Bangladesh a legacy of blood bangla pdf free download


Authors views and opinions on the killing of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In his own words: bangladesh, sheikh mujib murder, anthony mascarenhas, bangladesh a legacy of blood, এন্থনি মাসকারেনহাস, a legacy of blood, the death of sheikh mujibur rahman, এ লিগ্যাসি অফ ব্লাড, অ্যান্থনি মাসকারেনহাস

১৩ ই নভেম্বর, ২০১২ রাত ১২:৫৪

আমি অনেক দিন ধরেই Anthony Mascarenhas-এর লেখা Bangladesh : A legacy of blood বইটি খোঁজ করছিলাম।

সামু থেকেই বইটার নামের সন্ধান পেয়েছিলাম। তাই সামুতেই সার্চ দিয়ে দেখলাম বইটি পিডিএফ বা ওয়ার্ডে ডাউনলোড করা যা কিনা। কিন্তু সামুতে অনেক চেষ্টা করেও বইটার ডাউনলোড লিঙ্ক আমি পাইনি। সামুতেও অনেকে দেখলাম পোস্ট দিয়েছেন- কেউ Bangladesh : A legacy of blood এই বইটার সন্ধান দিতে পারেন কিনা।

তবে খুশির খবর হল -অনেক খোঁজাখুঁজির পরে বইটি আমি ডাউনলোড করতে পেরেছি।

আপনাদের কারো যদি প্রয়োজন থাকে তবে ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।

Bangladesh -A legacy of blood

সবাই ভালো থাকবেন।

রাগে থাকুন,

রাগিয়ে রাখুন।

রঙে থাকুন,

রাঙিয়ে রাখুন।


আমাকে সর্বক্ষণের জন্যে পাবেন এখানে //

ফেসবুকে আমার ঠিকানায় যেতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

২৯ টি +৩/-০

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Dec 22, 2013 Aantaki Raisa rated it it was amazing

Wow! As if I knew nothing of the history of my country! Well, though our leaders have failed to understand what needs to be done in Bangladesh, Anthony Mascarenhas- A Pakistani journalist, seems to have got it perfectly, as he ends this book stating "Machination and murder have been the curse of Bangladesh-its legacy of blood. It will not end until public accountability and the sequence of crime and punishment is firmly established".
This book is not just an enlightenment to the post-independence
Wow! As if I knew nothing of the history of my country! Well, though our leaders have failed to understand what needs to be done in Bangladesh, Anthony Mascarenhas- A Pakistani journalist, seems to have got it perfectly, as he ends this book stating "Machination and murder have been the curse of Bangladesh-its legacy of blood. It will not end until public accountability and the sequence of crime and punishment is firmly established".
This book is not just an enlightenment to the post-independence incidents that basically shaped Bangladesh (similarly how early age experience of children sort of shape them as human beings), the book also helped me understand the characteristic of us as a nation.
For example, I figured out our identity as a nation- resilience-yes that's us. No matter what shit the world throws at us, our leaders throw at us, the nature throws at us- we survive- with our limited resources, almost zero access to knowledge and information, and what not- with the sheer power of resilience...the spirit to live.
This book also helped me understand the traits I particularly dislike in my society. Nepotism, sycophancy, and manipulation have been the first choices of our prime leaders to run the country. If not these, it has been a hunger for absolute power while preaching (lying) the public about establishment of democracy. I finally got a theory why we are so confused and whimsical as a people- because within the first decade of our birth we were fucked by myriads of ideologies- socialism, secularism, Islamism, Democracy blah blah blah...oh and of course our army- man the writer was so right when he said sometimes they talked about making a revolution as if they were talking about a picnic! Army officers and soldiers, according to the writer, heard something from leftists and without digging deep into it they just went on into coups and mutinies-'hujuge bangali' we do the same now! I know leftist who want revolution everyday, on almost every occasion. It's almost like they don't know what it takes and what it actually means- just like those mutineers of our military.
And the book also showed how impatient we are as a nation. We gave the Father just 3 years and a half to get things right in a war-torn country. The brutal murder of him and his family members remained unpunished for 39 years! It shows how ungrateful we are as a people, and how messed up our law and order has been from the beginning. True, Sheikh Mujib was naive, he made many mistakes when he started off to run the country but did he deserve to be murdered like that? ANd did things actually get better after that? Bangladesh lost her Four Great Leaders on 3rd November that year, from 3rd November to 7th- Bangladesh practically remained government-less, there were 19 attempted coups during Zia's regime, the 20th killed him.
The first decade of Bangladesh taught us corruption- our leaders institutionalized corruption for their own hunger for absolute power. It destroyed the dream of Sonar Bangla. We forgot to live honestly and only learned to save our own backs even if it meant at the cost of another's life- the hanging of 1143 soldiers by Zia, the murders of civilians by government backed goons during Mujib's reign- these as if subconsciously taught us to be conscience-less. I see the consequences of that one decade glimmering in the face of our society, even today.

