Health for life secrets of advanced bodybuilders pdf


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to your life, increasing your self-esteem, and improving your health. While you're thinking about what you've done and what you haven't done, take a few minutes to rekindle the fire with new health and fitness goals. Make them big; make yourself reach for them. These goals serve as a tremendous motivator to exercise regularly, eat right, and live life to the fullest. Be Creative A challenging goal causes you to step out of your comfort zone to accomplish it. Make your goal REALLY challenging. Something that you really want, and you're willing to do what it takes to get there. It also reflects who you are, your values. Use the following list to get those gears churning in your head: •••• Be More Consistent As simple as getting to the gym, going to your workout area at home, or wherever you exercise. Are you working out 2, maybe 3 times a week? Shoot for 5-6 days a week. LIFE is exercise! •••• Improve Your Strength You can realistically increase your strength by about 5% per month, even if you're an advanced trainer. That's about a 5 lb. increase in the amount of weight you can lift. Set a goal for a particular exercise, like the bench press, and track your progress with a log to see how far you've come. •••• Improve Your Muscular Endurance Your reps will increase by 2-3 over a month, if you use the same weight for the entire month. Here's a thought: if you can't do very many chin ups, set a goal for how many you can do at the end of 4 weeks. Improving muscle endurance is great for carving out definition. Secrets To A Peak Performance Life… Motivation That Moves Mountains •••• Increase Your Distance Doesn't matter if it's walking, jogging, Stairmaster, biking, indoor, outdoor, whatever. How long does it take you to walk/run/etc. a mile? 15 minutes? See how much further you can cover in those same 15 minutes. •••• Learn A New Exercise Or Routine Add variety to your workouts by adding or replacing exercises with new ones. Try in-line skating. Elliptical trainers at the gym. Jump-roping. An exercise class, like kickboxing or lower-key like Tai chi. Just something different. Then be a master at it. •••• Enter A Contest Any fitness contest, including run/walks, cycling events, fitness and physique competitions, marathons, powerlifting and weightlifting events, etc. If you've never participated at a competition before, find a low-key competitive opportunity, train for it, and for cripes sakes, have FUN. •••• Enter DIFFERENT Contests If you've been doing 5K runs for a long time, try running a marathon. Or maybe you want a break from it, so you concentrate on developing more muscle to enter into a fitness or physique competition. •••• Strengthen Your Community - Make New Friends This comes almost naturally when you're involved with friendly competition. Be conscious to reach out and meet new friends at the gym and competitive events. The camaraderie with your fellow "competitors" inspires and motivates you to achieve more. Your Road To Success Improve your chances for success with a safe, effective, balanced training plan: •••• Hire A Coach The advice of a knowledgeable, competent, personable coach can make your road to success a more enjoyable journey. A good coach advises and empowers you on how to set goals, and craft a plan to achieve them faster. •••• Keep A Training Log Secrets To A Peak Performance Life… Motivation That Moves Mountains Record how you feel, physically and mentally, in addition to your training notes (weight, reps, rest periods, sets, etc.). You'll understand your training better. Are you especially sluggish in mid-afternoon? Then you know you need to schedule your workouts when your energy levels are higher. •••• Get That Your Life Is Perfect TODAY, Even If You Think It Isn't What happened today happened today. Much of it beyond your control. Life happens. If you missed a workout today, it's your job to determine why, and what you're going to do about it the next time. You're not going to get fat overnight. Happiness and success in feeling younger, healthier, energetic, and looking great are related to keeping your priorities and your life in balance. Enjoy The Journey Nothing is more important in reaching your goal than to enjoy the passion of the pursuit. Celebrate the smaller victories along the way, and learn from life's lessons. Share your success with your coach, friends, and family. You deserve a pat on the back! Keep it up! 10 Ways How Building a Younger, 10 Ways How Building a Younger, 10 Ways How Building a Younger, 10 Ways How Building a Younger, Healthier Body Improves Your LifeHealthier Body Improves Your LifeHealthier Body Improves Your LifeHealthier Body Improves Your Life There are actually more than two dozen ways building a younger, healthier body improves your life, and the number keeps going up. There's so much emphasis put on the physique, that the equally, and even MORE important factors are virtually ignored. THE OBVIOUS - These are the, "Well, no kidding that's why we exercise" ways: 1. Self-Esteem When you look good, and feel like you look good, you just plain feel good. Secrets To A Peak Performance Life… Motivation That Moves Mountains 2. Youthfulness A better-looking body, with less fat, and leaner muscle, is a younger body. You may be chronologically 45, but biologically you're 35. You can keep up with younger "punks" <g>, proving age doesn't matter. You have more stamina, greater strength. 3. High Energy When your heart and lungs are working efficiently, when your muscles are toned and strong, when you feel limber, when you're fueling your body the nutrients it needs, your energy is up, up, up. You can do more with less fatigue. And with energy to spare. THE NOT-SO OBVIOUS - these are the "Yeah... I guess those are good reasons to exercise" ways; definitely awesome benefits, but people don't really think as much about them: 4. Better Quality of Life Now when you can do more, most likely more than you've ever been able to do, your quality of life dramatically improves. Life's stresses are easier to handle. You're happier because you can do more without pooping out halfway. You start attracting more good into your life, while keeping more bad "stuff" from happening to you. Life becomes easier. 5. Live Longer I thought about putting this in the Obvious section. I didn't, because there are still many people who don't give this serious thought. More studies are showing that you can significantly increase your chances of living longer by exercising regularly and eating healthy. 6. Lower Disease Risk This goes hand-in-hand with #5. Regular exercise and healthy eating helps to decrease your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. In some cases, diet and exercise can be an effective treatment. Don't forget, too, diet and exercise is EXCELLENT PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. THE HIDDEN - these are incredible benefits that nobody gives the time of day. Which makes these arguably critical for success: 7. Higher Standards You're looking good. You're feeling good. You're eating well. What else has happened? You've raised your personal standards. You’re a completely different person in your thoughts, feelings, and actions. And in the process, you've helped raise others' standards as well. You're building a deep, supportive community of like-minded people who are committed to success. Secrets To A Peak Performance Life… Motivation That Moves Mountains 8. Put Up With Less Stuff As far as you've come, you're determined to stay there. So, you're putting up with less crap, from yourself, others, and your environment. You're now an unstoppable machine - nothing will deter you from reaching your goals. Show no mercy for anyone

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