6 weeks pregnant and short of breath

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Posted by8 months ago


I feel like there’s not enough air for me breath… Is this normal?

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level 1

Very normal. The surge of progesterone pregnancy causes is responsible if I remember correctly; but it was incredibly anxiety inducing for me before I figured that out. It does regulate and stop bothering you so significantly (or it did for me, around 10 weeks). Hang in there!

level 2

It does regulate and stop bothering you so significantly (or it did for me, around 10 weeks). Hang in there!

laughs in third trimester

level 1

Yeah I'm really struggling with it. I also have long covid so the combination of LC shortness of breath and pregnancy shortness of breath means I can barely do anything without puffing and panting. The 2 flights of stairs at my work are awful, I have to gasp for air for a good few minutes before I recover.

level 2

Are you seeing a pulmonologist for the LC?

level 1

I am 7 weeks and it can be hard to navigate especially walking a few steps and having to catch your breath

level 1

7 weeks here and it’s starting to progress for me… especially when I’m about to go to sleep. It helps to prop my pillow up because I feel like it opens up my airway.

Btw if you haven’t already, I suggest joining r/October2022Bumpers, it’s for parents with a baby due in October 2022!

level 1

Never had this first pregnancy. Current one, omg! Beginning I could not breathe! In third trimester now and haven’t had issues with it for months but the beginning was so tough for me to breathe

level 1

I had this as well, but I also have asthma and this tends to be my default setting.

level 1

I had this too! My heart rate was also craazy high. You are growing a human - take it easy and get lots of rest!

level 1

I had/have this too. I spoke with my midwife and she said it is a common symptom. She said if it gets really severe (like needing to sit and catch your breath after walking a short distance in which case they would want to run tests on your heart) then it's not something to worry about.

level 1

· 8 mo. agoTeam Don't Know!/Octoberbaby♎FTM

I had it from week 6 to 9. It was severe without even moving. Omg it was the worst rxperience ive ever had

level 1

· 8 mo. agoTeam Don't Know!/Octoberbaby♎FTM

I read low potassium can also cause it

In this article

  • Is breathlessness in pregnancy normal?
  • Why does pregnancy cause breathlessness?
  • How can I ease breathlessness?
  • How long will my breathlessness last?
  • Will my breathlessness affect my baby?
  • When should I be worried about breathlessness?

Is breathlessness in pregnancy normal?

Breathlessness is very common in pregnancy. Two out of three people who are pregnant feel short of breath at some point during their pregnancy (Weinberger 2019).

You may start to feel breathless in your first trimester or second trimester (Weinberger 2019). Being overweight can add to your breathlessness (NHS 2017, Peters and Dixon 2018).

You’re also likely to feel more breathless if your fitness levels are low, or you have a history of smoking (Hopkinson and Baxter 2017). But even if you were a slim, fit, non-smoker before pregnancy, changes to your body that are part of normal pregnancy can still make you feel breathless (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019).

Normal pregnancy breathlessness comes on gradually and shouldn't cause you to wheeze or cough (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019). Even so, the feeling can be a bit scary at first. Doctors call shortness of breath dyspnea. It’s also known as "air hunger" – in other words, a feeling that you’re hungry for air (Weinberger 2019). Although it may make you uncomfortable at times, this gradual onset of breathlessness in pregnancy is normal and harmless (Weinberger 2019).

Why does pregnancy cause breathlessness?

No one knows exactly why breathlessness is such a common experience in pregnancy (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019). We know that your lungs are moving more air in and out with each breath, so it’s possible that this can make you feel breathless (Lee et al 2017). Because it can start in early pregnancy, it's likely to be due to a mixture of hormonal and physical changes (Lee et al 2017).

Early in your first trimester, pregnancy hormones start to change the way your body works so that you can support the extra demands from your growing baby.

Pregnancy hormones (progesterone and oestrogen) increase your body's ability to breathe out carbon dioxide and breathe in oxygen, to meet your growing baby’s needs (Kazma et al 2020, Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019).

Another pregnancy hormone (relaxin) changes the shape of your chest by relaxing the ligaments of your ribs (Hegewald and Crapo 2011, Kazma et al 2020). You become broader around your chest (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019) and may struggle to get into your tighter fitting tops soon into the first trimester.

These changes help your lung capacity to remain the same or increase as your pregnancy progresses (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019), but how it affects your breathing will vary from person to person (Weinberger 2019).

Towards the end of your third trimester, the size of your growing baby can also make you breathless (Weinberger 2019).

At this stage, your womb (uterus) really begins to push up into the muscle that sits under your ribcage (diaphragm), which then presses on your lungs (Kazma et al 2020). You’ll probably feel some breathlessness at this stage if you haven’t before, especially if you’re carrying your baby high.

How can I ease breathlessness?

To give your lungs a bit more space, you could try standing upright and holding your hands above your head while taking deep breaths (Murray and Hendley 2020).

Light exercise, such as walking or swimming (NHS 2020) may make you feel a bit puffed out when you're doing it, but can help you to feel less breathless overall (Barakat et al 2015). Gentle exercise means still being able to hold a conversation while exerting yourself (Artal 2020, NHS 2020).

It's safe and healthy for you to be active in pregnancy (Artal 2020, DHSC 2019, NHS 2020). Your baby will get plenty of oxygen while you exercise (Barakat et al 2015). However, if you get really breathless before exercise, or after only a small amount of activity, call your midwife or GP straight away (ACOG 2019, Artal 2020,).

Some women find that they feel more breathless after finishing a large meal or when they lie on their backs. Eating smaller meals more often and lying on your side when sleeping or relaxing may help with this.

