Can i eat corn on the cob with braces

For the duration of the time that you’re in braces, you will have to make some changes to your diet. We generally recommend that you keep away from hard, crunchy foods or any foods that cause you to exert pressure on your jaw (like corn on the cob). You should also avoid sticky foods that will get caught it your hardware beyond the reach of cleaning implements. 

Consider this slightly limited diet to be a temporary sacrifice you’ll need to make in order to achieve a straight and healthy smile that you’ll have for the rest your life. 

And just because you are supposed to be careful of eating things like crunchy foods when you’re in braces, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to cut them out of your diet entirely. In many cases, you can eat them with a little bit of preparation or flexibility. For example, you shouldn’t bite into an apple, but if you let a knife rather that your teeth do the work, you can cut them up into small pieces. You can steam carrots until they are soft. You can strip corn kernels off the cob. You can even eat potato chips by letting one soften in your mouth from saliva, a technique that will also slow down your snacking and allow you to savor the flavor. 

The times when you are likely to make the most concessions in your diet are the days after you first get your braces put on or after an appointment when you’ve had them tightened. These times are when your teeth will be the sorest, and the soreness will likely last a few days. 

To get through these periods, we suggest you: 

  1. Eat super-soft foods – Many foods can be nourishing that don’t require that you use your teeth at all. Puréed soups, smoothies, yogurt, and protein drinks are good options. If the soreness isn’t that severe for you, you can have can pasta, bananas, and rice. Meat cooked in a slow-cooker all day long becomes ultra-tender. If you cook scrambled eggs over very, very low heat, they become deliciously creamy. 
  2. Cut food into small bites – Don’t make your teeth do work they don’t have to when they’re sore. In other words, don’t bite with your front teeth. Outsource the task of breaking food into chewable sizes to your knife and fork. 
  3. Use your molars – Molars are the cube-like teeth in the back of your mouth designed for chewing and grinding food. They likely won’t be as sore as your other teeth after a tightening. So direct the food you’re eating to them. 
  4. Eat slowly – If you’re eating too quickly, you won’t be taking the time to cut up food into morsels and to direct them to your molars. Instead, eat slowly and pay attention to what sort of activity your mouth can handle during this sensitive time. 
  5. Drink water while you eat – Keep a tall glass of water within reach while you’re eating to help you wash down food. 
  6. Take pain killers – For general soreness, it’s fine to take over-the-counter pain killers for a few days until the soreness starts to abate. Aspirin, Advil, and Tylenol (or generic versions) are all good. 

Remember, the trade-offs you make when eating with new or tightened braces are only temporary, and the reward will arrive with a wonderful smile waiting at the end of orthodontic treatment. 

Seeing that bright yellow corn on the cob on your tabletop, could you resist eating that? Of course, not. So you’re going to get and eat it. However, that would be a problem if you are one of those people with braces.

I am sure that your orthodontist already discussed the list of foods that are best to avoid while having braces. We are 100% sure that it includes corn.

Can you eat corn with braces? Yes, you can. However, eating corn while you have your braces can be tricky. The corn kernel has a pericarp which is its outer layer. It is one of the pieces that can easily get stuck in between your teeth, bracket, and wires.

Continue reading as we will discuss more why corn can be a problem for your braces.

Table of Contents
  1. Can I eat corn with braces?
  2. How to eat corn with braces?
  3. Tips to eat corn with braces
    1. Boil the corn until it is overcooked
    2. Separate the corn kernel from the cob
  4. Does corn get stuck in your braces?
  5. What happens if you eat corn with braces?
  6. How to fix corn on braces?
  7. Is corn considered a sticky food?
  8. Can I eat corn in the first week of braces?
  9. Is corn good to eat with braces?
  10. Can corn damage and break your braces?
  11. Frequently asked questions
    1. Can you eat corn on the cob with braces?
    2. Can you eat corn chips with braces?
    3. Can you eat cornflakes with braces?
  12. Summary
  13. Resources

Can i eat corn on the cob with braces

Yes, you can eat corn with braces. Even so, it would be best if you avoid it. It is because it can get stuck easily in between your teeth, as well as in your braces. Those pieces of corn are hard to remove.

How to eat corn with braces?

If you want to eat corn so bad, there are several ways to lessen the risk of it being problematic to your braces afterward. The tips mentioned below can surely help you.

