Genshin impact x reader break up

—what happens when you mistakenly prank them that you’re breaking up with them? 

CHARACTERS. Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli; gn! Reader

THEMES. prank; angst; reverse hurt/comfort; fluff; crack; (just realized) scara’s kind of? suggestive. just a tinge.

WARNINGS. no, i do not really advise you to prank your s/o into breaking up with you. just don’t.

NOTES. tbh i don’t have great ideas lately so i went with this one instead. i don’t really support this kind of prank (as well as most couple pranks) but well,,, let’s approach this in a non-toxic way, yeah? so yep, this is mostly angst :))

ps. kinda tempted to add subject 2 here

ZHONGLI does not know what came to you to suddenly blurt out that you wanted to break up with him.

Was it true or was it not?

Still, he replies, “If that is what you wish, then I shall grant it.”

It sounded so smooth, yes, but he tried so hard to make it sound like that—in reality, he was displeased. He must have done something for you to request it, and he wanted to know what it was. But maybe you did not want to talk about it at this very moment, seeing that you were not beginning to elaborate on anything.

So all he does is take your wrist and place a gentle kiss on the back of your hand, thinking it might be the last time he will be able to have this chance.

When you suddenly reach for his hand to stop him from letting go, his shoulders ease, especially when you look at him with a frown and pull him into an embrace.

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XIAO is not amused—rightfully so.

“What did you say?” It came out without his permission, and he hesitated for a moment, only to feel that pressure inside his chest and flame up to his irritation.

But those flames slowly died down as he saw your eyes.

“You’re… what?”

He wanted to hear it again, even if it would hurt more. He wanted you to say it again to his face.

After all this time… why now?

“You’re never home, and you never talk even when you’re there-” you began to ramble on and on, thinking you could save yourself from humiliation. But the opposite happens, however.

“Are you saying it’s all my fault then?” he gritted his teeth, but he did not want to cause any more problems. Even still… he warned you about everything. He warned you about him.

“So be it.” he disappears so suddenly that his name is left hanging down your throat, unable to call out to him realizing that it was all too late.

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“You do not.” VENTI would tilt his head to the side, thinking you were just kidding at first.

But if you show that you were serious, his mood instantly drops.

“Wait, you’re serious?” he exclaims, frantically holding onto your shoulders and searching your eyes for the truth. “Windblume, you’re kidding, right? There’s no way you’d… why did you suddenly ask for that? Is something wrong? Did I do anything wrong?”

He thinks back onto earlier, the past few days, the past week even. What could have made you want to ask for a…

He finds himself unable to even say the word in his mind.

He suddenly feels a hand on his cheek and a kiss on his forehead—and for a moment, he thought that it was a sign of your goodbye, so he holds on to your waist.

“No! I won’t let you go.” he knew he was childish—the way he whines, the way he did not care even if anyone else was looking, or how he sometimes act, especially when it comes to visiting Angel’s Share.

But he was selfish as well.

Call him selfish, and he would not care.

He thought you would push him off—he expected you to, at the very least. But when you put a hand on his head and chuckled instead, the pressure in his chest disappears.

So it was a prank after all.

He’d pout at you, but in his mind, he was already thinking of a way to get you back.

But maybe cuddles would suffice… for now.

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It was a good thing that the only thing THOMA was holding in his hand was a towel that he used to wipe his arms and hands from washing the dishes.

“… what?” he thinks he heard you wrong. He did, right? You didn’t want to break up with him, right?

For a moment, he waits for you to take it back, for you to suddenly break out into a grin and tell him that you were merely joking or pranking him to see his reaction.

But it was not happening.

His heart sank and he pursed his lips, unable to think clearly.

“Are you… Do you want to?” he lets out, but he wishes he didn’t, because what you said yes? What if the moment he secretly dreaded would come so soon?

He sighs exasperatedly with a moment of delay when you suddenly laughed, saying that it was a joke.

“I thought my heart stopped there! Baby, you shouldn’t do that!” he whines as he puts a fist over his chest.

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SCARAMOUCHE raises his brow and instantly doubts you.

“You do?” he questions, not really taking it seriously. “What changed your mind?” he looks away with a smirk, continuing on his paperwork as if he did not care a single bit.