Your body changes in pregnancy

Our video reveals how your body changes and makes room for your developing baby. Watch the amazing process in action. More inside pregnancy videos

How long will my breathlessness last?

Breathlessness may last until you're nearly ready to give birth, when your baby moves down into your pelvis. This is when your baby's head engages, relieving the pressure on your diaphragm.

If you’re pregnant for the first time, your baby is likely to engage from about 36 weeks. If you’ve had a baby before, your baby may not engage until the end of your pregnancy, or until you’re in labour.

After you’ve had your baby, the levels of the hormone progesterone plummet, returning your breathing to normal within a couple of days, and relieving the pressure on your diaphragm and womb (Hegewald and Crapo 2011).

However, it can take six months for your ribcage to change back. Even then, the base of your ribs will always be a little wider than they were before you became pregnant (Hegewald and Crapo 2011).

Will my breathlessness affect my baby?

As long as you don’t have any other worrying symptoms, feeling breathless is completely normal during pregnancy, and won’t harm your baby (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019).

Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re actually breathing deeply and efficiently, so your baby can get the oxygenated blood they need (Lee et al 2017, Weinberger 2019).

When should I be worried about breathlessness?

Normal pregnancy breathlessness comes on gradually in the first or second trimester. It shouldn’t be painful and it shouldn’t be accompanied by other symptoms, such as wheezing or a cough (Weinberger 2019).

If you find that you’re experiencing sudden breathlessness, or breathlessness with other symptoms, tell your GP or midwife (Lee et al 2017). It could be something else that needs treatment.

Low iron levels (anaemia) (NICE 2019a)

Your body has to work harder to provide enough oxygen for you and your baby, particularly if you’re carrying more than one baby (NICE 2019b). This can sometimes cause your iron levels to drop. Your midwife will check your iron levels at your routine booking appointment and again at 28 weeks. But if you have tiredness, headaches, or you’re pale, as well as feeling breathless (NICE 2019a), ask your midwife about checking them again.

Pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, or more unusually, a heart condition (Weinberger 2019)

If you have asthma, the risks to you and your baby of not controlling your asthma are much greater than the risks of taking asthma medication during pregnancy (NICE 2020, SIGN 2019). Keep your inhaler handy and always carry it with you when you leave your home. You may find that you need to use it more than usual during your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about the best way to manage any underlying health conditions during pregnancy.

Other complications, such an injury, blood clot (pulmonary embolism) or fluid on the lungs (pulmonary oedema) (Lee et al 2017)

If breathlessness has come on suddenly, is worse at night or is accompanied by wheezing, it's best to get checked out by a doctor without delay.

Even if your GP or midwife has reassured you that nothing is wrong, breathlessness can still make you feel anxious. Get tips on coping with anxiety during pregnancy.

Complementary therapies may help you feel more relaxed during pregnancy, which may help to ease breathlessness. Discover natural remedies for breathlessness, such as acupuncture.


ACOG. 2019. Exercise during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. www.acog.org [Accessed September 2020]

Artal R. 2020. Exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period. UpToDate. www.uptodate.com [Accessed September 2020]

Barakat R, Perales M, Garatachea N, et al. 2015. Exercise during pregnancy. A narrative review asking: what do we know? Br J Sports Med 49: 1377-81

DHSC. 2019. UK Chief Medical Officer's physical activity guidelines: physical activity for pregnant women infographic. Department of Health and Social Care. www.gov.uk [Accessed September 2020]

Hegewald MJ, Crapo RO. 2011. Respiratory physiology in pregnancy. Clin Chest Med 32: 1-13

Hopkinson NS, Baxter N on behalf of the London Respiratory Network. 2017. Breathing SPACE – a practical approach to the breathless patient. Prim Care Resp Med 27:5. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov [Accessed September 2020]

Kazma JM, van den Anker J, Allegaert K, et al. 2020. Anatomical and physiological alterations of pregnancy. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn 10. Online first: 06 Feb

Lee S-Y, Chien D-K, Huang C-H, et al. 2017. Dyspnea in pregnancy. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol 56(4):432-436. hwww.sciencedirect.com [Accessed August 2020]

Murray I, Hendley J. 2020. Change and adaptation in pregnancy. In: Marshall JE, Raynor MD. eds. Myles textbook for midwives. 17th ed. Elsevier

NHS. 2017. Shortness of breath. NHS, Health A-Z. www.nhs.uk [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2020. Exercise in pregnancy. NHS, Health A-Z, Pregnancy and baby. www.nhs.uk [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2019a. Anaemia - iron deficiency. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. cks.nice.org.uk [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2019b. Twin and triplet pregnancy. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE guideline 137. www.nice.org.uk [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2020. Asthma. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. cks.nice.org.uk [Accessed September 2020]

Peters U, Dixon AE. 2018. The effect of obesity on lung function. Expert review of respiratory medicine 12(9), 755–767. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov [Accessed August 2020]

SIGN. 2019. British guideline on the management of asthma. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, Guideline 158. www.sign.ac.uk [Accessed September 2020]
Weinberger SE. 2019. Maternal adaptations to pregnancy: physiologic respiratory changes and dyspnea. UpToDate www.uptodate.com [Accessed August 2020]

Is shortness of breath normal at 6 weeks pregnant?

It's quite common for expectant women to be short of breath. Usually it's nothing to be concerned about, but it's best to check with your doctor, since lots of things can cause shortness of breath.

Is shortness of breath common in early pregnancy?

High progesterone levels cause pregnant women to breathe faster. The rise in progesterone begins early in pregnancy, and the shortness of breath it causes can come as a surprise. While shortness of breath can be worrisome, most of the time it is harmless and due to the normal changes of pregnancy.


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