Ayurvedic remedy for burning sensation in stomach

Did you ever feel a volcano bubbling down your throat? The burn, the thrush, the acid reflux! Erghhhh!!! That’s acidity and it can ruin a perfect day. But, Thank God your saviour sits right in your kitchen. Check out these Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acidity!

According to Ayurveda, your digestive fire is the gatekeeper of good health. 

It is the fuel for all metabolic functions.

When your digestion is right, your mood, skin, hair, energy, everything enjoys peak health. 

And all you need to do is keep feeding your digestive fuel with nourishing foods.

Nourishing foods creates a heaven for digestion while unhealthy binges nurture the hell within!

Also Read: 7 Amazing Ayurvedic home remedies for Morning Sickness

The evil causes of acidity!

When you munch on the unhealthy foods, fried, crispy, processed and cold food, it diminishes that digestive fire. This creates undigested residue in the form of toxins or ‘ama’. According to Ayurveda, ama is the root devil for all your bodily evils. It is ama that gives you acidity!

Acidity also occurs due to long gaps between meals. The secretion of gastric juices is a constant process. It needs food from time to time for the acid to be used up. But when you skip your meals, the stomach acids get accumulated. This causes gas, bad breath, stomach ache, acid reflux and indigestion. 

Another common cause of acidity is the excessive intake of tea, coffee, smoking or alcohol. These trigger the stomach for the excess secretion of acids. It results in heartburn or acid reflux or other symptoms of gastritis. 

As you can see, most causes of acidity are controllable and preventable. A little caution in the choice of food and the timing of your meal can save you from the trouble. However, if you still get the uneasy feeling, then these Ayurvedic home remedies for Acidity can save the day!

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Acidity

Ayurveda, the ancient science, shares a deep understanding of the intertwined relationship of the human body and nature. Ayurvedic wisdom, that dates back to 5000 years, continues to baffle people across the world.  

And so does these simple Ayurvedic home remedies for acidity!!! They sit right on your kitchen shelf. Yet most people pop the pill ignorant of the healing powers of these foods. These home remedies are not only effective but also, they come sans the side effects. 

Check out these common and effective Ayurvedic home remedies for acidity that has worked for generations.

1. Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

The holy basil leaves have soothing and carminative properties. This brings instant relief from acidity. The leaves stimulate our stomach to produce mucus which helps relieve heartburn. 

Basil leaves also soothes inflamed oesophagus and stomach lining caused by excessive stomach acid. Basil exhibit anti-ulcer properties which curb gastric acids and flatulence.

Also Read: Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea

How to use?

  • Chew 3-4 basil leaves every day to feed your digestive fire. 
  • You can also prepare hot tulsi tea by dipping 3-4 basil leaves in a cup of boiling water. Simmer it for a few minutes and sip it hot.
  • Add a few basil leaves to your black tea. 

Also Read: How to use Basil in cooking

2. Fennel seeds (saunf)

This popular natural mouth fresher is a great digestive too. Fennel seeds contain a compound called Anethole that soothes the stomach lining. It helps prevent stomach acidity, spasms and flatulence. 

Fennel seeds are the best cure for indigestion in pregnant women. During pregnancy, most women battle through indigestion issues. Heartburn, acid reflux, constipation and vomiting! Since medicines are usually not preferred during pregnancy, simple home remedies can come to aid. It is also beneficial for breastfeeding mothers as it boosts milk production.

How to use?

  • Store baked fennel seeds in a jar and chew ¼ tsp after every meal.
  • You can also soak some fennel seeds in water and drink up the water.
  • Prepare fennel seed tea by soaking it in hot water. It is very effective in treating indigestion and bloating.

3. Buttermilk

This cooling drink is popular for weight loss benefits. But do you know buttermilk is a great antidote to acidity? Buttermilk contains lactic acid that neutralizes the acid. This brings immediate relief to the symptoms of acidity. 

The lactic acid further coats the stomach lining calms irritation and curbs acid reflux. Buttermilk is also a great probiotic. The bacteria present in buttermilk prevent gas and bloating. It boosts digestion, absorption and proper elimination. 

That’s why most Indians complement their meals with a glass of buttermilk. This is especially helpful if you are indulging in a heavy feast. Also, buttermilk fills up your appetite thus encouraging you not to overeat!

