Douching with apple cider vinegar for yeast infection

There are many options for treating yeast infections.

The moment signs of a vaginal yeast infection make themselves known – the itch you discreetly get at by squirming in your seat, the gates of hell suddenly relocating to between your legs, and the clumpy discharge – nothing else matters… other than getting rid of it.

The Internet seems to think a possible hero might be the trendiest new cure-all: Apple cider vinegar. I mean, it seems capable of promoting everything from smooth skin to healthy hair… so why not?

How do I know I have a yeast infection?

A yeast infection, or candidiasis, is caused by a fungus called Candida and it loves dark, wet spaces like mouths, throats and (you guessed it) vaginas. It’s totally harmless until it multiplies – that’s when trouble starts, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

If the material of your underwear doesn’t allow for breathability (cotton’s always a good choice; silk, not so much), or if you’re taking an antibiotic that can kill bacteria that normally protects the vagina, for example, Candida might multiply, leaving you infected.

Yeast infections come with a side of symptoms that include the very common itching, as well as burning, redness, swelling, pain during sex, pain while peeing, soreness and thick discharge, according to the Office on Women’s Health (OWH).

While they’re uncomfortable, yeast infections are super common. OWH indicates three out of four women will have a yeast infection at least once in their lives.

Read more: 6 yeast infection symptoms in women that shouldn’t be ignored

So about apple cider vinegar… can it clear up a yeast infection?

Some people seem to think so. Internet theories promoting direct application of diluted vinegar, including douching with it and inserting a vinegar-soaked tampon are floating around out there just begging for investigation.

The verdict: You should not be doing any of this.

Dr Lauren Streicher, a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Northwestern University and author of Sex RX, said it best: “Use apple cider vinegar on your salad and not your vagina.”

That means keep the stuff away from your vagina in any form – especially through douching or ACV-soaked tampons. I mean, ACV is acidic, so you’re just asking for extra irritation to the vulvar skin and vaginal tissue, says Dr Streicher.

To be honest, douching overall is a vaginal no-no, she says. “There’s no medical reason for douching, and, in fact, scientific evidence is quite clear that douching can be detrimental,” says Dr Streicher, adding that it can eliminate all of the bacteria in your vagina, including the good stuff.

Read more: 4 things you should never put up your vagina

Okay, fine. So how can I treat a yeast infection?

The good news: Yeast infections are easy to get rid of.

You can take antifungal medication which you can get over the counter or prescribed by a doctor. They might come in the form of cream suppositories and oral treatments, Dr Streicher says.

She is all for over-the-counter medications, but warns that “almost half the time that women think they have yeast infections, they don’t”, so you have to be sure you really have one. If after a few days of using an antifungal, you’re still experiencing symptoms, you might actually have an STI or bacterial vaginosis, in which case you should go to a doctor for a diagnosis and proper treatment.

Depending on what kind of antifungal medication you take and how complicated your strain, a yeast infection should clear within one to 14 days.

While you’re at it, try taking a cool bath (sans vinegar – that’s another half-assed yeast infection treatment suggestion). Though it won’t treat your yeast infection, it “might make you feel a little better”, says Dr Streicher, since the cool water can help dull the itching and burning.

The bottom line: Again, Dr Streicher said it best, “If it’s in your kitchen it should go in your mouth, not your vagina.” Amen.

This article was originally published on 

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When it comes to vaginal health, anything that seems different can cause alarm. If you experience an itchy, irritated, and sore vagina and have thick white discharge, take a deep breath. You likely have a vaginal yeast infection.

You’re not alone. Vaginal yeast infections are a widespread women’s health issue. After bacterial infections (also called bacterial vaginosis), they are the most common vaginal infection in the United States. Nearly 1.4 million American women seek medical advice for a yeast infection every year. 

While in some cases you need to see a doctor for help, if your symptoms are mild, a range of natural remedies, over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, and other medications may help you find relief. Read on to learn more about how to treat your symptoms safely and quickly to keep your vagina balanced and comfortable over the long term.

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What Is a Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infections (also called vaginal candidiasis or vulvovaginal candidiasis) are painful, itchy, uncomfortable infections caused by an overgrowth of a fungus, most often candida albicans. 

