of Minerva, NEA, Circle Keyettes. ANDERSON, CECELIA ANN, Caryville, Florida; Education; Dorm Officer. ANDERSON, MARY, Indianapolis, IndiaQo; Social Welfare; Alpha Chi Omega, Fashion Incorporated, Flambeau Staff, Mademoiselle College Board, Social Work Club. ANDERSON, PATRICIA, Neptune Beach, Florida; Social Wel- fare; Garnet Key, President of Salley Hall-, Phi Alpha, Student Advisory Committee, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, President of Tarp'on, Chairman of President's Council. ANDERSON, PAUL E., Minneapolis, Minnesota; Arts and Sciences; Treasurer and Social Coordinator of Phi Kappa Psi, Secretary of Association of Lutheran Students, Phi Eta Sigma. ANDREWS, ARLISE MILDRED, Largo, Florida; Education; Baptist Student Union. ANDREWS, RICHARD CHANDLER, Homestead, Florida; Arts and Sciences. Seniors ANTHONY, JOANNE. Clearwater, Florida; Home Economics; Tau Beta Sigma, Collegiate 4-H Club, Newman Club, Marching Chiefs, Home Economics Club, FEA, Music Therapy Club. ANTHONY, SUSAN C, Homestead, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Little Sister of the White Carnation, Tally Ho Staff, Dorm Social Committee. ANWYL, ROBERT S., Boulder, Colorado; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Sigma House Manager. ARNOLD, DAVID C, Brunswick, Ohio; Arts and Sciences; Phi Kappa Psi, Circus, Judo Club, Dean's List. ARONOVITCH, BARRY B., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences. ASHLEY, ELLEN, Elementary Education; Kappa Delta Pi. ATWATER, AL, Tampa, Florida; Social- Welfare; Sigma Chi. AUGUSTINE, MICHAEL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Educa- tion; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Varsity Baseball, Ali-American Base- ball 1963. BABB, ROBERT MASTERS JR., Femandina Beach, Florida; Business; Secretary, Editor, Executive Council of Phi Kappa Tau. BAGNOLI, GERRY, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; FEA; NEA. BAINBRIDGE, ANNA M., Hamilton Square, New Jersey; Arts and Sciences. BAIRD, DAVID WILLIAM, Holly Hill, Florida; Arts and Sciences. BAIRD, JANINE, Fort Pierce,, Florida; Home Economics. BAKER, BONNIE, Hawthorne, Florida; Education; FEA; NEA. BAKEWELL. SUSAN, Tampa, Florida; Business; President and Rush Cnairman of Chi Omega; Mortified; Phi Chi Theta; Secretary of University Union Board; Women's Judiciary; Little Sister of Minerva; Tally Ho Staff, Freshman Flunkies; Ruge Alter Guild, Circus Weekend Committee, Junior Counselor. BALDY, JAMES H., Bradenton, Florida; Business; Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary of Pi Kappa Phi; Scabbard and Blade. BALL, SUZANNE LEE, Pensacola, Florida; Arts and Scien- ces; Pi Beta Phi, Secretary of Junior Panhellenic, Intramurals. BALLARD; BARBARA JEAN, Albany, Georgia; Education; President and Vice-President of Phi Mu; NEA; FEA; Junior Counselor; Wesley Foundation. BAMFORD, FREDERICK, Mastic, New York; Business; Delta Sigma Pi . BARBER, HENRY EUGENE, Orlando, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Eta Sigma, Honors Program. BARBRE JAMES 0,, Carol City, Florida; Business; Kappa Sigma, Alpha Phi Omega. BARNES, WILLIAM ROBERT, Orlando, Florida; Business; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. BARNHILL, PATRICIA GAYLE, Jacksonville, Florida; Edu- cation; Sigma Kappa, Little Sister of White Carnation, Fashion Incorporated, FEA. BARRETT, GEORGE, Pompano Beach, Florida; Business; Soccer Club. BARRETT, LANA G., Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Omicron Nu, Kappa Alpha Pi, Gymnastica, Home Economics Club. BARRON, SYBELLE ANNE, Rockledge, Florida; Nursing; Pi -Beta Phi. BARTON, CHARLES H., Houston, Texas; Business; Theta Chi, Varsity Baseball. BARTON, ETHEL ALLENE, Williston, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Baptist Student Union. ^^jSmji 377 Seniors BASINI, RICHARD, St. Petersburg, Florida; Chi, Delta Sigma Pi, Society of Hosts. BATEMAN, BENJAMIN JEFFERSON JR Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Pi Sigma. BATES, JUDITH M., Miami, Florida; Arts and Gamma Delta, Phi Alpha Theta, Soltas. BATTS, JOYCE ANTLEY, Avon Park, Florida; Home Econo mics; Sophomore Council. Business; Sigma ., Blountstown, Sciences; A I pha - lorida; Education; F lorida; Education; F lorida; Educati on . BAUM, TAMARA, Jacksonville, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Gamma. BAXTER, ANNE FOREST, Haworth, New Jersey; Arts and Sciences; Baptist Student Union, International Student Club, Eguestrian« C lub, Dorm Officer. BAYA, SARA, Tampa, Florida; Education; FEA, Newman Club. BEASLEY, MARY MARGARET, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Honors Program. BEAUCHAMP, R. LUTHER, Chiefland, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi Omega, Senate, Baptist Student Union. BECK, MARY JO, Hastings, Florida; Home Economics; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Social Chairman of Londis Hall, Collegiate 4-H Club, Home Economics Club, FEA, Newman Club. BECKER, ALBERT F., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Business; Vice-President and Pledge Trainer of Delta Sigma Pi. BECKER, JAMES STEPHEN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Pershing Rifles, Sentries Drill Team. BECKER, JANET L., Vero Beach, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Junior Counseloi, Vice-Presi- dent of Landis Hall, President and Vice-President of Council for Exceptional Children, Vice-President and Secretary of Newman Club. _ BEEBE, VINCENT J., Tallahassee, E ps i Ion Pi Tau . BELCHER, PATRICIA, St. Petersburg, Kappa Delta Pi; NEA; FEA; NAEA. BELCHER, SUSAN GAIL, St. Petersburg, BELL, ELIZABETH JEAN, Tampa_^, Florida; Education; Scholarship chairman and Trident Correspondent of Delta Delta Delta, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Senate- Student Relations Committee; FEA; NEA; Dorm Officer. BELL, HARVEY B., Valparaiso, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi . BENEDETTI, JAY, Westfield, New Jersey; Business; Phi Delta Theta; Alpha Council; Jaycees; Wrestling Club. BENNETT, ANNA E., Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Corresponding Secretary of Gamma Sigma Sigma; FEA; NEA; Social Chairman of Cawthon Hall. BENNETT, CHARLES M., St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Collegians, Young Democrats. BENNETT, DORIS MAY, Satellite Beach, Florida; Arts and Sc iences. BENNETT, MARGARET E., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President and Assistant Treasurer of Kappa Al-pha Theta, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Chaplain of Reynolds. BENNETT, TOM, Graceville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Assistant Sports Information Director. BENNY, ELIZABETH ANN, Richardson, Texas; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. BERGWIN, C. RICHARD, New York, New York; Arts and Sciences; International Student Club. BERRISFORD, THOMAS R., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi Omega. BERRY, DENNIS J., Cincinnati, Ohio; Business; President of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Council, I EC Re- presentative, Homecoming Committee Chai rman . Seniors BETTS, JOSEPH M. JR., Clearwater, Florida; Engineering Science; Alpha Council, IEEE, AIAA, AAAS. BETTS, WILLIAM L., Clearwater, Florida; Engineering Sc ience. BIELAWA, MARY ANNE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President and Sergeant at Arms of Kappa Delta, Sigma Delta Pi, Majorettes, Newman Club. BIESEKERSKI, JOAN, Miami, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi. BILYEU, MICHAEL, Miami, Florida; Business. BINZEL, MARTHA EDITH, Birmingham, Alabama; Arts and Sciences; Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Westminster Fellowship Award. BISHOP, BELLE MINGE, Shalimar, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Guard of Alpha Phi, Opera Guild, University Theatre, Choral Union, Women's Glee Club, Librarian of Chapel of the Resur- surection Choir. BISHOP, PATRICIA ANN, Greenville, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA.. BITTING, MARTHA LYNNE, Ocala, Florida; Education; Kappa Kappa Gamma, NEA, FEA, Circus, Homecoming Com- mittee, 1 nternatiolia I Club. BLANCHARD, JOHN D., Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Beta Alpha Psi. BLAUVELT, TONY RAY, Westport, Indianna; Business; Beta Alpha Psi, Freshman Basketball. BLOCK, CAROL, Vero Beach, Florida; Education; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Sigma Alpha Eta, Hillel, Gymkana, Gymnastica, Tally-Ho Staff, Intramurals. BLOUNT, MARIAN L., Pompano Beach, Florida; Education; Tarpons, Baptist Players, Freshman Council, Recreation Ma j ors Society . BLUNK, JOSEPH W. II, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary and Historian of Delta Chi, Pershing Rifles. BODNAR, M. DIAN, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Arts end Sci ences. BOHN, GEORGE J. JR., Gulfport, Florida; Business. BOMAR, MARY, Atlanta, Georgia; Education; Treasurer of Chi Omega, Vice-President of Village Vamps. BONNER, ' SANDRA M., Cocoa Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Rush Chairman of Alpha Gamma Delta. BOOZE, LINDA, Clearwater, Florida; Education; Pledge Class President and Social Chairman of Phi Mu, Little Sisters of Phi Delta Theta, NEA, FEA. BOUTERSE, JAMES A., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gymkana. BOUTZ, LINDA JEAN, Clermont, Florida; Education; National Art Education Association, FEA. BOWDEN, ANNA REBECCA, St. Augustine, Florida; Arts and Sci ences . BOWERS, EUNICE J., Warrington, Florida; Education; Soltas. BOWLES, ROBERT MICHEAL, New Smyrna Beach, Florida; Education; Treasurer of Men's Professional Physical Educa- tion Association, F lorida State Wrestl ing Club. BOWMAN, PATRICIA R., Cocoa Beach, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Treasurer of Alpha Xi Delta, Angel Flight, Freshman Flunkies Chairman, Secretary of Smoke Signals. BOYD, HINES P., Monticello, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Delta Theta, Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Chief Justice of Honor Court, Chief Defense Counselor for Honor Court, University Court. BOYTER, CAROLE STEWART, Atlanta, Georgia; Nursing; President of Pledge Class, Recording Secretary and Song Chairman of Alpha Delta Pi, President of Little Sisters of Minerva, Cotillion; Dean's List. BRADDY, SUZANNE, Waycross, Georgia; Education; Scholar- ship Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Tau Delta, Angel Flight, Gymkana, Little Sisters of Minerva, Wesley Foundation, FEA, Dean's List. 379 Seniors 380 jarnet Key, Mortified, Secretary of Junior Class, n of Village Vamps, Gymkana Court, Angel Flight, art of Phi-Delta Theta. BRAMBLETT, CAROLYN A., Coral Gables, Florida; Educa- tion; Secretary and Vice-Eresident of Theatre Dance. BRANCA, ELAINE, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Social Welfare. BRANCH, WILLIAM H., Kissimmee, Florida; Arts and Scien- ces; Pi Kappa Phi, Student Senator, Vice Chairman of Elec- tions and Appointment Committee, Chairman of International Week, Student Body President's Cabinet, Secretary of Finance, Advisory Council, President and member of Board of Directors of FSU Jaycees. " BRACKIN. THOMAS V., Donalsonvi Me, Georgia; Education; Phi Epsilon Kappa, PE Majors Club, Intramural Manager. BRANDT, JAMES A. II, Dunedin, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President and Social Chairman of Lambda Chi Alpha, Treasurer of Gold Key, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Council, Omicron Delta Kappa, President of Inter-Fraternity Council, University Court, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. BRANSON, DONNA, Sarasota, Florida; Education; Kappa Alpha Theta, Grand Czar of Mortified, Garnet Key, Treasurer of Pan- hellenic. Secretary of Women's Judiciary, Secretary of Sopho- more Council, Junior Counselor, Vice-President of Broward Hall, and Gilchrist Hall, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COL- LEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. BRANTLEY, JAN, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Activities Chairman, Vice-President, and President of Kappa Delta, Garnet Key, Mortified, Secretary of Junior CI Hi storian Sweethear BRASFIELD, LUKE, Savannah, Georgia; Social Welfare; Kappa Delta, Freshman Flunkies, Westminster Fellowship, Fashion Incorporated, Social Work Club. BREITKOPF, IRMA, Hollywood, Florida; Nursing; Student Nursing Association, Westminster Fellowship. BRENNAN, JOHN, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Tau Delta. BRIMMER, TERRY, Bradenton, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Alpha Psi, Golf Team. BRINKMAN, SUSAN, Live Oak, Florida; Music; Alpha Delta Pi, Choral Union, Women's Glee Club. BRINSON, STEPHEN CHANDLER, Fort Myers, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Swimming Team. BROOKS, RICHARD, Crestview, Florida; Social Welfare. BROOKS, SANDRA A,, Albany, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Panhellenic Delegate, Gar- net Key, Mortified, Secretary of Senate, Senator, Sigma Alpha Eta. BRONKE, LYNDA, Miami, Florida; Education; Glee C lub. BROOKSBANK, SUSAN, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Zeta Tau Alpha, Treasurer of Freshman Class, Student Government Educational Fund Committee, Homecoming Committee. BROUGHTON, RICHARD IRVING, Winter Park, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Rush Chairman of Sigma Nu, Treasurer of Alpha Delta Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Rho, Intramural Basketball, Gymkana. BROWN, DAWNE Ocala, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Chairman of Social Work Club. BROWN, MARY CLAUDIA Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Delta Zeta, Secretary and Treasurer of Society of Hosts. BROWN, PHILLIP EDWIN, Stuart, Florida; Arts and Sciences. BROWN, VIRGINIA SIMS, Richmond, Virginia; Arts and Sc i ences. BROWNE, PAMELA BYRD, Panama City, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, FEA, NEA. BRUCE, HERBERT P., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Business; Vice-President of Alpha Phi Omega, Assistant Secretary of Internal Affairs, Presidential Assistant, 1964 Homecoming Chairman, House President and Treasurer of Southern Scholar- ship Foundation, President's Student Advisory Board. BRUMBAUGH, KAREN BESSE, Orlando, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA, Florida Reading Association, Association for Childhood Education, Choral Union. BRYAN, LORIN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Unit Advisor for Kellum Hall. BRYANT, MARGUERITE ELAINE, Orlando, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President of Newman Club, Assistant Manag- ing Editor of Flambeau, FEA. BRYSON, MARTHA ANN, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Activities and Service Chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta, Vice- President of Freshman Flunkies, Social Chairman of Jennie Murphree Hall, Vice-President of Bryan Hal I, Sophomore Coun- cil, Junior Counselor, Tally-Ho Staff, Elections Bureau. NEA, Women's Seniors BUCHERT, GERALD, Port St. Joe, Florida; Social Welfare; Alpha Phi Omega, Social Work Club, Ruge Hall. BUENZLI, MICHELLE STEELEY, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Vice-President of Zeta Tau Alpha Pledge Class, Recording Secretary "of FEA, NEA, Modeling Board of Fashion Incorporated, Junior Counselor. BUKOWITZ, ROSEMARY, Maracaibo, Venezuela; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Delta Phi, President of International Club. BULLOCK, CULLEN L., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Swimming Team. BURGESS, MARILYN ELAINE, Winter Garden, Florida; Educa- tion; NEA, ACEI, FEA. BURKE, ROBERT E., St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, Intramural Football, Dean's List. BURKETT, ALLEN FREDERIC, Dania, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Beta Alpha Psi. BURNHAM, PATRICIA RUSH, Rockwood, Tennessee; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, Garnet Key, Secretary and Chairman of University Union Board, Mortified, Union Program Council, President's Advisory Council, Sigma Chi Derby Queen, Tally-Ho Court) Greek Goddess Court, Homecoming Committee, ROTC Brigade Sponsor, Honorary Cadet Colonel, Freshman Flunkies, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. BURROWS, BETTE B., Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Sciences. BURTS, JOYCE A., Tampa, Florida; Home Economics; Vice- President of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Fashion Incorporated, Choral Union, Wesley Foundation. BUSSELL, BRUCE HENRY, Minot, North Dakota; Arts and Sciences; Student Union Bowling League. BUZZETT, SUSAN ELIZABETH, Apalachicola, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Junior Counselor, Secretary of Soltas Club, Dorm Vice-President, House Council. BYRD, CONNIE, Alexandria, Virginia; Education; House Manager of Alpha Phi, Sigma Lambda Sigma, Phi Alpha, Bap- tist Student Union Librarian, Circus, Sailing Association. BYRD. IRIS JEANETTE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Soltas, Inter- Varsity, Flambeau Staff. CABALLERO, ANN, Miami Beach, Florida; Education. CABANAS, BILLY EDWARD, Key West, Florida;. Education- Phi Epsilon Kappa, Secretary of Men's Professional Physical Education Association. CABRERA, FRANK, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Photography Editor of Flambeau and Smoke Signals. CALFEE, JUDY, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Soltas. CAMERON, DAVID, Avon Park, Florida; Business; Sigma Chi, Justice of Student Traffic Court, Student-Faculty Traffic Court, Arnold Air Society. CAMPA, PEDRO, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma, Delta Pi, Pi Delta Phi. ANNE, Groveland, Florida; Nursing; Marching EVELYN CLAIRE, Florala, Alabama; Arts CAMPBELL, Chiefs„ CAMPBELL, and Sciences CAMPBELL, LAURENCE OLIVER, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Tau Delta. CAMPBELL, MARY SUSAN, Salisbury, North Carolina; Nurs- ing; Chaplain of Broward Hall, President of Student Nurses Association, Recording Secretary of Student Nurses Associa- tion of Florida, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Justice of Summer Honor Court, Westminster Fellowship. CANNON, ARTHUR BRUCE, Dunedin, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Pi. CAREY, JEFFERSON JR., Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Tau Omega. CARLILE, PATRICIA ANN, Bellair Beach, Florida; Educa- tion; Chi Omega, FEA, NEA, Tarpon Club. CARLSON, SANDRA, Tallahassee, Florida; Home Economics; Fashion Incorporated, Riding Club, Rear Commodore of Sai ling C lub. 381 Seniors 382 CARPENTER, CAROL, Milton, Florida; Home Economics. CARPENTER, LIESBETH JOANNE, Winter Haven, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Chairman, Treasurer and President of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Delta Chi Little Sister. CARR, ANNE, Leesburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Cor- responding Secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi, Secretary of Geo - logical Society, Intramurais. CARROLL, ARCHIE B. Ill, Jacksonville, Florida; Business. lor idc Arts id Sciences; Phi CASPER, TOM, Tampa, Fl Kappa Psi, Swimming Team. CASWELL, RUSSELL E., Panama City, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omega, Flambeau Advertising Staff, Intramurais. CATO, THOMAS ALTON JR., Sumner, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Council, Varsity Track Team . CHADWICK, KEITH, Lakeland, Florida; Music; Phi Eta Sigma. CHALFA, NICOLAI, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; First Vice-President of A Ipha Phi Omega, University Chorus. CHALHUB, LEON JR., West Palm Beach, Florida; Business; Varsity Baseball Team. CHAMBERLIN, LLOYD WILLIAM III, Monticello, Florida; Bus iness; Sigma Chi, Student Senate, Homecoming Committee. CHANANIE, JOEL DAVID, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. CHERNEY, BARBARA, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Arts and Sciences; Sigma Kappa, Freshman Flunkies, F-Club, Under^ secretary of Internal Affairs. CHERRY, KENNETH JOSEPH, Rockledge, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Student Senator, Pre-Law Society, Young Democrats. CHESTER, SHERIAN E., Tavares, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Delta Delta, Modeling Board, Gymkana Court, Fashion Incorporated, Freshman Flunkies. CHEVELIER, MYRNA, Miami, Florida; Education. CHMIELEWSKI, GERARD, West Allis, Wisconsin; Education; Pi Kappa Phi, Varsity Baseball Team. CHRISTENSEN, CAROLYN MARIE, Homestead, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpfja Lambda Delta, Editor of Legend Antholo- gy, Florida Flambeau Staff, FSU Sailing Association, Sigma Tau Delta. CHURCH, BETTY, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Zeta, Sigma Delta Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha Sweetheart, Freshman Flunkies, Fashion Incorporated. CIBULA, FRANK G. JR., Miami, Florida; Business; Theta Chi, Honor Court Defense Counselor, Newman Club. CLAIRE, CAROL LYNNE, Key Largo, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Home Economics Club, Fashion Incorporated. CLARK, DONNA ELAINE, Tampa, Florida; Business; Alpha Phi, Phi Chi Theta. CLARK, HAROLD B., Palatka, Florida; Education; Pledge Trainer, Scholarship Chairman and Housemanager of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Basketball Team, Flambeau Staff. CLARK, JOHN T., Chattahoochee, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Delta Sigma. CLARK, JUDY, Clarksville, Florida; Education; NEA. CLARK, SHARRON, Clearwater, Florida; Education; Frater- nity Education Chairman of Phi Mu, NEA, FEA. CLARKE, JUNE, Clearwater, Florida; Education; Alpha Xi Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, Sophomore Council, Dorm Social Chairman . CLAYTON, MARVIN, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, J. Edwin Larson Scholarship. Seniors CLIFTON, CAROL C, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Tau Kappa Alpha, Alpha Lambda Delta, FSU Debate Team, Chap- lain of Magnoha Hall. CLINKSCALES, BARBARA, Miami, Florida; Business; First Vice-President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Junior Counselor, BSU.- COBB, LAFAYE, Columbus, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Wesley Foundation. COCHRAN, NANCY JO, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Marshall in Koppa Alpha Theta, Sophomore Council, 1963 Miss Tallahassee, 1963 Runner-up to Miss Florida, Dean's List. COHEN, CAROL, Stuart, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Work Club. COHEN, SYDNEY, Cleveland Heights, Ohio; Arts and Scien- Foundation, University Religious ces; President of Hillel Council, Young Democrats. COLDWELL, DAVID H., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President and Board of Directors of Circle K, Assistant Secretary of Student Welfare, Chairman of Publicity Committee of Homecoming, Young Democrats. COLE, WILLIAM A., Falls Church, Virginia; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Chi, Alpha Council. COLEMAN, LAUREN ARTHUR, Vestal, New York; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Marketing Club. COLEY, THOMAS, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Pi Kappa' Phi, Circus. COLLINS, ERIK L., Geneva, New York; Arts and Sciences; Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, Editor of Flambeau, Pre-Law Society, Director of Forum Committee, President's Advisory Council, Executive Director of Flambeau Enterprises, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. COLLINS, GRACE, Columbus, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Cultural Chairman of Kappa Kappa Gamma, University Court, Tally-Ho Staff, Homecoming Dance Committee, International Club, University Union Literature Commi ttee. COLLINS, MERRILL LYNN, Tallahassee, Florida; Nursing; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Secretary of Flambeau. COLLINS, SHIRLEY, Muncie, Indiana; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Ch'istian Science Organization, Sailing Club. COMBEST, SUSAN STRICKLIN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Home Economics; NEA, FEA, Wesley Foundation. CONTRERAS, RAYMOND T., Miami, Florida; Business; Vice- President of Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Council, Arnold Air Society, Freshman Baseball Team, Alpha Council. COOK, CAROL KAE, Lenoir, North Carolina; Arts and Scien- ces. COOK, MARY CAROLYN, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sophomore Council. COOKE, ROBERT STEVEN, Maitland, Florida; Social Welfare; Recording "Secretary and Social Chairman of Delta Tau Delta. COOPER, ALAN M., Orlando, Florida; Arts and Sciences. COOPER, HOWARD JERRY, Bartow, Florida; Business. CORLEY, ALDEN PAUL, Palatka, Florida; Business. COSBY, EURID RAYMOND II, Saginaw, Michigan; Business; Corresponding Secretary of Delta Tau Delta, Varsity Track, Varsity Football, Vice-President of One Up Men's Society, F inance C lub. COSTNER, TOM E. JR., Pensacola, Florida; Business; Adver- tising and Public Relations Director of Delta Sigma Pi. COTTEN, MILDRED, Alpha Theta. COUGHLIN, RICHARD P. fare; AFROTC Drill Team. COUNTS, SUZANNE, Wauchula, Florida; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Village Vamps, International Club, Army ROTC Sponsor. COURTOY, MARY ANN, Jasper, Florida; Home Economics; Alpha Chi Omega, Secretary and Chairman of Off-Campus Court, Freshman Flunkies, Social Chairman and Vice-President of Fashion Incorporated, President's Council. Birmingham, Alabama; Education; Kappa Tallahassee, Florida; Social Wei- Arts and Sciences; Sophomore Council, wm 383 Seniors COUSSON, KENNETH JOEL, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi. COX, OLIVE JOE, Quincy, Florida; Social Welfare, Social Welfare Club. CRAFT, JUDY, Jacksonville, Florida; Education. CRAVEN, BARBARA J., Quincy, Florida; Business; Alpha Xi Delta, Pi Omega Pi, Phi Chi Theta. CRAWLEY, LAURIE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; House President of Delta Delta Delta, Angel Flight, Sophomore Council, Dorm Social Chairman, Modeling Board, Correspond- ing Secretary and Treasurer of Fashion Incorporated, Phi Chi Theta, Military Ball Court. CREIGHTON, SHARON J. E., Pensacola, Florida; Education; NEA, Social Chairman of Florida Hall. CRIPPS, JAMES C, Tallahassee, Florida; Music. CROSBY, DEWEY CLAYTON JR., Pensacola, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi. CROSS, MARGARET, Goulds, Florida; Home Economics; L.ollegiate 4-H Club, Alpha Lambda Delta, Omicron Nu, Wesley Foundation. CROTTY, WILLARD E. JR., Pompano Beach, Florida; Busi- ness; Alpha Tau Omega, President of Cavaliers, Track. CULTRA, PAUL, Onarga, Illinois; Education; Sigma Nu, Physical Education Majors Club. CUMBIE, JUDITH ANNE, Orlando, Florida; Education; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Little Sister of the Golden Heart, Freshman Flunkies, Recreation Society, Pow Wow Committee. CURRAN, DAVID, Largo, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Political Union, International Club. CURRY, MERRILEE JEAN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Educa- tion; NEA, FEA. CURTIS, BETTY ROBERTS, Monticello, Florida; Education; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Home Economi cs 'Club, Sophomore Coun, ciT, Jun i or Counselor. CUSACK, JOHN THOMAS, Orlando, Florida; Social Welfare; Soccer L. lub. Large Florida; Education; Social Welfare; CUTLER, ELIZABETH LANE, Alpha Xi Delta, Jun ior Counse lor. DAILEY, THOMAS L., Clearwater, Florida. Lamibda Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau Kappa. DAHLEN, DAVID, Lake Park, Florida; Education; Alpha Tau Omega, Varsity Baseball, Intramurals, Men's Professional Physical Education Assoc iat ion . D'ALBENAS, SARANNE, Nassau, Bahamas; Education; NEA, FEA. DALE, NANCY SUE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Parl- iamentarian and Activities Chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta, Senator, Tau Kappa Alpha, International Student's Organiza- tion, Vice President of Gilchrist Hall, Debate Squad, Dean's List, Public^ Forum Committee, Secretary of University Party, Young Democrats. DALEEN, PAUL H., Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences. DALY, MAUREEN ANN, Ormond Beach, Florida; Education. DANIEL, DONOHUE, Eagle Lake, Florida; Arts and Sciences. Florida; Busines.s; Rifles, Advanced DANYLUCK, RICHARD W., Ft. Lauderdale, Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Sigma, Pershing AFROTC, Cadet Chorus. DARLING, ROBERT LAURENCE, Dunedin, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Pi Sigma, Business Manager, Treasurer and Vice President of Selby Foundation Scholarship House. DARST, R. PAUL, Lake Worth, Florida; Arts and Sciences. DATESMAN, GEORGE H. JR., Lake Worth, Florida; Social Welfare; Phi Kappa Tau. Seniors DAVIDSON, PAUL BRUCE, Orlando, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omeqa, Deltn Sigma Pi. DAVIS, BARBARA, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta, Publicity Chairman of Sopho- more Council, Junior Counselor, NBA, FEA, Dorm Vice Pres idi^nt. DAVIS, DONNA, West Palm Beach, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. DAVIS, DOROTHY E., Seffner, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurse Association, Col legiate 4-H Club. DAVIS, ELLEN A., Birmingham, Alabama; Education; Secretary of Kappa Alpha Theto, Freshman Flunkies, Vice President of Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Vice President of Jennie Murphree Hall, Angel Flight. DAVIS, JOHN, Cora! Gables, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Chi . DAVIS, THOMAS, Miami, Florida; Education; f^ouse Manager of Phi Delta Theta, Varsity