Eyelash extensions falling out next day

Just when you finally got the lashes you wanted, they start falling out.

What do you do?

I’ve worked in the industry for the last decade and in that time, I’ve seen my fair share of people who say eyelash extensions don’t work for them because they start falling out right away. While this may be the case for some, the good news is, there may be hope just yet.

Your lash extensions may be falling out due to a number of factors and many of those can be easily controlled.

Wearing mascara

Why do women wear mascara?

To get fuller, longer, and curlier lashes.

Well, guess what?

Those are the very same things that lash extensions do for you.

This is why there is no need for you to wear mascara when you’ve had eyelash extensions applied. In fact, mascara has been proven to have the ability to break down the glue that holds the lashes together, especially if you’re using waterproof mascara. So if you continued wearing mascara while having eyelash extensions, this could be the culprit.

Overly active oil glands

Women who have oily skin often complain of breakouts and acne. What you may not know is that oily skin does not just affect your skin’s health, it could affect your lash extensions as well.

The oil on your skin has the power to break down the lash adhesive, which means that sometimes, the lashes don’t stick as they should. In fact, when the amount of oils is extreme, you may find that the lashes won’t even stick at all.

Accidentally picking on the extension

If you’re not used to the feeling of having extensions yet, you may find yourself wanting to pick on the extensions. This could loosen up the lash extensions, especially if the glue has not really done its job just yet. Leave your lovely lashes alone and they’ll thank you with more longevity.

Poor glue quality

Salons and technicians use different brands and types of glue.

This is one reason why some would have their lash extensions intact over a long period of time, while others find that theirs fall right off. The glue used in the latter scenario may not be of high quality.

Water or moisture

When you have your lash extensions applied, you would always hear the instructions to avoid water or moisture for the next 24 hours. This is because water works the same way as oil – it may prevent the glue from doing its job. Please refrain from showering or even cooking over a hot, steamy stove for at least 24 hours – this will help prevent the lashes from falling off prematurely.

Wrong environment

Applying the lashes in a room that has too much or too little humidity could cause the lashes not to bond properly. This is why lash extensions have to be applied in a controlled environment. The conditions have to be perfect for the glue to do its job well. You’ll notice at The Lash Spa, we have a number of dehumidifiers throughout the salon to ensure the conditions are perfect for lash retention.

Wrong extensions

Using the wrong kind of extensions could also cause them to easily fall off. Remember that the extensions will be glued onto your natural lashes. And when the weight and length of the extensions are not proportional to the natural lashes they are bonded to, chances are, the bind won’t hold for a long time.

Improper aftercare

Caring for your lashes goes way beyond the first 24 hours. Truth is, you’d have to take care of your lash extensions the entire time they’re there if you really want them to stay as long as they’re supposed to.

Brushing your lashes with a spoolie is one way of taking care of them, as long as you make sure your strokes are gentle. This ensures that they don’t get tangled and removes any dirt or residue that could cause them to be weighed down. Proper cleaning is also a must and allows you to avoid infection or inflammation around the area as well.

As you can see, a lot of work goes into the application of your lashes, but you also have to do your part in maintaining them. When you think about it, there are so many ways for you to make sure your lashes don’t fall off easily. With the correct application and the right aftercare, you can enjoy the full value of having beautiful lash extensions.

Is it normal for eyelash extensions to fall out the next day?

Extensions are attached to lashes that are at the middle of last stage in their cycle and there is no way to know the exact time that the a lash will shed naturally, so it is not uncommon for a freshly extended lash to shed the day of the application.

Is it normal to lose a few eyelash extensions the first day?

Generally it is only normal if you lose between 3 to 5 lashes per day. Your natural eyelashes fall off and regenerates at a reasonable rate. When you rub your eyes some of your natural lashes twist off. But if you lose most of your eyelash extensions within the first week it isn't normal.

Why do my clients lash extensions keep falling out?

In short, if the adhesive is setting too quickly, it will set before a proper bond can form with the clients natural lash, which means poor retention. The other less likely reason (but still worth talking to your client about) is aftercare. If there is poor or no aftercare, the lashes bonds can be broken.

What do you do when eyelash extensions fall out?

Be gentle— and patient. Once your extensions have finally fallen out, be gentle to your natural eyelashes—especially when applying or removing makeup. “Try not to put too much pressure on the lashes or eye area and avoid vigorously rubbing,” Marin says.

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