How to make chutney without mixer

This Quick and Easy Green Chutney (made without yogurt) is a quick and versatile recipe that is a must accompaniment for all street food snacks such as Aloo Tikki, Chana Chaat, Aloo Chaat, Mixed Vegetable Pakora, and Stuffed Chicken Bread.

How to make chutney without mixer

Why this Chutney is a Must in Your Kitchen

  • Super Fast: This chutney is super fast to make and is the perfect sauce to pair with anything and everything from grilled chicken to even being used as a base in this Hariyali Chicken recipe.
  • No Cook Recipe: All you need is a blender to make this recipe and a few minutes.
  • Versatile: This dip is very versatile, and can be changed up according to your taste preferences. I've noted down some variations below.
  • Goes with everything: This recipe is perfect for drizzling over your favorite Beef Biryani, or dipping your Potato Cutlets in to. It can also help you make delicious dinners such as this Hariyali Chicken.
How to make chutney without mixer

Ingredients You'll Need

How to make chutney without mixer
  • Coriander/Cilantro: Use fresh cilantro leaves for that bright punchy flavor. And did you know? It's okay to use the stems of coriander as they're full of flavor too. So I roughly just chop off the roots before blending it with the other chutney ingredients.
  • Mint: The amount of mint depends on your taste. You can use equal amounts of coriander and mint, or use a lower quantity of mint if you don't like the overpowering taste of mint.
  • Lemon juice: Always use fresh lemon juice, to add a bright note to the chutney.
  • Water: Just a little bit of water is needed to help blend the chutney into a smooth consistency.
  • Green chillies: Thai green chillies are best in this recipe, however you can also use jalapenos.
  • Garlic: 1-2 cloves of garlic adds a lovely flavor to this recipe. However, if you don't like raw garlic, you can omit this ingredient.
  • Salt: To bring out all the flavors!

How to Make Green Chutney

How to make chutney without mixer
  1. Wash and clean the coriander and mint leaves. Place in a blender or Nutribullet. I love using my nutribullet because it's handy and works really well for smoothies, dips, and sauces. It's also super easy to clean!
  2. Add the garlic cloves and green chillies.
  3. Squeeze in fresh lemon juice.
  4. Add the water and salt (not pictured).
  5. Blend for a 30-40 seconds until the chutney has a smooth consistency.

How to Make Green Chutney without a Blender

Don't have a blender or food processor? Worry not!

Growing up I never saw my mom make chutney in a blender. She always made it using a mortar and pestle.

While it takes a little longer and requires a bit more muscle, the chutney still turns out delicious.

To make it using a mortar and pestle, finely chop the green chilies, mint, and coriander leaves. Add salt and lightly smashed garlic.

Crush with the pestle for a few minutes, until you have a fine paste. Add 1-2 tablespoons of water, or until you have your desired consistency. Enjoy!

How to make chutney without mixer

Variations & Add-Ons

Yogurt: I often add yogurt to this green chutney to make it thicker and milder. Enjoy it with this Chana Pulao recipe or drizzle over this Malai Chicken Tikka Boti.

Grated Coconut: You can also add a little bit of grated or dessicated coconut to make this chutney thicker and delicious.

Onion: Some green chutney recipes call for a little bit of onion to add a bit of texture and extra flavor. Use a very small onion, finely chopped to add to this recipe.

Roasted Peanuts: Some South Indian versions of this recipe also call for chopped roasted peanuts. It adds a lovely flavor to the chutney!

Skip the Mint: If you don't like the minty flavor or have mint leaves on hand, you can skip them completely. The recipe still turns out delicious.

Cumin powder: You can also add some cumin powder or roasted and crushed cumin seeds to add an extra dimension to this delicious sauce.

Chaat Masala: Add a sprinkle of chaat masala to add a tangy and spicy flavor to the recipe.

How to make chutney without mixer
Green Chutney is the perfect sauce to dip your Chicken Bread into!

Recipe FAQs

What is green chutney made of?

Green chutney is a herby dipping sauce commonly made with coriander, mint, chillies, garlic, and lemon juice. It's often served with street food snacks or main dishes such as grilled chicken tikka.

How to store green chutney

Green chutney keeps well in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 4-5 days. You can also freeze it in an ice cube tray for up to 1 month.

Why does my green chutney become darker with time?