Baseball. DAVY, MARVIN 0., Pensacola, Florida; Education; Industrial Arts Club. DAWKINS, ELIZABETH ANN, Leesburg, Florida; Education. DAWSON, R0BER*r C, Boca Raton, Florida; Social Welfare; FSU Circus, Arnold Air Society. DAY, JOHN WARREN III, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Vice President of Political Union, Young Democrats, Athletic Director of Wesley Foundation, NEA, Vice President of Kellum Hall, I ntramura I s. AVERIL, JANE DEAN, Nichols, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Flambeau Staff, Florida Christian Fellowship, Vice President and President of DeGraff Hall. DEAN, JAMES M., Lynn Haven, Florida; Education; NEA. DEESE, WALTER EUGENE, Cocoa, Florida; Arts and Scien- ces; Senator, President of Circle K Club, Lt. Governor of Florida District of Circle K Club, Governor of Florida District of Circle K International. DeGROODT, JAMES H. JR., Miami Springs, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Public Information Officer of Pershing Rifles. DEIGNAN, ELLEN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Home Economics; Delta Zeta, Fashion Incorporated, Newman Club, Flambeau Staff, Marketing Club, Judiciary, Junior Counselor, Dean's List. DeLaVERGNE, TED, Tampa, FJorida; Arts and Sciences; President of Kappa Alpha, Freshman Class Senator, Inter- Fraternity Council, Alpha Phi Omega, Wing Commander of AFROTC, Attorney General, Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa. DEMENT, JAMES W. Ill, Vicksburg, Mississippi; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Vice President of Collegians, Society of Hosts. DEMETRY, DEEB, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Chi. DENARD, ROBERT W., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Scien^ ces; Phi Ka'ppa Tau. Little Compton, Rhode of American Meteorologi- Education; Alpha DeSOUZA, RUSSELL LAWRENCE, Island; Arts and Sciences; Treasurer cal Society. DIERKS, HENRIETTA, Columbus, Georgia; Gamma Delta, FEA, ACE, NEA. DIETRICH, JOANNA, Deerfield Beach, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Pi Beta Phi, Military Boll Princess, Gym- kana Court, Delta Sigma Pi Rose Court, Sigma Chi Derby Prin- cess, Little Sisters of Minerva, Vice President of Epsilon Chi, Vice President of Epsilon Chi, Student-Senate Relations Com- mittee, ACE, FEA, NEA, ROTC Battalion Sponsor. DILLMAN, CLIFFORD ROGER, Lake Worth, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Pi Omega, Sigma Gamma Pi, Liberal Forum, Engineering Science Society, Sailing Association. DILLON, DAVID FRANCIS, West Palm Beach, Florida; Social Welfare; Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Florida Correctional Associa- tion. DIXON, IRENE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice President of Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Sophomore Coun- cil, Mortarboard, Garnet Key, Freshman Flunkies, Angel Flight, Choral Union, Religion in Life Steering Committee, Westminster Fellowship Secretary, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. DIXON, JAMES DOUGLAS, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Council, Distribution Man- ager of Smoke Signals. DOBSON, SARAH JEANETTE, Clearwater, Florida; Education; NEA, Baptist Student Union. ^1 ^^ Seniors I 386 DOELKER, DORIS MARIE, Whitman Air Force Base, Missouri; Arts and Sciences, Siqma Tau Delta. DONALDSON, CAROLE LEE, Stotesboro, Georgia; Music; Tqu Beta Sigma, Sigma Alpha Iota, Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band, Orchestra. DOOMAR, PAT, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Kappa Alpha Theta, President, Vice President and Social Chairman of Gar- net Key, Mortified, .Women's Veep Pro-Tern, Senate, Under- secretary of Inter-Collegiate Affairs, Junior Counselor, Sopho- more Council, Speaker's Bureau, Chairman of Homecoming Ban- quet, Chairman of Pel ig ion in Life Series, President Blackwel I's Advisory Council. DOUCHAN, VIRGINIA KAYE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Educa- tion; Sigma Kappa, NBA, Christian Science Organization. DOWNEY, PATRICIA (MRS.), Tallahassee, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA.. DOYLE, RUTH E., Coral Gables, Florida; Education; Treas- urer of Garnet Key, Mortified, Senator, Senate Historian, Freshman Flunkies, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Uni- versity Union Board, University Promotions Bureau, Family Weekend Committee, House Council, Corresponding Secretary of Student Party, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. DOYLE, TERESA, Hollywood, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA. DRAKE, M. HELEN, Atlanta, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; President and Treasurer of Alpha Delta Pi, FSU Circus, V ice President of Coti I I' on . DRAKE, NEALY, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida; Arts and Scien- ces; Alpha Chi Omega. DUDNEY, DENNIS LEE, Titusville, Florida; Social Welfare; Alptia Jav Omega. DUFFY, GERALD G., Clearwater, Florida; Business; Lambda Chi Alpha DUGGAR, THOMAS EDWIN, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Delta Lhi. DUKE, THOMAS S., Cedartown, Georgia; Business; Sigma A I pha E psi Ion . DUNCAN, DIANE CAROLINE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sailing Club, International Club, Tally-Ho, Freshman Flunkies. DUNN, SHARON LEE, St. Petersburg, Florida, Nursing; Scholarship Chairman and Marshall of Delta Delta Delta, Sen- ator, Fashion Incorporated, Freshman Flunkies, Sun-goddess Court, Homecoming Committee, Dean's List. DURHAM, WILLIAM M. JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Sigma Chi, Alpha Phi Omega Honorary, Marching Chiefs, Vice President of Recreation Club. DUROCHER, ROBERT, Ozone Park, New York; Social Welfare; Swimming Team, Newman Club. DURRETT, LINDA, Massapequo, New York; Education; Alpha Phi, Choral Union, Sailing Club. DUTCHER, TIMMIE, Miami, Florida; Education; Assistant Rush Chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta, Floor Chairman of Gil- chrisl" Hall, Village Vamps, Sophomore Council, Traffic Court, NEA. EARDLEY, WILLIAM, Valparaiso, Florida; Arts and Sciences. EARLEY, CHARLES, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Phi E ps I Ion. EARNEST, LINDA JOYCE, Quincy, Florida, Business; Phi Chi Theta. EASON, LINDA JEANNE, Jennings, Florida; Education; Baptist Student Union, Mathematics Teaching Club, NEA, FEA. EASTERLING, FRANCES CAROLYN, Panama City, Florida; Music; Operas — Orpheus, Euridice, Kismet, Susanna, Pagliachi, University Singers. ECHEVARRIA, WANDA, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gamma Sigma Sigma. EDDINS, LAURA JANICE, Hialeah, Florida; Education; Nat- ional Magazine Editor of Alpha Chi Omega, Head Majorette for Marching Chiefs, Chaplain of Tau Beta Sigma, Kappa Delta Pi. EDGE,BILLIE ANN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Home Economics; Rituals Chairman and Treasurer of Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Omicron Nu, Treasurer and Reporter of Home Economics Club. C EDSALL, HELENE E., St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA. Seniors EDWARDS, FRANCES, Charlotte, North Carolina; Arts and Sciences . EGNER, MARY LOU, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; His- torian of Alpha Gamma Delta, Rally Committee Representative, Dean's List, Freshman Flunkies, FEA, NEA, ACE. ELDER, GAYE, Chattahoochee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Honors Program— Upper Division, Three Years' Master's Program. ELLIOTT, JOANNE, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Scholarship Chairman of Pledge Class of Pi Beta Phi, Miss Tally Ho Court, Gymkana Princess, General Co-Chairman of Gymkana Production, Angel Flight, Gymnastica, Miss Navy Wings of Gold, Phi Delta Theta Sweetheart Court, Phi Delph- ians . ELLIS, FREDRICK VERNON, Bradenton Beach, Florida; Engineering Science. ELLIS, REBECCA J., Ft. Myers, Florida; Music; Delta Zeta. ELPHICK, HERBERT E. JR., Orange Park, Florida; Business; Commodore of Florida State University Soiling Association, Sailing Team, North American Inter-collegiate Sailing Champ- ionship 1 964. ELSWICK, SUSANNAH MARIE, Winter Haven, Florida; Nursing; First Vice President of Sigma Kappa. ELY, GIFFORD F. JR., Largo, Florida; Arts and Sciences. EMMELHAINZ, EDGAR ALLEN JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Choral Union, Young Democrats, Florida Cor- rection Association, Westminster Fellowship. ERVIN, RUSSELL R., Perryopolis, Pennsylvania; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi. ESTES, BETTY ANNE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Epsilon Chi, Freshman Flunkies, Fashion Incorporated, ACE. ETCHISON, MYRON LLOYD, Tallahassee, Welfare; Florida Correctional Association. EVANS, DOLORES MARIE, Palm Boy, FEA. EVANS, NINA GREER, Mananno, Florida EYL, ARLAND W. JR., Jacksonville, Sciences; Gymkana, ROTC. Florida; Social Florida; Education; Education. Florida; Arts Td EYMAN, JANIC K., St. Petersburg, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Garrvna, Gymnastica. FABRY, MARIAN CHARLOTTE, Oviedo, Florida; Business; Gamma Phi Beta, Homecoming Queen Committee Chairman, I ntramura Is . FALCK, WILLIAM ERNEST, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, University Religious Council, Pre-Law Club, Presidential Assistant, Senator. FEAGLE, FRANKLIN H. D., Dundee, Florida; Business; ROTC. FERGER, MICHAEL J., Roseland, Florida; Education; Sigma Delta Pi, Social Chairman of Kellum Hall. FERGUSON, CAROLYN VIRGINIA, Leesburg, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Collegiate 4-H Club. FERGUSON, JAMES RUSSELL, Orlando, Florida; Business; Kappa Sigma . FERLITA, GERALDINE, Tampa, Florida; Nursing; Delta Zeta. FERRAN, MARY EMILY, Eustis, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Delta Delta. FERRELL, ODIE C, Hialeah, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Corresponding Secretary and House Manager of Delta Chi. FERRY, JAMES C, Eau Gallie, Florida; Education; Sigma Chi, Track, Physical Education Majors, Vice President of Re- creational Society, Arnold Air Society, Alpha Council, Traffic Committee, Row Wow. FICHTNER, ANTOINETTE, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Newman Club, Secretary and President 4;-H Club, Vice President of Landis Hall. 387 Seniors PICK, MICHAEL NORTON, Huntsville, Alabama; Engineering Science. FINCHER, SUSAN KAREN, Atlanta, Georgia; Home Economics; Marshall of Kappa Alpha Theta, Garnet Key, Mortified, Board of Publications, Features Editor, Organizations Editor and Editor- in-Chief of Tally Ho, Social Chairman of Reynolds Hall, Presi- dent Biackwell's Student Advisory Council, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Dean's List, Fashion Incorporated. FINK, LEO B., St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Delta Chi. FINKL, BARBARA JEAN, Evanston, Illinois; Education; NEA, FEA. FINLAYSON, MARTHA J. CARVER, Hollywood, Florida; Edu- cation; BSU, NEA. FITZGERALD, BUNNY, Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Mu, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor. FLEMING, JEAN HOPE, Panama City, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi, Pow Wow Committee, Student Lutheran Association. FLEMING, MIKE, Miami, Florida; Business; Kappa Sigma. FLETCHER, TINA LOUISE, McAlpin, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Pi Beta Phi, Garnet Key, Mortar Board, Kappa Delta Pi, Floor Chairman of Magnolia Hall, Social Chairman of Broward, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor Vice President, Home Economics Club, Sweetheart of Kappa Sigma. FLITCRAFT, ALAN, Bradenton, Florida; Education; Phi Epsi Ion Kappa. FLOWERS, NONA, Pensacola, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. FLOWERS, WILLIAM A., Ft. Pierce, Florida; Music; Secretary of Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha, Marching Chiefs and Concert Band. FLOYD, MARGARET EILEEN, Ft. Lauderdale, F lorida,_ Edu- cation; Second Vice President of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Fresh- man Flunkies. . FOCHT, MICHAEL, New Holland, Pennsylvania; Arts and FOg'lE PATRICIA ANDREWS, Largo, Florida; Arts and Science's; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Little Sisters of Mmerva. FORD, FRANCES TERRY, Daytona Beach, Florida; Education; House President and Vice President of Zeta Tau Alpha, Freshman Flunkies, Off-Campus Court, Dean's List, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Kappa Psi Sweetheart. FORD, JANET ANNE, West Palm Beach, Florida; Education; Newman Club, NEA. FORSON POLLY ANN, Bunnell, Florida; Home Economics. FOSS MARY BETH, Tallahassee, Florida; Home Economics; Assistant Pledge Trainer of Pi Beta Phi, Fashion Incorporated. FOSSETT,MARCIA CAROL, Hialeah, Florida; Education; FEA. FRANKLIN, WINFORD, Green Cove Springs, Florida; Music; Phi Mu Alpha, Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band, Collegians, Choral Union, M.E.N.C. FREELAND, LINDA LOU, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; CEC. FREEMAN, PAT, Ft. Meade, Florida; Arts and Sciences. FREUND, RICHARD F., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Member American Meteorological Society. New York; Arts and FRIEDMAN, CLYDE A., Rockville Centre, and Sciences; Theatre Dance Group. FRIESE, BETTY JANE, Curundu, Canal Zone; Art? Sciences; Sigma Sigma Sigma . FRITZ, ROBERT A., Sebring, Florida; Music; Phi Mu Alpha, President of School of Music Student Body, Marching Chiefs, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, University Symphony, Choral FRUTCHEY, IRVIN WAYNE JR., Daytona Beach Florida; Social Welfare; Chaplain, Secretary, Grand Master of Ceremon- ies and Alumni Correspondent of Kappa Sigma, Advanced AFROTC. Seniors FRY, DAROL E., Jacksonville, Florida; Social Welfare; Kappa Alpha, Freshman Baseball, Alpha Council, Arnold Air Society. RUGATE, GLENDA JEANETT, Miami, Florida; Education; Alpha Omicron Pi, BSU, NEA, ACE, 4-H Club. FULLER, JOHN W., Ocala, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Uni- versity Symphony, Opera Guild Orchestra, Percussion En- semble, WFSU-FM Staff, Radio and Television Artists' Guild. FULLER, MARIE YANCEY, Miami, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi, NEA, FEA. FABLE, SHIRLEY LINDA, Americus, Georgia; Social Welfare; Alpha Xi Delta, Chorus, Little Sister of White Carnation. GALVIN, MARY E., Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Newman Club. GANGLOFF, JOHN JOSEPH, Pensacola, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Insurance and Real Estate Society. GARBRICK, DAVID A., Boca Raton, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; President and First Vice President of Alpha Phi Omega, President of Arnold Air Society, Phi Alpha Theta, Housing Bureau, Greater FSU Committee, Governor and Social Chairman of Kellum Hall. GARDNER, JAMES BROOKS, Angier, North Carolina; Arts and Sciences^ I ntramura Is. GARDNER, RICHARD ALLEN, Melbourne, Florida; Education; President of Recreation Club. GARNER, EARL, Caryville, Florida; Business; Warden of Alpha Kappa Psi. GATES, MARION ALMA, Columbus, Georgia; Education; Mathematics Teaching Club, FEA, NEA. GAY, SANDRA, New Port Richey, Flortda; Education; FEA, NEA ACE. GEIGER, RAYMOND KARL, Jacksonville, Florida; Education. GEORGE, DAVID H., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Vice President of Seminole Flying Club. GERMACK, MARY ANN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Home Economics Club, Newman Club, Vice President of West Londis Hall, FEA, NEA. GEVAIS, FRANCIS, Plattsburgh, New York; Education. GIBERT, CAROLE ANN, Pensacola, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Kappa Delta, Social Chairman of Bryan Hall, Social Chairman of Reynolds Hall, Junior Counselor, Alliance Francaise,' Fashion Incorporated, Rally Committee, KA Rose Court. GIBSON, GERALD SUSAN, Chipley, Florida; Education; NEA. GIEDA, MARY KAY, Maitland, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Historian of Alpha Omicron Pi. mJMM GILLEY, SANDRA PAULETTE, Birmingham, Alabama; Edu- cation; Pi Beta Phi, Angel Flight, Kappa Sigma Pledge Class Sweetheart, Vice President of Star and Crescent, Kappa Delta Pi, Homecoming Banquet Committee. GILSTRAP, PAMELA JEAN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Educa- tion; Student-Senate Relations Committee, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Secretary of Concern Council and Vespers Chairman of Wesley Foundation. GODDARD, WILLIAM DAVID, Tarpon Springs, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Kappa Tau, Debate Team, Tau Kappa Alpha. GODFREY, BEN, Aubumdale, Florida; Music; President of Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha, President of Florida Student Music Educators National Conference, Marching Chiefs, Sym- phonic Band. GONZALEZ, PETER, Miami, Florida; Business; Basketball. GOODSON, JANICE, Panama City, Florida; Education; NEA. GOUZA, HELENA, Warrington, Florida; Education; Treasurer of Alpha Chi Omega, Social Work Club, Pi Kappa Phi Rose Court. GLEASON, BARBARA A., Winter Garden, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Delta Gamma, Village Vamps, Theatre Dance, Gymkana, Little Sister of the Maltese Cross. 389 Seniors ^^1^1 390 GLEASON, JEAN NOELL, Orange City, Florida; Education; Treasurer and Co-President of Council for Exceptional Chi Idren . GLENDINNING, KaREN LEE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Social Welfare, Corresponding Secretary and Philanthropy Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, Treasurer of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Tally-Ho Staff, Social Staff, Social Welfare Club, Dean's List, Junior Counselor. GLORIUS, SHARON MARGUERITE, Wauchula, Florida; Edu- cation; FEA, NEA, Flome Demonstration, ACEI. GLOVER, MARY SUE, Quincy, Florida; Education; NEA. GLOVER, ROBERT C, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Delta Chi. GOOCH, HUBERT CLAY, St. Augustine, Florida; Education; Pledge Trainer of Lambda Chi Alpha, Chairman of University Promotions Committee, Treasurer of Men's Physical Education Major's Club, Varsity Baseball, Wrestling Club. GOODWIN, ALINDA, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA, ACEI. GORDON, SHIRLEY H., Hollywood, Florida; Nursing; Kappa Alpha Theta, Vice-President of Bryan Hall, Sophomore Coun- cil, Tarpon, Student Nurses Association. GRACE, GEANAVIE VIRGINIA, Miami, Florida; Education; Alpha Xi Delto, Kappa Sigma Snowball Queen. GRAHAM, CHARLES D. Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Recording Secretary of Delta Chi, Beta Alpha Psi. GRANADA, JUDITH CAROL, Tampa, Florida; Education; Phi Mu, Fashion Incorporated, FEA. GRANT, BRUCE, Coral Gables, Florida; Business, Alpha Delta Sigma. GRANTHAM, DON EARL, Cross City, Florida; Arts and Sciences . GRASS, L. SUSAN C, Deerfield Beach, GRAY, DESMOND PATRICK JR., Ocala, NEA, FEA, National Council of Teachers GRAY, JAMES RUSSELL, Marianna, Delta Theta. FIc Florida; Education. Florida; Education; of Eng I i sh. B usi ness; Phi GREEN, FRANK I., Alva, Florida; Education; Phi Epsilon Kappa, Men's Professional Physical Education Association. GREEN, JOHN MARSHALL JR., Ocala, Florida; Business; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Vice-President of Freshman Class, A Ipha Counc i I . GREENWOOD, E. KAREN, Hialeah, Florida; Social Welfare. GREER, BETTYE JO, Fort Meade, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Delta Delta. GREER, CAROL, Princeton, Florida; Home Economics; Collegiate 4-H Club, Wesley Foundation, FEA. GREGORY, LEO T., Winter Haven, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Pi Kappa Phi, Alpha Council, Circus, Arnold Air Society, Cheerleader. GREIFF, NATHAN DAVID, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. GRENWIS, MARY JO, North Miami Beach, Florida; Home Economics; Young Democrats, Newman Club. GRIFFIS, WILMER EARLE, Plant City, Florida; Business; Kappa Alpha. GRIMM, KAREN, Fort Myers, Florida; Business; Alpha Omicron Pi . GRINER, JANEACE LAWAUNIA, Jasper, Florida; Education; Sigma Kappa, NEA, ACE, Methodist Student Fellowship. GRINGLE, MARCIA, Delray Beach, Florida; Nursing. Seniors GRISSOM, BETTY LYNN, St. Augustine, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Chairman of Chi Omega, Phi Alpha, Flambeau Staff. GROSS, LINDA ANNE, Miami, Florida; Education; Vice- President of Kappa Alpha Thei-a, Garnet Key, Mortar Board, Kappa Delta Pi, Vice-President of Reynolds Hall, Vice- President of Cawthon Flail, President of Broward Flali, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Village Vamps, Angel Flight, Delta Chi Greek Girl, FEA, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. GROVER, DARBY GENE, Perry, Florida; Arts and Sciences. GRUBBS, DIANE, Miami, Florida; Education; Historian of Zeto Tau Alpha, Social Committee of Landis, Young Citizens for Johnson. GRUBICK, KAREN, Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Junior Counselor, NEA, FEA. GUIDOS, BARBARA, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; President of Alpha Xi Delta, Junior Counselor, Sopho- more Council, Vice-President of Jennie Murphree, Freshman F lunki es . GUTHRIE, SUZANNE KAY, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Recording Secretary of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Gamma Alpha Chi, Fashion Incorporated, Intramurals. HAFERKAMP, JUNE, Bartow, Florida; Home Economics; Social Chairman and Panhellenic Representative of Phi Mu, Circus, NEA, FEA. HAGAN, ELIZABETH LYNN, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Newman Club, Young Citizens for Johnson. HALL, PAMELA J., Lake Worth, Florida; Arts and Sciences; First Vice-President of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sophomore Council, Military Ball Sponsor, Freshman Flunkies, Garnet Key. HALL, WILLIAM MALVERN JR., Miami, Florida; Business; Baptist Student Union. HALTER, LEW, Lake Worth, Florida; Business. HAMILTON, PATRICIA ANN, Orlando, Florida; Education; Sigma Kappa. HAMLIN, CHRISTINE RAE, Satellite Beach, Florida; Educa- tion. HAMM, DONALD EDWIN, Cocoa, Florida; Business; Pledge Class President of Alpha Tau Omega, One-Up Man's Society, Varsity Baseball. HANCOCK, MYRA, Havana, Florida; Home Economics; Alpha Delta Pi, Reporter and Historian of Home Economics Club, Junior Counselor, Fashion Incorporated, FEA. HANKINS, MaRY BETH, Marianne, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Chi Omega. HANLEY, PAUL VINCENT, Jupiter, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Marketing Club, Finance Club, Pre-Law Associa- tion. HANNA, PAUL, Jacksonville, Florida; Music; Executive Alumni Secretary of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Kappa Lambda, State Symphony Opera Association, University Symphony, Symphonic Band, Brass Choir. HARRELL, THOMAS P., St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary and Pledge Master of Alpha Phi Omega. HANSEN, NOEL, Marshal Itown, Iowa; Education; Men's Professional Physical. Education Association. HAPKE, RODELIA, Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sec- retary and Treasurer of Phi Sigma Tau, Alpha Lambda Delta, Women's F Club., President of FEA Scholarship House, Honors Division of Basic Studies, Philosoph/ Club. HARBY, MARY ANN, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Pi Beta Phi. HARRISON, SHIRLEY JEANNE, Gainesville, Florida; Educa- tion; Sophomore Council, Secretary of Women's Recreation Association, President and Vice-President of Tarpon, Vice- President of Women's F Club, Freshman FlunKies. HARRISON, VIRGINIA L., St. Petershurg, Florida; Education; Social Chairman and Panhellenic Representative of Chi Omega, Panhellenic Rush Chairman, Secretary of University Union Program Counci I, Chairman of Dance and Social Activities for Program Council, Cavalier-Cotillion Club, Student Government Retreat Committee, FSU Recreati on Soci ety. Freshman Flunkies, ERA, NRA. HARRIS, JOAN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Historian of Women's F Club, Physical Education Association, WRA. HARRIS, SHIRLEY A., Atlanta, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Women's Glee Club. HART, JOSEPH, Hallandnle, Florida; Business; Marketing Club. Seniors 392 HARTIGAN, ETHEL, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Nursing; Newman Club. HAULMAN, CLYDE A., Panama City, Florida, Arts and Sciences; Pledge Trainer and Scholarship Chairman of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Council, Dean of Men's Staff, Men's Judiciary, Kellum Hall officer. HAVLIK, CAROL, West Palm Beach, Florida; Education. HAWLEY, KATHRYN AKN, Miami, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, Women's Glee Club, Choral Union, Baptist Student Union, International Student Club. HAY, REIDA WARD, Panama City, Florida; Education. HAYES, RAY WARREN, Miami, Florida; Education; Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary of Finance, Vice-President of College Kiwan- is. Day Student Senator, Chairman of University Party. HAYMAN, BEVERLY LEE, Tampa, Florida; Education; Cor- responding Secretary of Delta Delta Delta, Angel Flight, Treasurer of CEC, FEA, NEA, Dean's List. HAYNIE, ROBERTA L., Riviera Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary of Delta Gamma, Junior Counselor, Board of Publications, Tally Ho Section Editor, Sigma Tau Delta, Choral Union, Rally Committee. HAYS, SANDRA LOU, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President of Alpha Chi Omega, Secretary of Angel Flight, Junior Counselor. HEATH, JERRY EUGENE, Marianna, Florida; Business. HEBERLING, NANCY, Clearwater, Florida; Education; NEA, Beta Sigma Phi, Home Economics Club, Christian Science Organ ization. HEDGECOCK, DAVID W., Miami, Florida; Social Welfare. HEITZ, GUNTER, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, FSU Marketing Club. HENDERSON, PATTY, Plant City, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Angel Flight, Mathematics Teaching Club, Gymnastica. HENDERSON, SHERMAN, Louisville, Kentucky; Business; President, Recording Secretary, House Manager, and Rush Chairman of Phi Delta Theta, Gold Key, Vice-President of Inter-Fraternity Council, Secretary of Communications, Presi- dent of Alpha Council, Vice-President of Freshman and Sopho- more Class, Secretary of Student Events and Insurance, Host Bureau, Speakers Bureau, Rally Committee, Housing Bureau, Tallahassee Jaycees, FSU Swimming Team. HENDRICK, M. KATHERINE, Winter Haven, Florida; Educa- tion; NEA, FEA, ACE. HENDRY, KATHERINE, Waycross,, Georgia; Music; Sigma Iota Alpha, University Singers, Opera Guild, Women's Glee Club. HENLEY, ADDIE LU, Campbellton, Florida; Education; NEA. HENRY, THOMAS, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Chi, Senior Men's Judiciary, Freshman Tennis, Inter- campus Contacts Committee. HERN, RICHARD A., Balboa, Canal Zone; Business. HEROLD, AVA SUE, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Home Economics; Alpha Phi, Freshman Flunkies, Historian and Treasurer of Marketi ng Club. HERRIN, MARY LYNN, Tampa, Florida; Education; Pi Beta Phi, Wesley Foundation. HERRING, JACK L., Mobile, Alabama; Business; Delta Chi, Governor of West Hall, Scullions, U.S. Air Force. HERRING, NINA GALE, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Kappa Alpha Theta, Village Vamps. HERSHEY, SUSAN, Falls Church, Virginia; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Gamma Delta, Junior Counselor, Freshman Flunkies, Dean's List. HEVEY, DONALD JOSEPH, West Palm Beach, Florida; Social Welfare. HICKS, MARY LOU, Jacksonville, Florida; Music; Tau Beta Sigma, Sigma Alpha Iota, Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band, Concert Band, University Singers, Pow Wow Staff. HIGDON, CHERYL ANN, Forest, Mississippi; Music; Sigma Alpha Iota, Marching Chiefs. Seniors HIGGINS, HOMER H., Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Sigma Nu, Physical Education Major's Club. HIGH, JAMES R. JR., Coral Gables, Florida; Social Welfare; President and Vice-President of Phi Kappa Tau, Inter-Fraternity Council, Hall of Fame Nominating Committee. HILBURN, RICHARD LEE, Atlanta, Georgia; Business; Sergeant-at-Arms of Sigma Chi, Society of hlosts. HILDERBRAND, JOHN, Mantua, New Jersey; Education. HILL, BUNKER, Lakeland, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omega . HILL, JAMES NORMAN, Miami, Florida; Education; Alpha Phi Omega, FEA, NEA. HILL, NORMAN E., Warrington, Florida; Arts and Sciences. HINES, BETTY L., Tampa, Florida; Education; Home Econo- mics Club, NEA. HIRT, ELIZABETH, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Equestrian Club, Homecoming Committee, Wesley Foundation, Freshman Flunkies. HIX, JOYCE ANN, Pensacola, Florida; Education; Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Alpha Eta, NEA, FEA, Homecoming Com- mittee, Sailing Club, Radio and Television Guild. HIXON, ELAINE, Holmes Beach, Florida; Education; Alpha Chi Omega, Art Education Association, Fashion Incorporated. HOBBS, ROGER DRAKE, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences. HODGES, LAURA, Perry, Florida; Education. HODSON, DIANA LYNNE, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Wel- fare; Sigma Kappa, Village Vamps, ROTC Sponsor. HOEY, WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, Washington, D. C, Social Welfare; Sigma Chi. HOGG, JAMES R., Hollywood, Florida; Business. HOLLERN, THOMAS, Columbus, Ohio; Business; Delta Sigma HOLLEY, R. SHARON, Tallahassee, Florida; Home Economics; Alpha Xi Delta. HOLLIMON, PAULA E., Charlotte, North Carolina; Education; Scholarship Chairman and Pledge Class President of Sigma Sigma Sigma, ACE, FEA, Westminster Fellowship, Freshman F lunkies . HOLLMAN, TERRY L., St. Marys, Ohio; Business. HOMICK, STEVEN, Hudson, Pennsylvania; Arts and Sciences. HOOKS, CAROLYN, Fremont, North