How to use?

  • Sprinkle a dash of black pepper and a teaspoon of coriander leaves to enhance the effects.
  • You can also add ajwain or other spices to enhance the taste and impact.
  • Make buttermilk a constant in your meals and never see the face of acidity.

4. Cumin Seeds

Another common spice present on the kitchen shelf is cumin seeds. It is alkaline in nature, cools down the aggravated acids and cures hyperacidity. Cumin seeds help in enzymatic secretions that boosts digestion. 

Since ancient times, cumin has served as a cure for stomach pain and indigestion. Regular consumption of this spice relieves diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence and other problems of the tummy.

Jeera water is an amazing cure to acidity and bloating. Jeera acts as a natural painkiller that eases the discomfort and pain in the abdomen caused by gas.

How to use?

  • Cumin is a common spice in most Indian curries and sabzis.
  • Crush some roasted cumin seeds and add it to water. Stir and drink.
  • Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to a cup of boiled water and drink it after a meal.
  • You can also add crushed cumin seeds to your buttermilk.

Also Read: 7 powerful health benefits of Jeera Water

5. Banana

Banana is an amazing alkaline fruit rich in potassium. A ripe banana is a natural antacid that coats the stomach lining and helps curb heartburn and acid reflux. However, unripe bananas should not be eaten as it can be a trigger.

Due to their high-fibre content, bananas help strengthen your digestive system. It also lowers the pH levels in the body. The soluble fibre in banana pushes food to move through your digestive tract. 

How to use?

  • Eat one or two ripe bananas in the day as a snack.
  • Banana pancakes make a great breakfast.
  • Add banana to a bowl of mixed fruit salad.
  • Make a banana smoothie with cold milk and jaggery. 

6. AloeVera Juice

Aloe Vera is a great source of nutrients. The green plant contains 75 active ingredients! It is alkaline which helps in lowering the body’s pH levels. Plus, it has great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory actions too. These actions soothe the irritated stomach lining and correct chronic indigestion issues. 

Drinking aloe vera juice can coat, protect and heal the food channel.  Several research studies proved its efficacy in treating GERD and other gastric related issues. 

How to use?

  • Try Ayurvedic Aloe Vera Juices by diluting it with a glass of water. 
  • Store the Aloe Vera Juice in the refrigerator.
  • Use it regularly for two weeks for permanent relief.

7. Jaggery

Satiate your sweet tooth and soothe a grumpy tummy with a piece of jaggery. Jaggery is rich in magnesium which helps in digestion by boosting intestinal strength and reducing stomach acidity. This reduces acid refluxes and bloating.

Jaggery also helps in correcting loss of appetite. This reduces the chances of long gaps between meals. Thus bringing down the instances of indigestion and stomach problems.

How can I cool my stomach heat in Ayurveda?

Here are a few suggestions to follow, according to Ayurveda:.
Incorporate spices like turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds, coriander, and hing (asafetida) in your diet..
Drink ginger or cumin tea once a day..
Avoid ice-cold drinks or food..
Don't drink ice water as it slows agni and digestion..
Don't snack, if not hungry..

How to cure GERD permanently in Ayurveda?

Incorporate any kind of physical activity and exercise. Eating meals in small proportions can help you. Using some herbs and spices in your diets such as turmeric, cumin, fennel seeds, coriander, carom seeds, basil leaves and hing (asafetida) can also help. Drink ginger or cumin tea once a day.

What is the fastest way to heal a burn in Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic Remedies for Burn Scars.
Aloe Vera- In Ayurveda treatment, aloe vera works wonders for any sort of skin injury, especially skin burns. ... .
Ghee- Ghee leaves your skin with a cooling sensation. ... .
Coconut oil- In Ayurveda, Coconut oil is effective for minor burn injuries..

How to cure gastritis Ayurveda?

Simple natural ways to treat gastritis: Triphla powder is a very good Ayurvedic remedy to treat gastritis. Boil one tablespoon of Triphla powder in one glass of water, reduce it to half its content and then filter it. Consume it hot after dinner. Fennel seeds also very efficiently deals with the condition of gastritis.