Best stay at home jobs no experience

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This guide will show you the best work from home jobs and side hustlesthat you can start TODAY with little to no experience or financial investment!

You don’t need a traditional job at an office to make a sustainable income, you can find the perfect job that lets you stay home and work in jammies.

Check out these great work from home jobs where you can earn 5-figures or more every year:

  • Highest Paying – Proofreadingor Bookkeepingpays upwards of $50 per hour and is super flexible. 
  • Best App – Swagbuckshelps you to earn money on your own terms when you need it the most. 
  • Best Website – FlexJobs has a variety of flexible work-from-home jobs to choose from. 
  • Most Flexible – Freelancing Writing using AI tools like Jasper to do the work for you. 
  • Best Long-Term Business – Start your own money-making blog and set you and your family up for a great financial future. 

Can You Really Work From Home As A Career?

Making money online and being able to work from home are life goals! 

You can work from home for a reputable company and get great pay and flexibility.

Or you can find side hustles that are work-at-home jobs on your own schedule.

I’ve been working remotely for a few years and I think many people could benefit from a remote job!

Did I mention I get to work at home as a momin my pajamas every day?

How Much Can I Get Paid TO Work Remotely?

When working from home, you can make anywhere from a few thousand to over six figures a year if you swap to a home job. 

Remote work as a new careerdoesn’t mean you take a pay cut either. Remote work is just like your 9-5, minus loud co-workers and a commute.

A typical work-from-home job offers hourly pay, which is why they can make the perfect side hustle, but there are also salaried positions with benefits for those looking for a new career.

25 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs to Start Today 

Whether you’re a mom looking for a remote job, a college kid wanting extra spending money, or someone looking to get out of debt, this guide to the perfect work-from-home jobs is for you!

Some of the best benefits are flexibility, comfort, and mostly working by yourselfwith high productivity.

Work From Home Jobs As A Parent

As a mom, your time is limited. Trust me, I completely get it!

These work-from-home jobs are designed to allow you flexibility and the best work-life balance- you can still do other things and make money online. 

1. Create a Proofreading Business

If you have an eagle eye and can spot errors from a mile away, then proofreading is for you!. 

Proofreading is one of the final steps in the process of content creation – so, for example, this article you’re reading now will have a proofreader work on it before it’s published.


There are plenty of online proofreading job opportunities and they actually pay really well! 

The Editorial Freelancer Association states that proofreaders can make $30+ hourly. 

How To Start

If you are serious about learning how to become a proofreader you should totally consider signing up for this FREE Proofreading Workshop

It will give you all the education, experience, skills, and tools you need. 

Then check Flexjobs for any type of work-from-home job- you can be contracted for whatever jobs fit into your schedule!

FREE Workshop

2. Start a Money-Making Blog

Blogging is one of my favorite things to talk about because it has literally changed my entire life.

A little while ago, Kelan quit his 9-5 job and is now working from home to run our blog. Within this short time period, he grew our blog to be our only income.

It is such an incredible dream come true to work for yourself in work-from-home opportunities!

Blogging is writing articles on a certain topic and monetizing that content, making it easy for parents to work remotely and get paid passively.


When we started our blog, it was just another hobby. We quickly learned that making money from bloggingwas a real thing!

Successful remote work bloggers can make anywhere from $1,000 – 25,000+ per month. 

That means you could be making an average annual salary of $12,000 – 300,000 per year!

How To Start

If you’re interested in starting your own blog, head over to our step-by-step tutorial to learn how. Using our exclusive Bluehost link, you can take advantage of discounted pricing today.

Best Beginner Course

3. Take Paid Surveys

Did you know you can earn money online by taking surveys?

Taking online surveys won’t make you rich, but they will certainly help you earn some extra income.

Instead of vegging out in front of the TV twiddling your thumbs during commercial breaks, why not make money online?


 You get paid for surveys you complete, similar to remote work except it’s shorter and simple than a typical job.

If you take a lot of surveys each month, you can earn at least $50. 

How To Start

Some of the highest paying survey companies include:

  • Swagbucks Surveys ($10 sign up bonus)
  • Inbox Dollars ($5 sign up bonus)
  • Survey Junkie ($5 sign up bonus)

FREE $10 Sign Up Bonus

4. Start a Bookkeeping Business

If you enjoy a calculator and systems, bookkeeping is the right fit for you to get great work-from-home jobs.

Bookkeeping is the process of taking revenues and expenses from a company and notating them in accounting software. 

If you know your stuff, you can target companies that need help with the books. Once you use software like QuickBooks to set up rules, the process can become pretty simple.

