How much is a non hormonal iud

Deciding to get an IUD can feel like an empowering contraceptive commitment. But you also have a major choice to make: copper IUD or hormonal IUD? Whichever one you choose, these small, T-shaped devices are inserted into your uterus by a medical provider, and they can provide years upon years of extremely effective birth control. But they do work differently. You could opt for a hormonal IUD like Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, or Kyleena, which all use progestin to thin your uterine lining and thicken your cervical mucus, so it’s more difficult for sperm to reach an egg. And then there’s the non-hormonal outlier, the copper IUD. 

What makes this one different? The copper IUD, also manufactured under the brand name Paragard, is in a class of contraceptives referred to as LARCs or long-acting reversible contraceptives, Nichole Butler, MD, FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn for the Women’s Health Center at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, tells SELF. It’s made of soft, flexible plastic wrapped with a thin layer of copper. Every type of IUD is inserted into your uterus by a medical professional, but the copper IUD is unique in that it prevents pregnancy by changing the environment in your uterus to make it toxic to sperm. In contrast, hormonal IUDs (Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, and Kyleena) use progestin (a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone) to thin the uterine lining and thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to reach an egg.

Dr. Butler is a huge fan of the copper IUD because it is non-hormonal and the U.S. Food anzasad Drug Administration (FDA) has approved it for up to 10 years of use after insertion (though, some doctors say it can last up to 12 years). That said, both hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs come with their own list of pleasant and potentially not-so-pleasant side effects, so you must weigh the pros and cons before deciding if the copper IUD is the right form of contraception for you. Here’s what you need to know before you pair up with Paragard.

Pros of copper IUD | Cons of copper IUD | Copper IUD side effects | Copper IUD cost | Copper IUD experiences | Other non-hormonal birth control

What are the pros of the copper IUD compared to hormonal IUDs?

Having a device inserted into your vagina (and on into the uterus) gives you plenty of reasons to ask a lot of questions. Your job, with the guidance of your ob-gyn, is to determine if the benefits of the copper IUD outweigh the downsides.

Let’s start with the good stuff: “The major pros of the copper IUD are that it is long-acting, it doesn’t require you to remember to do anything every day, week, or month, and it’s non-hormonal for those who want or need to avoid hormones due to side effects or health concerns,” Kelly Culwell, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn in Sacramento, California, tells SELF.

Not having to remember to take a pill every day is a big benefit of both types of IUDs. “The copper and hormonal IUDs are similar in terms of the way they are inserted, and they don't require you to remember to do anything—sometimes called a ‘set it and forget it’ method, so they are both good options for people who can’t remember to take a pill every day,” Dr. Culwell says.

Plus, IUDs are tiny, so you and your partner will not feel it during sex. (Just note that it does have two strings that hang through your cervix and into your vagina). The doctor will shorten the strings once the IUD is in place, allowing your health-care provider to periodically check to make sure it’s still there, should any issues arise.)

With that said, let’s jump into the specific benefits of the copper IUD compared to hormonal IUDs:

The copper IUD lasts a lot longer than hormonal IUDs.

When it comes to long-lasting birth control, the copper IUD comes out on top. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s considered a long-acting method to prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years.

By comparison, hormonal IUDs are only recommended for three to seven years, depending on the brand. Of course, you can have any of them removed sooner, which is great news if you eventually decide you want to get pregnant. What’s more, fertility returns almost immediately after removal, making IUDs an excellent birth control method if baby fever ever kicks in.

Cost and efficacy are on par with hormonal IUDs.

Both the cost (which we dig into more below) and the efficacy of hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs are similar. The copper IUD’s effectiveness is seriously impressive (over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy), but the non-hormonal IUDs are pretty impressive too. According to a 2017 review published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, IUDs, both hormonal and non-hormonal, have the lowest failure rate of all contraceptive methods.3 What’s more, research from 2014 published in the journal American Family Physician shows that the copper IUD fails just 0.6% to 0.8% of the time.4 That boils down to fewer than one out of 100 people getting pregnant in the first year of using the copper IUD, which is a pretty excellent success rate.