Under normal conditions, candida albicansis found in small amounts inside the vagina.It is kept in check by the vagina’s natural acidity, other vaginal microorganisms like beneficial bacteria, and a healthy immune system. 

A healthy vagina has an acidic pH between 3.8 to 4.5. It contains a multitude of healthy bacteria and other microflora, including small quantities of naturally occurring fungi. A healthy vagina is also lubricated; it secretes small amounts of vaginal discharge (ranging from transparent to milky white depending on where you are in your hormonal cycle) to shed cells and defend against invaders. 

Sometimes though, when a woman goes through a significant hormonal change or has a weakened immune system, her vaginal environment becomes less acidic and the fungi proliferate into a yeast infection. Women are more prone to developing yeast infection when they are:

  • Pregnant
  • Postmenopausal
  • Using hormonal contraceptives
  • Taking antibiotics
  • Living with diabetes
  • Living with HIV or other medical conditions that suppress the immune system

Symptoms and Causes

When the vaginal environment’s pH balance shifts, fungi can begin to increase, causing an infection. The sensitive tissues in the vaginal walls and vulva become irritated, and the affected area may become inflamed and swollen. Other symptoms of a yeast infection include: 

  • Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
  • Intense itch or soreness in and around the vagina 
  • White vaginal discharge with a watery or chunky texture 

If your yeast infection has spread into your urinary tract, you may also experience pain while urinating. If you believe you have a urinary tract infection (UTI) because of or in addition to a yeast infection, talk to your doctor about treatment options.

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection

Mild yeast infections often clear up in a few days. More severe or recurrent yeast infections can take up to two weeks to heal completely. If you are experiencing yeast infection symptoms for more than three days, talk to a healthcare provider. Also see a doctor if you are pregnant, have chronic yeast infections, have symptoms related to an STD, or are unsure if you have a yeast infection.

On the other hand, if you have mild symptoms and want some relief, certain home remedies may help. Here’s a breakdown of what may help and what doesn’t seem to work.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is known to have antifungal and antimicrobial properties. In one cell study, it appeared to kill candida albicans when taken orally. More research is necessary to confirm this benefit, so talk to a doctor before you try using coconut oil. 

Boric acid

Boric acid has antifungal and antiviral properties and can be used to make homemade vaginal suppositories. It seems to help, particularly in cases when other traditional treatments have failed. One word of caution: Boric acid is toxic to a fetus, so pregnant women should avoid it.

Apple cider vinegar

Researchers do not consider apple cider vinegar a reliable treatment for a yeast infection. You should never douche with any vinegar. This can irritate the skin and can aggravate symptoms. There’s also no evidence that adding a cup of apple cider vinegar to a bath will help rebalance vaginal pH.


Early research suggests that taking a probiotic supplement may re-introduce helpful bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilus into your body. And some women’s health experts believe these supplements help re-establish a more balanced vaginal pH. The science is inconclusive, though, so if you want relief quickly, seek a proven treatment instead.


Eating yogurt with live cultures may support immune health. However, it’s unclear if this means that consuming yogurt can fight or treat yeast infections. Either way, never smear yogurt on your vagina. Most yogurts contain sugar, which feeds fungi and can make yeast infection symptoms worse.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has antibacterial and antifungal properties. People have used it to treat wounds and other ailments for centuries. Some studies have shown that it may be an effective topical treatment against yeast infections—when used in tandem with traditional OTC medications like fluconazole. Another essential oil, oregano oil (origanum oil), has been found in cell studies to have antimicrobial properties. 

However, both of these oils require more study before researchers can recommend them as an effective treatment. If you try it anyway, never drink tea tree oil. It can be toxic when ingested orally.


Garlic can be taken orally as a homeopathic yeast infection treatment. Always consult with your doctor to understand exactly how much garlic to take. 

Although some tout garlic as a cure for all kinds of medical conditions, do not use cloves as vaginal suppositories to treat a yeast infection. There is little evidence that the practice does anything beneficial, and you may end up burning your vagina or making your condition worse.

