Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation

In the United States and other countries, the bishops have received permission from the Vatican to abrogate (temporarily waive) the requirement for Catholics to attend Mass on certain Holy Days of Obligation when those Holy Days fall on either Saturday or Monday. Because of this, some Catholics have become confused about whether certain feasts are, in fact, Holy Days of Obligation. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15) is one such Holy Day. Is Assumption a Holy Day of Obligation?

Answer: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation. However, when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday, the obligation to attend Mass is abrogated. For instance, the Feast of the Assumption fell on Saturday in 2009 and Monday in 2011 and 2016; in each of these cases, Catholics in the United States were not required to attend Mass. (Catholics elsewhere may be; if you do not reside in the United States and Assumption falls on a Saturday or a Monday, check with your priest or your diocese to determine whether the obligation remains in effect in your country.)


Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation
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Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation
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Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation
Feast of the Assumption

Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation

Assunta, a famous depiction of
Mary's ascension into heaven, by 16th
century Renaissance master Titian

The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most important feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar.

By tradition, the holy day is observed every August 15th. This year, the Feast of the Assumption occurs on Monday, August 15, 2022.

According to Roman Catholic theology, Mary was "assumed body and soul into heavenly glory" several years after her son, Jesus, ascended into heaven.

The importance of this event in Mary's life is only surpassed by her role in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. The moment of Mary's ascension into heaven has been depicted in dozens of painting masterpieces and became a central theme in Renaissance art.

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the miracle of the Assumption is called the Dormition and also celebrated on August 15. By either name, the day marks Mary's triumph over earthly existence as she is transported body and soul into heaven by her son, Jesus Christ.

Today, in the U.S., the most famous observance of the Feast of the Assumption takes place in Cleveland's Little Italy neighborhood during an annual street fair featuring a traditional religious procession, Italian foods and pastries, family rides, carnival games and fireworks.

also see in Holidays & Observances -> Feast of the Immaculate Conception

More about the Feast of the Assumption around the Web:

Assumption of Mary
- Catholic Encyclopedia entry with a detailed history of the Catholic church doctrine and related historical references.

Assumption of Mary - Wikipedia - Information on the history and legends behind the Feast of the Assumption with links to official church doctrine, depictions of noted artworks and related resources.

Do Catholics need to go to Mass on August 15?

A precept of the Church explains, “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass.” One of the chief reasons behind these holy days is to highlight a specific aspect of the life of Christ or to give honor to the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the communion of saints.

These days are for the spiritual benefit of Christ’s flock and are opportunities to receive grace.

Currently holy days of obligations are set by local bishops’ conferences. This means that holy days can vary according to each country and even by the local region. However, the universal Code of Canon Law does list a number of holy days that typically span all countries of the world.

One holy day that is universally accepted by the Roman Catholic Church is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is always celebrated on August 15. 

This feast day remembers the reality, solemnly defined by Pope Pius XII, “that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation

Read more:
Did Mary die before being assumed into Heaven? The saints weigh in

It is a reminder of the final resurrection and shows the tender care Jesus had for his mother, not allowing her mortal body to suffer corruption.

Since it is a holy day of obligation, Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on August 15, or a vigil Mass that is held on August 14.

One of the best places to find local Mass times online is aptly named “” There you can find links to parish websites and bulletins, as well as times for Masses on holy days of obligation. Schedules may change without notice, so if you’re planning to attend Mass in an unfamiliar parish, it’s good to call ahead and confirm the times.

It is not so much an “obligation,” but an invitation to deepen our faith in God and celebrate the life of the Virgin Mary.

Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation

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Why the Assumption makes the “holy day” cut

Assumption of the blessed virgin mary holy day of obligation

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Do Catholics worship the Virgin Mary?

Is Assumption of Mary a Holy Day of Obligation in 2022?

The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most important feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar. By tradition, the holy day is observed every August 15th. This year, the Feast of the Assumption occurs on Monday, August 15, 2022.

When did the Assumption of Mary become a Holy Day of Obligation?

In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary official dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory."

Was the Annunciation ever a Holy Day of Obligation?

In Eastern Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism, it is never transferred, even if it falls on Pascha (Easter). The concurrence of these two feasts is called Kyriopascha. ... .

What are the holy days of obligation in the Catholic Church 2022?

Mary, Mother of God - Saturday, January 1, 2022 (Not a holy day of obligation).
Ascension - Thursday, May 26, 2022..
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Monday, August 15, 2022..
All Saints Day - Tuesday, November 1, 2022..
Immaculate Conception - Thursday, December 8, 2022..
Christmas - Sunday, December 25, 2022..