How do you know what you want in life

How do you know what you want in life

Life is nothing but your biological existence. Life is, therefore, being in a condition where you mark your presence. You are said to have a life when you grow and change with the changing times, and when you perform your functional activities in society.

Do not lead a life being clueless about your directions. Have dreams, pursue them. Set goals, work to achieve them. Aspire for a better life of self and surroundings. Be the cause of a good life for the next generation.

If you don’t want to live life like one who is loitering about without a quest, you can perhaps follow 13 ways listed down below to find out what do you want in life.

    1. Speak to your mind, but listen to your heart.

      Whenever you wish to do something, feel from within. If you can carefully sense, you are actually getting to hear two voices. One voice comes from your mind, and the other comes from your heart. Listen to what your heart says and follow it.

        2. List down your dreams. Envision and then decide what you exactly want.

          Make a list in writing of all the dreams and ambitions you have in you. Assume your dreams have come true. Carefully analyze the end results. If that is what you are looking for, then that is what you exactly want in life.

            3. Check with self, how you want your future to be.

              Envision your future. Open up your window of imagination. Look up to yourself one year down the line, five years down the line, and ten years down the line. You will automatically know what you want in life.

                4. Seek support and guidance from like-minded people.

                  Partner in groups of individuals who carry a similar mindset as you. Invite their goals and visions in life. Restrict them down to suit your lifestyle, considering your life commitments.

                    5. Follow autobiographies and narrow them down to your story.

                      Read autobiographies of famous personalities. Incline them to your life story. Check if you can bring some insight into these flavors into your life.

                        6. Sense what reaps your happiness in life.

                          You feel happy doing a couple of things. List them down. Work the reverse strategy out. Examine them backward to what you want in life now.

                            7. It is ok to be selfish to decide what you want in life.

                              You have to be obsessed with yourself at times. Only then can you really sense and feel what you want to grab in life to make it more sensible and meaningful?

                                8. Live in the moment. Frame your future.

                                  You cannot change your past. But you can certainly live your fullest in the present. Bribe yourself with all that you want. Help yourself understand what you aspire for in life. Design your future the way you would want to see it, as you grow.

                                    9. List out the top 5 parameters that drive your life.

                                      Love, finances, health, social security, career, and family could usually be rolling over on the top of your priority list. Think over these parameters as to how important they are for you. Make sub-lists under each of these. Customize them as per your lifestyle and basis the responsibilities you hold and deliver.

                                        10. List out all your worries.

                                          Make a list of all the worries and distractions in life, both on the personal and professional front. List out as many as possible. Recollect from the past and keep adding on to the list as many as you can. Once your worries have completely traveled from your head to the paper, trash the paper. You will feel a lot relieved from within. You will feel lighter on stress levels and energized more in pursuing your wants and needs of life.

                                            11. Take guidance from your loved ones, family, and near and dear.

                                              When you are in a confused state of mind, seek help from others. Invite opinions and guidance from your loved ones. Listen to all the suggestions they offer you. List them down. Sit in isolation with peace in mind. Now decide what you want.

                                                12. Work with a positive attitude in mind.

                                                  Curb down all the negative vibes popping up from your mind. Distract your mind from being a pessimist. Work out all possible to set the optimism in you. With a clear state of mind and with positive energy, you are sure to know what you want in life.

                                                    13. Put an end to your major fears like procrastination etc.

                                                      When you aim to do something, just do it. Never postpone your works. If possible, try to do accommodate tomorrow’s work in today’s schedule. Be a step ahead of all that you could do in life.

                                                      Finally, to find out what you want in life, you have to first understand what you truly are. Assess yourself and then let your desires pour out. Thereby start working towards them. You will, for sure, taste and cherish success in life.