You should have a thorough knowledge of the tax process first, though, so you don’t get your clients in trouble with the IRS. 

Luckily, there are ways to learn that if you don’t have the proper knowledge like this FREE Bookkeeper Launch workshop. 


Bookkeepers can actually make a great living online!

Depending on workload, a bookkeeper can have packages from $150 – 500+ per month. 

How To Start

Check out our guide on how to start a bookkeeping business

FREE Training

5. Work as a Freelance Writer

Ever wonder how big companies like The Wall Street Journal, Time, and others write articles?

They have contributors! And you could become one of them.

Freelance writing is perfect for those who love typing and researching!


Holly Johnson made more than $250,000 in freelance writing income last year alone! 

It’s not only a great side hustle but a great work-at-home job if you’re looking to change careers and work remotely 100%!

But, most freelance writers can expect to make $0.20-0.50/word. 

How To Start

You don’t have to start with major brands, start with small businesses.

The secret to getting gigs is knowing what topics you should write about. Just like blogging, you need a niche!

The best part is that you don’t need any prior writing experience to start. 

I highly recommend using tools like Jasperand Surfer SEO to optimize your writing speed and quality. 

FREE 10,000 Word Trial

6. Work as a Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant is perfect for stay-at-home moms who want to supplement their family’s income and have a ton of flexibility.

A virtual assistant is an individual who provides assistance and support to entrepreneurs, small businesses, and other professionals.

Virtual assistants perform administrative duties such tasks like: 

  • Answering customer service emails
  • Social media management
  • Data entry
  • Writing
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Graphic design
  • Writing and creating content
  • Web development and coding
  • Facebook Ads

A virtual assistant can be paid to do just about anything with remote work. In fact, there are even virtual assistants who make over $150,000 as an average annual salary!


According to, the average wage for virtual assistants is between $23 – 40 per hour.

How To Start

Does this sound like something that interests you? You can read our in-depth tutorial on how to become a virtual assistant and learn how to launch your VA business with this FREE workshop. 

Free Webinar

Savvy System

Do you want the freedom to be your own boss and work on your terms? Tired of living life on someone else's time clock? Confidently launch your own virtual assistant business from scratch in 30 days!

Watch Free Training Now

7. Educate The Masses

Speaking of tutoring, do you have any other skills and knowledge you can pass along to make money?

You can educate the masses with whatever you please and do remote work as a tutor!

If you’re good at cooking, art, math, science, and more, you can easily start a tutoring side hustle for an easy online job.

You can create online courses, or keep it simple by offering hourly tutoring sessions over Skype or other online platforms. 

Whether this is your new side hustle or a new career, being a tutor gives you a great chance to be your own boss and control your work hours.


If you have a Bachelor’s degree, you can request more pay- the same if you’ve got a lot of experience under your belt.

As an experienced tutor, you can charge $30 hourly or more doing your own freelancing or starting a business.

If you don’t have much experience, don’t worry. Tutors can still make $15 – $22 per hour with BookNook!

How To Start

The easiest way to get started is to get yourself out there on social media.

Good word of mouth and a nice Facebook page can give you a good online presence and brand awareness.

The more people talking about your new tutoring business, the better! More talk means more clients.

You can also check on Facebook for tutoring ads, as well as websites like Fiverrto find some freelance work-from-home opportunities.

8. Sell Unwanted Items On eBay

Anyone who enjoys the search for a good find and a good price would enjoy this option to make money.

If you’re especially good at negotiations, you’ll do even better! 

If you’ve ever been to a flea market, you know how often people will get rid of things that still have a lot of life and value. 

You can find unwanted but valuable items for incredibly low prices and list them on eBay for resale to make a nice profit!


There is no specific hourly rate because what you make is directly related to how many items you sell in a given time frame and to how large your profit margin is per item. 

Our friends at Flea Market Flippermake 6 figures per year from this as their main business and income source!

How To Start

You’d be wise to learn more about the values of items and how to properly price them for resale. You can learn all of that and more with the course from Flea Market Flipper

9. Sell Insurance 

One of the top remote jobs you can find is insurance- because there are so many kinds of insurance, and everybody needs it!

Working for insurance companies doesn’t limit you to being an insurance agent either.

There are other home jobs available, such as IT positions, project management, underwriters, and more.


Being an insurance agent is nothing to snuff at- you can still make $50,000 or more a year as a licensed insurance representative.

How To Start

FlexJobs is the best place to search for online flexible jobs.

Search for insurance careers and see what interests you. Some don’t require a Bachelor’s degree or much experience.

10. Become A Life Coach

If you’re looking to make a difference in peoples’ lives, being a coach is for you.

