How can i lose 10 lbs fast

Several elements of Dr. Oz's plan, such as eating more veggies and cutting processed food, are good for your health and your waistline.

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Dr. Oz, the heart surgeon and television personality, has become known in the media as a guru on health and complementary medicine. His Two-Week Rapid Weight Loss Plan is designed to help you lose 10 pounds quickly while at the same time fighting inflammation, detoxifying your body and boosting your metabolism. Though not all of Dr. Oz's claims about the diet are backed by scientific evidence, the plan emphasizes healthy foods and eating habits that are likely to help you shed pounds and improve your health. Consult your physician before starting a weight-loss program.

The Diet Basics

Dr. Oz's strategy, also referred to as the Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan, includes eating lots of vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and a small amount of healthy grains and Greek yogurt. With the exception of a few fruits, you will eliminate all simple carbohydrates, along with all forms of wheat, white sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol. The plan also includes detoxifying broth and taking a nightly detox bath, both of which are intended to rid your body of toxins and boost your metabolism. You do not need to count calories on this diet, and you should not feel hungry while on the plan because you are encouraged to eat every few hours.

What You Will Eat on Dr. Oz's Plan

Start off each day drinking hot lemon water, and then make yourself a breakfast smoothie of fruit, almond milk, flaxseed and protein powder. The rest of the day you will consume 6 ounces of chicken, turkey or fish, 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1 cup of 2-percent plain Greek yogurt, moderate amounts of olive oil and avocado, and unlimited amounts of low-glycemic vegetables -- ones that have a minimal effect on your blood sugar levels. This includes asparagus, broccoli, celery, beans, mushrooms, squash, tomatoes, leafy greens and other fibrous veggies.

Between meals, you can stave off hunger by snacking on hummus, pickles, a small handful of nuts or the detoxifying broth. Recipes for Dr. Oz's breakfast smoothie and detox broth can be found on his website, The plan originally required eliminating caffeine from your diet, with the exception of green tea, but the updated version allows for a cup of coffee per day.

Other Changes to Help You Lose 10 Pounds

In addition to the eating plan, Dr. Oz recommends taking a probiotic supplement and a multivitamin every day. Soak in a bath of Epsom salts and baking soda every night, and avoid eating between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. This plan will force you to depend on whole, unprocessed foods to fill your belly instead of convenient packaged foods that are often full of unhealthy ingredients. In addition, it aims to prevent mindless nighttime snacking, which can make you pack on the pounds.

While Dr. Oz does promote the importance of exercise for weight loss, during the two-week weight loss regime, he recommends that you do not exercise. To help you keep on track, weigh yourself every morning and allow yourself one indulgence per week.

Safety and Effectiveness of Dr. Oz's Plan

Several elements of Dr. Oz's plan, such as eating more veggies and cutting processed food, are good for your health and your waistline. As long as you don't overindulge on some of the higher-calorie foods allowed on the diet, such as avocados and nuts, the diet is relatively low in calories, and this should help you lose weight.

But there is no scientific evidence that the plan will readjust your hormones or detoxify your body, as Dr. Oz claims. According to registered dietitian Keri Glassman, getting rid of toxins is unnecessary if you are healthy, and she reports that science has not yet proved the effectiveness of detox diets. Dr. Oz's plan may help you jump-start your weight loss in two weeks, but sustained lifestyle change will be necessary to continue and maintain your weight loss.

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  1. Weight Loss
  2. Workouts
  3. 25 Easy Ways to Lose 10 Pounds Without Feeling Like You’re Dieting

25 Easy Ways to Lose 10 Pounds Without Feeling Like You’re Dieting

Whether you want to lose the first or the last 10 pounds, we've got you covered.