Jan 19, 2013 Naser Hossain rated it really liked it

"Nobody understands what I do for my country", an apparently original quote by the guy who was called "The ONE friend of Bangladesh", the undisputed leader of the Bangladeshis after the country became independent in 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, sort of sums up the mood of the whole book. True or not, the events that are delineated in a Kafkaesque detail by Mr Mascarenhas paints a graphic and sordid tale about a country that could've been the mantelpiece of democracy, independence, economic and p "Nobody understands what I do for my country", an apparently original quote by the guy who was called "The ONE friend of Bangladesh", the undisputed leader of the Bangladeshis after the country became independent in 1971, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, sort of sums up the mood of the whole book. True or not, the events that are delineated in a Kafkaesque detail by Mr Mascarenhas paints a graphic and sordid tale about a country that could've been the mantelpiece of democracy, independence, economic and political sovereignty, and yet was betrayed, abused and heartbroken by the many 'well sung' heroes of it's war of independence. It's an unmistakable tale of murder, extrajudicial killings, palace conspiracies and Coup d'états by political leaders, war heroes, brothers in arms wrapped in a beautiful style of storytelling that reminds you of old spy noir novels from the cold war era (and indeed, I think it can be considered one at the height of the struggle of supremacy between communism and capitalism). "A legacy of blood"-unmasks how in an Orwellian, "Animal Farm"-ish way, the Bangladeshis became dismayed after their corrupt and torturous Pakistani overlords were gone to govern the lands, how power corrupted everyone, including the father of the nation, Sheikh Mujib himself, as he perished at the hands of those he trusted most having become a despot who had failed his people and had invested in the wrong clique of advisers. This book is a *must read for any Bangladeshi who wants to know what really went wrong with the country, for members of the armed forces to understand what to do and what not to in order to uphold the sovereignty of their country, for citizens of the civilian populace to understand whom and what to confide in and what not to. Thank my ex-para commando friend, for the recommendation :)

PS: Get a copy from Nilkhet for around 180 BDT, and spread around...this book needs to be read!


A must read for all Bangladeshi!

If you want to know the truth & the 100% objective truth about pre & post liberation Bangladeshi history, this is THE book. I belong to a generation who had not been exposed to the underlying politics & brutality related to war and the post-war turmoil that has shaped the country. We often get a politically biased view of history; both from people & publications who are often ideologically prejudiced & lack authentic information. This is the book that sums up all

A must read for all Bangladeshi!

If you want to know the truth & the 100% objective truth about pre & post liberation Bangladeshi history, this is THE book. I belong to a generation who had not been exposed to the underlying politics & brutality related to war and the post-war turmoil that has shaped the country. We often get a politically biased view of history; both from people & publications who are often ideologically prejudiced & lack authentic information. This is the book that sums up all the events in a chain with utmost clarity.


