Can you drink coffee with invisalign

Can I Continue Drinking Coffee with Invisalign?

You’ve just poured yourself a piping hot cup of coffee—two creamers, one sugar, and served in your favorite mug. But as you’re about to take your first sip, panic sets in; you’re still wearing your Invisalign trays! You need your coffee to survive the workday, but you’re concerned that the hot drink will affect your treatment. Here’s why you should reconsider that cup of Joe while you’re wearing your trays along with some tips for enjoying coffee without ruining your progress.

Why Can’t I Drink Coffee While Wearing Invisalign?

You should avoid most beverages while wearing your Invisalign trays, and coffee is certainly not an exception. Many beverages contain staining agents that can discolor your trays, much like how they stain your natural teeth. Coffee is particularly acidic, not to mention that it often contains sugary additives which greatly increase the risk of tooth decay.

Invisalign trays are also composed of a heat-sensitive thermoplastic, which easily warps and becomes damaged when exposed to hot liquids. Since coffee is often served scalding hot, it’s best to avoid consuming it while you’re wearing your trays—you’ll certainly weaken them and prevent them from serving their purpose.

Do I Have to Give Up Coffee Entirely?

The good news is that you don’t have to give up coffee entirely if you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment—there are many ways to still enjoy it without compromising your treatment:

  • Remove your trays – If you want to drink anything other than bottled or tap water, take out your Invisalign trays and properly store them, ideally in their carrying case.
  • Drink it quickly – Since you need to wear your Invisalign trays at least 20 – 22 hours a day, you should drink your coffee quickly. Rather than sipping it over the course of an hour, try to finish it within half an hour; just don’t burn yourself!
  • Less sugary additives – Try to reduce or eliminate the amount of cream or sugar that you add to your coffee. This will reduce the risk of bacteria growth on your trays.
  • Brush or rinse after – You should be brushing your teeth twice a day anyway, but it never hurts to brush or rinse your mouth after drinking a cup of coffee. You should also rinse your trays prior to putting them back in your mouth.

If you love coffee and simply can’t fathom going without it during your treatment, it doesn’t have to come to that. As long as you take out and preserve your Invisalign trays, you’ll still receive the smile you desire without giving up your favorite beverage.

About the Practice

Led by the incredible team of Dr. Brenda J. Young and Dr. Marjun Ayati, Fairfax Dental Group has served patients and families in the Fairfax community for over 25 years. The practice offers a wide range of services including Invisalign. If you have any questions about Invisalign treatment or would like to schedule an appointment, please reach out through their website or by phone: (703) 560-6301.

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If you’re a coffee lover, we understand that you may want to keep your Invisalign trays in while enjoying your morning cup (or five) of coffee. And we get it! But you shouldn’t. You should always take your trays out when you drink coffee, or any beverages besides clear, pure tap or bottled water, for that matter.

Why? Let’s explain the top 4 reasons why it’s a bad idea to drink coffee while wearing your Invisalign trays. Read on, and see why you should make sure you take good care of your trays while getting Invisalign at EaDo Family Dental.

Drinking Coffee Will Stain Your Trays & Your Teeth

The biggest benefit of Invisalign is… that it’s invisible! Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign is much harder to spot. Nobody has to know you’re straightening your teeth unless you want them to know.

But if you drink coffee while wearing your trays, this won’t be the case. Yellow discolorations and stains will build up on them over time, making them visible. Your teeth may also be stained, since a little bit of coffee will sit between the trays and your teeth. Either way, drinking coffee while wearing your trays can negatively affect your appearance.

Coffee Is Acidic, Raising Your Risk Of Cavities

Cavities are caused by acid that bacteria in your mouth excrete after they consume sugar. And adding more acid to your oral environment can worsen the risk of decay. Coffee is acidic, so it can contribute to cavities.

Drinking coffee while wearing Invisalign raises this risk more. Acidic coffee gets trapped between your teeth and your trays, creating an oral environment that’s more prone to decay. 

Sugar Worsens The Risk Of Tooth Decay

If you drink black coffee, this is not much of a concern, but most people put at least a little bit of cream and/or sugar into their coffee. This means that there will be some sugar in the beverage. Again, at least some coffee will get between the trays and your teeth. 

This means that sugar will be trapped right against your teeth, and your saliva won’t be able to neutralize it and wash it away. This provides bacteria with a veritable feast of food, and leads to a higher risk of cavities. 

Hot Beverages Can Warp Or Damage Your Trays Over Time

This is particularly applicable to people who love boiling hot, fresh coffee. Invisalign trays are made of “thermoplastic.” This means that the plastic gets soft when it’s heated, which is how the trays are originally molded and fitted to your teeth.

This also means that frequent exposure to hot beverages can soften the trays slightly over time, leading them to warp and become damaged. That’s yet another reason that you should pop your trays out before enjoying your morning cup of coffee.

Interested In Invisalign? Contact EaDo Family Dental Today!

At EaDo Family Dental, Dr. John Ma and Dr. Bianca Williams are experienced Invisalign dentists in Houston. If you’d like to improve your smile, enhance your oral health, and enjoy more self-confidence, we’re here to help. Contact us online or give us a call at (713) 474-2334 to schedule an orthodontic consultation today.

What happens if you drink coffee with Invisalign?

Stains – Drinking coffee while wearing Invisalign can cause your aligners to become discolored and stained, and it may also lead to a higher risk of developing stains on your teeth. Heat – Invisalign trays are made of “thermoplastic,” meaning they become pliable when heated.

Can I drink coffee through a straw with Invisalign?

Dentists do not recommend drinking through a straw while wearing Invisalign aligners. Although a straw can reduce staining or warping, it will not eliminate the negative effects drinks besides water can have on the aligners.

What drinks can you drink with Invisalign in?

You may drink alcohol, wine, soda, juice, and all other beverages during Invisalign treatment. But like above, you must remove the aligners to consume them. The only drink you may safely consume while wearing clear aligners is water.

Can I drink cold coffee with Invisalign?

Dentists and orthodontists recommend that you should not consume a beverage that is too cold while wearing Invisalign aligners either. However, if you do not wish to stop or reduce your intake, then you should drink iced coffee with a straw.

Do you have to brush your teeth after drinking coffee with Invisalign?

Brush or rinse after – You should be brushing your teeth twice a day anyway, but it never hurts to brush or rinse your mouth after drinking a cup of coffee. You should also rinse your trays prior to putting them back in your mouth.

How do you get caffeine with Invisalign?

Just take your Invisalign trays before you drink your morning cup, and try to drink it within 15-30 minutes so that you don't spend too much time without wearing your aligners. Then, brush your teeth and rinse off your aligners, pop them back in, and you're good to go! It's just that easy.


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