How to create a hyperlink to a facebook page

When promoting your business on Facebook via a business page, it is important to include links back to your website. This enables you to generate more traffic to your website for free. It is important to post these links from your business page, as doing so from a personal page can lead to your account being suspended. Facebook enables you to add a hyperlink to your status updates, comments and notes. When adding a hyperlink, make sure that you adhere to the Facebook guidelines and do not link to illegal or harmful websites.

Status Update Links

Step 1

Navigate to the Facebook website and sign in to your account.

Step 2

Click the down-arrow button at the top of the page and then click the name of your business page in the "Use Facebook As" section.

Step 3

Click "Status" and then click the "What's on Your Mind" text input box.

Step 4

Paste or type the hyperlink you want to add along with a description. A thumbnail and information about the site that you are linking to is automatically placed below the hyperlink. Click the check box next to "No Thumbnail" if you prefer not to use a thumbnail, or click the "X" button to remove the information box completely.

Step 5

Click the "OK" button to post the status update with the hyperlink.

Comment Links

Step 1

Navigate to the Facebook website and sign in to your account.

Step 2

Click the down-arrow button at the top of the page and then click the name of your business page in the "Use Facebook As" section.

Step 3

Scroll down the Timeline and click the "Comment" link below the post to which you want to add the hyperlink. You can comment on posts, photos, videos and notes.

Step 4

Paste or type the hyperlink you want to add along with a description.

Step 5

Press "Enter" to post the comment with the hyperlink. Click "Remove Preview" if you want to post only the hyperlink and not the preview that is automatically generated.

Note Link

Step 1

Navigate to the Facebook website and sign in to your account.

Step 2

Click the down-arrow button at the top of the page and then click the name of your business page in the "Use Facebook As" section.

Step 3

Click "Notes" at the top of the Timeline and then click "Write a Note." Click "+" on an empty box at the top of the Timeline and click "Notes" if it is not visible.

Step 4

Enter a title for your note and then type a description in the "Body" section. Paste or type the hyperlink that you want to add to the note. Use HTML formatting to add the hyperlink to a word or phrase. For example, typing or pasting the URL "//" displays the URL as a hyperlink while typing " Click here to go to my site hides the URL and only displays "Click here to go to my site."

Step 5

Click the "Preview" button to make sure that the hyperlink displays correctly, and then click "Publish" to post the note to Facebook.



Writer Bio

Virtually growing up in a computer repair shop, Naomi Bolton has held a passion for as long as she can remember. After earning a diploma through a four year course in graphic design from Cibap College, Bolton launched her own photography business. Her work has been featured on Blinklist, Gameramble and many others.

How do you refer to and create a link to a Facebook Business Page in your status update?

Use the “@” and start typing the name of the business page.  Then select the correct business page from the drop down list and your post will appear on their wall.  You also create a link in your status update to the business page you are referring to.

If you cannot refer to a page, or it does not show up on the list, you may need to “Like” that page first.

You can also refer to people in your personal profile status updates.  You can just start typing the person’s name and a drop down will appear.  If you do not get a drop down to show up, you can use the “@” symbol and start typing their name as well.

Update as of October 2016

If you’re having trouble referring to another business page, especially a new business page, you may want to try these steps!  Here’s what we do to force Facebook to recognize the new page and allow us to link to it in a business page post.

In our example below we want to tag the Susan Sarandon page on our RV Tech Solutions business page.

1. When you are logged into Facebook go to the page you want to link to (Susan Sarandon page).

2. On the business page you want to link or refer to, there is a More button (see screenshot below).  From the More button drop down menu, choose the option to Like as Your Page. Complete the steps to like the page.

3. Go back to YOUR business page where you want to create a post that links to the new business page.  Start typing your message and use the @ sign in front of the new business name page (@Susan….)

4. Pick the page (Susan Sarandon) from the drop down list and that will create a link to the Susan Sarandon page in your post!

Want more tips and tricks on using Facebook and other social networking sites? 
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