We have been taught and made proud from our childhood about the liberation war that took place in our country. But for some strange reason, a brisk halt has been made in almost every textbook at the day when Bangladesh got liberated from Pakistani oppression, 16th December 1971 to be precise, and after that very day, everything else seemed to go blank. What went wrong with the country which had paid the highest price in the history of the world in exchange to its freedom, how did an incorrigible We have been taught and made proud from our childhood about the liberation war that took place in our country. But for some strange reason, a brisk halt has been made in almost every textbook at the day when Bangladesh got liberated from Pakistani oppression, 16th December 1971 to be precise, and after that very day, everything else seemed to go blank. What went wrong with the country which had paid the highest price in the history of the world in exchange to its freedom, how did an incorrigible attitude of corruption stem its roots from the very beginning of its birth despite having a very well-written constitution of which any nation could be proud of, why did the assassination of the most beloved demi-godlike leader of this country have to carry out, how the voices of oppositions had always been smothered by govt. followed by consecutive coups and counter-coups have been unfolded in a matter of fact, yet ominous way by Anthony Mascarenhas. My eyes would often be blurred even before reading a sentence as the ending of this story was known already, an inevitable tragic ending that is. As the writer puts in the last lines, 'Machination and murder have been the curse of Bangladesh-its legacy of blood. It will not end until public accountability and the sequence of crime and punishment is firmly established' is still applicable to our situation, which still seems to be cursed by a legacy of blood. ...more

Jul 10, 2014 Mansoor Azam rated it really liked it

This is a must read for anyone interested in the history of Bangladesh post independence.

The author is a reputed hand on the subject and has first hand knowledge being acquaintance with many a players.

This is a tale of how dreams of a new nation went sour because of the very men it considered messiah. It is a tale of bloodshed after bloodshed & coup after coup. It is a tale of how lust for power destroys everything millions have sacrificed and worked for.

Eye opening narration told in a grippi

This is a must read for anyone interested in the history of Bangladesh post independence.

The author is a reputed hand on the subject and has first hand knowledge being acquaintance with many a players.

This is a tale of how dreams of a new nation went sour because of the very men it considered messiah. It is a tale of bloodshed after bloodshed & coup after coup. It is a tale of how lust for power destroys everything millions have sacrificed and worked for.

Eye opening narration told in a gripping way


Mar 16, 2014 Samiur rated it it was amazing

While Anthony Mascarenhas's Legacy of Blood is a standard read highlighting the atrocities committed by Pakistan's military against Bangladesh, if only Mascarenhas had lived to see today (foreign affairs and politics in the region) to provide his thought-leadership on Pakistan's continued denial and cover-up re history and the nation's downward spiral in terms of economic development and political leadership; and his nuanced and balanced understanding of Bangladesh's political outlook would have While Anthony Mascarenhas's Legacy of Blood is a standard read highlighting the atrocities committed by Pakistan's military against Bangladesh, if only Mascarenhas had lived to see today (foreign affairs and politics in the region) to provide his thought-leadership on Pakistan's continued denial and cover-up re history and the nation's downward spiral in terms of economic development and political leadership; and his nuanced and balanced understanding of Bangladesh's political outlook would have been invaluable. ...more

Feb 27, 2019 Srinivas rated it it was amazing

Gripping. That's the only word required to describe this book. Anthony Mascarenhas delivers a fantasy-world narrative based on text book history.

In the span of a decade, Bangladesh has seen independence, a coup, a countercoup, a counter counter coup and a dozen other coup attempts. This is the story of the people behind these events, and the circumstances which allowed them to succeed or fail. It tells the story of power-hungry syncophants, under-talented patriots and cold-blooded murderers. A

Gripping. That's the only word required to describe this book. Anthony Mascarenhas delivers a fantasy-world narrative based on text book history.

In the span of a decade, Bangladesh has seen independence, a coup, a countercoup, a counter counter coup and a dozen other coup attempts. This is the story of the people behind these events, and the circumstances which allowed them to succeed or fail. It tells the story of power-hungry syncophants, under-talented patriots and cold-blooded murderers. A must read for everyone who loves political intrigue.