It can be used as emergency contraception.

One other benefit that’s unique to the copper IUD is it can act as emergency contraception if needed, preventing pregnancy with nearly 100% efficacy after unprotected penis-in-vagina sex.1 The caveat is you’ll need to get one inserted within five days after having unprotected sex to be effective, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Additionally, the copper IUD and the hormonal IUDs are easily taken out, making it a great choice if getting pregnant becomes a priority.

It’s a good option for people who are sensitive to hormones.

Most people using a hormonal IUD don’t notice the same types of hormonal side effects that you might have with the combination birth control pill (which has estrogen and progestin), but Dr. Culwell points out that some people who are really sensitive to hormones might find they have side effects like mood changes. In that case, the non-hormonal copper IUD might be the best fit.

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What are the cons of the copper IUD compared to non-hormonal IUDs?

Now that we’ve talked through the benefits of using a copper IUD compared to the hormonal variety, let’s go through the potential cons. There really is just one big one, and it has to do with your monthly visitor.

Your period might be heavier and more painful with the copper IUD.

According to Dr. Culwell, IUD insertion, in particular, can be painful and can cause periods to be heavier or very uncomfortable, particularly for the first few months. Because of this, she says a copper IUD isn’t a great method for people with heavy and or painful periods to start with. However, if you decide to try the Paragard copper IUD, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says this issue typically goes away, or at least decreases after having the IUD for a year.

Hormonal IUD side effects are the opposite and often lead to less bleeding or potentially no period at all in some cases, but you may experience things like cramping and pelvic pain, breast tenderness, and/or headache. Why the difference in bleeding? Hormonal IUDs have a low dose of progestin, which Dr. Culwell says can make periods lighter, irregular, or totally absent. “The copper IUD generally doesn't change the frequency of your period, so you have your period on your natural schedule, however, the periods can be heavier and more painful with the copper IUD in place,” she says.

A few other cons to know about IUDs as a whole

There are a few drawbacks to all IUDs to consider if you’re on the fence. The first is that you’ll need to make an appointment with your doctor for any changes you make to your contraception. That’s because, with any type of IUD, your doctor needs to insert and remove it when the time comes.

Also, if you have uterine issues, like large fibroids, it might affect the IUD’s placement. Having an infection like pelvic inflammatory disease (a condition in which bacteria infects the reproductive organs) might also be an issue, so you should definitely talk with your doctor about any extra cons associated with these conditions when deciding on an IUD. Though, it's important to note that IUDs do not increase your risk for pelvic inflammatory disease.

Another risk is that any type of IUD may come out of the uterus (doctors call this expulsion). Notice we said may—that’s because this is not common and only happens in about 5 in 100 users in the first year of using the IUD, according to the ACOG.

While rare, any type of IUD can also cause perforation, which is when the device pushes through the wall of your uterus. According to a 2015 study published in the journal Conception, out of 61,448 people who had an IUD, only 20 of those with the copper IUD experienced a perforation.2 If you were to deal with perforation, you would potentially experience pelvic pain or possibly no symptoms at all.

And then there’s the issue of sexually transmitted infections. The copper IUD does nothing to prevent STIs—but neither does any form of sexual protection that is not a barrier method, such as condoms or dental dams.

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What are the side effects of the copper IUD?

Speaking of possible cons, copper IUD side effects are one of the reasons people shy away from using this birth control method. While you may breeze through the IUD insertion procedure and escape any long-term side effects, many people experience some short-term side effects with the copper IUD. Here are some common side effects you may notice, according to the Mayo Clinic:

  • Pain and cramping during and following IUD insertion
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Heavier periods
  • Longer-lasting periods
  • Severe menstrual pain or cramping

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How much does the copper IUD cost?