It’s a great way to make money at home, but also extremely rewarding and can turn into remote work easily.

Now being a therapist can make you the most money if people are paying for your advice, but not everybody has a degree for it in their back pocket.

Rather, you can offer your expertise as a life coach for those who feel like their lives are off track.

Life coaches help people round out their lives in many ways, but the number one way a coach can make money is to help others find jobs and prepare them for the application process and interviews.


You can create a business around your products and services and charge what you feel they’re worth.

Life coaches can make around $50 per hour, but for those who are in touch with more high-income clients (or high profile!), you can make $300 hourly!

How To Start

People and companies will post about looking for life or career coaches on job sites like Steady or Fiverr

You can start by determining what your niche will be, then create products and services that cater to the people in it.

Then you need some great marketing to promote your products and services.

11. Be A Social Media Manager

Have you spent a lot of time on social media and want an online job that’s more than ads or plain marketing?

Social media managers can accrue clients looking to improve their online presence, better connect with potential clients, and grow their name to find more clients.

As a manager, you’d be responsible for content on websites, Facebook pages, Instagram profiles, and more.


Social media managers can make $16 – 22 per hour, and this is remote work you can easily pick up multiple clients to rack up the dough!

How To Start

To become a social media manager, you’ll want to look at freelancing websites like Fiverr and Upwork to see what work you can apply for. 

Finding contract work is a great way to get started, especially if you need to build up your professional social media experience on top of your personal usage.

12. Grab A Web Developer Side Hustle

Many coders make extra money on the side by helping companies develop websites and update their old-fashioned or ill-designed sites.

Now if you were a coding wiz in high school, you may be able to skate in and grab some clients, but companies may require more.

Web developers have a hands-on role managing companies’ online presence, which is why most clients may require a Bachelor’s degree or reference work to demonstrate your ability.


Now a web developer can make $55,000 a year or more, which makes it a great work-from-home home job in our book!

Now as a side hustle, it’s harder to estimate per contract job, but starting hourly wage is $25 for beginner developers.

How To Start

Like many online jobs, working as a freelancer is your best bet to find consistent work.

Fiverr is our go-to to find clients, and there are many job postings for a web developer you can apply to.

Legitimate Remote Jobs Near Me 

As far as Kelan and I are concerned, if you make money from remote work, then it’s a legitimate side hustle worth pursuing. 

You can ABSOLUTELY make a living off these job opportunities!

13. Become a Transcriptionist

Becoming a transcriptionist is great remote work if you can type fast and hear well!

A transcriptionist writes/types the spoken word- they get audio files and write out what they hear. It’s as simple as that. 

Job growth data shows that general transcriptionists have great opportunities for finding jobs, and those who do legal transcription or are multi-lingual could find even more work.

Not sure if transcription work is right for you? Check out the FREE mini-course from Transcribe Anywhereto find out more about becoming a transcriptionist!

We also did an honest Transcribe Anywhere Review so that you’ll know what comes with the course- and that it’s worth taking.


Depending on experience, a transcriptionist can make $15 – 30 per hour. 

If you go into transcribing legal and medical conversations/interviews, then you can earn a high rate. You might need to invest in some equipment, but you can do it 100% on your time. 

How To Start

If you’re interested, Janet Shaughnessy over at Transcribe Anywhere has great tips to get started. 

14. Teach English Online

Want to work from home and make money helping others learn?

BookNook connects young students from 18 months old to 12 years old with engaging English tutors to make language learning a blast.

They have a huge need for native English speakers to give their students a great experience.

You don’t need to be a teacher to sign up either. If you have a Bachelor’s degree (or are currently earning one) and some experience tutoring, you are a great fit. 

BookNook provides the curriculum for you, so all you need is a computer and a passion for helping youngsters. 


BookNook pays $15 – $22 per hour depending on experience and monthly incentives.

How To Start

You can start your application now.

15. Design and Edit Graphics

If you’re a visual person, you might want remote work as a graphic designer and photo editor. 

A graphic designer is someone that creates graphics and, in some cases, edits photos using programs like Illustrator, Photoshop, or Canva.

Bloggers often hire a graphic designer as well for photos, videos, and even small graphics for their business stores, like Shopify!


A graphic designer can make $15 – 30 hourly.

But, you can be creative and come up with monthly packages to increase that rate!

How To Start

You can target small businesses, but you can also target bloggers and influencers who want to improve their social media presence. 

Before you target anyone, make sure you have proficiency in the skill. 

Kara Fidd over at Simplifying DIY Design shows you how to get started designing graphics.

Best Jobs With No Experience Needed

Maybe you want to get started working from home, but you don’t think you have the skills to start. 