This is probably because you’ve fooled him far too many times that he immediately knew that you were spewing bullshit again.

He nods and hums along as you began to rant in front of him. Ah, how much trust had he put on you for you to do this? Maybe he should trick you too, huh?

He smirks.

“Well, if you want to, let’s part ways then.” He looks up to you from his desk, making sure he put up an indifferent facade on his face. “I suppose you don’t need a place to stay now. Where will you be staying? Don’t forget to visit sometime, yeah?”

He chuckles when you huff and glare at him.

“Are you done with your games now?” he raises a brow before he leans his back to his chair, “My lap is not gonna sit on its own, is it? If you break up with me—oof.”

You pout as you plop yourself on his lap.

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KAZUHA (very much like the man above) knew you very well to know enough. He recognized the way your eyes squinted, or the way you bit your lip—most likely suppressing a smile or laugh.

But, he played along, nonetheless.

“Why?” he gently holds your hand, rubbing his thumb on your hand—-right next to your own. “Was there something I’ve done, dove?”

It was difficult enough to keep it by yourself—but to have him react like that, even if you kind of expected it, it didn’t seem real as well—considering that you were only doing this as a prank… It made you feel guilty, but KAZUHA is not the type to get angry at you, right?

“I… I feel bad, Kazu…” you say, not trying to imply that it was false or true. But before you could say any more, he places a finger over your lips, a small smile on his own.

“If you do, then you shouldn’t break up with me, don’t you think?”

By then, you realized that he had probably caught you in your lie.

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KAEYA is used to trickery, and unfortunately for you, he would know if you’re pranking him.

But unlike the others, he would think otherwise.

That maybe… maybe it’s true?

Maybe—deep inside you wanted to go and leave him. That even if this was a joke all along, maybe you did this with the thought of warning him.

Was it?

Even if it wasn’t, now he surely knows that he did not like the feeling of it.

“Oh? Then give me three reasons why.” he says with a sly smile and even raising three of his fingers, but in his mind, it had a different meaning.

Genuinely, he thought you would answer him and tell him what he expected you to say. But you did not.

Some part of him was relieved that you told him that it was a prank and when he saw that brught smile on yours again.

But he wondered when would be the last time he’d witness such a sight in front of him and not towards someone else.

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ITTO would take it seriously.

“What?? Why??” he frowns visibly, eyebrows furrowed, his wide shoulders slumped. “Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?” he hovers beside you, hand by your elbow, his gaze trying to pull yours.

“Y/n…” he trails, seemingly wanting to ask more but zips his mouth. Did you dislike his nagging, perhaps?

But… you said you liked hearing his voice. You liked everything about him.

What is it that you disliked, then?

He recalls everything that happened carefully, thinking what could have gone wrong; did he perhaps ignore you at one point? Why was he clueless?

Or maybe… you dliked his cluelessness.

That must be it then?

“Tell me what’s wrong, I’ll fix it.” he urges you.

If you don’t stop tricking him, he will not let go of it.

But if you tell him the truth already, he’d end up forgetting it in an instant.

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GOROU has keen senses, especially his hearing. And it was probably the reason why he stood there speechless for a couple of moments, staring at you with wide eyes.

Out of everyone, he would probably be the one to show how devastated he actually was.

A small whine came out, and a “What?”—it was weak—his voice. You watch as his eyes tear up, his ears and tail drooping down, and he looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t.

If you have a heart, you should stop.

If he was heart broken, yours would as well.

“A-ah, no, Go, I mean… I mean let’s split apart for now, yeah? I mean… I need to go uhm… go find Kokomi, yes. You should stay here with the others for the meantime. That’s what I meant!” you rambled, stuttering quite a few times, and not able to even look into his eyes.

“Really?” his ears perk for a bit, but not fully, his hand reaching for yours, “Y-You did not mean you’d break our relationship?”

“Of course, I didn’t mean that!”

That night, he cuddled you and had both his arm and tail over your waist, not willing to let you go.

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DILUC does not know how to react, honestly. He probably stood still in front of you for a couple of moments as he contemplated—or maybe it was out of pure shock.

