2009 honda civic clutch replacement cost

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Reasons to book your car clutch repair and replacement for your Honda Civic through Autobutler

  • autobutler.co.uk helps you compare online quotes on car clutch repair and replacement.
  • Save up to 40%* on car clutch repair and replacement.
  • Book easily online - Our support teams is here to help.
  • Free mechanic advice at autobutler.co.uk.
  • Know the price before booking and avoid expensive surprises.
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  • Autobutler's price match - If you find it cheaper, we will match the price.

How much does replacing a clutch cost for Honda Civic?

Average price £505

Save 36%

What are the most common car repairs on the Honda civic?


Car Servicing

Average price £147

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Average price £186

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Timing Belt

Average price £375

Save 22%

Over 1 Million happy customers

Keep your clutch in optimum condition with the help of an expert mechanic at a nearby garage.

On manual cars, you have a clutch that is made of a few components-the flywheel, pressure plate, clutch driving plate and release bearing. The purpose of the clutch is to connect the engine shafts to be able to turn the wheel and pick the correct gear. It is n't very easy to check as it is located between the engine and the transmission on your Honda Civic. Some clutch issues to be aware of are if you have problems changing gear, like it quivers, or gets stuck, or changes when it is not supposed too, or it just not operating the way it used to in whatever form that takes, then it would be time to consider a trip to see a garage If you wanted to, you could learn how to solve clutch issues for yourself, the first step of which would be to take out the engine and transmission so you view the actual clutch components. Do n't forget that your local garage already knows what to do, knows how to identify symptoms or signs of impending failure, and how to fix your clutch on your Honda Civic for 504.8 £. It can be time-consuming and pricey in other ways to pursue to learn and fix all cars issues yourself, particularly when you do n't have the time, or need you car working now; this is what mechanics are there for.

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How much does it cost to replace clutch?

The cost to repair a clutch can range between $500 to $2,500. It really depends on the car.

How often replace clutch Honda Civic?

Similar to brake pads, clutches do not have a recommended replacement mileage. They do wear out, but some will last over 100,000 miles.

How many miles does a clutch usually last?

The average lifespan of a clutch is anywhere between 20,000 to 150,000 miles. Luckily, your clutch will likely give you ample notice that something is going wrong. Don't get left at the side of the road with a vehicle that won't shift into gear.

Is replacing a clutch easy?

If you are sure that your clutch has worn out beyond repair then you can potentially replace the clutch yourself at home. It is possible, but it is a relatively lengthy and complicated procedure. There are several fiddly steps where there is a wide scope for things to go wrong.


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