Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Welcome To No Nonsense Neutering

501c3. High quality, affordable spay neuter surgery clinic. NNN provides neuter services for pet cats and dogs, cat and dog rescues and provides Trap Neuter Return (TNR) services for free roaming cats.

Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Services & Clinic Locations

Allentown (Lehigh Valley) PA - Plains Township (Wyoming Valley) PA - Reading (Berks County) PA

Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Local Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Resources

Trap-neuter-return (TNR) is a method of trapping free-roaming cats, neutering and vaccinating them and returning them to the outdoor locations where they were found. Learn about TNR and how you can help humanely trap free-roaming cats in the ...

Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Thank-you for 30 Years!

For the last 30 years, SpayGeorgia has been working hard to save lives. Our efforts to decrease the pet overpopulation reduces the suffering of...

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Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Crucial Advice For First Time Pet Owners-by Jessica Brody

Tips and Advice for First-Time Pet Owners   So you have decided to get a pet-- congratulations! Having a new furry, feathery, or scaly friend...

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Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Amazon Wish List

We've created an Amazon office supply wish list because what we don't spend on office supplies, we will put directly to the spay or neuter of a pet!...

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Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

Gardnar Mulloy Pet Rescue Clinic

16101 West Dixie Highway

North Miami Beach, FL 33160.

Schedule a spay/neuter appointment online using the buttons below or call 305-749-1827. Walk-ins on space-available basis.

Spay/Neuter Clinic Hours:

  • Tuesday – Saturday
  • Appointment Check-in: 8:00AM (Late arrivals subject to lose appointment)
  • Pick-up: Between 4:00PM – 4:30PM (May vary, will receive a phone call with pick up time. All animals must be picked up before 5:00PM)

Spay/Neuter Prices for Cats

In the best interest of your pet's health, all vaccines and dewormers must be administered 2 weeks prior to surgery. If a female is "in heat", there will be an additional $30 charge; if she is pregnant, there will be an additional $20 charge. If a male has one or both testicles retained, there will be an additional $50 charge.

Rescue groups receive 50% off regular costs for complications.

Regular Spay/Neuter: Male Cat $35
Female Cat $65
Special Pricing for Rescues: Male Cat $20
Female Cat $40

Spay/Neuter Prices for Dogs

In the best interest of your pet's health, all vaccines and dewormers must be administered 2 weeks prior to surgery. If a female is "in heat", there will be an additional $30 - $50 charge; if she is pregnant, there will be an additional $40 - $60 charge. If a male has one or both testicles retained, there will be an additional $60 - $80 charge.

Rescue groups receive 50% off regular costs for complications.

Regular Spay/Neuter: Male $120
Female $140
Special pricing for Rescues: Male $70
Female $80

*Rescues must present 501 c 3 Determination Letter or EIN number in order to receive special pricing.

If you have spayed/neutered your pet, please refer to these Post Operation Instructions.

Important: Check-in can take 30-60 minutes, so please plan accordingly. After 8:30AM, all surgeries with appointments lose their priority status and become walk-ins subject to space available.

In preparation for all surgeries, pets must be fasted (NO food or treats – water is OK to prevent dehydration) from 8PM the night before surgery. In the best interest of your pet’s health, all vaccines and dewormers must be administered 2 weeks prior to surgery.

**Please Note: If your cat or dog has a pyometra, the doctor will decide whether or not we can perform the surgery. If surgery is performed, the additional cost to the regular spay price can range from an additional $50 to $500. We are NOT equipped to perform emergency pyometra; please go to a private veterinary hospital, emergency clinic or veterinary surgical hospital.

Cheap places to get cats fixed near me

What is spaying/neutering and why should I have it done for my pet?

Spaying and neutering are the surgical sterilization of an animal. It is a routine surgery performed by a veterinarian while an animal is under general anesthetic. The procedure consists of removing certain reproductive organs: in females, the uterus, oviducts and ovaries; in males, the testicles. Under proper veterinary care there is little risk. The animal is usually up and about within one or two days. “Spaying” refers only to female animals; “neutering” can be used in reference to both male and female animals.

A spayed or neutered pet will live a longer, healthier, happier life, will listen better and be easier to train, will be calmer and more affectionate, will be less likely to roam, run away or fight with other animals and will NOT add to the pet overpopulation problem.

How much does it cost to spay a cat?

While the cost to spay a cat varies, the operation typically runs from $300 to $500 for a female cat and around $200 for a male when it's done at a private, full-service veterinary practice, said Cory Smith, spokeswoman for The Humane Society of the United States.

Can I neuter my cat at PetSmart?

PetSmart offers reduced and low-cost spaying and neutering at its Banfield clinics or through any of the clinics that it partners with throughout the United States and Canada.

Can I get help with the cost of neutering my cat?

Need help with the cost? If you receive benefits, you may be able to get some help with the cost of having your cat neutered, so contact your local RSPCA branch to find out. Other charities, such as Cats Protection, may also be able to help.

At what age can you spay a cat?

Each pet is unique and your vet will be able to offer advice on when you should have your cat spayed or neutered. However, we typically recommend spaying or neutering kittens at around five to six months old. Adult cats can also be spayed or neutered.