Do not contact me business card

The Best Digital Business Card

HiHello is a free digital business card and contact manager app designed to help you grow your network.

Network smarter with free digital business cards.

Stand out from the crowd with digital business cards. Not only are digital cards better for the environment, they’re also better for your wallet and will help you make a great first impression. 

Learn more about our digital business cards →

A better way to view your contacts.

Your Self-Healing Address Book™ will update itself with your contacts’ latest information, making contact management effortless. Customize your address book by adding notes and tags to your contacts, and easily organize your contacts into groups.

Learn more about our Self-Healing Address Book →

Turn paper cards into digital contacts.

We know there are people who love physical business cards. If someone hands you a physical card, use our human-verified business card scanner to easily digitize your new contact’s information.

Learn more about our business card scanner →

Create virtual backgrounds.

Between video meetings and virtual events, it’s safe to assume a lot of people are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet to conduct business. HiHello's virtual background tool allows you to add your digital card’s QR code to a background of your choosing, so you can continue networking online with ease.

Learn more about our virtual backgrounds →

Generate email signatures.

Use HiHello’s signature generator to create an email signature that links back to your digital card. Choose which business card you want to use, pick a signature style, and then copy and paste your signature into your email provider—it’s that easy. HiHello email signatures are easy to make, professional, and on-brand.

Learn more about email signatures →

Virtual cards for the entire team.

Set up your entire team with branded digital business cards. More affordable and eco-friendly than paper business cards, HiHello Business gives you all the benefits of our free plan, with premium features like corporate branding, custom URLs, administrative control, and more.

Learn more about HiHello Business → 

HiHello is used by people across all industries

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a digital business card?

Digital business cards are used by both individuals and businesses to quickly and sustainably exchange contact information. They’re more engaging, cost-effective, and eco-friendly than traditional physical business cards. Digital cards are also known as virtual, electronic, and—in some cases—NFC business cards.

How do I share my business cards?

There are multiple ways to share a digital business card. The quickest way to share your digital business card in person is with your QR code. With HiHello you can also send your digital business card to someone via a text message, email, social media, or NFC tag. For iPhone users, you can even share your virtual card using an Apple Watch.

Are NFC business cards safe?

Most NFC business card apps are safe, HiHello being one of them. HiHello has an NFC feature that allows you to write an NFC tag to your digital business card, allowing you to share your card with a single tap.

What is the best digital business card app?

HiHello is the highest-rated digital business card app in the App Store and the Google Play Store. Whether you’re an individual or a large enterprise company, HiHello’s digital business card platform is designed to fit your networking needs.

How can I make a digital business card for free?

You can make a free digital business card with the HiHello app. After downloading the free app on iOS, Android, or the web, you can create, customize, and share your first card.

What is an NFC business card?

Near Fields Communication (NFC) business cards are another way to contactlessly exchange information. NFC business cards always require some type of hardware component that you need to carry with you to share your business card, which makes them less appealing than true digital business cards. While HiHello is first and foremost a digital business card app, it is NFC compatible—if you have an NFC tag, you can write it to HiHello.

What is the benefit of a digital card?

Digital cards have many benefits. The main benefit of a digital business card is that it can be shared in both virtual and in-person settings. Some business card apps—like HiHello—even allow you to share your card with anyone, even if they don’t have an app.

How do I sign up for HiHello?

HiHello is available for free on the App Store and Google Play Store, or you can sign up for an account through HiHello’s website. More information about premium plans is available on HiHello’s Pricing page.

See how HiHello works

I NEVER write reviews. But, this app is so bomb that I had to. I had been searching for a digital business card that was quick to create and easy to edit. I also wanted the ability to add a photo and social media buttons. This app does all that and more, even a live photo with sound, if I want. I’ve tried other digital cards, but this one is the best HANDS DOWN!

App Store Review

I am a user of HiHello and I'm completely in love with it.! Very easy and convenient to use... No more wasting paper and killing trees.. Now I have my business cards on me at all time... Thanks HiHello!

Google Play Store Review

Easy to use and works well. I like the option to have different cards depending on who I want to share with. The developers are helpful and respond quickly. I’ve tried several card apps and this is the best one so far!

App Store Review

People love scanning my QR code. This is way better than handing someone an old fashioned biz card. TY!

Google Play Store Review

This app makes it so easy to connect! Highly recommend!

App Store Review

Time saver. Easy to create. Straight to the point!

App Store Review

This is an awesome app. You’ll never run out of cards when traveling or attending conferences again.

Review on the App Store

Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint.

Deena Choi

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.

Dillon Brooks

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare.

Jennie Richards

Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet.

Joanna Henson

Time saver. Easy to create. Straight to the point!

Review on the App Store

I NEVER write reviews. But, this app is so bomb that I had to. I had been searching for a digital business card that was quick to create and easy to edit. I also wanted the ability to add a photo and social media buttons. This app does all that and more, even a live photo with sound, if I want. I’ve tried other digital cards, but this one is the best HANDS DOWN!

Review on the App Store

I am a user of HiHello and I'm completely in love with it.! Very easy and convenient to use... No more wasting paper and killing trees.. Now I have my business cards on me at all time... Thanks HiHello!

Review on the Google Play Store

People love scanning my QR code. This is way better than handing someone an old fashioned biz card. TY!

Review on the Google Play Store

This app makes it so easy to connect! Highly recommend!

App Store Review

Easy to use and works well. I like the option to have different cards depending on who I want to share with. The developers are helpful and respond quickly. I’ve tried several card apps and this is the best one so far!

Review on the App Store

Get the App

What should you not put on a business card?

What information should you not put on a business card?.
Spelling errors. ... .
Outdated information. ... .
Low-quality images or videos. ... .
Unprofessional profiles. ... .
A home address. ... .
Going black and white. ... .
Not listing your business clearly. ... .
Not including a website..

What contact information should be on a business card?

At the very least, the contact information on your business card should include your business name, your name, title, address, phone number, website, and email address.

Is it necessary to give the business card to everybody you meet?

Your business card is not something you hand to every people you meet on an event. Don't think that just because you handed out 100 business cards during an event you will receive 100 calls in a few days. Nope.

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