Ap biology chapter 12 guided reading assignment

Adapted from L. Miriello by S. SharpAP BiologyNameNiki SepanjChapter 12 Guided Reading Assignment1.Compare and contrast the role of cell division in unicellular and multicellularorganisms.

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2.Define the following terms:a.

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. SharpAP BiologyName _________________________Chapter 12 Guided Reading Assignment1.Compare and contrast the role of cell division in unicellular and multicellularorganisms.Define the following terms:a.Genomeb.Chromosomesc.Somatic cellsd.Gametese.Chromatinf.Sister chromatidsg.Centromereh.Mitosisi.Cytokinesisj.Meiosis2.Explain what happens during each of the following activities of the cell cycle:a.Mitotic phaseb.Interphasec.G1 phased.G2 phasee.S phase3.Define the following terms:a.Mitotic spindleb.Centrosomec.Microtubule organizing centerd.Astere.Kinetochoref.Label below:Page 1 of 6

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp4.Label the diagram below:5.Describe the experiment concerning the movement of microtubules during mitosisand its results.Page 2 of 6

Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp


Chapter 12 Guided Reading Assignment

1.Compare and contrast the role of cell division in unicellular and multicellular


In unicellular organisms cell division is a process of asexual reproduction. In

multicellular organisms the division of all cells, other than the reproductive cells,

is known as mitosis.

2.Define the following terms:

a.Genome: Cell’s genetic information- DNA.

b.Chromosomes: structures that package DNA molecules.

c.Chromatin: Entire complex of DNA and proteins that is the building material of


d.Somatic cells: All body cells, except the reproductive cells. Each contain 46

chromosomes, two sets of 23; one inherited from each parent.

e.Gametes: reproductive cells; sperm and eggs. They have one set, 23,


f.Sister chromatids: Joined copies of the original chromosome, which each

contain an identical DNA molecule, and are initially attached all along their

lengths by protein complexes called cohesins.

g.Centromere: A region in each sister chromatid containing specific DNA

sequences where the chromatid is attached most closely to its sister


h.Mitosis: The division of genetic material in the nucleus.

i.Cytokinesis: The division of the cytoplasm.

j.Meiosis: Production of gametes. Yields non-identical daughter cells that have

only one set of chromosomes. It occurs in the gonads, ovaries or testes, and

reduces the chromosome number from 46 to 23.

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