When he did not move for an entire minute, you realized it was enough and gave a grin, telling him it was a joke. However, you felt the tension in the air that you did not control the awkward chuckle that came out of you, and even the way your brows furrowed.

But in the end, the frozen DILUC seemed to have melted and eased up, a frown enveloped on his face.

“That’s not a good joke, Y/n.”

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DAINSLEIF would be confused and hesitant.

It’s been so long since he had lived, and to love someone like you now… a thought comes to his mind—would he be willing to ket you go?

Actually, those same words haunt him every single day, thinking how Teyvat is a place that did not favor the weak-minded and willed.

For you to utter those words in front of him—on his face, he came to see reality and gaze with it eye to eye.

Reality that he will never be able to have you always by his side.

He dows not speak, he wants to hear your voice more. He did not disappear into thin air, he wants to see your face more. Even if it was for the last time.

It was difficult to read his thoughts, thus when you told him that it was untrue, you did not particularly thought of the consequences.

You did not know that you scarred him so deep that he might have to repair it all over again.

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CHILDE was aware that there was no reason for you to suddenly ask for such a thing.

If there was… then maybe it could be fixed?

“Why? What’s wrong?” He asks, feeling unnerved. There must be something that triggered you—-was it his absence lately? Surely it was, right?

“I… I’m on vacation now, you know. I’m not going to work for the meantime.” he offers with a smile, thinking that maybe this was just a ruse for you to make him stay with you. You often did this, after all, guilt-tripping him for not always being on times.

But… that single bit of chance that you might be telling the truth…

That scared him. Maybe far more than he had expected.

“You don’t… actually mean it, right? Y/n… hey… baby.” he pulls your chin gently and makes you look him in the eye—his gaze far too soft for a Harbinger like him.

Actually… what if you hated a Harbinger?

What if something made you realize that you didn’t love him all along?

What if—

You touching his wrist made him jump a little, not expecting you to look at him the same way you’ve always done; the same way you even said the words he longed to hear at this very moment.

Even if you say it was untrue, he doubts that it was, because now, he was aware that at any moment, you would be taken away from him.

In the end, he realize that you may just be one of his weaknesses.

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AYATO is quite calm about it.

First, he had noticed the way you said the words with a little bit of uncertainty—-understandable, yes, but what gave you off was the way you looked onto the side.

You always look to the side when you lie.

He was trained with a good eye, you see, as the Commissioner, it was a part of his job.

He doubted his ability because he trusts you, but if this was true and he judged wrong… it

“Love,” he calls for you, gently dropping his brush on the side—and for a moment, he sees himself tremble. “This is not something to kid with, don’t you think so?” he had a smile—-and if you knew him better, you knew it was not a good sign.

You better tell him the truth now, but you better not trick him next time.

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ALBEDO does not understand humans that well.

Well, he did think at one point that he knew you very well, but there were a couple of times that he would be confused at your actions and words. Like now.

He thinks that you were bluffing, but a small part of him believed that you were telling the truth.

Why are emotions so hard to read?

“Is that what you want?” he asks. Was it the right thing to ask? He knew that he sometimes is too forward… but he did not want to hurt you—-and if you already were, he did not want to do it further.

In the end, after telling him the truth, he did not really bother with it too much—save for the occassional thoughts that made him mistrust his own judgement of your emotions.

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AETHER would respect your decision, whatever it is. But…

“May I know the reason why?” he calmly asks, but his eyes—you could easily tell that it was something that saddened him just by thinking about it. He, by now, is used to letting people go and going farther away. But for some reason, this—this feels like his heart was being split into two, and all of a sudden, he remembers the moments when he had neglected you from being far away from each other for long times, and for accepting other people’s favors when he couldn’t even give you your wish of wanting to be with him.

He expected you to utter those words, to lay it all in front of him and for him to hurt—hearing them coming from your lips.

But it did not come, and he was relieved when you told him that it was merely a prank.

He gave you an unimpressed look, but for a moment, he thought everything would be changed in an instant, and he thought he’d regret it.

He guesses this might be a blessing in disguise, for a split second, he was able to realize that he had been doing you wrong and he didn’t want to regret it.

Reblogs are very appreciated~

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