Carolina; Education; Alpha Chi Omega, Circus, Cotillion Dance Honorary, Secretary of Recreation Society. HOPE, CRISTINA SHEPARD, Atlanta, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, Sigma Alpha Eta, Freshman Flunkies, Westmi nster Fe I lowshi p. HORNBECK, JAMES M., Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences. HORNBROOK, EDWIN F., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band, Advanced AFROTC, Dean's List. HORNE, PAIGE P., Dover, Delaware; Arts and Sciences; President of Little Sisters of the White Carnation, Social Chairman of Cawthon Hall, Sophomore Council, Fashion In- corporated,, Mode li ng Board, Freshman Flunkies. HOULIHAN, CATHERINE, Torrington, Connecticut; Music; Kappa Kappa Gamma, University Symphony, Opera Orchestra, Student Union Music Committee. HOUSER, JANICE LEE, Peoria, Illinois; Home Economics; Pi Beta Phi. 393 Seniors 394 HOWARD, BARBARA, Jacksonville, Florida; Social Welfare; Women's Glee Club, Association for Childhood Education, FEA, NEA, Social Welfare Club. HOWARD, JACQUELINE, Vero Beach, Florida; Business. HOWARD, JIMMIE M., DeFuniak Springs, Florida; Arts and Sciences, Florida Flail Fine Arts Committee. HOWARD, MARK, Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Kappa Psi, Swimming Team. HOWELL, MARTIN EMERSON, Bartow, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omega, Varsity Baseball. HOWEN, ROBERT D., Morris, Illinois; Business. HOWLAND, ELAINE F., Pinellas Park, Florida; Education; Marching Chiefs, NEA. HOXIT, LEE RAY, Lake Toxaway, North Carolina; Arts and Sciences; American Meteorological Society, Varsity Track. HUDSON, SYLVIA JANE, Century, Florida; Education; First Vice-President and Rituals Chairman of Delta Gamma, Sopho- more Counci I . HULL, ALICE ANN, Altamonte Springs, Florida; Music; Tau Beta Sigma, Moderator of the Westminster Fellowships of the Synod of Florida; Floor Chairman of Florida Flail, Marching Chiefs, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Choral Union. HULL, SHARON Am., Miami, Florida; Education; Public Re- lations Chairman and Charm Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, ASFIA, Sophomore Council, Jennie Murphree Sweetheart Court, Freshman Flunkies, i HUMMEL, JANICE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Sigma Sigma Sigma, FEA, NEA, ACE. HUMPHREYS, FLO, Riverview, Florida; Home Economics; Chi Omega, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Vice-President of Jennie Murphree, President of Landis Hall, Theatre Dance. HUMPHRIES, SAMUEL T., Palm Beach, Florida; Education; Alpha Tau Omega, BSU, Physical Education Majors' Associa- tion. Business; Phi HUNT, CHARLES MONROE, Cordele, Georgia; Delta Theta, Alpha Council, Varsity Baseball. HUNTER, JOAN, Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Alpha Delta Pi, Tarpon Club, Flambeau Staff. Sciences; HUNTER, SANDRA, Leesburg, Florida; Education; Gamma Sigma Sigma. HUNTER, PENNY S., Albany, Georgia; Home Economics; Phi Mu, Off Campus Court, Fashion Incorporated. HURD, FREDRICK ALBERT JR., Pensacola, Florida; Business; President and Vice-President of Beta Alpha Psi. HUSSEY, MICHAEL C, Tampa, Florida; Business; Dean's List, Baseball Team. HUTCHENS, PAUL MICHAEL, Bradenton, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Tau Kappa. HUTCHESON, LARRY, Orlando, Florida; Education. HUTCHINSON, HARRIET D., Quincy, Florida; Arts and Sciences, Angel Flight. HUTCHINSON, L. SHARON, Lake Wales, Florida; Home Eco- nomics; Alpha Gamma Delta, Sophomore Council, Junior Coun- selor, Home Economics Club, Freshman Flunkies. HUXEL, GEORGE HENRY, Clardon, Ohio; Business; Sigma Nu, Football Team. T IMPARA, JAMES C, North Miami, Florida; Education; Mathe- matics Teaching Club. INGLES, THOMAS B., Miami Springs, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Judo Club. IRELAND, MARION, Boynton Beach, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. Seniors IRVING, JO ANNALEE, Tavares, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association, Women's F Club, Baptist Student Union, vVomen's Intramurols Program. IRWIN, JOHN W., Largo, Florida; Business; Phi Delta Theta. ISSACS, EDWARD JAMES JR., Chesire, Connecticut; Arts and Sc i ences . ISENHOWER,' CHARLIE DENNIS, West Palm Beach, Florida; Bus iness . Eau Ga Hie, Florida; Arts and ; Nursing; Student ISOM, AUDREY DOROTHY, Sciences. JACKMAN, JOANNE L., Ft. Myers, Florida Nurses Association. JACKSON, AUSTIN LEO, Orlando, Florida; Socio JACKSON, LEATRICE JO, Tampa, Florida; Home Ec Home Economics Club, NEA- We I fa re . onomics; JACOBS, CHERYL ELIZABETH, St. Petersburg, Florida; Edu- cation; FEA, Lutheran Student Association. JAMES, CHARLES, Thomasville, Georgia; Arts and Sciences. JARVIS, JEREMY MICHAEL, Warren, Michigan; Arts and Sciences. JENKINS, BETTY, Montgomery, Alabama; Education; Vice- President and Secretary of Tau Beta Sigma, Sophomore Council, Marching Chiefs, Floor Chairman of Salley Hall. JENKS, PATRICIA R., Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; House Manager and Intramurols Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi. JENNINGS, MICHAEL ALAN, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President of Alpha Tau Omega, Junior Judiciary. JOEL, MADGE, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Delta Gamma, University Singers, Sigma Alpha Eta. JOHANCSIK, JULIE, Hollywood, Florida; Home Economics; Editor, Social Chairman, and Scholarship Board of Alpha Chi Omega, President of Fashion Incorporated, Little Sister of Alptia Tau Omega, Freshman Flunkies. JOHANSEN, ARNE, Hollywood, Florida; Social Welfare; Pi Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Omega. JOHN, MARIE LOUISE, Edgewater, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Junior Counselor, Junior and Senior Student Chief Fjre Marshall of Campus . JOHNSON, ARTHUR E., Indian River City, Florida; Arts and Sciences. JOHNSON, CLIFFORD W., Mt. Pleasant, Florida; Social Welfare. JOHNSON, EDMUND H., Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omega. JOHNSON, GERALD J., Panama City, Florida; Arts ana Sciences. JOHNSON, JAMES B., Washington, D. C; Arts and Sciences. JOHNSON, JAY, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences. JOHNSON, MARILYN, Miami, Florida; Education; Correspond- ing Secretary, Executive Council, and Pledge Class Treasurer of Pi Beta Phi, Treasurer of Sophomore and Junior Class, Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Sweetheart, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Social Welfare Club, FEA, NEA, Freshman Flunkies. JOHNSON, NEDRA ANN, Gainesville, Florida; Social Welfare; Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of Phi Mu, President and Vice-President of Phi Alpha, Program Chairman of Social Work Club, Freshman Flunkies. JOHNSON, PHYLLIS, Orlando, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. JOHNSON, ROBERT GLENN, Lake Worth, Florida; Social Wel- fare; Young Republicans Club, Founding Chairman of Pre-Law Society . 395 Seniors ! 4 396 JOHNSON, SUSAN JO, Panama City, Florida; Education. JOHNSON, HARRY, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; In- surance Society, ROTC. JONES, DONALD C, Jacksonvi II ql Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Pi Kappa Phi. JONES, HILDA, Branford, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Delta Delta, Phi Chi Theto, Sophomore Council, Junior Judiciary, Junior Counselor, Angel Flight, Flomecoming Committee. JONES, JAMES BAKER III, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary, Assistant Pledge rainer, and Chaplain of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, President of Senior Class, Chairman of Inter-Closs Council, Alpha Council, Sophomore Men's Judiciary, Co-Director of Florida-Florida State Relations, President Blackwell's Student Advisory Committee, Host Bureau, Public Forum Committee, Campus Chest Committee, Treasurer and Sunday Seminar Chairman of Wesley Foundation, Collegians, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. JONES, JOHN EDWARD, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; President of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, Circle K, Secretary of State, Secretary of Finance. JONES, J. WILLIAM, Deerfield Beach, Florida; Business; President of FSU Marketing Club. JONES, LUCINDA, Opa^Locka, Florida; Social Welfare; Alpha Omicron Pi, Racquettes, Liberal Foruml JONES, NANCY ANN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Alpha Phi, Sigma Delta Pi. JONES, NANCY LEE, Nokomis, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Sigma Tau Delta, Junior Counselor, President of Gilchrist fHall. JONES, ROBERT C, Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sciences. JORDAN, DOROTHY MARIE, Atlanta, Georgia; Education; Alpha Xi Delta, Circus, Choral Union, NEA, FEA, ACEl. JORDAN, ALEIGH N., Opa-Locka, Florida; Social Welfare. JOSEPHSON, BEVERLY ANN, Tampa, Florida; Nursing; Phi Mu, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Flambeau Feature Writer, Student Nurses Association. JOYCE, DIAN DEBRA, Surfside, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. JESICK, JULIENNE, Miami, Florida; [_ibrary Science; Soltos. KANE, DEBORAH A., Boynton Beach, Florida; Education; Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma Tau Delta. KARST, MARILYN A., Locust Valley, New York; Business. KAVANAGH, LAURA, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Alpha Delta Pi, Recording Secretary of International Club, Soltas, Flonors Program. KEATING, KATHLEEN ANN, Dunedin, Florida; Education; NEA, Newman Club. Florida; Business; Florida; Education; KEETER, PATRICK E., Gainesville, Treasurer and Historian of Delta Chi. KELLER, SANDRA IVEY, Pensacola, Kappa Delta Pi, FEA. KELLY, MARGARET, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Committee of Dorman Hall, Pow Wow, Cotillion. KELLEY, MARY ANN, Tallahassee, Florida; Music; Pi Beta Phi, Women's Glee Club, Legend Staff, Organ Guild, Music Educators National Conference. KENDALL HAROLD LYNN, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida; Social Welfare; Alpha Phi Omega, Lambda Alpha Epsilon. KENNEDY, WALLACE W., Naples, Florida; Business; Alpha Phi Omega, BetaAlpha Psi. KENNEDY, WILLIAM T., Gulf Breeze, Florida; Business. KENNEY, LAURETTE DIANE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Scij- ences; Alpha Lambda Delta, Vice-President of Gilchrist Hall, Sigma Tau Delta, Sophomore Council, Ju ior Counselor. Seniors KENNEY, THOMAS HENRY, Delray Beach, Florida; Business; Theta Chi, Marketing Club. KENNEY, TIMOTHY H., Delray Beach, Florida; Business; Kappa Sigma. KERLEY, DOUGLAS W.., Miami, Florida; Music; Phi Mu Alpha, I University Singers, Choral Union. j KERMODE, KANELLA JANE, Palmetto, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Home Economics Club. KERRIGAN, SHARON STEWART, Bradenton, Florida; Nursing; Alpha Gamma Delta, Sophomore Council. KERSHAW, KAY L., Cocoa, Florida; Home Economics; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Home Economics Club. KEUT, DENNIS M., Bainbridge, Georgia; Arts : and Sciences; Kappa Sigma, AFROTC Drill Team. KIDD, WILLIAM RICHARD, III, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Sigma Chi, A I pha Delta Sigma, Freshman Football. KIERTEKLES, JOSEPH, Miami, Florida; Business; Insurance Club, Delta Sigma Pi. KILLIAN, JOYCE, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Garnet Key, Mortar Board, Secretary and Treasurer of Pi Sigma Alpha, Junior Counselor, Vice-President of Student Body, Women's Vice-President, President of Bryan Hall, President Blackwell's Advisory Council, Secretary of Intercollegiate and Public Affairs, Sophomore Council, Outstanding Senator Award 1962 and 1963, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. KILLIAN, KIT, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Chaplain of Alpha Xi Delta, Vice-President of Mortar Board, Junior Counselor, Village Vamps, Angel Flight. KIMBROUGH, JOHN L., Lookout Mountain, Tennessee; Busi- ness; Delta Sigma Pi, Gvmkana. KING, CATHRYN, Tampa, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association, Wesley Foundation. KING, CONNIE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Nursing; A pha Xi Delta. KING, MARY CAROLYN, Decatur, Georgia; Home Economics; Intramurals Chairman and Social Chairman of Alpha Gamma Delta, Junior Counselor, Angel Flight, Women's F Club, Gym- nastico Honorary, Social Chairman of Landis Hall, Sigma Phi Epsilon Calendar Girl. KINSEY, PATSY F., Miami, Florida; Music; Sigma Alpha lota. Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, President and Treasurer of Women's Glee Club, University Singers, BSU Council. KIRKLAND, ELLEN, Auburndale, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, BSU. JOHN, Lake Worth, Florida; Business; KISSEL, KENNETH Marketing Club. KLEIN, JOLENE P. Singers. KLEIN, RAYMOND Miami, Florida; Music; MENC, University H., JR., Bradenton, Florida; Business; Professional Chairman of Alpha Delta Sigma, Corresp<^"d i ng Secretary of Delta Sigma Pi, Student Union Board, Flambeau Advertising Staff. KLEPP, BEVERLY, Vero Beach, Florida; Social Welfare; President of Delta Delta Delta, Mortified, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, President of Village Vamps, Vice-President of Fashion Incorporated, Little Sister of Alpha Tau Omega, Pow Wow Committee, Ponhellenic, Freshman Flunkies, Dean's List. KNOPKE, SUE, Temple Terrace, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Omicron Pi, Hospitality Committee of Union Program, Intramurals. KNOWLES, JERRY, Miami, Florida; Business; Intramural Football. KOENIG, SHARON, Memphis, Tennessee; Education. KOHLMAN, DOTTIE, North Miami, Florida; Home Economics; Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, Gymnastica, Sweetheartof Alpha Tau Omega, Little Sister of the Maltese Cross, Greek Goddess, Gymkano Court, Gymkana Princess, Sponsor of Battle Group C, Smoke Signals Feature Girl, Smoke Signals, Sigma Phi Epsilon Calendar Girl, Miss Tally Ho Court. KOHNE, JOAN, Clearwater, Florida; Social Welfare; President of Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Assistant Managing Editor of Flambeau, Secretary to Elections Commis- sion, NEA. KOLESSAR, MARJORIE L., Panama City Beach, Florida, Socio I Welfare; Pow Wow Committee, Association of Lutheran Students. KORBAL, THOMAS J., Clearwater, Florida; Busnmess; Alpha Kappa Psi, Pershing Rifles, Advanced ROTC. ■ ^^ll f^fj ^? I Jp^l 397 Seniors r' ' * Fii 398 KORN, ROBERT GEORGE, Daytona Beach, Florida; Business; Alpha Delta Sigma, Marketing Club. KORP, JOHN WILLIAM, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Moth Teacher's C lub, FEA, House Treasurer of Foundation Scholarship Organization, President, Vice-President, and Treasurer of Christian Science Organization. KOUNDOUROITIS, STEPHANIE, Tarpon Springs, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. KRELL, BRUCE E., Miami Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Film Club, fHiliel Foundation. KROHN, ED, Boynton Beach, Florida; Business; Lambda Chi Alpha, Circle K, Young Republicans, Intramurals. KUCSMA, CELIA ANN, Plant City, Florida, Home Economics; Kappa Delta, Fashion Incorporated, Circus, Newman Club. KUECK, KAREN W., Mobile, Alabama; Arts and Sciences; American Chemical Society. KULP, CHARLES LEVIN, Tallahassee, Floridq; Education. KUTZER, HOWARD STEPHEN, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. LaBAR, CHARLES R., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Eta Sigma, Arriold Air Society, Young Democrats. LaGRONE, LINDA, Clemson, South Carol ina; Arts and Sciences; Vice-President of Reynolds Hall, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Counci I . LAMB, PAULA ELIZABETH, Miami, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, Campus Sing. LANE, GINGER, Rockledge, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. LANE, JOHN ROBERT, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Circle K. LANIER, THOMAS S., Crystal, Minnesota; Arts and Sciences. LaROCHE, JOSEPHINE ELAINE, Merritt Island, Florida; Business; Sigma Kappa, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council. LaSANTA, THOMAS, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Social Chairman of Delta 1 au Delta, Letterman's Club, Cavalier's, Varsity Swimming. LASHUA, GARY V., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences. LASICA, JOHN L., Largo, Florida; Business; Beta Alpha Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Intramurals. LASTOWSKI, PAUL, Tallahassee, Florida; Education. LAURSEN, GARY A. HULLEY . Clearwater, Florida; Business; Delta Chi, Treasurer of Beta Alpha Psi. LaVINE, LAWRENCE MERION MANDEL, Coral Gables, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Eta Sigma, Pershing Rifles. LAW, MA GARET FRANCES, Rockledge, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. LAWSON, STANLEY G., New York, New York; Business; Stu- dent Assistant of Student Publications Lab, Student Assistant 3f Hotel and Restaurant Management Department, Student Assis- tant of Business Law Department. LEARY, CAROLYN ANN, Orlando, Florida; Arts and Sciences;. Managing Editor of Florida Flambeau, Wesley Foundation, FEA,i Honors Program. LEARY, PA RICIA E., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Corresponding Secretary, Registrar, and Reporter of Phi Mu, Freshman Flunkies. LEE, CAUSEY, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Tau Omega, Football Trainer, Letterman's Club. LEE, FRANK, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Young Democrats. Seniors LEE, LINDA JAY,Sebring, Florida; Nursing; Historian of Delta Gamma, Junior Counselor, Student Nurses Association. LEE, SANDRA ELAINE, Miami, Florida; Education; Phi Delta Pi, Physical Education Association, Women's F Club, Women's Recreatiorr Association. LEESE, PHILIP R., Tallahassee,, Florida; Education. LEMBO, FRANK, Sebastian, Florida; Business; Circle K Club. LEMBO, THCRESA FRANCES, Sebastian, Florida; Arts and Scienc s; NEA, Corresponding Secretary of Young Democrats. LEONARD, DONALD GERALD, Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Chi, A phaEpsilon Delta. LESLIE, GARY, Lake Worth, Florida; Education; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Publicity Chairman of International Club, Freshman Flunkies . LeSUEUR, JILL R., Meadvi lie, Pennsy Ivan ia; Arts and Sciences; Scribe of Alpha Gamma Delta, Junior Counselor, Tally Ho Staff. LEWIS, F. DIANE, Panama City, Florida; Home Economics; Kappa Delta Pi, Treasurer of Home Economics Club. LEWIS, JOHN L., New Wilmington, Pennsylvania; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Vice-President of Society of Hosts. LEWIS, LYNDOL R., Miami, Florida; Business; Alpha Tau Omega, Cavaliers. LEWIS, NORMA ALENE, Homestead, Florida; Education; Women's Glee Club. LEWIS, SANDRA M., Tampa, Florida; Education; Membership Chairman and Pledge Class President of Alpha Gamma Delta, Treasurer of Mortar Board, Garnet Key, Southeastern Area Com- mander of Angel Flight, Military Ball Queen Court, Rally Committee, NEA, FEA, ACE, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. LEWIS, SARAH KATHRYN, Fort Myers, Florida; Education; Activities Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha, Captain of FSU Cheer- leaders, Under-Secretary of Interna I Affairs, Freshman Flunkies, Circus, NEA, FEA. LINCOLN, JOANNE, Miami, Florida; Home Economics; Alpha Phi. LINDSAY, ALLEN W., JR., Milton, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Tau Omega, Honor Court Staff, Senior Men's Judiciary. LIPPERT, LEE EDWARD, Jacksonville, Florida; Business. LISTER, ROY, Wewahitchko, Florida; Business. LITWHILER, WOODROW, Tallahassee, Florida, Arts and Sci- ences; Lambda Chi Alpha, Varsity Baseball. LIVINGSTON, DAVID K., JR., Orlando, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Phi, Treasurer of Marketing Club, Finance Society. LIVINGSTON, HALEY RENAE, Elberton, Georgia; Social Wel- fare; Vice-President of Social Welfare Club, Junior Counselor, Administrative Services Officer of Angel Flight. LOCKARD, MARTIN E., Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Education; Alpha Phi Omega, Baptist Student Union. LOCKE, CHARLES E., Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Arnold Air Society, President of Baptist Men of Campus. LOESER, FRANK ANTHONY, Altamoute Springs, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Alpha, Society of Hosts. LONG, EARLE, Mobile, Alabama; Arts and Sciences; Delta Tau Delta. LONG, JULIA M.. Lakeland, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Lambda' Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, FEA, NEA, Honors Program. LONGWELL, ALAN GREIG, Dunedin, Florida; Business; Alpha Phi Omega. LOPEZ, IRENE C, Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Scholarship Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, Sigma Delta Pi, Secretary of Sigma Tau Delta, Panhellenic Delegate. ^^cA^J 399 Seniors 400 LORD, DOLORES E., Jacksonvi I le, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, MissGymkana, Modeling Board, Gymnasticq Theatre Dance, Tally Ho Staff. LORD, TERRY, Allentown, Pennsylvania; Educatjon; Alpha Chi Omega, phi Delta Pi, Tarpon, Angel Flight, FEA, WRA, Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sister. LOUCKS, JUDY, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Zeta Tau Alpha, Garnet Key, Mortar Board, Phi Alpha Theta, Chairman of University Court, Junior Counse lor, Phi Beta Kappa, Who's Who in Americon Colleges and Universities. LOVELACE, JOHNNY DASON, Sanford, Florida; Business; Sigma Chi, Assistant Attorney General, Society of Hosts. LOWE, JUDITH LYNN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Treasurer and Rush Chairman of Alpha Omicron Pi, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Freshman Flunkies, Social Chairman of Gilchrist Hall, Secretary of Racquettes, Vice- President of Math Teaching Club, Little Sister of the White Carnation, Star and Crescent. LUCKE, UCOLA, Miami, Florida; Education, Rush Chairman of Delta Zeta, Treasurer of Village Vamps, Alpha Tau Omega Little Sister, NEA, FEA, Freshman Flunkies. LUEDKE, BRUCE C, Miami Springs, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Phi Mu Alpha, President and Vice-President of Lutheran Student Association. LUNA, LINDA, Fort Myers, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Delta Zeta, Senate, Junior Counselor, Student Chairman of Homecoming, Fashion incorporated. Freshman Flunkies. LUTZ, WILLIAM S., Reading, Pennsylvania; Business; President of Delta Chi. LYMAN, CAROLE E., Lake Worth, Florida; Education; Ser>- qeant-at-Arms of Gamma Phi Beta, Marching Chiefs, Tau Beta Siama; Concert Band. lYNN, MARSHA, Pensacola, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Delta, Phi Beta Kappa, President of Mortar Board, Treasurer of Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Tally Ho Staff, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. LYONS, EDWARD JOHN, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. McARTHUR, GEORGIA, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Palm Court FEA Scholarship House. McCALLUM, LESLIE D., JR., Orlando, Florida; Business; President and Vice-President of Delta Chi. McCARRON, WILLIAM J., JR., North Anson, Maine; Arts and Sciences; Recorder nnd Scholarship Chairman of Siqma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Alpha, Pi Sigma Alpha, Honor Court, Arnold Air Society, Debate Team. McCartney, SUSAN, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Zeta Tau Alpha, FEA, ACE. McCOMB, MARY LEE, Leesburg, Florida; Home Economics. McCONOCHIE, DANIEL D., JR., Daytona Beach, Florida; Arts 3yto jiar; and Sciences; Ford Foundation Scholarship, AFROTC. McCLURE, MARY LEE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, Jun ior Counselor, Pi Kappa Phi Rose Court, Homecoming Committee Chairman, Freshman Flunkies. McCOOL, PHILIP JAMES, Holly Hill, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Al pha. McCULLOUGH, LYNN MAE, Largo, Florida; Arts and Sciences. McCURDY, THOMAS EDWARDS, Century, Florida; Business; Delta Tau Delta. McDANIEL, JEROME WALLACE, Tallahassee, Florida; Educa- tion, Sigma Chi, Track, Football,, IAS Club. McDANIEL, JOHN LEONARD, Clearwater, Florida; Education; Student Assistant of Social Studies Education. McDERMOTT, VINCENT CHARLES, Alexandria, Virginia; Arts and Sciences; Intramurals. McDonald, Barbara ANN, Miami, Florida; Education; Physical Education Association. McDonald, PATRICIA KAREN, Jacksonville, Florida; Educa- tion; Fine Arts Chairman of Landis Hall, Junior Counselor. McDonald, PAUL H., Miami, Florida; Education. Seniors McDowell, MARIAN BETSY, Pensacola, Florida; Social Welfare; Kappa Delta, FSU Flying Circus. McELVEEN, RICHARD PARKER, Hastings, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Air Force Institute of Technology. McEWAN, CHRISTOPHER G., Orlando, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Kappa Alpha, Secretary of Alpha Council, Precinct Senator. McGAW, MIMI, Houston, Texas; Education; Pledge Class President and Pledge Trainer for Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pre- cinct Senator, Junior Counselor, Village Vamps, Circus, NEA, FEA, Garnet Key. Educanon; Debate Florida; Arts and McGEE, PRESTON, Clewiston, Florida; Team. McGINNIS, PETER M., Ft. Lauderdale, Sciences . McGregor, RANDIA KAY, Hialeah, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA, ACE, Treasurer and Vice-President of Cotillion Club. McHONE, MORRIS DANIEL, Marion, North Carolina; Education; Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Senior Manager of Basket- ball Team. MclNISH, JAMES RAY, Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; President, Team Captain, and Secretary of Chess Club. MclNTOSH, LINDA JOAN, Graceville, Florida; Education; Math Club, Junior Counselor. McKENNA, MERRY, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Home Economics; Phi Chi Theta, Fashion Incorporated, Collegiate 4^H Club. McKINNON, NOAH CARTLEDGE, Daytona Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Pi Kappa Alpha, Senator, Debate Squad, Flambeau Staff, Rules Committee, Elections Committee. McKNIGHT, VIRGINIA RUTH, Park Ridge, Illinois; Nursing; Vice-President of Gilchrist Hall, Social Chairman of DeGraff Hall, Student Nurse's Association, Sophomore Council. McLEOD, ANITA NELL, Miami, Florida; Business; House President and Pledge Class President of Delta Gamma, Major- ette, Angel Flight, Phi Chi Theta, Off-Campus Court. McMANUS, MARGIE, Miami, Florida; Social Welfare. McMULLEN, WILLIAM H., Tampa, Florida; Business; Sailing Club. McMURRAY, KATHRYN, Charleston, South Carolina; Music; Delta Delta Delta, Sigma Alpha Iota, Angel Flight, MENC McNEVIN, LESLIE, Tampa, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta, National Art, Education Association, Flambeau Staff, Student Government Budget Committee, Finance Committee. McGUADE, GWENDOLYN JEAN, Winter Park, Florida; Arts and Sciences. MABREY, DEBORAH, Apalachicola, Florida; Education; Sigma Sigma Sigma, NEA, SNA. MALLOY, RICHARD P.; Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Recording Secretary of Phi Delta Theta, FSU Jaycees, Campus Chest Committee, Pershing Rifles. MALONE, DIANNE, Hollywood, Florida; Social Welfare; Phi Alpha, Junior Counselor, Social Work Club. MALOUF, EFFIE, Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sophomore Council, Secretary of Lutheran Student Association, Dean's List. MALT, CAROL SUE, Fort Myers; Education; Sigma Sigma Sigma, Panhellenic Council, Vice-President of Association for Childhood Education, NEA, FEA, Rally Committee, Sigma Phi Epsilon Calendar Girl, Miss Gymkana Court,, Newman Club MacGILL, HARRIET, Pensacola, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Vice-President of Dorman Hall. MacMILLIN, CHARLES W., Needham, Massachusetts; Arts and Sciences; Pi Kappa Phi. MADDEN, JAMES P., Upper Darby, Pennsylvania; Arts and Sciences . MAHER, WILLIAM H., JR., Bristol, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Pershing Rifles, Meteorology Club. ^wn ^iM^A^h^^ 401 Seniors ^K»^ .\,w^ MANN, PATRICIA M.. Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Alpha Xi Delta,, JunioriCounseior,! President of Landis Hall, Presi- dent of ACEI, FresRmon Flunkies. MANNING, LaRUE ANTOINETTE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Morching Chiefs, Tallahassee Youth Symphony, Choir of the Chapel of the Resurrection. MANNING, PATRICIA A., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Scie.nces; Alpha Delta Pi. MARKGRAF, LINDA MARIE, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; President of Les Jongleurs, j Internationa I Club. MARKS, ANNE BALFOUR, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Women's Glee Club, FEA, Christian Science Organization. MARKS NANCYIELIZABETH,. Jacksonville, Florida; Educa- tion; Recommendation Chairman of Delta Delta Delta, hlonor Court Justice, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor^ Senate Committee. MARLER, DALE. Lakeland, Florida; Social Welfare; Koppa Alpha, Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Freshman Class Senator, Sopho- more Class Senator, Speaker's Bureau, Assistant to Student Body President, Alpha Council, Chairman of Student Senate Labor, Student Service and Education Committee, Flambeau Assistant Sports Editor, I ntramural Chairman, Freshman Track. MARLETT, CRAIG, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Jaycees . MARONEY, PATRICIA JANE, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Arts and Sciences; Corresponding Secretary of Alpha Phi, Pi Delta Phi, Angel Flight. MAROTTI, ROBERT, Winter Haven, Florida; Education; Social Chairman and Sentinel of Sigma Nu, Physical Education Major's Club. MARS, ALMA LOUISE, Miami, Florida; Business; Library Assi stant. MARSH, HORACE GRISHAM III, Jacksonville, Florida; Music; Publicity Chairman of Kappa Alpha, Concert Band, Choral Union, Secretary of Kappa Kappa Psi. MARSHALL, JANICE CHARLENE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Education; NEA. MARSHALL, RON, Oaklyn, New Jersey; Business; Delta Tau Delta, One-Up Society, Society of Hosts. MARTIN, CHRISTINE, Tallahassee, Florida; Music; Sigma Alpha Iota, Tau Beta Sigma, .Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band, Music Therapy Club. MARTIN, DIANE YORK, Tallahassee, F lorida; Education; NEA, FEA, ACE. MARTIN, NORBERT ORRIN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Busi- ness; Undersecretary, Assistant, and Secretary of Internal Affairs, University Singers, President and Vice-President of Circle K International, House Representative to the InterpHouse Council of the Southern Scholarship and Research Foundation. MARTIN, SARA E., Guntersvi I le, Alabama; Arts and Sciences; Secretary and House Chairman of Chi Omega, MASON, MITZIE, DeFuniak Springs, Florida; Education; Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Kappa Phi Sweetheart. MASSARI, JANICE JOSEPHINE, Tampa, Florida; Education; Alpha Delta Pi, FEA, NEA. MARTIN, GERALD, Miller Place, New York; Business.. MARTIN, HOPE, West Palm Beach, Florida; Home Economics. MARTIN, KATHLEEN A., Jacksonville, Florida; Social Wel- fare; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Social Welfare Club. MARTIN, NITA, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Chi Omega, NEA. MASSEY, ROYANNE, North Miami Beach, Florida; Education; Wesley Foundation. MATTHEWS, FRANK, Belle Glade, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary and Scholarship Chairman of Pi Koppa Phi, Alpha Council, Dean's List. MAUGER, SUE, Pompano Beach, Florida; Education; Presi- dent and First Vice-President of Alpha Chi Omega, Garnet Key, Historian of Mortar Board, Kappa Delta Pi, Junior Coun-; selor. Sophomore Council, Chairman of Campus Chest Com- mittee, Ci reus. Angel Flight, Village Vamps, Alpha Tau Omega Little Sister, Alpha Tau Omega Sweetheart, Home- coming Oueen. MAY, JOY, Chipley, Florida; Education; Theatre Dance. Seniors MAY, SHARON, Winter Park, Florida; Education; Marshall of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Rally Committee, FEA, NEA, ACEI, Florida Reading Association, Tally Ho Staff, International Club. MAYER, JAMES J.., Miami, Florida; Business; Delta Chi, Alpha Sigma Pi, Intramurals, Football, Basketball. MAYER, KAREN JOYCE, Sarasota, Florida; Education; Phi Delta Pi, Women's Education Association, Theatre Dance. MAZANEK, RICH, Miami, Florida; Business. MEAD, DAVID GODDARD, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Lambda'Chi Alpha. MEADOWS, FRANCES E., Anthony, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Soltas. MEARS, KATHLEEN, Tallahassee, Florida; Education. MEEHAN, GEORGE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Vice- President of Pi Kappa Alpha, Intramurals, Dean's List. MEISEL, STEVEN L., North Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary, Pledge Warden, Athletic Chairman, and Sergeant at Arms of Tau Epsilon Phi, Debate Team, Flambeau Staff. MELNICK, STANLEY, Coral Gables, Florida; Education; Phi Kappa Tau. MERRILL BARBAJRA RUTH, Umatilla, Florida; Nursing; Sophomore Council, Chaplain of Student Nurses Association. MERTING, JOHN, Pensacola, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Lamda Chi Alpha, Gold Key, Qmicron Delta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma, Student Body President and Vice-President, Junior Class Senator, President-Pro-Tempore of Senate, Honors Pro- gram, Phi Beta Kappa, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities .. MERTINS, BEVERLY, Pensacola, Florida; Education; FEA. MEYER, ELIZABETH ANNE, Homestead, Florida; Home Economics; Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council. MICHAEL, GEORGE, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Young Democrats, Political Union. MICHAEL, PATRICIA, Qcala, Florida; Education. MICHAELS MARILYN MAE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Secretary of Finance Society . MICHIELANGELO, LoBELLE, West Palm Beach, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. MIDDLETON, CHARLES R., Brunswick, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Council, Wesley Foundation, Honors Program. MIDDLETON, SANDRA L., Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Lambda Delta, Wesley Foundation, Honors Program. MIKLOS, MARILYN, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Dean's List. MILLER, M. ARLEEN, Rock Hill, South Carolina; Music; Treasurer of Tau Beta Sigma, Sigma Alpha Iota, Marching Chiefs. MILLER DONNA L., Atlanta, Georgia; Arts and Sciences. MILLER, MARY KATHRYN, Bonifay, Florida; Education. MILLER, PAULA FRANCES, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Scholarship Chairman of Kappa (Al phajTheta, Sopho- more Council, University of Massachusetts Exchange Student, Equestrain Club. MILLER, RON, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Business; Sigma Alpha EpsI Ion. MILLS, CAROL, Jacksonville, Florida; Social Welfare; Alpha Chi Omega, Panhellenic Representative, Fashion Incorporated, Little Sister of the Golden Heart. MILNER, DIANNE, Pensacola, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, Equestrian C lub. 403 Seniors m'-^ f^^ I 404 MILTON, JAMES L.., JR., Leesburg, Florida; Business; Presi- dent and Treasurer of Pi Kappa Alpha, Marching Chiefs. MINNICK, ROBERT WOOD, JR., Pompano ' Beach, Florida; Business; Christian Science Organization, American Finance Society. MIXON, MICHELE. Eau Gallie, Florida; Flome Economics; Home Economics Club, NEA. MONSEES, JUDITH R., Arlington, Virginia; Home Economics; Tarpon Club. MONTAGUE STEPHEN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Music, State Symphony of Florida, Opera Company, MENC, Varsity Tennis Team. MOORE, EDNA, Orange Park, Florida; Home Economics; Assistant Pledge Trainer and Standards Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Chi Theta, Circus, Fashion Incorporated, Brigade Sponsor of Army ROTC, Little Colonel, Zeta Pickers. MOORE, JAMES W., Vero Beach, Florida; Business; Phi Delta Theta. MOORE, JOHN WESLEY, Jacksonville, Florida; Business. MOORE, VIVIAN Laurel Hill, Florida; Business; Marketing Club. MORALES, ROBERTA, Opa-Locka, Florida; Education; Vice- President of Dorman Hall, Wesley Foundation. MORAN, JAMES DANIELI Winter Garden, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Radio and Television Artist Guild. MORAN, JAMES J., JR., Hollywood, Florida; Business; Theta Chi, Pershing Rifles and Drill Team, Newman Club. MORIARTY, MICHAEL E., Tullahoma, Tennessee; Arts and Sc iences . MORLANG, SUSAN, Coral Gables, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, Village Vamps, FEA, ACE, NEA. MORRIS, CAROLYN, Ormond Beach, Florida; Home Economics; Kappa Alpha Theta, Omicron Nu, Kappa Delta Pi, Junior Coun- selor, Chaplain of Reynolds Hall, Publicity Chairman of Circus Weekend, Little Sister of Minerva, Home Economics Club, Vice- President of Freshman Flunkies. MORRIS WILLIAM P., Macclenny, Florida; Business; Dean of Men's Staff. MORRIS, WINSTON CHARLES, Lakeland, Florida; Arts and Sciences; KappaAlpha, Alpha Counci I. MORSE, LARRY, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Kappa Kappa Psi, Marching Chiefs, Concert Band, Baptist Student Un ion. MORTON, DONALD E., Tal lahassee, Florida; Business; Lamda Chi Alpha. MOSELEY, LYNDA BAXTER, Moultrie, Georgia; Education; Chaplain and Intramural Chairman of Phi Mu, Phi Delta Pi, Tau Beta Sigma, Marching Chiefs, Concert Band, Racguettes. MOYER, NELSON P., Fernandina Beach, Florida; Arts and Sc iences . MUNYER, SHARON ELAINE, Boca Raton, Florida; Education; Housing Bureau, Fashion Incorporated, Freshman Flunkies. MURAWSKI, BEVERLY ANN, Hollywood, Florida; Education; NEA„ FEA. MURPHY, MARY LOU, Clearwater, Florida; Arts andSciences; Pledge Class President, Intramurals Chairman, Scholarship Chairman and Publicity Chairman of Sigma Kappa, Panhellenic, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Circle K-ettes, Chaplain of Bryan, Historian of Women's Glee Club, Outreach Chairman and Recording Secretary of Westminster House, Freshman Flunkies. MURRAY, WARREN DAVID, North Miami Beach, Florida; Education; Physical Education Major's Asso iation, Recreation Major's Club, Intramurals. MYERS, DORIS CAROLYN, Tallahassee, Florida; Education. NATTER, FRANK LOUIS, Miami Beach, Florida; Education; Vice-President of Kellum Hall, Social and Athletic Chairman of Hillel Foundation, University Religious Council, Inter-Dorm Council, Secretary of Circle K, Varsity Debate Squad. NELSON, BILL, New Smyrna Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Arnold Air Society. Seniors NELSON, KENNETH EVANS, Sarasota, Florida; Engineering Science; President of Collegians, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Secretary of Kellum Hall, Honor Court,, Inter-Dorm Council. NELSON, THOMAS EARL, Jay, Florida; Education; Flambeau Staff Writer, Baptist Student Union. NELSON, TOM, Birmingham, Iowa; Arts and Science. NEMETH, ROGER, Melbourne, Florida; Business; Sigma Chil. NESMITH, VICTORIA M., Orlando, Florida; Education; Freshman Flunkies, NEA, FEA, NCTE. NESSLER, SYLVIA DIANE, Port Richey, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Junior Counselor. NEUMANN, MICKIE, Tampa, Florida; Education; Activities and Standard Chairman of Alpha Gamma Delta, Under-Secretary of Intercollegiate and Public Affairs, President and Treasurer of Epsilon (^hi, Vice President of Broward Hall; Junior Coun- selor, Senator, Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni vers! ties . NEWBERRY, DONNA LYNN, Orlando, Florida; Home Econo mics; Home Economics Club,, Kappa Delta Pi, Dean's List, Fine Arts Chairman and Floor Chairman of dorm. Mademoiselle College Board Member. NEWMAN, JANET, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Delta Zeta, Newman Club, FEA„NEA, Pow Wow Committee,, Exchange iversity of MassachusettsL Social Wel- Zeta, Newman (_lub, htA„NbA, Pow Wow Committe Student to University of MassachusettsL NEWSOME, PHYLLIS RUTH, Marianne, Florida, fare; Chi Alpha NIESEN, PATRICIA ANN, Bunnell, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. NIXON, JANET ELIZABE tion; Alpha Phi,, FEA,^NEA. •■■ ■■# ,.,..,.. Nurses Association. ~ "T ELIZABETH, Panama City, Florida; Educa ii„ FEA.iNFA. NOE, LYNN T., Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Christian Science Organization. NORMAN, JEAN, Sarasota, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Zeta Tau Alpha, Garnet Key, Mortified, Secretary of University Union, Judiciary, Secretary to Student Body President, Phi Chi Theta Rush Chairman. NORSWORTHY, GARY FJ Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sciences. NORTON, GERTRUDE B., Miami, Florida; Nursing; Choral Union, Chaplain of Student Nurses Association. NOTTINGHAM, LINDA C, Tampa, Florida; /^rts and Sciences; Co-editor and secretary of Wesley Foundation. NOWLIN, 'WENDIE KAY, Tampa, Florida; Social Welfare; Recording Secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi, President of Pledge Class, Junior Counselor, Intramurals ChairmOn of Dorm. O'DEA, LAWRENCE A., JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Chi. O'HALLORAN, WILLIAM PATRICK, North Miami,, Florida; Business; Treasurer of Delta Sigma Pi, Vice-president of Beta Alpha Psi. OJALA, JOYCE, Miami' Shores, Florida; Education; Secretary and Social Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha, Comptroller and Executive Officer of Angel Flight, Miss Gymkana Court, Morti- fied, President of Little Sisters of Minerva, Junior Counselor,, Social Chairman of Jennie Murphree, Freshman F lunkies, Kappa Delta Pi, NEA. O'KELLEY, JOHN DAVIS, Leesburg, Florida; Business; Social Standards Chairman of Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Council, Circus . OLINGER, ANN MARIE, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences . OLIVER, JAMES K., Apopka, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Comptrol I er of Sigma Phi Epsi Ion, Phi Eta Sigma, Alpha Counci I . OLSEN, STEPHEN UNGER, Rochelle, Illinois, Education;' Track, Varsity Club, Physical Education MajorsClub. ORIHUELA, FRANCES Y., Miami, Florida- Arts and Sciences; Freshman Flunkies, Circus, Juni or Counse lor. Social Chairman. OSBORN, GLEN L. JR., Miami, Florida; Education; Alpha Phi Omega. O'STEEN, ROBERTA JO, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Education; Gamma Sigma Sigma, NEA. 405 Seniors 406 OSTIEN, CECELIA F., Miami Springs, Florida; Nursing; Sigma Sigma Sigma. OWEN, JERRY H., Chipley, Florida; Business. OZAKI, DONNA, Woodbine, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Xi, Delta, Village Vamps. PADGETT, CHRISTINE JOY, Miami, Florida; Education. PALMS, FRANK, Clearwater, Florida; Business; Delta Chi. PALMYRA, NANCY, Bogota, New Jersey; Education; Record- ing Secretary of Alpha Omicron Pi, FEA, NEA. PARKER, MALCOLM MCCLELLAN, Pensacola, Florida; PARKER, PHILLIP ALDEN, Tallahassee, Florida; Business; PARRISH, RALPH BERNARD, JR., Titusville, Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Beta Alpha Psi. PARROTT, PATRICIA RAE, Orlando, Florida; Social Social Work Club. PARTNEY, GLENDA, St. Louis, Missouri Gamma, Fashion Inc., Gamma Alpha Chi PATTERSON, BARBARA ANN, Tampa, President of Alpha Omicron Pi Sigma, Marching Chiefs, FMEA. F I or i da ; Welfare; Business; Delta Phi Chi Theta. Florida; Music; Sigma Alpha Iota, Tau Beta PAULSON, DAVID, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Tau Delta, ROTC, Fl P. PAVESIC, DAVE, Evergreen Park, Illinois; Business; House- manager and Steward of Pi Kappa Phi, President and Chan- cellor of Delta Sigma Pi, Society of Hosts. PAVLIK, ANTHONY R., Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Vice President of Marketing Club, Finance Society. PAVLIN, DORIS, Bradenton Beach, Florida; Nursing; Sigma Kappa, Student Nurses Association,- Fashion Inc. PEALE, KENNETH S., St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sc iences . PEARSON, INGEGERD H., Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences. PEAVY, JAMES ROBERT, Pensacola, Florida; Education; Baptist Student Union, NEA, FEA, University Chorale. PEDERSON,MARY, Peoria, Illinois; Social Welfare; Phi Alpha, Social Work Club. THOMAS GERALD, Bonifay, Florida; PELHAM, Sc iences. PENCE, LILLIAN BLANCHE, Stuart, Florida; Home mics; FEA, Home Economics Club. PENTECOST, JEANNE F., St. Petersburg,^ Florida; Welfare; Zeta Tau Alpha, Circus, Sigma Chi Derby Arts and EconoT Socio I Court. PERRY, SUSAN Sc iences . ELLEN, Neptune Beach, Florida; Arts and PESCE, JUDITH, Miami, Florida; Education; ACE, NEA. PETERS, CAROL, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Social Chairman of Alpha Delta Pi, Social Chairman of Junior and Senior iClass, Mortified, Secretary of Interclass Council, President of Gamma Alpha Chi. PETERSEN, CAROLE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Zeta Tau Alpha, Women's Judiciary. PETERSEN, WILLIAM CARL, Compton, California; Business; President of Newman Club, Varsity Track, Varsity Cross Country. Seniors PETERSON, MARY GENE, Orlando, Florida; Education; Zeta Tau Alpha House Chairman, Freshman Flunkies, Delta Tau Delta Sweetheart Court, FEA, NEA, House Council, Landis Floor Chirman. PETTIGREW, LOIS MARIE, Ruskin, Florida; Nursing. PEYRAUD, BETH, Melbourne, Florida; Home Economics; Freshman Flunkies, Secretary of Tarpon Club, Academics Editor of Tally Ho. PFEIFFER, FREDERICK C, Winter Park, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Phi Epsilon. PHARR, DANA D., Orlando, Florida; Social Welfare; Pi Beta Phi, Senator, Judiciary, Sophomore Council, President of Social Work Club. PHILLIPS, GLENDA L., Titusville, Florida, Education; NAEA, FEA, ACE, Tally Ho Staff. PHILLIPS, LINDA RUTH, Pensacola, Florida; Nursing; Alpha Lambda Delta, J unior Counselor, Social Chairman of Residence, Student Nurses Association, Baptist Student Union. PIERSON, ELIZABETH ANNE, Tallahassee, Florida; Music; Freshman Flunkies, Choral Union, Women's Glee Club, Opera Guild. PINSON, VIRGINIA ELIZABETH, Augusta, Georgia; Home Economi cs . PITTMAN, CHERYL, Pompano Beach, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA,, Freshman Flunkies, Sophomore Council. PITTMAN, GAIL MARIE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Education; Treasurer of Delta Zeta, Junior Counselor, House Council, Treasurer of Alpha Lambda Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha Sweet-- heart Court, President of Lambda Chi Alpha Little Sisters, Kappa Delta Pi, NEA, FEA. PLANES, MARIA, Coral Gables, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Assistant Treasurer of Pi Beta Phi, Junior Counselor, Fashion, Incorporated. POINDESTER, WINIFRED, Palatko, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Work Club, Newman Club, Phi Alpha. POLHAMUS, JUDITH BAXTER, Orlando, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi„ACE, FEA. POLI, DAVID R., Orlando, Florida; Business; Phi Kappa Tau, Air Force ROTC. POPE, ROBERT LEE, Bradenton, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Wesley Foundation. PORTER, PHILIP B., Freeport, Florida; Business. POTAGAS, ELIAS L., Athens, Greece; Arts and Sciences. POTTS, VICTORIA SUZANNE, Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Soltas. PREMO, JOHN E., Oxford, Massachusetts, Arts and Sciences. PRESTON, CARLOS, Cypress, Florida; Arts and Sciences. PRESTON, ROBERT W., Panama City, Florida; Education. PRIEST, WINSTON, Ocala, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Delta Pi, SNEA. PRIM, MERLE, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences. PRINCE, STEPHEN A., Kennebunkport, Maine; Business; Tau Epsilon Phi, Society of Hosts. PROCTOR, JULIAN, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Science; President of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sophomore Class President, Student Body Vice President, President of Student Senate, Gold Key, Omicron Delta Kappa, Senator, Alpha Delta Pi King of Diamonds, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. PUTNAM, MARTHA, Gainesville, Florida; Music; Song Leader, House President and Rush Chairman of Delta Gamma, Secretary of Sigma Alpha Iota,, Tally Ho Staff, Women's Glee Club. QUEEN, ANDREA ANN, Miami, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Degraff Vice President. 407 Seniors 408 QUICK, JACQUELINE, Clearwater, Florida; Business; March- ing Chiefs, Concert Band, Tau Beta Sigma, Society of, Hosts. RACHELS, WARREN ADRIAN, Jacksonville, Florida, Arts and Sciences; Chess Club, Math Teachers Club. RACKLEFF, ROBERT B., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Secretary of Intercollegiate and Public Affairs, Phi Alpha Theta, Circb K, Young Republicans Club, University Party Publicity Chairman, Flambeau Greek Editor, IFC Public Relations Manager. RADFORD, G. LAHRYEI Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Corresponding Secretary and Assistant Master at Arms of Theta Chi. RAFFA, FREDERICK ANTHONY, Tampa, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Finance Society, Football. RAINES, ROBERT BRENT, Lake Wales, Florida; Business; President, Treasurer, Pledge Trainer and Secretary of Sigma Chi, IFC„ FSU Marketing Club, Finance Club. RALSTON, MARY, Miami, Florida; Social Welfare; Junior Counsel or. RAMAGE, GAIL, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, NEA, FEA, Dean's List. RAMBO, CAROLYN RUTH, Edison, Georgia; Education; Alpha Delta Pi, Freshman Flunkies, Rally Committee, NEA, FEA, Fashion Incorporated. RANDALL, MARY, Tampa, Florida; Education; Alpha Phi Council for Exceptional Children, Gamma Sigma Sigma. RANGELEY, JOHN, Birmingham, Alabama; Education; Secretary of Phi Delta Theta, Varsity swimming. RANKIN, CAROL, St.l Petersburg, Florida, Education; Chi. Omega . RANKIN, KAY, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Coti 1 1 ion C lub. RAY, THOMAS, Miami, Florida; Business; FSU Sai 1 i ng Associa- tion Team Captain. RAY, WILLIAM, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Business; Dean of Men's Staff, Contributing Editor of Flambeau. RAYDER,MARY TEMPLE, North Miami, Florida; Soc lal Welfare. REED, GAYLA, Coral Gables, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice President of Alpha Phi, Historian of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Fashion, Inc. REED, LINDA MARIE, Ocalo, Florida; Education; Membership Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha. REEDY, RONALD H., Tallahassee, Florida; Business; University Party. REESE, SANDRA, Miami, Florida; Education; Kappa Alpha Theta, Alpha Tau Omega Little Sister, NEA, FEA. REEVES, HELENA LEE, Soperton, Georgia; Education, FEA, NEA, ACE, Young Citizens for Johnson. REGISTER, PERRY E., Cottondale, Florida, Business; Alpha Kappa Psi . RENFROE, CAROLE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary of Alpha Xi Delta Senator, President Pro Tempore of Women's Senate, Sophomore Counci 1, J un ior Counselor, Mortar Board, Homecoming Committee Chairman. REYNOLDS, CAROLE DANFORTH, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Kappa KappaGamma, International Club, FEA, NEA. RHOADS, FRANK DALE, Miami, Floric Arnold Air Society. RHOADS, JOAN LOWE, Tallahassee, Florida ences; Sigma Delta Pi. RICHARDSON, EMORY ALAN, Panacea, Florida; RICHARDSON, JAMES LEONARD, Ft. Lauderdale, Arts and Sciences; President of Sigma, Tau Delta. Arts and Sciences; Arts and Sci- ^usi ness. F lorida; Seniors RICHARDSON, PATRICK J., Tampa, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Varsity Swimming. RICHARDSON, PRISCILLA JANE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. RIDGEWAY, LYNN, Lakeland, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of Alpha OmicronPi, Mi ss Gymkana Court, Gymnasti ca, Baptist Student Union, NBA. RIEHL, JAMES W., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Alpha, Sailing Club. RILEY, LINDA J., Naples, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Delta Gamma . RIORDAN, JOAN FRANCES, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Xi Delta, Al I ionce-Francaise, Newman Club, Junior Counse lor. RIPLEY, JAMES R., Milton, Florida; Business. RIVES, ROBERT B., JR., Daytona Beach, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, American Finance Society. ROACH, LINDA, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi, Sigma Delta Pi. ROACH, MYRON SIDNEY, DeFuniakSprings, Florida; Business; Army ROTC-Arti I lery. Scabbard and Blade. ROARK, PAMELA K.,, Naples, Florida; Education; Historian of Alpha Chi Omega, Freshman Flunkies, Sophomore Council, Fashion Inc. ROBERTS, CAROLYN L., Atlanta, Georgia; Education; Assistant Treasurer of Kappa Alpha Theta, Pow Wow Committee. Georgia; Nursing; Alpha ROBERTS JUDITH ANN, Atlanta, Xi Delta, Student Nurses Association. ROBERTS, PEGGY G_, Sarasota, Florida; Nursing; Ahec ieves. ROBERTSON, BARBARA ANN, DeFuniak Springs, Florida, Educati on. ROBERTSON, FAYE, Pensacola, Florida; Social Welfare; Social Work Club, Baptist Student Union. ROCKWELL, MARJORIE ALICE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; NEA, FEA. RODGERS, JOE T., Birmingham, Alabama; Business; Rush Chairman, Secretary, Flousemanager, and President of Executive Board of Phi Delta Theta, President of Gold Key, Senior Class Vice President, Honor Court, Qmicron Delta Kappa, Beta Alpha Psi, Arnold Air Society, Captain of Wrestling Team, Chairman of Speakers Bureau, Who's Who in American Colleges and Uni vers ities. RODGERS, LYNNE M., Birmingham, Alabama; Home Economics; Pi Beta Phi, Secretary of Garnet Key, Mortified, Angel Flight, Freshman Flunkies, President of Sophomore Council, President of Gilchrist, Junior Counselor, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. RODRIGUEZ, DELLA ANICIA, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary of A Ipha Lambda Delta, Freshman Flunkies, Junior Counselor, Secretary of Cotillion. ROGERS, PAT A., Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Chi Omega, Tarpon, Finance Committee. ROGERS, RUTH ANN, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics, Sigma Kappa, Newman Club, Home Economics Club. ROMANO, JOANNE, Pompano Beach, Florida; Education; Alpha Chi Omega, Junior Counselor,, President of Cawthon, NEA. FEA. ROPER, GERALD B., Crestview, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA, Collegians. ROSS, DAVID, Cocoa Beach, Florida; Arts and Science; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Flambeau Sports Writer, Elections Committee. ROSSER, SYLVIA MARGO, Jacksonville, Florida; Music; Sonc Leader, Scholarship Chairman, and Housemanager of Alpha Phi, President and Recording Secretory of Sigma Alpha Iota, Tau Beta Sigma, Symphonic Band, Marching Chiefs, Orchestra, Opera, Off-Campus Court. ROTH, ANNE, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Gamma Sigma Sigma,, Wesley Foundation. ROUSE, CARL TERRY, JR., Pendleton, South Carolina; Busi- ness; Alpha Phi Omega, Flambeau Staff, Baptist Student Union. 409 Seniors 410 ROWSE, NANCY, Lake Alfred, Florida Secretary-Treasurer of Seminole Divers. RUDGE, DONNA, Pensacola, Florida; Education; Tally Ho Staff, Legend Staff!. RUESCH, MARILYN, Downers Grove, Illinois; Sigma Kappa, International Club, Fashion Inc., Fel lowshi p. RUGGIERI, FRANK J., Pompano Beach, Florida Phi Eta Sigma, Social Chairman of Newman Club. Nursing; Ahecieves, Chi Omega, Education; Westm inster ; Business; Secretary of Florida; Arts and RUH, RICHARD, Union, i\|ew York; business Alpha Kappa Psi . RUMFORD, RITA BARBARA, Sciences; Sigma Kappa, NEA. RUSH, JAMES B., Tallahassee, Florida; Education,, NAEA. RUSHING, MARGARET LASSETTER, Tallahassee, Florida; New York; Okahumpka, fHome Economics; Tau Kappa Alpha, Economics Club, Debate Team. Kappa Delta Pi, fHome RUSSELL, KAROL, Hollywood, Florida; Education; President of Florida Hall, Treasurer of ACE, NEA, FEA. RUSSELL, ROBERT, Key West, Florida; Education. SALEE, HARRY J., JR., Homestead, Florida; Business; Delta S igma Pi . SALGADO, ME LINDA, St. Petersburg,, Florida; Home Economics. SALISBURY, ROBERT C, Miami, Florida, Business; Secretary of Delta Sigma Pi, Air Force ROTC,, Persh ing R if les, Intra murals. SAPP, ALFRED E., JR., Miami, Florida; Education. SATTERWHITE, MONTIE JUDITH, Veto Beach, Florida, Arts and Sciences. SAUNDERS, VERA ANN, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Alpha Chi Omega, Fashion IncJ, Cotillion, Freshman Flunkies, Social Welfare Club. SAVIDGE, LINDA JEAN, Arlington, Virginia; Arts and Sciences; Vice President, of Del ta Zeta, , Pi Delta Phi, Alliance Franca ise, Honor Court, FSU Symphony, Flambeau Staff, Dean's List. SAWINSKI, SANDRA J., Rochester, Minnesota; Education. SCARTZ, DOMINI CK THOMAS, JR., Atlanta, Georgia; Business; Kappa Sigma, Marketing Club, Society for Advancement of Management, Varsity Golf. SCHAEFFER, SUE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Bete Alpha Psi, Phi Chi Theta, University Singers. SCHELLING MARY HANSEN, Ft. Wa ton Flor do; Home Econom ics; Home E ; o n o m cs Club Newman Clu b. Baptist Student Union, FEA. SCHLIEFER ANNE KAY, Miami , F lorido; Soc io 1 Welfare; Phi Alpha. SCHMIDT, JOHN F. , Ft. Lauderc ale. Fl orido; Business. SCHNEIDER, THOMAS M., Tampa, F lori da; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, American Finance Societyl SCHOOLCRAFT, JUDITH ANN, San Antonio, Texas; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. SCHRECKENGOST, TERRY, Stuart, Florida; Music; Treasurer and Vice-President of Sigma Alpha Iota, University Singers, Vice President of Choral Union, Dorm Floor Chairman and Fire Marshal . SCHROEDER, RAYMOND REILLY, Hallandale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary of Theta Chi, Vice-President of Jaycees, Baseball. SCHUBERT, DEANNA, Lake Worth, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Fashion Inc., Dorm officer. Seniors SCHUCK, DALE MARALENE, Bartow, Florida; Education; Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Vice President of Gil-- christ. Floor Chairman of DeGraff, Newman Club, NAEA. SCHUELE, ANNE E., Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Junior Counselor, Dorm Hospitality Chairman, Wesley, Foundation. SCHUSTER, SHARON ANN, Ft. Pierce, Florida; Education. SCHUYT, MARYKE, Coral Gables, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. SCHWERDT, RICHARD, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Phi Eta Sigma, Secretary of American Meteorological Society. SCOTT, EDGAR A., Palatka, Florida; Social Welfare; Sigma Chi., Attorney Genera 1, , Presidentia I Assistant, Senator, Presi- dent Pro Tern of Men's Senate, President's Advisory Council, Flost Bureau, Chief Prosecutor of Honor Court, University Pro- motions Bureau. SEABY, THERESA A., Orlando, Florida; Education; Physical Education Association, Intramural Chairman of Landis. SEALS, THOMAS A., Tallahassee, Florida; Business; American Marketing Association. SEARS, PATRICIA A. Orlando, Florida; Nursing; Delta Zeta, Vice President and F loor Cha irman of Dorm, Sophomore Council, Student Nurses Association. SEDLIK, RUTH ELLEN, Miami Beach, Florida; Education. SEEMAYER, WILLIAM, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Education. SEGREST, SUSAN ELOISE, Slocomb, Alabama; Education; Chi Omega, Tally Ho Staff, Home Economics Club.. SEGUIN, WARD R., Montdelier, Vermont; Arts and Sciences; American Meteorological Society. SEITZ, WINFRED P., JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Science; Sigma Tau Delta, Smoke Signals Staff, Lutheran Student Association. SELBY, MARGARET ELLEN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Educa- tion; Pledge Class President and Assistant Pledge Trainer of Gamma Phi Beta, Dean's List. SEWELL, MARY LU, St. Petersburg, Florida; Social Welfare; Scholarship Chairman of Alpha Delta Pi, Secretary of Phi Alpha, Delta Tau Kappa, Treasurer of Social Work. Club. SHAAR, ALICE W., Jacksonville, Florida; Social Welfare. SHAD, CHAR'LES THOMAS, Jacksonville Beach, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Intramurals, Dean's List. SHALLEY, ROBERT EARL, Hialeah, Florida; Business; Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Delta Sigma,, Delta Sigma Pi. SHAMAS, EDWARD P., St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Scullions, Society of Hosts, Dean's List. SHANNON, EILEEN, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Freshman Flunkies, Vice President of Cawthon, Village Vamps, Finance Committee, Home Economics Club, Fashion, Inc., Elections Bureau. SHAW, CATHERINE JANE, Savannah, Georgia; Social Welfare; Kappa Delta Pi . SHAW, CHARLES F., Pensacola, Florida; Business; Kappa. Alpha, Treasurer of Real Estate and Insurance Societyl. SHAW, DONNA LOU, Miami, Florida; Business; Historian of Alpha Xi Delta, Freshman Flunkies, Sophomore Council, Junior Counse lor. SHAW, EDITH BEATRICE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Science, Alpha Phi. SHAW, GRAHAM L., ill, Miami, Florida, Arts and Sciences; Collegians, President of Southern Scholarship and Research Foundation House. SHELDON, RICHARD, Tallahassee, Florida; Social Welfare; Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Florida Correctional Association. SHELFER, MARY HOWARD, Havana, Florida; Education; Secretary for Council for Exceptional Children, Choral IJnion. 