How to tell he likes you over text

Keep reading and I’ll explain how to tell if he likes you by his texts (or if he’s just leading you on).


Plus at the end of this article, I’ll reveal my number one tip to make him text you more and think about you all day long.

I’m Amy North, a relationship coach from the west coast of Canada.

I specialize in helping women get the relationships they deserve with the guy they want.

I’m going to share how guys text girls they like, the signs he likes you over text message and how you can use this info in your situation.

This goes for texting, direct messages on social media, Tinder messages or any form of online communication.

Now, let’s start with a trick that can be super helpful in finding out his feelings for you, if it’s possible in your situation.

This one is a pretty sneaky sign he likes you over text message.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Using the way he talks to a friend as a baseline, see if he texts you differently.
  • 2. He says he wishes you were with him.
  • 3. Is he trying to impress you?
  • 4. Does he remember what you’ve talked about in the past and bring it up?
  • 5. Does he use emojis?
  • 6. Does he compliment you?
  • 7. Does he text you when he’s busy?
  • 8. How does he talk about other girls he’s dating?
  • 9. Does he send you long texts?
  • 10. Does he have something to gain by texting you?
    • What about other signs he likes you over text message?
    • Text you can send that makes him shake with desire for you?

1. Using the way he talks to a friend as a baseline, see if he texts you differently.

If you have any close friends that he also texts who you can trust not to report back to him, ask them about how he texts them.

Then compare how he texts them to how he texts you.

If you get a basic line on how he texts a friend compared to how he texts you, then you’ll have a pretty good idea if he’s treating you differently than his friends.

If he does, this might be a sign he likes you.

Next, does he say this?

2. He says he wishes you were with him.

Here’s one phrase to look for that is a guaranteed sign he likes you:

“I wish you were here.”

This sign he likes you over text message might not seem like much but it’s a pretty strong indicator that he does have feelings for you.

Whatever he’s doing, he thinks that it would be better with you around and he misses seeing you.

I’m sure you feel the same way about him.

When he says he wishes you were with him, it is a great sign he likes you over text unless he only sends it when he’s in bed or at a strip club.

3. Is he trying to impress you?

This sign he likes you over text message can be subtle if he’s clever.

Think about what he brings up over text:

  • Does he seem to be trying to give you a favorable view of him?
  • Does he mention all the fun stuff he’s doing, the accomplishments and successes of his day-to-day?
  • Any hint of bragging suggests that he may want you to be impressed by him.
  • Is he willing to admit things and be vulnerable?

If a guy is willing to open up to you, this is a good sign he likes you.

Most men don’t do this for just anybody.

If he tells you about a secret, his hopes, his dreams, then there’s a good chance he sees you as more than just a friend.

4. Does he remember what you’ve talked about in the past and bring it up?

This is how you know he’s not just texting a hundred other girls at the same time.

It takes mental energy to remember what you’ve talked about and then ask about it later. If he’s doing this, he’s at least showing he cares about you.

5. Does he use emojis?

Emoji use doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

But many guys will only use lots of emojis over text with girls they really like or feel comfortable around.

Think heart eyes ????, NOT eggplant ???? and peach???? since the last two are pretty explicit.

6. Does he compliment you?

Specifically, does he compliment you on superficial things over text?

Or does he go past that into those deeper areas of your looks and personality that most guys don’t notice?

This means that he’s really got his eye on you. And he’s probably at least interested in getting to know you better.

7. Does he text you when he’s busy?

If he texts you even though he’s busy, this means that he wants to talk to you and isn’t just texting you to kill time.

This is a clear sign that he likes you over text message.

If he keeps texting even when the conversation slows or there’s nothing much else to say, sometimes guys may seem like they’re uninterested simply because they’re bad at texting or distracted.

In this case, you’ll know he likes you if it’s clear that he’s trying to keep the conversation even though he has nothing left to say.

If he’s always the last one to send a message or if he changes the subject and asks leading questions once your conversation has gone cold, he probably likes you.

8. How does he talk about other girls he’s dating?

If he talks about spending time with other girls and doesn’t make it clear that they’re just his friends, then this is a bad sign that he doesn’t see you the way you’d like and you might be in the friend zone.

