3 ingredient peanut butter cookies with crunchy peanut butter

for 25 cookies

  • 1 cup peanut butter (240 g)
  • ½ cup sugar (100 g)
  • 1 egg

  • Calories 81
  • Fat 5g
  • Carbs 5g
  • Fiber 0g
  • Sugar 3g
  • Protein 2g

Estimated values based on one serving size.

  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the peanut butter, sugar, and egg.
  3. Scoop out a spoonful of dough and roll it into a ball. Place the cookie balls onto a nonstick baking sheet.
  4. For extra decoration and to make them cook more evenly, flatten the cookie balls by pressing a fork down on top of them, then press it down again at a 90º angle to make a criss-cross pattern.
  5. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the bottom of the cookies are golden brown.
  6. Remove from baking sheet and cool.
  7. Enjoy!

for 25 cookies

  • 1 cup peanut butter (240 g)
  • ½ cup sugar (100 g)
  • 1 egg

  • Calories 81
  • Fat 5g
  • Carbs 5g
  • Fiber 0g
  • Sugar 3g
  • Protein 2g

Estimated values based on one serving size.

  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF (180ºC).
  2. In a large bowl, mix together the peanut butter, sugar, and egg.
  3. Scoop out a spoonful of dough and roll it into a ball. Place the cookie balls onto a nonstick baking sheet.
  4. For extra decoration and to make them cook more evenly, flatten the cookie balls by pressing a fork down on top of them, then press it down again at a 90º angle to make a criss-cross pattern.
  5. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the bottom of the cookies are golden brown.
  6. Remove from baking sheet and cool.
  7. Enjoy!

Three-ingredient peanut butter cookies? Yes! Sometimes, simple is best. And when it comes to peanut butter cookies, they just don’t get any easier (or more delicious) than this three-ingredient peanut butter cookie recipe. 

If you've got about 20 minutes, you can whip up a batch for a tasty snack or simple dessert, any time you need some baking therapy. So easy and so good, plus, they're gluten-free!

Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 8 to 11 minutes
Total Time: 18 to 21 minutes


  • 1 cup peanut butter (crunchy peanut butter or creamy peanut butter)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 egg

Here's how to make them:

  1. In a medium bowl using an electric mixer on medium speed, cream peanut butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg.
  2. Roll dough into 1-inch balls. Place balls 2 inches apart on parchment-lined baking sheets. With a fork, press tines over peanut butter balls in a crosshatch pattern, one at a time, to flatten each cookie.
  3. Bake 8-11 minutes in a preheated 350-degree F oven until cookies are lightly brown around the edges and appear to have no moisture peeking through crackled tops. Do not over bake. Cookies are best when they are still soft with bottoms that are barely light brown. Remove cookie trays from the oven.
  4. Allow cookies to sit for 5-10 minutes before using a spatula to transfer them to a wire rack. Let cookies cool completely.

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What makes cookies soft or crunchy?

Butter contributes milk solids and water to a cookie, both of which soften it. Brown sugar contributes molasses – again, a softener. Using lower-moisture sugar (granulated) and fat (vegetable shortening), plus a longer, slower bake than normal, produces light, crunchy cookies.

How do you keep peanut butter cookies from falling apart?

Be sure to measure your flour exactly. This recipe calls for just the right amount of flour to allow the cookies to hold their shape during the cooking process. Less flour will result in a chewier cookie but it might spread more. More flour than what I recommend will result in a drier, more crumbly cookie.

Why do they put fork marks in peanut butter cookies?

Why do you make fork marks on peanut butter cookies? Peanut butter is a pretty dense ingredient. When you add it to cookie dough the cookies will bake with this density. Adding the criss-cross pattern or "hash marks" to your cookies allows them to bake evenly.

Which ingredient makes cookies moist and tender?

Add Molasses or Honey Another way to add more moisture to your cookies is incorporate a tablespoon of molasses into a standard-sized cookie recipe. Don't use any more than a tablespoon, because it will make your cookies very sweet and runny. One tablespoon is just enough.


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