Can you eat activia yogurt while pregnant

I have read about certain yogurts to stay away from during pregnancy. Due to the artifical sweetners. Mostly found in low fat yogurt. However, Activia's ingredients did not suggest any artificial sweetners that would contain aspartame. They do have regular sugar in it. (From what I have read). I was just curious if anyone else was eating this and if you felt it was ok? Because it is a low fat yogurt. I really like yogurt. But I am not someone who can eat unsweetened yogurt. I don't care for the taste of unsweetened.


Activia, from Dannon, is a line of delicious smoothies and yogurts that are known to be rich in Bifidus Regularis®. The Bifidobacterium lactis is a probiotic culture that plays a vital role in regulating the functioning of the digestive system. Each serving of this Dannon yogurt is packed with millions of this probiotic culture that enhances the functioning of your digestive system and maintains its health.

Dannon Activia is available in a wide range of sizes and flavors, including Greek, Greek Light, Fiber, and Light.

How Exactly Does Activia Help In Improving The Digestive System?

Activia, as mentioned above, contains a generous dose of the Bifidobacterium culture. According to various studies, this specific probiotic culture has ingredients beneficial for the digestive system. Various researches conducted on the goodness of this yogurt range suggest that inclusion of Activia as a part of healthy lifestyle could help in maintaining and improving the functioning of the digestive system.

Who All Can Eat Activia?

Activia is safe to be relished by anyone who wants to enjoy a healthy gut. This is one of the key reasons why it is safe for pregnant women. However, since this probiotic culture is a dairy product, it is advisable for pregnant women to stay away from consuming the same, if she has a history of milk allergies.

Benefits of Eating Activia During Pregnancy

1. Better Digestive System

The healthy flora of the gut is quite often affected due to the intake of junk food. And, when a woman is pregnant, maintaining the health of the digestive system is essential to avoid heartburns, constipation, and other such tummy related upsets. Armed with a magnificent dose of probiotics, Activia helps in maintaining the health of these healthy gut bacteria. It stimulates the production of healthy bacteria. At the same time, the harmful microbes are eliminated from the gut, thus averting the risk of stomach infections, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. The presence of probiotic also helps in the proper breaking down of food consumed, thereby lowering the chances of intestinal inflammations.

2. Help In Meeting Calcium Requirements

Activia is prepared from good quality milk that has considerable levels of calcium. Calcium is essential to ensure that bones and teeth are functioning the right way. During pregnancy, intake of adequate levels of calcium is essential to prevent general weakness and to ensure proper fetal growth and development.

3. Shields The Pregnant Women From Bacterial Infections

Pregnant women, quite often, develop a Bacterial vaginosis, a condition that could cause undesirable complications during pregnancy. While there are no symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis, studies suggest that this infection could be one of the most common reasons for pre-term labor, adenomyosis, and endometriosis. According to various studies, regular inclusion of a probiotic rich food in the diet during pregnancy could help in lowering the risk of developing such conditions.

4. For Better Immunity Levels For Mother And The Baby

Probiotics, according to studies, could help in improving the overall health by boosting the immunity power. According to a particular research, pregnant women who consume Activia had lower chances of seasonal allergies as against the non-consumers. The infants whose mothers consumed the probiotic showed a 30 percent reduction in childhood eczema.

5. Help In Preventing Obesity

According to a study conducted by the Stanford University researchers in 2006, probiotics play a major role in lowering the chances of obesity while pregnant. It provides the women with adequate doses of healthy proteins that are low in fat and fiber that could probably ensure a healthy weight gain during pregnancy.

In short, Activia is good for pregnant women when included as a part of a healthy diet. Opt for the unsweetened variant that is low in fat and offers a good dose of fibers. If you have a sweet tooth during pregnancy, add freshly sliced fruits and a little honey to sweeten your Activia.

Activia yogurt is a natural processed yogurt and it has been done that way since 1989. It became popular because of its merchandise about the health benefits when consumed, mainly regulating the digestion process. It is said to have a perfect balance between temperature and slow fermentation to get the perfect texture and flavor. 