Tips to eat corn with braces

Boil the corn until it is overcooked

There is a way to make the corn kernels more soft and manageable to eat with braces. Boil the corn for more than 5 minutes. It will make the corn soft, as well as its outer layer. You may be able to chew the corn kernel better with this tip.

Separate the corn kernel from the cob

For people with braces, the key to eating solid food is to break it into smaller pieces. As for the corn, it is wise to separate the corn kernel from the cob. By doing that, eating corn with braces can be easy.

Does corn get stuck in your braces?

Yes, corn gets stuck in between your teeth and braces pretty easily. The outer layer and the other parts of the corn kernel are tiny. Sometimes, even if you chew, there are still some pieces that were not broken down.

What happens if you eat corn with braces?

There were several tips for eating corn with braces discussed above to avoid having more problems with it. Still, with or without braces, over-boiled corn or not, corns really separate into pieces that get stuck easily in your teeth and braces. You will still have to remove some stuck pieces with your toothbrush or teeth floss.

How to fix corn on braces?

As mentioned above, you can brush your teeth to remove the bits of corn stuck in between your teeth and braces. If brushing your teeth is not enough, we suggest using floss properly to remove plaques and other food particles, such as pieces of corn, in your teeth.

Is corn considered a sticky food?

There are kinds of corn that are considered sticky. Waxy corn is an example. It is sticky when cooked because it has a large amount of amylopectin (a component of starch). The amylopectin makes the corn kernels waxy and sticky.

Can I eat corn in the first week of braces?

It is probably best to avoid eating corn in the first week of getting your braces. Since corn can easily get stuck in between your teeth even if you don’t have braces, it is more likely to get stuck when you have braces. Moreover, avoiding corn can save you from damaging your braces.

Is corn good to eat with braces?

Even though corn is loaded with fiber and several vitamins and minerals, it would be better to avoid eating it. Avoiding corn can give you more peace of mind because you will not be bothered with the pieces stuck in your teeth, and you will only have a shorter period of orthodontic treatment.

Can corn damage and break your braces?

If you try biting the corn kernel while it is on the cob, it will probably damage your braces. The worst is that the brackets might come off. When biting the corn on the cob, your teeth rub on the cob, and we all know that the cob is hard. The created pressure can cause damage to your braces.

Frequently asked questions

Can you eat corn on the cob with braces?

No. It is not bright to eat corn on the cob with braces. It might damage and cause your brackets to come off. That will cause you to go to your orthodontist for re-adjustments and a longer treatment period.

Can you eat corn chips with braces?

Corn chips are relatively thin and easy to bite. You will have no problem eating those.

Can you eat cornflakes with braces?

Similar to corn chips, cornflakes are small and thin. It will not damage your braces. Moreover, you can eat cornflakes with milk. Doing this will make it soft and very easy to chew.


While corn is delicious, you are doing yourself a favor by avoiding eating it. Although there are ways to make the corn more manageable to eat with braces, eating it, mainly when it is still on the cob, can cause problems. It can make your brackets fall off or the wire to be loose. It can also get stuck in your teeth and braces quickly.

Read other articles related to braces:

  • Can You Eat Apples With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Pickles With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Rice With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Sunflower Seeds With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Carrots With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Oranges With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Grapes With Braces?
  • Can You Eat Salad With Braces?


Image credits – Canva

Why can't I eat corn with braces?

The biggest reason why you should avoid eating popcorn when you have braces comes down to the hulls of the corn. Popped corn hulls are the leftover parts of corn seeds, which get hard and stay in popcorn kernels after the popcorn is popped. These hulls can easily become trapped in between your braces and your teeth.

What foods are off limits with braces?

Foods to avoid with braces:.
Chewy foods — bagels, licorice..
Crunchy foods — popcorn, chips, ice..
Sticky foods — caramel candies, chewing gum..
Hard foods — nuts, hard candies..
Foods that require biting into — corn on the cob, apples, carrots..

Can you eat corn on the cob with Invisalign?

You can continue enjoying all your favorite foods including hard-crusted breads, corn-on-the-cob, etc. as long as you take your aligners out before eating, but be sure to at least rinse, if not brush and rinse, before replacing your Invisalign trays.

Can I eat corn dogs with braces?

Avoid Our "Ten Biggest Brace Breakers"! Corn on the cob, meat and chicken on the bone, corn dogs, apples, carrots, bagels, etc., should be cut into the bite size pieces before eating.