411 Seniors 412 SHEPHERD, MARTHA ROBERTS, Apopka, Florida; Home Economics. SHIRLEY, JERRY D., Mobi 1^ , A laboma; Business; Freshman Basketball, Varsity Basketball. SHORES, SHERRY, Jacksonvi I le, , Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Omicron Pi, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Little Sisters of White Carnation . SHREWSBURY, GERALD RAY, Melbourne, Florida, Arts and Sciences; Phi Kappa Tau. SHULMAN, SANFORD SIMON, Charleston, South Carolina; Business; President, Vice President, and Steward of Tau Epsilon Phi, University Party Treasurer, Flambeau Photog- rapher, Hillel. SHUMAN, SUSAN, Orlando, Florida; Education; Alpha Xi Delta, Freshman Flunkies,, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Secretary of Recreation Maiors Club, Sigma Lambda Sigma. SIGAFOOSE, DORIS, Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sciences] SIMMONS, KAREN DIANE, Boca Raton, Florida; Music; Tau Beat Sigma, Marching Chiefs,, Concert Band, Symphonic Band. SIMMONS, KIRBY EUGENE, Tallahassee, Florida; Business. SIMMONS, PALMIRA, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta Pi„ FEA, NEA. SIMPSON, JACKI, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Activities Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha, Freshman Flunkies, Junior Counselor, Panhellanic, fionor Court, Angel Flight, Traffic Court, Panhellanic Executive Council,, Dean's List. Assistant to Secretary of Senate. SIMS, JOYNER, Marianna, Florida; Educationl. SINGLETARY, MARCE LLA A., Jacksonville, Florida; Home j Economics; Rituals Chairman of Gamma Phi Beta, Freshman] Flunkies, Home Economics Club. SINNOTT, ROSANNE LEE, Ocala, Florida; Business. SKRECZKO, LYNNE, Shelton, Connecticut; Arts and Sciences; Newman Club, Fashion Inc. ! SLAPPEY, ANN, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Science; Corresponding Secretary of Gamma Phi Beta, Sigma Delta Pi, Phi Alpha Theta, National Council for Social Studies, FEA, Lobby Committee. SLAUGHTER, WILLIAM R., Ill, Live Oak,, Florida; Arts and; Sciences; President of Kappa Sigma,, Inter-Fraternity Council, Scabbard and Blade,, Advanced ROTC, Soccer Team. SLEDGE, BARBARA LANE, Miami, Florida; Education; Baptist Student Union, FEA, NEA. SMILEY, FRAN, Miami, Florida; Education, Kappa Delta Pi, President of Tau Beta Sigma, Marching Chiefs, Symphonic Band. SMITH, BEVERLY ANNE, Hollywood, Florida; Education; Circus, Choral Union, NEA. SMITH, CAROLE, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Education; NEA.i SMITH, JAMES L., Ft. Walton Beach, Florida; Business; Secretary of Insurance Society. SMITH, JERRY, Cocoa, Florida; Socipl Welfare; Delta Tau Delta. SMITH, KATHRYN CORLEY, Pearl River, New York; Arts and Sc lences. SMITH, LISA, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania; Arts and Sciences, Publicity Chairman of Zeta Tau Alpha, Young Democrats, Young Citizens for Johnson. SMITH, MARSHALL G., Tampa, Florida; Arts and Sciences. SMITH, RICHARD LEE, Branden, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Phi Epsi Ion, Assistant News Editor and Associate Editor of Flambeau, Elections Committee. SMITH, ROLAND G., Pensacola, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi . Seniors SMITH SANDRA SUE, Lebanon, Indiana; Education; Pi Beta Phi, Fashion Inc., Student Art Association. ,, , . , SMITH, VIVIAN CECELIA, Pearl River, New York; Arts and SMLTh!^ WALTER C, Lakeland, Florida; Business; Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Council, Beta Alpha Psi SMITHSON, DOROTHY LEE Hollywood, Florida; Education, Vice President of Landis Hall, Choral Union, FEA, NEA, ACt. SMYTH, SUSAN, Dublin, Georgia; Social Welfare; Rush Chair- man of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Lambda Delta, Sophomore Council, Pow Wow staff. Social Work Club, Floor Chairman. SNELL, BEVERLY, Atlanta, Georgia; Music; Tau Beta Sigma, Marching Chiefs,, Symphonic Band, University Orchestra. SNYDER, GABY E., Falls Church, Virginia; Arts and Science. SNYDER, KENNETH ROBERT, Bradenton, Florida; Business; Theta Chi . SOBECK, CYNTHIA MARIE, Ft. Lauderdale,, Florida; Educa- tion; Newman Club. SODEN, SHARON, West Palm Beach, Florida; Social Chairman of Alpha Chi Omega, Freshman Flunkies, Fashion Inc. SOLER, MARY LOUISE, Sumter,, South Carolina, Nursing; Alpha Phi, Freshman Flunkies, Student Nurses Association. SONTAG, A. JULIUS, JR., Ocala, Florida; Social Welfare; Wesley Foundation. SPARKS, SALLY ANNE, West Palm Beach, Florida; Education; President of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Vice President of Garnet Key, Mortified, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Circus, Cotillion,, Freshman Flunkies,, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sweetheart,, Treasurer of Little Sisters of Minerva, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. SPEARS, WILLIAM J., Blountstown, Florida; Business; Beta Alpha Psi. SPEED, MARY, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Economics; Vice- President and House President of Alpha Chi Omega,, Freshman F lunki es,, Gymkana, Home Economics Club, Fashion Inc. SPENCER, ANITA L., Shalimar, Florida; Nursing; Gamma Delta; Student Nurses Association, Fashion Inc.,, Tally Ho staff. SPENGLER, DONNA, Jacksonville,, Florida; Arts and Sciences; House President and Secretary of Delta Zeta. SPINK, DONALD WILLIAM, Melbourne, Florida; Business; Alpha Kappa Psi, Insurance Society. SPOTO, LUCY ANN, Tampa, Florida; Education, Social Chair- man of Delta Gamma,, Vice President Rally Committee. SPRADLEY, MARGUERITE, Miami, Florida; Social Welfare. SPRINKLE, SUSAN, Ocala,, Florida; Arts and Sciences. STACK BARBARA ANN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Education; Newman Club, NEA. STANLEY, SUSAN ELIZABETH, Port Charlotte, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Kappa Delta, Sailing Club,, Radio and TV Artists Guild. STARR, SHARON P., Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi,, Gamma Sigma Sigrtia, Circus. STATEN, SANDI, Miami, Florida; Education; Alpha Delta Pi, Village Vamps, Gymkana, Gymkana Princess, Sophomore Class Social Chairman. STEADMAN, EVERETT A., Mobile, Alabama; Business; Vice- President of Youiig Republicans, Youn^ American for Freedom, Summer Honor Court. STEPHENS, CAROLYN ANN, Chattahoochee, Florida; Arts and sciences . STEPHENS, CHARLES E., Winter Park, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Alpha, Secretary of Pledge Class, Intramurals, Dean's List. t Ml^ 4i: Seniors 414 STEPHENSON, CHART_ES J., JR., Marianna, Florida; Business; Theta Chi, Marketing Club. STERNLIEB, STEVE, Hicksville, NewYork;Arts and Sciences. STEVENS, REBECCA ANNE, Atlanta, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Delta Gamma, Gamma Alpha Chi,, Vice President of DeGraff Hall, Junior Counselor, Smoke Signals Staff, Associa- tion of Lutheran Students. STEVENS, WILLIAM K., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Chi. STICKNEY, BRENDA LOUISE, Key West, Florida; Arts and Sciences, Staff hostess at Methodist Wesley Foundation. STIRTON, DONNA MAE, Miami, Florida, Arts and Sciences. Recording Secretary of Alpha Xi Delta,, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor. STOBERT, JAN, Lakeland, Florida; Education; FEA, Wesley Foundation, Freshman Flunkies. STOCKHAUSEN, MARY CAROL, Miami, Florida; Education; Social Chairman of DeGraff Hall, President of Dorman Hall, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor. STODDARD, JOHN RICHARD, Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. STOKES, STEPHEN, Bradenton, Florida; Arts and Sciences. STONER, GEORGE W., St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Athletic Chairman, Assistant Pledge Master, Pledge Master of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Marketing Club. STONE, MARY LOIS, Tallahassee,, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, Panhellenic, Freshman F lunkies. Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Women's Glee Club. STONER, JOHN ROBERT, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Alpha, Insurance Society. STRAUGHN, CARRIE.ANN, DeFuniak Springs, Florida; Home Economics; President of Gamma Sigma Sigma, Vice President of Landis Hall, Home Economics Club, Collegiate 4-H Club, Baptist Student Union. STROLE, STEPHEN, New Haven, Indiana; Arts and Sciences; Meteorology Club. STUBBS, KATHARINE ALICE, Bradenton, Florida; Home Economics; Fashion Incorporated, Home Economics Club. STUCKI, FREDERICA ELYSE, New York City, New York; Arts I and Sciences, Freshman Flunkies, Dorm Officer. STUDSTILL, JUDITH ANNE, Chieflond, Florida; Business; Zeta Tau Alpha,, Pow Wow Staff. SUNDAY ZANE WOODROW, DeFuniak Springs, Florida, Educati on. SURRAN, HAROLD JAMES, JR., Bradenton, Florida; Arts I and Sci ences . SUTTON, ALICE A. Palmetto, Florida; Music. SWAN, LAWTON, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Insurance Society . SWEENEY, EILEEN, Macon, Georgia; Nursing; Newman Club, Miorching Chiefs,, Student Nursing Club. SWEET, MARYANN, St., Petersburg, Florida; Social Welfare; Gamma Sigma Sigma, .Social Welfare Club. SWENK KAREN, Orlando, Florida; Business; Gamma Sigma Sigma,, Women's Glee Club, Newman Club. SWIFT, SUSAN ERIN, St. Petersburg, Florida;Arts and Sciences. il SWOPE, KATHLEEN M., Titusville,, Florida; Arts and Sciences; | Alpha Lambda Delta,, President of East Landis. SYTSMA, HENRY, Palmetto, Florida; Education; Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Kappa,, Majors Club,, Varsity Football. Seniors TALBOT, FERRELL L., Florala,, Alabama; Arts and Sciences. TALLEY, GWENDOLYN R-, Knoxville,, Tennessee; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi, Sigma Alpha Etc,, Baptist Student Union. TARNELL, FRED J., Miami, Florida; Business; Treasurer and Social Chairman of Pi Kappa Alpha, Beta Alpha Psi. TEMPLETON, MARY E., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences. TERRELL, MARTHA J., Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; First Vice President of Alpha Chi Omega, Angel Flight, Sigma Delta Pi, Little Sister of Minerva, Sig Ep Calendar Girl, Who'sWho in American Col leges and Universities. TERRY, CLINTON, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences. TEW, EVELYN JEANETTE, Panama City, Florida; Nursing; Student Nurses Association. THACKSTON, MICHAEL, Tampa,, Florida; Business; Corres- ponding Secretary and Sergeant-at-Arms of Kappa Alpha Order, Senior Class Senator, Alpha Council, Young Democrats, Home- coming Pow Wow Committee, Executive Officer in Arnold Air Society, Promotions Bureau, Distinguished Military Cadet. THOMAS, ANDREW P., Miami,, Florida; Social Welfare; Sigma Nu„ Alpha Council. THOMAS, JANE, Grand Ridge,, F lorida; Education. THOMAS, LINDA LEE, Auburndale, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, FEA, NEA. THOMAS, MARGARET ELIZABETH, Stone Mountain, Georgia; Arts and Sciences; Dining Hostess of Alpha Gamma Delta, Junior Member of Fashion Incorporated, Gymkana,, Gymnas- tica Treasurer. THOMPSON, CELIA ELIZABETH, Ba Iboa, Canal Zone; Nursing. THOMPSON, DOROTHY ANN, Bradenton, Florida; Music; Iota, FSU Symphony, State Opera Orchestra. PHYLLIS, Miami Springs, Florida; Arts and Sigma Alpha THOMPSON, Sciences. THOMPSON, Sciences. ROBERT FRED, Dade City, Florida; Arts and THOUREEN, LINDA JANE, Lake Worth, Florida; Home Economics; Kappa Alpha Theta, Social Committee at Landis, Tally Ho Staff, Freshman Flunkies,, Sophomore Council, Junior Counselor, Freshman Dorm Committee Chairman. THRASHER, JOHN, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Sec- retary of Sigma Phi Epsilon. TINFOW, JOEL I., Titusville, Florida; Business. TOMLINSON, JAMES RICHARD, Jacksonville, Florida, Educati on. TOMSON, RODNEY HAMILTON, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Pledge Scholarship Chairman of Delta Tau Delta. TONG, MARY, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Arts and Sciences; Young Democrats, Young Citizens for Johnson, Secretary of Pol itica I Union. TOOLE, VIVIAN LEIGH, Cocoa, Florida; Home Economics; Treasurer of FSU Collegiate 4-H Club. TOOLE, VERA EILEEN, Cocoa, Florida; Home Economics; Recreation Chairman of FSU Collegiate 4-H Club. Arts nd TOWNSEND, CHRISTINE, St. Petersburg, Florida, Sciences; Kappa Alpha Theta, Legend Staff. TOWNSEND, JANET, Clearwater, Florida; Nursing; Sophomore Counci I, Officer in Freshman Dorm, Student Nurses Association. TRAMMELL, PARK MONROE, JR., Blountstown, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Delta Sigma, Collegians. TUCKER, JACQUES E., West Orange,, New Jersey; Business; Marine Corps. '1 '^ * I '>■ AJi 415 Seniors 416 TUCKER, THOMAS MICHAEL, Blountstown, Florida; Business. TUITE, MARY JEAN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Nursing; Officer in Sigma Kappa Newman Club, Student Nurses Association, Freshman Flunkies. TUNSTALL, EDWARD B.,, Panama City, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Warden and House Manager of Pi Kappa Phi, Freshman Honors Program, Sigma Pi Sigma, President of American Rocket Soc iety . TURBEVILLE, ESTA ANNE, Sarasota, Florida; Education; Recording Secretary and Social Service Chairman of Sigm.o' Sigma Sigma, Sigma Alpha Eta, Council for Exceptional Chi Id re n, Debate Team, Officer in Wesley Foundation. TURNER, ANNIE RUTH, Crawfordvi I le, Florida; Education. TURNER, THOMAS MORGAN V., St. Petersburg, Florida; Business, Delta Sigma Pi, Marketing Club, Society of Hosts. TUTEN, ARTHUR ^ A., Augusta, Georgia, Education, FEA, Student NEA. UBELE, FRAN, Wmston-Salem, North Carolina, Arts and Sci- ences, Rush Chairman of Delta Delta Delta, Panhe I leni c. Sec- retary of Mortar Board, Garnet Key, Honor Court, Angel Flight, Village Vamps Officer, Junior Counselor, Sigma Tau Delto, Smoke Signals Editorial Board, FEA, Secretary of Social Stan- dards Committee of Women's Senate, Wesley Foundation, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. UBER, SANDRA, Maitland, Florida, Education, Officer inSigma Sigma Sigma, Alpha Lambda DeltaL UEBELHER, JOSEPH WALTER JR., Apopka, Florida; Social Welfare, Phi Alpha. ULLOA, JUSTO CELSO, Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Pi Kappa Phi. ULMER, EDDIE, Palm Harbor, Florida, Education, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sailing Liub. ULSON, SUSAN LEE, Burlington, Massachusetts; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi, Pi Delta Phi, Junior Counselor, Fashion Incorporated, Cotillion, Freshman Flunkies. UNGER,^MARY LYNN, Hollywood, Florida; Education; FEA, fslEA, AlE, Newman Club. VACCA, JAMES ANTHONY, Orlando, Florida, Arts and Sci- ences; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Cavaliers. VALDES, SHIRLEY ANN, Tampa, Florida; Education; Second Vice President of Delta Gamma, Little Sister of Delta Chi, NEA, , FEA, Tally Ho Staff, Dean's List. VAN NORREN, KATHERINE, Jacksonville, Florida; Education, Standards Chairman of Gamma Phi Beta, FEA, NEA. VAN NOSTRAND, JOHN L.., Sarasota, Florida; Business, Vice President of Pi Kappa Psi, Gymnastics, Gymnastica.. VAN SANT, JOAN ELIZABETH, Alexandria, Virginia; Nursing,, President and Corresponding Secretary of Gamma Phi Beta, Freshman Flunkies, Recording Secretary of Student Nurses Assoc iati on . VAUGHN, THOMAS M., Lantana, Florida; Business, Pi Kappc Alpha, Finance Society. VAUGHN, WILLIAM T.JR., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Business,: Marketing Lh.ib. VERRILLI, JOHN LAWRENCE, Lake Worth, Florida; Social We 1 fare - VICKERS, EDITH W., Trenton, Florida, Education; Junior Counselcr, NEA. VICKERS, MICHAEL A., Cocoa Beach, Florida; Arts and Sci. ences, Phi Kappa Tau. VINES, BILL W., Quincy, Florida, Business; Delta Sigma Pi, Arnold Air Society. VINSON, RANCES ELIZABETH, Tarpon Springs, Florida, fjirsing; Student Nurses Association. VOGT," RICHARD JAMES, Bradenton, Florida; Business, Intramurals and Pledge President of Theta Chi. VOYLES, VICKI, Sarasota, F lorida; Education; Vice President uf Kappa Alpha Theta, Chai rman of Traffi c Court, VicePresiden of Reynolds, Junior Counselor, Sophomore Council, Presiden' Blackwell's Advisory Board, Kappa Alpha Sweetheart, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Seniors VADE, JAMES T-, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Business; Arnold \ir Society, Newman Club. VAGNER, GARY, Boynton Beach, Florida; Bus VAHL, LINDA JOE, Quincy, Florida; Arts VALDEN, BARBARA A., Clarksville, Florida; ^JEA, Baptist Student Union. ness . and Sciences. Social Welfare; VALDRON, MARSHA, Palatka, Florida; Education; ACE, Stvdent FEA, Bap'tist Student Union. VALDROP, ROBERT F., Nokomis, Florida; Business; Alpha \of-p:a Psi, Arnold Air Society, Sailing Team, Dorm Government. VALES, ALYENE MAYBETH, Dunedm, Florida; Social Welfare; 3am_ma Phi Beta, Women's Glee Club, Gamma Sigma Sigma, Junior Counselor, Social Welfare Club, Landis Social Committee, I r - ■ "i . iVALKER, JAN K., Tallahassee, Florida, Arts and Sciences, Historian Bryan hiall. Tally Ho Staff, Student Party Executive ommittee. President of Gomma Sigma Sigma, Chairman of Jnion Hospitality Committee. WALKER, JOHN D., Lake Park, Florida; Physical Education; Swimming Team, Intramurals, Men's Professional Physical Education Association. WALKER, PAMELA JEAN, Jacksonville, Florida; Home Econo- mics; Alpha Xi Delta, Freshman Flunkies, Sophomore Counci', Junior Counselor, Angel Flight. WALKER, VIRGINIA, Port Orange, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Xi Delta, Village Vamps. WALL, PAULA, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Vice Presi- dent of Sigma Alpha Eta, Circus, Baptist Student Union, Dean's List, Southern Scholarship and Research Foundation. WALLEKER, ANN, Winter Pork, Florida; Baptist Student Union. WALSH, DALE L_, Morris Plains, New Gamma Sigma Sigma, FEA, NEA, ACE'. WALTERS, LEON L., Cottondale, Florida, Education; NAEA,, Jersey; Education; Arts and Sciences. WANG, JUDITH Village Vamps. K., Bradenton, Florida; Arts and Sciences; E., Lakeland, Florida; Business, Alpha Business Education Association, FEA, JR., Tampa, Florida; Business; Pledge Alpha Epsilon, OnevUp Men's Society, WARLICK, DONNA ALENE, Havana, Florida; Education; Public Relations and Social Affairs Chairman of Council for Excep- tiona I Chi Idren. WARNER, CAROLYN Omicron Pi, Florida NEA. WARREN, JAMES W. President of Sigma De Ita Sigma Pi . WARREN, JANET, Arlington, Virginia; Education; President and Activities Chairman of Delta Zeta, Freshman Flunkies, Fashion Incorporated, Wesley Foundation, Choir, Sophomore Council, Sophomore Traffic Court, Flambeau Staff, Clerk of Honor Court, Junior Counselor, Mortified.. WASHBURN, CONSTANCE D., Miami, Florida; Social Welfare; Delta Tau Kappa. WASHINGTON, IRENE, Miami, Florida; Education; Phi Delta Pi, F-Club. WATERS, KEN, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Delta Sigma Pi. WATSON, BOB, Sarasota, Florida; Business; Treasurer and Secretary of Kappa Alpha, Alpha Council, Pershing Rifles, Zeta Tau Alpha "Man of the Year," Student-Faculty Traffic Committee, Army Drill Team. WATSON, MARY, Jacksonville, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA, ACE.. WATTS, LARRY E., Pensacola, Florida, Arts and Sciences. WATTS, THOMAS MARTIN JR-,.Port St. Joe, Florida; Education. WAXLER, IAN ROBERT, Miam,, Florida, Arts and Sciences. 417 Seniors " I f^ ("^ * ? I 418 WEAVER, JANE EDITH, Camilla, Georgia; Social Welfare. WEAVER, JUDITH ANN, Sebring, Florida; Education; NBA. WEAVER, OLLIE B., Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Delta Sigma Rho, Tau Kappa Alpha, FEA. WEEKS, DIANE P. Hollywood, Florida; Education; Westminster Foundation, Exchange Student to IJniversity of Massachusetts, Choral Union. Upper Saddle River, Is in Alpha Kappa Psi, New Jersey; ROTC Drill WEEKS, GEORGE A., Sarasota. Florida; Business. WEEKS, JESSE RAY, Fort Pierce, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Ph i Epsi Ion . WEIGLEIN, ARTHUR J., Business; Master of Ritual Team, Pershing Riflesl. WEINER, LINDA, Miami, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Liberal Forum, Circus, FEA, NBA, Foreign Film Club, Kappa Delta Pi, Dean's List. WELCH, EDWARD F.,Gainesvll le, Florida; Business; President of Alpha Kappa Psi, Society of hlosts. Scullions. WELLS, FAYE H., Boca Raton, Florida; Home Economics; House President of Gamma Phi Beta, Homie Economics Club, Treasurer of Omicron Nu. WELLS, FRANCIS MONTAGUE JR., Monticello, Florida; Busi- ness; Delta Chi, FSU-Martin-Marietta Co-op Program! WELLS, THOMAS J. JR., Tallahassee, Florida; Business; Sigma Nu. WEST, GARY MILTON, Parrott, Georgia; Business; Delta Chi. WEST, JACK RICHARD, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences . WEST, SUSAN M., Cairo, Georgia; Music; Alpha Xi Delta, Newman Club, Tau Beta Sigma, Marching Chiefsl WESTBERRY, EDNA, Perry, Florida; Education; Kappa Delta, Sophomore Council, Senator, Speakers' Bureau. WESTERFIELD, JAN VASHTI, Jacksonville, Florida; Educa- tion, Circus, Gymkana, Physical Education Association. WESTON, EDWARD THOMAS JR., West Palm Beach, Florida; Education; Alpha Tau Omega, Pi Epsilon Kappa RE Majors. WEXLER, J. SHEILA, Marianna, Florida; Arts and Sciences; University Symphony, Opera Guild Orchestra, Flambeau Staff. WHEELER, KAREN C, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; NEA, FEA. WHELCHEL, JOHN, Sanford, Florida; Business; Sigma Chi. WHIDDEN, MARSHALL, Arcadia, Florida; Social Welfare; Kappa Alpha Order, Lambda Alpha Epsilon. WHIDDEN, SHARON, Tampa, Florida; Education; Women's Glee Club, NEA, Badminton Club. WHILDEN, PAMELA SHEARER, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Assistant Social Chairman and Courtesy Chairman of Kappa Alpha Theto, Circus, President of Council for Excep- tional (^hildren, Sigma Alpha Eta. WHITCOMB, ELIZABETH A., Coral Gables, Florida; Education; Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Alpha Eta. WHITE, BARBARA S., Cocoa, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gamma Sigma Sigma, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. WHITE, DAVID M., Jacksonville, Florida; Business; Officer of Lambda Chi Alpha, Vice President of Newman Club, Senior Men's Jud i c iary . WHITE, DOLLY JOE, Chipley, Florida; Arts and Sciences. Seniors WHITE, DONALD FELIX, Jacksonville, Florida; Social Wel- fare; Chaplain and Recording Secretary of Theta Chi, Treasurer of Newman C lub. WHITEHEAD, RAYMOND A., New Orleans, Louisiano; Busi- ness; Vice President and President of Theta Chi, Idonor Court, University Union Board, I FC, President of Gold Key. WHITMAN, JANET DIANE, Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sc iences. WHITNEY, MICHAEL D., Coral Gables, Florida; Business. WHITTINGTON, HOWARD HA.TDEE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Business; Kappa Sigma. WIANT, BONNIE, Clearwater, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Senator, Dorm President, Jun ior Counselor, FEA. WIEDENBECK, NANCY ANN, Winter Garden, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Tau Delta, FEA. WIGELIUS, MICHAEL E., Jacksonville, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Officer of Lambda Chi Alpha, Secretary of State, Under Secretary of State, Junior Class President, Alpha Coun- cil, Advanced ROTC, Vice President of FSU Jaycees. WILCOX, DON, Ft.. Pierce, Florida; Business; Sentinel, Executive Committee, and Public Relations Officer of Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Sigma Pi, Marketing Club, Circle K, Out- standing Freshman in ROTC. WILDES, ROSE CHRISTIE, Jacksonville, Florida; Music; Sigma Alpha Iota, Women's Glee Club, Junior Counselor, University Si ngers . WILEY, DIANE JANE,, Sarasota, Gamma Sigma Sigma. WILEY, SHARON M Auburndale Theta, Secretary and Treasurer Foundation House. Florida; Arts and Sciences; Florida; Business; Phi Chi of Chi Alpha, Secretary of WILKINSON, CURTIS A., Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Industrie I Arts C lub . WILKIS, JODY, New Port Richey, Florida, Social Welfore; Secretary and Treasurer of Pledge Class and Social Chairman of Sigma Sigma Sigma, Secretary of Lambda Alpha Epsilon, Newman Club, Freshman Flunkies, Flambeau Staff, Tally Ho Staff, Phi Alpha. WILLIAMS, CAROL MARLENE, Tallahassee, Florida; Educa- tion; NEA, Intra-American Exchange Program, University Symphony, Westminster Fellowship. WILLIAMS, CAROLE A., Louderda le-by-the-Sea, Florida; Education; Parliamentarian of Alpha Xi Delta, Junior Counselor, FEA, NEA, ACE. Business; Treasurer WILLIAMS, RONALD P., Atlanta, Georgia of Kappa Sigma. WILLIAMS, WAYNE LELAND, Sarasota, Correspondent in Sigma Alpha Epsilon, WILLIS, IRIS A., Tampa, Florida; Home Economics Club, NEA. WILSON, DANIEL C, Panama City, Florida; Florida; Business; Society of Hosts. Economics; Home Education. WILSON, KENNA LYNN, Lake Hamilton, Florida; Home Econo- mics. WILSON, LINDA A., Langley AFB, Virginia; Arts and Sciences; Activities Chairman in Delta Zeta, Fashion Incorporated, Choral Union, Gymnastica, Gymkana Princess. WILSON, PAUL E., JR., Ocala, Florida; Business. WILSON, WYNNELLE, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences; Pledge Class President of Alpha Phi, Treasurer of Delta Tau Kappa. WINTER, NANCY, South Miami, Delta Pi, Wesley Foundation. WISE, DOROTHY GAYLE, Jay, Florida . Student Union, President of Florida Hall. WISE, JAMES H. JR. Lake Worth, Florida; WITTSTRUCK, FRANCES E., St. Petersburg tion; Tau Beta Sigma, Marching Chiefs, NEA. Florida; Education; Kappa Education; Baptist Education; FEA. Florida; Educa- 419 Seniors 420 WOLFENDON, NANCY MARIE, Westover Air Force Base, Mas- sachusetts, Education, Sigma Kappa, Fashion Incorporated, FEA, NEA. WOLSON, WILLIAM JOHN, West Palm Beach, Florida; Arts and Sc iences . WONSON, SUSAN, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Gamma Phi Beta. WOODHOUSE, MARK Be, St. Petersburg, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Circ le K, Marching Chiefs, Concert Band, Philosophy Club. WOODLEY, JEAN M., Jacksonville, Florida; Education; Chap- lain of Delta Zeta, Sophomore Cou cil, House Council, Public Relations Chairman of Council for Exceptional Children, NEA. WOODRUFF, THOMAS M., St. Petersburg, Florida, Social Welfare; Delta Lhi, Dramatics, Pershing Rifles, Young Demo- crats. WOODS, SANDY K., Tal lahassee, ' Florida; Flome Economics. WOODWORTH, DEAN E., Hollywood, Florida; Arts and Sci- ences, Choral Union, Opera Guild, Dean's List. WOOLWINE, VIVIAN, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Presi- dent and Rush Chairman of Alpha Phi, Row Wow Staff, E lections Commission, Junior Counselor, Judiciary. WORLEY, MICHAEL GORDON, Cullman, Alabama; Arts and Sc iences . WORLEY, SUSAN, Bradenton, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Chi Omega, Glee Club, Co-Editor of Legend. WORSHAM, SHARON, Panama City, Florida; Education; Chap- lain of Alpha Delta Pi, Undersecretary of International Student Affairs, Student Senate Committee, Student Director of Baptist Student Union, Secretary of Home Economics Club. WRENN, JACQUELYM SUE, Falls Church, Virginia; Nursmg;^ Alpha Gamma Delta, Angel Flight, Student Nurses Association, Junior Counselor. WRIGHT,__ B. PAYTON, Mobile, Alabama; Education; Chi Omega, "F" Club, Social Director of Dorman. WRIGHT, GLORIA JEAN, Warrington, Florida; Education; Sigma Sigma Sigma. WRIGHT, MAJOR D...JR., Ft. Walton Beach, Florida; Business; Beta Alpha Psi . WURST, ALICE CHENEY, Ocala, Florida; Education; Alpha Omicron Pi, Recreation Club, FEA, Row Wow Staff. YAGGY, MARY ELLEN, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Secretary of Alpha Gamma Delta, Freshman Class Secretary, FSU Models, Village Vamps, Miss Gymkana, Miss Tally Ho, Theta Chi Dream Girl Court. YON, PATTY DELANE, Blountstown, Florida, Education; FEA, NEA. YORK, ALAN D., Tallahassee, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Alpha Phi Omega. YORK, BETTY CAROL, Orlando, Florida; Home Economics; Home Economics Club, Secretary and Vice President of Colle- giate 4-H Club. Chattahoochee, Florida; Social YOUNG, DOROTHY FAYE, Welfare. YOUNG, EARLENE, Palatka, YOUNG, MELVIN BONNER, Florida; Home Economics. Tallahassee, Florida; Business. ZACHLOD, CRAIG, Tallahassee, Florida; Education; Phi Kappa Tau . ZEIGLER, CAROL BERT, Orlando, Florida; Education; FEA, NEA. ZINTEL, ANDREW WILLIAM, Sarasota, Florida; Arts and Sciences; Sigma Delta Pi, Marching Chiefs, Ruge Hall, Con- cert Band. We have fulfilled one aim--a college education. We are both proud and humble, sad and joyful. However, our education is more than a conglomeration of facts and concepts; it is a knowledge of how to enjoy other people and how to broaden our outlooks through activities and events outside the classroom. The University Union has been a factor of great impor- tance in producing this knowledge. It has helped to make each of us an individual. A Union is "indeed an individual thing." 