An amazing, scintillating, terrific and thrilling historical ride. I have no words for this historical book. Not only does it constitute the bloody history of the nation after its birth and the political turbulence during the first 15 years, but also tells the reader of the diaspora and the sufferings of the general public from corrupt and inept politicians, inefficient systems and fruitless policies designed for malpractice and the attempted formation of an authoritarian regime.

Magnificent history. I think every bengali should read it with top priority also the foreigners to know the background story of politics. Somehow the rise and the fall of two major political party of bangladesh started from the beginning. All the leaders was careless enough of their lordship. The book is not widely available in The Bangladesh. But, i think this book will help the political Youngsters of BD to choose their right path in the political career.

Jul 14, 2019 Bro Khan rated it it was amazing

It was non partially written by the perspective of the writer's point of view. Main features are three majors coup in Bangladesh. Which was full of conspiracy for the power and that lead to the most heinous murders and politics in the history of Bangladesh. The history of Bangladesh after the liberation war was not prideful. Politics were tools for criminals. The corruption was the real picture of that society. Morality was an invalid word at that time. For power, anything can be done. Even the It was non partially written by the perspective of the writer's point of view. Main features are three majors coup in Bangladesh. Which was full of conspiracy for the power and that lead to the most heinous murders and politics in the history of Bangladesh. The history of Bangladesh after the liberation war was not prideful. Politics were tools for criminals. The corruption was the real picture of that society. Morality was an invalid word at that time. For power, anything can be done. Even the murder of the president was not a big issue. The conspiracy was in the highest order by the military, government and sometimes even by the close people. This book reveals how the murder of two presidents was done and for what reason they had been fallen in that result. But about jail killings, the writer could not give clear information however it can give a general overview of this topic.

After all its a very interesting book to read. The readers will be thrilled when they find how every event is going through and they will find many connections with the previous event of the story and it's continuation. Full of thrill !!!!!!!


A small but interesting part that stood out to me is the role of communists that aren't any good at anything, even their own mission, but cause a lot of deaths and havoc anyways by drumming up an oppressor-victim propaganda for the people they intend to use as their personal tools. So the soldiers can rise up against their "masters" and do the killing on behalf of the communists because they were too cowardly and ineffective to do it themselves. But of course, they have an excuse! They would cla A small but interesting part that stood out to me is the role of communists that aren't any good at anything, even their own mission, but cause a lot of deaths and havoc anyways by drumming up an oppressor-victim propaganda for the people they intend to use as their personal tools. So the soldiers can rise up against their "masters" and do the killing on behalf of the communists because they were too cowardly and ineffective to do it themselves. But of course, they have an excuse! They would claim to be the victims of the oppressive state themselves! Look deeper, and the story is usually because they didn't actually try to be anything themselves, especially the ones that had way more privilege than others. ...more

I read different versions of history of 1975 to 1981,but this non-fiction by Anthony Mascarenhas seems much more legit. Even though the period was dark but Nov'75 has always been my favorite area in history of Bangladesh. Coup, re-coup; that was certainly a period of turmoil. I may sound a little heartless but this book is a 'real-life thriller'. This is a perfect example of 'truth is stranger than fiction'. No thriller writer in the whole world can plot this out what our military personnel did. I read different versions of history of 1975 to 1981,but this non-fiction by Anthony Mascarenhas seems much more legit. Even though the period was dark but Nov'75 has always been my favorite area in history of Bangladesh. Coup, re-coup; that was certainly a period of turmoil. I may sound a little heartless but this book is a 'real-life thriller'. This is a perfect example of 'truth is stranger than fiction'. No thriller writer in the whole world can plot this out what our military personnel did. ...more

Apr 06, 2014 Isha rated it really liked it

This is a historically insightful book with some particularly fascinating anecdotes. It talks in great detail about the background of the key men involved in bringing about the violent coups and counter-coups in that tumultuous period after independence, and their misplaced nationalism and avarice for power. However, the work seems to be quite opinionated at times, and this somewhat discredits an ostensibly neutral view on the incidents in other areas of the book. Overall, an enjoyable read.