That’s completely okay! There are plenty of places that offer online jobs, no experience is needed. 

Everyone who started making money with an online job was in the same position you are now.

Start on one of these jobs and then you can level up to one of the side hustles above.  

16. Generate Facebook Leads for Local Businesses

Unless you have been living under a rock over the past year or two, you have probably heard of Facebook ads.

I know for a fact you have seen them in your news feed. You can actually make money on Facebook

There are A LOT of digital marketing services you could provide for local businesses to make money. These include social media marketing, writing blog posts, search engine optimization, etc.

But out of all the options out there, the most requested service right now is Facebook ads management.

Business owners need people who can run their ad campaigns and bring them new customers. So they look for people like YOU to hire and perform this service for them.

With Facebook, a business owner can start advertising with a small budget and start seeing immediate results—that same day, usually within a few hours.


Typically, it’s with monthly packages. They can range from $500 – 1,000+. 

How To Start

You can learn EVERYTHING you need to know about running Facebook ads for local businesses by taking this one course.

17. Enter in Data

If you know your way around Microsoft Office and Google Drive, data entry could be for you. 

Data entry is still a thing in 2022!

It’s basically adding things to spreadsheets, customer relationship management programs, and anything else that requires manual entry. 


Most can make in the $10 – 20 hourly for data entry work. It’s more of an entry-level job and some can easily do it with just a high school degree since so many jobs require additional college degrees now. 

How To Start

You can find some data entry jobs being advertised on Upwork and Fiverr, but be aware of scams. 

This is typically a job where no fee is needed to start because you’ll be using your client’s software programs. The data entry is you putting whatever information they give into their systems, so it’s incredibly easy to start!

Click here to learn how to land a data entry job. 

18. Join TaskRabbit

If you enjoy running errands, then this is for you.

TaskRabbit is a site that has a bunch of odd jobs that people need to be done. 

As of right now, it only serves metro areas, but they’re looking at increasing their presence in other areas.  

All you have to do is complete them on your time and with their directions!

Whether it’s cutting the lawn or shopping for groceries, you get to do it on your schedule. 


Approximately $25 per hour. But, keep in mind that TaskRabbit takes 15% of that.

How To Start

Just head over to their website to get started.

19. Work as a Translator

If you’re bilingual, this is a great way to make money using your already existing skills. 

Think about all the books, court documents, etc. that need translating. 

All you have to do is go from one language to the other and the job is done. 


They can make about $25 hourly. If you translate from a less common language, then you can earn more. 

How To Start

Just head over to this website to get started. 

20. Join A Call Center

Being a customer service representative is a great job for someone who has some time to spare! Plenty of companies offer work-from-home chat jobs.

Liveops has clients in retail, insurance, telecom, healthcare services, hospitality, travel, and roadside assistance. 

Liveops looks for qualified candidates who can help them with customer service calls and have people’s inquiries handled.

Now being a customer service representative sometimes gets a bad rap, but where would we be without them?

Sometimes we need a real person to talk to!


Liveops pays hourly but offers flexible working hours. Some Liveops niches, like insurance, may be more specialized, but that does mean higher hourly pay.

The starting rate is around $0.25 per minute on the phone. Meaning if you’re working as a customer service representative, you can get paid $15 for every hour your helping customers.

How To Start

Look over the Liveops listings if you’re looking for a remote job that keeps you social.

Other Remote Jobs

Maybe the jobs above didn’t pique your interest, and you’re more interested in companies hiring now.

No worries!

Here’s a list of additional remote jobs to work from home that you might like- there are plenty of companies hiring with a  variety of positions that might draw your attention.

21. Work for Dell

A Dell job is great if you’re in the middle of your ladder-climbing career and want to make a switch to remote work. It’s your ace in the hole for finding a salaried, 9-5 situation.

Large corporations like Dell are offering work-from-home jobs to save money on office space. It’s also a nifty perk for their employees.

Dell has a wide range of working-from-home jobs you can apply for. This includes careers in:

  • Sales and business development
  • Account management
  • Finance
  • Systems consulting
  • Software engineering
  • Project management


You can expect to make an average annual salary of $50,000 working for Dell. 

How To Start

You can check out their website to get started as a remote worker. 

22. Work for Amazon

 This online retail savant is always looking for remote workers for a variety of positions.

Amazon is an international company with a massive remote workforce, though as you may know, they aren’t a fully remote company. If you’re looking for a work-from-home job with a reputable employer, this is it.