Baking soda

Adding 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of baking soda to bathwater may help relieve some of the symptoms of an active yeast infection. Baking soda is known anecdotally to help to calm itch and soothe other ailments like athlete’s foot, poison ivy, and hives. One study showed that it may kill candida albicans too, but that’s not enough evidence to confirm it helps. Be sure to follow up with your doctor before using baking soda as a treatment.

Hydrogen peroxide

Douching with hydrogen peroxide might seem like a good idea—after all, it is famously antiseptic and used to clean open wounds of invasive microbes all of the time. Unfortunately, treating your vagina with hydrogen peroxide can throw off its pH balance even further, exacerbating a yeast infection. 

Salt water 

People often use salt water to treat fungal infections like athlete’s foot and oral thrush. Some suggest adding salt to bathwater as a gentle way to kill candida albicans, but more research is necessary to show this works.

Other Treatment Options

If you have a vaginal yeast infection and want to get rid of your symptoms quickly, an OTC antifungal medication or prescription treatment may be the best option for you. 

  • Over-the-counter medications:A wide range of OTC antifungal vaginal suppositories and lotions use tioconazole to treat yeast infections over one-, three-, and seven-day regimens. Patients insert the suppositories at bedtime and use a cream throughout the day to alleviate irritation and itch.
  • Prescription lotions:Two topical creams are available by prescription to fight yeast infections in people with severe symptoms. Butoconazole is a single-dose treatment, while patients use terconazole over a three- or seven-day period.
  • Prescription oral medication:Fluconazole (Diflucan) is a prescription oral tablet that effectively treats yeast infection. It may be taken only once or once a day for a few days. It comes with a risk of more side effects than creams and suppositories, but these effects are generally mild: headache, stomach ache, and rash.

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When to See a Doctor

Yeast infections are not the only ailment that can affect your vaginal health. If you’ve never experienced a yeast infection before, are pregnant, or your symptoms are severe or prolonged, make an appointment with a gynecologist for medical advice and a proper diagnosis. It’s important to rule out other bacterial or sexually transmitted infections (STDs) that may be causing your symptoms.

How K Health Can Help

Did you know that you can get yeast infection treatment online through K Health?

We have clinicians available 24/7 to get you the care or medication that you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you cure a yeast infection at home fast?

If your symptoms are mild, over-the-counter (OTC) vaginal suppositories and other medications as well as some home remedies may help treat a vaginal yeast infection or at least provide relief until you can see a doctor.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a yeast infection?

Home remedies and OTC treatments can cure a mild yeast infection. If you have a severe infection or your symptoms last more than three days, talk to a doctor about whether a prescription-strength medication may be right for you.

Can yeast infections go away on their own?

Mild yeast infections can go away on their own, but most do not. If you have a yeast infection, seeking treatment is the only sure-fire way to get relief.

Can a yeast infection go away in one day?

Some OTC and prescription medications have single-dose strengths available. If you are concerned about treating your yeast infection quickly, talk to your doctor about your options.

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

K Health has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references.

  • Antifungal Activities of Origanum Oil Against Candida Albicans. (2001).

  • Authenticating Apple Cider Vinegar's Home Remedy Claims: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral Properties and Cytotoxicity Aspect. (2019).

  • Boric Acid for Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: The Clinical Evidence. (2011).

  • Does Your Vagina Really Need a Probiotic? (2019).

  • Formic Acid and Acetic Acid Induce a Programmed Cell Death in Pathogenic Candida Species. (2014).

  • Immunologic Effects of Yogurt. (2000).

  • In Vitro Antimicrobial Properties of Coconut Oil on Candida Species in Ibadan, Nigeria. (2007).

  • The Influence of Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia) on Fluconazole Activity Against Fluconazole-Resistant Candida Albicans Strains. (2015).

  • Vaginal Candidiasis. (2020).

  • Vaginal Yeast Infection (Thrush): Overview. (2019).

  • Vaginal Yeast Infections. (2019).

  • Warding Off Recurrent Yeast and Bacterial Vaginal Infections: Lactoferrin and Lactobacilli. (2020).

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