How many days before ovulation did you conceive forum

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Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

I'm starting to freak out after everything I'm reading about sperm living for 3-5 days (which I knew, but seeing it in print right now is even more real to me now). In case it's not obvious, we are not trying to have another baby right now...We had sex on Monday night and I'm a little unclear on when I ovulated because my body is doing things differently this time. Normally, I feel a lot of discomfort the day that I ovulate. Felt that on Thursday and started getting nervous. In a nutshell, I'm almost positive I either ovulated by mid-day yesterday or sometime this morning. For all of my other pregnancies, we had sex as late as the day before or even the day of ovulation, so I don't have personal experience with getting pregnant after having sex days before. I didn't notice any EW fluid on Monday, but did on Tuesday. Am I pregnant? (KIDDING!)

Plugging in a clicky poll isn't working, so please tell me below how many days before you ovulated that you had sex (the LAST day that you had sex).

Baby Boy #1 born on 3/21/08 
BFP 8/2/10 (3w5d); No more heartbeat on 8/30/10 (7w4d); D&C on 9/2/10 (8w) - Baby Boy with Triploidy
BFP 12/3/10 (4w2d); Natural miscarriage 12/12/10 (5w4d) - Unknown cause
Diagnosed with Compound Heterozygous MTHFR
BFP 3/9/11; Baby Boy #2 born on 11/7/11
Currently TTC Baby #3

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If you and your partner are planning to have a baby, tracking your ovulation day can make getting pregnant a lot easier.

Did you know that it's only possible to get pregnant within a short fertility window?

You can only get pregnant on or around your ovulation day, as you most often release a single egg per cycle, granting a brief opportunity for fertilization.

Your fertile window can begin 5 days before ovulation, as sperm can live for up to 5 days in the uterus. After you have ovulated, you will remain fertile for between 12 and 48 hours, making your total fertile window 6-7 days long each month.

What is ovulation?

Ovulation happens when an egg is released from the ovaries, travels down the fallopian tubes and into the uterus where it is able to be fertilized.

Signs of ovulation

When you ovulate, changes in your hormones can lead to other signals from your body which boost your chances of conceiving! These signals are:

  • Slightly basal higher body temperature
  • Heavier, clearer or more slippery discharge (resembling egg whites) to aid sperm in reaching the egg
  • Increased sex drive
  • Breast tenderness and mild bloating
  • Some women notice a heightened sense of smell
  • Changes in the cervix, making it feel softer and more open

Why should I track my cycle?

One of the easiest ways to predict your ovulation day is by using a menstrual cycle tracking app like Cycles. Period tracking can help you figure out your ovulation date by logging your periods and logs such as discharge and basal body temperature.

Fun fact: your ovulation date is actually calculated by counting backwards from your next period, and usually happens 12-16 days before your next period starts.

To get the most accurate ovulation predictions with Cycles, be sure to log your basal body temperature and cervical mucus quality every day.

Download Cycles today and be notified when it's the best time to conceive!

Getting the timing right

Sperm can only survive in the uterus for approximately 5 days, so in order for them to be able to fertilize the egg on the day you ovulate you must be sure to have sex close to the day of ovulation. Having unprotected sex 2 to 3 days before you ovulate, and on the day of ovulation is the best time if you want to get pregnant.

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How many days prior to ovulation did you conceive?

As shown in the graph, conception is only possible from about five days before ovulation through to the day of ovulation. These six days are the “fertile window” in a woman's cycle and reflect the lifespan of sperm (five days) and the lifespan of the egg (24 hours).

What is the percentage of getting pregnant 5 days before ovulation?

These percentages apply to intercourse for only one day: 6 days before ovulation (-6 dpo) : 0 % 5 days before ovulation (-5 dpo) : 8 %

What is the percentage of getting pregnant 3 days before ovulation?

A larger multicenter European study that found the best days are three days before ovulation (27 percent chance of conception) and two days before ovulation (24 percent chance of conception).

Can I get pregnant 3 days before ovulation forum?

As sperm can live for up to 3–5 days it is best to try and have intercourse in the 2–3 days preceding and on the day of egg release (ovulation).


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