Along the years, activia yogurt came with a unique probiotic called Bifidus actiRegularis, which is a selected bacteria that is the main ingredient in the yogurt. It also contains other two types of bacteria that are traditional in the yogurt business: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

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Activia yogurt has been popular for quite some time and it has developed different versions of the product. There is a liquid form, which you can drink and a cremier type, the one you can eat with fruits or even with a spoon. This is an important point to pregnant women, since the variety of food they eat is valuable to themself and their babies. 

What are the health benefits of eating activia yogurt during pregnancy?

There are many health benefits brought by eating activia yogurt during pregnancy. The most notable one is the boost in your digestion. Scientists recently demonstrated that the intestine is the second brain of the human body, having its own microbiota. The bacterias cited above are beneficial to your gut and keep your digestion fast and easy.

Pregnant women are susceptible to a lot of diseases, since their immunity becomes compromised due to the challenges of gestation. Eating activia yogurt is a great alternative to keep your immune system strong and avoid vaginal conditions, like different bacterioses and candidiase brought by the decrease of the immunity.

Being a dairy, activia yogurt is full of nutrients, the main one being calcium. Calcium keeps your body structure strong by increasing your bone’s health. It is an important trait for pregnant women to have. Calcium also helps to keep the baby’s development right and healthy.

Activia yogurt is a source of high quality, but soft proteins. Proteins help the body of pregnant women because it increases your muscle mass, but because it is a low-fat food it also helps to control weight gain during pregnancy.    

Is there any harm to eating activia yogurt while being pregnant?

No, there is not any harm to eat activia yogurt while being pregnant. It is a great choice to put in your diet. Although having low levels of sugar, you should always observe the quantity of activia yogurt you are eating to keep a balanced diet and get the right nutrients for you and your baby.

Dairy allergy or intolerance is a normal human condition, but it can be especially annoying to pregnant women, since pregnancy can already give so many symptoms. So you better not eat dairy in excess to avoid abdominal bloating, pain or gas.

Can you eat other yogurts when pregnant?

Yes, you can eat other yogurts when pregnant. However, most yogurts sold in the market are full of fat and sugar and low quality ingredients. So you may want to consume little or even prefer other types of food, maybe fruits or smoothies. Everything must be counted in a pregnant woman’s diet in the light of keeping her and the baby healthy.

Yogurts mostly have the same benefits. A few have a higher calcium rate than others, being a little more beneficial for pregnant women’s bone health. In every way, consuming yogurt doesn’t cause any harm during pregnancy and it is good to eat different variations of it so you keep your paladar’s satisfaction.

Other FAQs about Yogurt that you may be interested in.

Can dogs eat plain yogurt?

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In this brief guide, we addressed the question: “Can you eat activia yogurt when pregnant?” We also talked about what is activia yogurt, what are the health benefits to eating activia yogurt during pregnancy, if there are any harm in eating activia yogurt while being pregnant and if you can eat other yogurts when pregnant.

Hope you found this blog useful. If you have any questions, please let us know.



Can I eat probiotic yogurt while pregnant?

The consumption of probiotic yogurt was found to improve metabolic, inflammatory, and infectious outcomes of pregnancy. Studies on the consumption of probiotic yogurt appear to have many positive benefits, ranging from improving metabolism to decreasing preterm births.

What yogurt is best during pregnancy?

Plain pasteurized Greek yogurt is a smart choice for pregnant women. Since it is strained, most of the lactose (the form of carbohydrate in dairy) is removed, and the protein is concentrated. Greek yogurt does not raise your blood sugar level and is therefore gestational-diabetes-friendly.

Are Activia yoghurts pasteurised?

Activia, with an amazingly creamy structure, always tastes as good as it looks. We source fresh milk from partner farms, which is pasteurised and prepared for consistent quality. Then we add Activia's exclusive blend of five bacterial strains. They turn our milk into yogurt and give it a unique taste and texture.

How often can you eat Activia yogurt?

Is it okay to consume Activia Probiotic dairy drinks every day? The benefits of Activia come with daily consumption. We recommend that you consume Activia twice a day for two weeks as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle to help reduce the frequency of minor digestive discomfort.


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