Boudoir photography ideas for valentines day

Boudoir photography ideas for valentines day

Searching for the perfect present to show off your love for your body or for an extra special gift that they won't forget for Valentine's Day? Book a boudoir session with one of these amazing specials from local Tampa Bay boudoir photographers.


Luxe Light Images is offering a one hour shoot, wardrobe styling, and professional hair and makeup for 50% OFF.

Boudoir photography ideas for valentines day

Luxe Light Images

Foto Bohemia is offering a Boudoir Experience in downtown Tampa at Le Meridien Hotel. For $250, you will receive a full boudoir experience complete with professional hair and makeup, champagne, a half-hour photography session, and digital files.

Boudoir photography ideas for valentines day

Foto Bohemia

Boudoir photography ideas for valentines day

Massive boost for my confidence. Photos brilliant, service even better and was made t feel very comfortable. I’m not used to a camera pointing at me, I’m ussually behind it. Highly recommend it to everyone. Absolute must for a present or pamper for yourself. Thank you xx



What could possibly be more personal, more intimate, than a beautiful hand-made book of sensational Boudoir pictures of you looking amazing? – The perfect Valentines Day gift for you both.

What do you get the guy who has more striped ties, bottles of aftershave, and comedy coffee mugs than he knows what to do with?  

How about something that shows you put a little thought into your gift this year?

Investing in something special for him will completely knock him for six. Sure, Valentine’s is the day when he brings you flowers and chocolates but if you really care about him, show him just how special he really is.

A Boudoir photoshoot takes courage and planning. You need to choose your photographer carefully to ensure you end up with the kind of pictures that show you off in the best light. You’ll need to carefully consider how to gift the pictures to him. Maybe something amazing to go on the wall above the bed or a beautifully hand crafted book of your favourites pictures which he’ll enjoy for many years. (Actually, you’ll both enjoy together for many years) 

You’ll need to factor in the time it takes to get all this done so now, right at the start of January is the perfect time.

He’ll know how much thought and effort you went to when he gets his special, intimate gift. It will excite and delight him more than you can imagine. (We’ve seen it countless times)

Also remember, no matter what you think of the way you look, he thinks you look amazing! 

will most certainly be an incredible experience for you, but for him it is a truly personal gift that you can enjoy together and might even spice up your love life as well.

The look on his face when he opens his gift will be priceless. it’ll be priceless. Depending on the nature of your relationship, this may be a side of you they’ve never even seen before. One things for certain though, you can bet he’ll appreciate having these stunning images to glance at whenever he likes.


You could use this photoshoot as an excuse to  purchase some beautiful lingerie.  We could then photograph it during your session and this could become the teaser on Valentine’s Day for the perfect Valentines Day Gift on the day.  (Do you really need an excuse to buy beautiful lingerie?)


Let’s face it, life can get a little busy. Between running the kids to soccer practice, the endless laundry pile, the work your boss needed yesterday… The everyday, hectic lifestyle is a million miles from the  ’50 Shades’ fantasy you’ve been needing so desperately.  

Enter the gift of a boudoir photoshoot.  

Each of our Boudoir photoshoots is totally unique to the client. We customise everything around you and use the elegant rooms and suites of Hazlewood Castle to provide a stunning backdrop.

We don’t use set poses and don’t clock watch. Everyone is different and we know that everyone has a different comfort level as well. We spend as much time as we need to get the best out of you. It’s all very relaxed and comfortable and never rushed or like a ‘conveyor belt’ (It’s one of the advantages of being a small bespoke studio. We only book one shoot per day so we can focus entirely on you)

Think about your partner’s tastes and fantasies. Does he like sports?  Let’s incorporate some of his favorite colors, shirts, cut off tees and knee high socks.  Are you typically “the girl next door,” but you want to surprise him with an alter-ego?  We can create a glam look that will drop his jaw to the floor..  Whatever fantasies you have as a couple, it’s fabulous seeing them come to life in photographs.  


Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day when men shower the girls with flowers and chocolates.  How amazing would it be to turn the tables and delight him this Valentine’s Day?  So don’t wait for him to get you an ill-fitting piece of lingerie.  Pick something out that YOU love and show it off in boudoir photos. He will most certainly have trouble topping your gift next year!


Boudoir is hands down the best gift and experience for both the gift giver and the gift receiver.  

You get to enjoy a day of pampering, confidence building and what it feels like to be a supermodel. He get’s to see the benefits of this amazing day in an album designed with him in mind.  

A Boudoir photoshoot is a powerful and transformational experience that unlocks parts of your sexual expression and sensuality that is buried by the chores of motherhood, your job, and just plain day to day life.

Wasn’t it John lennon who said “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans” ? Well, plan for this in your life. Make time for YOU and both you and your partner will enjoy the results for all time. 

Remember, a Boudoir Photoshoot Experience It’s Not a Cliché like heart shaped boxes of chocolates. (Heaven forbid) 

On the other hand, gorgeous images of you looking and feeling your best makes a unique and personal gift. The style of your shoot can reflect your personality, your relationship and your feelings for your partner to create stunning images which are full of emotion.

Boudoir photographs make an exclusive, sexy gift that will be difficult to beat.!

It’s also a gift which will last forever. All our images are printed using the best archival inks and papers and will last 99 years. It’s a gift that you both will cherish for years to come. 

If there were any doubts in your mind as to whether boudoir photos are the perfect gift idea, hopefully this has inspired you.

Now, all you have to do is build up the courage to do this…  after all — if not now then when?

A boudoir photoshoot experience with Madison Bou for Boudoir makes the perfect Valentine’s Day Gift


What makes a good boudoir photo?

A good boudoir photo shoot will showcase your clients' body and face in the most flattering way. Make sure you get a variety of shots that highlight any areas your client wants to show off, such as their lower back, butt, legs, or chest. Your client may also want a few close-ups to highlight their face and upper body.

What should a couple wear for a boudoir shoot?

No specific requirements -- just bring things you love!) Also bring fun things like comfy pajamas, fancy dress-up clothing; variety is great. Generally, you want to bring items that complement each other, that look like they would exist in the same closet. No need to be matchy-matchy though! :-p.

How much should I spend on my boudoir photographer?

$100 - $300 /hr. The average cost for a boudoir photographer is $150 per hour. Hiring a boudoir photographer to take intimate photos of you, you will likely spend between $100 and $300 per hour.

What should I bring to a boudoir photo shoot?

How to Prepare for a Boudoir Session.
2-3 Outfits + a Few Extras. I've been there, outfits can be hard to narrow down! ... .
Accessories. This is an area where less is truly more. ... .
Lotion. Moisturizing is always a great idea! ... .
Water + Light Snacks. ... .
2-3 Outfits + a Few Extras. ... .
Accessories. ... .
Lotion. ... .
Water + Light Snacks..