How to cancel a free trial on apple

Apple TV+ has some great shows and movies you might like, but let's face it: it's not everyone's favorite subscription service.

If your free trial is almost over, or you don't want to continue paying, here's how you can cancel Apple TV+ on the web, from your iPhone, and other devices.

What Happens When You Cancel Apple TV+

The good thing about Apple TV+ is that if you cancel your subscription right now, you'll still be able to use it until the end of your billing cycle. Similar to what happens when you cancel your Netflix subscription, you can still watch any show or movie until before your renewal date.

The same goes for your free trial. Let's say you start your trial today, and you decide to cancel it immediately. You'll still be able to use Apple TV+ until the free trial finishes.

How to Cancel Apple TV+ on the Web

Apple TV+ is one of the best Netflix alternatives out there, but it isn't everyone's cup of tea. Fortunately, canceling your Apple TV+ subscription is really easy, and you can do it almost from any platform or device by using a web browser. Here's how:

  1. Go to
  2. If you need to, log in using the Apple ID credentials you used to subscribe to Apple TV+.
  3. Once you're logged in, click on your profile in the top right corner.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Scroll all the way down to the Subscriptions section.
  6. Click Manage.
  7. Click Cancel Subscription.
  8. Confirm by clicking Cancel Subscription again.

Cancelling Apple TV+ on a browser

How to Cancel Apple TV+ on iPhone or iPad

If you're on the go, you can still cancel your Apple TV+ subscription just by using your iPhone or your iPad. This is what you need to do:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings.
  2. Tap on your Apple ID (your name at the top of the Settings app). Just make sure it's the same Apple ID you used to subscribe to Apple TV+.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Select Apple TV+.
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Free Trial.
  6. Tap Confirm.

You can also cancel your Apple TV+ subscription from the Apple TV+ app by going to your profile and selecting Manage Subscriptions. This will also take you to your subscriptions page on the Settings app.

How to Cancel Apple TV+ on Mac

Canceling Apple TV+ from your Mac is just as easy:

  1. On your Mac, open the App Store.
  2. Click on your name in the bottom left corner.
  3. Click on View information. You might need to enter your Apple ID password. Remember that it needs to be the same Apple ID you used to subscribe to Apple TV+.
  4. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and you'll see your Subscriptions.
  5. Click Manage to the right of Subscriptions.
  6. Find Apple TV+ and click Edit.
  7. Click Cancel Subscription.
  8. Click Confirm.

Cancel Apple TV+ from Mac's App Store

How to Cancel Apple TV+ on Apple TV

It wouldn't make sense if you couldn't cancel your Apple TV+ subscription from your Apple TV, right? Well, you can, but not on every system.

If you have a third-generation Apple TV streaming device or earlier, you'll need to cancel your subscription on your iPhone or computer. For later devices, you'll just need to follow these steps:

  1. On your Apple TV system, go to Settings.
  2. Select Users & Accounts, and then select your account.
  3. Select Subscriptions.
  4. Choose the subscription you want to cancel and click Cancel Subscription.
  5. Confirm that you want to cancel your subscription.

How to Cancel Apple TV+ on Apple Watch

Believe it or not, you can use your Apple Watch to cancel your Apple TV+ subscription. If you don't have your iPhone or any other device near you, this could be the last chance to cancel your subscription. This is how you do it:

  1. On your Apple Watch, press the Digital Crown and go to the App Store.
  2. Use your Digital Crown to go to the bottom and tap on your Account.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Select Apple TV+.
  5. Scroll down and tap Cancel Subscription or Cancel Free Trial.
  6. Confirm that you want to cancel your subscription.

Cancel Apple TV+ from Apple Watch

Consider a Streaming Alternative

Now you're done, and Apple TV+ won't charge you anything. Remember that even if you cancel it right now, you'll still be able to use the service until your renewal date.

Now that you're done with Apple TV+, you can start looking at alternatives like Netflix or Disney Plus.

Can you cancel a free trial before it ends on Apple?

If you signed up for a free or discounted trial subscription and you don't want to renew it, cancel it at least 24 hours before the trial ends. Cancelling subscriptions is slightly different in some countries and regions.

How do I cancel a free trial app before I get charged?

On Android phones.
I found it easiest to open the Google Play Store app..
Tap on your profile photo (account settings).
Tap 'subscriptions'.
Find the one you just installed and tap cancel..
You'll be able to use the app and free trial until it ends..

How do I cancel my 3 month free trial with Apple?

Cancel on an Android Device Android users subscribed to Apple Music can tap the Listen Now icon, then open the three-dot settings menu and select Account. From there, choose Manage Subscription and tap Cancel Subscription. If you subscribed through the Play Store, you can also cancel directly through the storefront.

How do I cancel a trial subscription?

Tap your profile picture or initials, then tap Subscriptions. Select the app you want to cancel and choose Cancel Subscription. To see all the apps you're paying for on an Android, do this: Open your device's Settings app.