Can bed bugs travel on clothes you re wearing

  • Bedbugs can hitch a ride along on clothing, in linens, and suitcase, making it easy to get them while traveling. 
  • If you notice the signs you have bed bugs, start by quarantining your exposed clothes and luggage.
  • If you brought them into your home, make sure you thoroughly clean everything from your sheets to your suitcase using high heat. 

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It is every traveler's worst nightmare. You enjoy a vacation and a few days after you get home, you find you've brought back an insect infestation as a souvenir.

Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself and prevent bedbugs from getting into your house.

First, check to make sure you actually have bedbugs
The bites might also become inflamed. japharl/Flickr

"If you stay in a location that has bedbugs, these pests could hitch a ride on you or your belongings and begin an infestation wherever you go, including your home," a representative for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) previously told INSIDER.

To ensure this doesn't happen, when staying in a hotel or anywhere that isn't your home, visually inspect luggage racks, upholstered furniture, the back of the headboard, mattress seams, box springs, and bed frames, using a flashlight or magnifier if you have one.

In addition, if you've already been exposed to bedbugs, you might notice small, red, clustered bites on your skin.

The best thing you can do is tackle the problem before you get home

Treat your suitcase before going into your home. Art_Photo/Shutterstock

If you have yet to enter your house with the exposed belongings, Michigan State University suggests putting all of your belongings, including your luggage, into sealed plastic bags to keep the bedbugs from dropping out where you don’t want them.

Once you arrive home, before rolling your suitcase into your home, unpack your belongings in your garage or even better, outside. Although it may be tempting to throw out everything this isn't necessary as bedbugs can be killed using high heat or extreme cold.

Take all clothing and items that can be laundered and wash and dry them on high heat. Ideally, the water temperature should be 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Then place them in new plastic bags to keep them isolated from what is still contaminated.

When it comes to your actual luggage, you'll want to use a flashlight to check seams, folds, and pockets for bugs or eggs. You'll then want to vacuum the suitcase using a brush and crevice tool attachment. To be extra sure you've eradicated the problem, scrub the inside of your suitcase with hot, soapy water and consider using a high-heat steamer. 

If you have already brought the bedbugs into your home, consider hiring a pest control service or you can follow steps to get rid of them on your own

Be sure to use high heat. FOX

It's often easiest to hire a pest control service to rid your home of bed bugs, but if this is something you can't do, here are steps to take to get rid of the problem on your own: 

  1. You'll want to quarantine your suspicious clothes and suitcases.
  2. Discard any items that are not valuable or heirlooms.
  3. Place any contaminated items in a plastic bag.
  4. Use a laundromat that has industrial washers and dryers with high heat settings to kill any bugs that might be in your clothing.
  5. For smaller, delicate items, you can actually place them in a freezer to kill any bugs.
  6. If you've already gone inside your home, use a steamer to clean the carpets, drapes, linens, and mattress.
  7. Wrap your mattress in a bed bug proof cover.
  8. Place bedbug interceptors on the feet of your bed for a few nights just to be sure you killed everything.

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Will Bed Bugs Stay In Clothes All Day?

In this article, we’ll discuss a frequently asked question, “will bed bugs stay in clothes all day?” These types of infestations can be bothersome. People often become worried and wonder if these parasites can stay in their clothes for a long time. In this article, we’ll explain the chances of picking up the parasites, how to get rid of them, and how long they live. The method of how these bugs move is referred to as “hitchhiking.” Click for Product Review…

Many people panic and want to know, will these pests stay in clothes all day? Do the parasites eventually die without feeding? Should I be concerned about the infestation sticking and spreading on my clothes? All these and many more questions might be on your mind. Before we talk about how long bed bugs can live, let’s clear up some myths. Your body temperature prevents bed bugs from hitchhiking or moving along your skin. The parasites don’t like heat, can’t fly or jump, or have body parts to crawl through the hair or skin. You don’t have to worry about bed bugs infesting the clothes you’re wearing, your skin, or your hair.

However, you can find these parasites living in clothes that are folded and stored away. These parasites can also hitch a ride with you by latching onto a suitcase, coat, purse, or backpack. Read More…

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live on Clothes?

Bed bugs can live and survive on clothes stored or packed away, not only for a few days but for months. Even without food, the parasites can live for up to three months. There’s also a possibility that one single insect can breed, spreading the infestation. So, never think about leaving your clothes tucked away to starve out the insect. Take immediate measures to remove these parasites from your clothes.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs From Clothes?

If you find some outfits with signs of infestation, don’t panic. You don’t have to throw away the clothing. There are ways to get rid of the bed bugs and wear your clothes again. The first thing you should do is to identify all areas of infestation. Inspect your home thoroughly, and don’t transport any bags, shoes, luggage, or clothing. Next, sort out the clothes like you typically do before washing them. Then, seal off that apparel with plastic zip or trash bags.

After sorting out the clothes, make plans to do laundry. Look at the washing and drying instructions to get the best results for each pile. Any clothes that say “dry clean only,” you need to handle first. Place the items in your dryer and set the appliance to the highest possible temperature. Run for about 30 minutes to kill the insect, then take the clothes to a professional cleaner. 

After washing and drying your clothing, store them in new clean plastic bags. Leave everything sealed until you’ve completely removed the infestation from your home. Dispose of the plastic bags you used for sorting to prevent the infestation from re-entering your house.

Concluding thoughts

So, in response to the question, “will bed bugs stay in clothes all day?” The answer is that they can’t live on clothes that you’re wearing. The parasites can and will stay on clothes stored away all day and even longer. Address the infestation as quickly as possible. Take immediate action to remove bugs from your clothes. Then, prevent the parasites from re-entering your home. You’ll be able to sleep better, enjoy fresh bedding, and be free from bed bug bites. Click for Product Review…

Do bed bugs live in your clothes
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