As we mentioned, the cost of a copper IUD vs. a hormonal IUD is very similar. The out-of-pocket copper IUD costs can be up to $1,300, which includes the fees for the device itself and any costs associated with insertion, like your office visit, according to Planned Parenthood. But they can also be $0—what you will pay depends on several factors, such as your insurance benefits, medical provider, and if you have access to a low-cost clinic.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, most people should have access to free contraception. In fact, when it went into effect in 2012, millions of people who had been denied coverage or access to birth control suddenly had it as an option—a game-changer for reproductive rights, per Planned Parenthood.

Under the Affordable Care Act, most health plans are required to cover birth control methods, potentially leaving you with only the costs of the procedure to have the IUD inserted and removed. But, as some people later find out, this is not always the case if you work for a religious employer or non-profit religious organization, according to Therefore, it’s worth contacting your health insurance plan before making an appointment with your doctor.

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What do people with the copper IUD say about it?

Hearing all the medical jargon about the copper IUD is one thing, but what about the real-world benefits and disadvantages? “Patients who are properly counseled and still choose Paragard are generally happy,” Dr. Butler says. “Managing expectations is the key, so discussing heavier or longer cycles before using a copper IUD is important,” she adds.

Dr. Culwell says some people are thrilled with the copper IUD and report benefits like not having to keep track of daily birth control pills or monthly patches or rings, or not having to go to the doctor every three months to get the shot. They also tend to appreciate not having to worry about potential hormonal side effects and having their own natural menstrual cycles.

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What are your other non-hormonal birth control options?

If you’re on the fence about the copper IUD but want a non-hormonal birth control method, you’re in luck. While the copper IUD is the most effective and certainly the most convenient option (once inserted), it might not be the best choice for you. The good news? There are several non-hormonal ways to prevent pregnancy (though these are really much less effective than IUDs), according to the Cleveland Clinic, including:

  • Condoms: This is a barrier method with two-for-one benefits, since it’s highly effective in preventing pregnancy and STIs.
  • Diaphragm: This covers the opening of the cervix to prevent sperm from meeting the egg. You’ll need to put spermicide in it to work.
  • Cervical cap: This is smaller than a diaphragm, but covers the entrance to the cervix, preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. You’ll need to put spermicide in it to work.
  • Sponge: This is a small device covered in spermicide that blocks the entrance to the cervix, preventing the sperm from reaching an egg.
  • Spermicide: This is a gel or cream you insert into the vagina to slow down the sperm.
  • Contraceptive gel: There is also a non-spermicide gel available called Phexxi that you insert into the vagina within an hour of intercourse.

Like any birth control method, the copper IUD can be a great choice for some people and not right for others. That’s why learning about all the options is so critical. Remember, if you have so many questions it’s making your head spin, you don’t have to go it alone—your doctor should be there to give you answers.

Will I gain weight with a copper IUD?

Nope! The copper IUD (Paragard) doesn't cause weight gain. Because the copper IUD is hormone-free, it doesn't have many side effects at all. Some people do have heavier, longer periods and more cramping, especially for the first few months.

Is non hormonal IUD better?

Highly effective: Both hormonal and nonhormonal IUDs are over 99 percent effective. However, a 2015 study found that hormonal IUDs are more effective than copper IUDs. More regular periods: Some people find that the hormones in an IUD regulate their periods or even make their periods disappear.

Can you get a non hormonal IUD?

The copper IUD (ParaGard) contains no hormones and prevents pregnancy for up to 10 years. ParaGard is an intrauterine device (IUD) that can provide long-term birth control (contraception). It's sometimes referred to as a nonhormonal IUD option.

How expensive is IUDs?

Without using insurance, IUDs can be expensive, though. The cost can range between $500-$1,300. The good news is that lots of Planned Parenthood health centers offer programs to make it more affordable for people who don't have or can't use insurance.


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