Jul 25, 2015 Tousif Jamal rated it it was amazing

A vivid depiction of the first decade of politics in independent Bangladesh. It humanizes the characters of Mujib and Zia in an impartial way as opposed to the portrayal of these two leaders as mythical God like beings in contemporary media. A great read for those who take an interest in historic events.

Oct 17, 2015 Nazrul Islam rated it it was amazing

A must read book for every bengali people.How power and lust divert patriot leader's to killer . it's pathetic for us, we can not see our patriot leader in one row rather fighting each other. They all fought for motherland but when it comes to power all went wrong.
This book describe about the anarchic position of bangladesh from 1972-1980 .
A must read book for every bengali people.How power and lust divert patriot leader's to killer . it's pathetic for us, we can not see our patriot leader in one row rather fighting each other. They all fought for motherland but when it comes to power all went wrong.
This book describe about the anarchic position of bangladesh from 1972-1980 .

Feb 19, 2012 Asif Huque rated it really liked it

Must read for every bangladeshi to understand the post 71 bangladeshi politics.

A must read for every Bangladeshi.

Nov 19, 2014 NK2050 rated it it was amazing

i can not say enough about this book. this book should b on everyone's list of must read books... i can not say enough about this book. this book should b on everyone's list of must read books... ...more

Jun 04, 2017 Ashik Uzzaman rated it really liked it

Finished it today. Came to know lots of things I didn't know earlier, although I have heard some criticism also about the author and his accuracy or motif for this book. Finished it today. Came to know lots of things I didn't know earlier, although I have heard some criticism also about the author and his accuracy or motif for this book. ...more

A neutral autopsy of assassination of two great Bangladeshi leaders. You won't the blurred by exaggregated propaganda. A neutral autopsy of assassination of two great Bangladeshi leaders. You won't the blurred by exaggregated propaganda. ...more

Jul 04, 2018 Anish Sharma rated it really liked it

Gripping book........... Fascinating first fifteen years of Bangladesh. Written in an absolutely perfect way.

I read the bengali translation of this book

For Bangladeshis born in the 80s and later, this book is a must-read. We are not taught the post-independence history of Bangladesh in school. This book will provide a different point of view about the important figures of Bangladesh. We barely have a neutral knowledge about Sheikh Mujib, Zia, and others. This book changed many of my ideas about those leaders and the country then. In fact, many information shocked me. There was a huge difference between what I knew and what the reality was.


For Bangladeshis born in the 80s and later, this book is a must-read. We are not taught the post-independence history of Bangladesh in school. This book will provide a different point of view about the important figures of Bangladesh. We barely have a neutral knowledge about Sheikh Mujib, Zia, and others. This book changed many of my ideas about those leaders and the country then. In fact, many information shocked me. There was a huge difference between what I knew and what the reality was.

This book describes the Sheikh Mujib era of Bangladesh well. It seemed well researched. But in the case of the murder of Zia, the author just described the government's version of the truth. There were no interviews/opinions of the protagonists of Zia killing, like the ones he did for Mujib killing. Also, the author seemed to be in a hurry to finish the writing. He described the Mujib era in, more or less, detail, but the Zia era was written in short compared to that. I doubt if he did any research for this portion.