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Whether it's your first or your last 10 pounds, losing this amount of weight is a big deal. For some, losing 10 pounds means fitting into their favorite pair of jeans, climbing up a flight of stairs without losing their breath, or reducing their diabetes medication. Unfortunately, the recipe for weight loss isn't a one-size-fits-all formula. What helps one person shed pounds may backfire on another. Your friend might swear by intermittent fasting, but you find it difficult to do with your schedule. Or your co-worker says Whole30 helped her quit her sugar cravings, but you can't seem to shake the sweet stuff. No matter which way you diet, here are the best ways to lose 10 pounds.

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Stay hydrated

Research shows that dieters who guzzle plenty of H2O lose more weight than those who don't. A 2012 study from Obesity suggests that drinking water can help promote weight loss over sweetened caloric and unsweetened caloric beverages. Keep your glass interesting and infuse some natural sweetness by throwing in a few pieces of fresh fruit.

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Don't feel pressured to eat your entire meal

If you're feeling full and satisfied, consider splitting your plate into two and saving the leftovers for later. You can also snack on them later in the day.

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Go meatless—at least once a week

In general, vegetarians and vegans have a lower bodyweight than their meat-eating peers. That's because meat is more calorie-dense, not to mention more saturated fat compared to its plant-based counterparts. Check out these delicious vegetarian-friendly recipes to get started.

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Eat wholesome foods

Eliminating processed, packaged foods from your diet such as crackers, chips, cookies, and candies, will help you avoid empty calories and artery-clogging saturated fats. Choose fresh, whole foods like vegetables and fruits to nourish your body with powerful antioxidants and keep hunger a bay—and thus, keep the weight down.

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Get cooking

Dining out will naturally increase your caloric intake without you realizing it. More often than not, restaurants will pack a ton of salt, oil, and sugar into their meals. Moreover, some restaurants use larger dishes to plate their meals, so the portion sizes can be deceiving. Save yourself the extra calories and cook a nutritious meal at home. Think: roasted vegetables, hearty quinoa, baked salmon. You can enjoy it any way you like!

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Use smaller plates

Is portion control your kryptonite? Sometimes the size of your plate might influence you to get more food than you really need. Use a smaller, 10-inch plate to help you balance your meals and consume fewer calories.

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Limit distractions during meal time

Avoid scrolling through your phone or responding to emails when you're eating. These distractions can lead to overeating and feeling unsatisfied with your meal. Be sure to chew your food thoroughly and take sip of water in between bites to help you digest the food fully.

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Curb your sweet tooth

You know by now how bad sugar can be for your health. A 2016 study from Progress in Cardiovascular Disease shows that a diet high in added sugars can cause a three-fold increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease. Be sure to also keep tabs on your liquid consumption. Soda, sweetened teas, sugary coffee drinks, and sports drinks are hidden sources of the white stuff.

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Eliminate refined carbs

You should avoid eating breads, crackers, cereals, pasta, and baked goods made with white flour. Unlike foods made with whole grains, those with refined flours lack the fiber that keeps hunger at bay and your digestive system humming.

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Limit your alcoholic intake

Enjoying an alcoholic beverage every now and then is fine...or not. A 2018 study from Lancet suggests that no amount of alcohol is safe, but if you must imbibe, we recommend going for these low-calorie alcoholic drinks. These beverages keep the sugar count low by keeping things simple.

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Start steppin'

From aiding weight loss to improving your health to boosting your mood, there are countless benefits of walking every day. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity exercise. Short walking breaks add up to weight loss. Plain and simple.

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Get enough zzz's

Research shows that those who don't get enough shut-eye eat more and reach for more fattening grub than people who get plenty of rest. Trouble snoozing? Try one of the 100 ways to sleep better every night.

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Get intimate

A 2013 study from PLOS One found that men burned about 101 calories after 30 minutes of sex and women 69 calories. While that might not seem like a lot, getting it on more often can serve as an excellent cardio workout while boosting your mood and lowering stress. Try these sex positions tonight.

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Build a support network

Need some motivation to get to the gym? Enlist the help of a workout buddy. Having a fit pal you can exercise with regularly will help you stick to your goals and cheer you on through successes and setbacks.