421 And now some of us must continue our growth and development elsewhere. We must move forward along the path which originated with our entrance into The Florida State University, and which now stretches before us--a challenge, an opportunity-to infinity. A Aaron, Larry Abbott, Dick Abel I, Suzanne Abercrombie, Nancy Abersold, Scarlett Abney, Eddie Abstain, Leslie Abstain, Walt Academics Achee, Suzanne Acher, Jackie Achtemeier, Gary Acker, Sherry Acosta, Richard Adams, Agusta Adams, Albert Adams, Arthur Adams, Carolyn Adams, Charlotte Adams, Don Adams, Jane Adams, Nancy J. Adams, Nancy V. Adams, Patty Adams, Sandra Adams, Sarah Adamson, Barbara Admini stration Agee, Jerry Agerton, Carole Aime, Susan Air Force ROTC Akin, John Albert, John Albert, Rbt. Albritton, Chas. Albritton, Ernest Albritton, Kathy Albritton, Eunice Alderman, Donna Aldrich, Loraine Aldrick, Rainey Alexander, Diane A laxander, J inny Alexander, John Alezzano, Joe Alford, Mary Alison, Margaret Allan, Ornitha Allen, Barbara Allen, Deborah Allen, E lizabeth Allen, Gail A I len, Jai'vi s Al len, Jon A I len, Lynn A I len, Lynne 352 310, 312 333, 339 224 349 337 260 266 24 218 220, 338 376 376 270, 310, 376 338 248, 376 102 234 376 246 165 212, 376 212 234 222, 376 218, 347 334 29 376 376 204 366 354 254 149 343 376 305 142 238 230 230 376 228 376 279 238 345 376 362 238, 376 220, 376 349, 362 305, 349 334 214, 338 214, 136, 214, 202 76, 76, 214, 338 Allen, Neal 244, 310, ,313, 376 305 376 242 208, 345 218 A I len, Omar Allen, Susan Allan, Thomas Alii son, Marissa Allstock, Pam Alonso, Kathy A lonzo. Virgin ia Alpha Chi Omega A'pho Delta Pi A Ipha De Ita Sigma Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Tau Omega A Ipha X i Delta Alvanos, Anthony Alvarez, Kay Ament, Gary 208, 331, 376 349 204 206 340 208 342 330 210 238 332 242 212 376 0, 232 256 Ammirati, Frank 353 Ammons, P. 342 Ammons, P. 342 Amos, Dorothy 206 Amplett, Judith 220, 376 Amundson, Melvin 376 Anderson, Andy 127 Anderson, Bill 358 Anderson, Carolyn 234, 376 Anderson, Cecelia 376 Anderson, Jim 150 Alriderson, Ken Artderson, Mary Anderson, Pat 1 57, 353 204, 376 329,348 376 Anderson, Paul 269, 376 Anderson, Wendy 210 Andrew, Marian 239, 345 Andrews, Arlise 376 Andrews, Linda 344, ,360 Andrews, Richard 376 Angel Flight 336 Anthony, Joanne 344, 377 Anthony, Susan 377 Anton, Cheryl 234, 335 Anwyl, Robert 250, 377 Arias, Carmen 206 Army ROTC 364 Arnold Air Society 337 Arnold, Barbara 218 Arnold, David 269, 377 Arnold, John 31 Arnold, Katherleer 230 Aronovitch, Barry 377 Artist Series 180 Arts & Sciences 34 Asbeck, Reinhold 269 Asber, Rhode 142 Ashley, E 1 len 377 Ashly, Nancy 136, 145 Ashmore, Becky 128, 222 Ashmora, Mike 246 Ashmore, Toni 222 Ashurst, Ray 332 360 Asmussen, David 246 Atkinson, Guy 353 Atwater, Al 262 377 Augustine, Michae 347 377 Austin, Carol 232 Avant, Jack i e 226 B 56, Bobb, Robert Bogley, Daniel Bagnoli, Gerry Bai ley, Ben Bai ley, Winfred 278, 279 Bainbridge, Anna Baird, Ann Baird, David Baird, Janine Baird, Victoria Ba|orek, J. Baker, Bonnie Baker, Mrs. J. T. Bakewel I, Susan Baldy, Jamas 108, Ba i I, Franc i Ball, Kirk Ba I I, Mary Ball, Millie Ball, Nell Ball, Suzanne Ba I lord, Barbara Balthazar, Rev. N Bamford, Frederic Baptist Student U Barber, Henry Barber, Ida 166, 214, 331, 268, 139, 214, 232, 202, 230, or man V 377 242 377 260 280 377 214 377 377 214 342 377 360 202 377 377 228 262 238 345 214 377 377 358 377 360 377 238 Barber, Malcom Barbre, James Barfield, Marilyn Barker, E I len Barncastle, Jack Barnes, Chas. Barnes, E I izabeth Barnes, Peter Barnes, Will iam Barnf le Id, Man lyn Barnhart, Diana Barnhi 1 1, Petri cia Barnthouse, Brando Barr, Margaret Barrett, George Barrett, Lana Barron, Sybe I le Bartlett, Thomas Barton, Chas. Barton, Ethelene Barwick, Louise Basebal I Bashinski, Lucinda Basini, Richard Basketball Bass, Bill Bass, Marvin Bassett, Alan Bassett, A Ian Bateman, Ben|amin Bates, Judith Battinel I i , Bonn ie Batts, Joyce Baughman, Wm. Baum, E I i zabeth Boum, Tamara Baumbach, Herb Baxter, Anne Baxter, ,Jere Baya, Sara Bayer, Joanne Bay lay, ,Volney Beals, Harold Beals, Toni 224, 275, Beaman, Roger Bearce, J . Beard, James Beardsley, Rbt. Bearse, Bill 269, Beasley, Mary Beasley, Thomas Beauchamp, Luther Beauchamp, Marguerite Back, Jeff Beck, Mary Beck, Sara Becker, Albert Backer, James Becker, Janet Baddingfield, Louise Beebe, Vincent Begsted, Wolf Behr, Jack Belbeck, Bill Belcher, Patricia Belcher, Susan Bel I, Arwena Bell, Barbara 139, 148 Bell, Beverly 204, Bell, Bill Bell, Christie 166, Bell, ' Clark Bel I, Conrad Bell, Dianna Bell, Elizabeth Bell, Harvey Bell, Judy Bell, Martha Bel I, Nancy Bemmet, Joan Benedetti, Jay 270 250, 377 129, 232 334 310 258 206 269 260, 377 347 353 234, 377 238 222 377 377 232, 377 264, 341 266,, 377 360, 377 334, 358 304 106, 108 109, 210 262, 378 292 260 250 250 360, 378 208, 378 338 378 242 144 218, 378 337 378 254 378 212 244 264 338, 345 305, 360 342 257 246 304, 353 378 334 378 360 254 . 378 333 378 378 378 234, 329 378 128 248 279 378 378 236 , 168, 329 338, 339 352, 353 202, 206 358 136 236 222, 378 378 214 226 228 336 254, 378 Bennant, Stan Bennett, Anna Bennett, Charles Bennett, Doris Bennett, Joan Bennett, Margaret Bennett, Pom Bennett, ,Paul Bennett, Richard Bennett, Tom Benny, Elizabeth Bense Judy Benson Carole Benson, David Berger, Linda Berger, Paul Bergwin, C. Richard Berkeley, Bonnie Berrisford, Thomas Berry, Dennis Berryman, Jan Bertelsan, Greg Berthiaume, Nancy Betancourt, H. Bethea, Lou Betts, Joseph Batts, Melodie Betts, Wi I liam Bibent, Maurice 279 Biblcheimer, Terry Bicki , Carole Bicki, Christine Bielawa, Mary Biesekerski, Joan Bigelow, Sharon Biletnikoff, Fred 72 282, 285' Bi lyeu, Michael Binzel, Martha Birgfeld, Frank Bi shop, Bel la Bishop, Diane Bishop, Patricia Bitner, Glenn Bitting, Martha Black, David Black, Homar Black, Jennifer Black, Lulu Black, Thomas Blackwell, Dr. Gordon 23, 28, 69, 80, 135 Blair, Judy Blake, Judy Blake, Tom Blanchard, Ann Blanchard, John Blanchatte, Joan Bland, Lucy Blankenship, Buddy Blauvelt, Tony Blay, Mary Block, Carol Bloodworth, Moe Bloom, Mike Blount, Marian Blovin, Mike Blowers, Maida Blumeathul, Marcia Blunk, Joseph Board of Publications Boast, Carol Bodnar, M. Dian Boggs, Carol Bohn, George Bomar, Mary Bonar, Mary Bonino, John Bonner, Sandre Bonnet, Susie Booth, Rick 167, Booze, Judy 332 378 378 378 222 224, 378 348 314 250 378 378 353 358 358 218 334 378 222 378 264, 378 343 269 218 342 244 379 ■ 124 379 280, 289 264 267 218 226, 379 379 349 277, 279 289 290 379 379 343 238 379 362 220, 379 353 228,, 379 330 326 349, 350 218 269 22 365 239 140, 238 130, 248 360 379 239 208 279 379 212 379 292 244 379 310 214 129, 345 246, 379 131 218 379 208 379 214, 379 140 343 208, 379 338 168, 266 76, 236 W. ,311 Booze, Linda Bordeanx, John Born, Charlotte Bororiak, Larry Borst, Ronald Boscoe, Mike Bostain, Wi I liam Bott, Barbara Boughan, Karen Bourgeois, Roger Bouterse, James Boutwell, Bill Boutz, Linda Bowden, Bobby Bowden, Randall Bowder, Anna Bowe, Robin Bowers, Eunice Bowers, Kathi Bowes, Shirley Bowler, Barbara Bowles, Linda Bowles, Robert Bowman, Nancy Bowman, Patricia 212, 336, 379 Boyd, Mines 138, 254 326, 328, 372, 379 230, 379 353 142 353 252 246 254 238 239, 354 332 379 256, 316, 317 379 277, 279 250 379 348 379 358 218 212 239 258, 353, 379 224, 330, 345 Boyd, Linda 224 Boyd, Rev. Malcom 179 Boyer, Donna 222 Boyle, Susan 222 Boyter, Carole 206, 379 Bracklin, Thomas 380 Bradbury, Lynn 333 Braddy, Suzanne 210, 379 Bradford, Susanne 206, 336, 338 Brady /vAike 279 Braggins, David 279 Bramblett, Carolyn 380 Bromford, Fred 343 Branch, Ernie 337 Branch, Wm. 268, 380 Brandt, Barbara 234, 245 Brandt, Jim 122, 252 326, 370, 372, 380 Branka, Elaine 380 Brannon, Tom 169 Bransom, Suzanne 204, 339 Branson, Donna 202, 224 329, 331, 372, 380 Brantley, Connie 226 Brantley, Jan 202, 226, 255, 380 Brantley, Lynn 222 Brasfield, Luke 226, 380 Breazeale, Lynn 238 Breckenridge, Chas. 266 Breitkopf, Irma 380 Brennan, John 244, 380 Brennan, Larry 195 Brenner, David 271 Brewer, Bryan 246 Brian, Murphy 292 Bridges, Beverly 140, 224 Brigman, Patsy 212 Briley, Randy 260 Briley, Sheila 224 Brimmer, Terry 342, 380 Brinkman, Susan 206, 380 Brinson, Bob 334 Brinson, Stephen 380 Brock, Julie 206 Brockman, Keith 310 Brockway, Martha 224 Brodhead, Ken 358 Broghton, John 270 Brogle, John 266, 353 Bronke, Lynda 380 Brooker, Rod 264 Brooks, Richard 380 Brooks, Royce 353 Brooks, Sandra 202 208, 209, 380 Brooksbank, Susan 202 236, 380 206 206 67 270 340, 380 144 271 230 337 268 380 222, 358 236, 305 334 332 244 228 262 212, 349 238, 360 220, 380 220 380 Brose, Heide Brose, Penny Brothers Four Broughton, Richard Broward Hall Browdy, Dick Brown, Beverly Brown, Claudia Brown, David Brown, Dawn Brown, Diana Brown, Gai I Brown, Harry Brown, Jim Brown, Joseph Brown, Kathy Brown, Ken Brown, Linda Brown, Lynne Brown, Mary Brown, Peggy Brown, Phillip Brown, Randy 248,304,305,307 Brown, Stephen 260 Brown, Virginia 380 Browne, Pamela 380 Bruce, Herbert 332, 380 Brumbaugh, Karen 380 Brumm, Aron 139, 264 Brush, Amy 208 Bryan Hall 144 Bryan, Lorin 380 Bryant, Don 347 Bryant, Gov. Farris 291 Bryant, Janet 21 Bryant, Marguerite 380 Bryson, Martha 224, 380 Buchert, Gerald 381 Buck, Pearl 34 Buck, Rbt. 252 Buckley, Sidney 192 Buenzli, Michelle 236, 381 Buerke, Hugh 268 Buie, Betty Bukard, Jerry Bukowitz, Rosemary Chel y ington, Barbara ock, Billy ock. Brents ock, Cullen Bui Bui Bui Bui Bui Bundy, Pat Bunker, Bill Buny<in, Marti Burchett, Janet Burger, Pam Burgess, Marilyn Burhman, Patsy Burke, Robert Burkett, Allen Burner, Stewart Burnett, Russell Burnette, Dan Burnette, Mary Burnham, Patricia 226 332 381 226 142 350 252 310, 381 228, 349, 362 276 155 212 142. 338 381 372 246, 381 342, 381 314 258 248 226 166 224,' 329, 381 Burns, Gov. Haydon 26, 291 Burns, James 266,', 353 Burns, Lynn 222, 338 Burns, Ted 266 Burress, Mary 142,167,214,336 Burrows, Bette Burton, Dwight Burton, Sandra Burts, Joyce Burtt, Steve Busby, Sharon Business, School Bussel I, Bruce Bussey, Becky 381 176 238, 346 239, 339, 381 314 220 of 36 381 239 Bussey, John Butcher, Jennings Buterbaugh, Louis Butler, Coach Carl Butler, Frank Butler, J. But ler, Raymond Buzzett, Susan Bylsma, Joan Byrd, Connie Byrd, Iris Byrd, Lynn Byrd, W. J. c Caballero, Ann Cabana s, Billy Cabrera, Frank Cain, Catherine Cain, Kathy Caldwell, Terry Caldwel I, Walter Calfee, Judy Calhoun, Frank Calhoun, Mark Caliguire, Donna Cal lahan, Lynn Callaway, Tony Camde, Sarene Cameron, David Cameron, Randy Cameron, Reid Camfield, Valerie Camp, Don Campa, Pedro Campbell, Anne Campbe 1 1 169, Bill Bob E ve lyn Laurence Mary Pat 258, Campbel I Campbe 1 1 Campbe 1 1 Campbel I Campbe 1 1 Caneron, Randy Cann, Carolyn Cannon, Bruce Cannon, Jack Cantey, Janice Cantey, Mary Carey, Jefferson Carlile, Patricia Carlisle, Larry Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Sandra Carlson, Thomas Carnes, Carol Carolus, John Carpenter, Carol Carpenter, Joanne Carpenter, Johnnie Carpenter, Liesbeth Carr, Anne Carr, Thomas Carrico, Richard Carrington, Christine Carroll, Archie Carswell, Virginia Cartee, Kathy Carter, Cynthia Carter, Faye Carter, Patricia Carter, Tommy Casey, Carole Casey, Harold Cashell, Janice Cason, Dione Casper, Tom Casteel, Don Castner, Gary Casto, Catherine Caswell, Russell Cataro, Nick 242 347 246 310 269 342 270 145, 381 238,-349 381 381 220 343 381 381 381 206, 348 232 305 360 252 381 350 353 230 232 360 234 381 244 337 228 246 381 381 301 250 381 381 381 236 314 224 343, 381 133, 248 206 206 242, 381 214 381 254 40, 220, 239 381 140, 262, 279, 244, 248 228 264 382 202 222 239, 382 210, 382 242 301 210 382 206 218 305, 360 168 220 248 226 250 220 360 382 301 301 210 382 304 269, CatletT, Capt. A bert 337 Cato, Al 301, 302, 303 Cato, Thomas 254, 382 Causey, Lee. 242 Cavanaugh, Mary 214 Cavenaugh, Janie 230, 358 Cawthon Hall 145 Cecconi, Judith 218 Cernuto, John 256 Chad Mitchell Trio 186 Chadwick, Keith 382 Chalfa, Nicolai 382 Chalhub, Leon 304, 382 Chalmers, E. Laurence 34 Chalmers, Lynne 354 Chamberlain, Mike 246 Chamberlin, Lloyd 262, 382 Chambers, Karen 344 Chambless, Bonnie 224, 347 Champion, John E. 29 Chananie, Joel 382 Chancey, Tommy 248 Chanfrau, Bill 244 Chaomon, Mary 339 Chapman, Lore 345 Chapman, Mary 333 Chappell, Jim 332 Cheek, Sharon 239 Cheely, Janet 210 .Cheney, Bonnie 339 Cherney, Barbara 234, 382 Cherry, Kenneth 136,, 382 Cherry, Red 248 Chester, Sherian 339, 382 Chevelier, Myrna 382 Chickering, Norma 334 Chilcot, Kent 149 Childers, Harry 244 Chi Omega 214 Chisholm, Col 332 Chitgopekar, Sharad 78 Chmielewski, Garard 268 304, 305, 382 Choral Union 351 Christensen, Carolyn 128, 382 Christian, Henry 246 Christian Science Organ.. 358 Christianson, Carol 131 Chri stinason, S. 204 Church, Betty 220, 382 Churdar, John 347 Cianci, Ann 126, 127 Cibula, Frank 266, ,382 Circle K 334 Circus 90 Clagett, Gordon 252 Claiborne, Barbara 208 Claire, Carol 382 Clark, Diana 218 Clark, Donna 238, 382 Clark, Harold 264, 382 Clark, J. 342 Clark, John T. 382 Clark, Judy 382 Clark, Mary 339 Clark, Patricia 139, 142 232, 329 Clark, Ronnie 343 Clark, Sandra 142 232, 329 Clark, Sharron 230, 382 Clark, Steve 332 Clark, Wade 250 Clarke, Flo 349 Clarke, Jeff 256 Clarke, Jon 340 Clarke, June 212, 382 Clarke, Sandy 149 Clarke, Shei la 138, 224 Clayton, Marv in 342, 382 Claytor, Carole 208 Cleaveland, Helen 224 Clements, Cherilyn 208 Clements, Tom 343 Clewis, Martha 145 Ciiatt, Susan 360 Clifton, Carol 383 Clinkscales, Barbara 208, 383 C los ing 421 Coaroey, Boyd 337 Coarsey, Boyd 250, 251 Coates, ido 142 Coatta, John 277 Cobb, Lafaye 383 Cochran, Nancy 224, 383 Cody, Betty 232 Cody, Sharon 76, 345 Coe, Carol 218 Coe, Diane 230 Coffin, David 260 Cohen, Carol 383 Cohen, Mark 310 Cohen, Sydney 383 Cohen, Yvonne 305 Colby, Christine 76 Cold, Beth 220 Coldwell, David 383 Cole, DeMorce 220 Cole, Richard 242 Cole, Wm. 262, 383 Coleman, JoAnn 21 2 Coleman, Lauren 342, 383 Coley, Thomas 268, 383 Collier, Bill 270 Col 1 i er, Larol yn 230 Collins, Er'k 122, 131, 167 172, 326, 328, 370, 372, 383 Collins, Gov. Le Roy 163 Collins, Grace (Puggy ) 139 228, 329, 383 Collins, Merrill 383 Col 1 1 ns, Shi r ley 383 Col man, E 1 len 359 Colvin, Lynn 346 Combest, Susan 383 Combs, Ginny 212 Combs, Linda 214 Compton, Don 262 Coney, Buck 334 Connel 1, Judy 136 Conn el ly, Jan 228 Conoley, Lois 142, 230 Conrad, Isabel 239 Contreras, Alan 337 Contreras, Raymond 383 Conway, Pat 279 Cook, Carol 383 Cook, Mary 383 Cooke, Douglass 258 Cooke, Frank 258 Cooke, Robert 244, 383 Coolidge, Rita 208 Cooper, Alan 383 Cooper, E i leen 352 Cooper, Howard 3.83 Cooper, John 270 Cooper, Mari lyn 236 Cooper, Mickie 330 345 Cooper, Nancy 333 Cooper, Sandra 349 Cooper, Suzie 120 Xpplin; Candi 220 Cord.eil, Joe 242 Cords, Debbie 232 Corley, Alden 383 Corley, Anne 142, 236 Cor'lin, Barber 358 Corneal, Ann 349 Corned, Ann 345 Cornell, Richard 325 Cornet, Bob , , 123 Cornett, Mike 195 Cornwa 1 1, Terry 266 Correll,, Laraine 345 Corwin, Chas. 337 Cosby, Eurid 383 Cosby, Raymond Cosson, K. Costin, Rbt. Costner, Tom Costs, Ellen Coti I lion Cotsen, Roslyn Gotten, Mi Idred Cottingham, Becky Coughlin, Richard Counts, Suzanne 228, Courtoy, Mary 204, Courtney, Max Cousson, Kenneth Coverman, Esta Covert, James Cowart, Wayne 343, 224, 338, 339, 121, 125, 232, Ol 339, 254, Cowin, Tim Cowley, Richard Cox, Olive Craft, Judy Craig, George Craig, Sharon Cramer, Vicki Crapps, Anne Craven, Barbara Crawford, Kendra Crawford, Louis Crawford, Marion Crawley, Laurie Creely, Ken Creighton, Sharon Crespi 1, Marce 1 Lrews, Donna Crews, Go i I Crews, Peggy Cribb, Carolyn Grim, Karren Cripps, James Criser, Marshall Crisweil, Donna Croley, Stan 260, Crook, Bill Crosby, Dewey Cross, Margaret 344, Cross, Ralph 268, Grotty, Willard 242', Grotty, Wi Hard 242, Crouch, G- Crew, Tom Cruickshank, Bob 244, Crum, Elaine Crusoe, John Crutchfield, Bill 277, Crutchfield, M. Cruz, Eileen' 338, Cruz, L. Gubbon, Mr. Edward 319, Culpepper, Dr.- J. Broward Cultra, Paul 270, 347, Cumbie, Judy 228, 265, Cummer, John 31 Gummings, Carolyn Gundiff, Carole Cunningham,, Carol Cunningham, Dave Cunningham, Sharon Cur ran, David Curry, Merr i lee Curtain, Jim Curtis, Bettv Curtis, Jerry Curtis, Larry Cury, Jane Cusack, John Cutler, Elizabeth 212, Gutter, Joe Cygan,, Dorothy 202, 222, 204, 239, 244 342 268 383 336 346 220 383 169 383 383 383 125 384 359 268 124 131 244 269 384 384 260 214 339 263 384 212 268 210 384 305 384 354 339 206 136 76 212 384 27 224 279 353 384 384 343 384 384 340 358 310 210 248 270 342 345 342 347 27 384 384 , 78 344 224 136 305 136 341 384 384 353 384 360 337 345 384 384 360 349 r^ DeGroodt, Bill 250 u DeGroot, James 385 DeHoff,' Margaret 142, 166 Dagostino, Ph i 1 262 202, 206, 329 Dahleen, David 384 Deignan, Ellen 220, 385 Dahlguard, Erik 252 Delack, Elizabeth 334 Dai ley, Thomas 384 DeLaVergne, Ted 133, 248 d'Albenas, Saranne 384 249, 337, 385 Dale, Marty 248 Dell, Sam 27 Dale, Nancy 224, 384 DeLong, Donna 345 Daleen, Paul 384 DeLopez, Thomas 252, 279 D'Alessandro, Georg e 279 Delta Chi 246 Daley, Mary 228 Delta Delta Delta 216 Dallen, Dave 347 Delta Gamma 218 Daly, Cynthia 333 Delta Sigma Pi 343 Daly, Maureen 384 Delta Tau Delta 244 Danehy,, Ed 310 Delta Zeta 220 Donford, Dick 292 Dement, James 343, 385 Daniel, Biddy 345 DeMeritt, Carole 210 Daniel, D. 386 Demetry, Deeb 385 Daniel, Frances 206 Dempsey, George 248 Daniel, Nancy 206 Dennard, Robert 256, 385 Daniel, Sharon 234 Denney, Doug 248 Dani el , Tri sh 206 Denning, Shirley 212 Daniels, Carolyn 344 Denniston, Linda 350 Daniels, Harold 256 Denny, Sharon 210 Daniels, Nancy 356 Depew, C. Henry 334 Danielson, John 316, 317 Dermott, Allan 358 Danniels, Reiner 356 DeSouza, Russell 385 Danyluck, Richard 384 Detmer, Sonny 296, 304 Darby, Lynn 224 DeTure, Francis 262 Darling, Ann 224 Deutsch, David 275, 353 Darling, Robert 340, 384 Deutch, Linda 356 Dorst, R.. Paul 384 Deutsch, Randy 256 Dart, Bob 260 DeVane, Anne 214 Dote, Carol 338 DeVane, Donald 262 Datesman, George ' 384 DeVane, Mike 242, 372 Daughtry, James 268 DeVrick, Vicki 360 Dougherty, Jane 218 Dey, Gary 343 Davenport, Sandra 218 DeZeeuw, Paul 268, 314 David, Paul 384 Dibble, Ann 142, 149, 212 David, Robin 271 Dibenedetto, Jose phi ne 358 Davidson, Paul 242 Dickenson, Donne 349 Davie, Malcom 169 Dickey, Alfred 268 Davies, Alice 224 Dickinson, Jay 136 Davies, Carole 236 Dickinson, Joy 228, 345 Davis, Barbara 224, 385 Dickinson, Nannette 345 Davis, Carolyn 344 Dickinson, Patsy 142 Davis, Chas. 258 Dicus, Sue 121, 224, 330, 345 Davis, Donna 385 Didier, Ray 343 Davis, Dorothy 344, 385 Diehl, Joanne 144 Davis, Doug 326 Dierks, Henrietta 208, 385 Davis, Ellen 224, 385 Dietrich, JoAnna 232, 372, 385 Davis, Geo. 262 Dieudinne, Jim 155 Davis, Harry 337 Dillmann, Clifforc 385 Davis, John 262 Di 1 Ion, David 385 Davis, Marvin 151 Di 1 Ion, Dani e 1 252 Davis, Pamela 228 Dimitri, Michael 256 Davis, Thomas 254, ,385 Dine, Sylvia 142, 333 Davy, Marvin 385 Dingeldey, Pete 343 Davy, Elizabeth Dirks, Marri lee 253 Dawkins, Elizabeth 385 Dirman, Jay 337 Dawson, Bill 277, 279 Dittmer, Karl 33 Dawson, Robert 337, 385 Dixion, Irene 224, 327 Day, Barbara 344 329, 373, 385 Day, Dean Harry 29, 62, 135 Dixon, Cissy 212 Day, John 385 Dixon, James- 254, 385 Day, Linda 238 Dixon, Walt 332 Dayton, Gene 310, 311 D'Lugos, Steve 248 Deak, Erene 333 Dobson, Dr. Jack 358 Dean, Ava 145 Dobson, Sarah 385 Dean, A veri 1 385 Dodd, Harry 332 Dean, Gregory- 260 Doelker, Doris 385 Dean, James 385 Domino, Carl 137 169, 334 Deari ng, James 252 Donahue, Virginic 360 DeArmas, Kathleen 214, 338 Donaldson, Ethel 192, 386 Debus, Sigi 236 Donnelly, Dink 242 DeCosmo, James 347 Donohue, Pat 121 Dedication 22 Donovan, Paul 258 Deeb, Diana 234 Dooley, Sarah 350 Deese, Paul 248 Doomar, Pat 224 329 386 Deese, Walter 334, 385 Dorman Hall 146 DeGraff Hall 145 Dorminy, Larry 193 Dorton, Jacqueline 218 El ington, Scott 340 Douchan, Virginia 234 El iott, Ernest 332 337 Doughtie, Francis 169 , 206 El iott, Joanne 232 , 387 Douchan, G. 386 El is, F. 387 Dowdy, Cheryl 151 345 El is, Patti 236 Downey, P. 386 El is, Roy 332 Doyle, Ken 292 El is, Rebecca 220 ,387 Doyle, Ruth 137 329 Elphick, H. 387 331 373 386 Elphride, Herb 355 Doyle, T. 386 Elsberry, Morcelyn 212 Drake, Helen 202, 206 , 346 386 Elswick, Susannah 234 387 Drake, Nealy 204 386 Ely, G. 387 Driver, Ausonia 220 Emmelhainz, E. 387 Driver, M. Coleman 258 Emmons, Bob 352 Dube, Shirley 142 353 Emmons, Margaret 206 Duchak, Dean 304 Endry, Joe 316 Duckworth, Suzanne 354 Enfinger, Christine 236 Dudley, D. 386 Engineering Sci., Sch ool f 40 Dudley, Lynn 120, 345 England, Dorothy 339 Dudley, Robert 332 England, Sanford 254 Dudney, Dennis 242' Epperson, Brenda 335 Duffy, Gerald 252, 386 Erikson, Henry 266 Duggan, Rbt. 258 Ernest, Ron 337 Duggar, E. 386 Ernst, Ronald 250 Duggins, Pat 140 Ervin, R. 242 387 Duke, Thomas 260, 386 Erwin, Betty 349 Du 1 len. Grant 305 Erwin, Tom 260 Duncan, Carl 386 Estes, Betty 208, 387 Duncan, Diane 228, 386 Etchison, M. 387 Duncan, Mary 218 Ethridge, Roy 340 Duncan, Sara 214 Eubonks, Don 260 Duncan, Thomas 242 Evans, Bill 254 Duncan, Wm. 250 Evans, D. 387 Dunklefs, David 264 Evans, N- 387 Dunlop, Robert 254 Evening of Dance 194 Dunn, Chuck 360 Everett, Dr. Peter 347 Dunn, Janet 336, 338, 345 Evers, Christine 228 Dunn, Royal 340 Everson, Sarah 208, 336 Dunn, Sharon 138, 142, 386 Eward, Ronald 248 Dunphy, E i leen 224 EyI 387 Duren, George 268 Eymon, Janice 218, 387 Durham, Coach Hugh 292, 316 Ezell, Martha • , 224 Durham, Wm . 262, 386 Durocher, R. 386 r Durrance, Linda 338 F " "■ Durrett, Linda 238, 386 1 Dutcher, Janice 224, 338 ^ Dutcher, Timmie 140, 224 Fabry, M. 387 338, 386 Fagan, Leo 343 Duxbury, Vivian 48 Fa n, Martha 230 Dwight, Vicki r 230 Fa Fa Fa n, Sarah r, Nancy rai 1, Noe 1 234 238 360 - c Fa Fa Fa rchild, Chas. rhead, F.. rs. Buzz 292 342 354 Eardly, W. 386 Fa ardo, Tessie 108, 111, 336 Earley, Chas. 264 Fa ck, W. 387 Early, Sr. 386 Fa ks, James 250 Earnest, Bill 250 Farley, Joe 260 Earnest, L. 386 Farley, Lucy 212 Eason, L. 386 Farmer, Duane 305 Easterling, E. 386 Farrar, Mary 224 Eastridqe, Lyda 208 Fashion, inc. 339 Eaves, James 244, 337 Faulds, Anna 1 42, 149 ,214 329 Echevarria, W. 386 Fouls, Don 276 Economoppu los, Vassi 1 i ss 78 FEA 334 Eddins, Janice 362, 363 Feagle, F. 387 Eddins, Laura 204, 386 Feies, Bob 305 Eden, Mark 252 Feldmon, Dr. Robert 348 Edgar, Enid 208 Fel lenz, Lon 262 Edge, Billie 222, 386 Felts, Tana , 228 Edsall, H. 386 Fenn, Jane 222 Education, School of 38 Ferger, M.. 387 Edwards, F. 387 Ferguson, Brenda 239 Edwards, Jack Egan, Bonnie 278, 279 Ferguson, J. 387 128 Ferguson, James 250 Eggart, Emi ly 226 Ferguson, V. 387 Egner, Mary Lou 208, 387 Ferlita, Geraldind 220, 387 Ehler, Howard 279 Fernandez, Dick 304, 305 Eisenberg, Barry 270 Ferran, M. 387 Elder, C. 387 Ferrante & Teicher 187 Elefante, Rbt. 268 Fer rel 1, Barbara 239 Ferrel I, Larry Ferrell, Nancy Ferrell, Odie Ferry, Doug Ferry, James Fichtner, T Fick, M. Figeroa, Rita Finch, Mori lyn Fincher, Susan Fink, Leo FinkI, B. Finlayson, M. Fischer, Russell Fitz, D. Fitzgerald, Bunny Flack, Bill F lambeau Flandfeau, Denny Fleishel, Ann F leming, J . Fleming, Mike Fletcher, Bunny Fletcher, David Fletcher, Tina 246, 262, 131, 329, 331, 264, 230, 388 250, 232, 257, 329, 373, Flitcraft, Allan 347, 353, Florida Hall Flowers, Ann Flowers, Genelda Flowers, N. Flowers, W. Floyd, Dr. Carlisle 56, 57, Floyd, Don 278, 279' Floyd, M. Fluhr, Rbt. Focht, M. Fogle, Patricia 239, Folger, John Folsom, Dotty Fones, Jeff - Fonts, Linda ■ ' Football Force, Nancy Ford, F. Ford, J. ■;. Ford, Terry Forehand, Ron Formon, Dr. Charles Forson, P. Forster, Arthur 264, Forte, Patsy Fortin, George Foss, M. Fossett, M. Foster, Gloria 345, Foster, Jim Fountain, Pete 4-H Club Fowler, Becky Fox, Dr. Vernon Foye, Nancy Francis, Carolyn Francis, Margarette 222, Franco, John Franklin, Leona 330, Frank I in, W. : ' Fransler, Dianne Frantzis, Fanitsa Franz, Kathy Fronzino, Jane Frotorcangelo, Janice Frawley, Jimmy Frazer, John 1 21 , Frazier, Evelyn Frozier, James Fred eri ckson, Linda Free, Martha Freeland, L. Freeman, Pat 124, 327, 370, French, John Freshman Flunkies 3601 360 387 301 387 387 388 345 347 224 388 388 388 388 260 342 3^ 137 122 310 154 388 388 338 262 327 388 388 146 345 239 388 388 176 286 388 264 388 388 52 333 332 226 280 345 388 388 236 350 27 388 337 349 31 388 388 353 350 170 344 222 50 358 238 348 343 358 388 349 218 154 218 238 343 252 206 250 218 168 388 388 258 335 Freund, R. Frey, E I i zabeth Frey, Judy Friedman, C. Frieden, Joan Friedman, Harry Friese, B. Friese, John Fritz, Richard Fritz, Rick Fritz, Wm. Frontier, Mary Frutchey, Irvin Frutchey, W. Fry, Darol FSU Sal ling As soc. FSU Soccer Club Fugate, Glenda Fuller, J. Fuller, M. Fuller, Sally 17 Fulton, Rbt. Futch, Henry 388^ 218 218 388 349 244 388 258 254 137, 388 246 230, 338 250 388 248, 389 355 354 210, 389 389 389 , 305, 349 337 256 G Gable, Shirley 212 389 Gainey, Sydned 301 Galanes, Patricia 226 Galbroith, Al 131 134 252 Gobrick, D. 389 Galvin, Mary 239 389 Gambi i 1, James 256 Gamma Phi Beta 222 Gamma Sigma Sigma 333 Gangloff, J. 389 Garcia, George 358 Garcia, Jim 260 Gardner, Caryl 212 Gardner, Elizabeth 228, 389 Gardner, Gai 1 214 Gardner, Sarah 222 Gardner, Stowe - 270 Gardner, Thomas 250 Garlick, Patricia 76 Garner, Donna 347 Garner, G- 342 Garner, Liz 345 Garnet Key 329 Garrett, Margaret 239 Garrison, Edward 258 Garvin, Terry 279 Garwood, Tommy 166, 242, 326 Gary, Leslie 228 Gasque, Bradford 266 Gates, M. 389 Gatlin, Ervin 350 Gatlin, Marshall 246 Gator Bow 1 290 Gay, S. 389 Geiger, R. ' 389 Gersenhof, J. 254 Geldert, Linda 236 Genti le, Chas . 32, 270 George, Booxsey 232 George, D. 389 George, Helen 206 Geroghty, Kathleen 354 Gerding, Mary 356 Gergen, Paulette 46 Germack, Maryann 389 Germain, Gloria 345 Gero, Tony 279 Gervais, F. 389 Gettel, Barbara 349 Giardino, Wayne 279, 291 Gibert, C. 389 Gibson, S. 389 Giebeig, Olivia 210 Gieda, Mary 210, 389 Gilbart, Kenneth 248 Gilbert, Carole 226 Grant, Donald 264 Gi Ibert, Lynda 218 Grant, Doris 349 G 1 Ibert, Sandy 347 Grant, Richard 244, 342 Gilchrist Hall 147 Grantham, D. 390 Gilley, Ruth 334 Grassl, S. 390 Gi 1 ley, Sandra 232, 389 Grossman, Patricia 239 Gilliam, Bill 248 Gray, James 254 Gi 1 more, Jane 234, 345 Gray, John 248, 390 Gilstra P. 389 Gray, P. 390 Girardin, Ivan 347 Grealy, JoAnne 239 Gi rovord, Ph i 1 343 Greek Week 200 Givens, Robert 254 Green, F. 390 Glasberg, Bob 242 Green, Gretchen 220 Glass, Susan 228 Green, Hubert 258 Glasscock, Sherra 208 Green, J. 260, 342, 390 Glazer, David 264 Green, Larry 254, 279 Gleason, Barbara 218, 228 Green, Vivian 226 Gleason, Barbara 218, 228, 389 Greenbaum, E 1 1 1 ot 271 Gleason, Barbara 390 Greenwood, K. 390 Glendinning, Karen 210, 390 Greer, B. 390 Glenn, Bill 260, 292 Greer, Carol 344 Glenn, Hortense 42 Gregory, Gerri 239 Glenn, Linda 360 Gregory, Leo 268 Glorius, S. 390 Gregory, Howard 264 Glover, M. 390 Gregory, T. 390 Glover, R. 390 Greiff, N. 390 Glover, Rbt. 246 Grenwis, M. 390 Glover, Rosalie 333 Grierson, Jack 256 Gochman, Lenie 359 Griesheimer, Donald 250 Goddard, Donald 256, 352 Griffin, Ginny 339 Goddard, Wml. 256, 262, 389 Griffin, Joanne 148, 224, 338 Godfrey, B. 389 Griffin, Sharon 236, 350 Goggans, Digne 220 Griffis, E. 390 Goins, Elaine 76, 232 Griffis, Wilmer 248 Gold, Alan 264 Griffith, Suzanne 224 Gold Key 328 Grigg, Barbara 224 Goldsmith, Linda 76 Griggs, Lynn 234 Golf 316 Grimm, J. 390 Goller, George 256 Grimm, Karen 210 Golson, Grady 137 Grimm, Susan 120, 228 Goltz, Jack 246 Griner, Janeace 234 Gomez, Marianne 220 Gringle, Marc lo 206, 390 Gomon, Martin 266 Grissom, Betty 214, 391 Gonzalez, Larry 141, 262 Groetsch, Kay 208 Gonzalez, Pete 292, 293 Groot, Jim 82 294, 298, 389 Groover, Jay 242 Gooch, Hubert 252, 390 Gross, Linda 224, 327 Goodbread, Joy 334 329, 373, 391 Goode, Ken 271 Grossenbacher, Betsy 349 Goode, Sharon 142, 220 Grossenbocher, Carolyn 339 Goodin, Janie 204 Grover, D. 391 Goodman, Joanne 226 Grow, Thomas 246 Goodman, Ram 129, 232 Grubbs, Diane 236, 391 Goodson, J. 389 Grubeck, K. 391 Goodson, Sharon 228 Guornieri, Dick 340 Goodwin, A. 390 Guides, Barbara 202, 212 Gordon, Donna 218, 236 213, 391 Gordon, James 256 Gulick, Carol 210 Gordon, Scotty 354 Gunter, Herman 279 Gordon, Shirley 224, 390 Guse, Steve 314 Gore, Johnnie 330 Gustovson, Kenneth 256 Gorlick, J. 342 Guthrie, Darryl 301 Goss, Jerry 250 Gutherie, Scott 310 Gossett, Linda 356 Guthrie, Suzanne 239, 339, 391 Goucher, Bob 151 Guy, Louis 250 Gough, Kay 228 Guynn, Chas. 258 Gouza, Helena 204, 389 Gy mnastica 352 Govington, Richard 244 Gymnastics 318 Gowen, Connie 200, 224, 336 ■ ■ Gower, Gail 224 LI Grace, Geanavie 212, 390 n Graduate School 52 Graham, Chas. 246, 390 Haas, Elizabeth 76, 239, 352 Graham, Joyce 305, 349 Hackett, Jim 332 Graham, Nita 226 Hackler, Nadine 325 Graham, Kay 218, 339 Hackworth, John 252 Grahm, Sally 148, 214, 338 Hoddon, John 337 Grady, Joan 234 Haferkamp, June 230, 391 Gromling, Bob 274 Hagan, Dorothy 214 Granda, Judy 230, 390 Hagan, E. 391 Grandberry, Glenda 212. Hagan, Mary 204 Grant, Bruce 340, 390 Hagan, Stephanie 214 Hager, AIfy Hailey, Donna Hair, Ann 226, 256, 228, 234, 242, 135 226, 206, Hall, Bill Hall, David Hall, Ram 202 Hall, Richard Hall, Wm. Hall of Fame Hallstrand, Patricio Halter, L. Homi I i n, Ann Hami in, C. Hamilton, MrsI Bess Hami Iton, Potric ia Ham i Iton, Sandy Hamm, Donald Hammond, Audrey Hammond, Bill Hammond, Karen Hammond, Kim Hancock, John Hancock, Kathy Hancock, Myra Hand, Steve Honey, Arthur Honey, Mike Hanger, D. Hankins, Diane Hankms, Mary v 214, Hanley, P. 342^ Hanna, P. Hanson, Christina Hanson, Mark Hanson, N. Hapke, R. Harbeson, Cobb Harbin, Mary Harbison, Bob 277, Horby, Mandy 232^ Harden, Shei la Hordison, Shirley 353, Hardy, Charlotte Hardy, Colonel B. Hardy, James Harmon, Bill Horned, George Harper, Diane Harper, Elizabeth 228, Harper, Sherry Harrel I, Doug Harreil, Thomas 332, Harris, Ben Harris, Denise Harris, Josie 353, Harris, Ken 305, Harrison, Boya Harrison, Bertha Harrison, Dottie Harrison, Ginger 167, Harrison, Thomas Horri son,- Virginia 214, Hart, J. Hart, Ken Hartigan, Ethel Hartke, Don 270, Harvey, Susan Harwood, Kitty Harwood, Paulo Haskins, Marcia Hoss ler, Cami I le Hoswell, Donna Hatch, Bob , Hatcher, Mori lee Hatfield, Fred Houlman, Clyde 260, Havlick, Carol Hawkins, Chuck Hawkins, Patricia Hawley, Kathryn Hay, Reido 76, 12, 77, 230, 234, 244! 