How much do marriage and family therapists make an hour

How much do marriage and family therapists make an hour

Avg. Base Hourly Rate (USD)

Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT) Jobs by Hourly Rate

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Certifications in the same industry as Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT), ranked by hourly rate

Years of Experience

This data is based on 345 survey responses.

Gender Breakdown for Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT)



Avg. Hourly Rate: $23 - $121



Avg. Hourly Rate: $29 - $118

This data is based on 171 survey responses. Learn more about the gender pay gap.

Job Satisfaction

4 out of 5


Highly Satisfied

Pay ranges for people with a Licensed Marital and Family Therapist (LMFT) certification by employer.

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Marriage and Family Therapy: What You’ll Earn

Read about salary and job outlook predictions for marriage and family therapists.

How much do marriage and family therapists make an hour
How much do marriage and family therapists make an hour

Median Annual Salary

Marriage and family therapists focus on how people interact within marriage and family units, rather than the traditional emphasis on the individual. A marriage and family therapist generally takes a holistic, or mind-body, approach to his or her duties, working together with clients to solve issues and establish a plan of action for resolution of domestic problems. Here are some statistics on salaries, job growth, and employers.

Take a look at median annual salaries for MFTs, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by state.

How does a marriage and family therapist’s salary compare to other counseling careers?

What is my earning potential?

Marriage and family therapists in the top 10 percent may earn more than $96,520 annually according to the BLS. Those working in private practice generally earn a higher income than their counterparts, but the BLS reports that most MFTs are employed within individual and family services industries and organizations.

Is there demand for this career?

According to the BLS, career employment for marriage and family therapists is expected to grow much faster than average as more people turn to professionals to help them cope with relationship and family issues and the stress of daily obstacles such as depression, substance abuse, behavioral problems and infidelity, among others.

What is the job growth for the field?

Employment of marriage and family therapists is expected to grow 14 percent through 2031, which is much faster than the national average for all occupations. National long-term projections of employment growth may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions, and do not guarantee actual job growth. Take a look at what some of the other counseling occupations can expect as far as job growth:

Job Outlook Comparison Through 2031

  • School and Career Counselors—10 percent
  • Mental Health Counselors—22 percent
  • Substance Abuse Counselors—22 percent
  • Rehabilitation Counselors—11 percent

How much competition will I face for a job?

Although states such as California have suffered layoffs and budget cuts in health care, the Veteran’s Administration has been hiring MFTs. So finding a job may largely depend on where you seek employment.

What kinds of companies hire MFTs?

According to the BLS, marriage and family therapists are most frequently employed by the following types of industries or offices:

  • Individual and family services
  • State Government
  • Outpatient Care Centers
  • Offices of Other Health Practitioners

How do I advance in my MFT career?

Some MFTs go on and earn a Licensed Clinical Social Work (LCSW) degree. This allows them to move past therapy-only practice and attain the flexibility to become an administrator.

Other MFTs may decide to earn a Doctor of Marriage and Family Therapy (DMFT), which is similar to a PhD but is a practitioner-oriented program that differs in that it prepares professionals to contribute to their chosen specialty in the clinical rather than academic arena. Degree-holders can then work as top-level practitioners, agency administrators, clinical supervisors or senior clinicians.

To learn more about the education required before becoming a therapist, read more about marriage and family degrees.

Where do marriage and family therapists make the most money?

The best city in America for marriage and family therapists with the highest pay is Bensalem, PA. 76.6% of people in the field are White, while 10.8% are Hispanic or Latino. ... 1. Pennsylvania..

How much do marriage counselors make in Arizona?

The average Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist salary in Arizona is $59,768 as of August 29, 2022, but the range typically falls between $50,569 and $76,127.

Is being a marriage and family therapist stressful?

At the same time, marriage and family therapists can face intense stress and experience extreme levels of worry about their clients. Sometimes, it's hard to leave work at work, which might result in high stress levels, lack of sleep, and other negative effects.

Can you make a lot of money as an MFT?

To earn the highest possible salary in the field of marriage and family therapy, you will need to have as much education as possible. The median salary in the field as a whole is $48,000 per year, and this includes those with both a master's and a doctorate degree.