First period after stopping birth control reddit

I stopped my birth control pill mid pack about a month ago and got my period a few days later. I’m supposed to start my period again in a week but I’m not sure if I should expect it to be late or not come at all.

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The “period” you had when you quit taking the pill was likely a withdrawal bleed. After discontinuing hormonal contraception it can take up to a year for your body to re-regulate. You may have irregular cycles for some or all of that time.

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It’s common to have some irregularity after stopping the pill. I stopped about two months ago. I had 26 days between my last withdrawal bleed and my first period, then a 30 day cycle after that. However my periods were irregular before birth control so that could be normal for me or it could be my body settling in the absence of the pill.

Question for anyone who has been on hormonal birth control pills...

I stopped taking the pill at the end of my last pack as directed by my gynecologist. Two days later, I had my withdrawal bleed right on schedule. Three weeks after the bleed, I ovulated late in my cycle (confirmed with OPKs and physical signs/symptoms). Then at 5 DPO, I had light brown spotting until 9 DPO on which I got my period that was about 2 days of medium bleeding (like a normal period I had before I was on the pill). Thankfully, my cramps were pretty mild. I'm aware that I had a short luteal phase too, but I've never had that before either. Anyway, since my short period ended on Saturday night, I've had light-brown spotting. Not even enough for a panty liner or tampon. It seems to be going away slowly now. My gynecologist said it's probably from going off of the hormonal birth control, and that my body is just trying to adjust. Also said it could take some time to get back to normal... I was on it for about five and a half years.

I was wondering if any of you ladies have had any similar experiences when stopping hormonal birth control?? Before starting the pill, I was ALWAYS regular, like clockwork, (on time periods, ovulation, normal luteal phase, etc.), so this whole spotting and irregularity thing is giving me anxiety despite reading articles about this and being told by my gyno that this is pretty normal for being about a month off the pill. :( It's also annoying too not knowing what to expect! Please share any of your experiences with me!

After being on Yasmin for two years, I got off for 3 months to try something out.

I had my withdrawal bleed at the end of the last pack like usual, but it trailed on with some brown discharge for a few days after the placebo week was over, because I wasn’t putting the hormones back into my body with the next pack. I then had a regular period about 5 weeks after that. After that first real period off the pill, I started with a period tracking app (using my period information from 2 years before birth control) and I tested with ovulation strips around the time the app predicted. I managed to get a positive ovulation test strip right around the day the app predicted. I got my period, and the next month I didn’t test for ovulation. Then I started back on Yasmin before my next period came, because it wasn’t convenient for me to get a period due to some work stuff. And I’ve been back on a birth control pill ever since then.

Hi guys. I’m here as I am slowly going a bit (very) crazy, and want to hear from you guys about your experiences. I (23f) came off of my birth control pill at the start of December 2021. I was taking the combined pill for 7 years, then progesterone only for around 6 months to a year. Since then I have not had a period. At all. Not even spotting. I did have some discharge 2 days ago which was kinda like egg whites with a bit of a tinge of brown/ pink. But that’s it… my only explanation could be ovulation? I thought it was the start of a period but since then I’ve had nothing… so pretty sure it’s not a period.

I am scared that my cycles may not return to normal, or that something is not right. It says online that it can ‘take up to 3 months’ for menses to return to normal, but I’m fast approaching 6 months and am feeling lost and extremely down.

Thank you for reading.

I went on birth control for 2 weeks but then I had to stop cuz my body couldn’t accept the pill. After I stopped I was bleeding for 1 week, my doctor said it’s the withdrawal bleed, he said I should get my period in about 4-6 weeks. It took my body 4 weeks and now I have my period, it’s the 4th day and it seems like it’s ending already. First 2 days I was dying from cramps and I felt so sick, but on the third day I had no pain and less blood and now the 4th day…no pain and just spotting. I’m confused because my periods usually last for 7 days and are heavy…also my gynaecologist said this period will be heavy and probably long. Is this okay? Is my period really ending? Cuz I’m scared it might happen like it did on birth control, first 2 days hurtful and then till fifth day almost nothing and then on the 6th day I started heavy bleeding for 2 weeks.


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