224 261 360 279 391 268 391 370 228 391 146 391 270 391 232 391 334 304 202 329 279 244 360 391 332 260 304 342 347 391 391 391 358 350 39i 391 260 238 279 391 220 391 206 367 32 264 340 222 232 228 360 391 266 344 391 360 27 358 210 202 268 391 391 254 392 310 212 232 222 108 336 338 226 246 237 304 392 392 304 214 392 392 Haydon, Julie Hayes, Helen Hayes, Ray Hayman, Beverly Haynes, Kathy 202, Haynes, Rbtl Haynie, Roberta Hays, Gory Hays, Rbt. Hoys, Sandra Hazel, Howard Hozelwood, Alice Heoly, Richard Heath, Jerry Heaton, Ellen Heaton, Greer Heberling, Jean Heberling, Nancy Hebert, Steve Heck, William Heckenberg, Bruce Hedgecock, David Hei land, Shoryn Hei Iburn, James Hei Iburn, James Heisler, Tut Heitz, Gunter Helm, James Helms, Lloyd Henderson, Dr. Edgar Henderson, Gale Henderson, Hi Ida Henderson, Patty 208, Henderson, Robert Henderson, Sallie Henderson, Sherman 310, Hendrick, M. Katherine Hendry, Katherine Hendry, Laureen 258, 239, 141, 218, 204, 342, 358, 269, 214, 328, 305, 142, 310, Hendry, Thomas Heney, Donald Henley, Addie Henn, Eorle Hennessy, Jane 228, Henry, Thomas 139, Hequist, Ed Herman, Dick Herman, Missy Hern, Richard Hernandez, Raul Hero, Ann Herold, Avo 238, Herrin, Mary 232, Herring, Dorlo Herring, Jock 246, Herring, Jack 246, Herring, Nina 225, Herrmann, Mary Herron, Rbt. Hershey, Susan 208, Hester, James Hester, Mary Hey, Ken 134, H H H Hicks, Mary 305, 349, H H H H __ High, James 256, H H H H H H H H Hill, Norman 332, bbe, Goi I ckman, Elizabeth cks, Donnie cks, Mary cks, Richard gdon, Cher/ I ggens. Homer ggins, Homer gh, James Iburn, Jim Iburn, Richard Iderbrand, John Ifiker, Carol , Andy , Bunker , Don , James , Norman 173 69 392 392 349 242 392 244 262 392 254 230 256 392 239 339 358 392 155 326 242 392 347 263 262 310 392 262 256 177 232 333 392 248 219 254 392 392 392 204 339 392 392 392 264 338 262 310 279 228 392 244 210 392 392 232 392 392 392 238 246 392 243 222 254 210 212 244 392 340 392 393 270 393 252 262 393 344 168 243 360 393 393 Hill, Paul Hill, Suzan Hillburn, Richard Hillel Foundation H i I Iman, Jane Hi I Iman, Mol ly Hi I s, Vickie Hi lyard, Sutton Hines, Betty Hines, Buzz Hines, Emmett Hines, Ron Hines, Susan H inson. Bill Hinterkopf, Ellen Hirning, Annemarie Hirt, Elizabeth Hitchison, Rick Hix, Joyce Hixson, Elaine Hobbs, Roger Hochstein, Mike Hodge, Tricia Hodges, John Hodges, Laura Hodson, Diana Hoefle, Kent Hoey , William Hoff, Sandra 142, 144, Hogan, Mary Hogan, Pat Hogan, Richard Hogg, James Hogshead, George Hohman, Peggy Holbwell, Barbara Holcombe, Judy Holdener, Linda Hollady, Austin Ho! land, Gai I Holland, Nancy Holland, Ray Hollern, Thomas Holley, John Holley, Sharon Hoi limon, Paula Hoi lingsworth, Guy Hollister, Bill Hoi Iman, Terry Holman, Lucy Holmes, Alan Holmes, Charles Holmes, Sandra Holt, Kathy Holt, Marvin Home Economics Home Economics Club Homick, Steven Honor Court Hood, Becky Hood, Joanne Hood, Robin Hooks, Carolyn Hooper, James Hope, Christina Hopkins, Dee Hopkins, Mrs. Helen Hopkins, Maurice Hopkinson, Sue Horn, Dick Hornbeck, James Hornbrook, Edwin Home, Paige Home, Phy I I is Horwitz, Steve Hosack, John Hosek, Connie Hosier, Wm. Hostnick, Richard Houlihan, Catherine Houmes, Gary House, Jim 142, 142, 210, 204, 262, 329, 335, 260, 341 142 393 359 214 142 345 243 393 168 266 343 232 266 226 212 393 304 393 393 393 260 220 248 393 393 268 393 333 339 31 263 393 250 339 206 137 358 361 214 339 350 393 120 393 393 268 254 393 230 269 365 338 238 332 42 339 393 138 228 219 214, 345 204, 393 334 225, 393 208 358 305 353 238 195 393 393 393 338 359 279 353 269 246 393 340 360 208, 305, 343, 212, 239, 138, 220, 230, 304, 338, 76, Houser, Hank 139 Houser, Janice 232, 393 Howard, Barbara 394 Howard, Jacqueline 394 Howard, Jimmie 394 Howard, Mark 269, 394 Howard, Pat 171 Howell, Ed 304, 353 Howell, Martin 243, 394 Howell, Patricia 229, 338 Howell, Sharon 142, 212 Howell, Tina 214, ,338 Howen, Robert 342, 394 Howie, Carol 210 Howland, Elaine 394 Howland, Patty 347 Howland, Preston 310 Howse, Jennifer 142, 144, 329 Howser, Joyce 232 Hoxit, Ray 301, 394 Hubbard, Jan 142 Hubbard, Mary 234 Hubbard, Rudy 264 Hudson, For 210 Hudson, Fred 279 Hudson, Sylvia 219 394 Huey, Mike 248 Huffoker, Sallyanne 214 Huffer, Sue 202, 230 Hufford, Dee 167 Huggins, Ada 222 Hughes, Marsha 232 Hull, Alice 349, 394 Hull, Dave 332 Hul 1, Sharon 210, 394 Hulsey, Sarah 226 Hummel, Janice 239, 394 Humphrey, Patty 208 Humphreys, Flo 214, 394 Humphries , Samuel 243, 394 Hungate, Bill 332 Hunt, Charles 254, 394 Hunt, Jane 142, 230 Hunt, Lynn 208, 336 Hunter, Cheryl 339 Hunter, Elaine 204, 336 Hunter, Jerolyn 222 Hunter, Joan 206, 394 Hunter, Penny 230, 394 Hunter, Sandra 394 Hurd, Frederick 394 Hurel, George 394 Hurlburt, Gary 141, 252 Hurlbut, Laurie 348 Hurst, Lou 204 Hussey, Michael 394 Huston, Thomas > 347 Hutchens, Paul 394 Hutcheson, Larry 394 Hutchinson, Ann 206 Hutchinson, Barbara 360 Hutchmson, Lee 230 Hutchinson, Rick 254 Hutchinson, L. Sharor 208, 394 Hutchison, Harriet 354, 394 Hutchison, Mary 142, 232 Hutson, Dottie 234 Huxe 1, Ge o. 270 I 229, Ido, Chas. Impara, James Index Ines, Ni la Ines, Rita Ingroham, Lynda Inghrarn, Patricia Ingles, Thomas Ingram, Barney Ingram, Diane 244 394 424 239, 333, 360 142 360 76 394 350 76 Ingram, Patricia Inter-Class Council Interj'-Fraternity Council International Students Intramura Is Ireland, Marion Irwin, Bunny Irving, Jo Irving, Jody Irwin, David I rw i n , Galen Irwin, John Isacrios, Jo Isbell, Cherry Issacs, Don Issacs, Edward Isenhower, Charlie Isom, Audrey Ivey, Bruce 254, 338, 230, 169, 219 141 240 78 320 394 230 395 353 169 305 395 345 345 332 395 395 395 248 J Jackman Joanne 395 Jackson, Austin 395 Jackson, Bob 263 Jackson, Bill 354 Jackson, J i m 332 Jackson, Judy 210 Jackson, Leatri ce 395 Jackson, Leo 332 Jackson, Pat 360 Jacobs, Chery 1 334, 395 Jadwin, Rbt. 251 Jai 1 let. Paul 248 Jaisler, Jack 269, 310 James, , Charles 395 James, Don 277, 279 James, _ udy 305, 349 James, Todd 258 Jarvis, _ eremy 395 Jemi son Jack 244 Jenkins, Betty 395 Jenks, Patricia 210, 395 Jennie Murphree 148 Jenni ngs , Evan 252, 253 Je nnings , Michael 243, 395 Jen son. Karen 229 Jensen, Ken 258 Jemigan , Thomas 268 Jesick, Ju 1 i enne 396 Jessup, Tom 244 Jeter, B arbara 305 Joel , M adge 395 Joel, Mary 219 Joel, Mr Richard 324, 340 Johancs k, Julie 204, 339, 395 Johansen, Arne 258, ,395 John, Marie 395 Johnson Arthur 395 Johnson Clifford 395 Johnson Dee Dee 360 Johnson Edmund 243, 395 Johnson E lizabeth 231 Johnson Eugenia 237 Johnson George 337 Johnson Gera Id 395 Johnson Gi ni 231 Johnson James 395 Johnson Jay 395 Johnson Joyce 237 Johnson Ken 279 Johnson Li nda 140 Johnson Luci Baines 66 Johnson Mrs. Lyndon Baines 66, 67 Johnson Lynn 254 Johnson Mari lyn 232, 395 Johnson Nedra 231, 348, 395 Johnson Patty 349 Johnson Patri c ia 237 Johnson Phyllis 395 Johnson Rbt. 395 Johnson, Sharon 151 Johnson, Susan 396 Johnson, Wm. 263 Johnston, Harry 396 Jones, Andrea 232 Jones Barbara 219 Jones Beverly 195 Jones Bonnie 212 Jones Brenda 219 Jones Candy 210 Jones Ceci lia 345 Jones Charlotte 204, 212 Jones Chotsie 142 Jones Dana 360 Jones Donald 268, 396 Jones Donovan 279 Jones Gordon 243 Jones Harry 343 Jones Hilda 329, 396 Jones James 260, 373, 396 Jones Jan 226, ,350 Jones Jerry 279 Jones Jim 141, 326, 328 Jones John 260, 326, 370, 396 Jones J . Will lam 396 Jones Kathy 232, 333 Jones Lucinda 210, 396 Jones Mari lyn 232 Jones Nancy 137 258, 396 Jones Rbt. 396 Jones Ricie 169 Jones Tina 219 Jordan, Dorothy 212, 396 Jordan, Larry 268 Jordan, Raleigh 396 Jordon, Joyce 360 Joseph, Paul 264 Josephson, Beverly 231, 396 Joyce, Dion 396 Joyner, Paula 360 Judiciary 139 Junior Counselors 142 Justo, Celso 268 K Kahrs, Gregory 256 Kairalla, Pat 347 Kaiser, Gertrude 221 Kaleel, Paul 252 Kane, Deborah 204, 396 Kappa Alpha 248 Kappa Alpha Theta 224 Kappa Delta 226 Kappa Kappa Gamma 228 Kappa Sigma 250 Karst, Marilyn 396 Katherman, Cathy 226 Kavonagh, Laura 396 Kaygi, Aii 78 Keadle, Susan 305, 360 Kearney, Pamela 338 Keating, Kathleen 396 Kecklovich, John 354 Keene, Patricia 222 Keeney, Smokey 254 Keeter, Patrick 246, 396 Keglovich, J. 342 Keirs, Russell 54 Keller, Sandra 396 Keiley, Dorothy 330 Kel ley, Mary Ann 396 Keiley, Mary 232 Kellogg, Peter 269 Kellum Hail 149 Kelly, Anne 225 Kelly, Claudia 137, 206 Kelly, Judy 221, 342 Kelly, Larry 260 Kelly, Margaret 396 Kelly, Pat 263 Kelly, Paul Kendall, Harold Kenno, Murray W. Kennedy, Bi 1 1 Kennedy, Coach Bud Kennedy, Jim Kennedy, Lynn Kennedy, MoryLynn Kennedy, Peggy Kennedy, Wallace Kennedy, Wm. Kenney, Laurette Kenney, Thomas Kenny, Timothy Kent, Dennis Kent, Mrs. Thyra Kenyon, Barbara Kerker, Raymond Kerley, Douglas Kermode, Kanel la Kerr, Scott Kerrigan, Sharon Kershaw, Kay Kesden, E i leen Ketchum, Kay Kettlety, Suan Kidd, Korol Kidd, Wm. Kiefer, Don Kiertekles, Joseph Kiker, Claire Kile, Brenda Ki Igroe, Com 144^ 220, Ki I lion, Joyce 329, 371, I I lan, Kathy llian, Kit 336, Ipatrick, Virginia mbrough, John mbrough, Sue ng, Betty Bill c. Cathryn Chas. Conni e 21 2, Dale James Mary 208, 222, Robert Sandy Susan Dr. T. R. ngston Trio nsey, Brenda nsey, Martha nsey, Patsy pe, Katherine rby, Lynn rk, Frank rk. Tommy rkland, Ellen ser, Randall sh, Andrea ssel, Kenneth ttendorf, Del Klare, Kathy Kleiderer, Paula Klein, Jolene Klein, Raymond 340, Klein, Sally Kleinfeld, Pot Klepp, Beverly 251 251 ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng ng Kmetz, Andrea Knarr, Jean Knerr, Peggy Knight, C. Knopke, Sue Knowles, Jerry Knowles, Joanne Knudson, Diane Kobre, Ken 331 332 396 31 332 292, 298 343 336 204 345 396 396 396 397 397 397 266 237 358 397 397 256 397 239, 397 359 229, 347 339 237 263, 397 261 343, 397 231 222 221, 329 132, 327 374, 397 327 366, 397 339' 397 336 208 261 252 397 252 344, 397 258 27 336, 397 266 258 237 195 187 333 350 397 221 142 257 261 397 246 226 397 337 221 210 397 343, 397 120, 335 234 216, 329 338, 397 142, 227 168, 333 330 342 210, 397 397 330 204 330 Koch, Michael Koch, Pamela Koenig, Sharon Koger, Harold Kohlman, Dottie Kohne, Joan Kohne, Myra 137, 234, Kohnen, John Kolb, J. Kopp, Molly Korbal, T. Korn, Robert Korp, John Koundooroiti s, Stephar Kozel, Joanne Kramer, Archie Krantz, C. Kraynak, Wm. Kreiton, Mary Krell, Bruce Kroboth, Robert Krohn, Ed Kruger, Doug Kucsma, Celia Kueck, Karen Kuersteiner, Karl Kull, Bob Kulp, Charles Kurth, Linda Kuritz, Andrew Kutzer, Howard Kux, Joan 204 -254, 214, 202, 336, 358, 252, 227, 339, 310 338 397 55 374 234 338 310 342 229 342 398 398 398 221 164 342 251 142 398 343 398 310 398 398 46 304 398 204 343 398 345 L LaBar, Charles 398 LaBat, David 261 Labauve, Carol 333 Lach, Herbert 251 LaCombe, Marshall 156 Lacy, Ben 337 Lager, Tom 261 LaGrone, Linda 398 Lai r, Bonni lu 233 Lair, Dottie 233 Laird, Gene 248 Laird, Lauren 345 Laird, Suzanne 229, 336 Lai rsey. Bill 332, 337 Lamarchie, Alan 279 Lamaze, George 340 Lamb, Paula 398 Lambda Chi Alpha 252 Lambert, John 244 Lambert, Paul 305 Landfair, Ellen 344 Londis Hall 152 Landis, Steve 261 Landphair, Sally 204 Lane, Ginger 398 Lane, John 342, 398 Lane, Mike 343 Lane, Pat 333 Lane, Patricia 225 Lanford, Asst. Coach 304 Langlais, Jean 182 Langston, Bill 360 Langston, Fenton 279 Langstroth, Russ 263 Lanier, Sherry 362 Lanier, Thomas 398 Lannon, Eileen 333 Largey, Rick 251 LaRoche, Carol 234 LaRoche, Josephine 234, 398 Larsen, Lesley 222 LaSanta, Thomas 244, 398 LaShel le, Dana 238 Lashua, Gary 398 Lasica, John 398 Lasserre, Judith 239 Last Lecture Series 176 Lively, Susan 204 , 336 ,338 339 Lastowski, Paul 398 Livingston, David 399 Loudens lager, Kristin 229, 339 Livingston, Haley 399 Laursen, Gary 247, 398 Livingston, Pat 221, 352 Lavin; Charles 358 Livingston, Renae 336 LaVine, Lawrence 398 Lloyd, Tom 310, 313 Law, Margaret 398 Lobban, Lee 247 Law, Mary 141 Lockard, Martin 332, 399 Lawerence, Gary ^3Tr4 Locke, Buddy 360 Lawrence, David 270 Locke, CJ^<ls 399 Lawrence, JoEttal38, 219, 352 Loeb, Mary 211 Lawrence, Rbt. 261 Loeser, Frank 399 Lawson, Jeffery 330 Long, Curtis 301 Lawson, Stan 337, 398 Long, Earle 245, 399 Lay, Gretchen 339 Long, Julia 399 Layman, Jay 245 Long, Maxine 206 Lazzara, Marie 210 Long, Coach Mike 300, 301 Leach, Ha 1 1 i e 238, 338 Long, Susan 352 Leakey, Ken 254, 292 Longwel 1, A lan 399 Leap, Bill 195 Loop, Damon 252 Learned, Dean 251 Lopez, Irean 202, 210 Leary, Carolyn 398 Lopez, Irene 202, 211, 399 Leary, Pat 231, 378 Lopotro, Wm. 257 Ledbetter, Flossie 137, 339 Lord, Delores 77, 225, 400 Lee, Barbara 239 Lord, Theresa 204, 400 Lee, Causey 398 Lorenz, Floyd 301 Lee, Cliff 332 Loring, Bonnie 227 Lee, Edward 269 Losh, Karlen 362 Lee, Frank 398 Loucks, Donald 30, 138, 252 Lee, Linda 219, 399 Loucks, Judy 139, 237, 327 Lee, Sandra 399 329, 371, 374, 400 Leese, Ph i 1 i p 399 Louden, Steve 343 Legend 128 Love, Marsha 1 31 , 142 ,229 329 Leibundguth, Madeleine Lovelace, Johnny 263, 400 239, 339 Lovell, Bobby 292, 293 Leigh, Robert 33 Lowe, Cheryl 305 Lembo, Frank 399 Lowe, Judith 211, 400 Lembo, Theresa 399 Lowe, Kathy 211 Lemon, Judy 229 Lucas, Don 253 Lenzini, Marty 208, 339 Luce, Sally 204 Leonard, Donald 247, 399 Lucke, Ucola 221, 400 Lepaige, Lynn 333, 345 Luedke, Bruce 400 Lepaige, Pat 333, 345 Luna, Linda 221, 400 Lesley, Ronnie 251 Lunar, Linda 202 Leslie, Gary 399 Lundy, Victor 361 Lester, Judy 225, 344 Lupikewiez, Talk a 349 ■ Lester, Sharon 233 Lupkiewicz, Nata Ika 305 LeSueur, Jill 399 Lupo, Lenny 343 Letson, Carol 235 Lurie, Howard 279 Letton, Trudy 229 Lurton, Susan 225, 350 Le vin, Kathy 219 Lutes, June 239 Levin, Kathy 219 Lutin, Johnny 253 Levins, Dick 354 Luttyell, Sandra 334 Levins, Jack 157 Lutz, Wm. 247, 400 Levins, Jerry 140, 257 Lyman, Carole 222, 400 Lewi s, Carol 1 42, 222, 339 Lynch, Suzanne 212 Lewis, Dwight 353 Lynn, Marsha 227 371 ,374 400 Lewis, F. Diane 399 Lynn, Mary 327 Lewis, John 337, 342, 399 Lynn, Sara 142, 231 Lewis, Kay 274, 275 Lynn, Sue 235, 336 Lewis, Lyndol 399 Lyons, David 258 Lewis, Norma 399 Lyons, Denny 316, 317 Lewis, Rebecca 211 Lyons, Edward 400 Lewis, Sam 245 Lyter, Judy 330 Lewis, Sandra 208, 327 336, 374, 399 KA c Lewis, Sarah 237, 399 ly\ Library School 44 Light, Robley 324 McAbee, Phyllis 360 Lincoln, Joanne 238, 399 McAfee, Bob 244, 245 Lind, Carolyn 231 McArthur, Georgic 154, 400 Lindsay, Allen 139, 243, 399 McBride, Harmon 332, 337 Lindsey, Susan 221 McBride, Sherry 221 Linehan, Patrick 258 McBryde, Monty 304, 305 Lingo, Captain 337, 342 McCain, Mack 245 Link, Mary 208 McCall, Howard 268 Linn, Rich 252 McCall, Lou 168, 229 Liphdm, David 137 McCall, Marilyn 237 Lippert, Lee 399 McCall, Dr- Wayne 27 ; Lippincott, H- 342 McCa Mum, Les 1 i e 246, 247, 400 Lister, Roy 399 McCaren, WmJ. 337 Littleton, Danette 305 McCarron, Wm. 138, 400 Litwhiler, Woodrow 252, 399 McCarter, Brenda 213 McCartney, Susan McChesney, Ann McClay, Jim McClellcn, Maureen McClung, Diane McClure, Mary McCollum, Edith McComb, Mary McConkey, Joy McConnell, Allen McConnell, Tom McConochie McCool, Philip McCormick, Dawn McCrea, Doug McCucken, Gail McCul lough, Kathryn McCullough, Lynn McCune, Jim McCurdy, Thomas McDaniel, Bonnie McDaniel, Jerry -McDaniel, Jerome McDaniel, John McDavid, Mary McDermott, Vincent McDonald, Barbara McDonald, Melissa McDonald, Patricia McDonald, Paul McDougald, Jessie McDowell, Bill McDowell, Judy McDowell, Marian McDowel I, Will iam McDuffie, Wayne 279, McDurham, Jeanne McElveen, Richard McElyea, Hugh McEwan, Christopher McEwan, Jack McFadyn, Su McFall, J. McGahey, Cheri McGee, Preston McGhee, Kitty McGiffin, Dick McGinnis, Peter McGlassom , Carol M'cGlassom, Chris McGovern, Mary McGraw, Mimi McGregor, Randia McGuade, Gwendolyn McHale, F^at McHone, Morris Mclnish, James Mclnnis, Ginger Mclnnis, Nancy Mclnnis, Virginia Mcintosh, Linda McKay, Marcy McKee, Bobbie McKendree, Terry McKenna, Merry McKenzie, John McKinney, Joe McKinnis, Patty McKinnon, David McKinnon, Mac McKinnon, Noah McKinnon, Phil McKinnon, Steve McKnight, Virginia McLaughlin, James McLaughlin, Ja> McLaughlin, Wm. McLeland, Jana McLendon, Roger McLeod, Anita McLeod, Janet 41, 39, 259, 245, 400 213 243 225 360 208, 400 32 400 233 332 258 400 400 238 265 208 229 400 304 400 214 263, 301 302, 303 400 400 339 400 400 211 400 400 206 279 346 401 248 289 231 401 137 401 253 144 342 54, 336 137 235 227 28 248 195, 229, 268, 347, 219, 401 214 195 401 329 231 338 401 401 401 305 292 401 401 225 209 225 401 211 360 257 401 266 304 214 268 195 401 279 354 401 266 243 251 333 362 401 211 McLeod, Kendra McMahon, Barbara McManus, Margie McMillan, Nancy McMiilen, Janie McMillian, Katy McMullen, John McMullen, Wm. McMurray, Kathryn McNab, Sandra McNabb, J. McNair, Carol McNally, Helen McNeil, Reginald McNeilly, Gregory McNevin, Leslie McPherson, Harold 227, 178, 213 345 401 225 339 335 259 401 401 213 342 227 144 251 340 401 179 M Mabrey, Deborah 239, 401 MacArthur, Allen 343 Macdonald, Diane 204, 339 MacDonald, Gordon 261 Macgill, Harriet 146, 333, 401 Mack, Ted 332 Mackenzie, Dale 278, 279 MacManus, Susan 344 MacMillin, Chas. 268, 401 Madden, James 401 Madill, Carol 209 Magnel 1, Connie 229 Magnolia Hall 153 Maher, Wm. 401 Mohoney, Boyce 333 Mains, Bill 355 Malbon, Joice 225 Malloy, Richard 254, 401 Malmberg, Beverly 221 Malmen, Ron 292 Malone, Dianne 348, 401 Malouf, Effie 401 Malt, Carol 202, 239, 401 Mancha, Vaugh 32, 276 Manes, JoAnne 354 Mangan, Bob ■ . 279 Mangum, Kathie s 225 Manis, Bette 212 Mankins, Jim 279 Mann, Biruta 305 Mann, Patricia 212, 402 Manni, Jodi 221 Manning, LaRue 402 Manning, Patricia 206, 402 Mannion, Jan 353 Monty, Brian 151 Marcacco, Jon 21 2, 336, 354 Maracic, Nicholas 266 Marching Chief 362 Marghello, Morjorie 204 Markgraf, Linda 402 Marks, Ann 358 Marks, Anne 402 Marks, Nancy 402 Marks, Steve 304 Marler, Dale 248, 402 Marlett, Craig 402 Maroney, Patricia 238, 402 Marotti, Rbt. 270 402 Mars, Alma 402 Marsden, Ann 202, 238 Marsh, Betty 209 Marsh, Horace 248, 402 Marsh, Jayne 349 Marshall, Janice 402 Marshall, Ron 245, 402 Marsicano, Ed 255 Martin, Christine 349, 402 Martin, Diane 402 Martin, Gerald 402 Martin, Hope 402 Martin, Kathleen 333, 402 Merritt, Joan 229 Martin, Laurie 229 Merting, John 132, 253, 326 Martin, Mike 304, 305 328, 371, 374, 403 Martin, Nita 214, 402 Mertins, Beverly 403 Martin, Norbert 134, 135 Metcolf, Judy 151 305, 402 Mewbourne, Roy 304 Martin, Sara 214, 402 Meyer, Elizabeth 403 Martin, Sharon 335 Meyers, Benny 145 Martin, Wayne 359 Meyers, Nancy 344 Martindale, Walt 137, 264, 341 Michael, Georqe 403 Maseda, Michele 225 Michael, Patricia 403 Mason, Mary 344 Michael, Sharon 206 Mason, Mitzie 225, 402 Michaelis, Peter 267 Massari, Janice 206, 402 Michae Is, Mari lyn 403 Massengill, Lynn 231, 338 Michel, Trilly 333, 336 Massey, Cindy 137 Michielangelo, LaBel e 403 Massey, Jim 255, 279 Mickelberry, Nancy 76, 229 Massey, Mark 347, 353 Mickler, Karen 225 Massey, Royanne 402 Mickler, Kathy 237 Mostaler, Richard 269 Middleton, Chas. 403 Mastry, Johnny 268 Middleton, Sandra 403 Mastry, Sherry 237 Midgett, Dennis 353 Mathews, Mike 243 Midyette, Payne 27 Mathewson, Mary 204 Migon, Carol 235 Mathewson, Patricia • 204 Miklos, Beverly 333 Mathis, Carol 353 Miklos, Mari lyn 225, 403 Mathis, Johnny 187 Mi 1 ler, M. Arleen 403 Mathis, Karen 215 Miller, Audrey 333 Mathis, Thomas 337 Miller, Bruce 169, 330, 334 Matlock, Sharon 223 Miller, Donald 330 Matteson, Mary 237 Miller, Don W. 130, 248 Matthes, Maueita 212 Miller, Donna 403 Matthew, Margo 358 Miller, Ellanor 352 Matthews, Frank 268, 402 Miller, Gary 245 Matthews, Jay 248 Mi 1 ler, Jeanni e 238, 358 Matthews, Joe 279 Mi 1 ler, Jerry 267 Mattison, Paul 257 Miller, Joan 253 Mauger, Sue 70 204, 327 Miller, Karen 146 329, 371, 374, 402 Miller, Dr. Kenneth 347 Mauldin, Jim 255, 310 Mi 1 ler, Lynn 345 Mauldin, Mary 237 Miller, Marabeth 239 Maxwell, Billy 301 Miller, Marie 229, 345 May, Joy 402 Mi 1 ler, Mdri 1 yn 345 May, Nancy 142, 215 Miller, Mary 403 May, Sharon 229, 403 Miller, Paulo 225, 403 Mayer, James 343, 403 Miller, Rick 352 Mayer, Karen 403 Miller, Ron 261 , 353, 403 Mayer-Boricke, Dr. CI aus 53 Miller, Sally 204 Mayers, Joan 76, 338 Miller, Suzie 129, 232 Mayes, Douglas 270 Mi llikan. Sue 228 Maynard, Don 253, 337 Milling, G lenn 245 Maynard, John 141, 265 Milliner, Rick 261 Maynard, Mike 248 Mills, Anna 231 Mayr, Arthur 358 Mills, Carol 204, 403 Mays, Judy 237 Mills, Randy 360 Mazanek, Rich 343, 403 Milner, Dianne 403 Mead, David 253, 403 Mi low, Karen 213 Meadows, Frances 403 Milsteod, James 265 Meagher, Bob 255 Milton, A I 248 Mears, Kathleen 403 Milton, James 259, 404 Medwid, Steve 277 Minihan, Kenneth 269 Meehan, George 259, 403 Minnick, Rbt. 404 Meeks, Cherlyn 219 Mitchell, Charlotte 209, 345 Meeks, James 343 Mitchell, James 253 Meetze, Bess 142, 239 Mitchell, Paul 353 Megathlin, Mol ly 338, 345 Mitchell, Terry 330 Meisel, Steven 271, 403 Mitchell, Wm. 253 Meizius, Herb 359 Mixion, Sharon 137 Meia, Condace 219 Mixon, Michele 404 Melinoski, Welt 353 Mixon, Sharon 168, 219 Melnick, Stanley 257, 403 Mizel 1, Josephi ne 223 Meloche, Barbara 209 Mohr, Karl 171 Melton, Barbara 227 Mole, Tom 343 Melton, Ronald 276 Molina, Norma 239 Memendez, Bob 279 Molinski, Sol 332 Menefee, Carol 360 Mol 1, Denn is 269 Meng, Andy 142 Moncees, Judith 356, 404 Meng, Cindy 336 Montague, Pam 155, 330 Men's P. E- Majors C ub 353 334, 338, 345 Mercer, Wm. 263 Montague, Stephen 404 Meriam, Jane 231 Montgomery, Dr. Reid 30, 131 Merrill, Barbara 403 158, 164, 334 Merritt, Bonnie 344 Montoya, Carlos 186 Moody, Major Wi 1 1 iam Moody, Nancy Mooney, Jerry Monney, Shirley Moore, Coyle Moore, Edna 237, Moore, Elizabeth Moore, James 255, Moore, John 257, Moore, Linda Moore, Martha Moore, Ray Moore, Steven Moore, Terry Moore, Vivian Morales, Roberta 146, Moron, James 267, Moron, Maureen Morehouse, James Morelond, Pot Moremen, Bi I I Morgan, Herb Morgan, Richard Morgan, Robert Moriorty, Michael . Morland, Susan Morris, Alice Morris, Carolyn Morris, Collie Morris, D'Bette Morris, Diane Morris, Judy Morris, Winston Morris, Wm. Morrison, James Morrison, Mary Morrison, Maryonna Morse, Lorry Mortar Board Morti fled Morton, Donald Morton, Morlou Moseley, Linda Moshier, Lynn Mosley, Jackie Mosnot, Jackie Mould, Marsha Mousehegian, Richard Moyer, Lynda Moyer, Nelson Mozo, Grace Mozo, Walter Mozur, Pam 133, 144, 206, Mrochek, Lorin Muel ler. Donna Mundie, Mrs. L. Munoz, Joze Munroe, Connie Munyer, Diane Munyer, Sharon Murowski, Beverly Murdock, Les 267, 278, 279, Murphy, Colleen Murphy, Lynn Murphy, Mary 235, Murray, Don Murray, Mogaret Murray, Vicki Murray, Warren Murrell, Jane 1 39^ Murvin, Dick Music, School of Myer, Dr. Myers, Cliff Myers, Doris Myers, John Myrick, Kothryn 209, 225, 248, 245, 225, 253, 147, 142, 316 209 247 305 50 404 330 404 404 349 319 248 259 316 404 404 404 333 255 209 279 340 268 27 404 404 360 404 225 206 237 335 404 404 171 338 225 404 327 331 404 231 404 209 206 211 148 253 305 404 227 267 329 255 225 256 263 206 123 404 404 288 225 338 404 304 211 239 404 227 261 46 197 248 404 243 231 Nabors, Shari lyn Nohm, Dolly Nail, Wayne Nance, Wm. Napier, Elaine Napier, Mary Nopoli, Joe 305, Norramore, Lee 279, Nathanson, Kothy Nation, Warren Natter, Frank 195, Neese, Peggy Neil, Tom Nei Ison, Barbi Nelson, Bill Nelson, Dove Nelson, John 270, Nelson, Kenneth 138, Nelson, Modra 142, 148, 213, Nelson, Ron Nelson, Thomas Nemeth, Roger 263, NeSmith, Victoria Nessler, Sylvia Nettles, Linda Neufeld, Carol Neumann, Mickie 209, Newberry, Donna Newell, Jacqueline Newkerk, Ann Newlor, Suzanne Newman Club Newman, Janet 221, Newman, Patricia Newsome, Ginny Newsome, Phyllis 348, N N N N N N N N N cholas, Mary chols, Clint 192, 360, chols, Drl Eugene chols. Gory 255, 304, chols, Paul esen, Patricio koloidi, Elena tcher, Martha xon, Janet 238, Noe, Lynn 358, Noel, Christy 221, Noga, George 140, Noppenberg, John Nordman, Jim Nore, Richard Norman, Jean Norman, Woody Norris, Donald Norsworthy, Gory North, Barbara North, Larry Norton, Gertrude Norton, Susan Nottingham, Linda Novak, Gail Nowlin, Wendie Nursing, School of Nystrom, Arthur 134, 237, 329, 253, 347, 148 229 257 269 195 239 350 285 233 326 404 233 255 219 301 123 342 405 329 360 405 405 405 405 347 219 405 405 235 206 227 358 405 333 231 405 338 405 39 305 268 405 196 238 405 405 259 265 263 305 271 166 405 353 350 405 223 243 405 227 405 235 405 48 243 o N Oaks, Carolyn Gates, Gary Gates, Linda 225, O'Brien, Karen O'Brien, Mike O'Brien, Tom O'Connell, Judy O'Dair, Michael O'Dea, Lawrence Odom, Jim Off-Campus Court 238 263 338, 345 235 247 248 168, 229 268 247, 405 279 140 Oglesby, Linda 78, 229 O'Halloran, Bill 343, 405 Oialo, Joyce 237, 331, 374, 405 O'Kelley, John 248, 405 O'Kelly, Lynne 221 Olinger, Ann 405 Oliver, James 265, 405 Oliver, Linda 235, 247 Olsen, Stephen 405 Olson, Jim 251 Olson, Ken 195 Omicron Delta Kappa 326 O'Neill, Louise 238 Orbe, Harry 245 Orelich, Jeffrey 334 Organi zationa 322 Orihuela, Frances 145, 405 Orme, Gary 332 Orme, Richard 337 Orr, David 259 Orr, Rbt. 268 Orr, Susan 238 Osborn, Glen 405 Osborn, Jean 142, 223 Osgood, Christine 235 Osinski, Bill 251 O'Steen, Roberta 333, 405 Ostien, Cecelia 239, 406 Ostrander, Carol 206, 338 O'Sullivon, Patricio 237 Ott, Tom 261 Ottinger, Carol 219 Ovala, Jack 267 Oven, Elinor 215 Overman, Bob 127 Overton, Jock 243 Owen, Jerry 406 Owsley, Paulette 227 Ozaki, Donna 76, 213, 406 P Pace, John Padgett, Christine Page, Clayton Palmer, Paul Palmer, Tony Palms, Frank Palmyra, Nancy Panhellenic Panyluck, Richard Parker, Jim Parker, Malcolm Parker, Mary Parker, Paul Parker, Phillip Porker, Reese Porker, Walter Parks, Baba Parnaby, Gary Parrish, Joe Parrish, Linda Parrish, Ralph Parrott, John Parrott, Patricia Parsons, John Parsons, Malcolm Partin, Geo. Portin, Suzanne Partney, Glendo Pasawig, Nancy Pasteur, Jean Pate, Carol 225, 225, Patterson, Barbara Patterson, Koye Patterson, Margaret Patton, Robert Rough, George Paulk, Lois 137, 247, 211, 268, 261 243, 324, 151, 330, 219, 142, 335, 202, 225, 219, 27 406 243 332 341 406 406 202 246 310 406 148 248 406 257 337 339 245 279 330 406 263 406 316 325 332 345 406 223 233 338 211 406 239 144 329 347 270 349 Paulson, David 406 Povesic, Dave 268, 343, 406 Ravi lie, Aliz 142 Povlic, Alix 333, 336, 353 Povlik, Anthony 406 Pavlin, Doris 235, 406 Payne, Sherry 137, 146, 209 Pozman, Charlie 259 Peacock, Becky 169, 333 Peacock, Bill 292, 295 Peacock, Edwin 268 Peale, Kenneth 406 Pearson, Clark 334, 342 Pearson, Ingegerd 406 Pearson, Patricia 231 Peovy, James 406 Pederson, Mary 406 Peel, Grant 305 Pelham, Rebecca 145, 237 Pelham, Thomas 406 Pemetry, Deeb 246 Pence, Lillian 406 Pendlebury, Sara 257 Pendleton, Tatum 206 Pennie, Charles 279 Pennie, Frank 279 Pentecost, Jeanne 237, 406 Perez, Joe 245 Perkins, Janet 213 Perkins, John 1 23, 125, 167 Perloff, Koy 209 Perry, Jonell 204, 406 Perry, Susan 406 Perry, W..D. 249 Persons, Henry 257 Pesce, Judith 406 Peters, Carol 141, 206 329, 331, 406 Peters, CI. H. 150 Peters, Jack 354 Peters, Susan 1 41 , 206, 329 Petersen, Corol 139, 237, 406 Petersen, William 406 Peterson, Bill 270, 276 277, 279, 291 Peterson, Mary 237, 407 Petko, Joe 279 Petrosky, John 245 Pettigrew, Lois 407 Pettit, Steve 343 Pettit, Tom 343 Petty, Randy 332 Peyraud, Beth 407 Pfeiffer, Frederick 265, 407 Pfeiffer, Horva 239 Pharis, Don 301 Pharr, Dona 233, 407 Phelon, Bo 245 Phelps, Ann 68 Phi Alpha 348 Phi Beta Kappa 324 Phi Delta Theta 254 Phi Epsilon Kappa 347 Phi Eta Sigma 330 Phifer, Dr. Gregg 195 Phi Kappo Phi 325 Phi Kappa Psi 269 Phi Kappa Tau 256 Phillips, Bill 292, 297 Phillips, Carol 229, 356 Phi 1 1 i ps, G lendo 407 Phi 1 lips, Jeffrey 268 Phillips, Linda 407 Phi Hips, Mary lee 229, 345 Phillips, O'Dell 347 Phillips, Pot 209 Phi Mu 230 Phypers, Melissa 223 Pi Beta Phi 232 Pickard, Sid 249 Pickett, Gaines 267 Pierce., Donna 211 Pierson, Elizabeth 407 Pierson, Mary Pierson, Pam Pierson, Suzanne Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Phi Pilmore, Ed Pinson, Virginia Pi Sigma Alpha Pittman, Cheryl Pittman, Gai I Pitts, Carolyn Pitts, David Planes-, Maria Plant, Joe Piatt, Jackie Piatt, Meme Plattis, Susan Plotts, Randy Poggenburg, Les Poinexter, Winifred Polger, Paul Polhamus, Judith Poli, David Pomeroy, Roberta Poole, Caroline Poole, Kathy Poore, Terry Pope, Ed Pope, Rbt. Porter, Chas. Porter, Philip Potagas, Elias Potorff, Bob Potter, Eddie Potter, Linda Potter, Mary Potts, Victoria Pou, Carol Poulsen, Chris Powell, Don Powell, Penny Powers, Dutch Pow Wow Prandoni, JoAnn Premo, John Presna 1 1, Mari lyn Preston, Carlos Preston, Jim Preston, Rbt. 206, 221 233, 348, 257, 229, Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr ce, Donna