How to relieve gas pain in stomach

If you’ve ever experienced waves of sharp pain in your belly along with the feeling that your waistline is inflating like a balloon, you might be experiencing bloating and cramps due to intestinal gas. 

Everyone gets gas on occasion. It’s a natural byproduct of the bacteria in your intestines doing their job and breaking down the fibers, sugars and starches in the food you eat. Though gas pain is usually nothing serious, the discomfort can be intense.

Intestinal gas and its discomfort are likely to resolve on their own. Burping or passing gas through the rectum (flatulence) is usually enough to ease your physical discomfort.

Johns Hopkins gastroenterologist Hazel Marie Galon Veloso provides some perspective on bloating and gas cramps, including when to see a doctor.

Does constipation cause gas?

Yes, Veloso says. Anything that slows down the digestive process, such as a low-fiber diet, use of opioid medications or an anticholinergic drug can put the brakes on timely bowel function.

Veloso says eating a diet rich in fiber, staying hydrated and exercising is a good long-term approach for beating bouts of gas and cramping. “If these measures don’t improve constipation and gas, a polyethylene glycol laxative can help,” she notes.

Try It Steps to Avoid Gas Pain

“Since constipation causes gas and cramping, you should try to exercise regularly, stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fiber,” Veloso says.
Here are some other tips:

  • Don’t drink with a straw.
  • Choose noncarbonated beverages.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • If your symptoms persist, see your doctor to rule out food sensitivities, and other conditions.

Gas Pain: When to See a Doctor

Veloso says to be on the lookout for abdominal pain and bloating that persists even after constipation improves.

“You may have celiac disease or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), which can cause these symptoms and can occur with either constipation or diarrhea. You may also have irritable bowel syndrome or another problem,” she notes.

The SIBO Connection

“We see SIBO in patients who have had abdominal surgeries such as roux-en-Y gastric bypass or conditions such as diverticulosis of the small bowel. It’s more common in people with systemic diseases such as long-standing or poorly controlled diabetes, scleroderma, lupus, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and those with a lowered immune system.

“Long-term intake of narcotics or acid-suppressive medications such as omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole and esomeprazole can also cause SIBO. Advanced age can be another risk factor,” Veloso adds.

The condition can be treated with antibiotics, antimicrobial herbs or a low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols.”

Food Intolerance

When it comes to recurring bouts of intestinal gas, food sensitivities such as lactose intolerance are another common culprit. Veloso says some food sensitivities are present at birth (primary); others can develop later on (secondary).

“If you get repeated episodes of gas and cramping, try to notice foods that tend to set it off,” Veloso advises.

Once you identify the food(s) that cause problems, check in with your doctor, who can help determine if you’re reacting to lactose, fructose, gluten or another ingredient. Modifying your diet, taking enzyme pills or other treatments may bring relief.

For women, if your doctor rules out a digestive problem, a visit to the gynecologist may be in order. Bloating and abdominal pain can mean something going on with your uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. 

There are many causes of bloating and gas pain, and most have treatments that can help you get relief. Any abdominal pain that’s severe or interferes with your life is a good reason to go with your gut and see a doctor.

  • 6 Ways to Relieve Gas
    • 6 ways to get rid of gas immediately
  • Common Symptoms
    • What are the common symptoms of excessive gas?
  • Causes
    • What causes excessive gas symptoms?
  • Treatment
    • What is the treatment for excessive gas?
  • Related Resources
    • Related Resources - How to Get Rid of Gas Immediately

6 ways to get rid of gas immediately

Here 6 effective ways to get rid of excessive gas immediately.

Burping and flatulating are two ways in which the body gets rid of gas. The average person produces one to four quarts of gas every day and typically flatulates 14 times per day.

Here are 6 ways to get rid of gas immediately:

  1. Drink warm water
    • Water stimulates peristalsis (movement in the intestine). Drinking a cup of warm water may help relieve gas and cramps.
  2. Try natural digestive aids
    • Natural digestive aids contain digestive enzymes that operate in tandem with the body's enzymes to speed up and improve digestion.
    • Certain supplements may contain enzymes that aid in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates found in gas-producing foods.
    • Consult a naturopath or doctor about a high-quality supplement with the proper enzyme combination for your diet.
  3. Take activated charcoal
    • Activated charcoal is a natural and safe treatment for excess gas and bloating. This charcoal is safe for human consumption.
    • When you swallow the charcoal, it draws gases into itself, allowing it to be flushed out of the body. This helps reduce gas and bloating, as well as move any irritants out of the digestive tract.
    • Take activated charcoal with plenty of water and only use it under the supervision of a doctor.
  4. Take a probiotic
    • Probiotic supplements help get the “good” bacteria that the gut needs to break down food efficiently. Probiotics can help rebalance gut bacteria.
    • Indeed, clinical studies have shown that certain probiotic supplements can help reduce excess gas and bloating.
    • However, this is frequently dependent on the type of probiotic strains contained in the supplement. Probiotics may cause more gas in the first few days because new bacteria are introduced into the gut. However, as you continue to take it, this will get better.
  5. Try herbs
    • Many wonderful herbs can help relieve bloating and allow trapped gas to exit the digestive tract. Fennel seeds are one of the best cures.
    • Fennel seeds contain a compound that relaxes spasms in the smooth muscle of the gut, making it easier for gas to pass. After eating, you can chew on the seeds or drink fennel tea.
    • Peppermint and chamomile are both excellent carminatives, which means they “calm” the stomach and help relieve gas.
    • Carrom seeds may help in some cases.
    • Ginger tea can improve digestion and speed up metabolism. Include this in your morning routine to jumpstart the de-bloating process.
  6. Medications
    • Simethicone dissolves small gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines.
    • Most people start with small doses, but up to 125 mg with meals may be required to see a difference.

What are the common symptoms of excessive gas?

The passage of gas through the digestive tract causes no symptoms in most people. It is normal to pass gas daily. When gas becomes bothersome, it is due to an excess of gas. 

Excess gas can be accompanied by symptoms, such as:

  • Burping
  • Farting
  • Abdominal pain or cramps
  • Feeling stuffed and suffocated (bloating)
  • Increase in the size of the abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Weight changes
  • Frequent tendency of vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn

What causes excessive gas symptoms?

Bloating, distension and gas can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Swallowing too much air, such as when you:
    • Eat or drink quickly
    • Drink fizzy drinks, such as soda
    • Smoke
    • Chew gum that contains a sugar called sorbitol
  • Sluggish intestinal movement
  • Overeating
  • Menstruation
  • Having refined foods

Eating foods that your body cannot digest

Bacteria in the colon break down certain foods and produce gas. Foods that may cause more gas than usual are:

  • Dairy products
  • Fruit sugar
  • Wheat 
  • Artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol, xylitol, or mannitol
  • High-fiber foods

Gas moving slowly

The body may take longer to expel gas. The gas then accumulates and causes pain.

When people have certain medical issues gas moves more slowly through the intestines, such as the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Gastroparesis (slow stomach emptying)
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intestinal bacterial overgrowth
  • Certain medications, such as antibiotics or protein supplements
  • Eating high-fat foods
  • Chronic (long-term) stress
  • The pelvic floor muscles and anal sphincter do not relax the way they should. This issue is called dyssynergia.

What is the treatment for excessive gas?

The treatment for gas, belching, and bloating is determined by the source of the excess gas. The doctor may advise you to change your diet and eating habits after reviewing your history.

The doctor may recommend the following treatment for excessive gas:

  • Avoid smoking, chewing gum, and eating and drinking slowly to reduce the amount of air you swallow
  • Avoid or limit foods that make you gassy
  • Take over-the-counter digestive enzymes to aid in the digestion of carbohydrates in foods that create gas
  • Take over-the-counter antacids, which will help you get rid of gas in the digestive tract


Pancreatitis is inflammation of an organ in the abdomen called the pancreas. See Answer

Medically Reviewed on 11/30/2021


Image Source: iStock Images

Cleveland Clinic. Gas and Gas Pain. //

Cedars-Sinai. Gas in the Digestive Tract. //

Abraczinskas D. Patient education: Gas and bloating (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate. //

How can I get gas out of my stomach?

Belching: Getting rid of excess air.
Eat and drink slowly. Taking your time can help you swallow less air. ... .
Avoid carbonated drinks and beer. They release carbon dioxide gas..
Skip the gum and hard candy. ... .
Don't smoke. ... .
Check your dentures. ... .
Get moving. ... .
Treat heartburn..

How Long Can gas pain last?

Call your doctor if you have abdominal pain that lasts 1 week or longer, if your pain doesn't improve in 24 to 48 hours, if bloating lasts more than 2 days, or if you have diarrhea for more than 5 days.

What are the symptoms of trapped gas?

Signs or symptoms of gas or gas pains include:.
Passing gas..
Pain, cramps or a knotted feeling in your abdomen..
A feeling of fullness or pressure in your abdomen (bloating).
An observable increase in the size of your abdomen (distention).

What positions help relieve gas?

Here are a few poses that can target the areas of your body that can help you to pass gas..
Wind-Relieving pose (Pawanmuktasana) ... .
Child's pose (Balasana) ... .
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) ... .
Two-Knee Spinal Twist pose (Supta Matsyendrasana).


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