How to stop your stomach from making noises in an exam

Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 03:35 am

I have a Physics exam tomorrow, lasting a total of 3 hours 10 mins. This is in TOTAL silence... I'm barely worried about the exam itself, just the fact that my stomach is bound to rumble and I get really embarrassed about this. I know I shouldn't, but I still do.

I also know that I'm hardly ever going to see most of the people ever again, and even if they hear my tummy they'll probably forget about it the next day.. But it's just the embarrassment at the time, so does anyone have any tips on how to stop my stomach rumbling?

It's in the morning, and I can hardly eat breakfast then, but I still managed to slip in a couple of bits and pieces for my exams yesterday, but they were 2 hours 40 mins, and my stomach did start trying to make funny noises...

I'm looking for either pills I can take during the exam (eg protein or something) or some other easy way I can just stop my stomach from rumbling for a while. I'm perfectly fine for that amount of time at home etc... It's just the fact that it's complete silence and I've got no chance of being able to just nip off and grab a sandwich or packet of crisps...

I know I'm making a big deal of this, but I'm really worried!!!!!


Type: Discussion • Score: 15 • Views: 87,180 • Replies: 35

Yes, you're making a really big deal out of this. Yes, the test is more important than your stomach. And no, I don't know of any drugs and, even if I did, it would be useless to tell you -- I mean, don't you actually care about being sharp during the exam?

That having been said, eat a decent breakfast -- cereal and milk should be fine -- and you won't have this to worry about. And if it happens, it happens, and move onto the next question.

Good luck on your test.

ever since my surgery a couple years ago my stomach rumbles loudly constantly and I belch all the time. It's not a question of contol, I would explode if I didn't. It IS embarassing and I feel for you. See a doctor. And f**k 'em if they can't take a joke. That's the people in the exam room, not you Jespah.....

(Bear backs away from the snarling moderator slowly and carefully)

The test is not that important to me. I stopped attending lessons because I hated college so much, so...I'm not exactly fussed what I get. I'm not doing my A2s... It's just I'm severly unconfident. If I get embarrassed it sticks with me for years, even the most minor things, like calling my friend's dog when it wasn't her dog... etc etc.

I've got several important job related things coming up, if I get embarassed during this exam it's going to destroy all th confidence I've been building up over the past few weeks. Very melodramatic I know, but it's true in my view.

I wasn't talking about DRUGS, I was talking about like vitamins or something. Seen as the stomach rumbles as a result of lack of nutrients in the blood...

Can't have milk, lactose intolerant. And that won't stop me from being hungry without eating other things aswell. Like sausages; protein etc. But I just need some reassurance during the exam. To know I've got back up if my tum does start to rumble.

Thanks though. I'm not sure what going to a Dr would do really... I think it's more a psychological thing rather than physical. Thanks for the suggestion.

Im lactose intolerant too.

Would pasta help, filling and slow energy releasing.

Hey, that's a good idea. I never thought of that.. I could make it the night before too... Hmm, thanks! ^_^

If my stomach rumbled, I'd look at the person next to me, point and laugh.

Why don't you take some chewable Pepto-Bismol to the exam? That should stop the rumbling!

honey_rose_cr wrote:

Hey, that's a good idea. I never thought of that.. I could make it the night before too... Hmm, thanks! ^_^

Nada problemo.
Thanks guys.

Chai wrote:

If my stomach rumbled, I'd look at the person next to me, point and laugh.


Phoenix32890 wrote:

Why don't you take some chewable Pepto-Bismol to the exam? That should stop the rumbling!

Will that work? Hmm... I took some little bits of cereal bar into the last exam, but I didn't want to eat them incase it just made my stomach hungrier for FOOOOOD.... Plus there's that bit where the crunching might draw attention to me initially

Hey honey_rose_cr

i know exactly how you feel.n yer it is totally embarassin.i had a history exam today n on one occassion it rumbled so loudly i just had to rustle the exam paper pages about to try n hide the sound lol!well anyways i usually find i get it if i'v been nervous before the exam.But also i'v heard it can be to do with stomach acid ,so if u drink a lot of fizzy drinks or eat stuff with citric acid it can set it could try something that would settle it like taking a gaviscon tablet or milk of magnesia to help neutralise it.well not sure if it will work but its worth a try.well anyways good luck with your exams!!hope this helps!!n if all else fails just make a special effort to turn the pages of your exam paper really loudly to cover the sound-works for me !lol!!

luv meg x

It really isnt a stupid problem. I have the same problem except it happens to me ALL THE TIME. I cant concentrate in classes because it is noisy and although no-one says anything its really annoying and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Everything I do is controlled by this stupid problem, and its not like I dont eat enough. I eat plently, I even eat when Im not even hungry just so it wont be as bad. I am looking for solutions too as it is really getting to be a big issue. But I really feel for you cause I dont think its a silly problem, it does affect you in many ways. I hope you find something that helps.


Im just the same. I hate it.. especially when you know the person next to you can hear it too.
If you do manage to find out anything that could stop it, please let post it up on this please.
Jaz x

I have the same embarrassing problem. And I have found that breathing slowly and deeply in and holding your breath for couple of seconds and then slowly exhaling helps. Do this a few times, it seems to slow down your breath and calm your nervous system down which causes the rumbles in the first place. Also, once you have breakfast, lay on the floor on your side and twist your torso to the opposite and lay this way for a minute, then switch sides. This relaxes and stretches your intestines. Hope this helps.

@Bi-Polar Bear,

Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

ever since my surgery a couple years ago my stomach rumbles loudly constantly and I belch all the time. It's not a question of contol, I would explode if I didn't. It IS embarassing and I feel for you. See a doctor. And f**k 'em if they can't take a joke. That's the people in the exam room, not you Jespah.....

(Bear backs away from the snarling moderator slowly and carefully)

@honey rose cr,

Oh man, I don't like when this happens either! What I used to do is take some wheat thins or preztels in a little baggie and eat them during my classes.

@honey rose cr,

I think a lot of people get a nevouse tummy in exams and or lectures etc. I have found that Kaolin and Morphine helps a little in calming my stomach and I also have stopped eating bread and anything that may ferment - like weate, yeast, beer. Another part of the nerves and stomach upset in these situations maybe claustrophobia so I try and sit near the exit.
Also some mints (the sugar free type) and chewing gum can affect your stomach, I think its the aspartamine coating.... Not sure.
I have just began studying again and I have the same problem. It's not uncomon so it seems. I hope this helps anyone in a similar situation.

@honey rose cr,

i know this is probably not the answer you are looking for, but perhaps the more serious thing to look into is boosting your self - confidence rather than solving your stomach rumbling? Consider a course of assertivity or working with a counselor, even some self-help book for starters. A minor embarassment should not stick with you for years, that is not healthy.
Good luck at the exam.


dagmaraka wrote:

i know this is probably not the answer you are looking for, but perhaps the more serious thing to look into is boosting your self - confidence rather than solving your stomach rumbling? Consider a course of assertivity or working with a counselor, even some self-help book for starters. A minor embarassment should not stick with you for years, that is not healthy.
Good luck at the exam.

I hope honey rose cr still isn't nervous about his exam considering he should have taken it 940+ days ago.

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