How to find your pages on facebook

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Why Can’t I Find My Business Page on Facebook?

So you’ve created a Facebook business page. Congratulations!

There’s just one problem, though—it seems to be missing.

Maybe it doesn’t show up on Facebook search results, or maybe you can see it, but your friends can’t. Whatever the case, you may be wondering…

Did My Facebook Page Suddenly Disappear?

Probably not. But there are a few reasons why it might not be showing up when you look for it—Facebook has several requirements in order for your page to be published and visible in the search bar. If you’re missing just one of them, *POOF.* 

First Things First: Navigating to the Settings and About Section on Your Facebook Page

If your page isn’t showing up, you likely need to make edits in one of three places:

  • Your page settings
  • Your page itself (your cover photo, profile photos, and call-to-action)
  • Your page’s About section

We’ll cover the solutions section-by-section to make it CRYSTAL clear what you need to do. If you’re new to Facebook, the settings button for your page is RIGHT above your cover photo on the right-hand side, and the About section is along the vertical left-hand-side menu.

Now that we’ve got that sorted out, let’s continue to the reasons your Facebook page isn’t showing up.

Top Reasons Your Facebook Page Isn’t Showing Up

You Haven’t “Published” It

It sounds dumb, but creating a Facebook business page isn’t the same as publishing it. In most cases, Facebook should publish it for you, but we’ve seen a few instances where admins needed to go in and change their page’s settings from “unpublished” to “published.” In your settings, navigate to “General,” and then look for “Page Visibility.” If it says “unpublished,” you’ve found your problem. Click the “edit” option and change it to publish.

You Set Age and Country Restrictions

When you first set up your Facebook business page, you had the option to select country and age restrictions. If you chose to place either of these restrictions on your page, it’s time to remove them. Why?

If you are restricting users in certain countries from seeing your page, any user (from any country) who isn’t logged in will be asked to log in before they can see your page. If you placed age restrictions on who can see your page, you’ll have the same issue—searchers who aren’t logged in won’t be able to see your page until they sign in.

Unless you have reasons to restrict access to your page, it’s a good idea to leave the “Country restrictions” box empty and the age restriction set to “Anyone (13+).” Go to your settings, then “General,” and look for country and age restrictions. If you want your Facebook page to show up in search results, you need to set both of them to “everyone.” To do this, you’ll navigate to your settings like you did above.

Your Page Is Missing a Profile Photo or Cover Photo

Facebook requires that your business page have both a cover photo and a profile photo to be visible.

  • Cover photo: rectangle image above your page. Recommended size that works on both desktop and mobile is 820px wide by 462px tall, but make sure the main parts are centered as it will be cropped to 640px by 360px on mobile.
  • Profile photo: square image that shows up on posts. Recommended size is 170px wide by 170px tall.

You Didn’t Set Your Call-to-Action Button

Yes, there are call-to-action buttons on your profile, and you need to set yours. It’s located right underneath your cover photo on the right-hand side.

Click it, and a bunch of options will pop up, including options for “contact us,” “book now,” “download app,” and more. You have several options for the “contact us” type of button, so don’t forget to pick the one that most resonates with your business and your goals.

You Haven’t Added Basic Info in Your About Section

The last error you could have made during your page setup is in your About section. You need to have your “basic info” filled out. Tell your audience a little about your company, and don’t forget to show your personality.

You Haven’t Posted Anything in a While (or Ever)

You need to post consistently (at least once every two weeks) in order for your page to be published. If you don’t do that, you’ll first get a nice little warning (see below), and if you don’t post something, your page will be unpublished.

Facebook hasn’t indexed your page yet

It can take a few days for Facebook to index your page—that is, make it “findable” when people search for it. If it’s been a week or so since you created your Business page and you still aren’t seeing it in search results, you may want to try un-publishing the page and then publishing again. Anecdotally, Facebook users have said that this trick made their page appear in search results immediately.

How Can I Increase My Facebook Page’s Rank in Search and the News Feed?

Unfortunately, Facebook updated its news feed algorithm in early 2018 to favor posts from friends and family. If you want to market yourself on Facebook without wasting money, you need to invest in paid ads. Otherwise all those carefully crafted posts are going to the wind.

There are several things you can do to help your Facebook business page rank higher in the news feed:

  1. Create and participate in groups
  2. Use video that tells micro-moment stories
  3. Upload native videos and images instead of links
  4. Clean up your website code before you link to your website
  5. Avoid clickbait headlines at all costs

Want to Get Your Facebook Page to Rank Higher in Google Search Results?

Yup, that’s a thing that you can do. First, make sure you’re linking to your Facebook page wherever you can. Create a bright, visible link on your company website, and include that link in your site’s blog posts and in your comments on other blogs (where applicable). Ask people to like your page:

more likes = more authority = higher rankings

Second, create a richly detailed and specific “About” section on your page. Search engines crawl this little box to see how relevant your page is to search queries. So optimize it! If your most prized line of business is renovating historic farmhouses in a 25-mile radius around Lancaster, say so. Don’t just call yourself a “historic remodeler.” Think about what your customers are searching for and write an About section that answers their queries.

How Can I Maximize the Impact of My Facebook Business Page?

Get more tips on optimizing your Facebook page:

  • Discover how to use Facebook Business when you have multiple locations
  • Your Ultimate Guide to Types of Facebook Ads
  • How Much Does it Cost to Advertise on Facebook
  • Learn How to Schedule Your Facebook and Twitter Posts in Advance
  • How to Get Reviews on Facebook
  • The Stupid-Easy Way to Get More Facebook Likes

Or, visit our Facebook blog category and browse the blogs that tickle your fancy. Need help navigating the Facebook world? Contact us and we’ll show you how it’s done.

About The Author: Blue Corona's Editorial Staff is determined to help you increase your leads and sales, optimize your marketing costs, and differentiate your brand by passing on our tribal knowledge. The team vigilantly stays on top of the latest in digital marketing, bringing you the top insights with expert commentary. Want to see something on our blog you haven't seen yet? Shoot us an email and our marketing team will get to work.
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The information on this website is for informational purposes only; it is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. It does not constitute professional advice. All information is subject to change at any time without notice. Contact us for complete details.

Why can't I see my pages on Facebook?

If you've noticed that your Page isn't appearing in search results on Facebook, make sure that: Your Page doesn't have age or country restrictions. Your Page is published and active.

Why can't I find my business page on Facebook?

In most cases, Facebook should publish it for you, but we've seen a few instances where admins needed to go in and change their page's settings from “unpublished” to “published.” In your settings, navigate to “General,” and then look for “Page Visibility.” If it says “unpublished,” you've found your problem.


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