Great work great career pdf free download


What might sound like a series of clichés coming from a typical business writer could, out of reverence, be called “tapping into the zeitgeist” when it is presented by a bona fide guru. In a quick 156 pages (including a Frequently Asked Questions section), Stephen R. Covey and co-author Jennifer Colosimo work to overturn the ordinary ways people seek and acquire jobs. Like the authors of a diet book, Covey and Colosimo ask you to make healthy choices to shape your work’s waistline. Choose a meaningful career, not a job. Think of yourself as a “volunteer,” not an employee. Adapt to the “Knowledge Age” and leave behind the “Industrial Age.” Use a job interview as a “research opportunity,” and see a résumé cover letter as a chance to define yourself as the solution to an employer’s problem. Granted, if you don’t want to be told to change your paradigm, or to invent your own job if you can’t find one, you might want to invest your dimes elsewhere. Then again, if you’re tired of the patterns in your professional path, Covey and Colosimo’s new career-seeking terminology might be just the jolt you need. Old habits die hard – maybe it’s time for some new ones. getAbstract recommends this book to job seekers, bootstrappers, service industry personnel, Covey fanatics and all workers in a rut.

A Great Career Requires a Different Mind-Set

A job that puts food on the family table is different from a career that leaves a legacy for your grandchildren to marvel at around that same table. Yes, you need to pay the bills now. But if you’re not working toward a great career, you’ll pay a larger, more existential price later. As the saying goes, you can get straight A’s in school and still flunk life. Likewise, you can have the right job, the right benefits and the right paycheck – and still flunk your career. A great vocation is not the sole domain of the rich and famous, the people you hear or read about, the people others envy. You can have a great career regardless of the number of zeroes in your bank account.

How? You have to rethink most of what you know about having a job, keeping a job, getting a job or inventing a job. A great career pivots on three personal characteristics that are far simpler and more elemental than power or influence: “contribution, loyalty” and “trust.” Your contribution, which is made up of your “talents, passion, conscience” and “need,” is unique. Trust and loyalty are “the fruit of your character and your conscience.”

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About the Authors

Stephen R. Covey has written several leadership books, including the perennial bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He is co-founder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, where executive coach Jennifer Colosimo is chief learning officer.


Brilliant! Once again, Stephen Covey, along with Jennifer Colosimo, has tapped into a unique perspective to create a timeless classic. Great Work, Great Career is a very important, convincingly argued, and highly motivating book compelling us all to identify our desired contribution in life, and go after it! This is one of the most encouraging and useful books of our time. ----Rick Smith, author of The LEAP: How 3 Simple Changes Can Propel Your Career from Good to Great<br /><br />If you want a truly great career starting right now buy this book. Covey and Colosimo will not only change the way you think about your work, they ll also give you the smart tactical guidance you need to get your next big offer. --Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

I urge you to read this remarkable book! It offers the push you need to transform yourself, prosper, and get the career satisfaction you crave. --Roby Ryan, author of 60 Seconds & You're Hired!

If you want a truly great career starting right now buy this book. Covey and Colosimo will not only change the way you think about your work, they ll also give you the smart tactical guidance you need to get your next big offer. --Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

From the Inside Flap

Do you have a good career, a mediocre career, or a great career? How do you know? And just how do you create a great career? Whether you're looking for a job or want to make the job you already have more meaningful, this book is for you.- CREATE A GREAT CAREER. Your job will be a great job because you are the one doing it! You'll make a great contribution rather than just filling a job description.- KNOW YOUR STRENGTHS. You bring a unique, unreproducible combination of talent, passion, and conscience to the world of work.- DEFINE YOUR CAUSE. The business world teems with fascinating challenges and opportunities. You'll find the cause that matters most to you.- BUILD YOUR VILLAGE. You'll create your own community of people who can help you in your great career -- and whom you can help in turn.- MASTER THE JOB-SEARCH PROCESS. You'll make a resume that actually works for you and never suffer through a job interview again.


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