Chances of getting pregnant after one time unprotected

It is natural to want your first time to be comforting and pleasurable. However, your first time having sex could also lead to pregnancy if you don't perform intercourse correctly. In today's piece, determine whether the first time can lead you to get pregnant, what science has to say about it and how to avoid these tricky situations.

First Time Sex Can Cause Pregnancy: How True is It?

There is always a possibility of getting pregnant if you have unprotected sex, whether it's for the first time or any other time after that. Therefore, it's essential to make sure that you use contraceptives to decrease the chances of getting pregnant.

What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant After First Time Sex?

Getting pregnant the first time you have sex depends on a variety of factors. They mainly revolve around a lack of knowledge, protection and contraceptives. Here's more on the chances of getting pregnant after one time of unprotected sex:

  • As per studies, around 90% of people have significant concerns about becoming pregnant the first time they have sex.

What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant After One Time Unprotected Sex?

A girl can become pregnant after the first time or anytime she has sex, especially if it's unprotected sex.

  • As per studies, There is around a 30% pregnancy chance of getting pregnant when a couple has unprotected sex for the first time.

It's possible to get pregnant the first time you have sex. Therefore, one needs to take precautionary steps to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Also read: Does breast kissing cause pregnancy?

Can a Girl Get Pregnant Without Losing Her Virginity?

Yes, according to some studies, virgin pregnancy is possible. While it's improbable, any activity that introduces sperm to the vaginal area can cause pregnancy.

Here, two critical factors are taken into consideration. First, the level of intimacy between the couple at the time of the act, and second, the day of the menstrual cycle.

How You Can Avoid Pregnancy After First-Time Sex

There are plenty of ways to avoid an unplanned pregnancy. Here is a list of some contraceptives and methods that you can use:

  • Condoms
  • Birth Control Pills
  • Depo Provera, commonly known as the shot
  • IUD or IntraUterine Device
  • One natural type of contraceptive is withdrawal, also called the 'pull out method', which means pulling the penis out of the vagina before ejaculation.
  • One can use emergency Contraceptives after having unprotected sex.

How Many Times Should You Have Sex To Get Pregnant?

You can only get pregnant during a short window of time each month. It is not the number of times you have sex that matters. What matters is when you have it. Once the egg is released, it has over 24 hours to get fertilised before it dissolves. However, sperm can stay inside a woman for up to 5 days. Five days before ovulation is the window to get pregnant.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep track of your menstrual cycle. Research suggests that you can use methods like the calendar method, the charting method, or you can use an ovulation prediction kit. And if you can't get your hands on an ovulation kit, try having sex every 2 to 3 days during the middle two weeks of your menstrual cycle.

In A Nutshell: First Time Sex Can Cause Pregnancy If…

Consenting adults must perform safe sex. If you have unprotected sex, it can lead to pregnancy. The pull-out method most couples use is not entirely viable to shield you from unwanted pregnancy.

A short window each month is when women are most fertile. Hence, it is not about how many times you have sex, but when you have sex, that can cause pregnancy.

Also read: Can I get pregnant if sperm touches the outside?


How to have sex for the first time

Sex for the first time is nerve-wracking for many people. It's important to make sure no one is under pressure to have sex, as consent is critical. It's also vital that those involved are comfortable. Communication is key.

Don't forget to use contraceptives like condoms. Choose a hygienic and private space so that both of you feel safe and happy. To add a cherry on top, decent lighting and music is always a good idea. Please don't go in with lots of expectations as it's your first time, which is always memorable. Create a positive sexual experience by prioritising the safety and pleasure of both partners.

Does first-time sex hurt?

Yes, it can be quite painful depending on different aspects of having sex. Every time you have sex doesn't have to be that way. Whereas a woman might feel slight discomfort and pain due to insufficient arousal. One can avoid this by keeping the vagina relaxed and lubricated. The absence of lubrication can cause friction and pain to both partners.

Should you use protection for first-time sex?

Yes, you should use protection every time you have sex unless you plan to get pregnant. Also, wearing protection during sex is an effective method to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections.


Hsiu‐Wei Su, Yu‐Chiao Yi (2017) Detection of ovulation, a review of currently available methods (U.S. National Library of Medicine)

Amy H Herring, professor, Samantha M Attard (2013) Like a virgin (mother): analysis of data from a longitudinal, US population representative sample survey (The BMJ)

Alison Taylor (2003) Extent of the problem (NCBI)

Sandra L.Hofferth (1987) CHAPTER 4TEENAGE PREGNANCY AND ITS RESOLUTION (Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy, and Childbearing, Volume II: Working Papers and Statistical Appendices)

How likely is it to get pregnant from one time?

The bottom line is that a single act of intercourse between a young couple has on average a one in 20 chance of pregnancy – this assumes the opportunity presented itself on a random day, as these things tend do when you are young.

Can you get pregnant after one time of trying?

Yes, a girl can become pregnant the first time she has sex. Anytime a girl has vaginal sex with a guy, she is at risk for becoming pregnant.