How to get get rid of a stuffy nose

You don't have to put up with the annoying pain and pressure of a stuffy nose. Here are five of the best ways to ease congestion with or without a trip to the drugstore.

By Jennifer WarnerMedically Reviewed by Justin Laube, MD

Reviewed: May 30, 2019

Medically Reviewed

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A stuffy nose can make you feel awful during the day and disrupt your sleep at night. But whether that plugged-up feeling is caused by allergies, dry air, a cold, or the flu, there are home remedies and over-the-counter medicines that can quickly have you breathing easier.

What’s Making Your Nose Feel Stuffed Up?

Pinpointing why your nose feels blocked can help you choose the best treatment, and help you avoid potential triggers in the future, noted research published in the International Journal of General Medicine.

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, frequent causes of stuffy nose include:

  • Common cold
  • Flu
  • Sinus infection
  • Hay fever or other allergies
  • Overuse of some over-the-counter nasal sprays or drops
  • Irritants, including dry air, air pollution, alcohol, certain medications, spicy foods, and strong odors, such as perfumes and cleaning products
  • Nasal polyps, marked by small benign sacs made up of inflamed tissues that can grow large enough to impair breathing through your nose


Feeling Fully Plugged? Reach for a Decongestant


In almost all cases of nasal congestion, the main cause of that stuffed up feeling is inflammation, “which makes tissues in nasal passageways swell,” explains Jonathan Auth, MD, a pediatrician at CHOC Children’s, a healthcare system based in Orange, California.

Oral and nasal decongestants work by shrinking the swollen blood vessels in the nose and air passages, with nasal decongestants offering the fastest relief. That’s because the medicine goes straight to the site of congestion without going through your body first, so there are fewer side effects than with oral decongestants, explains Janet Engle, PharmD, department head and professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy.

However, nasal decongestants come with a major drawback: “Nasal sprays can be used only for a short time because of the rebound effect,” she says.

The rebound effect means the congestion can come back even stronger when the drug is discontinued, so you have to take more of it; this can also lead to dependency on the drug. As Michael Seidman, MD, an otolaryngologist in Kissimmee, Florida, puts it, “Don’t use a nasal decongestant for more than two to three days, or else the nose becomes addicted to it.”

In addition, both types of decongestants aren’t for everyone. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says over-the-counter congestion medication and other cold medicines should not be given to children younger than age 2, and it advises caution when giving them to children younger than 4. If you’re pregnant, you should also consult your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medication.

An increased heart rate is a possible side effect of decongestant use, so these drugs should be avoided if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, or an irregular heartbeat.


Got Allergies? Consider an Antihistamine


Swelling of the nasal tissues, especially when caused by allergies, often triggers increased mucus production, which can further obstruct your airways, explains Dr. Auth. Over-the-counter antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and loratadine (Claritin), can help dry up excessive mucus, he says. If you’re taking an antihistamine during the day, check the label carefully and choose one labeled “nonsedating.


Feel a Cold Coming On? Seek Out Zinc

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If you catch the first signs of congestion or other symptoms of a cold fast enough, zinc may help. Zinc supplements work by binding with zinc receptors found on common cold and flu viruses to potentially reduce the amount of the virus circulating in the body, says Dr. Engle. Zinc may help by shortening the duration of congestion symptoms, but it does not have decongestant effects.

“Zinc surrounds the virus, so you have to suck on a lozenge for it to come in contact with the virus in the mouth and throat,” Engle explains. “But you must take it within the first 24 hours after symptoms start.”

Other dietary supplements, such as echinacea, vitamin C, and probiotics, are often touted as cold and congestion remedies, but Dr. Seidman says they are better suited to boosting overall immune function rather than fighting a stuffy nose.

“If you are full-blown into a cold, it’s probably not going to help,” he says. “It’s best to take them at the onset of symptoms, or just before.”


Dry Air Drying You Out? Just Add Water


Another potential remedy for a stuffy nose is salt water, which eases congestion by moistening and clearing the nasal passages. Dry air can increase mucus production and thicken the mucus so that it accumulates in the sinuses, explains Auth. Other irritants that buildup in nasal passages can also lead to nasal inflammation if they aren’t flushed out.

“The nose loves salt water,” says Seidman. “A home remedy I tell people about is to mix 1 quart of sterilized water, 1 teaspoon of kosher salt, and ¼ teaspoon baking soda, and then run it up your nose.”

Neti pots are nasal rinsing devices that have been around for thousands of years. While they're generally considered safe, the FDA cautions that they must be used and cleaned properly to avoid the risk of infection. The FDA recommends using purchased distilled or sterile water, boiled and cooled tap water, or water passed through one of its recommended filters in any of these devices to reduce the risk of infection.

Engle says saline nasal sprays are a convenient option to moisten and help drain a stuffy nose because the contents are premixed and sterile, which reduces the potential for infection if used properly. For people squeamish about rinsing out their nose, experts say simply moistening the air around you can help.

“A humidifier is a good thing for young children and people who don’t want to use drugs,” says Engle. Cool mist humidifiers are recommended in children’s bedrooms to reduce the risk of burns from warm mist versions.


Still Congested? Chicken Soup to the Rescue


The old adage “Feed a cold, starve a fever” may have some scientific proof to back it up. A landmark study published in the journal Chest suggested that chicken soup helps ease the inflammation associated with congestion and the common cold. The research showed that the activity of neutrophils — a type of white blood cell — was reduced in the presence of the soup, which theoretically would lessen inflammation.

In addition, the steam from a hot bowl of soup could help open a stuffy nose by thinning mucus so it can drain more easily. Similarly, drinking other hot fluids, like tea and broth, can also help, as can taking a steaming hot shower.

Should You Ask Your Doctor for an Antibiotic?

Probably not. Most stuffy noses are caused by infection with a virus, so antibiotics are powerless in treating them. Antibiotics are only effective in treating infections caused by bacteria.

“Everyone wants an antibiotic for congestion, but they don’t necessarily need one,” says Seidman. “It’s not going to help the cold or flu.”

Still, there are warning signs that your congestion may be a sign of something more serious, such as a sinus infection. See a doctor if you experience congestion symptoms that last more than 7 to 10 days, cause an earache, are accompanied by a fever of more than 101.5 degrees F, or that worsen over time.

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