This is due to the oxidizing of the mint leaves. The color of the chutney does not affect its taste. However, adding lemon juice helps keep the bright green color for a bit longer.

Tips & Tricks

Use a high-powered blender to achieve a smooth consistency. The chutney should not have any small chunks in it and should be completely smooth.

Using lemon not only adds flavor but also ensures that the sauce maintains its color.

Make a double or even triple batch and freeze it for easy use in the future.

Did you know that it's okay to use the tender stems of coriander in recipes? I always used to pick each and every coriander leaf, until I learned that the stems carry a lot of flavors.

However, for mint, I do recommend picking leaves off of the stems as the mint stems are harder and will not blender properly and will also add a bitter taste to the recipe. Make sure to wash the mint very well, as it can often have dirt and grit stuck in its leaves.

Pair it with the Following Recipes

  • Aloo Pakora
  • Chicken Pakora
  • Daal 
  • Baked Spinach and Cheese Samosa
  • Chicken Cheese Balls
  • Potato Curry
How to make chutney without mixer

How to make chutney without mixer

  • Blender or Nutribullet

  • 1 cup packed coriander leaves
  • 1/2 cup packed mint leaves
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 green chilli
  • Salt to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons water

  • In a small hand blender or chopper, add all the ingredients and blend into a paste. Add more water if the chutney is too thick.

  • Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4-5 days. You can also freeze it for up to 1 month.

  1. Coriander/Cilantro: Use fresh cilantro leaves for that bright punchy flavor. And did you know? It's okay to use the stems of coriander as they're full of flavor too. So I roughly just chop of the roots before blending it with the other chutney ingredients.
  2. Mint: The amount of mint depends on your taste. You can use equal amounts of coriander and mint, or use a lower quantity of mint if you don't like the overpowering taste of mint.
  3. Lemon juice: Always use fresh lemon juice, to add a bright note to the chutney.
  4. Water: Just a little bit of water is needed to help blend the chutney into a smooth consistency.
  5. Green chillies: Thai green chillies are best in this recipe, however you can also use jalapenos.
  6. Garlic: 1-2 cloves of garlic adds a lovely flavor to this recipe. However, if you don't like raw garlic, you can omit this ingredient.
  7. Salt: To bring out all the flavors!

Variations & Add-Ons

  • Yogurt: I often add yogurt to this green chutney to make it thicker and milder. Enjoy it with this Beef Biryani recipe or to drizzle over this Malai Chicken Tikka Boti.
  • Grated Coconut: You can also add a little bit of grated coconut to make this chutney thicker and delicious.
  • Onion: Some green chutney recipes call for a little bit of onion to add a bit of texture and extra flavor. Use a very small onion, finely chopped to add to this recipe.
  • Roasted Peanuts: Some South Indian versions of this recipe also call for chopped roasted peanuts. It adds a lovely flavor to the chutney!
  • Skip the Mint: If you don't like the minty flavor or have mint leaves on hand, you can skip them completely. The chutney still turns out delicious.
  • Cumin powder: You can also add some cumin powder or crushed cumin seeds to add an extra dimension to this delicious sauce.
  • Chaat Masala: Add a sprinkle of chaat masala to add a spicy and tangy flavor. 

Calories: 41kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 166mg | Potassium: 211mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 2035IU | Vitamin C: 20mg | Calcium: 76mg | Iron: 1mg

Can chutney be made in blender?

The blender has a single speed option and a rustproof mincing blade that can be used to make tomato purees, chutneys and more. The whipping blade can be used to make lassis, milk shakes and whipping cream.

How do I make my chutney thicker?

If the chutney is too runny then in our opinion the best solution is to put it into a pan and bring it back to the boil, then simmer rapidly until it is the required thickness. If you can do this in a couple of deep frying pans (not aluminium) then it should help to speed up the process.

Do you cover chutney when cooking?

It is essential that chutneys are allowed a long and slow cooking period in a pan that is not covered with a lid. This will allow your chutney to become rich and smooth. The Kilner® Preserving Pan is perfect for this.

How do you make chutney?

Sixteen Ways To Eat Chutney and Relish.
Have it on a sandwich – add it to chicken salad..
Serve it alongside a cheese, and-or preserved, cured meat platter..
Mix it into ground beef or pork and use for meatloaf or sausage roll filling..
Serve it on the side of a meat pie or and empanada..