Amazon is hiring for:

  • Customer service
  • Information security
  • Talent acquisition
  • Sales and business development
  • Operations
  • Software engineering
  • Administrative
  • Data entry


Amazon is hiring for both hourly and salaried positions. The hours, pay, and benefits will vary depending on the position.

How To Start

Think you have what it takes to be an Amazonian? Apply to these work-from-home jobs to earn a living from your couch.

23. Work for Intuit

You don’t need to have a knack for math to get remote work through Intuit.

The brainiacs behind Turbotax, Quickbooks, and Mint are hiring remote workers in nearly every department! There’s a very good chance you’ll find something with them that fits your expertise.

Intuit has work-from-home jobs in:

  • Human resources
  • Tax and accounting
  • Software engineering
  • Translators / linguists
  • Customer support specialists
  • Sales/business development
  • Marketing
  • Data science
  • Legal


They offer full-time positions in the $30,000 – 50,000+ a year, depending on experience and the position. 

How To Start

You can get started by checking out their careers page.

24. Work for Robert Half International

Robert Half is a fantastic option if you’re a recruiter or if you have a fiery passion for all things human resources.

But hey, if recruiting isn’t your thing, that’s okay. Robert Half is hiring for a variety of remote work available.

The great businesses of the world have a mighty need for talent. Robert Half is a worldwide staffing agency that helps businesses find the best remote employees.

Robert Half is hiring for these work-from-home jobs:

  • Social media marketing
  • Software development
  • Graphic design
  • Accounting
  • Customer support


Some are hourly contract jobs where companies hire you as needed, and others are full-time careers, so it depends on the position you’re applying for. 

How To Start

You can check out Robert Half International’s remote jobs page.

25. Work for Aetna

If you enjoy helping people stay healthy but want remote work with a home job, Aetna can be a great option. 

If you have worked in healthcare services before and would love to work outside of a hospital, this could be a great move for you.

Aetna is hiring for:

  • Customer service
  • Computer support specialists
  • Case managers
  • Programmers
  • Registered nurses (RNs)
  • Insurance and claims


Aetna offers part-time, freelance, and full-time positions for remote workers, so this is entirely dependent on the capacity in which you’re working for them.

How To Start

You can check out Aetna’s jobs page to get started. 

The Pros Vs. Cons Of Working From Home


  • No commute with work-from-home jobs!
  • Can be a stay at home parent
  • Can work in pajamas
  • Home office tax write off
  • Flexible schedules
  • No boss looking over your shoulder
  • Often reimbursed for cable & internet
  • Eat leftovers from the fridge
  • Play the music you love to listen too
  • Flexible part-time jobs from home are available


  • Must be very disciplined
  • Work-from-home jobs can open the door to distractions
  • No co-workers to mingle with
  • Remote work can get lonely at times
  • Takes up space in your house
  • Can never escape the office and “go home”
  • Bosses can’t easily see the hard work you are putting in
  • Can easily get into a trap of overworking

Final Thoughts On Work From Home Jobs

Some people are perfectly content in an office setting, and that’s great. But for the rest of us, remote jobs and freelance jobs working from home are far too much to resist.

I started side hustles while pregnant that changed my life, and working from home is the best decision Kelan and I made!

Work-from-home jobs are available all around you, even full-time jobs with reputable companies with good pay and benefits. Or you can get remote work one side hustle at a time and work as you please.

What kind of jobs can I do from Home with No experience?

10 Work from Home Jobs that Require Little or No Experience (Entry Level Jobs).
Administrative Assistant. ... .
Customer Service Representative. ... .
Data Entry. ... .
Interpreter. ... .
Sales Representative. ... .
Social Media Evaluator. ... .
Tech Support. ... .
Travel Consultant..

How much does Amazon pay for work from home?

$24. The estimated total pay for a Work At Home Telephone Customer Service Representative at Amazon is $24 per hour. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated base pay is $17 per hour ...

What is the best online job for beginners?

If you're not sure what kind of roles to look for, here's a list of online jobs to consider that require little or no experience:.
Data Entry Clerk. ... .
Proofreader or Copy Editor. ... .
Administrative, Virtual, or Executive Assistant. ... .
Social Media Coordinator or Manager. ... .
Graphic Designer. ... .
Writer. ... .
Customer Service Representative..

What is the highest paid stay at home job?

26 Highest-Paying Jobs That Let You Work From Home.
Product Manager. Salary: $100,498, according to PayScale. ... .
Project Manager, Operations. Salary: $88,660, according to PayScale. ... .
Senior Project Manager, IT. ... .
Business Development Manager. ... .
Channel Sales Manager. ... .
Senior Account Manager. ... .
Senior Sales Executive. ... .
Front-End Developer..


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