Fastest way to get rid of tonsil stones

Ever wondered why you keep on suffering from bad breath, sore throat or a feeling of something stuck in the back of your throat? Well, one of the possible reasons may be due to the presence of tonsil stones growing at the back of your throat! At our ENT specialist clinics in Singapore, the ENT specialist doctors see patients who turn up with recurrent sore throats, throat irritation causing a feeling of something stuck at the back of the throat and persistent bad breath. One careful look in the back of some people’s throats and one may spot a few white, hard, rock-like deposits in the tonsils, which may sometimes appear covered in cheesy sticky mucus/slime.

Tonsil stones form in our ENT patients’ throats in Singapore because your tonsils have been producing a lot of whitish thick mucus which dries up to form solid deposits, “stones”. They may cause bad breath because the mucus tends to be infected and can be rather unpleasant-smelling.

These tonsil stones may have been bothering you for quite some time and somehow, just don’t seem to disappear. Worse, they may be rather tricky to remove by yourself. If you decide to use a sharp tool to dig the tonsil stones out, please be very careful as this may result in bleeding.

Here are Dr Annabelle’s tips to safely remove those nasty irritating tonsil stones:

  1. Gargling with an antibacterial mouthwash may help to dislodge the tonsil stones and cleanse the back of your throat to prevent them from recurring. Sometimes, even gargling with some diluted cider vinegar may help as it acts as an antiseptic to clean your throat.
  2. Drinking plenty of water ie 6 – 8 glasses of water everyday will help to keep you well-hydrated, which in turn may help to reduce the thick secretions and mucus from forming on the tonsil surfaces.
  3. Taking a course of antibiotics may help to treat any infection related to the trapped tonsil stones and so, help to reduce the severity of the bad breath associated with these tonsil stones.
  4. Cleaning the tonsils gently with a cotton swab or cotton bud may help to loosen the tonsil stones. If you’re feeling brave enough, using a toothpick with a steady hand may sometimes be effective in rooting out those trapped tonsil stones. But this may not be so easy to do especially if there is a tonsil or throat infection causing pain. If you have a strong gag reflex, trying to dig out those tonsil stones may make you retch uncontrollably or even vomit when the back of your throat is touched.
  5. If all else fails, see your friendly ENT specialist doctor in Singapore to get it checked out properly: Discuss with your best ENT specialist in Singapore if a tonsillectomy is the way forward for you to permanently remove the source of those tonsil stones, the tonsils! Having a tonsillectomy may seem daunting at first but it actually is a very effective way to treat those recurrent throat infections and tonsil stones. The immune system in older children, teenagers and adults does not depend on the tonsils to be strong and effective so there is no concern about removing your tonsils if they continue to bother you with infection and tonsil stones like this. Expect a sore throat in the first few days after tonsil surgery but after that, you should feel much better and never have to worry about tonsil infections and tonsil stones ever again. There is also a good chance that the associated bad breath (halitosis) will improve!

So for those of you who have had to suffer persistent throat infections, tonsillitis and bad breath, tonsil stones may not only be the root of the problem, but may be the sign of chronic tonsil infections.

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: What causes tonsil stones? Is there a way to permanently get rid of them, other than having my tonsils removed? I am 48 and have heard that having a tonsillectomy as an adult is a significant surgery that can lead to other problems.

ANSWER: Tonsil stones form when substances become logged in the crevices of your tonsils. If you are prone to tonsil stones, having your tonsils removed is the most effective way to solve the problem. If, however, you prefer not to do that, there are ways you can safely remove tonsil stones. There also are self-care steps you can take to help prevent them from coming back.

Your tonsils are two oval-shaped pads of tissue at the back of your throat, one on each side. The tonsils are a type of lymph node and work as part of your body’s immune system. They act as filters for bacteria and viruses. They also make disease-fighting white blood cells and antibodies.

The tonsils’ surfaces are irregular. Some people have pits and craters in their tonsils that are deep enough for food particles, bacteria, saliva or mucus to become caught in them. As these substances are pressed into the craters, they eventually develop into tonsil stones.

Also called tonsilliths or tonsil calculi, these stones typically are pastel yellow in appearance. You might be able to see the stones when you examine your tonsils. But if they form deep in the tonsillar tissue, the stones may not be visible.

Common signs and symptoms of tonsil stones are tonsil redness and irritation. These stones also frequently cause bad breath due to the bacteria that collect on them. In some cases, tonsil stones can lead to chronic tonsil inflammation or infection of your tonsils, called tonsillitis. But in many cases, they are simply a nuisance.

If you have a history of developing tonsil stones, the best way to get rid of them permanently is to remove your tonsils. Surgery to take out the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure, so you don’t have to stay overnight in the hospital. As with all surgeries, it carries some risks, such as bleeding after surgery. Most people have throat pain after a tonsillectomy. But the pain often can be effectively managed with medications, along with plenty of fluids and rest.

If your doctor recommends against a tonsillectomy due to your medical history, age or other factors, or if you simply would rather not have your tonsils removed, you can take other steps to deal with tonsil stones.

When stones form, you can remove them either by gently pressing them out with a cotton swab or the back of your tooth brush, or by washing them out with a low-pressure water irrigator. You can use this device to aim a gentle stream of water at the tonsil craters and rinse out debris that may be caught in them.

You can help prevent tonsil stones from forming in the first place by following good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after meals, at bedtime, and when you get up in the morning. When you brush your teeth, gently brush your tongue, as well. Floss your teeth daily. Regularly use mouthwash that does not have an alcohol base. These techniques can lower the amount of bacteria in your mouth that may contribute to the development of tonsil stones.

If tonsil soreness persists, if your tonsils look very red or bleed easily, or if pain from your tonsils extends to your ear, make an appointment to see your doctor. These symptoms could signal a more serious problem that may require medical attention. — Ann Bell, M.D., Otorhinolaryngology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

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How do you get rid of tonsil stones quickly?

In most cases, removing a tonsil stone can be done at home. Using a cotton swab, gently push on the tonsil, behind the stone, to force the stone out. Vigorous coughing and gargling can dislodge stones, as well. Once the stone is out, gargle with salt water, to remove any remaining bacteria.

What will dissolve tonsil stones?

Apple cider vinegar gargle Gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar (ACV) may help dislodge and break down the materials in the tonsil stones. To make this mixture, a person can mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of warm water. Gargling with this up to three times a day can help loosen stones.

How long does it take for tonsil stones to go away?

How long do tonsil stones last? Tonsil stones may last anywhere from several days to several years. Most tonsil stones clear up in 1-3 weeks on their own. Large stones may remain on the tonsils for many years if not removed by a doctor.

What foods help dislodge tonsil stones?

How to remove tonsil stones at home.
Apple cider vinegar or any vinegar. Dilute with water and gargle. ... .
Garlic. Studies have shown that garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. ... .
Cotton swab or finger. ... .
Coughing. ... .
Essential oils. ... .
Salt water. ... .
Yogurt. ... .