ce, Dr- C. C. ce. Dr. Hartley ce, Katherine ce. Kip de, Janice ede. Nelson est, Winston m. Merle nee, Stephen nglej Flewe tchett, Ed 233 237 349 258 268 353 407 341 407 407 238 279 407 326 229 206 204 268 343 407 359 407 407 211 338 330 314 279 407 251 407 407 279 360 221 211 407 223 150 279 213 253 129 219 407 330 407 26, 127, 131 407 206 177 352 207 243 204, 339 245 407 407 407 333, 345 Quails, Barry Queen, Andrea Qu ick, Jackie Quinn, Michael 330 407 337, 349, 408 249 Rhoads, Frank Rhoads, Joan 277, 137, 211 Proctor, Julian 261, Proctor, Tom Profumo, Larry Publications Lab Puggar, Thomas Pugh, Clelia Pugh, Greg Pugh, Dr.. Griffin Pugh, Lee Purdy, Michele Purvis, Kathryn Pursley, Chas. Putnam, Martha yn 279 , 328 139, 282, 137, 371, 219, 255 289 200 407 261 310 156 246 223 326 131 215 211 333 267 407 R 142, Rabun, Pot Rachels, .Warren Rackleff, Bob 1 34, 265, 375, Racquettes Radford, G. L. Radford, Lahrye Raffa, Frederick Rafferty, J. Ragland, Patti Ragsdale, James Rohn, David Raid, Linda Raines, Rbt. Rainwater, Sue Ralston, Mary Ramage, Gail Rambo, Carolyn Ramella, Bob Randall, Mary Randel, Janet Ronew, Cliff Rangeley, John 263, 207, 336, 207, 238, 304, 255, 311, 215, 207, 215, Q Rankin, Carol Rankin, Kay Rankin, Marty Rankin, Robert Raphun, Sheryl Ratke, Mary Roy, Jane Roy, Thomas Ray, Wm. Rayder, Mary Raynor, Donna Rector, Danny 130, Reed, Gay la 238', Reed, JoEllen Reed, Linda 237, Reed, Rochelle Reed, Shelly Reed, Wilburn Reedy, Rokald Reese, Martha Reese, Sandra Reeves, Cynthia Reeves, Flelena Reeves, Monty Regensdorf, Jean Register, Perry Register, Sam Reid, Linda Reidy, Kathy Reigler, Penny Reilly, Suzy Reinbolt, Jeanie Reinel, Rich Reiner, Karen Reinhard, Dr. hlerb Reinhort, Susan Religion in Life Series Renfroe, Carol Retrospect Retzer, Raymond Reus, Brent Revell, Elton Revell, Gary Reynolds, Beverly Reynolds, Bookie 338, Reynolds, Carole 229, Reynolds, Craig Reynolds, Eleanor 204, Reynolds Hall Reynolds, Steve 223, 225, 342, 225, 213, 329, 231 408 408 354 408 267 408 342 333 347 245 215 408 345 408 408 408 305 408 325 305 310 408 408 408 338 324 211 157 219 408 408 408 207 131 408 338 408 204 339 261 408 339 408 237 408 255 333 408 337 215 238 142 202 239 343 339 164 275 178 327 408 432 267 247 279 265 330 349 408 150 344 149 261 ce, Margaret ce, Stephen ch, Betty ch, Cheryl chard, Patrick chard, Suzanne chords, Brian chords, Paul chardson, Emory chardson, James chardson, Linda chardson, chardson, Pat Patrick Pri sci I la ichardson, ichardson, Susan ichardson, Wayne icharson. Bill ichbourg, Marilyn 142, ickett, Susan idgeway, Lynn 21 1 , iehl, James 259, iley, Linda 219, iordon, Joan 21 3, iordan, Mary ipiey, James ipol, Irene ippetoe, Constance iser. Butch isher, Richard ittenhouse, Ralph 305, ivers, Brenda ivers, Constance ivers, Loreta ives, Rbt. 342, ivkind. Perry Roach, Linda 238, Roach, Mary Roach, Myron Roork, Pamela 204, Robbins, Richard Roberge, John Roberts, Carol Roberts, Carolyn 225, Roberts, Dr. C. Roberts, Johnny Roberts, Judith 213, Roberts, Mary Roberts, Peggy Roberts, Pete Roberts, Phyllis Roberts, Robin 139, Roberts, Susan 142 Robertson, Barbara Robertson, Chas. 269, Robertson, Faye 333, 348^ Robertson, John Robertson, Mike 21 5, Robertson, Phil Robichaud, Greg Robinson, Bebe Robinson, Bruce 137, Robinson, John Robinson, Kathy Robinson, Sarah 202, Rockwell, Marjorie Rockwood, Dr. Rodgers, Joe 225, Rodgers, Lynne 233, 331, 375, 409 Rodgers, Vicki 345 Rodriguez, Delia 346, 409 Rodriguez, Vicki 142 Roger, Susan 229 Rogers, Dick 265 Rogers, Donna 336 Rogers, Donni 229 Rogers, Grover 40, 326 Rogers, Jim 343 Rogers, John 261, 293 Rogers, Pat 204, 409 Rodgers, Rbt. 251 408 408 350 257 215 233 53 271 270 251 408 408 231 409 343 409 137 353 279 348 233 409 409 409 409 213 409 213 233 279 247 360 225 219 223 409 348 409 235 409 409 243 127 169 409 360 261 409 207 409 249 238 249 213 409 310 409 270 345 265 243 358 243 249 219 206 409 342 409 329 Rogers, Ruth Rogers, William Roland, Diana Rolfes, Carol Rollyson, Marline Romano, Joanne Romeko, Mary Romer, Joanna Roper, Gerald Rosa, Mary Roscello, Dee Rose, Kathy Rosenberg, Norm Rosenthal, Barry Rosner, Bruce Ross, David Rosser, Sylvia Roth, Anne Rouse, Carl Roussos, John Rovetta, Charles Rowland, Barry Rowse, Nancy Roy, Barbara Rudge, Donna Rudge, Jane Ruesch, Marilyn Ruff, Linda Ruggieri, Frank Ruh, Richard Rumford, Rita Rush, Fletcher Rush, James Rush, N. Orwin Rushing, Fred Rushing, Margaret Rushton, Claire Rusk, Bobbie 41 235, 326, 349, 204, 233, 336 238, 265, 349, 333, 334, Russel Russel Russel Russel Russel Russel Russel Ryan, James Ryan, Sandy Ryan, Sue Ryll, Frank Carmen Connie James Janet Karol Nancy Rbt. 409 328 350 237 211 409 215 345 409 221 349 231 257, 353 271 271 409 409 409 409 253 36 247 410 142 410 215 410 235 410 342, 410 235, 410 27 410 33 249 410 345 349 336 336 263 235 410 209 410 269 349 360 375 215, 235, s Sable, Bob 267, 301 Sackett, , Carol 223 Sackett, Mary 238, 338 Sadie, Rick 353 Sadler, William 32 Saier, Solly 137, 233 Salee, Horry 343, 410 Salgado, Melinda 410 Salisbury, Rbt. 343, 410 Salley Hall 151 Sampson, Sharon 360 Sanchez, Ray 263 Sanders, Dick 340 Sanders, Mike 332 Sanderson, Guy 269, 341 Sanford, Mary 345 Sonks, Dick 265 Sapp, Alfred 410 Sapp, Judith 213 Sapp, Sandra 237 Sargent, Diana 219 Sorron, Pete 304, 306 Sartin, Larry 257 Sosman, Rosalin 330 Sasso, Donna 219 Satterwhite, Montie 410 Souer, Patricia 213 Saunders, Ann 202 Saunders, Rick 279 Saunders, Vera Savidge, Linda 221 , Sowinski, Sandra Sayre, Tom Scarboro, Bill Scortz, Dominick Scartz, Don Schaefer, Bob Schaeffer, Pat Schaeffer, Sue Schafer, Janet Schatz, Steve Schawzenbach, Elaine Shelling, Mary Sclnlageter, Thomas Schlesinger, Michele Schlesinger, Mike Schliefer, Ann Schmidt, Gert Schmidt, John Schmidt, Leslie Schmidt, Ron Schmit, Fred Schmunk, Mike Schneider, Thomas Schoenbrun, David Scholarship Houses Schoolcraft, Judith Schreckengost, Terri Schroeder, Ray 207, Schroeder, Susan Schubert, Deanna Schuck, Dale Schuele, Anne Schulkin, Karol Schull, Gary 255, 296, 297^ Schulman, Sandy Schultz, Marilyn Schultz, Steve Schuman, Jody Schuster, Sharon Schuyt, Maryke Schwartz, Guenter Schwerdt, Richard Schwindt, Patricia Scott, David Scott, Edgar Scott, Richard Scott, Sid Seaby, Theresa Sea ley, Don Seals, Thomas Sears, Judy Sears, Patricia Seaward, Gary Sedlik, Ruth Seeley, Thomas Seemayer, Wm. Segal, Martin Segrest, Susan Seguin, Ward Seibel, R. Seitz, Barbara Seitz, Winfred Selby, Margaret Sel lers, Dean H . Sellers, John Selowke, Beth Selznick, Mike Seminole, Sammy Seniors Seres, Diane Serge, Rita Settle, James Severson, Gayle Sewell, Mary 207, Shaar, Alice Shaara, Mike Shad, Chas. Shad, Philip Shaffer, John 204, 410 Shalley, Rbt. 245 411 Slaug -Iter, Wm. 251, 412 375, 410 Shamas, Edward 265 411 Slavir , Betty 211 410 Shannon, E i leen 145, 411 Sledg 5, Barbara 412 249 Shannon, Patrick 247 Sloan Ashlyn 207 337 Sharkey, Thomas 267 Sloan Margie 344 251, 410 Sharman, Dianne 238 Slose <, Sandra 227 316 Sharpe, Sue 353 Sluyter, Kay 142, 204 255 Shattler, Mary 142 Smal 1 Tiffany 238 235 Shaver, Susan 204 Smath ers, s'usan 330 410 Shaw, Catherine 411 Smath ers, Will 249 229 Shaw, Charles 249, 41! Sme Ik o, Al 326 302 Shaw, Donna 213, 411 Smi le /, Fran 349, 412 339 Shaw, Edith 238, 411 Smith Alicia 223 410 Shaw, Graham 411 Smith Barbara 76, 213 267 Shaw, Roderick 29 Smith Beverly 412 233 Shea, Pat 233, 336 Smith Bud 330 142, 147 Shearer, Ellen 238 Smith Byron 305 348, 410 Sheats, Martha 211, 345 Smith Carol 231, 219 27 Sheehan, Gary 259 Smith Carole 336, 412 410 Sheldon, Richard 411 Smith Diane 142, 215 225, 362 Shelfer, Mary 411 Smith Flo 142, 221 340 Shellahamer, Bentley 247 Smith Frances 108, 113, 207 354 Shenk, Norman 249 Smith Gloria 219 247 Shepherd, Cindy 209 Smith Hall 150 343, 410 Shepherd, Martha 412 Smith fHarry 251, 337 177 Sheridan, Suzzanne 360 Smith James 412 154 Sherri 1 1, Anne 233 Smith Jerry 245, 412 410 Shiflett, Cindy 225, 345 Smith John 249 193 Shine, Betsy 339 Smith Joseph 245 349, 410 Shine, Elizabeth 223 Smith Judy 225, 270 267, 410 Shinholser, Jack 279 Smith Kathryn 412 215 Shirey, Carol 225 Smith Les 1 ie 210, 211 339, 410 Shirley, Jerry 292 293, 412 Smith Lewis 245 411 Shores, Louis 44 Smith Linda 142 207 411 Shores, Sherry 211, 412 Smith Li sa 237 412 345 Shores, Venila 324 Smith Marsha 223 292, 295 Shreve, Don 261 Smith Marshal 1 412 299, 344 Shrewsbury, Gerald 257, 412 Smith Mel 137, 167 337 jShulman, Sanford 412 Smith Murray 211 349 Shuman, Susan 213, 412 Smith Nancy 345 255 Shumpert, Wm. 259 Smith Noel 343 195 Sias, Bobbie 221 Smith Norma 129, 233 411 Sidley, Rick 261 Smith R i chard 265, 412 411 Siewart, Jan 141, 237 Smith Roland 412 326 Sigafoose, Doris / 412 Smith Ron 332, 343 411 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 260 Smith Sandra 233, 413 209 Sigma Alpha Iota 349 Smith Sara 239 261 Sigma Chi 262 Smith Sarah 209 263, 411 Sigma Kappa 234 Smith Suzanne 235, 349 360 Sigma Nu 270 Smith Vivian 342, 413 265 Sigma Phi Epsilon 264 Smith Walter 249, 413 411 Sigma Pi Sigma 340 Smith Smoke son, Dorothy 413 265 Sigma Sigma Sigma 239 Signals 126 411 Si 1 vert, Susan 345 Smoot , Lucia 250 215 Simmons, Karen 349, 412 Smyth Snell, , Susan 204, 413 221, 411 Simmons, Kirby w 1 412 Beverly 349, 413 263 Simmons, Palmira 412 Snider , Barbara 229 411 Simons, Coach John 310 Snider , Gail 229 245 Simonson, Scott 243 Snu 1 m an, Sandford 271 411 Simpson, Bill 267 Snyde r. Gaby 413 271 Simpson, Jackie 138, 202 Snyde r, Joann 215 215, 411 237, 412 Snyde r, Kenneth 267, 413 41 1 Simpson, Ken 257 Sobec <, Cynthia 413 342 Simpson, Mary 209 Sobol, Martin 245 358 Sims, Joyner 412 Socio Welfare, Schoo of 50 127, 41 1 Sims, Melissa 338 Socio Welfare Club 348 223, 411 Singer, Diane 237 Sociel y of Hosts 337 253, 337 Singletory, Connie 330 Soden Sharor^ 204, 413 149 Singletary, Diana 137^ 207, 345 Soler, Mary 238, 413 221 Singletory, Marcella 223, 412 Solom on, Marian 1 95, 348, 359 359 Sinnott, Rosanne / 412 Solser , Frank 259 274 Sipperley, Jack 137, 268 Sol vi n , Lynn 360 376 Sisley, Bill 334 265 Sontac 3, A. Julius 413 209 Siviter, Bill Sophe r. Bill 249 142, 215 Sizemore, Bill 137, 261 Sopho more Council 345 347 Sizemore, Dick 261 Soud, Wayne 245 225 Sjodin, Bonnie 349 Southv veil, David 247 348, 411 Skolko, Ann 210, 21 1 Spaldi ng, Tom 253 411 Skelton, Cynthia ^ / 229 Sparkr nan. Sparky 249 128 Skipper, Ron 247 412 Sparks -,, Sally 200, 202 411 Skreczko, Lynne 228, 229, 413 243 Slack, Mary 219 Speak Sandra 142 268 Slappey, Ann 223, 412 Speak sr, Barbara 360 142, 336, 76, 238, 207, Spear, Sandra 149 Spears, Wm. Speed, Mary 204, Spence, Kathy 141, 221, 353 Spencer, Anita Spencer, Mary Spengler, Donna 221 Spicer, Scott Spink, Donald 342 Spi vey, Robert Spooner, Cora Spooner, Hub Spooner, Phil 73, 255, 279, 287, Sports Sposato, Jeari Spoto, Betty Spoto, Lucy 219, Sprodley, Marguerite Spring, Gai I Sprinkle, cusan Sprou I I, John Squire, Steven Staack, Barbara Stacey, Sandra Staffora, Kay Stolcup, Robin Stalker, Suzanne Stol I ings, Larry Stanford, Steve Stonius, Karen Stanley, Susan Starford, Mar|ane Starkweather, Betty Starr, Sharon Staten, Sandi Steadman, Everett Steele, A.J. Steele, B. Stegemann, Chas. Stein, Edna Steinmetz, John Steitz, Winfred Stephens, Carolyn 339 Stephens, Charles Stephens, Johnie Stephenson, Chas. 267 Sterling, Katie Sterm, Mr. Sternliev, Steve Stevens, Jim 249 Stevens, Rebecca 219, Stevens, Truda 144, Stevens, Wm. 263, Stevenson, Karen Steward, Jan Stewart, Barbara Stewart, Doug 1 37, Stewart, John Stickney, Brenda Stiff, Ashly Stirton, Donna 213, Stobert, Jan Stockhausen, Mary Stoddard, David Stoddard, John 261, Stoker, Lois 202, 209, 336', Stokes, Carole Stokes, R. Stokes, Stephen Stone, Mabel Stone, Mary 225, Stone, Mazie Stone, Mode Stone, Wilfred Stonebraker Stoner, George 259, Stoner, John 259, Stout, Randy Stradleigh, Phyllis Stradley, Lynn Strata, Linda 204 413 413 354 413 219 4-! 3 265 413 30 338 257 284 291 272 345 219 413 413 142 413 263 271 209 413 235 120 237 239 332 334 227 413 235 358 413 , 413 413 342 342^ 251* 330 50 126 , 413 413 279 , 414 330 325 414 259 414 207 414 215 336 223 253 265 414 337 414 414 414 268 414 339 223 342 414 345 414 345 38 249 340 414 414 267 352 169 Straughn, Carrie Strayhorn, Mike Streater, John Strickland, Dale Strickland, Lee Stringfel low, Marvin Strole, Stephen Strong, James Stubbs, Katharine Stuck, Norma Stucki, Frederica Stucks, Adelaine Student Advisory Board Student Artist Series Student Government Student Nurses Assoc. Student Party Student Publications Student Senate Studsti II, Judith Stults, Coach N. B. Stultz, Coach Bil I Suarez, Jim Suavely, Sandy Sugarman, Carl Sumner, Avery Sunday, Zone Surran, Harold Susik, Robert Sussman, K. Sutta, Sturat Sutton, Alice Sutton, June Swam, Mari lyn Swan, Lawton Swan, Marilyn Swanson, Wm. Swasey, Sandy Sweeney, Eileen Sweet, Cheryl Sweet, Maryann Sweets, John Swenk, Karen Swift, Susan Swimming Swope, Kathleen Symes, Elizabeth Sytsma, Henry 151, 237, 311, 278, 279, 271, 343, 142, 255, 414 255 360 223 332 304 414 247 414 345 414 142 135 187 114 344 346 114 136 414 310 312 263 348 269 288 414 414 364 342 341 414 237 213 414 142 245 339 414 237 414 275 414 414 310 414 233 414 Tempieton, Mary Tennis Tensi, Steve T Tabisel, Leonard 271 Taff, Houston 270, 304 Tait, Judith 213 Tait, William 326 Talbot, [-errell 415 Talbot, Nan 229 Talgrin, Sue 356 Talley, Ann 208, 209, 336, 349 Talley, Gwendolyn 238, 415 Tally Ho 116 Tankersley, Col. M. J 365 Tanzy, C. E. 324 Tapley, Elizabeth 215 Tarayos, Nancy 213 Tarnell, Fred 259, 415 Tarpon Club 356 Tate, Linda 142, 213 Tau Beta Sigma 349 Tau Epsilon Phi 271 Taylor, Everett 343 Taylor, Hugh 261 Taylor, James 249 Taylor, Janet 211 Taylor, Wm. 243 Teague, Linda 345 Teague, Reginald 251 Tebor, D. 342 Teimer, Ellen 359 Teller, Mary 229 Temple, Patsy 356 Terrell, Martha Terry, Clinton Terry, Donna Terry, Miriam Tesch, Richard Tew, Evelyn Thackston, Michael Theatre Dance Theta Chi Thomas, Andrew 46, 72, 282, 289, 204, 375, 151, Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas 249, 270, Carol Dot Ed Jane Karen Lamar Linda Margaret M. Caroline Pam 168, 207, 342, 305, 209, 209, Roberta Stephen Tom Thomassen, Ken Thompson, Celia Thompson, Cheryl Thompson,, Dave 301 Thompson, Dorothy Thompson, James 354, Thompson, Marjorie Thompson, Monia Thompson, Peggy 237, Thompson, Phyllis Thompson, Rbt. 267, Thompson, Warren Thomson, Douglas Thoureen, Linda 225 Thornton, Carol Thrasher, John 265 Thurman, Stormy 1 44 Thurn, John Tibbetts, Diane Tichenor, Kay Tilghman, Phyllis Til Iman, Jay ] 37^ Tinfow, Joel 247 Tinson, Rod Toler, Grady 245, 221, 344, 344, 114, 156, 158, Tollerton, James Tomlinson, James Tomson, Rodney Toner, Judy Tong, Mary Toole, Mary Toole, Vera Toole, Vivian Townsend, Chris 128, 225 Townsend, Christine Townsend, Janet Townsend, Ronald Track Tracy, Josephine Traffic Court Trammell, Park Traudt, Terry Trovers, Lesley Traynor, Chip Treadwel I, Vickie Treitler, Wm. Tremper ,Jon Tressler, James Trichter, Chrystine Trimble, Theron Tripp, Judith Troxler, Mary Trycano, Bill Tsocrios, Jo 195, 415 314 279 290 41,5 415 209 221 251 415 137 415 347 266 415 330 223 343 415 238 249 415 415 333 235 339 257 304 334 415 239 353 415 358 237 344 275 415 415 249 245 415 229 415 215 243 235 233 335 342 415 251 131 159 263 415 415 352 415 209 415 415 415 225 415 253 300 239 140 415 257 238 243 209 271 267 128 204 334 237 207 334 227 Tucker, Bill Tucker, Jacques Tucker, Thomas Tuite, Mary Tullgren, Susan Tul ly, G- Emerson Tunnicliff, Chas. Tunstall, Edward Turbeville, Vesta Turnage, Laurie Turnbull, Wm. Turner, Annie Turner, Carolyn Turner, Howell Turner, Jeana Turner, LaVerne Turner , Lorraine Turner, Lowell 142, Turner, Mari lyn Turner, Rbt. Turner, Thomas Turner, Ritchie Tussing, LeAnn Tuten, Arthur Tydings, Sandra Tyler, Jane Tyre, Saunders Tyrrell, Janet Tyser, Jerry 255 Veena Vakill 415 Vega, Lynn 416 Venning, Lois 235, 416 Verril i, John 204 Verzaal, Mary 33 Vickers, Edith 337 Vickers, Michae 257, 268, 416 Villag e Vamps 239, 416 Vines, Bill 345 Vinson, Frances 267 Voigt, Linda 225, 416 Vogt, Bob 231 Vogt, Richard 207, 349 Von F ei litzsch. \|ancy 231 Von L effern, Edward 253, 345 Votaw , Bob 358 Voyles, Vicki 225, 249, 169, 231 231 261 V \l 261, 416 243 ¥ Y 344 Wachtel, John 416 Wade, Cecel ia 238 Wade, Jim 238, 338 Wade, James 255 Wade, Sy Ivia 213 Wadsworth, Char lotte 261 Wadsworth, Gail u Ubele, Fran 327, 329, 375, Uber, Sandra Uebelher, Joseph Ulloa, Derby Ulloa, Justo Ulmer, Eddie Ulson, Susan Linger, Don Unger, Harold Unger, Mary University Party University Singers University Union University Union Board Updike, Letta Urich, Bob 239, 348, 265, 238, 416 416 416 268 416 416 416 257 332 416 341 350 160 166 231 301 V 265, 219, Vacca, , James Vahlberg, Marcia Valdes, Shirley Vallia, Pat Van Aken, Scootie Van Assenderp, Doreen 207, Van Brunt, Bonnie Vance, Vicki Van De Graff, Rbt. Van De Mark, Barbara Van De Marie, Barbara Van Doren, Mark 173, Van Dyke, Bill Van Etten, Faith Van Every, Wm. Van Norren, Katherine 223, Van Norren, Louise Van Nostrond, John Van Sont, Carol Van Sant, Joan Van Wormer, Lee Vason, Patricia Vastine, Jim Vaughan, James Vaughn, Thomas Vaughn, Wm. Vause, Edna 269, 168, 223, 259, 416 219 416 360 345 167 350 227 339 102 233 129 326 249 344 261 416 223 416 215 416 358 225 124 247 416 416 209 79 204 221 416 213 416 416 338 416 416 343 277 416 235 337 267 416 Wager, Mike Wagner, Gary Wagner, John Wagner, Judith Wagner, Paul Wahl, Linda 141, 223, Wa Wa nwright, Marty ts, Thomas Wakeman, Garth Wolbot, Mike Waldby, H. Odell Walden, Barbara Waldron, Marsha 334, Waldrop, Rbt. 341, Wales, Alyene "Beth" 333, 348, Walker, Barbara 142, Walker, Becky Walker, Christie 338, 339, Walker, Cicily Walker, Donna Walker, Jan 167, 169, Walker, John Walker, Joyce Walker, London Walker, Linda Walker, Margaret Walker, Maria Walker, Pamela Walker, Richard Walker, Robert Walker, Virginia Walker, William Walkup, Helen Wall, Beverly Wall, D. Wall, Paula Wall, Robyn Wallace, James Wallace, Paul Wal leker, Ann Wolleker, Cookie Waller, Curtis Waller, H. T. Walsh, Dale Walters, Leon Wander, Martha Wang, Judith Wangenberg, Ralph Wanson, Sue Warburton, Ginger Ward, David 268, Word, Jim Ward, Kay 142, 213, 222, 213, 213, 76, 142, 255, 279 233 337 417 339 127 237 332 417 267 334 255 417 335 33 340 253 33 417 417 417 223 417 204 349 345 336 358 417 417 227 350 204 215 223 417 334 348 417 347 233 336 342 417 360 292 353 417 360 261 279 417 417 344 417 255 202 339 337 304 353 Ward, Mary Word, Rindy Ward, Sue Wardlaw, Christine Wardlow, Mary Warlick, Donna Warner, Carolyn Warner, Judith Warner, Pamela Warnock, Ronald Warren, Dale Warren, James Warren, Jan 331 Warren, Joe Warren, Julie Warren, Dean Katherin' Warren, Koty Warren, MJ Catherine Warren, Nancy Warwick, Sue Washburn, Ann Washburn, Constance Washburn, Dave Washington, Irene Waters, Ken Waters, Liz 142, 47, 261, 202, 375, 139, Waters, Sandy Watkins, Dianne Watkins, Woody Watson, Bob Watson, Lynne Watson, Madge Watson, Mary Watson, Patricia Watt, L'orrie Watts, Dr. Betty Watts, Larry Watts, Steve Watts, Thomas Waxier, Ian Weaver, Jane Weaver, John Weaver, Judy Weaver, Kenneth Weaver, OMie Weaver, Wyn Webb, Celia Webb, Earl Webb, Lyn Webber, Susan Weber, Dee Webster, Dell Weeks, Diane Weeks, George Weeks, Jesse Weeks, Mary 209, 121, 345, 219, 249, 229, 274, 245, 265, We dner, Richard We glein, Authur We glein, J . We ner, Karen We ner, Linda We ch, Edward We ch, Jim We Is, Doug We Is, Faye We Is, Francis We Is, Jole We Is, Montague We sh, Thomas 342,, 41 8 223, Werner, Mark Werner, Ronnie Wesley Foundation West, Claudia West, Eric West, Gary West, Jack West, Lynda West, Sandra West, Susan West, Tom 270, 353, 247, 204, 213, 339 229 235 213 211 417 211 358 330 347 343 417 221 417 332 204 30 169 333 227 219 358 417 245 417 417 127 352 354 233 336 417 209 215 417 211 231 103 417 343 417 417 418 332 418 251 418 237 360 247 233 305 275 231 418 418 418 354 261 418 342 359 418 41: 270 332 418 418 238 247 334 418 255 359 361 121 128 418 418 221 345 215 279 Westberry, C. Westberry, Edna Westerfield, Jan Weston, Edward Weston, Gail Wetherell, T. K. Wetherington, Gary Wetherspoon, Ned Wettengel, James Wettstein, Max Wetzel, Barbcza Wexler, J. Sheila Wheeler, Gary Wheeler, Huel Wheeler,' J,ohn Wheeler, Karen Wheeler, Wendel I Whelchel, John 342 418' 418 243, 418 353 279 257 330 243 279 360 418 343 267 337 418 249 263, 418 159, 249, Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh dden, Marshall dden, Sharon gham, Doris Iden, Pamela pple, Janet taker, Judy tcomb, Elizabeth te, Barbara te. Buster te, David 139, te, Dolly te, Donald te. Gene te, Kenny te, Wm. tehead, Raymond 266, 267, teside, Dick tfield, Ronald tman, Janet tney, Michael ttington, Howard ttle, Chester tworth, Mike 249, 418 418 211 418 231, 338 227, 336 209, 418 Whc Whc W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 207, 213, ant, Bonnie 1 46, des, Kenneth edenbeck, Nancy gelius, Michael 133, 253, cox, Bob cox, Don cox, Hugh coxon, Dixie des. Rose 349, 350, es, Jon ey, Diane ey, Sharon kinson, Curtis kis, Jody 239, ks, Pamela liams. Barbie I iams Carol liams, Carole liarns, Cheryll liams, Claudia liams, D. liams. Dale liams, David liams, Del I iams, Deloi s liams, Don liams. Gene liams, Gerald liams, Hugh liams, Karen liams, Kate liams, Linda liams, Lucy liams, Joy liams, John liams, Marie liams, Marilyn liams, Michele liams. Palmer liams, Paul 173, 418 255 253, 418 418 267, 419 168, 360 300, 301 270 166, 167 328, 419 337 249 419 419 251, 419 27 353 372 195, 419 245 419 419 304, 305 243, 419 263 338 419 245 419 419 419 419 229 336 419 419 140 223 253 279 259 284 360 253 279 261 249 204 215 233 215 255 265 165 233 204 263 279 151 142, 261 W W W W w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w. w Wi w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w son, son, son , son, son, i son, I son, Ison, Ison, 221, 352, 225, 334, 337, lliams, Ronald lliams, Sheryl lliams, Shirley lliams, Susan 1 1 iams, Ted lliams, Wayne I liams, , Wynne 215, I I iamson, Dorothy lliamson, Jeaniel68, lliamson, K. lliamson, Larry lliamson, Paul 1 1 is. Iris Nits, Ram I Is, Cherryl ^ Ison, Daniel David Frank Jane Judith Kenna Linda Marsha Paul Ralph Ison, Wynnelle Itshire, Joann mberly, John nch, Susan nchester. Cookie ngate, Ray nn. Sherry nn, Steve nning, Pamela nter, Ceci I nter, Nancy nter, Pat nterburg. Kip nterrowd, Janet 76, nters. Dr. Stephen nton, Jane se, Dorthory se, James seman. Sue ser, Mary therspoon, John tte. Bob tte, Ted ttstruck, Frances Wohrley, Charlene Wolett, Jody Wolf, Mari lyn Wolfe, Mark Wolfendon, Nancy Wolline, Vivian Wolson, Wm. Wolters, John Women's "F" Club Wonson, Susan Wood, Bill 133, 166, Wood, Edward Wood, James Wood, Ley Wood, Moloney Wood, Maria Wood, Patsy Woodham, Kay Woodhouse, Mark Woodley, Jean Woodruff, Thomas Woods, Andrew Woods, Andy Woods, Paul Woods, Sandy Woodworth, Dean Wooley, Bob Woolwine, Vivian 202, Worley, Michael Worley, Rebecca Worley, Sara Worley, Susan Worsham, Ann Worsham, Sharon 207, 251 261, 338, 207, 238, 335, 231, 221, 324, 339, 146, 76, 255, 349, 139, 235, 223, 261, 314, 247, 141, 238, 204, 215, 360, 419 207 235 235 245 419 345 237 329 342 279 263 419 227 233 419 259 259 207 231 419 419 221 419 263 419 215 269 338 349 255 221 342 219 263 419 349 352 336 332 347 419 419 233 233 257 332 310 419 211 345 227 332 420 139 420 253 353 420 326 343 247 315 237 333 221 233 420 420 420 261 141 330 420 420 304 420 420 225 225 420 233 420 Wrenn, Jacquelyn 209, Wrestling Gloria Kay Les lie Major Nancy Payton 215, Dr. Thomas Thomas 46 C. Wulf, Jane Wurst, Alice Wurzbach, Thomas Wyatt, D. Wyland, Annell Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wr Wu, ght, ght, ght, ght, ght, ght, ght, ght, p 336, 420 329 239, 420 347 209 420 223 353, 420 47 197, 325 253 215 211, 420 259 342 211, 349 Y Yaggy, Mary E 1 len 209, 420 Yancey, Patty 225, 341 Yates, Gay 168, 225, 336, 345 Yates, Margaret 213 Yawn, Wayne 360 Yearwood, Jim. 332 Yerger, Nancy 227 Yielding, Hood 225 Yoe, Mrs. P. B. 252 Yon, Potty 420 York, Alan 420 York, Betty 420 York, Carole 420 York, Vivian 339, 344 Young, Diane 344 Young, Dorothy 420 Young, Eorlene 420 Young, Glenn 249 Young, Melvin 420 Young, Penny 204 Young, Susan 237 Young, Virginia 231 z Zachlod, Craig 257, 420 Zeigler, Carol 420 Zeigler, Penny 213, 336 Zellner, Annette 147, 237 Zellner, Jim 168, 249 Zelt, Leslie 219, 349 Zeta Tau Alpha 236 Zeve, Viei 219 Zgodzinski, Ed 253 Zimmerman, Dave 255 Zimipfer, Betty 339 Zintel, Andrew 420 Zlatin, Nancy 123 Zolobosky, Cora 142, 339 Zywicki, Helen 333, 358 In Retrospect The campus of Florida State University has changed greatly in the last few years.. The latest addition, and the one effecting the most people—stu- dents, faculty, and university guests--is the new University Union. With this in mind, we selected the Union as our theme for the 1965 TALLY HO. Because the idea of a Union is new to the campus, we have tried to pre- sent all facets of it--the activities, programs, and organization. To some students, this will be their first glimpse inside the buildings; to others, it will recall the many activities and enrichments the Union has offered to them. Whatever you see, we hope you like it. With the Union playing so vital a part in the "life" of the TALLY HO, we all returned in the fall quite anxious to be moved and settled in our new offices located in the Union. But that had to wait. There we sat, in our penthouse in Longmire, all packed up and no place to go. For three months, we heard "Tomorrow, we move!" That big day finally arrived in November. Copy, pictures, and layouts got lost, but somehow we managed to survive and get the book underway once more. Producing the yearbook has been a tremendous task, and without the help of many, many people it would have been impossible. I could never begin to name everyone, but I must mention some people in particular. My thanks goes out especially to the News Bureau and to Bill Bunker of the Sports Publicity Department for all of their help; to Jim Vastine and the FLAMBEAU for letting us raid their photo files when our pictures were missing; to the advertising and business staffs for keeping our morale up in the day and the yearbook staff out at night; to Dean Katherine Warren for those late permissions in trying to meet deadlines; to Carole and David Benson for putting up with me the last few weeks; and to countless others who must go unnamed but appreciated. To my staff, who somehow remained loyal during the trials and tribula- tions of producing a yearbook, I wish to express my deepest gratitude. I especially appreciate the efforts of Pat Kennon and Anna Mills during 3-A in finishing the book. To Gary Wetherington, my managing editor, and to Grady Toler, manager of the Publications Lab, I owe my heartfelt thanks. Without you, this book would never have been a reality.. After much packing and unpacking, many long hours, overflowing ash- trays and waste baskets, pictures without identifications, identifications without pictures, and missing copy, the work is through for this year. To next year's editor and staff, I wish the very best of luck. And now, we present to you and to posterity, our ideas of life at FSU, centering around the University Union-the 1965 TALLY HO. Susan Fincher, Editor THE S. K. SMITH GOMB\NY 2857 NORTH WESTERN AVENUE • CHICAGO 18, ILLINOIS 33 PUBLIC SQUARE • CLEVELAND 13, OHIO V } ; i 52 VANDERBILT AVENUE • NEW YORK 17, NEW YORK 5260 W. 104th STREET • LOS ANGELES 45, CALIFORNIA ANOTHER FINE FLORIDA STATE YEARBOOK SELECTS A SMITH- CRAFTED COVER... ALWAYS THE CHOICE OF QUALITY-WISE, DESIGN- CONSCIOUS YEARBOOK STAFFS THROUGHOUT THE STATE. PER- SONALIZED ATTENTION TO YOUR COVER REQUIREMENTS, IN EVERY DETAIL, IS AVAILABLE TO YOU BY WRITING: THE S. K. SMITH COMPANY 2857 NORTH WESTERN AVENUE, CHICAGO 18, ILLINOIS CHIDNOFF STUDIO The Ultimate In Photography' COLLEGE YEAR BOOK SPECIALISTS 3204 North Miami Avenue EST. 1928 Miami, Florida ♦S/ r » // / i:*\m .* V\. ; I ■^-^^ y N-. ¥•*» 9^ i(*». \ y Ht W^i \^ 1*3 -Sfesilfeja \^ "*'^*»wsi^. y F=> L_ e Key to Semce: Quality and Success HIllSBOM PRINTING & LITH86RAPHIN6 GO TAMPA, FLORIDA Graphic Arts Exellence for over ILLUSTRATION: BOB CURRAN -«5!f ■fe

What are 5 things you should do after an interview?

Common things to do after an interview.
Ask for next steps and contact information. ... .
Assess your interview performance. ... .
Write down anything you want to remember. ... .
Send a thank you note to the hiring manager. ... .
Reference a current industry event in the news or literature. ... .
Connect on social media business networking sites..

Why is it important to prepare for an interview?

Being invited to an interview means that your application must have made a good impression. An interview is a discussion between you and an employer to find out if you can do the job. You need to prepare yourself for the interview to make sure that you are successful.

Where can I do a virtual interview?

Places to conduct a virtual interview.
Your local public library. ... .
Your local Goodwill. ... .
Your local community center. ... .
Your local coffee shop. ... .
Your nearest Starbucks. ... .
Your neighbors' or loved ones' homes. ... .
Using a hotspot. ... .
In a park or public space..

What to say at the beginning of an interview?

Here are five things to say at the beginning of your interview:.
It's nice to meet you. ... .
Thank you for meeting with me today. ... .
I've read the job description. ... .
I've researched your company. ... .
I'd like to learn more about the company. ... .
This job sounds interesting. ... .
The job description aligns perfectly with my qualifications..


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