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Keep track of your progress

Bullet journaling is one of the most effective ways to track your progress and set realistic goals for yourself every day, week, and month. You'll not only record what you ate and how many minutes you exercised, but you can also write down your feelings, challenges, and setbacks so you can come up with a plan to overcome them.

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Connect with others who want to lose weight

There are countless online communities built around weight loss and fitness apps that provide motivation, encouragement, and advice whenever you need to vent about setbacks or need a pat on the back for a job well done.

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Stock up on healthy snacks

While some people are able to get through the day without stomaching a single snack, if you need a pick-me-up, be sure to have healthy options. Nuts, smoothies, protein balls, and hummus with veggie sticks are great protein-rich, high-fiber snacks that'll keep hunger at a distance.

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Focus on protein

Protein is one of the most important macronutrients for your body. It's not only the building blocks of healthy hair and nails, but it also aids in weight loss by keeping you satiated, boosting your metabolism, and repairing your muscles post-workout. Go for lean protein such as eggs, chicken breasts, salmon, and grass-fed beef. For plant-based protein, reach for beans and legumes, quinoa, and tofu and tempeh. Check out these delicious high-protein recipes you can meal prep for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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Power up with HIIT

Want to speed up your metabolism and strengthen your muscles while spiking your heart rate up? Consider high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Studies have shown that working out in intervals, alternating with periods of max effort with recovery is more effective for burning calories than steady-state cardio.

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Meal prep

Take your healthy eating to the next level with meal prep. Transforming everyday staples into nutritious meals that you can just reheat in minutes can make all the difference when you're about to hit the speed dial for Chinese take-out. Make a double batch of these one-pot dinners for busy weeknights.

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Sign up for a race

Dream of crossing a finish line? There's no better time to sign up for a race to give you the extra motivation and push you need to lose weight and get in shape. Sign up for local 5K races near you and enlist the help of a trainer. Consider also joining a run club to stay focused on your long training runs.

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Eat a healthy breakfast every morning

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. Eating a hearty and nutritious morning meal will energize you to start your day right. Plus, it could help you avoid consuming more calories later on in the day. A 2013 study from Obesity shows that a high-calorie meal at breakfast versus dinner was more effective for weight loss.

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Combat stress

Chronic stress has a big impact on your health. It can make you cave into indulging in unhealthy foods and put you at risk for a variety of health conditions. De-stress by taking a few minutes to meditate or take a walk every day. Taking a relaxing bath, listening to soothing music, and exercising are other ways to dial down the pressure.

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Bike to the office

Bike to the office instead of driving or taking the train. Being on wheels not only helps shrink your carbon footprint but helps you slim down as you burn calories during your commute.

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Avoid weighing yourself every day

The number on the scale isn't the only marker of weight loss success. Just because the number isn't budging, it doesn't mean you aren't progressing. Your weight fluctuates every day based on your meals and fluid intake.

Joy Manning Joy Manning is a James Beard–nominated food writer and the editor of Edible Philly magazine.

Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a week?

Fast weight loss, such as losing 10 pounds in a week, is possible — but it's usually not worth it. In fact, it could be detrimental to your physical and mental health. In reality, plans and programs that promise rapid weight loss or extreme results are best avoided.

How can I loose 10 lbs in 2 weeks?

A workout plan to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks may involve:.
30 minutes of running to burn 300 calories..
15 minutes of rope jumping to burn 200 calories..
30 minutes of HIIT to burn 400 calories..
30 minutes of swimming to burn 350 calories..
1 hour of cycling to burn 850 calories..
Total calories burned per day – 2,100..

Can you realistically lose 10 pounds in a month?

You can safely lose up to 10 pounds in just a month. While this will not be easy, it is doable if you commit. According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, in order to lose body weight, people may need to reduce the number of calories they consume and increase their physical activity.


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