How do you open a digital safe when the batteries are dead and no key

Electronic safes are technologically advanced products and, therefore, complex. It is therefore only natural that doubts can arise about what could happen in the case of an unexpected event. One of the most common fears is that of no longer being able to open the safe once the batteries are flat.

Also in this case, the difference depends on the quality of the product. A good quality safe warns well in advance when the batteries are running out, so that they can be replaced well before they are completely flat.

But the differences between a good quality electronic safe and an unreliable one do not stop there. One of the features of well designed and manufactured electronic safes is that the battery consumption is constant and gradual, thereby avoiding the unpleasant situation in which until the day before the warning the batteries seemed to be charged and then just a few days later the safe will no longer open.

Nevertheless, especially if the safe is rarely used, the batteries can run out without the user having had time to replace them. In this case, there can be two alternatives.

Safes with emergency key

There are electronic safes with emergency keys which allows them to be opened even when the batteries are flat.

However, as we have seen, this solution poses the problem of where to keep the key, because if a thief manages to find it the safe can be opened. The harsh truth is that there are no truly safe places in which to keep the key of a safe. Also, if there were such a place we were confident that the thief would not discover, then we could use it directly to store the items of value. An effective solution may be that of keeping the key in a place other than that where the safe is installed, for example in the home of a relative who lives nearby.

Safes with external contacts

In an attempt to minimise the risk it is therefore possible to choose an electronic safe without an emergency key. In this case, the safe must be equipped with external contacts on the keypad or a socket to which an external backup battery can be connected if the internal battery stops working. In this way, it is always possible to enter the code and open the safe.

Biometric safes

Of course, the external backup battery is only a solution when the problem is that the batteries are flat. It is, unfortunately, useless if you are unable to open the safe because you forgot the code. If you can’t rely on a good memory, a solution might be to choose a safe with a biometric lock, such as the Viro Ram-Touch II, which, in addition to the codes, can also be opened by means of fingerprints. These are unique characteristic of every person which do not change over time and there is no risk of them being forgotten.

How do you open a digital safe when the batteries are dead and no key

If the safe is well designed and manufactured it is not a problem if the batteries run out. They can usually be replaced in time and even if they do run out the safe can be opened by using an emergency key or an external backup battery. This one more reason to choose a good quality safe.

Home Security and Safety Tips

  • Published: March 10, 2020
  • 4min read
  • Views: 54,634

The batteries of your electronic safe may last up to 2 years or 8 000 openings on average. Nobody guarantees that they’ll operate for that long, so your cells can become exhausted at any time. 

It’s unpleasant when you try to get something valuable out of your strongbox only to find out that the batteries of your digital safe are dead. In this case, it will be great to know how to open it, right?

One step at a time, let’s: 

  • Find out if your safe has run out of battery power
  • Learn the type of your digital coffer’s lock mechanism
  • Determine what’s the best way to open your electronic lockbox

What are the Signs That Your Safe Battery is Flat

Often, the mechanism of your digital lockbox will give you a warning when the batteries are low in power. Don’t expect to receive such a message if you’ve invested in a cheap safe. 

Here are some of the most common symptoms that your safe’s battery is dead:

  • You hear multiple beeping sounds when you try to enter your code. While it depends on the type of panel, you can also see a small flashing light indicator. This does not necessarily mean that your cells are flat, so make sure you use the correct combination.
  • There’s a low battery warning on the display. High-priced safes have a small LED display that shows notifications whether you enter a wrong code or your batteries have run out of juice. Also, those modern coffers are easier to access and come with many other perks.
  • Your safe panel doesn’t react to any interaction. You try to input both right and wrong combinations, but your lockbox remains silent. That is a definite sign that the batteries are now fully exhausted and you have to replace them. Read further and learn how.

Every safety deposit box model varies and there are a variety of electronic safe boards. Each one has its own features, but if it has a biometric lock, then you’re definitely secured. 

As expected, the more expensive the safe is, the harder it will be to get into it. Or not?

An experienced safecracker can break into your lockbox in 10 seconds to 5 minutes, depending on the model.

How to Open an Electronic Safe When the Batteries are Dead

When the batteries are inside the panel, right behind your keypad

The type of safe determines how easily you can access and change the cells. The compartment is visible on low-priced lockboxes. To open it, you must slide the cover in the right direction, the same way you access the cell holder of your TV remote control. Look for the battery case below or along the sides of your panel

Manufacturers of safes at a moderate cost install the cell compartment on the back of your panel. In this case, there are 3 possibilities. You must push the console in while rotating it clockwise. If that doesn’t work, try to slightly lift the panel upwards and out. The final option is to unscrew it, but be careful not to damage the mechanism.

There’s an external power supply socket and the batteries are inside the safe

High-end lockboxes have an emergency power connection, especially the ones which have a biometric scanner. Those modern coffers securely store the batteries out of reach. 

If the power runs out, there’s a socket where an external backup battery connects and allows you to open the safe. You will either plug in the external cells via plugs or manually attach it to the connection inputs. Once in, look at the back of the safe’s opening to find the battery case.

Use the accompanying override key to get into your digital safe

Some lockbox models come with an emergency override key. If you have one, then your battery holder is probably inside your safe. Your emergency lock is located next to your keypad. Look for a removable cover if it isn’t clearly visible.

Remember to keep your override key somewhere safe and never lock it inside your safe. If you lose it, call a professional locksmith service to gain access to your lockbox.

Don’t force your way into the electronic safe

There are ways you can break into it and those aren’t recommended. Using brute force and lock picking can damage the lockbox. It also leads to injuries.

The best way to open your digital lockbox is to leave it to the pros. 

An experienced safe locksmith guarantees that there won’t be any damage both to your box and the lock mechanism. The experts know how to effortlessly open your safe and give you fast access to your belongings. Check out how much you can expect to pay for this locksmith service and more in our blog post on the matter.

Learn how the knowledgeable safe locksmiths can help you out!


  • Determine if the batteries are flat or if there’s another underlying issue
  • Find out the type of your electronic lockbox and discover the location of your battery case
  • Don’t force your way into your digital safe; you can damage it and injure yourself
  • Contact a reliable locksmith service provider to open it and save you all the trouble


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Header image source: DepositPhotos / katalinks

How do you open a digital locker with a dead battery?

Ans: If the batteries are weak or dead, the locker can be opened either by connecting the external battery adapter to the locker which is supplied as an additional accessory with the locker or by using the emergency override keys. Once you have opened the locker, the internal batteries can be changed.

How can I open a digital safe without a key?

Insert a screwdriver into the keyhole and turn it to break the lock. Place the safe on a flat surface and insert a flathead screwdriver into the keyhole. Rotate the screwdriver counterclockwise over and over until you hear or feel the locking mechanism break open. Then, remove the screwdriver and open the safe.

What happens if digital safe runs out of battery?

If the safe is well designed and manufactured it is not a problem if the batteries run out. They can usually be replaced in time and even if they do run out the safe can be opened by using an emergency key or an external backup battery.