Can you eat steak with a permanent crown

With a freshly fitted dental crown, you walk out of the dentist’s office satisfied and perhaps slightly loopy from the anesthetic. Thanks to the crown, your newly restored tooth can now function normally and look good while doing it. However, it will take some time for the tooth and gums to recover from the procedure. To protect your restored tooth and sore gums, there are some things you need to avoid after getting a dental crown.

Things to avoid after getting a dental crown

1. Chewing while the mouth is still numb

Until the anesthetic wears off, a patient may not feel any sensation in their tongue, gums or teeth. This makes it easy for the person to bite themselves or chew foods that could hurt their sore gums and newly treated tooth. For this reason, a person should avoid eating until the numbness goes away.

2. Eating solid foods until at least 30 minutes after the crown has been placed

The dental cement that bonds the crown to the tooth needs time to set and solidify. If pressure is applied to the crown immediately after it is placed, the crown will move into an undesirable or uncomfortable position. It may even come loose. Avoid needing to have the crown installed all over again by allowing it to set in peace.

3. Eating hard, crunchy or sticky foods for a few days after the procedure

The longer the dental cement is left alone, the stronger the bond between the crown and the tooth. So eat soft foods and avoid caramel, toffee and raisins, which could pull at the crown. In addition, do not eat celery sticks, carrots, nuts, popcorn or any other hard or crunchy foods; they may chip or dislodge the dental cap.

Stay away from these foods for the first 24 hours after the crown is fitted. For even better results, give the dental cement more time to cure by avoiding hard and sticky foods for a few days. Sticking to soft foods also gives your gums a rest and gives them time to heal.

4. Forgetting to take care of your gums

Along with eating soft foods, take care of the gums by soaking them in warm salt water. Mix half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Soak the sore gum with a mouthful of the salt water by letting the salt solution sit in the mouth for five seconds. Spit out the salt water. Repeat until the glass is empty. The soaking cleans and disinfects the gum while drying out any open wounds.

5. Lifting the crown from the restored tooth

Until the dental cement sets completely, be careful when flossing the sides of the restored tooth. After flossing, instead of lifting dental floss from the tooth, gently slide it off the tooth. Lifting the floss from the tooth may dislodge the crown or cause it to come loose.

6. Tolerating a crown that does not fit right

If the crown is higher than the teeth around it, or if it causes any sort of persistent discomfort, see the dentist immediately. A crown that does not feel right will cause complications if it is not adjusted.

Do not forget to maintain good oral habits

Like a natural tooth, a dental crown is tough and durable, and like your natural teeth, dental crowns become damaged if neglected. Take care of your restored and natural teeth by avoiding hard foods that can break both your natural and artificial crowns. As always, take care of your teeth with daily dental hygiene, regular dental visits, and a healthy diet.

Request an appointment here: // or call Family Choice Dental at (505) 634-5657 for an appointment in our Albuquerque office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges.

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Can I eat steak after a crown?

Likewise, sticky foods like steak and candies are better avoided because they can dislodge your restoration. Therefore you must be cautious of your repair when selecting snacks. Biting down on popcorn and nuts or uncooked popcorn kernels is harmful for the restoration.

What can you not do after a permanent crown?

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Can you eat hard foods with a crown?

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