Can you mop wood floors with fabuloso

Cleaning wooden floors can be a daunting task. Especially when you do not have the generic cleaning supplies that are designated for it. Most of us always have Fabuloso in our homes and use it to clean our houses. But can you use Fabuloso on your wooden floors?

Yes, you can use Fabuloso to clean your wooden floors. Fabuloso is a versatile cleaning product. It is suitable for cleaning most household surfaces, including wooden floors. But, ensure that you only use it on sealed wooden floors.


  • 1 What is Fabuloso?
  • 2 How to use Fabuloso?
    • 2.1 Step 1: Vacuum/Sweep wooden floor
    • 2.2 Step 2: Make a Mixture Of Water And Fabuloso Cleaner
    • 2.3 Step 3: Clean Wooden Floors With Mixture
  • 3 Tips To Keep Wooden Floor In Top Shape
    • 3.1 Clean Spills Immediately
    • 3.2 Pad Foot of Furniture
    • 3.3 Renew Coat Regularly
    • 3.4 Vacuum frequently
    • 3.5 Sweep Everyday
  • 4 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 4.1 Can You Use Fabuloso on Wood Furniture?
    • 4.2 Can Fabuloso be used as a disinfectant?
    • 4.3 Can I use Fabuloso on laminated wooden floors?

What is Fabuloso?

Can you mop wood floors with fabuloso

Fabuloso is a multi-purpose cleaner that is made of a formula fit for various forms of cleaning. A fabulous neutral pH level makes it ideal for cleaning various hard surfaces in your home.

Fabuloso Cleaner can effectively remove grime, dirt, grease, and dust from your surfaces without damaging them. Aside from its exceptional cleaning capabilities, Fabuloso is offered in several scents. These scents include lemon and lavender which will leave your home smelling fresh.

How to use Fabuloso?

Step 1: Vacuum/Sweep wooden floor

To ensure that you have a clean wooden floor, you need to sweep or vacuum your floor before using Fabuloso on it. By doing this, you will be removing dirt and other larger particles that may be laying around on your wooden floor.

Removing these particles will effectively expose the stains which will require more of your attention. Fabuloso works best on a surface that has been cleared of larger particles. Take note that if you were to use Fabuloso on a floor that has not been swept or vacuumed, you run the risk of causing discoloration.

Step 2: Make a Mixture Of Water And Fabuloso Cleaner

Use a large bowl to mix a gallon of water with a quarter cup of Fabuloso cleaner. I highly recommend using lukewarm or room temperature water to mix your Fabuloso cleaner. You will be able to enjoy the Fabuloso Cleaner’s antibacterial characteristics.

Step 3: Clean Wooden Floors With Mixture

You can use a mop and some gloves to clean your wooden surface. You can mop your wooden floor with the mixture until you reach your desired level of cleanness.

If you want to clean certain stubborn areas of your wooden floor, then you can use a sponge. If you do not have a sponge, you can use a lint-free cloth.  Place the sponge or cloth in the Fabuloso solution that you made and clean your wooden floor.

Tips To Keep Wooden Floor In Top Shape

Clean Spills Immediately

This may seem quite tedious but trust me, it honestly makes the difference. Moisture and wood do not get along well. The excess moisture can cause damage to your wooden floor by causing them to swell.

Your wooden floor will have to be redone. You should clean spills immediately after they occur. This is an effective way to protect your wooden floor from absorbing excess moisture. In principle, you should keep excess moisture such as wet mops and shoes away from your wooden floors.

Pad Foot of Furniture

Wooden floors are prone to scratches. A scratched wooden floor often does not look too pleasant. You should place pads under the foot of your furniture. This will prevent your wooden floors from being scratched by furniture

 The furniture will not scratch your wooden floors, the next time when you have to move your furniture.

Renew Coat Regularly

As the year’s pass, the coat on your wooden floor fades. This causes your wooden floors to have a dull and ashy appearance. Hence you should renew the coat every 5 years to ensure that your wooden floors look vibrant.

Vacuum frequently

Vacuuming enables you to remove the dust particles and fur from your pet, that your broom is unable to pick up. Vacuums can remove crumbs that we may not even notice. Which helps to keep your wooden floor free from unwanted scratches.

Sweep Everyday

You need to sweep your wooden floors every day to prevent dust and dirt particles to settle on them. This tip is especially relevant if you have a pet that sheds. You would not want your wooden floor to be filled with dust and fur and prevent you and others from walking barefoot.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Use Fabuloso on Wood Furniture?

Yes, you can use Fabuloso to clean your wooden furniture. But you will have to dilute the Fabuloso cleaner with some room temperature water to ensure that you achieve the best results.

Can Fabuloso be used as a disinfectant?

Fabuloso is designed to be a multi-purpose cleaner that can remove dirt, dust, grease, and grime. But, it is not designed to be a disinfectant.

Can I use Fabuloso on laminated wooden floors?

Yes, you can use Fabuloso to clean your laminated wooden floors. But, you can only use Fabuloso in small amounts. Otherwise, the excess moisture will cause the laminated wooden floors to warp.

Can you use Fabuloso to mop floors?

How do I use Fabuloso® or Fabuloso® Complete? For floors: Mix ¼ cup in a gallon of room temperature water. For bathrooms & walls: Use on a sponge and clean. Pour directly into a sponge to better remove grease on hard, non-porous surfaces.

What is the best thing to mop hardwood floors with?

In most homes, the best wood floor cleaner is plain old soap and water, and the only tools you need are a broom, vacuum, and mop. The best mop for wood floors is a microfiber flat-head or string mop you can easily wring out.

Can you use Fabuloso as mop cleaner?

I also use Fabuloso® to mop the floors with too, it works great and leaves them smelling wonderful and clean too.

Does Fabuloso need to be rinsed off?

It comes in a convenient, easy-pour bottle. This Fabuloso® all-purpose cleaner is easy to use, so there is no need to rinse, and it leaves no visible residue. Discover the long-lasting freshness of Fabuloso® Multi-Purpose Cleaner that leaves your home shiny, clean, fresh, and fragrant.