This isn’t a deal breaker but you need to change his view of you if you want him to see you as anything other than a friend.

If you want a text that will help you win over a stubborn guy or simply let him know that you’re interested at more than just friendship without scaring him off, I have good news for you.

My new program, Text Chemistry will give you the tools you need to text men you want without fear of rejection.

Go here right now to learn more.

Just be sure that this is the right guy for you because my tips for texting a man are extremely powerful.

9. Does he send you long texts?

You know how when you like a guy you sometimes ramble on about nothing without even realizing it?

Often, guys do the same thing.

If he’s writing thoughtful well-crafted replies to your text, then it’s clear that he’s invested in the conversation.

When he replies with one-word answers, this is a sign you might be texting too much, he’s bored or just being polite.

Just try and think about whether he’s truly busy (like at work) before you judge whether he likes you over text message by the length of his texts.

Even for guys who like you, it’s natural to say a little bit less when they are at work or super busy with other things.

10. Does he have something to gain by texting you?

Often, a guy who likes you will look for any excuse to text you.

Maybe you’re in a class together or you work in the same place.

If all of his text conversations start and end with him trying to get you to switch a shift, pick him up from the airport, or help him with homework then this is a sign only he thinks of you as a friend, co-worker or acquaintance.

Long story short, he may text you a lot but if he’s clearly trying to get something out of you (totally justified or not), then the conversation is over.

Don’t read too much into it.

This doesn’t mean there’s no hope but you’ll have to take the initiative to move these conversations beyond business as usual.

This also goes for guys who are just trying to get nudes and into your pants.

Guys like these are pretty easy to spot with late night texts in flirty language.

If texting conversations begin with “What are you wearing?” this is probably a sign he’s only interested in a physical relationship with you.

What about other signs he likes you over text message?

This one is harder, but if all his texts seem thought out and not random, if he texts you during the day, these are all good signs he likes you over text message and he might want something serious.

In the end, you can’t be sure he likes you until it moves beyond text.

Try moving the conversation towards seeing him in person.

You don’t have to be the one to ask him out, that’s OK too.

But if you bring up more things you like to do in real life as well as things you’re looking forward to like restaurants you like and activities you enjoy, then he’s going to get the hint and ask you out if he’s really interested in you.

Your connection can be improved and strengthened with text messaging but a face to face element is still vital to building a real relationship.

Be wary of guys who just text you for weeks or months without ever making the next move.

They may not be the kind of guy you’re looking for or may already be seriously dating someone else.

Text you can send that makes him shake with desire for you?

Once you use this text on him, he will immediately focus on you… and constantly think about ways he can get closer to you.


Watch this video now.

How to tell he likes you over text

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How to tell he likes you over text

Amy North

Amy North is the dating coach and author behind the bestselling programs, The Devotion System which explains how to find and keep the man of your dreams and Text Chemistry which helps women magnetize men using simple, easy text messages.

Coach Amy North specializes in breakups, marital issues, and dating for women, and offers relationship coaching to clients from around the world.

Her background in both psychology and journalism makes Amy a highly sought-after relationship expert. With thousands of subscribers and millions of views, her popular YouTube channel has become a smash hit with women all over the world.

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What do guys do when they like you over text?

How guys text when they like you.
He texts you first. ... .
He sends emojis – a lot of them. ... .
He asks a lot of questions. ... .
He'll talk about himself a lot. ... .
He sends multiple unanswered texts. ... .
He responds quickly. ... .
He texts you when he's out with friends. ... .
He'll give you compliments..

How do you ask him if he likes me over text?

Keep your ask simple, direct, and clear, such as "Are you interested in going out with me?" or suggest an activity for a date. Once you send your text, give him a day or two to respond. Then, it's OK to check in if you still haven't heard anything.

How can you tell someone likes you over text?

10 Ways You Can Tell Someone Likes You Over TEXT.
#1: They mirror how you text. ... .
#2: They don't text one-word answers. ... .
#3: They use flirty emojis. ... .
#4: They reply quickly. ... .
#5: They initiate conversation. ... .
#6: It's a 24/7 text cycle. ... .
#7: They pepper in “we” and “us” language. ... .
#8: They let you know when they're unavailable..