How to enable pop ups on safari iphone

Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority

Pop-ups are usually disabled in a browser by default — and that’s a good thing. Who wants to be bombarded with countless offers to subscribe to newsletters, click here, click there, download this, download that? Not me. But occasionally it does pay to let the occasional pop-up through. Maybe you really do want to download to a site’s newsletter and the browser is blocking the signup box? Whatever your reason, here is how to allow pop-ups on Safari.

Read more: Safari vs Chrome — which browser should you use on your Mac?


To allow Safari pop-ups, go to Safari's Preferences and then Websites-->Pop-up Windows. To enable or disable pop-ups for one website, that website must be loaded in the browser first. Then in Pop-up Windows, choose Allow or Block next to the domain listing. To block all websites, look at the bottom of Pop-up Windows and select Allow or Block next to When visiting other websites.


  • How to allow pop-ups on Safari on a Mac
  • How to allow pop-ups on Safari on an iPhone or iPad

How to allow pop-ups on Safari on a Mac

There are two sections to allowing or disallowing pop-ups on Safari on a Mac. You can either make a selection for one individual website at a time, or you can make one blanket setting for all websites. It all starts by going to Safari–>Preferences.

Then go to Websites–>Pop-up Windows.

For one website

To block a specific website, make sure you have that website loaded in Safari before you open the above windows. Then in the Pop-up Windows box, you will see the website under Currently Open Websites. Simply drop down the menu next to the site URL and select either Allow, Block, or Block and Notify.

When you close the website in the browser, the URL and the pop-up setting that you chose will be automatically moved to the Configured Websites section.

For all websites

At the bottom of the Pop-up Windows section is a line saying When visiting other websites. Next to that is a menu with the same three options. Choose one and that setting will apply to all future websites when you visit them.

How to allow pop-ups on Safari on an iPhone or iPad

The Safari pop-up controls on the iPhone and iPad are actually quite pathetic, compared to the Mac version of Safari. As we have seen, the Mac Safari allows you to make different decisions, based on individual domains. The iOS Safari gives you an “all or nothing” option, and that’s it.

Go to Settings–>Safari and scroll down to Block Pop-ups. Toggle it either on or off. Yes, seriously, that’s the grand total of what you get. It almost seems like an afterthought.

How do I allow Safari to allow pop

Open a Safari browser window. Select the “Safari” menu, and then select “Preferences” from the drop down menu. The preference pane will open and then select “Security” on the top row. Uncheck the checkbox "Block pop-up windows".

How do I allow pops on my iPhone?

Here's how to allow pop-ups on iPhone and iPad: Open the Settings app. Tap Safari. Next to Block Pop-ups, toggle the button to the Off position.

How do I turn off pop

Check Safari settings On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Safari. Turn on Block Pop-ups.


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