Bible in a year day 6

Tips for Reading the Bible Daily

1. Start reading the Bible today -- there is no better time, and there's no reason to wait. Pick a Bible reading plan that will help you know where to start.

2. Set aside a specific time each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. Mornings are great, but feel free to use any time that works consistently for you.

3. Let us help you stay on track! Sign up for a free account and receive daily Bible reading plan reminders by email!

4. Read the Bible for the sake of learning, not simply to accomplish your next reading. Say a short prayer to God before you begin, asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, then be refreshed by the words you read!


Genesis 12-13

Job 1-2

Proverbs 1:1-7

Bible Translation: Revised Standard Version- Second Catholic Edition (RSV-2CE)


Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves.” (Genesis 12:1-3).

Even Abram (soon to be named Abraham) and Sar’ai (soon to be named Sarah), giants of our faith who hear the promise of God, show the ongoing theme of human brokenness by not trusting the Lord as they enter Egypt. Abram passes of his wife as his sister to Pharaoh.

Abram allows himself to be corrected when he is on the wrong path.

The accuser, Satan, is accusing Job of only being faithful to God because of his great blessings, and states how if he takes away his blessings then he will no longer have any faith.

When Job suffers, he worships.

Life is not always going to make sense, but we know that the Lord is always present, even when He allows us to experience difficult trials.

Bonus Audio

Genesis 12:1-4 Through Abram, God began to gather his people into one, a process that finds its ultimate fulfillment in Christ. Because of his faith and trust in God, Abram readily obeyed, and for this fidelity he would be richly BLESSED and become the father of a GREAT NATION. The Epistle to the Hebrews extols Abram’s exemplary virtues (cf. Heb 11:8-19). (CCC 59-61, 72, 144-147, 762, 2570)

Ch 12:3 By you all the families...bless themselves: Abram’s most illustrious descendant would be JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God. Through him, the entire human family would receive the greatest blessing-the gift of redemption and eternal life. (CCC 706)

Ch 12:4-9 Abram’s faith was expressed in total docility and obedience to God’s plan. His faith is evident in his works, which bore witness to the sincerity and humility of his INTERIOR LIFE OF PRAYER. His love for God manifested itself through his construction of altars and sacrificial offerings in all the places he resided. (CCC 144-147, 2570)

Ch 12:10-20 To protect himself, Abram concealed that Sarai was his wife. Nevertheless, God preserved them from harm. This simple incident shows that God is a PERSONAL GOD, whose concern is not restricted to particular nations or places. His love extends to all people in all places at all times. The obligation to speak the truth is not unconditional; there are circumstances where love, charity, safety, privacy, or the common good require silence. For example, obligations of justice require discretion and silence regarding information to which another person has no right, and certain professional confidences and the SEAL OF CONFESSION require silence rather than disclosure. (CCC 2488-2492)

Job 1:1-5 Job enjoyed what could be considered an ideal life. He had all the material wealth anyone would want surrounded by many loving children. Moreover, he was very virtuous and completely docile to God’s will. Under the prevailing opinion that prosperity was a sign of being in God’s grace, one would readily conclude that Job was without sin. Job offered intercessory prayer and sacrifices as a way of atoning for the sins of his sons and daughters. St. John Chrysostom saw in this passage a JUSTIFICATION FOR OFFERING PRAYERS AND SACRIFICES ON BEHALF OF THE DEAD: “If Job’s sons were purified by their father’s sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them” (CCC 1032)

Job 1:13-22 Job suffered great calamity and personal loss, yet he remained faithful. He recognized that all his possessions were gratuitously given to him by God. Therefore, he knew that God, who is the SOURCE OF ALL GOOD, had the right to take away those same gifts. The fire of God: This is an ancient expression for a LIGHTNING STRIKE.

Job 2:1-13 Job’s troubles were compounded by a painful and disfiguring affliction. Job, however, rightly believed that faithfulness to God requires both an acceptance of both the good and the bad that may befall a person. Three of Job’s friends paid him a visit and sat shiva with him, a Jewish tradition of seven days of silent mourning that is normally reserved for a person’s death. The scene is remarkable in that NONE OF THESE VISITORS was a Jew himself.

Ch 2:13 The Hebrew language makes no distinction between “evil” and “suffering,” using the same word for both. This indicates the close, perceived relationship between sin and hardship between the ancient Jews.

Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord: This refers not to fright but to awe and reverence toward God. Respect and love for God is the path to wisdom…(CCC 1653, 2214, 2221, 2688)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Key Event 6: God calls Abram out of Ur (Genesis 12:1-4)

God calls Abram (later “Abraham”) out of Ur in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq), asking him to leave every human source of identity and protection and to trust entirely in God’s providence. In return, God promises him a great nation, a great name, and blessing for the whole world. Abram responds with obedient faith.

  • The narrative books of Scripture will show that the great Giants of our faith, even as they hear the words of God they were still very broken i.e Abram giving his wife Sarai to Pharaoh.

  • Even the Father of our Faith, Abram does bad things

  • Satan is the one who accuses

  • The Book of Job is one of the Wisdom Books which is a dramatic poem about the problem of evil (suffering) of the innocent

  • The other Wisdom Books are: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Book of Wisdom, and Sirach) *NABRE 3rd ed Catholic Study Bible

  • CCC 164:...” ‘we walk by faith not by sight’ is often lived in darkness and can be put to the test. The world we live in often seems very far from the one promised us by faith. Our experiences of evil and suffering, injustice, and death, seem to contradict the Good News; they can shake our faith and become a temptation against it.”

  • Satan accuses God and Job

  • Abram and Job are called, but neither of them are perfect

  • Yet, they still demonstrate Faith (answer God’s Call and Trust His Plan)

  • Job’s initial response to all the terrible things that happened to him was to WORSHIP GOD

  • This is the call to every single one of us

  • Life is not always going to make sense, but we KNOW that the Lord is always going to be present

  • When God allows us to endure incredible trials, we will be tempted to turn away from Him, but we must not

  • Even when we are not faithful, God is steadfast

  • God steadfastly calls each of us to belong to Him

Prayer by Fr. Mike: "Father in Heaven we thank you and we give you praise. Thank you for your Word. Thank you for the gift of revealing yourself to us, revealing your heart to us even in broken situations. We ask that you please send your Holy Spirit that when we are broken, when we fail, when we fall, and when we are suffering that we turn more deeply to you, that we refuse to curse you, that we refuse to run away from you, that we refuse to hide from you. But instead, come to you in our brokenness and come to you in our need. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen."

God promises Abraham descendants in the amount of the dust of the earth (Gen 13), and again in Gen 15 regarding the number of the stars (insinuating neither of which could be counted). And a third time n Genesis 32, but this time he includes all nations with his descendants. We see this fulfilled in Revelation 7, when John sees in his heavenly vision a multitude of Christ's disciples from every nation that cannot be counted. What number we could we possibly think of when we think of the number of Christians in his Church from the Apostles all the way to today, spanning across nearly every nation close to 2000 years later?!

Is Bible in a year new for 2022?

The newest New Year's Resolution with more staying power And note, the 2022 version of the podcast is a rerun: a repeat of the daily readings Father Mike Schmitz shared with the world in 2021.

How does the Bible in a year work?

Bible in a Year takes you on a 365 day journey through the entire Bible. Each day features a 20-25 minute episode where Fr. Mike reads a passage from the Bible, shares a brief reflection, and guides you into a Lectio Divina meditation on the passage.

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