A good book to know about nearly all the major political turmoil of independent Bangladesh in her first decade
However, this book is influenced by Ershad reason even after Ersahd seize the power that too before the publication of this book, the writer still went on to praise Ersahd. Reason he had tried to portrayed the officers who had returned from Pakistan as saints while the Freedom Fighter officers as the trouble maker but actually the case was vice versa
Ersahd himself is a great example of i
A good book to know about nearly all the major political turmoil of independent Bangladesh in her first decade
However, this book is influenced by Ershad reason even after Ersahd seize the power that too before the publication of this book, the writer still went on to praise Ersahd. Reason he had tried to portrayed the officers who had returned from Pakistan as saints while the Freedom Fighter officers as the trouble maker but actually the case was vice versa
Ersahd himself is a great example of it
I will highly recommend anyone who has finished this book(especially to those who can read Bangla) to read at least one book of any one of the top officers who were serving that time, prominent among it is the book of Major General Moinul Hossain Chowdhury's "এক জেনারেলের নীরব সাক্ষ্য স্বাধীনতার প্রথম দশক (১৯৭১-১৯৮১)"
Through it one can get a different perspective and a further accurate image about the first decade of BANGLADESH

You will get a lot of information regarding the events that occurred between 1971 to 1975. Whether all that is true or not is totally up to the reader. I am not in a position to judge the correctness of the history that is shared here, but as a reader, I felt that the author threw a lot of information at the reader and at times added his own opinion with that info. Also, the latter part of the book gave me a feeling that the author was trying to just end the book asap.

My advice is to read this

You will get a lot of information regarding the events that occurred between 1971 to 1975. Whether all that is true or not is totally up to the reader. I am not in a position to judge the correctness of the history that is shared here, but as a reader, I felt that the author threw a lot of information at the reader and at times added his own opinion with that info. Also, the latter part of the book gave me a feeling that the author was trying to just end the book asap.

My advice is to read this book with a pinch of salt.


This book on Bangladeshs history can compete with fictions like Game of thrones and still win. It was a remarkable read and there were times I found myself in near tears seeing how many good men for killed for attempting to make the world a better place.

A dramatic way to descript a history. Based on truth but mixed up of little fantasy.

If you are from Bangladesh, you must read this book. I mean it, MUST! If you want to know the post-war consequences, there's nothing better than this! I have read it more than a dozen times... If you are from Bangladesh, you must read this book. I mean it, MUST! If you want to know the post-war consequences, there's nothing better than this! I have read it more than a dozen times... ...more

Neville Anthony Mascarenhas (10 July 1928 – 3 December 1986) was a Pakistani journalist and author. His works include exposés on the brutality of Pakistan's military during the 1971 independence movement of Bangladesh, The Rape of Bangladesh (1972) and Bangladesh: A Legacy of Blood (1986).

Mascarenhas was born into a Goan Catholic family in Belgaum, and educated in Karachi.He and his wife Yvonne Ma

Neville Anthony Mascarenhas (10 July 1928 – 3 December 1986) was a Pakistani journalist and author. His works include exposés on the brutality of Pakistan's military during the 1971 independence movement of Bangladesh, The Rape of Bangladesh (1972) and Bangladesh: A Legacy of Blood (1986).

Mascarenhas was born into a Goan Catholic family in Belgaum, and educated in Karachi.He and his wife Yvonne Mascarenhas together had five children. He died in 1986.

Mascarenhas was a journalist who was the assistant editor at The Morning News (Karachi).[3] After collecting information on the atrocities committed in Bangladesh, he realised he could not publish the story in Pakistan and contacted Harold Evans of The Sunday Times. Before the publication of his report in 1971, he moved his family to Britain.[4] Thereafter, he worked for 14 years with The Sunday Times. Afterwards, he was a freelance writer.

In 1972, he won Granada's Gerald Barry Award ('What The Papers Say') and the International Publishing Company's Special Award for reporting on the human rights violations committed during the Bangladesh Liberation War.[5] His article "Genocide" in The Sunday Times on 13 June 1971 is credited with having "exposed for the first time the scale of the Pakistan army's brutal campaign to suppress its breakaway eastern province".

The BBC writes: "There is little doubt that Mascarenhas' reportage played its part in ending the war. It helped turn world opinion against Pakistan and encouraged India to play a decisive role." Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi stating that Mascarenhas' article led her "to prepare the ground for India's armed intervention".

The Bangladeshi government honoured Mascarenhas's contribution to the nation during the 1971 liberation war by preparing an official list of names.


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